= Li, systicati, rA. asoriar serither. Jure It. ISM • raox Tun alums. Wlll.l3enator Douglas and the late Adetst, - Lincoln were holding their great slisemeite before the people of ttltinois, in 1858, the "martyred Prod elent" was pressed as to Whether he was In fav o r or negro iwflrage and negro equality, for senator Douglas could very plainly see where the Republican party fibers drifting. Mr. Lincoln answered "I Om not, nor never have been in Ihvor of making voters or Jurors of ne- Aimee, nor 'of qualifying them to hold tam, nor to Intermarry with white ma ple; and I will say in addition to this, oat there is a physical ilitreience, be tween the black and white races, which believe will forever _prohibit the two Prow living on terms asocial and litleal equality. And inasmuch Ili t ey cannot so live, while they do re ssin together there must be the posliion 4uper;or and Inferior, and f, aa Much Ihany Other man, am in favor of Isvitig it 1. superior posalon assigned to the lte tare." PXOTOTION Fos TEsslcsarr- iGenerid Tbom 34 has been In Wambing-: it+u cousulting with theautheritira there' in regard to (lie condition of affairs in A'enuessee. kJ:it-ow-plow has orlon ized avid 4•ittipped a set of ruffians whose :wowed avow Is to prevent fair or free electious Id o tu being held. Petitions have been; received at Washington front all:parts of ionneesee, which represent the country ids being Ailed with terror at the brutal And bloodthirsty threats of .I.lr#wnloiv And his band of out-throats. - I . NO freedom of opinion is to be tolerated but at risk of life and limb. They say the consistent and unfaltering Union *ten desire' that General Grant shall send a sufficient Federal force to protect the.people from the threatened assaults, t. UpOtl ecnimideration of these petl ons the. Administration determined to Send for General Thomas and consult lett!' him as to the actual condition of &dairy in Tennessee. The matter was considered In Cabinet, had It Teas' determined to have lit readl- Infos such forces asinight be neceessary, latmeMi Thomas to have full power to act in the premises its in his judgment ma' setim best for the public peace and srelfare Of the citizens of Tennessee. • ! > - 1 • WaL S! moisr. MOT; 4enersl Swayne has made an official retort df the Mobile riot, in which he !awl "the disturbance was not appre headed or deliberately planned," and he doett not , find any graver charge against the police of the - city than that !nr "timidity esr inefficiency." The TA , ! Mit affair resolves Itself into an Reel dental disturbinee, provoked by the loutrageous language and the brutal con duct of the' blackguard Kelley. 'THE LEAG VERS. The Loyal Leaguers of Phlleflelphla, sippreelating their Ineren.sing weakness r reeently adopted the following resolu-: ElEll "Resolved, That the officers of the Rate Grand Council he instructed to vonfer with the officers - of the Grand Ar soy of the Republic, and aseerta whet h . r the two organleationa cannot be uni ted, et; as to operate together." _ From this the rank and ftte of the "Grand 'Army- of the Republic" may ?Iv the use to which they are to be put IT their officer's. There is scarcely_ a eoubt that the officers of the "Army" - have already Rohl the privates to the "Leaigne," for_a consideration. lUE LliktOW LAW. The following wax the vote on the new liquor bill In the State Senate', upon its , lood i passage: Yiss—Messrs. Bighem, Browne, of Lawrence; Brown, of Mercer; ,Coleman, Connell, Cowles, Fisher, Graham, Haines, Landon, M'Conaughy, Boyer, k 4 hpem44dter, Stutztuan, Taylor, White, Worthuagton 'and Hall, Speaker—lS. Niaxi—lldetsws. Burnett, Davis, Dono van, Glatt, James, Ridgway, Randall, ' , chat], .ficaright and Wallace—lo. The yeas are all Radicals and the nays all Democrats, except Ridgway: otarlt the late Congress had done one fifth as much to restore the Union as it/ , - - - I did to keep It in its present wretched Mr The New York Heeald thus no- condition, the restoration would now be flees' Mr. Thaddeus Stevens' late letter ' cempl t to and the country comparatively on aonfiscation in the South : t i happy and prosperous. , 1 Thad Stevens, chain «I to a -Fick lied I mid a doctor's commands, like Prome• j eliV•The appearance of a dozen Demo theus to the vulture and the rock, erotic members of CongresS from Ken growls and groans by terns bccaut-e he Is notin a condi* n to let him•elf loose tueky and Counecticut, at the next ses- i upon, Wilson ailt others who are reed- sion, will be a most seasonable reinforce- rilifig with his ntlitl prescription of con-' went in that body, and will be.a decided fist:Wien for the weaning South. I earnest of the change of sentiment 'Thad Stevens is out in another which Is going .on all over the country. 1 ----- .........._________ letter In which- denounces that "pu-1 llit - The election In Colorado shows a tild humanity" n Well would prei , ent great re-action - against the Radicals. him• from eantisenting enough "rebel", "Down with their house," is the cry .in property to pay him for his old furnace.' every ~:ir ee l i on. . I Won'tsoniebotlyittifftheold malignant'sl ------ • • •• •- - ---7-- mouth full of greenbacks and stop . his SeL.The Non latown If ralcl sass: "It seu rrillty ?—Pat..tot tt titian. i l is understood that Hon: John Cessna, —„.,.._ 3 under an iiippointment from the late _._ State Temperance Convention, is prepa air A fight occurred on Monday ,itst at rings bill designed krsuppres; the liquor Danville, Nirgthia, between a Vnited traffic in PennsylVania, which will be, States burial corps and the meg ,Mes at presented at the next session of the Leg that place . Plitols were fired and ittones isuture." authority iit(,r next Theo we mio a t re i to n h e av o e r thrown, anti - the burial corps was Oriveu : a ( i l l l iro out of the town. Two men were wonnded the "grand moral ideas" borrowed from on each side, The" negro elephant is not the Yankees.--Doytestmon Democrat. un onl ruly y Lemmin The g taxpayersre f expensive : , but i the dec orth idedly - 1 18„.Tlie Boston Post says we no longer . i N hear alsiut the ueeessity of the last dollar will have - rnough of him yet—in fact " the late elections indierte a surfeit now. being glVen to support the Government. i People lire not so fund of taxation as they garret's . Case.—The t. !al oaf John were. 1 n. ' Furratt, which it was confidently i ___ predicted would commence on Monday, has been agate, postponed. The govern- meet is not entirely ready, snit the ease, theretbre, was continued to the tenth of July. ' sir The (*Menge pollee last week tound a drunken men in the gutter, in Whose pockets, when he wns searched at She station - -house, were lettos from 'Wendell Phillips and others; recommen ding him as a temperance lecturer. His name wati A. IL Davis. Pronounced UnconetituffonaL—The Su. ,pretne Court of this State boa-rendered adeeiiion pronouncing the "law" crea ting a new Radical Court for Schuylkill county-Unconstitutional. Right. IMIPThe Democracy of Bunker 11111, lllMobs, on tile 6th ult., elected their ek the ticket. for city offices, by a majority of Warty. This, ix the Brut time slime it* Itkisrporation that the , Democracy hare Americii that town. ealawrirs irn I It acemittlitt Horace °rooky has In- curred the wrath of the New York "Loy- at League,"' of which he Is a member, fur hie action in becoming one of the bandsmen of Jeff. DAvls. In the New York Tribune of Thursday week, Mr. Greeley published a reply, over his own signature, to a committee of the "League" who had -cited him to appear before them and answer for his conduct. He first vindicates bis consistency by re publishing editorials written imineulate ly after the close of the Rebellion, advo cating "magnanimity In triumph," and also a letter published lust fall, in which he advocated "universal amnesty." He then assumes the offensive in the ftillow ing trenchant style: ilentlemen, I shall not attend your me..ting this evening. I have an ehgAge went out of town, and shall keep it. I do not recognize you us capable of jud lug, or even fully apprehending me.— You esidently . regard me as a weak 801- iimentniiil, .11111.1 ed by a maudlin philoso phy. I landau you as narrow minded blockhead-4, who would like to be useful to a great at:d good cause, but don't k - now how. Your rit,,;•nrpt to base a great, en during party on the hate and wrath necessarily engendere.l by a bloody civil war, Is as though you ahr,.rld plant a colo ny on, au iceberg which somehow drifted into a tropical ocean. I tell you here, that out of a fife earnestly devoted to the good of human kind. your children will select my going to Itichmoud signing that bail-bond as the wisest act, and will feel that it did more for freedom and humanity than all of you were com petent to do, though you 1144 lived to the age of Methuselah. I ask nothing of you, then, but that you proceed to your end by a direct,' frank, manly way. Don't sidle otY Into a mild resolution of censure, but move the expulsion you propose, and which I deserve, if I. deserve tiny reproach whatever. All that I care for is, that you make this a square, stand-up fight, and record your judgment;by yeas and nays. care not how few fote with me, nor how mn'oty vote against me; for I know the latter will repent it ha duet and ashes before three years have passed. Understand, once for all, 'that I dare you, and defy you, and' that I propose to fight it out on the line that I have held since Lee's surrender. So long as any man wits seek lug, to overthrow our gov ernment he was my enemy; from the hour in which lie laid down his arms, he was my formerly erring countryman. So long as any one is nt heart opposed to the national unity, the Federal authority, or to that assertion of-the equal rights of all men which has become, practically Iden tified with loyalty and nationality, I shall do my bestto deprive him of power ; but, whenever he ceases to be thus, I de mand his restoration to all the privileges of American citizenship. 'I give you fair notice that I shall urge the re-enfran chisement of those now proscribed for raiellion so soon as I feel confident that this course is emulisteut with the free- I don: of the blacks and the unity of the Republic, and that I shall demand a re call of all now in exile only for participa; ling tat the Rebellion, whenever the country shall have been so . thoroughly pacified that Its safety will pot thereby ho endaugered. And so, gentlemen, hop ingthat you will henceforth comprehend me Somewhat better than you have done, I remain, Yours, Hort ACE GREELEY. Nclv York, May 1867. A WORD TO BONDHOLDER& Sneaking of the probable effect of ne rro-suffrage upon the financial Interests of the country, Henry Clay Dean recent ly said : "/. could wish bondholders co worse luck than to fall into the hands of ne groes,twho want cheap fond and raiment, I awl will vote ;lowa t-tritri and taxes. Then what becymes of the public debt?" There is,a pregnant . meaning In those - few words which holders of bonds would , do well to ponder carefully. With the incorporation of the vast mass of igno rant negroes among the voters of this country, there will be serious danger of repudiation, whenever at a time of finan clal depression the burthen of taxation shall press heavily upon the poorer class es. It cannot be expected that the ne groes will be restrained by any fastidious sense of honor from voting to shift the burthens of the government from their shoulders. The cry of cheap clothing and cheap goods in general will be what they will listen to most eagerly. Let the bmulhOlders seriously reflect upon the °Meet which unrestricted negro suf frage will have upon their securities. 11116rT e New York Journal of Com merce, .c.presenting the great commer cial interests of that city, has the follow ing concise 'reference to Ur. Thaddeus Stevens; "This man is a nuisance to the whole country, North and South." Ilr - A! negra in a street car in New Or leans threatened to shoot a woman who had protested against his insults, "as -quick as he would any d --u white rebel." The conductor said he did not dare to put him out, as he was a colored man. lier The negroes in New Orleans are rasher demonstrative. 'At every alarm or lire they rush through the streets arm ed with clubs and muhkets. flerin his sermon on Sunday week, Henry Ward Beecher warmly defended the release of Jefferson Davis, to the • great disgust of his Radical hearers. - ipl V 1 by was Kelley at _Mobile like the,serpent. in Eden ? Beeawete crawl ed on his belly. : :111fs . hilt the debt of Democratic Con neetie t is going down that of It Masa Lisette is going up. TOWN AND COUNTY AFFAIRS. Dreamt ov Rtv. Dn. Kaittrrn.—We perform a ,melancholy duty in recording the death of our venerable and esteemed fellow citizen, Bev. Dr. than. P. &ranch, Sr., which occurred at his residence, on Baltimore, street, at 6 o'clock on Thurs day evening last. Though bodily feeble for several years, his mental vigor ceased only with a calm and peaceful termina tion of life. His remains were interred In Ever Green Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, after appropriate and impres sive serviees in Christ Church, including addresses by Rev. Dr. Morris, of 13sIti morv, and Raw. Drs. Hay and Baugher, of this place. The funeral was attended, in addition to the relatives and a large con course of citizens, by the Faculties and Students of the College and Seminary.— The stores and other places_ of business were closed during the moving of the fu neral cortege. Dr. Krauth was born In Montgomery county, Pa., and commenced his ministry in Virginia, after which lie was transfer red to Philadelphia, as Pastor of St. Matthew's Church; in 1833 he %,118 elect ed Professor in the Coliege and Seminary here, and soon atter became President of the former, which post he occupied Sev enteen years; resigning the Presidency a few years ago, be gave his whole time to 1..;s duties In the Seminary, continuing up to his death. In addition to his pro les +Mini engage:nents, he was Pastor of the 1,. liege Church five years. His age was a little upwards of 76 years. Thus has passed away one who long held a prominent place in the church and the community. Highly cultivated, with great purity of chartwter and goodness of heart, Dr. Krauth was esteemed by all, and sinks Into the grave regret* by all. Peace Le biz lushes. TERRIBLE Accumarr.—Death of Mr. Jacob Criswell.— A terrible accident occurred near Haun'aStation, four mires cast of this plate, on Thursday morning last. Mr. Jacob Criswell, a farmer, resi ding near the Station, turned out among others, with his gun, to destroy a mad dog roaming through the neighborhood. Coming in sight of the dog, rigorous, chase was wade, but he somehow disap peared. The party, fatigued, stopped a moment by a fence, Mr. Criswell lean ing on the top rail, the gun resting against his body. The rail, being rotten, broke in two, and, by some singular fa-1 tality, one of the pieces struck the ham mer of the gun, causing the discharge of the barrel, and the entrance of its entire contents Into Mr. C's. left side, from which death resulted in about fifteen minutes., The terrible casualty occa sioned general sadness throughout the neighborhood, and much sympathy is felt for the wife and large family of chil dren thus so suddenly left to mourn the loss of a husband and father. The re mains of the deceased were Interred et Hunterstown on Saturday, a large num ber of relatives and friends attending. COLLEGE ITEMS.—The College Board met on Wednesday week, when the res ignation of Prof. F. A. Multienherg, Jr., { as Professor of Ancient - Languages, was' accepted, to take effect at the close of the present month, and the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That in accepting the resig nation of Prof. F. A. Aluillenherg, Jr., Franklin Professor of Ancient Languages' • iu this Institution, we cheerfully bear , i ) testimony to the ability and fi delity wi . i which lie has dischlrged the dutie of i his Professorship—that we regret It has deemed it his duty to o ff er his ' igna- tion, and that we hereby tende a hint the assurance of the best wisl of this Board in his retirement front, is service. Prof. Muhlenberg has Xwen elected President of the new Col ge (Old School Lutlietaii} at Anent° n, and will take l to his new post the ell-earned reputa tion of being one of/the best educators in the country. Hi departure front among ; us will be mucli regretted. The nomi nation of asu cessor to Prof. M. devolves upon the nnsyl van}a: Synod, (which meets ne month,) subject to the appro. val of t e Board of Trustees. Th Contract for the erection of the ma B nulling for the Preparatory De partment has been awarded to Mr. Mc /Coy, of Chambersburg, the lowest bid der, at $18,300, who will at once proceed with the work. It is to be located be tween the College and Prof. Ehrehart's residence, and will occupy a comnitind- Big position. The name of the Prepara tory Building Is to be Stevens Ball, after Thaddeus Stevens. Pasious.—Rev. D. T. Carnahan, Pas tor of the Presb erian Church in this place, preached h Farewell Sermon `yesterday week, and Monday left for his new charge, at Dell eld, near Pitts burg. The congregation it secured the services of Prof. Edsall Ferr ras a sta ted supply for a period of tbreeNrnonths. It -r r dHAT: \ `don HvnnornoniA.—Now that the "heat- Tian d term" is near at hand, and an occa of al mad dog may be expected, the foi l' howl cure for hydrophobia will be ap ropos. \A gentleman furnishes it to the Nationatlidelligencer, and vouches fur its efficacy "Spirits of . hartshorn is a certain remedy the bite of a mad dog. The wound shoul4 be bathed constantly with it, and three oc four doses, diluted, taken inwardly durlug the day. The hartshorn decomposes \chemically the virus Insinuated Into the iound and Im mediately alters and destroys Its dele teriousness." We understand that Rev. J. R . ner, Pastor of the Marsh Creek and R \ terstown Presbyterian Congrekationl, has Accepted a call to the Presbyterian Church at Kirkwood, In the vicinity of St. Louis, and that he_,eXpecta to enter on his new field late In July. IiENORIAL CkTURCII.-It is proposed by the Methodist Episcopal denomina tion to erect a Memorial Church in this place-ba be built of granite, and to cost $(30,000. The idea was conceived by the Presiding Elder of this district, Rev. B. H. Creaver, and he has given much time and reflection to its elaboration. An Association has been formed, -with, it is said, Gen. Geary as President. Tickets of membership, $5. The Church is to be located on one of our principal streets. ° THE OFFERING TO TUE POPE. -WO find the following, among the amounts collected in the vatious churches in the Diocese of Philadelphia, as an offering to the Pope: St. Joseph's, Hanover, ._ $53 15; Sacred Heart of the B. V., Para- , WllEAT.— Unless all the signs fall, inoillQ faeultTir/ 7 invited to accompoiny Hien. disc, Sly 66 ; St. Aloysins, Littlestown, this year will see a larger crop of winter liacti M I in h ne Wa n• without pai n K a i m ttm ar A . p 172 87; Church of the Sacred Heart, wheat harvested than any previousyear mule tr , r elmintnatiou. 14 Conowago. STI7 54 ; Immaculate Con- in our histoty. Sept ,1866. ly ception, York, $lBO 00; St. Joseph's, iiiir We see It stated that land loeatedi Marriage ass4i,Cellbaey. Bonaughtown, $lO6 00; Francis Xavier, one mile beyond the limits of York tier- TIVX E TT/ II I08;tr i ll i g f ‘ 21o A „ 51 1 ) ) lir " ea a r n e d - I liettysburg and Missions, $lOO 00; St. ough, sold last week for $4OO per acre. i A hoses which permanently prostrate the Vital • ' powers. with cure means of relief, Sent tree of Patrick's, York, $72 10. in arida! envelopes. Address , Dr. J. - I Sliirßufug W. Bailey, Esq., formerly cheek, HoutarruN. Leg- of this county, was admitted to the Bar Philadelphia. Pa. Howard Xs/iodation, TAXING BACK Srocx.— The last of Ohio, at Urbana, on the 16th tilt . 1 .......rDee._2,lfie6.' toet2S7 ____. „._ islature passed a bill taxing National Free tar Everybody. Bank stock in the hands of holders, at A Remark/1W Birth. A woman A Large a pp. Circular, giving idenrmation of e t the rate of three mllloon the dollar per named lire . Quinn, residing In Flushingt ge hli raatest importance to the young of both aunum—to. be exempt, however, if the avenue, Brooklyn, surprised her hue- it teaches how the homely zany become beauti. band and friends yesterday by giving an, the despised reepecit.d, and the imsaken [ Bank in which such stock Is held shall birth to four children, two girls sad two wvtil pay tb the &ate Treasurer a tax of one boys, weighlnf six pounds each. The ben their Ad Greaugierilljeinveana shou ld copy fa" to pay 1 ilareb 4 , ISM' 1 7 A"nmil. per cent. Jim annum oa the parialue of mother and eh 'dean are doing orett.--...V., , bAslors roma. its capital atoolt. . i Y. Herald, Nag 2 s. Tres, V. .P. 0. Drawer 21 Tows Couxen. —The Town Council, on Monday evening, voted down a pro- posed Ordinance to prevent cows from running at large. A resolution was ;Passed to grade and pave Stratton street, between York and _Kiddie, and another to repair the Public Square and Carlisle street. When at work on the latter, it should certainly be continued on the liummasburg road as far as Stevens' run. Carne REPAIBEL—St. James Luther an Cl.urch, Bev. E. Breidenbaugh, Pas tor, has been very tastefully repaired and rented, and, It is expected, will again be opened for service next Sabbath. The pulpit and pews have been remod eled, and the walls and ceiling hand somely frescoed, with carpets in all the aisles and'pews. The committee having the improvement In charge have per formed their duty well. THE Dt - xitErs.—The Annual Meeting of this denomination will be held at Pipe creek, 31d., on the 11th of June. At the Annual Meeting of IMO, held near Waynesboro', Frank!in county, It was decided "that there be no public preach ing at the place where the Council is held;" and "that there shall be no board ing tent put up at the place of meeting, to entertain and feed a mixed multitude, as before," but * that the Church hold ing the meeting shall make...arrange ments to receive and entertain all the brethren and slaters privately." APPEAL • BY. ASSESSOR op INTERNAL .RnvF:NuE.—Hon. W. life Sherry, Asses.: sor of Internal Revenue, will hold an ap peal In this place, on the 16th of June. Those Interested 0411 please tuke notice. See adv't. Ilorx.ry Accomrs.—Township Audi tors will do well 4 examine the law which compels them to have the bounty accounts, as audited by them, advertised its two newspapers. The act may be found on page 778 of the pamphlet laws of 18813. G errvsnu MI As vwst."—On the 27th, Attorney General Brewster Jodged informatign in the Supreme Court of thd State againe. the corporation mentioned, praying that 121 e lottery scheme be pro hibited, and that Its corporate rights be forfeited by reason b: various abuses of their powers. The ease will be argued July 3d, in Philadelphia. !aux 01E.—We understand that a vein of rich Iron ore has been found on Peter Comfort's farm, near New.fSalem, this county, and that it Is the intention of the party k vigorously ZOL7AVES.—% Wednesday sa; ing of citizen Zouave regimei the Empire Hr Colonel Baxtei Whartman was stated thr regiment woui and would m on the 4th of litirThe Y. rk Pennsvivaniaa says that a pig witl two tails, eight legs, and an unusual • large head, was found in the stable +f a Mr."Rauhauser, at Lockport, Yor - county. enorErrri - 50t.0.,-Messrs. Henry Bish op and Henry Bair, Adrninistrators of Adam Spitler, deed., sold the property of said decedent, in Mountpleasant town ship, on Saturday week, to,John McMas ter-931 acres, with house, stable, &e., at $1:.)) per acre. Mr. McMaster will sell twenty-two acres of the woodland, either in whole or in lots, as purchasers may desire. It Is very prime. DIAMOND Cat:R.N.—Messrs. Wible, Buehler & Co., who purchased the right to the celebrated Diamond Churn for Ad ams county, and who were unable to sup ply the demand for want of castings, are now prepared to furnish the Churns com ' plete. This churn is without a rival in simplieltrof construction, and will churn m'ore butter In the same time than any churn Is market. It churns butter in from one to three minutes. They can be had in Gettysburg, at C. H. Buehler's Ware-mom; at Green Mount P. 0. ; at Win. Wible's on Harrisburg road and at Samuel Orerholtzer's in Hampton. It HonsusProrxx.—On Wednesday night week, four horses were stolen in York county, a bay mare from Jacob lleshore, Sr., near Liverpool, a horse from Samuel Sheely, at Eniigsville, a valuable gray mare from H. W. McCall, of York bor ough, and a mare from Mr. Copperhetfer, near Liverpool. The latter was, howev er, left run by the thieves after they found that the-animal hud foaled only a day or two previously. Every effort is being made to break up the gang, and it is not doubted that the desired end will soon be reached. SUIT FOR DIMAGES.—The proprietors of the Hagerstown 41.1.111 hare brou4ht suit to recover damages for the destrue % than of that orrice by a mob, in N1ay,1862. Several other citizens have also brought suit to recover for file destruction of their property from a similar cause, Those who choose to dance must pay the piper. Spethi Notice Column. tii flyway Wieletrisreal. *besmear It le property and, timely applied , to Brahma and Cat-wounds, tattandinte rase tollows. Bn, Ow home Neel over there Is nothing Ie Apply the remedy over the buret sorbet., I f the aktit Is beetatels. *nix With sweet MI. The lutam ninths' speedily withdraws. For a soddeb 'sprain. the Steller works like magic. Rub well, find often. and however eacrtielat ins the pain and enlarged the swelling, iumnallate relief ensues to such a degrees.; to give that eneoarage• Went SO much iteedetl by the liftlicted, It does Its work instantaneottaly, when titer!). Used. Take thirty drops In mobuw s, internally, and rut) the Throat freely with the Relief, until a burning sensation is felt, and soreness vanishes. Those addicted to Inflammation of the Lump., Who are subJectoftentimes to heavy colds, should invariably apply Hallway'■ Reiuly Keller. In confirmed cao-s of Cholera, take It tuwart ly, and rub outwardly without fear, favor, or am. Don, and repeat its ()nen us the ittsethirees c. ntinue, In no one ruse has It ever failed to bring relief and lifesaving results_ tio with aggravated can, it of Cholera Morbue. acute pubs about Dos ,Lest, lightning•llke uthielts of Pleurisy, Ph. tit ttttt lie, Lumbago, and ItiteutastUltn. In every instancy of Chill* and Fever, (and the Relief is used in every climate) where It has been timely admiu• lstered, It proved a sure anemia, and for-such lu to Intel mitt, ut Fevers, It is a preventive. When ever and wherever distress is telt about to. xy,• tem, where NlTVolll4lllllllarts preiloin I nant, where Neurale,la. or Tie Doionr, nx, with sharp, shooting pains, causes lob use suff erbtgg alu itys be undo pt In action, taking It Internally, and apply It x ternally, to the affected part.. Once tested will Seitinty the noel skeptical nelson of its intrinsic merits. It Ix the most ee•unomical metheme ib use. Ste sit ength is hupier:ur. As a tonic, It is excellent when taken to ft tittle Water, and is freely taxed In place of the inane ptiouairdis w, nee bitters, It Is a capital remeriy fie 114.1,rt burn, will lull I hi. Toothache at obey, rid .liort the Water' I. and thirty drone of Relict in a win,. glass of water, will cin uk the moat v11111;10 Dia r rlioe.t or Dyseutery. to its eff-et. it Ia pronoun , - cii faultless, and wherever there is pain, yeti are cured then• emu be Mind en antidote to Midway's Ready Itellef. Sold by Drriirglids. Prier 50 cents per bottle To Consumptive,. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a fast , weeks Lyn very %finale retnedy, attar having I.allrored tor several yt ars with severe lung nrfiect lon, and that dread disanse Consuiti9- tion—is anxious to maks known to lila tellow Palterers the /11118 f/I cure. To all who d.aire It, he will send a cop) or the prescription used (free of eliarge), With the (.1114.- th/us for preparing and using the same, which they will 1111(1 ;t sure( ore for t onsurn pt ion ‘sta va.t. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and ail Throat and Lung' Affections. The only object of the advertiser in the pretieription is to oenetit the ulilleted, and spread intorniation whtili he u nneovot to he Invaluable, and he hors a 'CITY atilt rep will try Ills reinisly, af, it will ermf them nothing, tun I may prove a iMmsimr. Pante, wi.ll - tin, preseriptlen, free, by Alum mail will please aildreits REV. EDWARD A. NVIIir:V Rings e)r., N. Y. 27, 1867. ly Errors of Youth/ A gentlemanlwito suffered for; ears from :ler sons 'Debility, Pre/nature .104t , 0y, nail fall I Ito eniols of youthful Itifl'iteretiour. will, for the sake of sulf,ring humanity, nem roe to all who need it, the recipe atul direetion for tnok ng the sim ple remedy tn• which h was cured. 81117.• r, rs wightng to prod, by the ad vert 110.1'K experience. can clam, by tultiressltt , i, in perfeet effidifienee, JOIIS 11. UOilt:N. May TT, 1807. ly / 42 Cedar st., New York. of / SIMWEED TON/0. mated by Dr. J. It. B ittonoe, of Phhe to dnsolve the font sad woke It Into oroometto of dhlostion. e:eaasing the ?lea tiondreto Folki, the TJUIC loan sod food that could not be eaten Wars dlgewod. lot be carol to; Pleirack'q Pahnonle mach and liver is mate he.'thy tad the . [me the Tonle &Id Pala ere reigeiva Is eouromotion. A half dram bergs. the SEAWEED TONIC sad three or four harm of the MAN DIRAX.E PILLS will eon any ordinary Cafe of dye- Dr, &memo.: makes professional Calle fa Haw Tart. Dee tea, aloe A Ede pine pal 0.60 e in Plata lipSla ever, wank. Bea daily prceri ie each pew; or Ith paulpinn on coanunp tioa tar his da, ■ for rt.:Joke& Yaw* ej.earve, what p nelastag, tire the two likcnesa or the Dodo', out whoa In the lad Made or tnaeump•lo•t, and the other a he now la, in peraet health, are oa the ermeeat wan.p. gad by ail Drtirests and Dealers, price 11IL30 I.lr bet's or $7.0) the bet dozen. MI letiere for sdr.ee dreet , d he 14. drewed to Dr. gausses% Prtne.psl Office, No. 1.!: North Glh &red, PhiisJelph:a, Pa. Dements! WholeaSe Ate:lts: Denuu Barna+ A C N. Y.: P.S. Fiance Dattintore. John D. Porte. D . ...jewel Wo! WAAAr A Ts tor, CAlesso. 131. Coains Laois. Yu. (1.4 w. ea, ma 1)-r A Iromax lady returning to her country home, after a sojourn of few months in the City. was Mirdly recogn.zed Hy her friends. In Diset-or n ecirs• , rustic, Hush ed face. she had a Mat ru I ill pies urn nt alino.st marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty-three she really appe„,red but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great ,t change she plainly told tlient that she used the UfileAs;l.lN and eou.sider,sl It an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. fly its use any Lady or Gen tleman em Improve their personal amwara bee 'rm hundred fold. ft issininle in its coin bimition, , as Nature herself is simple, yet atimiroasNed Lt ' its efficacy in drawing Impurities tromoilso heal. lug, eternising:not beaus t fy nag the sk to a nd cow nlexion. ity Its direct net sou 011 tilt- MOH.. It arawa from It all lb, imptu it ha, kmol3 healing the same, nod leaving the surface ns Nature In tended It should be, clear, son •moth and beau tiful- Prier el, sent by Mail or Expres,, on o an order by W. L. CiAlth:E Lt - . Co., Chemists, ?Cr. :1 West F trou" 4t.,•4t - r.h.u.., N. Y. Theonly Ant-rican mts for the salt of thcsame. March 4, I:sti7. ly A Cord to ate Ladles. DR. DITPONCON GOLDEN PERIODICAL P 11.1.14 FOR FEMALEs. Infallible lit . ors , . et tng Irregularithm, Removing oostruetions of the monthly Turus, Winn whatever Canal, and al ways nuweeasful as a Prevriit It le 1111 W over thirty years since the alxn•eecle hraated Pills were first discovered by Itr, LitiPON CO, of Paris, during which time they have been extensively mid successfully used in 1110.. t 01 the public Institutions, as well as in private practice, of nosh hemispheres, with unp indicted success, in every ease, and it ix only at the ••urgent re quest" of the thous suds in ladies who have used them, that he Is Induced to make the PilL. puldie for the alleviation 01 Lb. se suffers t.g irons any It. regularities whatever, as welt as to prevent an in crease of faintly when telothwillnot permit it. MMMMEIBEtaI Females peculiarly sit tin led, or thosesuppost sig themselves so, are cant toned against using these Pills while In that condition 'eta they - invite miscarriage," atter which admonition, the Pro prietor assumes no resoom.ihility trio ugh their madams will prevent any miscliter to otherwise the Pills are reentomended as n INVALUABLE REMEDY . ior all (Mose afflicting; complaints so peculiar loth, sex. = T 0 ,0 1 111 Boxes have been sold within Two Years. en Thousand Boxes sent by Mail, both by my self and Agents, to all parts of the word,to which answers have been returned, in which la .11* NW, nothing like the above Pills have been known since the Science of Medicine dawned upon the world, In Removing tilistruHillns and Restoring Nation. to its Proper Channel, tet Mgt he Nei.% es and bringing back t he "ltosy color of Health - to the cheek of the most deli- 10, Prim perl3og. Sb. 1i0x.., ft. Hold by Jou s u. .FUIVNEY, Dennist, Bole Agent for nett., s onny,. Pa. by mewling him 11 through the Pratt or. e0;41111 have the Pills sett:. tenuthletittallyo by 'Atoll, to any part of the country, - free of 'mistime." Soil also by S. 1-Spangler, Chantheniburg: G. W. Neff, York; Coleman it linger. ant Brawn Itroth er., Wholesale Agents. Bailin ore, slid tS. 1). ~l iosre, Proprietor. New York. march 4, 1867. ly Know Thy Dr tiny. MAD ME E. F. THOItNTON, the great Eng lish Ast-nihigist, Clairvoyant load Psyclioun•tri Man, who hot astonished the scientific drawer of the Old World, has now Meated Inorsell at Hui sun, N. Y. Madame Thornton p.sssesses huth wonderftil powers ofaecon.l sight, a 4 U.> cnnhlr her to Impart knowle 'ge of the greatest inip ,rtli nee to the single or in irried of either sex. While In a trance. she delineates tile very features 01 the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an in strument of Intense power, known us the i'ply etonobtrope guarantees tO pnidure a life-like plettlre of the (attire husband or wife, of the ap tocteltieX with date of lo Imago,tuNittoli In life,ler.ding traits of character, rte.is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a certilicsite, or writ ten guarantee, that the picture is wit,, tit purport,' fly enclosing a small lock of hair. and stating place of birth, age, dkposition nod coin. plealon, and enclosing any eents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, yon will receive the picture and desire.' information ilv return in dl All communications sacredly emifident inf. Address In con dienve, MAP A.ME to, TIIOItN TON, P. 0. 2!.'1. Iluilson, N. Y. March 4, IS. 7. ly Vesttotem, Illtnd■en and Catarrh, Treated with the utmost etweewo, by Dr. J. 18.1,403,Xilkmilat and A twist (formerly of Leyden, 1-b - rilatbl) Nios9 PlNEStr,rt. ......14, , Qsallst ono, _.,011anit.)N0"..49 PlNEStr,7l.l'htlattei ~,,, . Unionists (ro: 1 14 , the most riliiibk.sonervis In the City and Uti say can be seen at his (Wire. The _ _ INSA New Orleans elnet ear conduc ted' complained before the court, the oth er day, against a negro Tor attempting, to force an entrance into one of the cars set aside for white people. The Judge, being "loyal," decided - that.. no breach , of the . peace had been committed; *hereupon the negm made complaint against the conductor for pushing him off the ear. Pending the action Satrap Sheridnu's chief of Police issued an or der giving the darkies all the car privileges they desire; so that they can I now ride in their own or the white can as fancy prompts them. Great is char- HOWEN SEWI NO MAruneFs.—Abotit twenty years 'lgo, Mr. Elias Howe, J. discovered the principle which Is soill the basis of all Sewing Machines; and since that time Ilgi:),) he has been con stantly engaged in perfecting his Sewing Atachine, and adapting it to all kinds of work, that lie is now enabled to furnish a machine that is distinguished (ruin all others by tile siinplieity, beauty and du rability of Its stitch. and which obtained the first prize in the International Exhi bition In Condon in 1404. The Howe Machine Company, in Bridgeport, Con necticut, has Jaen organized to manu facture these sewing maehines,„ under the immediate supervision of Elias Howe, Jr.. the original inventor. They a; adapted to the sew ing of the most deli cate fabric, as will us the heaviest leath ern work, a n d the seam that is made by them never rips or ravels. There are so many uses to which this excellent piece of mechanism eau be put, that it is the interest of every family and manufac turer to make use of it. 91e , 44r4. Sibley & Stoops, 922 Che Mutts Philadelphia, are the 401(.! tigentt for Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jel%eY and Delaware. They - offer n PPlelldid chance to all who wkli to e , tablish agen cies in the ditterent counties and towns, All eotnniliniehtions to this effect will receive prompt attention. April 1. item Married, On the 29th tilt.. nt the r.dhl. nee of the lottle'd parotid, by the Rev. J. Frey. it.,..htted hp Rev. E. IlvAtl.nbough, R,v. U. A. I: URN, of Stollthtlehl Charge, Jetferstoo enuns} - , Val., to Mks KAfE, (laughter of 11. 1 , . Wanks, Edo., of this plam. Oft the 16111 ult., by ttev. Jacob Serbler. Mr. ANDREW 1 - N14.11, of Aannas county, to MIAs ELIZA tSI:ILEI of ilamover.. On the 'Mid ult.. by Rey. M. J. Alletnnn. Mr. THADDEUS M. O to 31Iss MARY .U. URN WREN, 1,0111 of • Died. On the '4`n.l nit., near York Sulphur - F.lllring%. •Ir. CO ItLES alp.‘l7l. year% 0 months mud lit days. At the reil.lenen of John L. Toughliihnuith, In Ren.llng towto.hip. on I'tl,la:. week. Slims MA arm% luElil.t.ll., ce4ol On :Hominy last, ut the Alma [louse, MA LIGA. HET SHULTZ, at mu advunceil uge. At Jnekmonville. 111., on the 2711. of Mny Mr. JAM ES MW EEN EY. non of Mr. Itnvl.l ney, this, 1:1.“ V. in the 3t1,1 yr.lr (I! his nge. On Thursday I.•xt, In struhitn towto , hlit. Mr. JACOB CRISWELL. evil 42 yearn 1 months and ID cloys. Latest Market Reports. 0 Erry:ii:unG. FLOUR, RV E N% HITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, CORN, - OATs j BUCKWHEAT, NAY. EINEED, FLANBLEI3, BA L TI MORE . . FT.Orn, - - - - ID 77 - 411 n• WHEAT, - - - - 2 7:1 49 :1 :Ai 1tY1...‘ .1* - • - 145 4. 110 1 'HItN, - - - - 188 is I 1 , 4 OATS, - • - - 75 411 h.! /11.0114,1 4 MHO.,. . 9'21 W l2 HO DEEF CA'III.E, ? I 4., - In so is 29 80 II A Y - - - - Si 0.1 W 3.1 Pt it:IAA - En:4Eu). - - - 8 1 10 up $l2 ---WIIIBIK EY„ - - - 7. 218 4 227 SOMETHING NEW IN fiErrYstsultu. MIIE nmiereigned hue the pleteure of in f”rtuing the citizens of t.e,tyau.urg owl y, th‘t he ii nos ',reward to supply them oiut the fatuous C E-I 31 SODA, drawn from Dow's Soda Fountain, which has become so popular in the cities. It you nave never tasted this de,i , loos drtnk, you dou't know what you have missed. Try it. truce lasted, you wilt becatue a regular patron. I. have ales opened my ICE CREAM SALOON, witn accommodations for Ladiel sal Gen !a men, nod am abt to Bopp:y private lea P..rtie9, kc., on rensouabie terms. Also,eoa ly on band, fresh CONFECTIONS, CAKES, &C. Call at the old established sinnd on Chem b6rsburg street, oitpuAtt. the College Cbutch, adjoining the Ke)Attibe Bonze. Jane; 1867. 3m A ppeals. TT S. INTERNAL REVENUE TAXES— s Notice is hereby siren that Appeals will be reetitel relative to any itruneous of exctssive valuations or n,sea•ments te.urtv d to this 016. e in th- annual list nt Inlernoi Revenue Taxes for 1467, on SATURDAY, the 15111 day of JUNE inst, itt the ultke et J. U. Neely, in Get ysourg,t.r p nous residing in Adams county. The lists and nsseurnerds wi:l be open to thitinspectiun mid eriminntion of nll Jinni° , interested from In We:trek, A. M., until 4 o'clock, P. M., of said day. All appeals nre required to be in writing, nod must specify - the put (Lahti. cans-, water nr thing respectirg winch a decision is re quested, flild stair the grounds or piinciple of crtur complained of. WM. MeSIIERRY, Ass.ssor IGI that. Pc uu'a Littlestowo, June 3, 180. Settle Up. rPHE hooks of RIDDLE A STRICKHOESEE, have been pitted in rme bands for collec tion. All claims not settled by the Ern of July licit, wall immediately thereafter be closed by suit. June 3, 1967. St Lap Shingles. riIEN THOUSAND LAI' SHINGLF.S., (Oak.> for Bala by the subscriber, nt the fly in Liberty towsphip, AiLime euuntyi AJ-resa N. .X. HAIM WWI. June 3, 1867. 3t* FairbeW I'. O. Notice. 31. COB It EON '3 ESTATE: —Let tens of Administrition on the•e-tate of Uenitl 21 . Gobrecht, bite of Union twp., Adams county, dec'd., having been gr.inted to the un dersigned, residing in time some township, she hereby gives notice to all persons in.lebts I lo a iid estate to make immediate payment, and those having elating against the MHO to Fie aria them pt operly authenticated forecttleinent. LOUISA W./BRECHT, June 3, 1867. Gt• Adutintstratria. lib/ lee. 4 DAM DENRY WEISENSALE'S ESTATN. ,tIL —Letters testamentary on the estate of Adam Henry Weisensale, late of Union town ship, Adana county, dezensed, haring bean granted to the undersioed, residing in the same township, he hereby gh . es notice to all persons indebted to hid tst.,te to make fume diate payment, and those having claims against the sane to present thew properly authenti cated for settlement. MICHAEL li. KITEMILLER, June 3,186 T. 6t* Executor. Net Ice. TORY ROpENRISKOKR'S RSTATiL—Let ny ten testamentaiy on the estate of Julio Rosenberger, late 01 Nowt, leasent township. Adams county,-deceived, having been grant ed to the at:deniers' d, residing is the sane township, they betel glee notice to all per sons indebted to said estate In wake Jaime dime payment, sod those haring claims ags 4 Lest the same to _ present them properly ant silicated fur settit mint. JOHN grim, NAM/ILL .J. kHONP, Jas. I, 17 04* Kseetttoras • Bounty atillivalat. •• 3 TTON. 8. Q. ItUIPSIA., Tfiashror, IS AN 11. count with the ft./rough of Gewsboirj (Bounty Fund.) D To amount collected by R. subscrip tion First Draft, $1,480 00 To amount collected by subscrip tion Becoud Draft, To etannot collected by subscrip tion Tided Draft, Net amount realised from Tax Du plicate, 1864, Net amount realised froth 1 . 41 Da plicate, 1865, Net amount r. Mired from Tie Do plleate, , 1 0 Eidlgneo of Bounty Deft uspold 11,,3i02 04 63 613 TI MST DILA FT, Br amount paid itu lea, Expenses, • Interept,- Subscription refunded, Treasurer and Clerk's Salary Extra, ABCOND DRAFT, By amount paid 41 man, 16 5 substitutes, Expenses, Intere,t and stantps, - Tteusurtr and Cisik's Saar/ Matra, Trim DRAFT. By amonnt paidtt mrs. 4 rutrat4444, Forma's% litterert end ftl%mpe, Treasuter mull Clerk's Salary Estrs, ECM • ASSETS. Bal.tnce outstanding on Duplicate 'Stiff; $1.208 19 OUTSTANINNO DEBT. Tits DOA is (Newt fAlows: . • Lung Natiunnl hank, $7,000 04 lanes Dickson null elicer, GO 00 nuoglatt, I,nino John Houck, 1,090 00 Mrs. S. Wulf, 1,0 , u 00 J.trob Eaert, 475 Cla Ilurough Treasury, X9l US The uniletaigned, Au 'itore appointed • by the Town Council of the Loroukb ut tletiya -I•urg, certity th •t the above is a correct atute !Tient of the Bounty Ai•cuuut of moil Burougt► •a per Touchers tune. June 3, 18G7. it Bounty Accoiunt. 4 GENERAL, of the flounty Ammunt col I*NION TOWNSHIP, Adune tot.nty, Ps., mule the lAIh do, of Ard, 1867. Year Ie6S.—SAIICEI, Ite.LlEßT,Treeeuret. 12 50 44 ]350 1 , 1 130 S 2 514 2so 22. 40 2 ;O To Tax T.:l:tired, CR By Harman Strins's substitute, " Charles Srangler's " " Lesris Slause's " " Auditors' ter:. 011(1 eta:lowish Y uo " Notes and iuterest, 3,7ris su 5 a 4 70 . 15 or, NIS rA 6 llt) 40 7.) 2 uu Bala nee in Lan di -of Trensu rer, Year 1886.-IAAITEL RFCF.RT , Trewsurer To halance in bawls ut Treasurer, Tax received intro Julio Kell euberger, Collector, 100 00 Till received from Itarmt n Strine,col., fit& co " 3J4 00 b 250 MI " 730 oo " 73 , 1 00 " 100 00 45 0* Notes and interest paid to Martin Grove, 's2ls 4% • Notes and interest paid to Joseph L: Shurti, 1,304 00 Paid Lewis alne►i., 106 lOU Note and interest paid Geo. Baseboar. 380 0.1 61 4, Harman &rice, 530 bo Money paid to Jacob Boreboar, 5 Do Auditote' fre2., Motley paid Itenj‘min Fort, Jsuu SOW,Ier, Treasurer's lees„ _ E. H. 31INNIG1I ILtlanee in hulas of Treasurer, Year ISCY.—JOIN *AUBLITZ, Treasurer To bal.nee from former, TreseNrer, $l4 54 Received of Julio °finer, Collector, Si 4: Tait ate/eased tot 1n64,' 404 70 Note and interest to T. J. McClain, 15.418 Enoch Leferei, Cuaniure, Jfrob SI. Bullingrr, . " ' :himuel P. Ycung, John Krlleuberger, Cu!Wing', Rioneratinns, A tido tors' fact, Clerks' fere, Collectors' lees, Samuel Seeker, Treasurer's lees, CUMUII llt 0 tees, 13 - 41nnee In bands of Tretiorer, We, the undersigned, Alditers of Unioin township, haring audited the Bounty Ac. counts of the shore pained Treasurers, du certify that they are correct ta the brit of our knowleJge and t.eiief. Wituess our bawls the Inth slay of April, 18b7. - A 1403 LEFE,VER, A Hilt HAW SgLl, DAVID WM, Auditors, A. J. COVER. June 3, 1865. 31' Timber Igitad 41. T PUBLIC SALK: 7 4i SATURDAY, the 15th day of Jb' it nest, the subscribers., 1., ecutors of the low will and testament at, John Dull, deceased, will offer at Public. thele 4 on the prentises„. A TRACT OF 'TIMBin. LAND,sittiate be, Menallen township, Adams county, about saw utile north of Deutt , rssrilke, on thin road /esti. tug flout that plane to golly Paper Mill, ad, joitung lands of Jacob Rorttert, 11" C Wright s William McCreary, aril others, ClatliAiptog tek Acres, laid GE in lots of Dow 5 to h Acres, and tocered with first-rate White Doh, Kock Oak, Hoek Oak and Hickory Tiinher. The lou, with but two eaceptioat, adbkiellt the public road and ate all tit easy m ess, rersoos -a lilting to view the lati44 / 0 TO. quested to call i.a David Dull, tesititiii write it, liale to roomette* at 9 o'clock, A. 31, aa said day, shen attendance will he given and struts made known by CONRAD DULL, JRSBR DULL, Executors. May )T, 180?. u• are always glad to see our friends at the Excelsior. It still stands in the INUlll s old place, on York street, opposite the Beak, Gettysburg, Pa. C. .1. TYSON. A CERTAIN OCRS for hard times Is to wake ) our purchases where yore get the most goods for the least mosey. Consult PICKINO. EICCFLSIOR Is on motto ; to please all our aim ;`sod to render setlefeetioa, in ovary instaaer, oar *german/Woo. C. J. TyBoll Gettlsbart. Pa.-, /110 look (Way Es t gessod box ion/ mum . ' J„ - 13,270 O. 7,765 60 22,511 60 8,202 84 4 ,360 0S 6,000 64 53.042 0 1,660 00 241 85 IZA 66 1,404 00 2u to 11,33 u Al 20,550 oe 103 a 101 AI sell 111 20 we 21,3Td ids r 18,500 00 1,2140 uu IA., 0t) 1,813 3.3 20 lou 21,753 53 D 3,042 22 I I, '6 , 4 U$ lEI=I=I E. U. FAIINESTOCIE, .A. J. t oV lilt, 11. S. BENNER, A ii di lora $ 4 'llO 73 $ :00 00 3uo 0J 100 0i; 4,49 M 31 413 41 4 :.84 $B2 4.) =I 3.1117 41 EEM 311 n 4 10 40 37 99 3,U42 Fs 14 ' 4 3 uI7 4 CDIM a; NO 3 0 a 3 61h 21 N. .1 4* 3 Via 2 04 8 OK 2 28 6 ou Z 75 Vt; ISM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers