E git &Niter, 411ETTTABURG, Mittiodliky Nornint, Aar. 0, UM. POS 00 vERX 0 *, 410 N, fIjESTER CLYMER, = FOR CON CIRESS, HON. WM. 31cSIIERRA. Littleatown, maws, to che decs.Mn of timo Dlotrio4 Goo- fereyi:v.) ASSOCI4Th: JUDGE, WAG 1101ZiH.G.N, Gettysburg, AgBl4l n Ly, NICIIOT4S BELTZEL, Itouutpleas't RILL,ILIF F, PHILIP ILANX, §tF4ba4 REGIATEito k Rr,CORDER, Vl'Sf. D. HQ.I i TZWORTH, Guttyabcirg c4c4if. 9F TUE COURTS, AD.t.g . W. MINTE.II,, cotrxTy COMMISSION N, LE; Nl4Ny.llfeciallou. DIIMUTOILi OP THY rant, JOHN NUNNF,HAKER, 2 y., ' l iberty, JOHN HAHN, 3 y., C9uovago, COIJAITY 4.uutToB, JIENRY L. ).S4.EAM, CuutburUtntt f."OAOIN;F:th Tit. W 1 U. J. MeCLURE, Oxford TUE EOE Tho procce4l6 of tho Deniocratle puunty Convention, hcld uu Monday Mat, will be fvuutt la a alubsequent column. Notwit4staniptl toe large number of • Fandidatcsin the field, and the naturally -- warm interest which many persons felt lit the result, the doings of the conven tion were eharacteri;ed by good order l and a degree of harmony extraordinary finder the oireunistances. Quite a num het el the Radicals rushed to the Court house as noon as the bell commenced tinging, expecting, of course, to witness all wilts of "exciting scenes," which would be sq much "water ou their mill." But the Convention was in no mood to #►ccoiningdnte them. Delegates might differ in their preference: , for candidates, but they were not vertlant enough to allow such difference to seduce them into giving "comfort" to a party which, but a year 6r twoago, would have hung them merely because of their political opinions, and now seeks to degrade' tltem to the ol)Vel of tke negro. There was much good material before the Convention, and the duty of selecting was- therefore a more than usdally deli- Cate ono; but we think that all who - will candidly consider the matter, must come 1.9 the conclusion that the Convention acted for the best, and that the ticket laminated detierves the active support of •very Ilemoerat in the county—and wo believe it will recelye slid) tippport. - For Congress, the Convention expressed unanimous preference fur Hon. WIL- LtAlArMeSit FINNY, of Littlestown. Made 'with acclamation, the choice is highly aomplimentary to ML MeSherry, but not more so than his many virtues entitle hint t*, Finely cultivated, sternly hon est, correct in his opinions and firm in their advocacy, and, withal, incapable of any but the most honorable impulses, the 3)emon.acy of Id.uits present in their candidate qunlities of the highest order. - ills popularity is as wide as his hauTe is known, and should the choice of this county be endorsed by the District Con ference, we should look upon his election as L:ertain. Adauii would respond by an unpreceddnteil majority. We earnestly hope, therefore, that the preference of the Cenveqtion 1011 be _rathiccj by the Con ference, For Associate Judg,d, R'3I3INSON, El. 0 fl4ettysburg, was place,d in nowt- nation.. He le well and favorably known throughout the county, and qualified in every respect for a proper discharge of the ditties of the post, Well informed, sound In julonent, and with a dispeicltion al ways to do right, he wili'make a worthy ooeupant of a seat upon the Bench. For the Legislature, N tclloLits IfEwrz- EL, Esq., of Mountpleasant, is admirably titled. Though a hard-working farmer, Jte has neglecte.l no importuulty to inform himself, and m'ty he classed among the most intelligent, as well as upright, of our citlAeus. 4 a debater he will be found einetive, whilst his concern for the inter ests of the county will always be earnest and vigilant." No- improper legislatioi will re,:eive his favor or vote. the nnin ince for Sheriff, PHILIP AN,., 'of Strabau, has excellent Wiliness capa cities, end 14 prompt and correct in every thing. Pew num are in Ire geqerslly rod -I>e,t2l, nal to no one eJalti this int', irt-, ant office be better entrusted. Ali who know blin.concede this, and gas 00/2,1e3- Isioq. is nq mean point, in his favor. Sergt. Wm. D. HOLTZWORTII, of Get, tYigmr,rs Vas given the nomination for Itersirtes dr, Itacorder. He Ise good clerk, and will make an efficient and obliging officer. No one could be morideserving. Ice Is poor, and lost the use of• the left arm by aterrible bullet wound in the war. He can safely ga bethre the public With his dolma. And so, can • Ah.ot W. liftNrmt, of Franklin, the es.ndidate for Clerk of the Courts.. He tee Is aline clerk, an attainment WWI, he eontitantly improved during several years ot school teaching. lb has latter lybeen making his living by flrming, tiir which indifferent health hardly al pigs him strength. He will be found not only capable, but always prompt and accammodatin,g. Fp, conluaissioner, NicttaLks WIER mAs, of filsioalleri; is the candidate. Ho has every quail:loath:in for the place. A L1CC11er,.4144 4 first class business mail, the iitercsts of tho oattoty Will have eilleie4o fitteotlon at his hands, The candidates for Direct Ors of the roof,,,Tolp; Nos44sf.k.KEß, or .T.Aborty, ;or 2 years, and jolts of COnowa gol for 8 years, are alsa - active and well managing ftwriars, and will discharge their trusts faithfully and aceeptably. For Auditor, HEN Mr 1 , . I)ltEa.u, of egmberlaad, is well salted, being a good Meountant, and coiTect iu all hs under takes; 'pr W. J. 31::MuRr,, of (Word, was 40 , 14 641 lor acclamation for (loronor. An smoroliahed physician, of large gen pad litteni 4 e4o o t fttne4d heyond fincatlio. 244 /3 the . ticket Preaanta4 by the Desnoeratie Convention. It combines hanaatl and esMity in - - a4,oo4tfat , dew St la, beellieoi the repreinmtative.of 4,11 - eVkite senthront of she *MAX, aid WWI sin other reason, 041 receive tlO - 40 of ;ill who aTe , . T e a a h em ,. A sesec i a ., 1 'reis mattes thoroughly prey Iteon 10 be the - -, ' e Its annual meeting best article. known for curing the Cu a, Cold Dr. Norshalre Cahill Suns: i t oPPoeed to the degrodeh o o of our !ace. to i DE , !1 . e fterstvg.STlON.' -, ' , not only on theUrt ballet, *t tionindiditagovkleb Was relief Members i Sri'l/slyx Tirsettints r elogvemioN 4 .-The 1 4 time, and that thelirt4 bey /ii- iht" the Coll, relation "anal! om neoperes et The.; Pen ivania State ;o va t e : n en ! ' I tie!' last week hid . The pelegatelethosen by the Datincratc ; ' sled to yield under no cireumstairees paradatre litorially beld e i 41 th a e y, le r v ro el m or pru th d e e - u n Wel eepo. ino Tha tives ßadl , seek *ki lo I • 1 lof the several boroughs and townships of j the claims of any other county in the let state of siege, latillat the to fie Meatfralletelmehe. It haS been ib ' bats often been greatl lin o• . en u u cii.sd re ed,h h ea) , wm. G i e n tt u y tes e- "e er i e 1 ri• cilY hi ma**. cum* Cr More 1.48.4- deairored to *rest the members,. _Two : 14 St. James' (Lutheran) ids, Dr_._Dostle and John Hen - ! burg The meetin w disguiee their real designs , but say 4s.itni c a r, , Ademit county assembled in Convention, I , dot- Tire Convention then adjourned with , Ve no m s h eg.. o'clock, A. M g .. on me hail; been removed by 14 and lieurins i btA lt r b lt aratry t to an tile 4 dirl it' tle b , l , se : t 1 its use. )in the Court-house, la Gettysburg, on 1 sag a P resi d ent Bates in the chair, in ci o rd rn er . and ft are delightful and Iti‘ 'gunning. It opens awl they will, they won negro , uerson. Jr. were °relight Out and carried I a t 10 y ar; ele o , fv m as i temia,r equality, and will, sifter the election, claPin! mona g e , J u ly 30, 1806, for the purpooe of , three rousing cheers for the ticket. 1 off in cartel. They were supposed to be . every vote cast for their ticket as ender - ! ; nominuting a County Ticket. Isaac I • Communicated. ' dead, but were subsequently reported to I sing their disgusting theories. , i i Lightner, Le' q., was Wade chairman, . . - Ibe badly wounded. The .person inside Col. G. F. McFarland acting as Secretary . tion p eeded to businessebiTesi. purgosout all olettruel lons,strengtnnet the gla d , nu gives a healthy 1101A.ITI to the pugs tr • *s il l. * I Up, then, Democrats of Adams , The • waist Geibelman and J ame , k l e . 41, r ., To tie Doem m tos er the bete Denteeratle the building hung - out a flag of truce, I After singing and prayer, the Aasocia- I More than Thirty Years of sale :mil 1121 3 !Itl L f . lir. ay Cossentlen , when the pollee rushed in to protect the Marshall's CabuTh and Ileadaithe Snulr," has i times are full of peril to the nation, and ! shall, Esqs Vice Presidents, and Meta. i ; ____, members. But no sooner had they reach. proved Its great Yalu. , tor all the tioninion disease* 1 call foryour Jiltell , active endued* frorts. I •9 ' Samuel H. Efeholtz and Raphael Sherry, I ' riEXTLErieext-Many of you desired of last ed the ground than the mob outside f a e t r i e d at this moment stands higher 1 shoulder to shoulder, let us all go into y nomination, and came at my request ! opened au indiscriminate fire at every i The subject of visiting the twttlefield wad it is rewininelideil by many of the best play I i ~, ,Secreteries. Wain II for me At the eleventh hour l h t•hilt campaign determined t o 1114-° ' Credentials of Delegates were then i ° ' • llea d that was visible inside the building. I discussed and a committee of arrange- ga m e s , . ,, a e n; y l N eg ri i ux.l with great suettein and satisrata l` , disappointed you by announcing my A later despatch says that the net wig only te wen, but ea carry the county by i called for, and the following prosented-; ithdra.wal,meats appoiated. The first regular bust- I peed tee Cerli • flotte• of Wholesale 41 -rugglsts In tile largest Democratic majority ever ; - • • inated id the tripping up of a white man i lit'll: The un lenagned, having .for many • lire 3 i.. every disteict being fully represented: 1 I learn that some of you eecre disap- by one of the uegroes in the procession. 'less was an address of welcome by Couu- 1 teen scoualitted with " DT. Marshall's Catarrh before uhieved. . - hated and I a measure indignant, Berwick bor. - Jesse Bucher, Jes. Wolf. 1 , n Y n o a o .`c and Headache sou ti;" and sold Min our wholesale i trails, cheuifully state. that we. believe It to lie 9ROANIZATION I—EFFORT I—VIIJI - , - Derwick tp.-4. 'Phoneme, Jeliiii titre* flu I did the net with the purest listen- . been strnek, and in rushing forward t o ', the , citizens and , a te r :sponse by Prof. equal, In every respe , t, to the reerminiendatlons ns, and for what I believed to be the I LA-WV-These will send Negro Radical - i Waugh., arrest the assailant were met by a volley ; Brooks behalf ' I given that for the core of Catarrhal Afr.el ions, I ISM to an early and ignominious grave. I Butler-Lt. S. H. Eleliolts, U. Fit zgerald. / good of the party at this time. Defeat In l of firearms bricks, ate. The general , in of the Association. Ad- i and that It is decidedly the beat article we have the Convention was not dreamed of as a I ourned till 2 o'clock. ever known for all ein it mon diseases of the liend. Cumberland-R. Sherfy, W. E. livers. alarmalius ' occasioned led to the goody i Burr a Perry, Boston ; Itesul AustoC at I And in the accomplishment of this greet i --- I Conowago Sam'l.Schwartz,Jos.lifurkee. cause for declining, for I was in the' tragedy which was subsequently enacted. I The afternoon session was mainly tee= t'n; Brown. Lail. on ik Co.,i Baton ; ; Seth W. work, the gallant Democracy' of Adams • Freedom - David Rhodes, Calvin P.K rise . Intuits of friends enough to carry me The telegrams in relation to the affair , cupied with the discussion of the sub ; "wici Brows.. 1"i Fl'ir i k 'k ".i 1"t"; arc expected tee ink ' s. leading' hand. - Franklin-Francis Will, Renj. Deardorff: , through $ • 1 • neither dial I do it fearing a are, however, very confused, and with-I "American of Normal Schools ," ject • Renshaw, Edmond di. Co., slog en; H. 11. Hay, ; Portland, Mc.; Barnes A Park, .'w York •A. B. Germany-John A. Swope, Wm. Rider. I defeat before the people, for I know the out further details it is difficult to under- and the als &tails, New York; Steptio&atil it CO A . .., Now - T/IE SOLDEENV CONVENTION, , Gettyeburg-Mni, H. Culp, Baltzer Mew- I vote we can poll, if we work hard and I stand fully what lives have been lost, or : Inaugural Address of President Bates. York; Israel nor , M di Co„ New York ; hell faithfully. & Robbins. w rk A, I. Yo rk ! A l'o NoW port.coon whose shoulders the blame of this' In the evening an address wa s deliver- York; M. Ward, Close A co., Now York; 'Ws at. The Soldiers' Johnson Clymer Conven- Huntington - Thos. G. Neely, F. N. W. Three most excellent men were at your woody outbreak ought to rest. ed by Col. G. F. McFarland, of Harris kt r a y i e it. New Turk. Ca - For sale by all towel oommand, either of whom is a most es- At th ; last advices the riot had been b Wes &set sue tion ut Harrisburg, on Wednesday last, Bowers . urg. His subject was "The Victor y l 4 ; Hamiltemban - J. H. Marshall A. Ben- timable man, and under the present cote- suppressed. Before it broke out Mayor -. --- -......e....._____ 1 i • • vas A sinaNK' SticeetigS 4rerY Wu nf il .* i , 3 4 00 f " Sidon of a ff airs would be likely to poll Monroe asked General Baird for nssist- !Gettysburg, the Work of the Teachers! The Great English emcdy. ~. the State was fully repiesented by Defer tHatnlltOn-John Dolloae John Rff. • more votes than I could. Sere JAVIN CLARICIeI CHLltill4t l'Ell Fn A A ance'which was promised, but the Brown, of this place, next delivered I Pima. Prepares' from a >ri ' - -T-otes, otes, the whole Therabering probably o h/ bland—J. H. Dubs, F.,S. Eckenrode. , . v i 4 h a tt e d a r y be r f e o ete re r t d he mora y ll and lineal ple holt full, and , te t t i r e y did t not make their appearance until I a steya excellent verbal Report on "The !St`r,,a,,,e• 1 • •serlption of MJ. l'i4 ii. . fe l:l u ir e al?it Extrirdinury to this eight hundred, whilst many mere bun- Liberty - Joseph P. MeDivit, Frederick !!...,I toning In I It you i were to believe that, It Ls your best t Ge r n io ert i j Ba o tr .e d r has since issued a mill- Relations an d Duties of the Christian ' die cure ()fan mow i ies e nt ' u n iee c tlt;;\l 4 ll4 U V r r i OllS libll`ft. Mclntire. / slrede were present merely as lookers-on. „.. „' „, .... mi .1. 1 s ta , luck to have so geod a man as either Mr. tary order declaring martial law. The ' , Ministry to the Cause of • Popular Mu- to whieh the female ismst I r etie, is stilitisi I t .katlll/Ore---JOuII afartM, 1.440 rn- i silt ' all excesses andl . en oyes ;ill ohntruc- It must have been inspiring to see this b ae h . Heltzel, Diehl or Dill upon the ticket. city was quiet and the people had retired cation." , tiel , , i , eat r e r t . a ., ,A7 i ie core may twit:idled nit , grand outpouring of toe "Boys in gine," Littleatown-O. B. Yantis, Dr. E. F. I viewed the matter in its true light, and to their homes. l. M. I he; time , iiwilOineoelti-toillea,rly liteil, It will lAt an early hour - the next morning the In as hart bring • t M tidyperiod i with with honest intentions. On Saturday last the Attorney General I r.ttlifkri ty, who, having fought for the Union, thus Shorb. • 1 wholep art ymadean excursion to a nor- f e . Oxford-Francis X. Smith Jao , U. Ruff. 'The few base slanders infamous ,- l ieq , and the Lieutenant Governor of the . . .-- -- , stet bottle, p rice Ono Dollar, Years the Govern came together to renew their vows to stand .. _ u j b B rtr 0. r d -in connection with following defeat at State of Louisiana telegraphed to Presi- , ton - of the Battlefield, returning ut 10 mrd Stamp& Great Britain, to prevent counter men& on- aco ream, m. % e eer. te. I fe by It le pesos as they didln war. Mounijoy-Isaac Lightner, 'rubies H. polls , the made me feel that either of the dent Johnson, informing him of the tur- o'cluck. t• ye nox.-These Pills should; not lie taken by gentlemen before you would take betterFetuales iiiirlitf, tile F I itsr TURF* MoNTIIII of Preg- Gen. Wm. McCandless, of Philadelphia, 0.0.'' :kenrode. bulent condition of the city of New Or- I The first business of thel morn ng ses (who commanded a brigade of Pa. Re- ith Peter , Mouptpleaaant-J. E. Sre , with the people, and more likely to sue- leans, arising from the violent and incen- s; olio - Is o , on Wednesday, was the Co -educe. naney,ll , l they :ire cure to brink on Misearrlite, but at any other time they ore e tie. ceed than myself. diary proceedliegs and speeches at a Re- 1 . I (Zulu le, . ill HO C area or Nervous and ,Spinal At/benefits serves at - Round Top when the rebels 1 Reiidieg-Jacob Miller, Edward Shenffer. A strong and unexceptionable ticket we publican Negro Convention , which was i non of the sexes in our Colleges. Thu pains in the Hark and Ltinbs,Watigue On slight wore checked and driven back,) W a s ' Strabau-Jerentiali Schneer, JOA. Holt . wanted, and we got it at your hands, and held there the night before. The tele- I subject was ably discussed on both sides. . \ \llf i t t !zn i, P ie tent is lo v i l tg' t4e .. fleikz;t, 4ysterles, and, President of the Convention, wiz- i Tyrone-George Mackley, Geo. Bowe . made I see no reason why we cannot elect it by 30t1 majority, gram also Stated that a serious riot was ' The time for visiting the National feared In consequence of the action of Cemetery was next fixed at 6 o'clock, It er moans have failed ; t an t i i i t it i l %C l :n e e i '' , h a en po u w li e ° r i f i t i ii i remedy, do not contain iron,liornel, antimony, 1 ted by thirty-two Vice Presidents and Union-Daniel Geiselman, Peter Sell. I left you after Convention well pleased Gov. Wells who, being in league with 1 or anything hurtha to the cor Mabel. thirteen Seeretaries, The chair appointed the following Com- with your choice, and full of hope for! i issueda 1 the Republ cans, had - , WWI also arranged that the Dedication Full direet lone In rho pamphlet around each package, which should he eareflally preserved. Able and spirited speeches were made J mittee on Resolutions: Messrs. Joseph future success. We must congratulate tion calling for an election to fill vacanr - address of Mr. Lincoln should be read. tett ise , t „ -Il t ) , y all In Intelsat. Hole 'gent fur the tints by Gen. McCandless, Gen. Davis, Gen. IP. lieDivit, E. F. Shorb, John Dellone, the Democrats at this our opening. cies in the bogus Convection which met In the afternoon a -Report on "Meth- 'IA " niiii .Ti r in i U l l4lS, 2'.7 Cii . rtland St F. ' -. DAVID S. PEPPER. and adjourned si- .. iv. T. Sweitzer, Geu. MeCalmont, Col. Linton, F. la, W. Bowers and W. E. Myers. ae die in 1864. In view , ode of Teaching the English Language" N. MAIM mid 6 post ago elan ps enclosed to any of this condition of affairs, President . mint, edged Agent, will Insure a bottle, containing Col. Malsti; CO. Ent, Capt. Brockaway, After makingpreliminarynominations, - PENNSYLVANIA. Johnson la, requested to say whether he read b • Prof. Streit , of the Tie a5O Pills return mall !NA as 3, . g _ . b y_ . Meld sy A. 1.1. Buehler. Dee. IS, Mkt. ly and others. The Negro Radicals were the Convention adjourned until 2 o'clock. intended that the military authorities Normal School. After discussing the . I handled without gloves. Ito quarter was -At the appointed hour, the Conven- Tl i. eNolgt e r e rs n ' i Ct i o a r e ttr eta i:r r a o t t • I l i rr y t Tr i "; should be used to prevent the execution I Report at some length and attending tti LIFE-DEALTH-ScrlißNOTlf. . . civil rooess The President, in reply, other LIFE-11EALTII- der •• ' them. The resolutions adopted ; tion re-as se go , given mbled, and proceedid to make Blue% •••• Enthusp Johnson and Clymer. [tic Endorsement of o fP • ,_ , Variousbusiness, the Association at once telegraphed, to the Lieutenant LIFE-DEALTII-sTRENGTII. adjourned, breathe the warmest Union spirit, and nominations; and the following ticket , [Special Despatch to the World.) - Governor, stating explicitly that the mil- T ime . f irst "repudiatAthe action of the Radical Con- was the result : HARRISBURG, August 1.-Titer , t Censer- itary would be expected to sustain and ; rst business of the evening was , tress, as an Insult to ever)/ ofticerooldier, ' For Congress, Hon. Wm. - lleSherry, vative Soldiers' Convention - of Petinsyl- not obstruct or interferb with the pro- ' an ' Address by *v. T. H. Robinson, of tied seaman." a (by acclamation.) vania, held to-day, was immensely sue- , ceedings of the courts. Governor NA ells , Herrisburg; after which the discussion Associate Judge, Isaac Robinson. cessful. There were eight hundred reg- was notified by the President to the Upon the adjournment of the Conven- , Assembly, Nicholas Heltzel. ularly elected delegates present, and fully saute e ff ect. , • was resumed on the eo- education of the I tion, the soldiers marched Ina body, with - Sheriff, Philip Hann. us many volunteer delegates. The ab- _. "T _. __— __ es - sexes. After disposing of some miscella several bands of music, to the Bolton ! Reg ister( Recorder, Wm. D. Holtzworth. sense of politicians ‘9119 quite noticeable, TOWN AND COUNTY AFFAIRS. neeus busi nese the Association adjourned. House, te pay their respects to Hon. Hies- ; Clerk of the Courts, AthOn W . *inter. and the proceedings were marked b y un- 'ln the morning the fi rst business wits a ' for Clymer. He addressed them in a ye- ' Commissioner Nicholas /ermine liminded - i -Large delegations 16r The COMPILER will lee furniehedldieCussion on the Past, Present and Fu- Directors, Joh John Nunnema IVlter, 2 years, from various ectiols of ' the State cause ry happy manner, eet did Mr. -Wallace , ; John halal, 3 years, provided with bands and 'tanners, That I for the campaign-from this time until : tut'e of the County Superintendency. and Gcn. Miller. The enthusiasm - was Auditor, Henry L. Bream. front Philadelphia was two hundred after the October election-at the low j The question was opened by Prof. Deans, immense, cheer upon cheer greeting the Coroner, Dr: Wm. J. McClure. l strong . Scarce a delegation but that had price of Fifty cents ! Send in the names 'of Su-quell:inn:a county, and was follow speakers. Thus came tan close one of 1 Mr. Hann, of Straban, having been , members formerly Republicans,am- I In I and the money-singly or by clubs. led by Dr: Burrowes, Prof. Gilchrist, gild some lustances the majority were of that I the most important demonstrations ever nominated for Sheri ff , Mr. Petty, of the i y. Many of those preeent served un- There is uninteresting campaign ahead, I others. had in Pennsylvania - one which wilt Balllo township, withdrew his name for I der Genres and were foudeet in opposi- and no Democrat or Conservative should ln the afternoon the various Commit teUfor good at the October election, Commissioner after the first ballot, not- I tion to that so-called hero. The Conven- fail to be posted when the information tees made their reports, after which the withstanding he had the highest number' tion assembled in the hall of the House can be secured for the small sum of half : Association proceeded to the election of of Representatives, and was called to or- I ofticers for the ensuing year. Prof. Wm. of votes on that ballot, stating that he i , t der by General Davis, late of the One believed the interests of the party re- ' Hundred and Fourth re ' t d C gimen ,an len- , - Viir It is reported that Col. -Rufus C. p i .V s ia en t , F. 1V erg of West Chester, was elected G. F. . e ar ant and Col. 0 F NI F I I (mired a more equal division of the can- eral Sweitzer, late of the Sixty-first regi- Swope has been appointed Collector of dilates over the county. He *eared the meat, was appointe d temporary , cha ir-1 Secretary , The Committee appointed for success of the party more than of fi ce for and nettle a stirring s peech. Colo- Internal Revenue for this Congressional , man, .. .that impose reported Bellefonte its the nel McCandless,of tile Pennsylvania Re- District, in place of Scull !place for holding the - next meeting. Re-' himself, serves, Was ma de the permanent chair- • . Dr. Peffbr, • in a few happy remarks, mini. His review of the war policy of COURT.-August Court will commence Port received and adopted. • also eked the withdrawal Of his name : the late administration was masterly, as On the 26th inst. Quite a number of i In the evening a Report Was read by defence 'of McClellan At the for A. silly. -, He thanked the Delegates , ryas . his ' etses are down for trial. z .., I mention of MeClellan's name - intense , ` I Plait James Waters on "Methods of lii , struction to Deyeiop the Aesthetic Na for the r Willingness to support him in 1 enthus i asm prevailed, lasting for some I Those indebted to the printer should the Convention, and the Democracy for minutes. not forget him on that occasion. If Au- : titre." The customary resolutions were what they had done for him. 'He would I The list of vice-presidents and secreta- gust Court proves no "harvest" to him, I i a e r x t Passed. - . repay these acts of kindness by holding I ries includes some of the most distinguish- ~,, he has none. We hope to get i n I On motion it wag resolved to spend a I ed soldiers of Pennsylvania, all ranks be- social anti humorou s . short time in a . fast to the principles of and polling all the .14 money , to pay a paper bill which will. be ' I represented. votes possible for the glorious el.A,Dem- After recc.ss speeches were made by due at that time, and as it is ' a large mit., I Dr. Burrower being called for, that I ocracy. . - several prominent soldiers, and every I (the high price of paper makes them all veteran teacher and humorist responded _ Dr. C. E. Goldsborough, Joseph L. ,sentiment in fa d vor o t t i - J h ohn t rn t. _ and l Cly se la e) those indebted are asked to • • ' g i ve ! in his happiest and wittiest style heave- I Shorb and G. B. Yantis were appointed 1 ilu t e le N n V e lL r 4 a r l ee it h ers reported o le oresaoplii;taiouns, us "a 1..." Let the response be geueral, I biting his adventures with a sun-bonnet, I Congressional Conferees. - • . • which repudiate the bogus soldiers' con- friends, and giving his views as to the relation of The following County Committee was vention of Pittsburg ; - declare that the war son-bonnets, sun-downs, anti dinner then apppointed : ~ was for the Union and nothing else ; de- Congress for.violation of their eta- ! plates, to the science of Aesthetics. He tettysburg-W. A. Duncan, Chairman, 'n agreethents ; endorse Johnson and! I wits followed by a number of gentlemen - in a humorous way. H. J. Stable, Jacob Troxele Clymer; oppose negro suffrage, anti all 1 Berwick goer -Thotuas Alline, George legislation tending to make the negro the . _ At a little after 11 o'clock the Associe- C. Mayer; white man's equal ; repudiate Geary as tion adjourned. Berwick ?p. -Samuel Wollett, C yrus the soldiers' candidate, and praise Smut- • -______-___-_•••,..- ' - Wolfe tors Buckalew and Cowan for,their pub- ItSfe-A number of deaths from cholera. Butlerd - Jaeob G. Eieholtz, R. Fitzgerald. I lie course. Every resolution was receiv- have occurred at Philadelphia. Cumberland-Jacob Lott, David P.-Wei- ed with loud' cheers, and the whole were kert. -- adopted unanimously. Conowa.go-Anthonyftrasbaugh, Joseph Before the adjournment a resolution' Burkee. was adopted requesting Geary to answer , Freedom-David' Rhodes, Michael Mc- interro ga t o ries as te his position on the ' - _Fadden. negro suffrage and restoration questions. Franklin-J. H. Plank, Joseph Rene& Geary's friends are troubled in cense- Germany,--John. Cover Samuel Horner. i euence. Huntington-Win. B. Gardner, Jeremiah' The convention, after ndjonrnment, Slaybaugh. marched in a body, under command of Hamilton-Hamilton King, Charles H. Colonel McCandless, to the Bolton House, Ruff'. •to pay their respects to Mr. Clymer. He Hamiltonban-Wm. G. Reed, Robert d enthusiasti c ' • and ! was reete very Watson. len a short speech calling upon t ol- I Highland - E. Plank, Frederick S. D,ubs.l d' to vote as they fought, for Ldierty-Wm. R. White, James Corey. ' lion and Constitution, and bitterly de- Latimore-Joel °nest, Joseph Fickle. ouncing the Radicals for treachery to. Littlestown-Philip ' Homier, J. B. !the government. Loud cheers greeted RMS. . t. I t candidate for Governor, who after- Ox ford-Dr. IV. J.Mbeln re, A. J. Drivers. . ds ijessated his time to hand shaking. Menallen-Wm. Overdeer, Jacob Petwere. pMe - good sense of the soldiers pre- Mountjoye-Is,aac Lightner, Joseph A. ented a serious riot. A Radical et r ening Orndorfr. . paper denounced the convention as a Moutitpleasant-Lewis Will, Jacob Mel-- in,,,,, m eet i ng eeting o f deserters anti bounty horn. ' linmpere which was a shameful outrage. Reading-W, B. Hildebrand, Edward liundre:ls threatened to destroy the office, tilleaffor, but concludep not to follow precedents Straban-Philip Donohue, John Wertz. ma d e erteeet opponents. Tyrone-C. Bream, Thomas 'Ehrehart. he convention is pronounced as much 4.Jnion-Jos. L. Shozb, Daniel Gelselma.n• urger than either of the party-nomina- N ne Committee on Resolutions reporte . ting conventions of last spring, and good the following, which were unanimously I judges Agree that it indicates an over adopted : whelnaing majority of the soldiers' vote Resolved, 'That we denounce the revo for Clymer. Every soldier here says that two-thirds of their comrades are opposed lutionary proceedings of the Radicals hi! to Geary's election. Clymer's majority Congress, and, believing that these falai- , is now set down at riot less than twenty les intend to subvert and destroy our bee five thousand. neficent system of government in order to accomplish their negro designs wee t . invite all white men to join us in an 'rt ' to crush then) before • they accompl further mischief, IResolved, That - we are opposed to negro suffrage and negro equality, convinced that the white people of this county are able to govern themselves, without the aid of an inferior raoe. Resolved, That we approve of and en dorse the-policy of President Johnson for the restoration of cal the States to the Union. Resolved, That we are opposed to Reo pening negroes at the expense of the Government, especially whilst the claims of the white soldiers who fought for the Uitioll are pushed aside froni time to time, as though to be neglected et . refused, Resolved, That lion. 'Mester Clymer,_ the Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, deserves the support of i every well-wisher of the country, and we ' pledge him mars' warmly and heartily. Resolved, Thal [ admission of D. hfc- Conaughy to a seat in the State Senate was an outrage upon the expressed will of the people, and in violation of law, as dearly defined by the highest:judicial tribunal of the Commonwealth. Down ey should suggest to him the propriety of at once vacating a position, to which he has no shadow of claim. /Seto/vest, Thst successive Reptiblican Legisletgres fraying refused to award the smallest measgre of justice to the herder sufferers in this county, It becomes these I sufferers to cast their votes for men whene I they can rely upon to help them-anti experience has demonstrated that this , help can only come through the Demo cratic party. ! Rc4olved, That the ticket this day nom iqated, representing as it does the while sentiment of the county, should have the I support of every white man, and wilt re eel ve that of the De.inceitacy cordially and energetically. e 'Op motion, . - 'Renewed, That this Convention unqual ifiedly instruct our Congressional Confer ees to vote for Hon. Wirt. Ms. • Sherry for TICKET. Congress, just before the adjournment, passed a bill raieillig the pay of members from $3,000 to $3,000 per session—but in order to sugar-coat this pill for the people, they connected a measure to giv,e boun ties tti the soldiers—one hundred dollars to three-year men, and fifty dollars to two-year men. The bounty bill had been preyiously defeated, and would not again hare been reached but for the prtext which the members wanted to raise their own pay. ' Radical ideas - of justiee are_well ex premed fn the' figures—s2,ooo extra to Congressmen for a few months' stay at Washington, and $5O to $lOO extra to sol diers, who for two and three yeara :were exposed to all the toils and alatigfii of a desperate and bloody war. I rt It is said that the bounty brills has been so lamely framed as to requircl fug ther legislation before it can be effee, Wis this done on imrpose? • On Thursday week a Gearyomeetiptg Was held in Shippensburg, a town In the "paper General's" own county.. So few people gathered that no speaking was had until the evening, when a small crowd was present to hear Geary "speak a little piece" of sometwenty minutes Indength. Our informant assures us that there was not the slightest enthusi&m, and that Cleary's speech in blackguardism and want of sense was on a par with that de livered by him at York. Compare that meeting with the meeting at Mechanics burg in the same county, if you wish to know how the masses are feeling and thinking. The rumor prevails extensive ly that Geary is to be withdrawn - in favor of some man who clan make a decent ap pearance before the people of Pennsylva nia, and it is said that the leaders of the Republican party are convinced that his nraination was a terrible political blun der. tar Late news from London is to the etZ,..vt that a treaty was t 4 lgned at Vien na, en the 27th, by the Sovereigns of Prussia, Atistria, Bavaria, and Hesse Darmstadt, and the representatives of Prance, Italy, Spain, Russia, Portugal, Great Britain, Turkey, and the German States. It is a eompaet securing a last ing peace thrqtrghout Earope: Prussia is to ha've sole dominion in the German States, excepting Hungary, Bavaria, and the Danubian Principalities. King Wilhelm Is to be made Emperor of Ger , ny. Italy. Is to have Venetia and thre fortresses of the Quadrilateral, An armistice of four weeks had previous ly been agreed upon by Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, and the other Gerinan powers, Yon Cotrarrir.—The Democratic Con. ventiOn of York county, on Tuesday last, nominated. the following ticket: Con gress, A. 7. Glossbrenner, (who will have no opposition in the Conference ;) Asso ciate Judge, David Newcomer; Assem bly, Col: Levi Maish, Stephen O. Boyd; ProthonOtvy, Thomas Q. Gross; Sheriff, Jame Engles; Register, .Thcob Stickel; Clerk, Wm. Tash ; Recorder, Capt, Tien. ry Reisinger; Commissioner, Daniel Mil ler • Director, Wm. Eilgore ; Auditor, David gen:mil; Coroner, Samuel J, Rouse, -The majority in "Old Democrat, lc York," it is confidently predicted, will be larger tills fall than ever before. serThere were twelve clele,gates front Beaver county in the John3on-Clymer s o ldi en v ,convention at Iturisburg on Wednesday. Of these nine were wounded men formerly Ryttstiectn4, who never voted the Democratic ticket, They are now enthusiastic for Wester Clymer, and wotlld not tottch the tyrant Geary with "a forty foot pole," &COM cit the ifttantic C.tste f—Europe 4n4 Awkeeioa ore now connected by tele. greftwato oable haviqg lx..enenteeessfally laid beit'T994 U 0304 11134 Now' Foacti- LW", igir3g4 aiy ACID NOWNTIJOIt A GEARY FIZZLE. Terrible Riot between Citizens and Ile groes in New Orleans.—President noti fies Goy. Wells that the DiGlary are ex eeted to sustain the Courts.---Martial w Declared. .n.day Mayor Monroe, of New Or leans, 6: • d a proclamation stating "the extinct Convention" o€lBo4 p • • s ed to meet that day, and exhorting all good citizens to keep the peace and refrain from gathering about the place where "the extinct Convention" was to be held. Notwithstanding the telegram from the President, General Baird expressed his determination to prevent the civil au thorities front interfering with the Con vention, The dadical Convention of 18E11 met at New Orleans on Monday, and in spite of the precautions taken by the police to preserve the peace, a riot ensued, which resulted in the killing of live negroes and the wounding of two whites. The Con ventionassembled at 12o'clock,twenty-six persons Icing present. The pollee sur rounded the budding and endeavored to preserve order. 4 Mr. W. R. Fesh was arrested in the Convention and taken to the lock-up by a double guard of pollee, amid cheers from the populace and cries of hang him. Subsequently the President of the Convention and some of the mem bers were also arrested. A procession of negroes, with flags and drums, soon after wards inarelted through the streets to wards the Institute where the members , of the Convention wore assembled. The, negroes were in large numbers, and be- • ing armed in every conceivable manner, but principally, it is said, with clubs, beat off the whites who attempted to die pone thorn, and congregated in front of the Institute. At a quarter past one In tho afternoon the most intense excite ment prevailed throughout the city. Firing was then going on la several of the streets, and it was at this time that the negroes are reported to have been killed , and the whites wounded. At a quarter past three in the afternoon the riot out aide Of the Institute had . not been quells... The police lad surrounded the Coq.Vell- S:OLDTERS' Mruirrso.—A gotsll • num ber of soldiers being present at th Dem ocratic County Convention, on lk onday last, they concluded to hold a meeting that day for the appointment of delegates to the Harrisburg Soldiers' Convention. The meeting accordingly came off, at the Court-house, at 1 o'clock, when Capt. Ja cob H. Plank, of Arentlisville, was called to the Chair, and Adj. I. H. White, of Gettysburg, appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting having been stated by Adj. White, the following delegates were appointed f Major D. J. Benner, Adj. J. H. White, Capt: W. J. Martin, Lieut. S. H. Eicholtz, Sergt. Samuel Lent; Corp. Israel Slothour, Private J. T. Myers. These gentlemen all attended the Convention on Wednesday, and re turned on Thursday, much pleased at wing met so many of their old comrades Ms, and with the unbounded enthu exhibited for Johnson, Clymer, the itution and the Union. sins .' Cons COMMENCEMENT.—This is Commence ment Week for Pa. College. Tuesday (to-morrow) afternoon, "Holman Lec ture on the Augsburg Confession," by Rev: Dr. Brown; Tuesday'►evening, in auguration of Profs. Hay and Valentine ; W~lnesday morning, Junior Exhibition ; Wednesday afternoon, Address by Rev. Dr. Cuyler ; Wednesday evgning, Aluin ni Address, by Rev. V. L. Conrad; Thursday morning, Commencemeit ex ercises. Grand Concert by Lancaster Orchestra on Thursday evening. Jon xso Meertso.—A mass meeting of the friends of President Johnson will be held : ilver Run, Carroll co., Md.fon Sa ay next, August Ilth, commencing • 0 o'clock, A. M. Col. W. P. Mauls y, Hon. Wm.-MeSherry, of this county, J. W. Bittenger, Esq., of York, and Charles H. Busbey, Esq., are Announced as the speakers. - The friends of the Pies ident in the neighborhood and adjoining counties are invited to be present en masse, and make this a grand demon stration. We hope Adams will be well represented. ser•The Radicals meet In County Con vention to-day, to settle a ticket. They must have little confidence In their abil ity to carry the county, when ' they go outside of their own ranks in' march' of candidates. Pro Nre.—The basket Pie Nio, at the Arsh Creek Bridge, on the Chambers burg turnpike, on Saturday last, was a vary pleasant aff►ir, all present enjoying themselves "to the top of their bent." BA.r,L.—A game of Base Bill at 14ew Oxford, on Saturday week, between the Young Amerloa Club of Hanover and the Juvenile Club of New Oxford, result ed In favor of the latter byone—the oount Ntandhig Itl fqr Hanover, to 17 fqr New Oxford. 11E9—A stalk of Oats measuring 8 feet 8 inches was brought to our office the other day. - It was - grown by Mr. Jeremiah Docker, of Ilamilton township, and rdus tip high In the figures, like Clymer stock. NEW' B awn q.---,The new ragroad brldgi wee" Cane way, near Nev :tort, e convict: I iq 4 few days, -Special Notice Column. • Spike The Guns! of Humbug. -Intres‘tcr+ ere in the field with deadly hair d'ngerou germs' to health and utterly destructive to the hair. Da not submit to have your head laPTIZLD WMI LIQUID FIRES when that cooling vegetable preparation, CHItYSTAISCHICYS lI.tIII DYE, ' will, in flvr minutes, Impart any desired shOe In?in light brown to Jet black without injuring thle fibres, staining Vie skin, or poisoning the sys teln through the pore& Beware of the deleterious ti3ies! Honufischtr.Nl by J. CHIUST.pOHO, 6 AStor House, New York. Hold by Druggist& Ap plied by all Hair Dressers. [July 30,:66. The fileestast Pbseavery of the Alice F.VAILIK-5, A ND ONI EPA can ptirchase no renizsly equal to Dr. Tobias! Venetian Liniment for dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rticuniatism, sore thr.r.its, tooth riche, seasickness cuts, burns, swell I nay, brnium,ol , l gores, headache, ntHquito bites, pLitvi in the limbs, chest, buck, t. if IL (10s not give relief the ineney will be refunded. AU that Is asked is a trial, and use it adcording to the directions. b R Tour ss.—Dear Sir: I have used your Vene tian Liniment. in my family fora unmber ofyears, arid believe It to be the bast article for what it, is reiximmended that I have ever liked. for sudden attu:k of croup ills hived sable. - I have no boil la 14¢n in ream aim ling It for all the uses it profess- Oslo cure. I have sold It for many years, and it gives entire satisfaction. C 11.5.51. A. TRIMNF,It. Quakertown. Vii. J. May 8, ISM Price. 40 and SO cents. Sold by all dragglata. 0111,1 e 50 courtlawl street, New York. 3uly 41, 1400. lm flow to Coto Diptlterlo. ' The peculiar and so often fatal complaint called Diptheria, which is more common among chil dren than among grown up people, May promptly be cured by the use of Dr. itealwity's Ready Relief and his Regulati fig Pills. The Dlptheria is a mu.- . 4n:int disorder, rontmencing with sore throat and going on to violent illtiaMalatioll, congestion, and the formation of a Mims membrane in the throat, which (really affill'ocates its victim and produces death. Diptheria Is, therefore, a serious malady. It will nit de to treat It with neglect, or ' to waste time by applying to it. item dent reme dies. wen Lien extwriene.e.l physician be veiled in, he will-not promise that, with all his skill, there Is a c-rtainty of his saving the life of the sufferer. That prom isecanonly be canselentlously indulged lit when, the meincut the child or adult is seised with Diptheria. you apply Itadway's Ready Relief to the throat and chest, and administer trout one to three of Dr. Itudway's Pills to regulate the bowels. As soon as you do that all danger disap pears. You may rely upon immo,ilale rtillefand upon a speedy cure. There must be no procrasti nation In the case. You mast act quickly, for Diptheriu Ls of so active a nature itself that, unless speedily and vigoru•,tsly attacked by a powerful remedy like the Ready (teller, it soon acquires the mastery and defies all me Heal ability to dislodge It: lint Midway's Ready Relief vitnqnlshes it di rectly. The throat experiences ease the Instant the ftellefla rubbed upon ft. The false membrane' eeasm to form. The Intl oanietion abates. The congestion dimlnisbes. Thesufftwatingsymploms depart. The Itagulatlng ruts do the rest. ffbey expel the morbid humors which cause the com plaint and that effected, the patient Is perma nently well. Sold by Druggists. August 6,16611. 3w To Consumptives. , The advertiser, having been rest,ored to Intsith I ------...............-- i , . . In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, OW Strwoure, but True. • ' S having mutated for several years with a serum. Evessi#oung lady and gentleman to the 17nited lung Micah:m.sml Vitt dread disease, OunsiMP Stiotes wart hear somethin vAry reS is tnate,a4.,, tion—is anxious to make known to his Ugh:oW! , vantage by return mail g (free of e to. ,offerers the means of cure. , draping the undersigned. Those fawn of ': To all who desire it, he.will send a wool of the being humbugged will oblige by MAl:v*44 prescrip d tion used (free of charge) with the di ;- ems, , All others will Please andirest uluif i leons bons fee preparing an nslnz the EARN. =m i nt, Tlidlii. F. MAMA: ;hey will llnd a 81711 E emir; co viol n Co:rai i 4. 14. /37 Sal Sainting, X; ri , , ASTIMA, nitmsettrrns, Com - Ms. CoLnis, and , Throat and Lung Atreetdous. The only tads*, o f I the advertiser in sending, the Pres...Nal= Is to i Eye and Her! benefit the a filleted, and spread in fermatlon'whlch I PROF. Jt. lB Afoln If - fl..loeullSt - atod A tie conceives to be invaluable, and be hopes every - formerlY or Layderk q‘a r aeatad 0 sufferer will try his remedy. as It will east thgno - 5l PlNlSBtrect. rathAp r laere soothing, and may rove a blessing. ~0 toted with diseases dl ZoCtiv.,_ `= foaetres whating t e peettliptlon razz byrotern ntitleallyl i e bt e i tf o V s i mail, Kill please wdr , , • Brum sir , i 1., ryl t BRIP. tiIDWATM A. WiLgosi lf ehardei al 19/0 Wu: 4. Williamsburg. $ll4l cm, Ztew y or l c. IV is invited, ill be kip Regret to his • gar. 5,13 1 5 i. 17 ... cif treatment. ,(July 17, 1805. .1.7 The Great Frene 32=1511 DR. JUAN 1ixt.,4.31 an 3 CELEBRATED BPECI , IC Prepared from a preserption of Dr. Juan NA =rte. Chief Physiehin of the Hospital du Nord ou Laribotsle re of Paris. This Invaluable medicine Is no Imp°Nit lon, lint Is unfailing In the cure of SpervnetOrrjllo or Semi nal WeaknemA. Every_ speelw4 of th , nital or l'rl nary rrltabililit, Involuntary lir Nightly Seminal Emtmidtut froinevinttever cutlets produced, or how ever severe, will he speedily relieved and the or gans restored to, heal iv :wilco Read the following opiniot.s physleinm:: "We have used tit.. Specific Garen. here l 1 1 1111011 t, N. 211 I the ore,eriptlou ~r Dr..[Mot prlvaiet lee wit:i onlforin lieve there ' ls no other medleln to cure all persons suffering Einksions or any other weak. org,ois, whether rawest by s living, excesses, or 10)11404 It. ( - LA 111. 1,14: _ . _ Mqv sth, NM." (41 0 (OITN The venulne 1411.4 are poll tht,onghout the Wot lar p..r Ilc rc, or 41c If far GARANVIERE IntroNr. m No. 214 Itti , f,oni.o.t One Dollar enelose , l to any wall I watro a box lay tvtarn • trout all olmorv.,tion: six 14)x. Mob" 1.1.2ner.11 .Igen for .1 zn 0-4C.\ It 27 t, N. 11.—Frenvh, Gorirtln, Sp Prttno , ll..t.c, titiltite fult pit cow.. fros to ,•yrryl A. D. Itlwlll..r. Agent for Lief IN, lii, ly Ayer'. Ague ti FOIL TM:SPEEDY Intermittent rover, or Fort ant Agit°, Remit tent rover, Chilli Fever, Lomb Agile, Pori.) , heal ile.utelle or itilloit , , lloadenflie, ~ ,, el Bilious Fa vors. in leed for I ile• whole (1414$ of ililittlVWl erin at ing In hillory tle•rattgotne.nt, caused ley the Mn. Lola of inio•iiiat le "num Hit's, 1 , ..v,r an I . \ <ll.' In not the only (.011.WeillP111, at miasm the polso». A great•varloty of tilsorile•rs arise (nail It, irritotion. in rnoletrions distriotet, anteing whieh are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, (knit, 11...),e1ae1n illitalticeas. Toothiwlte, Earen•he, 1%.. tarrii, Ahtlitii i, Paililtatiiiii, l'alnini A rE.ethete at the Spleen, Ilysterh•lts, Pun fn the Rowels, Collo, Paralysis, aril Deranz,ementot the stonmeh, all of wind', 1411"11 origin ulna In this 0111.4, put on th • Intermit tent I ypee, or heemne pert/Ale:it This “t•rak" exte.•ls the poison Mm the blood, and tine, eures them all alike. It is not only the most, etTeetu it retn,ly ever disooverthl for this elves of 1 .1 complaint.% Init It is the ela peatx and moreover is perfectly - sore.. No harm ea arise frtan Its user; rin,l,the patient:When owed I left as healthy tut it he had nevi's ha 1 flied /4,3.4,4 C.ln tide Ore h:3111 01 anypther Cure for ("tills and Fever? It Is trite nt this, and Its lenoortain, tee tho,o altileted with ilia complaint salt ant leo over es..linatea. Ste sure Is it to cure the Fever and A rue, that It may lea truthfully sal•I to he it eertalmrernotly. one Deal er complains that it is no -,-- - .•theltio tee sell , bemuse eeile lag tie no rm 4 )leortlfs,,l. Prepared lw '. A Y sal by A. D. Buehler, Ge Jnly 9, PAK 2pi Lyon's Period THE GREAT ERMA.. REGUIARITIE.4.—TiIest cally vompotuvied thrl that(any im, PoTterx quid. theiractfon is - three . ren , l,:iing them a relmble, spec 13' __ ,„ _ . Pipet Plc for the cure of all obstructions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity is nd Irate Iby the fact c i that over 14111,000 is atics are tumidly consumed by the ladies of the United , States, every iiiii, of whom sp wt..' In the strongeitt terms of praise of their great merits. They art, rapidly takirrgrU place of every other Female Remedy, and are con 81110'01i by 4111 who know staid of tie in, as the surest, safest, and most in failihlepreparathet lit the wort I, for the core of al' female complaints, the remove/ Of all otostructios, of sal lir". and Iho prunotioo of health. regithoity and Mrcuttili.-- Es olieit dire tions stating ode.n they may used, and 4 , Xplaliking 'ivied] and ally they should not, nor could no( be used without, Prodtleing elf , t et kutr.try to nature's laws, wijil 1.. found carefully foldel around each bottle, with the written signa ture or JOHN 1.. LyoN, witlrut which none are genuine. Prepared . by Dr. .101 IN 1.4. LYON, I f'hape. Street, New Haven, Conn., ho igtn be consulted either personally, or by ma ; (enclosing stamp,) ormeeraing all private d And female weak. nesse'. Sold by Druggists e .rywbert. C. . CLARK" k CO., Conn., - Obni Agents for . ri. ant ("amulet, Nov 6, ISO& ly • 'I • , Terrible Diselesiiirre. Rix:awns Feu Tits Mod:mist—A most valuable. land wonderful publication. , A work of 44111 pftew, and 30 0010M11 Engravings. DR. .11UNTI..It'S VAT/E id FA)i?N!, an original and popular treatise on Man and Woman, their /thyslob sty, Functions, land Sexual disorders of every itiud, with Net er- Failing flemcdies for their speedy core, The rinle. Lice of I/11. lICNTFIii has long been, anti still he, unbounded, but at the earnest soiled-talon of nu merous perwaks, Ike hum been irslutied to extend his medical usefulness thrt)ugh the medium of h ill "VA ItE MECI'llf." It In a volume that shonld he r in the hands of every familyln the land, as a pre, ven Live of secret vices, or as a g11i(143 for the alleVis Minn of one of the most a*fttl and destructive scourges that ever visited mankind. -One ropy, securely enveloptsl, will be forwarded free of past es,- to one part or the United Statcli for 450 .Ants in I'. 0. stamps. Address, post paid, DR. WINTER, No. 3 Invislou St., New York. (Sept. Z.. ly Pettey the *toad. If the blood be pure the body which Is formed from and by the blood oaunot be diseased. But If there be In any part of thb hefty an affection, such 7 as a boll or ulcer, even a bruise, the blood circuln-. Um( through that part take up Impure !natter from the local affection aril carries it Into the general system. This is the (Ouse often of sudden death to persons of full habit afflicted with bolls and ulcers, and who use no medicine; the unities. Irta into the circulating system sad chokes up the tine blood vessels which supply the bat with vitality, and lite censeias tj BER.BIor BY LICILITNING, sow, this eon baramedlel ' BRAN D BETH'S PILLS take all Impure ra%tteriVrota the circulation, alai envo the general health, such raring loos! aloe, Bow:also. Blt LEA prolbot, !tome tedious thud coralckbeaa amioften save We. Bahl by all Drumlata. guly 9, Lefli. Im = L' f eminent French PUN proporeftt) tn.. Lombard, fr..in, i1t . 1.111111171 . 011 our ttI . C. , N4, owl WP 111.• • 801,01 calt•oloo•.1 from Involootorr oAts of the F•o•xual dent:try no.,l*s of 1. - ItEPATITE, D ARITIN, If, D.. UR, IMITIMEI y all the principal 1. Price ()no IMi• Dril!nrn. Pnwrielone, I, l'arlg. I nrthoflnrd Agrnt, 6 . 11, ~.4.totirolv 44.100,1 for II vu dollars rl .a. Mg 141g;.1 At PO., ,Portlagill st., N. Y. 4.t11411 and English firt eithrs anti dim:. :uldrom. yslitirg. i:E2I 13133112 1112E08 FOR IR• a solentill mot Iw•ttrr Being 11.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers