WANTED AT ONCE. Local audtravuling salesmen in this state to represent us. There is j money in the work for YOU soliciting for oar easy selling epecialies. Apply now lor territory. i ' ALLEN NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y 34-4 m. ■f* >m.pr Y'-ffl m~' \ T /INC WICKJ Nfll The best oil, also the 't. mor,i economical oil— *■§ it costs no more than fly the tank wagon varieties Wand it gives not only bet- Mm W ter service but also more jHf I FAMTLY FAVORITE^! © i L 1 gives a clerr, white, steady ■ flame. Wilt not char, smoke I p?, or smell. Your dealer will serve gait from original barrels direct v®[] f| i from our refineries. « I'/aver/y t-JSf Way lift ?o.W g?,'M INOEPE REFINKRS \ 'I Pit : bur j. Pa, K'H'a Also mukc of Waverly f> eci&l ■ jj/y'y Auto Oil and Waverly Gr. tsKra- warns |H. S. LIOYDj I The First Requisite I sfk ifBN in letter writing is that the paper I I \"7F T T use( l ,)e above criticism. ISM (\4o M Your stationary should reflect S j yrR ja, your taste, character and refine- I ment, and convey your personal- I rr O The Eaton, Crane Pike Writing I jfi ■■.••.. Paper are always the first choice 1 m 'W* of diacriminatln ß people. They H jffiafljl hi are by far the finest social corres- I /i\ 1 Vs> pondence papers made. They I / V are first in quality, and absolutely I correct in style. Thsir artistic I and painty boxing adds much to I their general attractiveness. Cams in and iet us snow you our line of the j aitly popular EA'J ON CRANK & PIKE papers. HS LLOYdT tasonic Block | OUR gf STYLE SHOW IS ON Alfred Benjamin & Go's J/ Ntw York Style* Correct Clothes for Men anf * Young Men for the j Spring Season of 1910 II from aml °— $lO to 22 | fW \ Kovs and Children's 112„ £c , II I rffl ' Su ' ts from * y&i Full line of Furnishings, E J * Hats, Caps and Yl DOUGLAS SHOES. [ Bia R- SEGER &rn ■ iMPOHII IN, PA. iT^SNTO FrLte Offers from Leading Manufacturers IV -ok on patents. "I lint* to inventor*." "Inventions needed." "Why sorn> invi ntors fail " Send rough sketch or model for search «;f Patent Office record*. Our Mr. lireeley was formerly. Acting Cmnn i«»ner of hiienU, and *:> su*.li huJ lull cliurge of (he U. S Patent Office. ipw GREELEY &Mv I NTIRE - ,1 vs Patent Attorneys Y^i If you have anything to be printed bring it to this office. Wants to help Some One. For thirty years J. F. Boyer, of Fer j tile, Mo., needed liely and couldn't find J it. That's why he wants to help some | one now. Suffering so long hitnself he I leels for all distress from Baehache, Ner vousness, Loss of Appetite, Lassitude ! and Kidney disorders. lie shows that Electric Bitters work wonders for such troubles. "Five bottles, he writes, whol ly cured me and now I am well and hearty." It's also positively guaranteed for Liver trouble, Dyspepsia, Blood Dis orders, Female Complaints and Malaria. Try them. 50c at all druggists. You Hust Read This if you Want the J. W. Grier, (Jreenwood, La., suffered j with a severe ease of Lumbago. 'The ] pains were so intense I was forced to hy | podermic injectious for relief. These at- I tacks started with a pain in the small of ' tuy back which gradually became fairlv parlyzing. My attention was attracted I to Foley's Kidney Remedy, and I am I glad to say that after using this wonder | ful medicine I am no longer bothered in any way by my old enemy lumbago." 1 For sale by the Emporium Drug Co. The peculiar properties of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy have been tlior | oughly tested during the epidemics of in -1 fluenza, and when it was taken in time we have nut heard ol a single ease of pneumonia. Bold by all dealers. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910. ! BACHELOR'S CHRISTMAS EVE, O ANTA ci,aits tjj peeped (nun • ' the hearth summoned my ' ■. J-WWSi courage and said: "If you've come V wee stockings Vou've made a mls -5v3 take in the mat ,^o2 —7 J ter of (lues r/ j Know, this Is a |SB' /< j bachelor's chim ■ / ) Santa Clnus stared Wtf ' / from tlie hearth- Br/ ijll stone, ffincv l' ' And i—l stared 100Mt.5 from my bed. His cheeks, they "Tills IS A It ACHE- were pink, and I.olt's CHIMNEY." lie tipped me a wink As |»e quoth, with a wag of his head. •Good friend, don't ask me the reason i came. Jusi say if there's something you d • , : 'Vr s •<; like l'm the v .j.j ,*% ' r, -'M paiii< - p Conn-. i:r« wilii >< or V * «j it's a shame ; : / That this ir- a j;; | bachelor's chim- t';yj ,w3 nry fir H Santa Claus stood s.'*3 ijj on tiie hearth- And 1 half rose from the bed, / But 1 uttered no k i word, for my heart was stir- laHn ret '' And I thought of "Is there noti.ini you lack?" lle,r IS f|\ j} \M spoke with glee. 11 "I'm your fairy j) j Kodfaiher, you t I ~"*?J know," said ho. -J "In my pack are wonderful things g[v> *J? —come see— BBS , ■3°" I Yes, e'en for a "YES. E'EN l'Oll A bachelor's chim- BACHELOR'S CHlM ney- " NLY. Santa Claus laughed on the heartlr'-'nne. But I—smiled not from m< nea A grea: flll e<J m.v soul and H The Joy that his kind face shed. i / sire—l fear 'twill Li W&Sg£L Is the light of two [fP eyes 'neath the /•®4#i6~ marble mossed iu r Go bring me the VTI b 'i>. "-.3 love that 1 loved i US \ 6" * • a,K ' i° s t!" I 7a And the nlifht ( V' : *L wind moaned tn v I tliec '" n,ney S:m,a Claus shrank \v «L jt at tlie liearth \jwß Vtß stone. 1 And 1 sank back B» J'f'j "yjaffc--yA*i on my bed, j And the embers fell |fc. n3iC*'* r \j like a ghostly To ashes gray and "Ojil "Ojil puy the wish °* y° ur stricken . fie .sighed, and 1 miw a u-ardrop "THE UOON THAT I oli YOU CRAVE IS BI- "Tin- boon thttyou VONI) MY IJOLE." craVfc 13 »eyond mv dole." And he lied with the wind in the chim ney. •-Samuel Mlnturn reck. Christmas North and South. Washington eel>>brutes Christmas In the northern style, ii hi New KiiglHtid that Is to say, liy simply cloning the stores and keeping i|iilet -but Alesan flria, Va.. eelelii.. les in good old smith ern style, with roi-hets, roriian < :in dlt»s, flwncki l'"-, loi jniloes. noise and genera! rejoicing hliarliy. Northern people often wotid r wiiy i It is that the B'liHhtrner* ceielirate j Chris Minis like the Fourth of July and ; the latter holiday like Christ man, lint J the reason Is not far to seek. The ■ southern Christina* Is the Christum-- of old Merrie Kngland. Oermuny and ■ I'l'iiinc liefon the rt'foriua t loii ( An urd i liig to the view of all goud and ortho 1 «l<>x Chris i us of that period, the lilrth I of Christ was an event such as to I cause delight and general rejolelne ! among men. and consequently thej 112 eelehratud the Lord's Idrthday with i tli |i , <>r deiiuuisrrntlolis of rejoicing • Tbi' l*tirlt!s:is w«re Inclined to frown ' d ■ vn relit "hi of ihl< sort, to ilsut ) wh«* Aru rlrti wa» settleil hjr Cavall'-r , and I'urliaii each celebrated the day 111 ht« own way.—Washington Putt. Appiopnata Christmas Kor jour wile .v ewokUtok. t'or your kvrvaut girl—A tieuiskla cloak For j our rich relatives 'Disnituids. For your po«»r mtatlviM Nothing. I i ) "in »K| * relative* Li . than ! uoihliiK, if )<>u c«u uhlalu it. I or the guuftt miihiu )our gatus A gentle liiut togo, Fur your maiden sunt A tmahuud. For >»ur uiiiiiurried wuemy—The maldeu uunt aformiald. For your mlthtur A liihle. For your mu A ponltiuu downtown m llh mmie dtto who will uiaka hiui i e»ru hU »alt. ►'or your daughtaf Kuum clutliMi to help her capture aouis UMiMiwcllig uiau Fur aome uukunptHtliig hut other wlim worthy young mail Th« aforw •a I 'lll -t«|luM Ituuk the U»/ fkil Ctmii but On*#. • ■ ■■ ■ ii.•• biti oil. • • res', | || b« I If U#," lUel Wuiir 4 d.« mile 4m»i. "U*M|U>* I II li.il It • bkC* l»ui Mi". i«*4in| Sable • Mil, ►». l "«ii ml» e» * I 4 t»»ies, W«l." 1 r— iTrnimri n mm mi ■ i ■ i n t,j, | 1904 1910 Thomas H. Ncrris II 11 i.- w.n i■ n mmi in ■■■■mi iii m vtmn _u-. -nm (a , L a* I j | Great Family Bargain House || I Since our last greeting to our customers the fire demon uom- I i I pletely wiped out the store of Thompkins & Norris and 11 I from those ashes arose the new firm of your humble serv- I I ant, who extends his heartfelt thanks to his kind friends I' andnumbrous customers for their confidence and good I I will. This season of good cheer and good will we desire I I to inform you all that this house of Honorable Dealing I' continues to enlarge its capacity and add to every depart- I ; I ment, SEASONABLE, DEPENDABLE AND THE BEST. 1 1 Our Grocery and Provision Department S | is Replete with the Best and Purest 1 1 j Fru, ' s ' Special for the Ch ° icest If iNuts, A Candies, 1 ' Wf 1 • 1") ■ : Figs, Holidays Purest, i Dates (>hoice Oranges Guaranteed \ 1 Our Complete Store and Large Line of Goods Rc,ukrs it impossible to r r & enumerate our goods. We ■ i have everything tlie family requires at the lowest possible price and guarantee every pur- I As Usual we Sell to Churches, Sunday Schools and 11 Xmas Festivals at Wholesale Prices Our Dry Goods and Fancy Goods Department offers many at- 1 1 tractive bargains. The children have been cared for as usual and we call especia! attention to our line of TOYS and CANDIES. The men can be made happy with fif numerous serviceable articles jj I i & " II ; . No Cold Stcrage Here I ~-V m 11 #v. - ~T urkeys, Geese and Chickens can bo bviked J 112 * upon—are home killed, n order to ii It . tj. make sure leave orders early 112 - Our Meat Meat Market is the pride of our town. With a 1 practical Butcher, we "point with pride" to our i lways excellent I line of meats. Try us and see. We know you will come again. The good people of Cameron and adjoining counties will save good money by purchasing at our Mart of Trade. We pride ourselves on our line of general merchandise. We defy competition. With kindest regards and wishing all a Very Merry Chistmaa and Happy New Year, I remain Yours tu serve, THOS. H. NORRIS. Hhtnif Nu, low. hi*# EMlvery,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers