The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 04, 1871, Image 4

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ii a i: Air urox hie wateks.
la the summer of 1S50, while on a
prospecting tour in the mining regions of
California, I met with the following little
incident, which may be worth relating,
and which, at least has the merit of be
ing true in every particular. The country
in those days were very thinly populated,
and the miners principally lived in tents,
lumber being exceedingly scarce and very
high in price. While I was passing a
lonely part of the country I saw a leiu in
the distance, and wishing to obtain some
information in regard to the diggings in
that locality, I approached it. The own
er was engaged in sweeping out the inte
rior with a rude brocm, made of twigs,
and did not notice me until I was within
a few feet of him. Everything was
scrupulously clean, and in marked con
trast wish the appearance of miners' hab
itations generally. I shall never forget
the pitiful appearance the man presented.
A9 near s I could judge he was about six
feet four or rive inches in height, but a
perfect living skeleton. I reiu.trUed :
'.VIy friend, you appear to be very
pick ; too sick to be engaged in such un
imporlaul business as sweeping." lie re
plied that he only had a few da3's more to
live, and that he liked to sec things look
neat during that time.
I inquired his ailment, and he told me
that he had the chronic diarrhect, and as
yet had found nothing to afFLrd hiui any
relief. I recommended a preparation that
I had long known to be very efficacious
in disorders of thut nature ; but he was
out of money, and said that ho was too
weak to get the ingredients, even if ha
had the means, as the nearest camp of
importance, was six miles distant. I told
him that he should not suffer as long as
it was in my power to assist him ; that 1
still had about two ounces of dust left,
and that 1 would place it at his service if
necessary. I easily procured all the in
gredients but one, and that was the white
of eggs, which for a long time I found im
possible to obtain. Finally I learned
that there was an old worn m, a native of
California, wiio lived five miles away in
n contrary direction from where 1 obtain
ed the other articles, and that the hud
but one hen. I called upon her, and hav
ing some little knowledge of Spanish, I
prevailed upon her to sell me two e;:gs,
which she did very reluctantly, charging
me five dollars for them. It mast be re
membered that in those days flour, sugar,
and many other article, brought from
seventy-rive cents to one dollar per pound,
while egg, as an article of diet, were en
tirely out of the question.
Upon my return, I gave my patient his
medicine, and having chopped him a con
siderable supply of wood, and baked him
enough bread to last him a couple of
weeks, I remained for several days, until
I found that his condition had begun to
improve, when I left him, receiving many
warm expressions of gratitudo on my de
parture. About eighteen months afterward, hav
ing had bad luck in rnininix, I went to
Knight's Ferry, and having had some lit
tle experience Li pounding iron, I opened
a small blacksmith shop, and commenced
sharpening picks for a living. One day
while at work at the anvil, a man of gi
gantic stature passed the door, and as he
did so our eyes met. He retraced his
steps and eulcred the shop, and inquiied
if I would sharpen a pick. I replied in
the atlimiative, but notice,! that it was in
very good order, and needed but very lit
tle improvement. After the job was
completed, he ir.qjired my charge. I
told him seventy-live eeuts per point, or a
dollar and litly cents for the two. Draw
ing forth a large buckskin puise, he hand
ed me a number of coarse pieces of gold
thirty in all the smallest of which would
amount to many limes the price of the
work. I asked him what Le meant. lie
I want you to put it in your pocket "
I was uuch surprised, and began to
think my customer was insane. I tol.l
him I was only entitled to one dollar and
a half.
I was about to object ag:iin, when ho
"Why, don't you remember me?"
I told him no ; that to my knowledge I
never saw him before.
i4Vhy," said he, "don't you remem
ber curing a man of the ui hi hcea, near
Yorktown, abjut eighteen months ago?"
I said "that 1 could not say I had cured
any one; but that I had presciibed for a
man so ttll.cted ; but you are not the in
dividual f"
"Yes, I am," he replied, "and had it
not been for you, I would now be in my
I was unable to recognize my former
patient in the mm bcloie me a perfect
Hercules as it set rued and told him if
such was the case, that I cjuid not think
nf accepting such a liberal reward, as may
entire outlay nt the li-ie was only about
eighteen dollar, and that my lime I could
not coint ; for thut I was abundantly
compensated in aiding his recovery, and
that 1 would only accept an ounce in pay
ment fwr hciual incurred. He
"Look here, my friend, I don't want
to be too severe with you, but if you don't
pocket thut dust, you and ine will have a
Upon which I surveyed Lion from head
to foot, as if I were calculating the chan
ces, and told him thut I would rather
pocket the dust than to fight him any day.
after which he gathered op his raining im
plements, and, bidding ine good bye, left
tor parts unknown. 1 tlen weighed the
gold, and found there were thirty fix
ounces, which at seventeen dollars per
ocBre, amounted to six hundred and
twelve dollars.
A Fti'iK was pulled cut of a Jji
Crose man's breast, two inches from his
heart It was expected that a further
teurcli would disclose a Mwinp machine,
bet as lbs surgeon didn't find one, the
fellow 13 sti'pected of having Ikhmi in close
quarter with a pre-Uy dies maker.
- Stioi i.D r.uld acquaint o&ce La forj
Net if ihty are rich.
THi. P. T. KEKXE havlnjr just returned from
Ecuador and liroinrht with a quantity of the
emmic CiiiMluraiiKO HarK. secured through
the oflichil recommendation and assistance of
His Excellenov the President of Ecuador, and
the Government of that Kcpublic, we are pre
pared to till orders for it to a limited extent,
and at a price one-qnnrter of thnt which the
cost of the lirst very small supply compelled us
to charge. A iuiriots article is now adver
tised mid fM.ld as t'undurarifro. We have, at a
considerable expense, and with the co-operation
of the authorities of Loja, the province
where the plant grows, so directed the channel
of supply us to insure that none but the sen
nine nrl icle shall be sold by us : and we par
ticularly call the attention of tho public, for
their protection, to this fact.
U Cedar St., Afc 1'nrk.
T). V. Br.iss. M. P., Washington. P. C. ; Z. K.
Bliss, M. D., N. Y.; P. T. Keexe, M. P., N. Y.
" I I J9
A. ci'im miiiihI i( f iicoa-nut (' Acknowl-
c -.( j th'hcft ivcm't mf ike Growth tnul leant i)
n't'ir "3. V?. T i Cj.. itoston.
;' lv nil lr!i;j'i-H. Ilewttre of fruWr.'.
rnrr Try jmjI of our frront 8-pace,
I ilf I '-00 ittimtrntftl weekly 30 yenrscs-
tablished. Fine steel pnsrrnvinars free
to subscribers. Ac-cms make fi5 a day. Send
for Saturday tinzellp, Ilulowell, Me.
The oldest and most reliable Institution for
obtaining a Mercantile Education.
(sr-l'i'fM-ticnl business men as Instructors.
For information write for a circular to
H. Pi KK fc .SOW. Pittsburgh! Pa.
Solicited by Tit; mi & Vt.
Publishers Scicntilc A mer-
icmt, 37 Park How, X. Y.
Twentv-five venrs experience
Pamphlets containing Patent Laws, with full
directions how to obtain Patents, free.
A bound volume of IIS pares, containing- the
Ktw CiiMni by counties and all larji-e ci( ics,
140 Enjrruvirijrs of Mechanical Movements. Pat
ent Laws and rules for obtaining- Patents,
mailed on receipt of cents.
TAflTIf 't.Osr.T? the hnt! EAHTTI
jil CLOSETCO.,2I5Statk St.. IIahtkork. t..
Sale L. S. Vri'jivi'turH itf Mnvlr.'v- Mmilr l ,'h tllf
in".Lii7r'),II'ftriiu.AVirfrt;rrtI Tl'K'HIIIf'
I'tlt'ntx. The fully Closets that have proved ef
fective. The Earth Closet, by its disinfection of
faeces, is fhe most, valuable means of pre vent ins
spread of cholera s;nd oi her contagious diseases.
Send for circulars. A (ic tit si iratit rtl rvmnrtiere.
Itrpmi : l; Dmuie St., Boston ; i'M' Broad
way, N Y. ; liil Market Street, Philadelphia.
TJIOli SAM'. A choice farm of acres in
i Chester count v. :?tl miles from I'liiladelnhia.
Address J A 11EZ BA1EY, Marlboro P. O., I'a.
for SMt per liteh fer MonlJi we
will insert an Adertis'ment in I5
tlrst-clam Venspaptrs. ii-
rlnitln-; Fourteen rnilie. Proportionate
rates for smaller advertisements. List sent
free. Address
c;r:o. c. rowrLL & co..
40 and 41 rATIK JtitW, X liV lOJIJi.
Airents $00 per week to sell our jrrent and valu
able discoveries. If you want permanent, hon
orable and pleasant work, nppl v for pari icular.
Address DYE It A- CO., Jackson, Michigan-
A Clervrvman, while ref-idintr in South Amer
ica as a Missionary, discovered a safe and sim
ple remedy for the Cure of Xervons Weakness,
Early Decay, Diseases of the I'rinary and Sem
inal Oiirnns. and ihe whole train of disorders
bro't on by baneful and vicious habits. Great
numbers have been cured by this noble remedy.
Prompted by a de-ire to benefit theafllieted and
n n fort unate.I wiil send the recipe for preparing
and nsinir this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to
nv one who needs it. fr.-r nf rnr';r. Address
Joa.T. In man, Stat ion P, Bible House, X.Y.City.
AVOin r ACIi S I A victim or early lndis
erf t ion, causing nervous debility, prrnin
tnre decay, etc., havinir tried in vain every ad
vertised remedy, has discovered a simple means
of self-en re, which lie will send to his fcl low-sufferers.
Add ress J . H .It fev es, 78 Xati u St ., JV. Y.
Chronic and Sexual Diseases.
The cheapest bonk ever published containing-
nearly three hundred paces, and one hun
dred nnd thirty fine plates and enarravintrs of
the anatomy of the human organs in a state of
health and disease, with a treatise on early
errors.'t heir deplorable consequences upon the
mind and bodv, with 1 he author's plan of treat
ment the only rational and successful mode
of cure, as shown ly a report of eases treated.
A truthful adviser to the married and those
contemplating marriaire, who entertain doubts
of their physical condition. Sent free of post
age to any address, on receipt of twenty-five
cents in stamps or postal currency, lv address
ing Pn. LA CROIX. Xo. 31 Maiden Lane. Alba
ny, X. Y, The author may be consulted upon
finr of the diseases upon which his book treats,
either personally or by mail, and medicines
sent to cay part of the world.
A Book of VZTi closely printed pnires. latelv is
sued, contains a list of the best A inerican Ad
vertising Medium, jrivin- the names, circula
tions, and ful! particulars conccrninjr the lead
ing Daily ami Weekly Political and Familv
Xewspapers, together with nil those having
l-AUre circulations, published in the interest of
heliirion, Ajrriciilti.rr, Literature, Are. Kverv
Advert iser. and every person who contemplates
becominyr such, will tind this hook or irrout
value. .Mailed free to an v address on receipt of
2" cents. p. now I.I- &, t o., I'llb-
lishci-s. Xo. 4' Pork Row, New York.
The Pittsburgh l Pa.) I.tuuter, in Its issue of
May 1T. lsTit. says : "The firm of i. p. Howell &.
Co., which issues this interesting- and valuable
book, is the larirest anil lcst AdvertisiiiK- Asren-cj-in
the I'nited States, and we can flieeTl'ully
recommf nd it to theattention of those who d--sire
to advertise their business scicii! ilic.-ill y
and yiite;iulenllr in such away: that is,
nt us to secure the lar-jrcst amount of publicity
for the least expenditure of money."
Wholesale snd ReUil Dealer i l
Fresli fish, Oysters. Vegetaliles. Fruits, &c
Hio 93 3IaiKtt 8lrccl,
Western Fish, at Sc. to Inc. per lb
1 rcsh Shad, nt oc. ,,t.r j
or Use. apiece, or four for tl.UO.
F.xtra Xo. 2 Mackerel, per bbl., at tlf.00
F.Ttru Xo. -J Mackerel, per half bbl., at i;.T.-
F.xtra Xo. 2 Mackerel, per quarter, at 3.75
Lxtra X. 2 Mackerel, (er kit, at '.m
He also keeps on hand all kinds of Ycfreta
blesOi'resh But tcr. etc., which h; receives daily.
t-ivill visit i:t;nslurr, Carrolltowu aud
Irfrctto each week during the scasu.
May 27, leU.-tf.
C olonade IIo , Ebrnvbnrg, Pa.
VW Special attention paid to collections in
alt parts of the l nited States. l-'-lS-Tl.-tf.
GEO. M. IJKADE, Attnneijat-rMwt
Ebrnsf.nrsr, Pa. Office in new buildin"
recently erected oa Cei.tre street, two doois
from High street. (ao"27.
TM. II SF.CIILER. Attoknft-.a.
Latt, Ebensbur?. Pa. OITice in Tl.a
Uoytl's new building, one door north of Colo
nde lion, Centre sneet.
March II, 1:371. XHEJfSIlVliO, rA.
QEO. W. OA'rMAN ec CO., Arn.i7.
evs-at-Law, Klierisburpr. Cambria Co
l a. Tae collection of notes and'tiills, whethct
ilus or v due, will receive prompt ttuliuu.
Kucftctcre?, sal TTt5le:al8 azi Seidl leiler ia
Church, School and Dinner BELLS;
of every description, Ac, dc.
r?Special attention paid to the repairing
of nil kinds of Stoves, rnrminjr Utensils, ire.
All orders promptly attended to. (Udoetal,
g-niin, etc.. taken in exchange for work.
Ebensbnrjr, July 1, 1871. Jm.
Til, COPPER & pf-ISI Ml
Having recently taken possession of the new
ly lilted up and commodious building- on itifrh
street, two doors east ef the l!anl and nearly
opposite the Mountain House, the subscriber is
better prepared than ever to iiianiiiaeiiire jut
articles in the Tl.VCori'EK nnd MtKi:T-l U().
WAK1-: line, all of which will be furnished to
buyers at the very lowest living prices.
The subscriber also proposes to keep a full
nnd varied assortment of
Cooking-, Parlor and Heating Stoves
of the most approved Ucsig-tis.
;'?TSrOrTIXC1 svnaUOOFIXC; made to order
and warranted perfect in manufacture and ma
terial. ItKl'AIKlMi promptly attended to.
All work done bv me will be done ri-rhf and
on fair terms, and all STOVES and WAKE sold
by me can be depended upon as to quality and
cannot be undersold in price. A continuance
and increase of patronage is respectfully solici
ted, and no effort will be wanting to render en
tire satisfaction to all.
Ebensburg-, Oct. 13, l70.-tf.
Mamiliicturer and1 TJcaler In
a ix ki:.ts or
.c. ISO nI I.VJ liuio-t Slrcet,
1 teds teat is,
Chamber 5-cts,
I'arlor Sets,
Ward robes.
Hook Cases,
Cane Chairs.
Wood Se;il 'l.a:rs.
Kitchen i'uriiituie,
H'-d Loui ses,
Extension Tables,
1 i 1 1 i ti ur Tables,
t upboarns.
i:e., &e., &c., &c. Sec, &c, &c, &e.. Are., ie., &c.
made to order in excellent style nnd at. low
prices. Caliiuct and 'hairmakers' materials of
all kinds for sale. 1'urnil ore deli vered at any
point in Johnstown or ut iiailroad station free
of extra charge. WM. 1'. I'AXXOX.
Johnstown, Oct. 13, lSVO.-tf.
Special attention pi von to the collection of
claims in I'.lair, Cambria, Huntingdon, LVdford,
Centre and Clearfield counties.
1'arties wishing- to purchase, rent, lease, sell
or e.Tchaupe real estate will find it prcally to
their interests to call on or address me.
J '"'Correspondence in either Enirlish or Ger
man solicited.
Hkkf.hkxcks Wm. Mann, Esq., Mearj. Mor
pan. Lush Si Co.. C.en l C. H. T. (Ollis, Philadel
phia; Mcsm-s. J. T. Way & Hro.. M. Gormlev,
Ks;., II. II. Swoojie, Esij., l'ittsbnrp; lion. Jolin
Scott, Huntingdon ; Hon. S. IS. Hhiir, Ilolli. lavs
burp: Hon. 1J. V. Kose, Aitoona; 1). W. Woods,
Es!.. LewNtowu: Cyrus i-".lil!r, Esq., Johnstown;
Win. 1'. Wilson. Esq., JJellcfoutc. ll-lJ.-ly.J
E A L E 5? T A T E A Ci E N C Y
-- OF 'r
OIice in t'olonailc lloiv.
Several parties wish to secure Houses in Eb
ensluirp at fair rent.
Houses and Lots are for vent on fair terms." -
Give us a description and price of what you
have for rent.
Let us know what kind of a House or House
and Lot you wish to secure as a tenant.
Have you fl F, 1 1, or PEIlStJXA V I'JifiPKIi
TY you wish to sell, or do you wish to buy ?
tf!Oiir terms ore reasonable for all services
relative to above matters. See "Ieal Estate
Gazette." G L . W. OATMAN & CO.
Ebensburp, Ecb. 4. IbTL-tf.
HAVING been commissioned bv Gover- :
nor Geary to act as A I'V'J fOS'LHH in :
: and for the Eorouph of Ebensburp, I am :
now prepared to receive and sell at l'ublic "
; uction nil kinds of Goods, Wares,. Mer- "
ehandise, &c, and a!sonttent to theduties :
j of uctiouccr at all sales of Iinds, Tene- :
: ments, Live Stock, Household Furniture, :
&-:., &c, within the liiuitsof said Itorouph. '
Terms mntleratc. Inquire at No. IK) Hipli '
Street. ?.f. ,. OATMAN, '
: Ebensburp, pril 22, lbTl.-tf. :
And Work Warranted! jf$ H
MONUMENTS, Tomb Stoxes. nr-'fryr '
itr.AU and Tahi.eToi-s. mado ofViR.
the finest Italian Marble and in stvle lk-s2
any manufacturer. Give me a call
before decidinp upon purchasinp or ordering
worit cisewnere. jAMliS
Loretto, April 22, ISTl.-tf.
IXrilSIC! MUSIC!! The "Listers
Jcsiiis n t tie 11 AX w. jg-j"
Ml'lnril'ilM nr. A 11 1 - F -4--''"Jiilri.
rviir OKtiAN .nt any
time after Easter.
tf"l'r terms appty
to the Superioress, Sis
ter M. Hoktensk, or to ltev. R. C. Ciikistt,
Lhnrpes moderate.
Ebensburp, April 1, 18V1. tf.
IV I f 'oito Union School House,)
est ar.l, lXonl,uw, I'a. M. M. O'NEILL,
rroprietor. s.,,iU-9 and 7rrrri inado and i
jairei! and all other work in my line executed
In the best oinner on the shortest notice, and
Ut most reaaonablo rates. Ll-tJ.-tf .4
frwwggft "I
t hi v; t. -
Her frunt name was Maria the reft
of lier appellation is uniraportaiit. I i
loved to call her Maria and bho loved to j
call me Geogie.
Take the three graces, nine muse,
Vic. Woodhull and halt' a dozm Venuses
de Medici, and sling 'cm all into a con
glomerate heap, and you have the perfect
imaga of ray charmer.
15eautifu.ll Oh, my! As I picture
her in vay mind's eye I am thrown into
the most violent ecstatic jimjams, and I
am compelled to take several refresh
ments to keep down my transports.
Her cyes, ear?, nose, chin and watch
chain were incomparable, and she tripped
over the pavements, in her No. 2 gaiter?,
with the grace of an imported English
1 would have done anything for that
damsel short of dying for her. I couldn't
do that ; my friends esteemed my life too
I lavished fractional currency upon her
at all hours of the day and nijrht. Ice
cream venders and five cent soda water
merchants knew me as familarly as I do
my own washerwoman, and their money
tills fairly groaned with the evidence of
my prodigality.
P.ut tho fair one that I thus nourished
under my waistcoat tamed to be a boa
constrictor of extraordinary dimensions,
and stun" mc. Ois, how deeply ! I feel
it away down ia my boots.
I called on her ona S.vbbath mornin?
as usual, to tako her to church. Siie
received me affectionately, 1 may say
gushingly, but excused herself on account
of a depressing headache.
l'oor littlo thing! My heart must
have bled about a copful at her anguish,
and I couldn't refrain from giving her
a cent's worth of peppermint drops on the
spot, to comfort her in her siflllction.
ihe fell upon my diamond cluster and
wept, whilst my side whiskers .piivered
with agony. 1 imprinted a boiling' kis
upon her plaster-pat ia brow, and then tore
"myself away from her entwining arms I
proceeded to church alone, took a free
seat, and was soon intensely wrapt in tny
I hadn't been there long before 1 hap
pened to turn my eyes around, when, O,
shades of Susan 1J. An thony ! what a
heart-lacerating, boiler busting, cholera
mot bus sight burst upon mc in till its
hidoousuc.-ss. M.tria, my Miri silting
aLf.g with another fellow, clnnving cream
drops and pnzing r.duiii ingly u; on his
lacquered mustache. 1 kne.v him, Hora
tio, a deMroyer of rank cigarn and a noto
rious gormandizer of f:ee lunehe.v
I tried to become interested in the ser
mon after that, but I couldn't do it, and
in my rage I'm afraid I placed a ten cent
stamp, of a dubious nature, on the collec
tion plate. I staggered home and didn't
do anything else all that aftern on but
lie in bed, dunking bottled I iger and
fighting nvsquitoes, niy spirits v.erFo
much depressed. 1 determined to call
upon the perfidious Maria that evening
and renounce her in a No. 1 style.
The imntle of night was gradually be
ing sopped ever the tenestnd sphere, I
when I minhl have been Been iv-r!.'irfr m v i
r ... ... '
way upon my stern mission ct duty, my
raven locks gently fl iatin in the evening
breeze and ray tiht boot.s ocuasiontilly
extracting a sigh cf distress, bat on, on,
I pursued my course until I arrived a the
domicile of ber who was once the idol of
my affections.
I found her in the garden all nlone, at
least'that was the flattering unction that
I laid unto my unsuspecting poul.
. m ,i . .
31ana, says L in a sort of a
wuiow voice, ".Maria ! tias it come to
lliia? After all the stamps I've Iavithed
upon you, not to mention the iqjeczin9
and hugings which I have performed free
of charge, tube thus piven what ia vul
garly termed 'the dirty shake!' O,
ingratitude! Thou gog'e eyed monster
how sharper than a bed bug's toe nails it
is to be treated in 8iich a manner!
' Georgie, Georgie !" she exclaimed,
bursting into a handful of tears, ' It's all a
mistake, I assure you, it's all a mistake."
4I should think it waa a mistake," I
replied, my necktie heaving wiih emotion,
"a mighty big mistake to prefer that Ions
legged snoozer to t'ae first-clasa individual
who now addresses you. Let ma but
ence get a crack at his lemon, and I'll "
I didn't have time to fimgh the threat
on account of my coat collar being
grasped from behind by some body's
claws, and in a moment after, a most
furious and uncomfortable bombardment
was instituted against my coat tails by
somebody's patent leathers, followed by an
ungentlemaidy blow upon my steak "pul
verizers and winding up by slinging me
over the garden wall, with no more re
gard for my feelings than if I yvas a de
funct feline.
I haven't felt the slightest desire since
then to go near that place to find out who
that was that violated the sanctity of rav
person upon that occasion. I have my
suspicions though. I learned that Maria
married that free luncher a week after
wards. I am somewhat inclined to think now
that the tears she was in (Le habit of
soaking my shirt front with, were more
the ciFects of onions than of her tender cmo
tiuns. At any rate I have concluded to
wash my hands of tho sex. having gained
nothiug by my dealings with them, to far,
but a set of false teeth and a patent truss.
I bear no particular enmity towards
that free luncher, but if his wife should
maks it necessary for him to put his caput
in a sling some line morning, he needn't
come to me for sympathy or brown paper
and vinegar, that's all.
Waits O'Clock. .
One for the Old Ldy. An old lady
recently was brought as a witness before
a bench of magistrates, and when asked
to take off her bonnet obstinately refused
to do so, saying: ''There's no law com
pelling a woman to take off her bonnet.''
Oh," imprudsntly replied one of the
magistrates, "you know the law, do you?
Perhaps you would like to ; come up . and
sit here and teach us V "So, I thank
you, sir," said the woman, tartly ; "there
are old wootcu enough there pow,"
air Vigor,
For restoring to Gray Kair its
natural Vitality and Uoior.
A dressing
which is at j
once agreeable, !
healthj, a n d j
effectual for ,
preserving the
hair. It soon
restores fatted ',
or gray hair
to its original j
color, with the
gloss and freshness of youth. Thin
hair is thickened, falling hair checked,
and baldness often, though not always,
cured by its use. Nothing can restore
the hair where the follicles are de
etroyed, or the glands atrophied aud
decayed; but such as remain can b
saved, by this application, and stimu
lated into activity, so that a nerr
growth of hair is produced. Instead
of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
i from turnintr Cray or fallinc: off, and
J consequently prevent baldness. The
restoration of vitality it gives to the
! scalp arrests and prevents the forms-
tion of dandruff, which is often so un
cleanly and offensive. Free from those
deleterious substances which make
some preparations dangerous and inju
rious to tho hair, the Vigor can only
benefit but not harm it. If wanted
merely for a HAIR . DUESSLNG,
nothing else can be found so desirable.
Containing neither oil nor dye, it does
not soil white cambric, and yet lasts
long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy
lustre, and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.J
Practical and Analytical Clieaildtd,
Cherry Pectoral,
For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs,
such aa Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
and Consumption.
Amonc the frreat
discoveries of modern
ir--.?. ? science, few are
more real value to
mankind than this cf- .
fectual remedy for all
diseases of the Throat
and Lu!!". A
trial of its virtues ;
throughout thia and
other countries", has :
shown that it does ',
surelv and efTectuullv ,
control them. The testimony of our best citi- !
zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that j
Cherry I'f.ctoral will and does relieve and
cure the aillicting disorders of tho Throat and t
Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most '
dangerous atlections of the Pulmonary Organs
yield to its power; and cases of Coiisump- !
tion, cured by this preparation, are public- '
ly known, so remarkable as hardly to Le be- j
lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. 1
As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public !
may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, j
the forerunners of more serious disease, it paves I
i .... 1 ... - . 1 t . c .1 - -
not to be comnuteJ. It challenges trial, and con-
vinces tho most sceptical. Even-familv should i
.cep it on u.'tnu as a proiecuon against ine euriy
and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections,
which "re easily met nt hrst, but which become
incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten
der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to
be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset the Throat
and Chest of childhooJ, Chehky Pectoral
is invaluable: for, bv its time!v use. multi
tudes are rescued from premature graves, aud !
saved to the love and affection centred on them.
It r.j .ni..IM. .. - A .... , : 1 1 ..IJ.
i l pjjti:u.i mi..! siuciv cij;uiiisi oruiiKii v cuius, ;
; ?ccaring sound and health-restoring sleep. So i
one will sutler troublesome Influenza aud pain- j
ful Uroncliitis, when they know how easily j
thev can be cured. j
Originally the product of long, laborious, and i
successful chemical investigation, r.o cost or toil I
is spared in making every bottle in the utmost
fiossible perfection. It may be confidently re- :
ied upon as possessing all the virtues it has" ever
exhibited, and capable of producing cares
memorable as the greatest it has ever effected.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
Er. Creel's
A ri'iiiftly whu-ii l,. ,. .,i fstec I
for Hi yr.-.r-, an I pr r;.,) in i
mids ol c;i"Os, r:ip.-4l! of ourin" il 1
Zirsues cf tio Tc.-cii &1 tit -5; 7r I
:orm ng mnnv rem:rk:Me cures '
merits a iiinl from all wbo are suf- t
A-rmir from Him nil .-r inns ana I
VRinlv jaekin r-lirf. Till r-i Igi 1
prs;aa:ce jrcvat jzi his. Miss "-Ki ilsol
C:bs-j as. tdis. T!ie rrnc2'ts sry it cures them nil
r" v"."- rul""' B"'1 ''lire- of it nre marve'ous.
i;5;t:;I':l'"y uti"-r;r yi find rVUe aud cure rcjutre onlv a few doses.
rrA-J'i353--lla '''ire.lcases pronounced inenmble
T , u uve rpf;'";lor ot this organ
Lj..:,. jts healthy action on th inmhni,..':.
C-fco:" if in "P';V,n8 n-n'J "I'l-' rf-storiR.
z7C-K'-l-slr' r-?'Jreir,-a ls.':"-kodand prompt
nu itiVlT "of Cr,Ti!:J,s ri,-hin ,he rnedicnal
PHfe;l. not only f.,V e XKTutraS
t.ut it rapidly rc.;r; citscited str:a2ti. e "a"sc3 th,
einM 'fit'T L',Cr HD,'1 1''"'- them "ownrk
causes 1. ? food to digest, an-i mnkes pure Lloo.l
"" ii ou nr alllictej in nnvnav uoL-nntir.
to." I-repnred onlby tLTVES CSCCS CO sSu bl
Druggists everywhere: " boId b
Z-cisc- Cf tho rre- or .CS. ""rlt?
Try one Iiou.-f&'Z
Prepared ontv hr '"fcfaii.
CCC3 S CO.. Birtm. fl
' 0 1 "J
: ,J " Jinierum, ami India all
possessm- womlertul well-known el nitive
p.owors, and are otlorod to all peoi.le of wiV,.
ever kintdiu. land, nation, n!,!. oV color
for thSVuro of ,UU ever discove red
Loss of Appotito, Indijrostion, Liver Comprint
J.eneral 1 eh.hty, T),arrl,.a, IlvseTitery.' l'lnx
f rainp. It. lousiioss. Headache, OholeraVl hoierl Chills, tWer and Aruo, and for the re
l f and curHof Atleelionsof the HUdder VT?
Klilnoys, Pains in t ie Pack n.i rVi. J
Frnptive Iiseasc:s; fcucli as Scrotlila Toniol-s
IS.0' aiiS:il-' -5 impurity of the
(For8aIe.brallirurarista. - trj:IO.-ly.l
wtt-1--? ifum v-.-v
V.-.-it.b. ''S use dereiidiiiir o h.,.V j ' j
??J3 'iiionr.f the l loo,l. tnke t" C-Kif C-
ATl! U'e t'fSt IOI11C MPDnrnf.-rtr. i
-A true medicine, mannfnctnrod from piire
juices or vital principles of Herbs, Koots, ItirK
1 lowers. &;.. embracing twentv-one specie
fou nd'srrow n iron the rr,,i.'..r, ' -..f ,V' v"
Hundreds of Thousands
Ecar trutimony to tritr Wonicr-
Z, p
c 2
ti . '
m a
B 2
C S o
1UJ tumuve r-uttio.
c S
5 h a
i - "5
S " a
" - s.
' : g f,
j -r
5 ?,2
H - a
C 1 lit. X Jll,x. ' r ;
-. l TT V-rT A TTT V
JSimm til
V J-' ) & 1 '' 1 ' l'M-J O 5i !"
44 s I FANCY DRINK.rfir!
Made of Poor Knin, Wbltker, Trof Spirits j
end IlcfuB Liquors doctored, talced andnwcct- ;
encd to plcasotUe txstc, called " Tonics,"" Appetiz- '
ere," " Kcstorcrs," c, tUat lead tte tippler on to
dru'nkeunif 3 and rulu, bet arc a true Medicine, mado
from the Katlve Eoota icd Herbs cf California, Irco
from nil Alcoholic Kliiuulciits. They tie tli .
GIVIXti rUINC'IPLEaicr:cct IU; ovatcr aiid
Invlgorator of tUe StUn:, carrying off tlJ poiixinoLa
matter and reetorimj the Llood to a healthy condition.
Ko person can take these Enters accordi-a io Circe- ;
tion ar.d rciuaSn lor. nnwell.
SlOO v-!tc given for aa tefnralls cafe, prevlficd
the boiV8 arc tct dectroyed ty mineral pciicn or
other incaiiE, OLd th3 vilal c-rfcai-S &slcd IctuliICo ;
poir.t of repair. !
For Iuflnmnmlory r.nd C'LronIc Khcurin
tia fvud (iuut, I)yficssia, r Iu!icetlou, j
IJiiicti-, Ki-ii:i!W ut natl lutrrmittcct Fevers
UlM-RKCsuf lluillood, l.ivcr, Kidntjf, aud .
lllad!cr. thete Hitters Lave been ir-ott eucccsc
fal. hucli Uiseaac are caurcd ty Vllintrd
Blood. v. h!cht;vc-ral!y produced by dcrai.ili:cLt i
ef the I)Isrrf.livc Orifaus.
ache, l'aiu in tho Shoulders, Counts, Tijf?iti-cr. or tLa
Chett, Dizzincsc, Eour Ernctttions of the Etemach,
Ead taatc in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, rlpitaUcn ,
cf tho Ucart, Inflammation of the Langs, Taiu in tho :
regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other jaiiJul '
eyrapioms.are ine oi!i"prinBci iyjfcptpbia.
i.i..t ' . . i." . v. .... i .-1 ...... .v.. P
-.iil liver nnd tioTrrlfi-irhleh render theci of nncanallrd ! asseitl'tl ; l-llt it ;
efflcacy in. cleansing the blood cf all Unpuritica, and j er of them vtr iitil (
imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. I Dillon C tlhl rt-i(-at
i' lilt BlVl.i i;i3.SBL?i uu;uuia, .
IJieuin, Blotches, Spots, Fluiples. I uttules.Eoile, Ctx-
! hcncler., Ilicg-'U'orEiB, Ecald-IIcad, Eore Eyes, Eryslp
; clas. Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Iluuuors
' aud Diseases cf the hliin, of whatever liiuie or caturo,
are literally uujj up and carried out of tho system Jn a
Short time by the ee of these Pitters. One bot'le la
I e uch cases will convince the most icrcdulaus of their
I curative effect.
j Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find itj
j laipuritic3 bursting through the ekia la rirnpies, Ernp-
tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed
' and '.uggih in the veins ; cleanse it when it is f ju!,
and your fcelinps will tell you when. Keep the blyod
pure and the hralth of the tystcm will follow.
P1X, TAl'Eand other YVOIi3l, lurking in tho
tystcm cf so many thoufands, ere cUcctualiy ilctroy
"d and removed. Tor full directions, rctul carefullj
hc circular arcund each bottle, prLit.d lu Our lan
guages Englisli, German, French and Spanish.
; J. 'WALKER, Proprietor. K. 11. McDOX ALD & CO.,
prugjista ar.d Gen. .Agents, San Francisco, Ctl
and S3 and S4 Commerce Street , Sew Vert.
! Contains T.O LAC SULPHUR No SU
GAR of lead-No litharge-
entirely free frcm the Poisonous ' adde-'r,:iil:ati"n, ;irjr. ? . .i
and Health-destroying Drugs used j uvaTor'Vomv'r
-ii ii! . n . . -
in other Hair Preparations.
Trnnsparent nnd clear nsciVFtal, it will
soil tho tm'-t fabric i-rfe t ly ,AIT, CLEAN
nnu i.i- r it ii.: 1 , Mosnlcrattmis softiiiT ;
It restores and prevents tho Hair from bo- i
com in jr ti my, iiu parts a soft, jrlossy 2ipe:u aiu-e, ,
rMndi i- I in Tflti 1 :r tu iuu.i un.i a-..r..... 1. t
bead, elieeks the Hair frotn falling- otr, and re- f d to him, he COu!J I.
s-toies it to a jrreat extent lion prematurely ' verse: or if tho I.
lost, prevents i ljala he. cures all b.uuiors. en"- , ,
tanenus oruti. in, and nnnatnral heat AS , w f re named, Le C'U 1!
Vii7si;, J"l Tlu: "AH: IT 16 THE UIT . A oentleman, to '.e?t h:n. r; ;
1)K. ii. MI11I. l'at. nt.e. Avor. Mn. TV- Pl,rI'0-J mak'.rg o. e vet l A
pared only by I'KoCTtWt I!f:)T!M.'lS, til. mi- Ahck hesitated, named 1 ho
eot r, Ma. Thojronnino is pur up in a panel 1 passage is to be f und ! ut
tiottle. made cxm-ess v f.r:t witl ih.,..,.. : ln lu "-c i-i-"".
tho urtiele bhiu'ii in t be yl:i4. A k our 1 mti"-- ' pointed out the
pist for A-li r.-f. S JiAUt IiKSTuiiA I I I L, ' gentleman fi.vked l;;m to r
and tal:p no other. , , , ,
Sen.! two three cent st.nnrs to Pmnr,, ! vtrs9 ,f the trCVO: th in:
ItmiTHKhp fora "Treatise on the Ilmuan Hair."
Tho information it contains is worth iO'At to auy
J ?n-or sale by Ll'.MMOX & Mt'IIliAV. Dniff
trists. A:u Ebeiibuiy. I'a. 1.1 u tic 3, 'Tl.-ly.j
mm ism;,
i u-CwU aLA,U iJwL GixLiTi!:
i 7TTT A '
! !t 'X
j Jt--t-
V ING icccntly cnlarped our stock
e nre now prepared to sell at a rreat
on from former prtes. Our stock con-
s sts ot Drugs,, Tci fiiricrv, Fancr
Soaps, Leon's. llnir3 aud Aliens lLur Restor
ntives. I'ills, Ointments, Thisters. Liniments,
1 ;nn jvniers, 1 urate inciiesia. Ksg Jamaica
Cincer, Pure Flnrorinjr Extracts, lser.ces, iadulger.c?. which drains awy : '-v -T ,'
Lemon Syrnp, Sootbinp: Svrup, Spiced Svrup, income. The water runs ac tuer c
Rhubarb I'ure Spices. &c."; " j nel. He has luiilt a f-'iir . t--iT ' ' TZ '. "V,
I'crknirep, I'ipes, jkc.
ZfT o hnye added to our stock a lot of
FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite
the attention of the Lndie.
than everoiTered in (his place.
Paper aud Cirs sold either wholesale or re
July 0, ISCi?. Mniu Street, Ebeusburg.
1EN Ll.STHr.nie undersigned,
-M-Jr graduate
ot the Balii
more Coi'ego
of Dental Sur
pery, respect
fully on'era bi-
serrlees to the
citizens of Lb-
eusourg ana Ticinity, which place he will visit
on the fourth Monday of each month, to re
main one week.
... -
aiioo29;i, .Pa.,
i,iariKiooRs, l'ceds Isotesand flonds; Cap.! full blooded bays in the IVfc. U ';i
Iost Commercial and all kind? of Note Paper; j lv "rand entertainmei ts. n.l th?: e
Lnvelopes, Tens, IVr.cils, ArnnM's Writinc T 1 i -iT . . i, , v 1 the rS
Fluid, Black and Rod Ink,. Pocket aud Pass f,b,,,s,at ''T ar.i
Books MoPa2ies, Xewspapers. Novels, Il,3 fec.1 onefr rhe ';Ilist.f .! tl
tones. Bibles. Kelieious.rraverand Tor ltnnt- Pru5e of liff" are JrawtriXiff ..r
Operative and Mechanical DENTIST ! sjr" uri hcr e -fat and
Ofhca removed 1 iro-;,;,, t
the Lutheran church. Persona from Cambria ! A Warsaw reporter ssiv a war
county or ehewhere wh.i get work done bv rue ! w'Tes d widows t-f Warsaw, an I 1 ' r
All wore warantki
",c"'"u liireuwue'.eu irom their bills. saw a war Ii!te t!;e war we s.t '"
i s: ats or
Memf.ry is nearly"--
'v: '-fa,,', -
l'"--y,';. .
Wl,.. ; .
r, ain in r,
ry hln uli e fim,
.J" i-.'t.-:
oilier ; why tl Fr?r -
frono nienirr f r f . n";
uur i')T ri lifts ; wj.y i 'i
some ..-....
aie prcl.lcrrs sti:5 u....'. . '. :.' ,a !: i;
tent've hcriitr.v r "H'-t:;:
1 !.e mi-nv ry f,.r f;.,:., ,
' ei'.Kcr l.y its
I.nxfon, n.
Z xp. O'llinrn aio jr..
j known to i.c-i i !?r!.i:; 5
; tl Sijsm-x eaten! --r
! eveiy !ny y;nei; !.;
; was doing :m that h
i fther Urarp? fri:..s
1 heavy, igr.orant ",-
' of liis one Rfqtiirep er
j The memory r f !,,.
' tinct family, in f.r .,,
1 recorder iti-tancti3. M
t..0 . . . ,
c.T.ver.-p, m l:
the natives, of
wpe urnif-r liis -.v;,v.
at' cirs to have ha i' tf.;
er tJrgrw lii-in a':v ' :
!ivcd. While x -,
lie lenrre.f Lit 71. (;.
Spanish, l'.ci .r'., f;; .r
h r:f -- r a ; . 1
ties, i e 'v-r.a! t! y ' '
nt the at: "f f rtv-t!
qepirite' with I' !!'
l.Mi'sh. II .-' Mi. p ,'j.J
Ti:iki.-h. I - i 1 , . WW'.,
an I:i'c;:i'i.n . I Ivrir.:,
with tl:e ?ar.:.Ts v. :
el, v hi!'' to Ar.ii '
erit, K -r (; r.-:
.S-jmarifun, Ct.ii:'. '
siiiinri :ir:.; thcr A-:.;';
At tiic f;m:' (.f .J.. -.,'
( ' 1 r I -
f r
tl Ml
1 1
w rite t !
ly in iin re thnri k 1 ,
All thf n -C' !.:.:
are poor coijiin re-. v
many cf theiu are "
Ju!iii K- nib'e iti t -1
a w hv: r of I: p
ami GT.'-:;i! (.!
; rt if-
tiauis fit a r.ewpaj-'
oe-t;"g5:t. D'ui:: t i
Ucu:-e of C'ii,t!;--t.. :
onp i f the 11, f-;;A s
SCtlt 1' tO the i.f. V. -p ;
lt;e llr tie in th" tvn
he t li,3 t t:r.e rti 'ji'u.i
written it. J (.: '
1 Norfolk, c
scrr!i"n, :v.i v. r ie
' ivr-
turbinj; 1 o lit; t .:i x
' his written tea w. t
nir.r.iisci t. S
l: 1 , .
verges or more ;f
1 .
g e tin.c S nt . a ;
, wonU after h-;i: n - : '.
; vh.j had a j 1. (iii r.
. 1 1 a he vere t A
niiLU:cript, w!.!i-h w
the n' snie ti::.e
I he LaJ !:i.-t it. I t-,.--'ut
as njcuh es ht c
? uj.011 tt;-e latter, p.- p
wrote out the wi,,.:
I of the o!d hisi..-ii u s ,i
I renic-tuber the r.a;. t- -
1 irr.mi.rjse arnsy. Ti
' ho could rehearse f
v t:,
' vvhelhtr te;!.;e ' r :
t:tted. aiul th n u-i c.' :
! r.rder without tr.akii l: 1
! phjsieian of M.-sc: -i- :
! tiny ag'-. c.'tiid r- j eit t;
i Lo.-t w.tliout n,is:. !;.-. u
! reail it fur twi-hry ye :
I niathermticiAi, whr-r, he
j repeat the ho'e of Vii-;
I renurultr the Erst lir.e
every-f a;e f tlii j..:
he had brcu accuttv u.
came Hind.
Ore kind of rct?r.
considered as th re?'.i
i lh; is Iirqi.ier.tly s-i-' i. ! y ; :i
not : Lie life in regard to the . .A:.
garman at Stilling, kr.
ago a? Blind Al'ck. nfi"
this. -lie knew the w !..
hett : inscn-.uch tha'.
k. cL.ui-r
tive ti e is
nt -'
i v -'
:t '. c
. t, f M':.
CTT T. 1-'j:
r i f I1. i
A'.i :'-e
Nun 1 hers. Alirk uim
"'I here i? i.o sulIi v r
onlj cigLtv-Lius virc
RvitnJ. OLD LrVET3APB D'- C'tv
serve a sad f.illinsr ; IT wu-i
Lovetrade. He was . ro a
I.. j- e Vr
r.v r.t-
coutribut r to every ei-U'r:
1 hern was a fiii'l strt:n I." r.l
piuse, which watered niv.v ,i f
Iiut now, he sies r-.neiy nn I -ia
to pay 1 I suspect that s r e-"
Hie falls he h:is cpeiu.1 a .- y cti.
greedy outlet the bouLte us
once made mane a heart crttri w:'-
V ? -
-- - J r- tj
He erdy trickles now ; he used t 1
Love trade will never bo a rich
"towards God" until he st. ; n: ll 3,: r;
pipe of nelflsb fxtravazirce. l -I
current flow back in ther'.i l y-xe' .'I.
day he is sorely ternpli;,- P: v-10, '
rupt him ; for W.s t rvsreii y i t'--1 ' ''"t
him intoA spiritual paaptr. Th-?
it is that Lovetrade is ta:i:t::'5 c:! V
bad example, aad his sis: .v f'T:r, 'V j
are Ending imitators in the
church he "ratrenizei" by hi irt.-f
-An enormous wodiid,-
: , . l!'f
nao. is now on exhibition in i-M1 ". ' s!j
age is eaid to be -22 years, as 'i '"I'j'ltg
pennd. She measures seven feot r' sdj
body, tweDtysix inches ar in.d ''''i.'-s.
three feet n'x inches across the ;-r!!'','"t ,
It is ad.lod that, unlike ruoft ht ri'ji
larce lady ia able to just iin .erf 1' ,.,,)
, - iiaut4ri. tuv i
! ' lu-.t in the ICA
exertion m V..,,.l..-n- I U'.'"r
: v.
front" T hiar of him as .iririrr P
c-muuiiuu ion uonarsara upwaid.will , that or all th wars we ever .-.- T tv9
Jan. 21, lPC!).-tf. wives and widows cf Warsaw,