COME to Emporium's Christmas Store Gather your Christmas troubles and bring them here for quick and economical solution. Our holiday assortment of Gift merchandise has been prepared on a scale of magnificence never before attempted. You are sure to find just what you want in our immense, up to date stock Ladies Fashionable Neckwear Give Silk Hose for Christmas Fine Linen Damask Towels Black Silk Shirtwaist Ijtici* stock ( ollars with JjibotSj thecoiicotstjlos Onyx l)l«ick Silk Hose for women nwikc Suitiil)h' for Jiur&iu Oovgi's^designs of wraiths, Dumber of uicinufcicturers Stiuiplft \\<iists in neckwear for the winter months. We never welcome gift. They are the best made for the etc. in which you can embroidery an initial. made of good quality black laffeta Silk, also a 25 & 50c & $1.50 50c, 59c, 69c,51 S&3SSL $2.19&3.50 Litee scarfs for evening ©1 Usually sold for 83.00 ami $5.00 wear from v v Also in eveniner sliades at from 81.00 to 82.00 Embroidered, hemstitched Centrepieces and c 112 • i.i t e See them for yourself. I hey will appeal to Silk carfs in all colors from + A ©O Men's .black silk Sox of special good BA n Scarts, imported by us from I OUC to quality per pair OUC (Jermany. In many designs, each | voii. EMBRoioMfoCeiiter Pieces and Scarfs New Creations in Men's j Colegates Perfumes Xrt^cles We are making an especially good showing of these goods. Neckwear Made Expressly for Us Colgate's Young People's Perfume, four bottles, assorted Hi- Of ||| Mostly our own Importation from Germany. - | vors, in handsome box, - - - ... £,OC ' , . . ~ . . A ' _ „ _ . This year we offer unusual good Values in Men's Pour-in- | Holiday Style Perfume, two bottles in Handsome fancy Box, CA »L° S ! $1.25 to 3.50 Han,! a„,I Shield Soarh. We have selected the ~llk, from a „ alld . on , e ' box wU„ 'ch,M™» ' « Pillow Tops of Scrim Eui- •yC- ffli nr o CfV very large assortment of the latest Patterns, including Persian Card, - - broidered in colors. - - * OCj U.OU designs and evening shades; had them made up into £* £\ _ Colgate'H Comforts, No. 1 for men, packed in fancy box, con ,,r , , ',, , ~ ~T~. ; ; —: Ties: and here they are. We have seen Ties selling tl UP tains 1 Can Talcum Powder, 1 stick Shaving Soap, Ipc Coleo Soap, CAa* Brush Holders, Embroidered m colors each. ,»oc. fo) . fh;lt ;u . (l as , JIS fhpm af c] . VVV l Ribbon Dental Cream, price complete - - - OVL oJaMrggg 25c 29c and 50c | 50c Toys, Dolls and Games Woraans and Misses Coats Novelties and Fancy Goods Toy Grocery Stores with Complete Outfit; 50c, 81.00, 1.50,2.00 ' -j|r Gold Plated Clocks, . . .$1.25, 1. 5°, 1.98, 2.25, 3.00, 5.00 Toy Meat Markets with Complete Outfit, 50c Ciiif-Q A«lll P QinrAQtc Gold Plated Picture Praines, Moretitine Designs, . . . 50c. Toy Pianos, 25c. 50 C . 81 2.M, 5.00 OUilb <lllll IVdIIILUdLd Gold Plated Picture Frames, Cabinet Size, 26c. and . 35. ... c. „ . . , Gold Plated Florentine Frames with Mirrors, 69c $1.50 to 1 lay Store Registers, each, .>i»c From Now till Christmas we will oo Uncle Sain Register Banks, 50c give a handsome and valuable present Medallion Pictures in Gold Plated Frames, 69?., #1.25, 1.50. Combination Safes, Bl.»K> ( with every suit or coat sold. Gold Plated Ink Stands, $1.25,1.50. Steam Engines, 91.00, 1.50, 2.00, .{.OO jVjR A beautiful Mirror in rich Gold-pla- Heavy Silver Plated Toilet Sets, $4-s°» s°°. 8.00. Klectrie Motors, 81.25, 2.50, ,'{.75 ted Florentine frame, regular price Ladies' Fancy Manicure and Toilet Sets, . . SI.OO to 5.00. Mill ( limbing trictiou loys, ->oc, jukl 81.00 $2.00 witn every Co&t or Suit up to Men's Shciviiijj Sets, .... l. §o y 2.00, 3*^ Wind Mills with Winding Attachment, 81.00 $15.00; and a larger size Mirror in M en s Smoking Sets, f -25. 150 to 6.50. Magic Lanterns, $2.00, 3.00 _ same kind of frame, regular price $3.00 Hue I apetrie in I anc> Boxes, . .10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, SI.OO. , Military Brush Sets 111 Fancy Boxes, 98c to $3.50. Post (a,directors, $.{.00, 5.00 with every Coat or Suit selling above Hand Mirrors 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $.50. tool < bests,. I.JC, .)Oc, <.» C, 81.00 JKf' " $16,50. Playing Cards in Leather Cases, 2.5 c and 50c. Rail Road Trains with Track, 81.00,,3.00 1 fflf' Waste Paper Baskets, 60c, Sr.oo, 1.25. Music Organs, sl.nn Olir AsSOrtmeilt of Leather Cigar Cases, extra fine, >1.50, 2.50. Size Scales, 25c ( flr 1 " r fflfW / _ ==== ii Postal Card Albums, 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO. Ten Pins 25c and 50c W&. M 1 _ _ _ . . Smokers' Humidors, Zinc Lined $1.50, 2.50. Trunks, 'J5c and 81.50 COfttS cUIU SllltS IS Svlll Comb and Brush Sets, f>9 c > $ 00. Piano Btools, 25c mWTf ' -=^=—- Sterling Silver Thimbles 25c. Spinning Tops. toe ■ , ; 1 „ 1 _ - rf L 112 Framed toe and 25c. franHfet Hlaten ,-,. l If l > 1 BRQ pTICCS igator Hand Bags China Toys. 25am150c Ml II J || ======-== ================== j m j tat j on Alligator Hand Bags, 5'. 00, 1.25, 2.00 Sets of Blocks, lnc and 'j.'u- We Are SUre to please you Leather Music Rolls, 25c and 50c. Mission l>e*k »nd Chaii to Match, > - * * . Kxtra l'Miu-Leather Hand Baga, . 00, 1.50, a.OO to 6.50. n. k k Finished " " ien i> r in I 1 CI i-ir:tt Wc«,h Bags 1 a.i. sand chairs, ~,„ h. soe \ Silk or Dress Goods i attem makes a Splendid birt Hiue Bc lde<l Haud pags $1.25,,3.50. lhum * ?l | r, ° Leather Suit Cases, extra quality, f5-ou IKmI'S Dishes, 25c, st»c, 75, 8I.<»», 1.25, 1.50, '.'.tMi, 3.00 _ y, , 0 .. n . , „„,i Stalled and Animals -.'sc, 50c. 81.00 Silks DreSS Goods Leatherette StU Canes sl. 2. ... Seemitv Bill holds, M.oo, -«ult rurniturc -«cts. li'to . . . ... .. I'in,. Dress i«O»mIS in 1 >rcss ' . . c . , ■ • """ «T M . tA !•»•««« C b.«lrf B.r»U« »MJ. ■ >«. to 14 i i , k Hi" kl»'l «»wll»ii'l »t i«"»t ALI.-Wimil. Hi*™ ll.««l». In Cuff Hiitumii, special t;uo<l values IOC au<i ajc. ,Uu,-iM...n-. r«.»,„l »" I 1 lllm-lt - Jewelleil »*• 5«. 75. a.oo. 75c 50c,59t, 69c.75c,& sl. Nk C , aa ' ' 1 Milk inch per >.i. #I.OO ' >,lk awl CuMoa (u .. .. * t ' Ch m « ith-; I'lun Band or |j SI 00 25 and 35t <. tua - ..f nil kinds |, N>> J-,,.. line. • inch vvulc. per yd #I.UU , Laundrv Bails Gloves an Ideal Gift. (Christmas Handkerchiefs holiday hibhons j . j I \»rr>iw Hibbfli* No I'• A -» either | 112 iiii 1.. { N r«» Initial llmidk fx al 1U ; A '' 1 l.». j»i o | or j Whit-. I.itfht Mine, I'ink. t ar-|| AT\\ /s\ 4*' , " '' " I .£»D » ~..i iiu< ill I' "'CI ft||i ' " I '" l ' l.u. irohlcrcl . |.linttl tul t«r« en, picc« w( il»> ll <• • / '' ,• ly A '/ '/ ■ * \i * >• ii. • , I J iv i<.« l ■ 1 I i L - i t I 29,50, 69c ci ii /11 ■ ■■ U 25&29 cl HLjl |...Hu11. U 1.. In mm KiiH Ml V, .^l« U .) lu |[ . A Bargain in Hand-Made "" Ribboiuine-- |xi Ijp 11 <\ nn Mm 1 U M Pillow lops. U,, g.««l |«« p.i" ahH . U tii i *»«*•, l'u»|»le. N\ hit. 1 Ml l.ighl Mln«. Canhurtl, Pink, i« r | W \\ i jti j,ii ti) IMlutt Utl btmui* Af yard, I «<| UKttit w itli I .iiunaiiun 111 mi m * i»ta»!4u pti pin Kan»-> will* llu|l> |.iist»» Tg No. 12 all Silk lat teta. Children's Cloth. Children's Coat. Ribbon, bright color. \tk Caracola and Vel ui.ui> i.i iMi> pii''a ll»ielk«r- » f* 4. ura. Ilr l'(* in U Ft* it I * l.« CIClk \.W' ' I Iti '' ' 11 ii 11. 1 '•» Vt I V Oil IS. lOU . , ■ ** fI.M aad (t»iklr«u -huh >.hi iuu> lib. I) *»i l.ohu liiliUuii*, ... : || | _ J Viinety tioiii $J w,u P l<sliea ss. R. K U I£H N K.' " a,**#' II a*' * i«lIn iam t CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910.
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