HiiMiticM* CanlN. J C. JOHN SON « J. P. MCNAKNKY P. A. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & McNAKNfciV, ATTORNKYB-AT-LAW EMPORIUM, FA. Will give prompt attention to alt business en. truat.-d to them. 16-ly. MICUAKL BKKNNAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Heal estate aim pension claim agent, 85-ly. Emporium, Pa. B. W. ORBKN. JAY P. FELT 3REEN & KELT, ATTORNKYB-AT-LAW, Corner Fourth and Broad streets, Emporium, l'a. All business relating to estate.collections, real •K'ate. Orphan's Court and generallaw busineas will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly. MAY GOULD, TRACHBK Of PIANO, HARMONY ANDTHEORY Alsodealar in all the MUMC, Emporium, Pa. Scholars faugh t either at my home on Sixth •treetor atthe homes of the pupils. Outoftown scholars will ba given dates at my rooaicin thi. place. THE NEW ALPINE HOUSE, Sterling Run, Pa. W. H. BAGI.»Y, Proprietor. First-class accommodations in every particular. This old and popular House has been thorough ly refitted to meet every requirement ol this rapidly growing town. Terms, reasonable. «-ly. Over Half-Century. Humphreys' Specifics have been used by the people with satisfaction for more than BO years. Medical Book sent free. No. FOR Price 1 Fevers. Congestions, inflammations 23 2 Worms. Worm Fever, or Worm Disease '2l 3 i'ollc. Crying and Wakefulness of Infants 29 4 Diarrhea, of Children and Adults -Ji 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 23 5 Toothache, Kaceache, Neuralgia 25 • Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo 2S 10 Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach. ....2 S IS Croup. Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 23 14 Salt It lieu m. Eruptions, Erysipelas 23 15 (Iheumntlsm, or Rheumatic Paint 'it IS Fever and Ague, Malaria 23 17 Piles, Blind or Bleeding. External, Internal. 23 19 Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In Head. ....23 SO Whooping Couch. Spasmodic Cough S3 91 Asthma, Oppressed, Difficult Breathing US 27 Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi 23 28 Nervous Debility. Vital Weakness 1.00 SO Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bad 23 31 Sore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria 23 77 Crip. Hay focr and Summer Colds 25 Sold bf druggists, or sent on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' HOMEO. MEDICINB CO., Corner William and Ann Streets, New York. InTY fin A anr. gnnrnntwdlf 700 nse , I PILES Suppository D. M.tt. Thompson, Sup't 1 ■ ftndM School., Rt.tcs.lHe, N. C.. wrllM: "I c.n »« | ■ ih'.-j do nil Ton elnln for them." tor. 8. M. p.vore ; ■ Knv.n Rock, W. Vn., writ..: "The7siTennl.lr.nU.il. H faction." Dr. H. D. M.OIU, Cl.rk.burg, T. no. wrlt.a ■I" Inn prnciion of IS 71.r., I here found no r-m«d» lo ■ M|tinl )»»ri." P»ie«, 40 C.NT., SampK. Kr,«. Sold Sold in Emporium by I. Taqgirt and K. C Dodsop CALL FOR FRCC SaiHPI 112 LINCOLN'S Catarrh Balm For Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Hawking, Spitting, Hay Fever, Sore Throat, Asthma and Grippe. dT^ts J 1 V • I /V /V vC > i..HI "1 MINISTERS ANU DRUGGISTS RECOM MEND INCOLN S CATARRH BALM liev. •' 112 I'ender, lil*irnville, l'a.; Ht?v. S. L. MtHßerijjer, Truppe, l'a; Ituv. VV. U. Hrubuker,PnoAnixville, l'a,; |{<<v. J. K Frf«;ma», Allnncuwii, l'n.; Itev. I). P. I/ingHtlorf, Welnsport, l'a.; O. 11. J. HHIIH-H, 1 »rtiKj»i-4t, A lien town, Pa.; Howard It. Moytir, Quakttr town, Pa., and K. I> Fraunftilter, I)riinui-.t, Kuntoil, Pa., all wy over tlir-ir nwii Hlt;n:itttreH that they have lined I.lN'< (UN'S CATARRH HAI.M and (five It t.i.-ir uii(|iii*lille<l •nd«r«e mont. CATARRH, ASTHMA \NI) HAV I'KVHR Ct'RKD. SVm lldvUir, Vlluiitowii, Pa., writeo: H<« »«ffere<l twelve yearn from \ntliin* and t 'atarrh, ItliU'olb'a Catarrh lialin lured him. John MiuiOrafor. Hrldgniiort, l'a., irrit*M That after »«veii fwrt with Cataarh and Hay Fever, .liK'iiln'a Catarrh Italm t-urml him. CUKKD IN TtIKKK WHHKS. Cliaa K»rh*r, Jr., Kdltor Courier, Hlatravllle, Pa., wrlu a: That he »utT.-r •mI mauy \«ar« froiu a furiu of dry i«ktrrh, the Aral abdication of l.in mill 1 ' ' ¥aarrh Italm yue wonderful r«|l«t and Intlde of thre«i Hi ek» he waa entirely cured Oltl'Mß TO-OA Y, Mi I'euta P«-r Jar at fMPORIUM OKU* COMfANf, r«*l Ofci Bu|dlN| . t mpuriuiM Pi TAtiiANT H OLD Ht LIABLE, t mp«r ism Pa. N C DODHON, PlaraiiHl, Fudk *lr«il, laptfum l'a mmmmmmmmamaamammmm A^CUPj—3^ MOVES THE BOWELS IN THE MORNING Roof Slating I am especially prepared to Contract for Slating By thejsquare or job. As to my work manehip, 1 refer, by permission, to the work recently completed fur the Hon. B. W. Green. GEORGE A. WRIGHT. Get My Prices Before You Use Shingles Divorce Notice. To EDWARD TEETS, late of Emporium,, Com eron County, Pennsylvania. W HEREAS. Grace Myrtle Tecls. your wife haH filed a libel in the C<uirt of Common Pleas of Cameron County of July Term, 1910, No. 23, praying a divorce against you, and you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before Monday, the ninth day of January, next, to answer the complaint of the said Grace Myrtle Teets and in default, of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce granted in your absence. JOHN W. NORRIS, Sheriff of Cameron County. Emporium. Pa., November 25, 1910.—42-4t. Administratrix's Notice. Mutate of, Robert C. Dodson, late of the Borough of Emporum, County of Cameron and Stale of Pennsylvania, deceased. I ETTERS of Administration, c. t. a., on the I J above estate, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment and these having claims to present the same without de lay to MARY C. DODSON, Administratrix, C. T. A. Or to her attorneys, OKEKN & KELT. Emporium, Pa., Nov. 19th, 1910.—-41-fit. Kxccutor's Notice. ftiiate of William Haekenbcrg, lute of the Bor ough of Emporium, County of Cameron and State of Penrityhvmia, decease)). LETTERS testamentary on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present the same without delay to OLIVET. HACKENBERG, WILLIAM S. WALKER. WILLIAM L. ERHARD, Executors. Or to their Attorneys, GRKEN A FKI.T. Emporium, Pa., Oct. 29th, 1910.-38-«t. NOTICE. Stockholders' Meeting;- r PHE Board of Directors of the Emporium I Water Company, hereby give notice that JI ftpecial meeting of the Stock holders will be held at the office of the said Company, in Emporium, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, the twenty-second day of December, 1910, at *2 oVlock, p. m..for the purpose of voting for or against the proposed in crease of the cuiutnl stock of the said Company from SOO,OOO to $ 00,000. By order of the Beard of Directors. JOHN D. LOGAN, Secretary. October 13, 1910 -35-1 It. Mountain Park Greens House. Ridjfwav, Ha, We have the largent and most up-to date GREEN HOUSE in Western P< mit-ylvania. All orders left at Geo. J. Laßar's, Emporium, Pa , will roceive prompt and careful attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. 52-I.v. IHIMFIt'IM li "COUGH —hmhwii joe CtTBSS Coughs, Colds, i OROU» Wl loopi ngCongh This remedy (in always k« drproaed upon and Is plratan 'o li cMtaii-s no op'<im or ulher Karmlul di u« ar.d nay bt <in.i a.cwifl 4«aii) lo a baby as in an *!«! L ►flu 25 ciatt, lar}t su« M reals. Are You Looking tor a Position? VVc can offt-r you K*HH.I Paying Kmplnymcnt that you will enjoy and ' ut home. Write to-day I i#TM 112 lsr Holtrrtrk HulilUliiuy < U It H l ufli, 94, \. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, tgio. 11 Latiies! a ' ,e bioney and in ; Style Ly Reading hlcCuil't. Magazine end Using McCell Patterns '' MrCsH's Mscarine will i 11-CALLS MACAZIiiE help -m «ir. t% 1- i lily nt n moderate 112." expo 11 i! by 1. eoi>i ii « MOT you I.<i'.;< <1 oil tlio r?\ Inl<- I fatll in :< 111 J» clothes mill IK.: . 50 (fJ V.-wr I'n.'hlmi l)i «I mi* I | /' '' «'L» '■ -UP. Also I : v;- 1" .S lo itifoniK.llon I /(' Y-0 "" ; lioino ami per • B miiHl manors. only v i,lc u yi: r, including n free | iiitrrn. Hub •m-miTm .scribe luduy or tend/ tU-T-"" - T !'■ or,.- l.ir free sampla copy. \ McCnM P.il ern-. v. ill nir.kc ill your/ own li'iiua, Willi yourtrn.. .. in'gfor yourself iiiml children which will he perfect In stylo end llr. l'iii- ( —no-ie lilrlu r than 15 cents, fend l.ir free Pattern Ciituli gae. j W- W'" Yo» Fim Present! for Retting Mill >» . . ~>ur friends. Send for freo Preiniinii ( nmlncue and (ash Prize ofTer. J THE RCCALL CFIKPANY, :.15LA 2<9 West 37:1: SI.. 1T,7 YOR.L CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND Su *«Xy c° I! & "«*. LADIES t -r Aek your for CITI-CHESTER'S A DIAMOND lIKAND PILLS in RED snd/j\ GOLD metallic boxes, sealed with Blue(0> Ribbon. Tacb NO OTHER. Hay of your VX Drusßlnt and auk for CIII-CIIKS-T£K 8 V DIAMOND RBANI) PII.LH, for twrntr-fi»o years regarded ns Best.Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TRIED EVERYWHERE £££& $ THE £ New Novelty j I Ice Cream j > and Confectionery j £ Parlors } i JOHN McDONALD, Manager i i Opposite Post Office. c \ Everything new and Up-to-Date. < sloe Cream, lees, Soda Water, ) ( served in style. Large Cool 2 112 and Comfortable Rooms. > } Experienced Waiters, Prompt \ > Service. We study to please > j Our Confectionery, Fruit, and 112 \ Soda Water department is newly 112 112 fitted, all good being fresh and > > pure. We kindly solicit a share > \ of the public patronage. Call ) g and see us and try us. > J Private families supplied with S Cream or Ices in the most ap- ) J proved packing cases, in tbe } j most up-to-date manner s s Give us a call. J JOHN McDONALD, Manager. j Pure Water! DRINK Sizerville Mineral Water fleiin, Pure unci Healthy. We are prepared to famish the citizens of Kmporiiini this popular Water, either PLAIN' OHCAKHONA'I I I), in hollies. Drop a postal card we will do tile rent Tin analysis of the celebrated Kizerviile Water has made it f»mout all over the country. Orders may he left at Oeo. K. Halcom ■tore, or water may be purchased by the cast: at the same place. Address, Magnetic Mineral Water Co., PA. i Wii-DSOR HO it! K '.v. r. h <( a\Ki:k. m|K V Kuropiiin, $1 uu |>er day and up | ArarrlCia, 12 M JK r day and up | I Midway between Broad Stieri Station and Reading Tcrmiaal on Filbert Street. Th» «h «H>4ii<i« |>i iced keltl *1 PHILADELPHIA SirrEnl A « •»«... »• w« H IhiIMIMN lIMli «.•,«», ■ ■ ■ «. •> <— M* ■ '»•» ifc - > »' -**'s tm ikm . Sold m emporium by I Tigys/t snd 1 K C O'NJiui nuoi« , T»*«<* okt p uiiiilu!L.. w FOR BUSINESS GIRLS There Is no safer investment In the way of a Christmas present for any woman, young or old, than a scarf that may be used for afternoon and even ing wear. Scarfs are the direct out come of the vogue for tunics, fichus, berthas and draped skirts that have invaded the fashions this winter. One scarf can serve a number of purposes. It can be used as lichu on a house gown or worn as a shoulder cape under the evening cloak or adapted to serve its a headdress. An Ivory Toilet Set. "I've put my silver set away and now use the ivory toilet set Aunt Marlon sent me last Christmas." was iSS) j X - "" IVORY TOILET SET. the very pertinent remark made re cently by a girl who is successfully working her way to a good salary if not to fame. Yes. there are such com fort and smartness about the new Ivory toilet sets that every girl is pleas ed with them. It is, however, much better to give one or two pieces at a time of the very best quality of ivory than to try to cover a larger field. Pocket Writing Case. Why not give her a stationary writ ing case? JTou can buy such a conven ience for $2.25 of fine durable leather which holds a quire of paper, envel opes, fountain pen and stamps. Or a good print neatly framed to bang in her room is an acceptable gift, and even a calendar, if artistic, is not to be despised. But do IK? careful if you give her a book, and don't send an edition of Ibsen to the girl who loves the lightest kind of fiction, or vice versa. Handkerchiefs and gloves she'll POCKET WRITINO CASE. flippantly dub as "commonplace," but she'll be grateful for the gift later on. Silk stockings are always winners in the gift line, and pretty combs for the hair, or an umbrella if It has a stun- j niug handle. Handy Powder Bag. The stress and strain of the day's j work never seem to make the busi- i ness niri oblivious to the fact that her i nose may be shiny and that a judi cious bag of powder will add as much to her well being as the drop of oil jjiv- j en the rod of her typewriting machine, j In other words, if you give the business j tfirl a smart little powder bag, such as j the one to be seen In the illustration, she will bless you as long as tile vanity j case lasts. She can conveniently dis | * ' I to* \j-wx TVi, 112 10 Jj. , I f*#*! I, 1 Utile dab of I.ltUc »|»tk of |iulllt. Mutt* (he little frttckle U*<U us though It ain't, pone of the little bfltf 111 her pocket and surreptitiously give Iter noae a dab that will adil to Iter autlifaction during (be day. I liw useful trifle la to be purchased at moat dupuriiuL'Ui niorua and ruuica lu a t'hiUtiuiia U<x de«uruti-d with apraya of holly There U a Klaee 111 one see | tlou, anil 111 the other a |K»cliet concenla a lluy cliMiuola luitf tilled with |Mittder Kmall liM'taloiia have to be iiiaile In tk* < liainoin lo allow for the outlet of tb« iMi«r4#r Reduction Sale onallMillinery We have put our entire I stock of Trimmed Hats and Tailored Hats on sale at 1-3 of former price. All Wings and Fancy Feathers at 1-2 former price. 25 per cent, oft on Wil low Plumes. We have some bargains in this line of goods. We have a few of our Fine Pattern Hats which 1 we will sell at a sacrifice. 1 LUDLAMS. HI The Place VOll fjjl HI Want !| iCLIPSON It. H S0 P&S i MARTIN'S 1 i £ j • £43 toiiioeiioiiory f(£, S'ruif and ('iiiiir m H st<>r<» if Two Doors West of Post office. jrjl We invite you to drop in and |§| IS see us and price our line of BSj| sensible, useful and pure goods. SKI Everything fresh and up to date. 3a ® ( lioicos( Candies and L Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco 39 Vou will Sll vi* Money l»v l>< wiling Here C. R. MARTIN. IS mimssßßEßm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers