of 1 J the Grape are \i transmitted k lOYAL Peking Powder Jit Absolutely U to the food. Y\ j The food is B \ thereby a jjmade more) |M tasty and || Indigestible 1/ LOCAL I %T. \L uO.<»SIK Oo »«• Mifitfd Thui irhicb you trovld tk* t<* »et > 'hi 1* i*** rtn-r nIJ ft u* k tu.w by pot lal flttrtl, letter or nertonally, Cat I Swaimon called on friends Ht Kldgway and St. Marys, last Saturday evening and Sund.ty. C. II Cordie, of Sinnam aboniug, wan guest at the home of Mr. and Mm. Fred Seger, last Sunday Prof. H. 11. Edgar was a business caller at Kane and Itidgway laat Fri <luy evening »»»*! Saturday. Merman Anderson made tne PKKSS oftlcti a business rail on Saturday, re u«wiii|i hi* *ubacription. Mr. Ainler aou In an industrious concrete con tractor. Mr and Mrs. 1. If. Liggett and ' daughter .Mix J. Willis (i.iskill UMIII t > Smetb|>ott la .1 H:iturdi<\ to attend the funeral ol a relative. lien (». I'.rakine and Hoy ' liurltiw mrn ItUniiivM i alii ra at St. I Marys, last l''iitlay evening, between ' train*. Mian Anna MIIIIM IT went to Jamaa ton, N, Y , la»t Saturday, where alie la ' •{jttudiut! a abort time, guest of her siatvr at that place, W 1,. IXIOII traltaatind buaiiiea* at , the I'HUM ottlee laat Saturday anil re n«wml hi* aulau'ri|itloll. \|iaa Ethel Ituiiyau, ol Miiinnnithoii iug, spent Saturday iu Emporium, i shopping ami < ailing on friemla. Sh« ntada the i'KK»s olthe a ms'lal and ' bualneaa oal' SIIM Maude I allabau, ol (Iriftwood, wa» |fu« *t ol Mi». Heita Jordan, laat , 'l'uuMliti evening and tf<u ! i* of u»» Emporium *..01al t'luh i _ >,oai E I-labor, Jr , Ml IC'ii ovo, was , ttuaal uf W. S St, .|,ri on Tutatlav . yarning Mr li tiii« u>< iu attend , waa gutal ul Mlaa dyrlle tireuory laal I'litaalay evening diaa I'ltua was an route for I'lttaburg I Miss Eva Waddington, of this place, ! was a visitor at St. Marys, Wednesday : evening. j Hon. Josiah Howard is looking ; business interests at Westboro, Wis., j this week. | Miss Sadie Edwards, of this place, spent Saturday evening and Sunday, guest of friends at St. Marys. Patsy Morrissev and Leo Hayes went to Buffalo yesterday to see the sights for a day or two. Misses Flossie Taggart and Jessie Anderson spent the latter part of last week in Buffalo. Miss Rose Kraus, of St. Marys, was visiting here, Monday, guest of Mrs. Foulkrod, East sixth street. The Social Club, a private society, , held one of their social hops last Tues day evening, at the opera house. Mrs. J. M Paris and son, Lamar I)e- Armit, of Marlington, W. Va., are visiting relatives and friends in town. Mrs. F. J. Lagerman and son Francis, of Itidgway, spent Sunday in town, guests of Mrs. A. E Wheatonon Third street. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meisel, of Cole grove, formerly of this place, are spending a short time in town visiting friends. Mrs F. D. Logan returned to her home at this place on Monday, having spent a week, guest of her parents and other relatives at Fostoria, Ohio. Mrs. \Vm H. Howard, who has been visiting with relatives at Philadelphia and Shenandoah for some time, re turned last Sunday afternoon. Mersrs. F. P. Rentz and F. P. Strayer were business callers at John son burg, last Monday, in the interests of the Emporium Machine Company. Miss May Swartzfisher, who spent a few days in town, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Vogt and family, returned to her home at Renovo last Monday afternoon. Mrs. Robt. K. Mickey and son Ro bert, Jr., returned on Tuesday, from an i extended visit with her parents at Washington, D. C. Chas. Mickey, who for some time was employed as book-keeper with the Novelty Incandescent Lamp Co., at this place, has returned to his home at Cleveland. Miss Edna Auehu, who has been . spending several days in Philadelphia, j where she received treatment for her ' eyes, returned to her home this j (Thursday) morning. Miss Clara Fredette and Rose Smith, ! of this place, were business callers at; Renovo last Wednesday evening. They returned to Emporium this (Thursday) morning. William M. Carter, chairman of Ship pen township board of Supervisors and Cha°, Barr, of same township, both re- Pahle and honest citizens, were very a ; eaable PRESS callers on Wednesday and helped to make ye editor's path a little smoother. Alvan L. Ensign, ofSinnamahoning, came up on Tuesday to attend Mason- | ie Banquet and call on old friends, i Mr. Ensign is one of the Sinnamahon ing Powder Company's reliable "hoys." The PRKSS force was pleased to receive a business and social call 112 om our genial friend. Mrs. Harry Mack, of Philadelphia, arrived from Philadelphia last Satur- j day to spend the holidays with her j mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, and sis- | ter, Mrs Chas. E Crandell and family, j West Fifth street. Surveyor ShafTer came down from j Ridgway last Monday and remained j for Masonic lodge Tuesday evening, i of which he is a member Mrs. T. H. Williams, daughter of i Hon. ana Mrs. (1. W, Huntley, who j wiia operated upon for appendicitis re- | cently, safely passed through the j ordeal and is expected home next j week. Mrs, Josiah Howard has returned home from an extended visit at Shen andoah City. County Commissioner S. P. Kreider was a pleasant social and business call er on the PKKSS, Tuesday. The venerable (100. Fry visited in town Tuesday. We noticed Rev. W. P. Shriner, of Lock Haven, registered at The Warner on Tuesday. Our old friend John (iantz called to see the PKKHH this morning, paid for bis paper, as lie always promptly does ( iinb' dge Graham Minick, of Itidg way, greatly pleased his Masonic brei >i»-rii by making them a visit Tues day fie ling. He was one of the early Ma lers of the 1.0 lge -and well we re m< in tier. Take This Home and Try il on Your Piano. When in doubt, get her a spoon I That may sound frivolous, but if you < will atop, think, and question, you will ! Mini it the soundest advine you have had this Christmas season. For ill. i stance, is there anything a woman { thliika more of than her table, with its silver ami glass? No! Well to get a win 1m net of nolitl ailver is ipiite an | outlay, hut you call get at Merger's , Jewi-irj Si ore a single spoon of any of . the Ni.tiiilard patterns, and you can al w i) a base tliem,u|ie year alter another, not oulj in fmoi.a but iu any of ihe huutlred ami one laid pieces, an well as fork* knives ami Indies, and the ex |HIIIM> is MI little ihat you e ill alloril to MAKE PXII.I |ll taenia on all thu little antiH eraai ltrs, and ••wholil before you ' mi a the money your wife baa a re aptfiahla lot of solid ailver, thai la good, not only for her life time but for two or ihree uener.dions afler |j-41. H eg later'* Niilh t'. Hon or Hkaum . » hi», I I uintv ui>('AMßluia. ( w ktvoliy lixii that V A IlKiMiKs [ Ailuilliiaratfir iw lb« Mlklt "I Hiatal I ulWui, lal« uf (iibuiß Ti.»i,.hi(> I Itn R'IHI III« urn IIMI littl aimiul ul -«iil liaiae I lolluH himl Ihf MMlr a 111 bff BApMUInI Ol lie J tauary I*lH* EF ll.url , art! IM UIIIRIUUIIMK J W J I.KAVII't U'gfln. 1 Ktui«ifista I"- IIU, !•*< tig. Iti'glxli t'o Nulit r, \ ,0,, i : CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1910. Reduction in Hardware A l>i<* reduction of 20 per cent, will be made I on all enamel and tin ware and in fact all I articles in the hardware 9 line. Save a dollar |j here 011 every five dollar purchase. A trial will I convince you. F. W. Dininny BROAD STUEET. Canary Birds] If you wish a Canary I for Xmas, consult 11s. We I are on the job with a fine I imported stock. ■ ——————————— 1 Dodson's Drug Store J EMPORIUM ; MILLING COMPANY. | ms&ms/ The Bread That Nourishes and that has that delicious flavor ia the bread that in made from the PETUROVK flour. You t(et the i>e»t nutriment from the choicest wheat that iH rained and your hrea<i really the Htnt! of life when it ia made from PET (SHOVE flour from j your Grocers. PftfiM"MPT. Kuiporiiuu. Nov. :iu, tylu N K.MOI'I 1 I 1 A, ■ lack 1! 10 | Fell 'a Fancy, " I W I 'Vt Grove. ** I mi Holler Meal 50 H>«* "... TO Ornhaiii, . TO New Buckwheat Flour. M 111 -.*« L, 7ft New wheat Flour. 10 lb tMk, Vi ' "nrHi- v|.u| pff t u I ¥» | Ch<«|» M I 112 i.w k««l Corn |»er 100 I While MUMling* .. I «io 1 mi. ... ... .... .•••••■.*•••..•••. ■ I 1'» < hit-kin Wheal In*.* a* reeuiugii " I li Oil Meal ' * I ift Ot• iii |»vr iiu»hel, To Whii« i »»%l» . i»**r 0u«hti1....................... II o\*lt«r HtiflU, lirr 100..,.. T'» NI.-rlinKrhirkFe.il J 00 Hlvrliiijt Hi rnich I •»<» lie lev hairy Feml, M ... 1 40 «*lf Meal, lt»» I to 11 •it .. i Meal. I M Mwiiiiuoth <'lu?e» He«il, |irr hu 10 ta Milium i layer Hexl, " I" Mi AUvkc t'luwr riewl, " ....... . ..lofta riilinlhv.lrr.l " .... & lio Herman Millet Heed . t V* Election Notice. « A MMHON POWUKK MANI FAI I UHIMO j i l »M I'A N V r I % il annual inert nig of the »to< kli<*it|«rr« fi>r I On* tiw liou of * H<<ai>t of l«»r» eml the ' trenter!lon of *u» h <«tt»»r l>u«iiiee« ae mav l>« , » • i i.i \-,. ii I t«e hrl<l at thi lUi »( tki , i uiukiit) in fttoi|«oi mm, «>n M««n»l •*>. Januery I*l, ; till, Mwti n the hour* of one eml three in the ! after n«*un lilliS m IhS NuiiUn, F.m|M>«i«iMi. Fa . I lee nth Ittta «112 ti I 1.1 t I Ml H Nil I M B. YIIK KIIOiT NAtIUNAI. HANK, t Mi fn« i. iejo r |*lM 4Hi. < •Hue "i i| M .' ki. I*l* 112 1 i h ~| |i lii *u«*<t»«.i. »112 *m« h »ahe» »m.ii,. it»a> i § I 4 *V» u" * ,>4 * * "i V I.MiVH, t emitter. jo Put Red Cross Seals on Christmas Letters and Packages §< On Sale Here, One Cent Each Yr* j| 1 Ml E -w Where the work of yh A JJay JL/QV s I J pleasure at this glad- 7 &)\ || 11c ITcfij/fcfcijSfcic The Satisfactory Store fg Tlim we serve yon well, as 8| H nUmUBIIOOr I f|!y P ertains t0 the satisfying of jj| tjn the demands of the inner man J| | fe We can also serve You Well |g p In the Demands for Gift Articles | w A visit, to our store will convince. 1. |® Here you can find something satisfy- St ; ing for every member of the family. jg !| = | p Why Not Give China. || Our Stock is large and suggestive ranging from a wjk SS prettily designed 10c article to full Dinner Sets. Odd Bta 'm pieces. Fancy China at.greatly reduced prices. fg| Exceptional Offerings Awaits Ycu in This Department. j§ ¥ "" I M Piffo GlVe the greate st pleasure. You |0 p IS duiEudi ulllu can find them her ein abundance fe at surprisingly low cost. They S are too numerous to enumerate in our space but come and m let us show you. | , | | Christmas Holly and Holly Wreaths f°/ a tr°nl!w.' 1 | now and avoid possible disappointment. BS ! m h K| Choicest Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh or in Cans. SI | Fresh New Nuts, Figs, Dates and Candies ! 7/4 Fancy Cheese. r^f ii© I it' 1 Large Variety Fresh Baked Goods. wtl 'ffl Everything for your Enjoyment L 11 Economy Prices 11 11 to Sugar $1.45 Lard 'T "l.T 1 ' 16c | iiOe quality, incliitling Ooluni' Oy- ja f\i- J(Kj l>ueen Olives, 1 r U% gj lea lon, ,in,l |t»Hket Friwl lb. 4I)C UllVeS The Ix.ttle *»> C ® I Apricots u " oU '"' 20c Candy 15 Quality, lb., 12jC jj^Jl M Oat Meal ,L!'i"i'o.l 25c Clam | m Cocoa 25c Bird Seed 8c | p N. V, State IVa Bmiik, Hotter r D" „ lull Head Rice, *1 _ *0 >Jr\ DeanS than M arrow fat 'h for Iwikinj;. lb. 3C I%ICC Japan style, H>., • v j®| m ~ === S m - ® jA Lucious Baltimore Shucked Oysters |S Fresh Caught Lake Fish Jl LeaOe Orders for Delivery Friday Morning v® trim K9 g m Delivery to All Part# of Town S ® You Get Better Value* Here \ S j 1 !_ j 1.1. 11. DAY.i Phone 6. Emporium. Pa. kjl «■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers