- 21 1 ! ' k T i j Onr J5rrai) pnsluf. A OTTLtJ cmi.t hearing the text given out in church, "And the . child waxed strong," asked : "Papa, how did they wax .1 him?" "Wiix did Adam bite the ipp!e V snid the school-master to one of his pupil?. "Because ho had no knife," replied the urchin. Who is vi 3? lie that is teachable. "Who is mighty? lie that conquers himself. Who is rich? lie that is contented. "Who is honored ? He that honoreth others. A T'tsT cf Religion. Youthful 71-quisiior.-r-Ma, is 2Ir. Jcnc3 a good Chris tian ? Mother. Why, I presume so, Tommy ; vcJiy do yao ask ? Tommy. 'Cause he don't smell of his h at when he goes up the aisle, like all the deacons do ! Law and Pm-sic. When Dr. IL and ; Sargent A. were walking arm-in-arm, a Irag said to a friend : ' "They two are just equal to one Ligh wayman." Why f was the response. "Because," rejoined the wag, "it is a lawyer and a doctor your money or your life." ' - An Alabama editor having read an ar ticle in Hairs Journal of Health advising that husband and wife should sleep in sep erate rooms, says: Dr. Hall can sleep when and where he choo?es, but, for him self, he intends to sleep where he can de fend his wife against the rats and all other . nocturnal foes as long as he has got ona - to defend. ' . ' The other "day, at Toledo, Ohio, a cat . tie dealer received pay for a steer which he had sold to a butcher, and rolling tho greenbacks into a small wad, put them into his tobacco box. Shortly after, he extracted, as he thought, a portion of the tobacco, but with all of his mastication, could express none of the savory juice, and finally took his quid out of his mouth to look at it, when he found he had been chewing his roll of greenbacks. He stood aghast for a moment, and then burst out, - "cuss the luck I a tvlole ttcerct one cltatsr A gentleman sojourning at a hotel went down stairs about midnight to ret a mustard poultice for his wife, who was suffering with a cold, and in his agitation mistook the room on his return and went into one where there waj a light burning dimly as the one he had left a room al together similar, and apparently his wife in bed, fast asleep. He applied the mus tard poultice to her chest, and sat quietly at her bedside till it began to draw. It -did draw ; it drew an infuriated "scream from' the young lady who had been the subject of hi3 unconscious solicitude. At the sound of the unaccustomed voice the nature of the accident which had befal-. len him and his patient wa3 at once visi ble, and he rushed headlong from the arms of the mustard woman into the arms of his own. Both parties told their story the next day to the great amusement of the other guests. 1037. spring. 1067.' TO X R E & LANDELL, Fourth ana Arch, rhlU'dt, ARE OPENING FOR SPRING OP 1S67 : 8 Cases Select Shades of SILKS, Fashionable PLAID SILKS, BISMARCK, tho New Color SILK, Best BLACK SILKS in Town, PLAID INDIA SILKS. Perfect, New Soring DRESS GOODS, . New Style Spring CHINTZES, ORGANDIES of Newest Styles, Steel-Colored Poplins, for Suits. N. B. STAPLE Housekeeping GOODS. Fresh Stock CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and TWEEDS, for Youths. "" P. S. Merchants in seirch of scarce and -desirable Goods will find it their interest to .call and. examine cur stock. ap.4.-Ci. 7? AID! FOR SALE. Tho sub- "- scriber offers for sale a piece of land situate in Cambria township, Cambri.ifeoun ty, three miles West of Ebensburg, on the Stone Turnpike. The tract contains 50 acres, 35 of which are cleared and in good condition, with a . two-story square LOG HOUSE, good BARN, an excellent Spring of water at the door, and a fine youn or chard cf ell 'selected Fruit. An indisputa ble title will be given. Terms will be made easy. Persons desirous of purchasing will call upon J. II. DARR. Altoona, - or R. L. JOHNSTON, Ebensburg. April 4, 1857.-3mV , . . ., PTSSOLUTION of PAHTNER- SHIP. The pattnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name and style cf Cole & Bartaricb, in the manufacture cf Lurcher, ia thi3 day dissolved by mutual consent. JOSKPII COLE, FRANCIS J. BARBARIC1I. Ca.rrolltov.-n, March 27, 1837. .The business will hereaftsr be ecruh-.cfed by Messrs. Barbiirich, JIcAleer Haag, under the esse and style of et. BARE AIllCII & CO. 1 ca ETA1I ! ? i lias no super i r5 y.7,-,r?-7.ft Ml? TtS. t r .. -ill i . . n . 'W Afc is proaonncea Maiuess ny aa who have used It, acd it is predict?! that it will supersede all ether Curtain Its turf a row ia ttse.. .Fcr sil by GT0. IIUNTL'-Y. - rooiriNG. part or L ING STOVES, at Cosi.fr C;, ro ttatil ths 1st cf ILw, at Feb. 23. GO-.ITJNTLEY'S - -GEHEBAL- KERCHAfJDISE. ; ; C.. -s ? -w jf r r AND SMALL PROFITS, AND SMALL PROFITS AND SMALLtPROFITS,' GURLET'S NEW CHEAP STORE, . GBRLEY'S NEV CHEAP STORE, GURLEY'S NEW' CHEAP STORE, ' . ' " EBENSBURG, PA. ' ' : ' ., ' : . r EBENSBURG, PA. ' . ' : - EBENSBURG, PA. ; : : The Largest Stock of Goods. The Best Selected and. the Greatest . Variety ever brought to Town. . ' : LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, ' . LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. .- The subscriber calls the attention of the public to the , fact, that he has just received and opened out in his New Store, a Iare stock of goods, consisting of ,. - , FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, Bran. Fish. Bacon and Cheese; Sugar, Cof fee, Tea, Molaspes, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Candles, Soap, Vinegar, &c &c. .. '.' NOTIONS, DRUG S, PERFUMERY, Stoneware and Earthenware. ALSO, a fine assortment of the best and latest style of Hats. He always keeps constantly on hand Bologna Sausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oysters in can, or half cans,'and al most everything in the eating or drinking line! All of which will be sold at small profit. ..... . . . GEO. gurley; : : Mai-k Stbxet, Ebensbubg, Fa. -. ' January 31; 1867. ' " , ' 4 ' J U piPORTANT TO.EVERYBODY. I'M iwkWti mm Takes pleasure in announcing to the' citizens of Ebensburg and the north of the county generally, that he has recently added to his Rtock a large and complete assortment of SHOES, BUSKINS,' G AITEES, &c., For Ladies7 and Children's Wear,' from the celebrated wholesale manufacturing establishment of Ziegler & Sutton, Philadel phia., This stock comprises everything that is desirable and serviceable in the way of custom-made sewed work, and every article is warranted of the best material and most per fect manufacture. Iu the sale of these goods the subscriber pledges himself to repair free of charge any article that may give way af ter a reasonable time and reasonable Usae. The ladies' are specially invited to call and examine the stock. -'- . r ru-u -Tbe subscriber also, keeps on hand "and. is prepared to 'manufacture -to order BOOTS and SHOES for GentVand Youth's wear, of the very.best material and workmanship, and at prices as reasonable as like work can be obtained anvwhere. ViP-nch Pelf r!ntn mon Calf, Morocco and all ether . kind3 pf j-ieatnor constantly on hand." - - " ttZT Store a Main street,' next door to' Crawford's Hotel. - r.,-l - ffeb21-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. r : CASH CAPITAL $500,000: ' r We are now prepared to : insure LIVE STOCK against both Death and Theft,, in this Jive and reliable Company. Owners of stock havn now the opportunity,. by insur ing with this Company, of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for the loss of their an imals in case of dbath Or theft. ' OWNERS OF HORSES, " Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, Physicians, and in fact all who are to any extent dependant upon the servi ces of their horses in their daily vocations, should insure in this Companv,'and thus derive a protection against the loss of their animals, which are in many cam the sole means of support to their owners. ; " :farm stock. , "r;! Farmers and others owning cattle should avail themselves of t-his means of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in, ' being deprived of tbe:r Cattle, by insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY' OF AMERICA By insuring -in this Company you ex change a certainty for an uncertainty. No man cas tell whether his animals may not be stolen or die through some unforseen calamity. -: ' . . ,,, ' - ; v,;..' v.( , Competent Agents wanted, to teTiom a liberal compensation icSl be paid. Apply to - KERR & CO., General Agents, , April 4, 1857.-Iy. Altoona. Pa- ".. '03- Col. WM. K. PIPER, Ebensburg, has been appointed local agent for the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. T7QREIG H S IIIP P I N G EXCMAr:cI OFFICE.- V; e are nov selling Exchange (at New York Rates ca Lngland, .... Ireland. Scotland. Wales, - Germany, .' Prussia, '..Bavaria,. Wurtensba-g, . I lessen, Eaxoor, " ' Pil.3iym, Switterlacd, Austria, Hanover, Holland, or v ay i ranee . Ar.d Ticieis to t jy Port in Er lul: I, - Scotland, ' Galiforria. Germany, " France, ''. cr ' Aik.J,rKi:a. KERR & CO. PUGAK KETTLES AND EcGXll PANS, bw for cssh. at- - .., ISCELLANEOUS. ui li Hi I i.ii-iuyrab I u.iii j A. mil liiilliu llii :- Ulliiilli, such as common Yinsor Chairs, Fret Back - Chairs, Vienna Chair3, Bustle Chairs, Eim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, ; ' ' ;' Cane Stat Gpirs-- ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRKG SEAT CllimS v - Settees, Lounges, &c.,&c. ' - : CABINET; FUFtrjlTURE : - : of every description and of latest ' ' STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tasted-of '-:tr';:. Thankful; for past favors, he respect fully feolicits a liberal share of nublic natron- are. Clinton street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. I Jan. 31.1857. ., IT? BcrysBURQ fo usdry. ' . r -iLli . The subscri ber announces to the public, that he has repurchased the Ebensburg Foundry and is prepared to furnish his 1 former customers and all others with every description of cast ings usually "manufactured at a country es tablishment. ' He will always keep on hand the best quality of, COOKING STOVES. PARLOR STOVES, OFFPCE STOVES. &c. Also PLOWS, of the - most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS, THRESHING MACHINES and all other articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry i ' , v . He invites the patronage of the' public and w"lt'6e!l at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. - --ft- - ---- - ' EDWARD GLASS ' WORD FEOM JOIIKSTOWN! At their. Stores in ihe Scott JIotiset 7d xin. Stl, " and'en Clinton Street, Johnstown V Have constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable " -. f- ; .. Drv Goods, Boots,' Shoes,' Groceries, and a general variety of NOTIONS, &c. Their stock consists- of almost -every article usually kept in .a retail store, allcf which nave ccen seiesiea wita. care ana are oKerea at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. . "Call and examine for voursdves.- : Feb:23, 1867-tf. "-" '$5 BENSBORG; LITERARY;' DEPOTH : .' 'I -r JAMES t MURItAYVV . 'V' :-'i:i " DEALER IH 1 "v-: ' " ' BOOKS,' STATIONERY. CIG AT TO BACCO;PERF.USIERY, FANCY ; "': . t . soaps, &;., &c.," ; ;i Jn the Room formerly occupied by Dr. Lemon '.- .-r-j .r ff a Drv-g Bkre, 7 r, -;. r : t. ' Mai Btkemv EEssrssrfec : Keeps Blank Books, Envelopes, Paper. Pens, Ink. Pocket Booksr Pass" Books, Magazines, Newspapers. Novels Histories, Pryer and Toy Books, fcc. ; CC?" Stationery and Cigars sold either wholesale or retail. . f f.b21tf. .- EBENSBURG & CRESS0N RAILROAD : On and after Monday, Nov. 19, I8G6, trains on this road will run as follows: " V Leave Ebsnsbubq ; i; ;. : ; ;. At 6.05' A. M., connecting with Baltimore " Express West and Day Express East. At 7.00 P. If., connecting with Phila.Ex. - Eist and Day Express West. . " r Leave Onsssoir r: ' ' " At 8.80- A. M.', or on. departure ef Bait. Express West.', ' ' :'t A t At 8.40 P. H or on;de partnre of the P,hila- delpbia Express We"sr .' 'J' . ; I OHN HICIvEY, Altooxa Pa. , Dealer in 11 JcIntlB ' ' Eousolxold Furnitiird ! LOUNGES, I TABLES, 1 BEDSTEADS SOFAS, - J BUREAUS, WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, ANE,BOTTOMSDv AND : COMMON CHAIRS, &c. ' m ? : NEW FURNITURE WARERQOfj,? , " , JULIA STEEST, KEAB HAEF.IET, .Opposit$the Protestant Episcopal Church, March 71867,-Gm. EAST ALTOONA. fOHN GAY. . W3X. WELSIf. (CL A Y . & c .TV E E S H , , Successors totSajr 4$ Painter, ::" .--'V --'"' ' -WnOLESAlE V",''' ." "': ;" '.'" - . K'SVl DSAIiERS IN . ...r'; '.- FLOUR, PRODUCE. .FISH, SALT, CAR : . ; BON OILS, &o., &c.t . . , Comer Penn and Canal Sts., opposite Grain i levator ' feb23 Pittsburgh. 1'a. HABTET CHJLBS. .". , IXJWS.U! "CEtlUS; r . W.C. MTJEFHEY.'. ' .'..;. , THT C H I L D B & C O. , j-s. W2iolesale Ijenl rs tn, Ljti-', C&.ux, lii.J Lu&i.i L.JI& iiiiilj 133 WUU1J biKtUT, , - V : . ; PITTSBURGH, PA. ' "Agents for the sale of "Hose Mill" fiittnn Ta-rn.- Bagi, Btttlng sad Carpi i Osala.,.- . s T'-fpArea to s:.;n lame 1 f from JLti" ica. ot No. 4, on the Pemi- svlvanii II cr any ether pciut ca tr.e 1'cir.ia. E. R., cr . . . , its tranche i i i. X ILiXj i II. J. LLOYD, rTTrr"-v '- .'n p i -.--.- T r.ivc h DRUG; ;ora t , f n n.?s. W-4 VI? .3is 37.tf.i REAL ESTATE SALES. PRIVATE SALE I Tho snbscri- ber will'Eell the following described Property at Private Sale: One House at Portage Station, on the Pa. R. R., with 2 acre3 of land. Suitable for a Store Boom or a Dwellingr , .'., - One House and SO Acres Land, cn Pa. Ii. B., one half mile west cf Portage, opposite the siding of the Union" Mills cf the subscri ber, and at the terminus of the railroad of Whitr & Co. " " ' - .' Ona House and 2 Acres Land at Portsge. now occupied by Louisa Keepers. A good site for a Store. . .- .-..-; One "Water Power SaV Mill, .within ten rods of the Pa. R." E. one half mile west of Portage, together .with timber , land, 100, 200, or 300 acres, to suit purchasers. The barns and houses on the same cost 1 1,500 when lumber was cheap. ., Or, I will sell the whole tract of 480 acres, with timber enough cn the game to run the water mill for seven years. The property has 1.50Q to 2,000 feet of side tracks con necting with the Pa. R. R." .... : . . A general Warrantee Deed will be given on tea days notice for all the foregoing pro perty, and possession of all houses, etc, will be given on 1st April next. . ; Coil soon,-&s the property will.be disposed cf on or before the 1st ApriL The improvements cost the subscriber $6,000.- . , rr . ...... ,150 Acres of the Land is timbered with good Sugar, and the Land itself is warranted to be as gbed as any in Cambria county. Three creeks pass through the Land, viz: Trout RunMclntosh Ran and Wright's Run. There is COAL on the Land, and any amount of CORD WOOD. , -. . The location Is the only outlet to the coal lands of Burke and the VVm. II. Lloyd & Co. lands. . . . .. ... : ,- ..... ;- , -Two pieces of the Land adjoin the land formerly owned by. Ron. Thos. A. Scott, and kaown as the Si'Coy Farm, t . x One-third the purchase money , will be re quiredjJownj. the balance in six and twelve jnonths.j, f.. ; -; -'.-.-, :j -v,:f -. ;.:.- Ten per cent, will be deducted for cash payments...;; . . . ; " , The property will be sold , in preference to being eeuted,. as the subscriber has not time to collect rental ,. -- ; ;,, The House and Lot, eay 1 Acre of Land, at rl'ortage. now occupied , by : Louisa Keep ers, will be sold low, if sold. soon. Also, the Store Room at the same place, with 2 Acres Band, formerly occupied by Victr Voeghtly sold to him at one time for $725 will now be sold 'for $500.-'; The former will, be sold for 350 cash, or its equivalent,''. ' . WiB Bi HUGHEa .3 . Wlimofe.Feb.il4, 18S7.2m.. !;::t-.v ; :A- TTENTIQNI, ATTENTION! r-The subscriber offers at Private Sale. jon Teasocable terms.; the FARM on -which he now resides, situated 2 J miles north of VV ilmore borough, m Washington township, Cambria couaty, Pa., containing 140 Acreg, 50 Acres of which are in a high state of cul tivation and under good fence.! .The balance is well timbered. . :The property is conveni ent to market, 'churches, sehoolaouses, etc., and has two DWELLING HOUSES and a good BARN thereon erected. .There are two Orchards of choice frnit, never-failing springs of good water convenient to the houses, and water , io every field on the farm.c A Mill seat inferior, to cone in the county is to be had. on ,stTOEg stream flowing through the premises. For further information apply on the premises -or address - - , ,;i . " TERENCE M'ENRUE. - March 7, 1867,-rtf, . . . . Wilmore, Pa. PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ES- -f ." . TATE. 'The subscriber . offers at Pri vate Sale all hi Real Estate, , situated in Clearfield township, Cambria county, adjoin ing lands of Lewis Bargoon,' John Nagle, and others, containing 112 ACRES; having thereon erected a SAW HILL and GRIST MILL. Also, a piece ot ,LAND adjoining the . village of St. Augustine, containing about 40 ACRES, For particulars apply to the undersigned, residing cn the first above mentioned premises. r, WM. BRAND., t Clearfield Tp., March 21, 1887.-lm. , 7- HOTELS. I;.-,.; : J SCOTT; HOUSE, -l: : , llain Street. Johnstovm, Cambria Co., Pa. : - A. ROW & CO., Proprietor's. - ' -S7HIS' HOUSE .having been refitted and leiegantly furnished, is now open, for the reception and entertainment of guests. The proprieora ' by long experience In hotel ieep ing feel confident they can atisff a dis-" criminating public"" . . ' ,' ; : -;Their Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wines. '"".", ," Jan.31, 1S67.' ,-V- T: T.J;::'. V (ly.) .--''!v r UNION :HOtJSE; .";-;'"-; ' TBENSBURG, : Pa., JOHN - a! - BLAIR, j Propietor, spares no pains to render this ; sotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will 'always be furnished with the best the market affords j his bar with the best cf liquors Ilia stable ia large, and will be attended, by an attentive and obliging hostler: .M";:. . ". .- Jan SI, .1 8S7-tf J TOUNTAm. HOUSE; Eeeksbcbo. The "Table is always supplied with, the choicest delicacies j the Bak is rapplied with choice liquor, and the. Stable attended by careful hostlers. . Transient visitors ascocs modated and boarders taacn by tha week; month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 SHIELDS HOUSE, LQRETTO. CAZ1BRIA COUNTY 'TA THOMAS C ALLEN, Prorritor. " CniS house ia now open for tha accocsmo i dation cf the public. : -Accommodations as : good as tha country will ' aford,' and char3 mocerats. Jau 81. B 4 . WVJil i-O. . :-,i-bensbarg, Cambria co.jTa'.T' Dedcr ia LuniLsr. The Lichsst -prices', in Cash, raid fcr CJIERSY, rOPLAB.ASB Li-l. LT:;t:rn. CARD 5. A L. PERSUING, Arroi3EY-AT- Law, ' JoJinsioxrn, 2'a. . 02ce on Frank lin 'street, up-stairs, over John Benton's Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 1SG7. AMES G. EASLY, AiTonNEY- at-Law, Carroll' ovrn. Cambria Co., Ta. Collections and all legal business promptly attended to. Jan. Si. ISC fUf. , KINKEAD, . Justice . of the ' Peace " Ui end Claim Agent. Ofilce removed to the oSjce formerly occupied by It, Uasson, Tkq,, dee'd, on High St., Ebensburg. j3l. Vr. II. SEGIILEK, . LAW, Ebensburg, Fa. TTORNEY AT n , , r o n . House. : ; Jan. 31, '67-if. F. V. TIERNEY, ATTOitJTBY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. OSce in Coionade Row.. ; . :.u , Jan. 5, lE57-tf.; . " r ; JOSEPH M'DONALD, 1TTORXEF AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. II Oface on Centre street, opposite Lloore's Hotel. :- : " Jan. 31, 1867-tf . JOHN FENLON, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. ii Office on High street, adjoining his resi dence. ; Jan SI, 18C7.-tf,: . i GEORGE M. HEED, ; I TTORNEY AT LAW, 'Ebensburg, Pa. H Office onMain street, three doors East ot Julian. ' ; - Jan. 31, 1867. GEORGE W. O ATM AN, 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. OfSce in Coionade Row, Centre street. . . January SJ, 1867.-tf. '.' -.r, '-. ; ; WILLIAM KITTELE, . 1 TTORNEY AT; LAW, Ebensburg .Pa. ii Office in Coionade Row, Centre street. Jan. 31, l867.-tf. . . ; F. ; A. . SHOEMAKER, ; I TTORNEY AT LAW, : Ebensburg; Pa . Office on High street, one door East of the Banking House of Uoyd & Co. - v ' ; -; January 21. 1887.-tf. ! : B. I. ;Jp5NSTON, J. S. 8CAKLAX. JOHNSTON & SCANLAN, V .Attorneys at Law;'. 't',,. V':'""' ; V ' . Ebensburg. Cambria ce., Pa. , t Omce opposite the Court House. - ' .Ebensburg, Jan.: Sl, 1867.-tf. i . ,Q JOHN P. IJXTQN, : W '1 TTORNEY AT LAW, JU nttoirn. Pa Office in building on conierof Main and Franklin etreet,- epposite Ifansion House, second floor. I lintrance on Frank ho street. Johnstown," Jan. 31, 1867.-tf. -' '' . , iD. M'L AUG IILLN, :; ; i . I TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstmtm, Pa. fl Omce in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets- up stairs. " Will attend to all business connect- ed with his profession. - . " .Jan. 81, 18G7.-tf. ; ' . " S. EELFORD, DENTIST, nONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally 0 on the - 4th : Monday of each - month: During bts absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor. will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. 1 : ; JanSl,?. : : BANK HOTICES.- WK. IC. XLOTD. : - ! . . D. T. CAEDWIXt,, I President.: Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL B A N K OP ALTOON A. . ' i'1- "; akt". V,; ;. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE r .: Vi ; UNITED STATES. -Corner Virginia and Annie Streets, ' NorOi ..v?M i'lYard, Altoona, Pa. i . Authorized Capital, - , - $300,000 Cash Capital paid in, - - J- - 150,000 " rAll business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms " . - . i "' Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. ' : ! To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in stamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100,' 2 per cent. ; $100 to $200, 3 percent. $200 and upwards, 4 per cent. " Jan. 31, 1867-tf. . '. ' . ; "OIRST TSATlGTiAL.- BASK ; Or JOHNSTOWN, CA3IERIA CO., TA. Cpltfcl.$GO,000 Irlvtlse to ttnerease ti $100,000. . Inland and Foreign Draft furnished. '. i Gold and Silver bought-and sold. ' - Collections made, at home and abroad. U. S. Bonds and Securities of all kind ob tained. ' .-.';.. . v -:;..:-:,:-- ' ? Deposits received and money' loaned. A general Banking business transacted. . PIRECTOSS. D. J, Morrell, : Isaac KaufTmanl Georj Fritz," John Dibert, Jacob 11. Campbell, E. Y. Townsend. Jacob Leversood. 4 : D. J. MOitRELL, Preset. H. J. RoEEaTS, Cashier. ' "jan3l'C7. TT'LOID &'COM Eatilters, ILi - ; EEEsstrEa, Pa. Gold, Silver, GoverEment Loans, and other Securities, bought and told. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in tha United States, and a general Banking business transacted' January SI. 1857. ' - , Eirn-, Altoona, Pa. ipal cities and Silver Collections naua. T'-'-tj I'J-hla on dc t, cr i;t tira". vith imSl. Drafts cn tha ri and Gold for Eule. s received cn i without ?t;- t: -pbofessio: T.'EVSPAPEH'AnDTJQB'.PRlfjTl NG L v i-ifc 4. ,-. ; a ultSDAY IIOEIJIuq. In Ebembarg, Cttmtrt& Co.Vp ' ' Aide foZou-ing rates, payable rcUhin t;ir wuus jfom, aaie oj subscribing tree One copy, one year, - - - . . m Vft Onecopy, six months, ...... . --: 1 One eopythree months, .. . ,; Those who fail to pay their subscripfon. Until Afffr tf.A BTratln - t . Jf 1 j'uiu3 Wrl be charged at the rate of $2.50 per rear and those who fail to pay until after tha ""u v i.cie monies wiii Decharef the rate of $3.00 per year. a et Twelve numbers constitute a OTiarier-twenty-five, six months; and fifty nombera' one year. . . ' ' BATES OF ADVESTI31NS. r-,-.-,; r 1 1 !.-. ci- One square." 12 lines, cue insertion," Bach subsequent insertion, , , -Auditor's Notices," each, Administratori Notice, each," Executors' Notices, each, Estray Notice.; each, " ' . : ' ", 41 to 2 CO 2 CO 2 CO 1 CO lyr. $ 6 00 12 00 15 00 20 CO 25 00 20 00 60 CO 3 7.10S. $ 2 CO 5 00 7 00 8 50 10 00 ' 12 CO 20 00 6 mcs. $ 4 00' 8 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 0 CO 80 00 1 square, 12 lines, 2 square?, 21 lines, 3 squares, 36 lines, Quarter column. Third column, . Half column, One Column," Professional or Business Cards, cot exceeding 8 lines, with paper, . (J CO Obituary Notices, over six lines, ten cent3 per line. ,, . . ; . Special and business Notices eight cents per line for first insertion, and four cents for each subsequent insertion. . .Resolutions of Societies, or communica tions of a personal nature must be paid for aa advertisements. . ' JOB FEINTING. We have mado arrangemenU by "which we can do or have done all kinds rsf p&ia and fancy Job Printing, Buch . as Boots, Pamphlets, Show Cards, Bill and Letter Heads, Handbills, Circulars, &c, in the best style of the art and at the moat moderate prices.- Also, all kinds , cf Ruling. Blank Boolcs, Book Binding, &c, executed toorder B6 good as the best and as cheap as tb clteapest. - R. L. JOHNSTON, Editor, li. A. ilcPIKE. Publisher. i e n 1 ji & d e n jr BOOK, CARD, AKD mm mm wm . - And Blank Look Manufacturers, V . 1 ALTOONA, PA. Haying our office fitted up with a large 85 '., varied assort men t of Job .Type, Power and Card. Presses, - nuling SlftcUlne and Book Binder-, and all the requisites of a first-clas Printing Ofiice, for the purpose of executing Rail ronfl Printing, we are euabled to get op anything in the line of job printing and bouk work from a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Poster, or a Penny Tract to a Bible or Docket, ia the latest styles, at short notice, and tCIT' PRICES. : - - - We give special attention to RULING ON BLANK WORK and getting up BLANK BOOKS. Bank Checks, Receipts. Xo'iw, Letter and Bill Heads, neatly printed in plain black or fancy colored inks. Orj work will, we feel confident, give entire ma--isfaction, and we-respectfully solicit of the citizens of Ebensburg and Cambria county a share of the uork heretofore sent to city estab lishments, and pledge "ourselves to do it M .weli, and .do it as cheap as it cvn be done anywhere in the country. H7We ask only such work as yo.ur own printing uScesha not the facilities for executing. GIVE US ATRIAL. Orders for work left at the Far will be promptly attended to. - jmSl tn. MARBLE WORKS. . 3 RICES GREATLY REDUCED I -a" " AT THE JonnsTown eiaiibls works The subscriber has ju?t received a largo and handsome invoice of: Italian and American . ' . f " '-it MARBLE, H;'Vr' comprising the largest and finebtV' 'Qf stock of the kind ever brought to: ; Johnstown, at his establishment " 3 on Franklin Street, where he ia prepared, with an adequate force of experienced and skilful workmen, to execute all kinds ct MONUMENTS. Mantels. Tom! stones. Ta ble and Bureau Tops, &c.,23 cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A larse. stock of.GiuxiSTOSES hnsl and for sale low. . ' A room has Le-n opened in EV.er.&burj, a few doors west of Dr. S. S. Chris ty's Drug Store, where articles of my manufactue are kept constantly on hand, to which the at. tention of purchasers is invited Prompt attention paid to orders from a Gistanee and wcrk cenvered v,herc ce- sired. JOHN PARKE. LO i i 8 f 7 n 1 ri . K - -. jU. aJ -J? - -. Ife. rilE UNDERSIGNED lgs leave toirto the", citizens of Cambria ind adjoiniBff counties, that he has just received a stock of the finest Italian andotl,er TilctrUes at hi Establishment in Loretto Cambria co.. Fa.. ' . Tdonvi-icnts, T - Grave-Stones. Tails end Bureau tops, manufactured of the dos beautiful and finest onrdity of Foreign at:- Domestic tnsrble, always on band and taau to cr-dar as che-ip 3 they 'csn be purchased in the cttv, m a ctat an I " c: -nanus-5. manner, and cn the shortest notice. -The public are respectfully invited t9gi rr.e a call before parchadr.g'clit where, ts l am cor.fi 'eat that my' work nd price! f-vllfr any person df-Virhig any. thing ia vajt lire cf bu'lnfF. Sow is ?V f.-te i.-rf a (.Afan ' - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers