WINTER Opening of M. C. Tulis] * The Pioneer Dry Goods and Grocery Merchant of Emporium A ORAND— Display of Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats at Reduc- Useful Christmas Presents Irish Linen Table Cloths and Napkins, Towels, Bureau ed Prices . Caracul ls all e rage for Ladies c °ats. We Scarfs and Stand Covers; Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hand-- havealarge Stock of them in the very latest styles' kerchiefs from 5 cents each up. I ;at prices that defy competition. It will do you good to see them, Underwear in endless variety for Men. Women and Children. I 111 if you don t buy. also Coats and Jackets; Neckwear, and Hosiery, Lace Cur- , Flirs! Flirs! Furs! * iave ie display of Ladies', tains, Tapestry Curtains and Portiers, Lounge Covers. TheCel- § Misses and Children's Furs ever shown in el3ra "ted Thompson's G-love-Fitting Corsets from 50 cents a pair I ' ' | Emporium. Having bought heavily to get the lowest prices, and. to Exclusive Agency. | j |in order to move them quickly, I will make als per cent, reduc- A 1 I 7~~~nr 7 o•« n ir\ ~r "7 I! 1 tion on all Furs from this date. This is a great chance for BAR- arge Stock Oi trunks, C&SOS afid | | GAINS IN FURS. Bags at lowest prices S California All-Wool Blankets from s 6>o o°to'' sl2*oo* per The finest selection of Ladies Leather Shopping I Pair. GREAT VALUES. D . N # RR ® I Cftttnn-Flpprpri Rlankpfe From 75c. a pair up. A large var- ISags and Purses, together with Men s Bill and Pocket I] v,ouon-rieecea Blankets iet of Hand ouiits, from n 1 . , L . . . ~ . $1.25 up. Books and other goods too numerous to mention. AJJ The King of Sleds at prices that will save you money. Largest line of Ladies Dress Goods in Cameron County The excellent quality and low prices of our Goods do the Talking. Call and see us at our three story Brick Corner of Fourth and Chestnut Streets, IVyf T'T T¥ TO Emporium, Pa. IVX# Vj • JL U .Li 1 | Special to Chsistmas Shoppers § Yo do not know how many sensible Christmas Gifts we can sell I w you until you visit our store. Bring the whole family and see W if we Kav'nt something that will please every one of them. a Your friends will appreciate some useful, sensible present such II as we can sell you, much more than a fancy trifle that will soon H be worthless. Just a few of the useful things we have for j tr/ PjJ jap, everyone.. frT"f c 7 w Safety Raxors, Scissors and Shears, Carving Sets. Carpet Sweepers. Nickle Plated Tea and Cotiee Pots. Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons. £jjK Meat Choppers, Sleds for Boys and Girls and Tools of all kinds for mechanics. S8 H us are a ' wa y s reliable. Your purchase is backed by Emporium's Best ,Y. FOR MEN iFOR WOMEN FOR BOYS H WeU mad 6 Skat6S ° f beSt Cast steel leather Semiring lever and ad- || HI Jfc JZ steel, hardened and temper- heel and toe strans Th« J^ stable toe and heel olam PB - ■ straps. Ihe Buy only the beat fiuy i 1..4 jj|W ed. Either plain steel or kind that stays on and stays Wmslow Skates, the best 0) * j 1 JHL ; f ... . niadf. ranging in prifH tVMin * W nickle plated. sharp. 7Qo to $2.50. W IF. V. HEILMAN & COMPANY, 'iz c:: ;.| CAMERON COUNTY PRKSS, THURSDAY, DKCRMRKR 15, r o io.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers