| Breezy 112 | County 1 | Netfs| ILL-IISYEPSMSELL HICKS RUN Mr«. Muj - Bailuy is on the si k list. Miss Ethel Hart left on Monday for Klpira. N. V , whore she will attend business <mlJe. ; o: Frank Patebell while euroute for Du B is iin Monday, lost his pocket b ok en the train. 11 eontainee about one thous and dollars. Herman Erhard, who was called home ! a couple of weeks ago on account of the | seiious illness of bis father, has returned j and reports l.is father better. Mrs. S. V. Mitehel, who has been suf- I fering from an abscess,expects to undergo ! an operation on Wednesday. On Monday morning, about 2 o'clock John R. Hicks' farm was discovered to be on fire. The barn was enveloped in a sheet of flames when lir-t discovered. It contained a large amount of feed, wagons and agricultural implements, three cows, one calf, and a large flock of valuable chickens, all of which was burned. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is be lieved to be the work of tramps. The loss is estimated as 82,000, insurance 0300. Jan. 4, 1911. b. e. w. HUNTLEY. •'Liar Jordan has accepted a position as janitor for the Huntley school. •Hub" Smith can be seen most any evening out with his bronco, giving the girls a sleigh ride. The young fellows don't have any show now, since Hub arrived in town, A. W. Smith says that the pair tree owned by Johnson, that he picked 50 bushel ot pairs from last fall, is now out iu full bloom. Lon Duell has resigned his position as assistant forman for W. \V. Johnson. Miss Bessie Billings is visiting friends in llenovo this week. Thomas Kailburn, of Fourth street, is putting up an ice house at Renovo this week. He expects to run an ice cream parlor next summer if he can get the Wyside schnol teacher to assist him. The United Lumber aud Coal Com pany expect to begin operations at Huntley soon, Mr. Philips will superin tend the business. Wayne Nelson was a Diftwood caller on Saturday. Henry Hill, of Grove Hill, was seen on our streets on Friday. An oyster supper will be given at J. E. Johnson's on Friday evening, tor the benefit of the Huntley Baud. 10v cry body iuvited. The I'uion Sunday School of this place, will elect officers next Suuday, Jan. J5. Let everybody turn out aud make the election interesting. SPORT. drTftwood. On Wednesday last Mrs. S. P. Kreider aud daughter, of this place, spent a pleasant day at the heme of Rev. R. W. Runyan, Sinnamahoning. D. Clinton Colebaugh, of Lancaster, called on Normal friends at Driftwood on Sunday. Dr. Corbett, who has been ill for sev eral days. 1s much better. Miss Botha Kreider was in Dußois on Tuesday and Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bower and daughter Leola, of Castle Garden, spent a day of last we k at Wyside. S D. McCoo'e, while handling some goods at the station, slipped and fell against one of the trucks and was quite seriously injured. Mr. Cordie. of Sinnamahoning, was in town on Tuesday evening. Dean Thompson was in Emporium on Sunday. A party of young people consisting of Misses Maude Callahan and Edna Mit chell, Messrs. William Spencer, J. K. Kreider, Archie McDonald and Mr. Cordie, attended the dance at Emporium ou Friday evening. Among those who attended the dance at Hicks Bun on Monday evening of last week were Miss Maude Callahan, Messrs. William Spencer and tlarrett Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. V. Carlson, of Renovo, spent Sunday in Drillwood. Mr. Albert Meed left on Saturday for his home in Kast Brady, where his brother who was seriously ill. He died soon after his arrival. Miss Nellie Wliitinir, of Sterling Hun, gave a party to a number of her friends, in honor of Miss Rotlui Kreider, who was her guest on Friduy evening. Miss Laura McDonald, who has been suffering from a sprained ankle, i* Jo >t yet able to attend to her school duties. '■rant Dimes, who has just returned from Medix Bun, is now ill. x.x. No One tixpects It. Without tin; use of Sex ine I'ills a weak or run down per-uti cannot expect to become thoroughly strong. Sexine Pills are the Mrone<Mt and surest tonic in the world. The price is *1 a box -u boxes ffl, with full guarantee, Vddrcs* or call at Dod- iti's Drug Store, Eni|*in urn, Pa., where they sell all the principal reiu"die» and do not substitute. CAMERON. From our Regular Correspondent. More sleighing. Another chance for! our youngjpeople togo to Sterling Hun. J. .J. Considine, Supervisor of the I*. j A: K. K. H., and Assistant Mr. ltussell j of Driftwood, were business callers in this place Tuesday. Isaac Wykofl returned home from Potter county Saturday, and is spending a few days iu this place at the homo of j her sister. G. L. Page, signalman of this place, I was a business caller at Emporium Tues- I day. A. A. Sruith, signal foroman of -Sterl- i ing Run, was a busiin ss- coller at this | place Tuesday. The K. G. E., held their regular weeklymeeting in their hall, Saturday | evening, with a good turu out. liej boys wish to sec a bettor turn out at the next meeting, Boys wake up. I'M. Olarii is making all kinds of momey this winter, by working iu the jnines by day ami trapping by He has up-to-date 17 .skunks. 21 musk rats, four foxes and seven woodchucks, not counting the squirrel and chipmonks he shot on the way to his traps, i Our ex-champion seven-up player, J. W. Harvey, was again badly del'eated by W. G. Bagley, of Sterling Run; score 7 to 1. It is rumored Mr. Bagley wants Mr. Harvey to play a game with his five year old daughter, but our champion's nerve failed him. What is the matter .Jim, when our amateurs beat him? Mc- Faddin says he is easy to beat. LOUISE. CAMERON Miss Laura McDonald, teacher of the Grammar School, who has been off duty with a badly spraiued ankle, for some time, returned to her duties on Monday. J. \Y. Hurvey was a Sterling Run caller one day last week. (.'aider Brick & Coal Go's engine was down'shifting ears, getting ready to ship brick for the spring trade. S. S. Hicks, of Britton Hill, was a caller in town Saturday. Sheriff Norris was a business caller in town Friday. Benj. Dayton, of Sterling Run, was a business caller in town Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Ledons and Mrs. Howard Burlingame were callers in Emporium Friday last. The Liars Olub held a meeting one day last week and Champion Frank Sul livan sprung a ghost story, when the members disbanded until the next week to investigate. w. x. y. z. SINNAMAHONING. Miss Bertha Fulton and Mrs. Nathan Silin spent Thursday evening iu Em porium. Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton and son, visit ed in Emporium over lastjSunday. Miss Munsell spent several days with Miss Helen Counsil last week. Wm. Piper of llenovo, spent some time with his wife and family at her home. Mrs. Inez 11. Truby, of Brush Valley, is visiting her brother, Rev. R. W. Runyan. Miss Nellie Huntley, of Emporium, spent Saturday with Mrs. Strayer. Mr. Tony Fulton is transacting busi ness in Emporium this week. Harry Ensign spent last Sunday in Emporium with friends. Miss ltena Wykofl" visited friends at First Fork last week. Mrs. V. A. Brooks visited in llenovo on Monday. Miss Clelln Caldwell has returned j from visiting friends at Huntley. A number of people from llenovo at j tended the P. < >. S. of A. banquet, Mon J day evening. XXX NORTH CREEK. Meetings were held in the school house last week l>y Rev. Hall. Rev. Shares as sisting. Meetings were transferred to the Rich Valley church, Sunday, and to i be continued for some time. Ethel Britton Sundayed at home. Ernest Hotisler and Ed. Cool were taking a vacation* Ed. visited the city Wednesday and Ernest Thursday, of last week. P. A. Levis ltd Henry Carter nIU on friends on West Creek and transacted | busiuess iu town Friday. Lor a and Helen McClenahan arc again | attending school. Both young ladies were very siek last week. Walter Smith transacted business in the city Friday and Tuesday. Kveral llousler and V M Dow visit - : ed the city on Saturday. Mrs. Clius. Itarr had the misfortune to ] fall and break her left arm near the wrist. last Saturday evening. She was taken ; to Dr. Heilmaii's office curly Sunday morning and had the fracture reduced and is getting along us well as can IM- ex peeled. Mrs. Florence ('mil has been quite i siek for some time. J. W, Lewis and Henry Carter trana acted busings in town Monday. V. M. Dow was quite ill last week, but is better again. Mrs. Annie llousler enjoyed a deigh j ride Suuday, Mrs, \ ine SwartwoiMl and Mrs. Vuuii White visited at Mr- McCleuithso * Suuday aim Mouday. After visiting it ih> bone I In- niece CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANARY 12, 1911. January Clearance Sale $5.00 <ight colored Ostrich Plumes. 75c Taffeta Silk 26 inches wide; 18k Excellent quality 36 inch Bleached Best quality, 15 inches long CA quality- In Cadet blue and Mcotton, soft finished for the needle Tfj Sale price, each VmbVW leather color, brown. Sale price yd "fvV Sale price per yard /2 Q A Hani berg Embroidery, 2to 3 QfJ E Men's heavy leather mit- 1-4 Off regular price on all Jj 0C inches wide reduced to per yd Ov vllv tens. Sale price per yd fcvv | single prs Laee&Ruffle Curtains Short Fleeced Kinvonas r!!,.!™! 1 Ladies and Misses Coats Extra Good Bargains in Reg price. .. . 50c, sale price . . .39c All #25.00 Coats reduced to .. . .*16.75 rv p , H 1 ° 1 All 22.50 Coats reduced to - • .'. 15.00 LireSS UOOdS. Reg price .... 59c, sale price . . . 47c yvil 20.00 Coats reduced to ... . 24.50 Reg price. . . . 6,0, sa.e price . . . 5 ,c *« £* ££ reduced to . . . . Rig price . . . 18c, sale price . 7 0 c A]] x 6.50.50 Coats reduced to .. . . 12.50 a JJ Remnants at 1-4 off from Long Fleeced Kimonas, excellent quality All 15.00 Coats reduced to . . . 10.00 and stylish patterns. All ,3.50 Coats reduced to ... . 9.25 regular price. All 12.50 Coats reduced to ... . 8.98 —... Reg price. . . M.oo, sale puce . . . .83 All n. OO Coats reduced to . . . . 7.98 36 inch Wool Dress Goods in light gray, Reg price . . . 1.19, sale price . . . .92 All 8.75 Coats reduced to ... . 5.98 -1111 11 u 1 b 1 .1, n 11 mixed or black and white or brown and 1 *tp solp nrir-p nS All 7. so Coats reduced to . . . . 5.00 Regpnce. . . 1.25, sa e pr.ee .. . -«jS > white check. The regular 50c M Reg price . . . 2.00, sale price . . . r.49 quality, sale price |,VV — Ladies and Misses Suits An odd lot of small colored A 1 $25.00 Suits reduced to sl6. Jsa.oo Black Broadcloth, sale price $1.50 • 1 ni 11 T* All 22.00 Suits reduced to 15.00 r -5° Navy Broadcloth, sale price 1.19 Ostrich rlumes and lips All Suits reduced to. 12.50 1.00 Myrtle Green Broadcloth, sale pr .79 Regular prices from sl.s° to $2.50 per All 16.50 Suits reduced to 11.00 1.25 Urown Broadcloth, sale price . 1.00 bunch or feather. < _ All 13.00 Suits reduced to <>.qß t > t> Iwi ' 1 IUA 0 1.00 Brown Broadcloth, sale price . . .78 Sale price ■ v All 12.00 Suias reduced to 7.q8 en T> iwi i • 1 ' ' 3 .S5 Brown Broadcloth, sale price . . .68 Mens Soft Shirts with Men's Black Fleeced Best quality American Best quality Flaneletes collars, the regular 50c Sox, the regular 15c prints, light navy or j in stripes and checks quality, sale price 39c quality sale price ll c grays s!^^r ei,,s 6c | Oc 25c Children's Knit Golf Gloves Flexible Flyers Less than Cost SI.OO Children's extra heavy All $2.00 Flyers reduced to $1.25 in small sizes onlv. Blacks ah 2.50 Fiyeis reduced to 1.66 Scotch Tam O'Shanters All 3.00 Flyers reduced to 1.98 and colors. Sale price pair Ilc *^^or^i g hi„our.toch,oc,oseout 3^ 1-4 off on all our Q 11 TII |k| T Emporium's 20 per cent. CHILDREN'S K |\lll H 111 F Greatest on all our COATS i*ULIIIILj Store. FURS i ~ Mrs. Solvesoo, Milton lirilliu returned on Tuesday to Rich \ alley, where lie stays with Mrs. Moore, another niece. Mrs. S. M.-Housler has been ill the past week. Winnie Chandler attended the oyster supper held at Frank Craven's reeently. Mrs. Solveson and Clendon Moore visited the city Tuesday. BLUE JAY. STERLING RUN. Carl Cromwell had his ankle injured quite badly Monday, by a piece of coal striking hiiu. John Kbersole ut Emporium was a visitor in town, Sunday. Mrs. Wright of Erie, was the guest o her mother Mrs. llerrick, this week. Lulu Lewis was a visitor at Emporium over Sunday. Mrs. Geo. L. Smith oi' Driftwood, wa» the guest of Mrs lit nick. Tuesday. C. <l. llowlett was a visitor to Drift wood Wednesday. James Moore lost a very valuable cow MOL day by following on the ice, breaking her leg. Kd Whiting visited his family over Suuday. Mrs. B. K. Smith returned to her home at Kidgway, Sunday, having been been here several weeks on account of the illness ol her mother-in-law, .Mrs. Samuel Smith. Mrs. ('. A. Dice was a visitor at West port Tuesday. Flora Cromwell left recently fur Drift wood to work lor Mis. Gleason. The Ml. llop<' Coal Co., blasted out vine rocks along their railroad Wednes day. Hurt 8K1.1. . SINNAMAHONING. Hon. Johd A. Wykoff attended license court on Monday. Joseph Suuimcrson of North Bend is at home this week. suffering with a luiue hand. •lantes Walker of Kenovo. is visiting with IVieud* this wo k Anion I tin net went to Willi.on-port to vi*il John I'..ley at tie liu-pitul whose cane i> very selious, Mrs. (it'd, Hill ol Diilt* ><< l wa* a visitor on Tiwwlny. Mrs W. L. I'ntn and Kihel Smith were at ih< county *'ai li-t Monday. Mr* Martin li< Ideu has i- iutn i fr«m her \ i-it at Kinporiuiu. IW« lIM<MNI and Suemlle. The owner* o| Hunter * lli »t went out on Moutlay and dismantled the building as it lias been harboring illegal hunters of late. Some men cannot appreciate a good thing when they have it. GHIIIC Warden Smith routed a party |of hunters lately. They found the hide 1 and blood where one deer had been shot. Arrests of the guilty parties will soon fol low. Hunter's Rest was a nice warm eauip, built on lands of Barclay Brothers by several of our citizens tor the purpose of ■ hunting during the season and left open to accomodate any oue who happened that way, but not for illegal hunters, so it had to be torn down. Jos. R. Kinsley was a visitor on Mon day. Mrs. tico. 1). Mead visited at Renovo Monday. Prof. Thos Kilburn of Huntley, was a caller at Wyside, Sunday evening. The Keystone National l'owder plant, at this place, is running full time wjth a lul crew, working on the big government order. Rennie and Krma Bennett cauie home from their visit at (jaleton. Win. HuH of Keating was a waller here on Monday. It looks as though Sinnamahoning would be a dry town after April first as we understand that the license applica tion was held over. "Win" Summereon left with his best girl last week for parts to his j family He leaves a wife and eight children to the mercies of a eold winter. Some parties say they havi all the meat they want by just going after it. t Ither parties -ay they get a nice piece of meat every once in a while and dou't have togo after it. They are pretty lucky. ('aiup. 12-, I'. of A., will hold their installation of othccrs on Tuesday awning. They are looking ahead fur a , uood time. Washington Camp, No lllti, I'. t). S. of A., held their installation of officers on Monday evening. District President, 11. It. Ilaverly, <>( Kenovo, accompanied by twenty-four member* and the drum eorps ol Camp vs were pn-ent. \tter the installation .t • Hi • • 1 by ,\|r. Ilavcr ly, the members listened to some fine ad dres.se* by the visitiug Members and a few selection* by the drum corps, after which the Camp adjoiirued to enjoy the retrenhmeut*, which was served by the committe* asrtMed b) *i-ier* of Camp No ijJ IV O. ol A. Vfter refresh- Utelils llie lime W«s six lit iu Speeches, singing and music by the drum eor|* un til train time, wheu the visiting members lift for home with many hand shake< and pltanant is«*<«l nichl* With an tamest invitation lot Csmp I'Ml lu vi»it I 'amp MS iu Ihe |t<ut lutut I I'. 1 were 81 at Ihe bs lit|Uet .1 ii'i all had a gtssj time. DKHSK, HOWARD SIDING. Bert Ciose butchered a line hog Fri day. Mrs. K. Fisher, who has been quite ill for the past week is recovering. Mrs. J. C. Skillman visited friends in Emporium Fi iday. Telegrapher L. R. Burlingatne was a business caller in Emporium Saturday. Telegrapher J. F. Sullivan, of Em porium, is working first trick at Howards for a few days. Telegrapher Geo. Mattliewson was a business caller in town Friday. Mr. A. Kresge, of Dußois, is conduct ing an extensive log job here this winter. The timber is taken to Chas. Spanglor's mill on West Creek for sawing. The logs aie being hauled by the home teams. Mr. James Reed, of Moore Hill, was taken to the Kidgway Hospital early last week suffering from liver trouble. We are glad to hear that he is resting very comfortably at this writing. Rev. Lehman, of the Cameron Circuit, is conducting a series of revival meetings in Sterling Run, Cameron, West Creek, M lore Hill. Howards and Beechwood. These meetings are being well attended and much good is being done in this Worthy work. Rev. Lehman is a true christian, a splcudid speaker and an holiest and laitlll ul worker and is loved am! respected by ull. Irving Mc.Manus and George Arnold were Fmperiutu callers Saturday even ing. Geo. C. Arnold, I'. K. K. trackman is off duty at preseut with au attack of grip. George Andrus secured a wild cat Saturday and another on Sunday. WWkm 11. Jaibff our ■ 11> t...fit.■ , woodsman and farmer, is doiug a line business this season supplying the good people of Emporium with stove wotsl, which he is cutting from his timber lot. William has purchased the Siople prop erty and intends to conduct extensive farming operations during the coming sea sou, aud also will operate an up-to-date poultry farm agisted by Mr. Clayton Toner. William is oue of our broad guage farmers aud reads the rites- Success to him. Thomas Jalloti killcti a latgu wild cat 'ii Mi lie Hill Saturday < vcnin. Ih* - animals are very numerous this season Mi»» Ethel Fisher look the l\ II 11,, examination tor telegraphy at Iteuovu, Monday. Mi » Fi»her ha* mastered the |irofetw>lol» aud her sUCt'en* is lew ill id. Her man) (fiends eitiutl congratulation*. Julio * liatclicider, ol Stuiiuiiiahouing, itud J bn J< rdau, of Huntley, called 011 t (iterator Sulliyau, at the tower Satuiday tliey art* working on a new prcpaialtou Arthur B. Hopkins has accepted a I position as teamster lor F. J. Norton. S. W. Berfield lost a valuable cow re | cently—%e are sorry tor his misfortune Mrs. Frank Maurer, of Emporium, spent Sunday with her parents. ! Fred Norton's foot-bridge was destroy ed by the high wind Sunday bight. for bear bait to use next fall, which ; promises to surpass all former efforts in ! that line. L. Andrus while bringing a load ot logs from the woods to Spangler's mill Saturday, broke the tongue from hi sleigh and was forced to abandon the load until assistance arrived. Section Foreman John Lawson, of | Beechwood, called on Operator Sullivan at the tower Saturday. A sleighing party consisting ot youug people from Truman and Beechwood, en joyed a trip to Kinporiuui Saturday even ing. Prothoootary \V. J. Leavitt, of Ern poriutu, spent Sunday with parents at this place. Clate ToWDei and Herman Close are the champion dog trappers of this vicin ity, having trapped two line specimens. ; oim' belonging to Toner himselt and the u ther to Operator Mathewson. There is j gome talk of a closed season ou this jsp ies of game during the next lew year*, to give them a chance to in crease in numbers, they being somewhat scarce in this sectiou. T<> help this good cause along Mr. Bert Close has seven uiiO pups about four weeks old, all ot the right s> rt, which we understand he is willing to contribute to the tood cause. Anyone wishing one will receive same by dropping Mr. Cloms a card. I*. S.—Bert says this otter only holds yood for live days so don't delay. J. •». HOWARD SIDIMIi. MaMer George I'iper, of Kniporiutn, attended revival services la>t Saturday evening. llernuu Clum* aceompauied him li'iine, Sunday morning, and at tended M. K. Chureb and Suuday SehiKil. Mi** Kiliel Ki*lier took » huoiui < i rip to Kouovk >'ii Monday. Mr*. John I'tper anil t»n children, ol Ktupoiium, »|h*m Saturday oiuht *iid Sunday with Her pareuU Mr. and Mr*. S. I'arkft. SeVt*ml from Wilt t ie' H atteuded - I vice* hurt Saturday eveniuw al*» Mr*. Mutiny, ol Ktupoiiuut. NV« tt« liaviu «IidIIiHI uieetii), - aud a 1 »<!• ndanve Vino* Kresge lia.i *«ura team# liau tnu U<* to the WuM I'rwli un
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