ESTABMSHKO, 1866. Cameron County Press IIKMRV H. iniILLIN, lCditor and Proprietor OBVILLU PROI-DKOOT, Assistant and Manager RAYMOND KIEHH, Assistant Foreman. W. SCOTT STERN BR, Assistant Local Editor. PUBLISHED KVKRY THURSDAY ||g. Lars IB] 1 Breezy 112 | Countyt! |) Netfs I' M \ -—Jigg -r CAMERON Mrs. J. E. Lester returned home from Harrison Valley Mouday. Frank Sullivan had the misfortune to injure a linger u Monday, while at work i on the railroad by a rail falliug on it. | We aro clad to mention that C. B. I'ottir is much improved in health at I this writing. Mrs. Sam I Hi Iv.s, whi» has been tjuit«* ill, i> improving. Miss Delia Walker visited with Sadie Cumley over Sunday. Leonard Buriiogame of Detroit, Mich., i- visiting friends here. Mrs. Fred Cotnley visited at Empori um on Friday. (Iron Bagley of Sterling Run visited in town oue day last week. 31 r. Evans of Stoiiiug lluu called uu friends Saturday evening. Ri sa Lord visited at Sterling Run lust Friday. Fred Amis* mm:; called on iViends here one day last week. Mr.- 11 eur j W-.-rse visited at Empori um last. Saturday. Robert Boyd returned home Monday from Hicks Run. Miss Clara Entrance of Emporium, visited with friends here Sunday. Mary Stuart visited her parents Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Etta Com ley called on Sterling Run friends .Monday. -Josephine Helens of Calder, visited her sister Mrs (J. L. Page ou Friday. Edith Lupole has returned home from Driftwood, where she has been visiting the past week. If some people in our town would at tend to their own business as wc'l as they attend !ier-i, I am sure it would be much better for their own welfare. R. B. B. Crura of Sinnamahoniug, visited with Albert Lord over Sunday. A number of hunters haye been visit ing in town. > A party of young folks from Empori um culled at E. F. Comley's and partook of a chicken and oyster supper on Mon day evening. All declare they had a pleasant time. The concert held on our streets Mon day evening was enjoyed by all. D.usv. DRIFTWOOD. The Odd Fellows' Annual Banquet IHS served in Mr. Riley's dining room. ii the evening of Dec. 1, by the Ladies Aiil Society. Eighty six guests wire present includ ing Driftwood Lodge, and visitors from Renovo, Kmportuni, Sinnauiahouing, Austin, Benedetto and Karthus The tables were beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums, ferns and carnations. The toast master was Theodore W. Nicholas, of Ueniivo. Speeches were given by Mr. Becktuan, Rev. Batten, Mt-srs. Morton, Geo. L. Smith. Young and others. Mrs. Mutterabauuh has In en ill duriug the last few day*. A number ofynung laities were pleas antly nteru ncd at the In me of Mrs. Dr. Corbett on Saturday evening. Anions thi-e present were Mk«es Laura and Flora Me Donald, Martha (ilea son, Botha Krenh r, t' irtie ami Bertha Cor- I r Martha Osburn Clara Millet, and Mi Rtu. I'ulm. After si line time do ing lane) work. f»fr< dion-nis wer- »erv ttl. A very enjoy abk» time was report* r~ Kit -11. Nt I'lulsd- Ipliia, and her •i.n, Mr t L I* Itu *ll, of this pitue, left .in w iturd*y l« r St. M try», where thi) miII vmil l.i iI * >lay*. Mi-. L W tilejsou with her daugh- I I Buill. Ii ft l>U \\' I'lllM'Sll.iy lit-l to fisil hi daughti-r Celt*. who u attending * Koul in New York eily. Mi. Bn*«r, «112 I. input mm, spent ait *V» UlUg 111 la»t Week 111 DllltWootJ. Mi. Kldti d K.tidn «ut visitor tu Fmp-iiuiu on iSuaifey. Mi Kdirar, ol kinponuui. *«iig a *olo la m. Jouei t'i*tli>iliu I 'lmreh tlii* pUoe, on .Sunday wonting Mi* I'eop* iman nt link* Bun, m <* in t«t»n iiu Saturday iiinintu.' Mr. \V«lier Y iali>i», Irniu the -* -mh liti t« <ii in tuwu a few day*. Tin nee Sup ftieii Mi I'utMiliiii r . ,U414.. K It D II V, hi,in M .t li.- | N| Counsil Brothers SINNAMAHONING, PA. Re-Opening of the New Store. Our new store is completed and Wednesday, Dec. 14th, 1910, will mark the opening to the general public. We are proud of this store because we think it is the most up-to-date and convenient General Store in this county. By reason of the fire.which destroyed our place of business on Aug, 16th, 1910, we have been greatly handicapped in our efforts to serve the public and we take this occasion to thank our patrons for their forbearance and kindness. The floor space which we now occupy will enable us to present to the public a line ot goods covering the entire field of merchandise. This line of merchandise will be of the dependable kind, fresh and new and our prices will be found right. Our service will be strictly honorable and if any patron finds it necessary to send their children to our store we assure them of satisfactory service in every instance. Anything bought here will be cheer fully exchanged, or money refunded, if not satisfactory. Our Holiday Goods will be on display at the time of the opening. We have a large line of Candies, Toys and Playthings tor the little ones. We want the people, one and all, to come and inspect this new store. We will endeavor to make it pleasant for you all. COUNSIL BROTHERS, Sinnamahoning, Pa. NORTH CFLTEK. Willis McClenahan made a business trig to Emporium, Wedm sday. C'live Lewis and Garnie Housler were seen on our streets of Thursday. Warren Moore visited with Fred Sol vesou Monday returning home Tuesday. Mrs. Spenee aud son Will, who were guests of Mrs. Annie Housler and family returned to their home in Emporium, Saturday. Fred Solvesou visited the city Satur day. Hazel Chandler visited friends on West Creek and in Emporium Monday. F. A. Lewis, V. M. Dow, and W. F. Lewis were in town Saturday. Mr. Ledbetter, of Bich A alley, called on friends here Sunday. Thomas Britton and Everal Housler visited the city Tuesday. F. A. Lewis attended Farmer's Insti tute in the Rich Valley church Friday. Wm, F. Lewis and wife were in Em porium Sunday. Mrs. L. is on the sick list aud called to consult a doctor. •J. W. Lewis, Henry Carter, and W. Smith were city visitors recently. Mrs. Maine Swcsey called on her mother, grandma Carter, Sunday. Anna Bates is making an extensive visit with her parents in Plank Boad Hollow. Mrs. Chas. Barr is able to be about again after a fight with pneumonia. Olive Cool visited the city Saturday and spent Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs. Dow. Fred Solveson contemplates a visit to the South. Merlin Housle, Ed. and daughter, My rtle, visited the city Tuesday. Harry McClenahan visited with Ralph Woodcock at the home of May McClena han. Saturday and Sunday. Johu McClenahan was seen on our streets recently. Dec. 7, 1910. BLUE JAV. CAMERON John McFadden was working at Hicks Bun several days last week. W. Harvey visited friends at Ar iitde, N V., a lew days this week. W 11. <i. Walker was an F.uiporiuiu visitor Tuesday. x 'i- .1 I) L-ti r returned from York Stale recently. K I' krapc was an Kiuporiuiu caller Thursday last. Mr Vlaiu Fi-idlcr, returned home 'fie sd.iv limn a \ i-it <if several days in Clinton I-I unty. William Wyki tt returned Inum* Suu day fl"iu II Weili'» Slav ill Ik-Di n Itllll where hi *a« 'I tl'pln'.' J. I. I.- ' I -ays lit the eliaUi bit HI In <t{ UL tin- >t a*ott lips the scale* at ;»Mllh». W liu can beat ■)ak-.' i>iant Hart ol Stirling Buu, was a caller in I iwn aeveral da)* thi» wuek. Mt . .l -i |,li Yueuui wan a e.iLef ai Stilling Bun, between train*, Tuesday. Frank J- >i»ll»van ha* b> <li walking lri'-k the I Ist l> W 111 III* I- lit. till tf J. It Kflm Kflm km I mil uudi r tin w«-Blhe>. Mia* t'uWlli. eouniy 'upt ealb d un lli.J I>lt->il< at thta plae« 1111-1 week, W m-n Ml iiIMII aii IJ. K I,- slit h««« U< II *4win ' Ilea the p*it lew 4aya. I ted \rti> tr aig ti> * ilh-r iu tii*n . vl'b# u>-« nily \V \. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1910. CAMtRUN. SKniihinu; next in order. \\ uj. Fox and E. D. Krape were Driftwood callers Thursday evening. J. F. Sullivan is relieving operator Harvey, while the latter if off on his va cation. Dick Crum, of Sinnamahoning, drove through this place Sunday on his way to Emporium. Several of our old children are down with the whoopiug cough. The hunters from this place, who stop ped at Carwine's on their deer (dear) hunt, are still talking about the line soup iliey received. Ye scribe received a line venison steak for hi 1 •leakfast the oilier morning, lroiu Mr. Moore; already fried and ready to be eatoo. Gee! Hut it was good. .Mr. iVloorc, of First Fork, was the donator. Thanks, John. Kobt. Boyd, who has been employed in Howard's camp, returned home Tues day. Wm. Wykoff, who has been hunting in Hicks l(un, returned home Tuesday with a line buuch of game. Sheriff Norris vihited this place Tues day. Dan. Sullivan. Sr., agaiu saw that flock ;of pigs pass over Cameron Tuesday, while returning from Sterling liuu. Kdith Lupole returned home from Driftwood to spend Christmas. Frank Sullivan and Ed. Stuart are the champion fortune-teller; telling your past, present and future free of charge. Now is you chance, girls. Dee. 6, |S)|O. Loitisk. SINNAMAHONING. .Mrs. C. W. <iray spent Wednesday in Emporium. Mrs. ('has. Meixell shopped in Km poriurn, Thursday. l'r. C. W. (iray, Messrs. VanWeit, Shaffer, Kinsley, Strayer, Walker and Krehs, have gone to New Vork on a bu*- iIMM. Jatnet. Wykoff was out of town over Sunday. Wm. Van Wert spent Saturday in Em porium. Nathan Kilin and family visited friends in Sterling Ituu, < n Sunday. Mrs, Win I'iner, of It'-novo. visited her parents on Monday. C. W. I.oveland, of M uney, (railed on friends in luwii, Monday evening. Mrs. Fink, of I'unx-utawney visited her *Ut.-r, Mrs. Jo*ephiueShirk, who ha* b«*eii very ill. but u imw eonvalfMiig. Mr*. A 11. Shafer, ol liiilgway, ha.-, btwi earing for her stater during her ill ness, Miitx Oru|(Ml, who ha- been vi-iting at the home of llou I' I'. Hand has re turned to her hoiiH iu Milton. Mrs. Lena Krebs, »p<nt Tuesday iu Emporium. Mr». Krank Wolfe and Mr». 11. h. Ituiluy, ahuppi'd in Knipolimu Tuesday. Miw <ira>'<' lltird i» vi»itiu|2 her »i«t«r at Jnhitxiuburg. Vrihur lUrelsy visited the county seat ■hi I u. -<t*y. Mim Myitl< Hand vint«d iu Itid. *ay Tu> «U), A. 11. Hhal* r, of |(i<L. t*4) »topp«-4 in town Uia-.ii trsin» Tut-wlsy. .111.. . 'lan i . pu In. tli * k In Nm Voik. Mm*. sa, i»iu. X.V.X. SINNAMAHONING. A. J. Barclay, Amos Bennett and Herman Loacy were visitors at Empor ium. Tuesday. Misses Lillie aud Addie Berfield are visiting friends at Berg's Hun, last week. Miss Fannie Peorith visited her par ents at Lick Island, Monday- Mildred Haynes visited friends in town over Sunday. Ilarry Elliot, Forestry officer, was up to Lorshbaugh, last Saturday. 0. R. McCoole is putting up a barber shop near Counsil Brothers new store. Geo. P. Shaf'er was in Emporium sev eral days last week. | W. 11. Van Wert, Supt. and several employees of the Sinnamahooing Pow der Company, were called to New York city this week on business. J. It. Batchelder, assessor of Grove, w;i3 a caller up the First Fork on Tues day. C. E. Logue, of First Fork, reports lots of bears but they are hard to get. doer have been plenty and a good many have been killed during the season. L. C. Wykoff, of Lorshbaugh, was a caller on Tuesday. Joel Bushore visited his family the first of the week. F. L. Miller butchered two fine hogs a day or two ago. J. Henry Logue and James Donley came in from Hunter's Rest with a large bear last week. It tipped the scales at 240 pounds. V. Dale Crum captured a fine bear while hunting deer in Jerry Run. It was under an old root laid up for the wiuter. Seveval of the members of 11 *-58 I.(). O. F., took in the turkey supper at Drift wood last Thursday evening, guests of Driftwood Lodge, No. 95M. All report having a good time. Mignon Rebekah Lodge, No. 395, of this place, is getting along nicely and are taking in new members right along. The bean bake and smoker of Wash ington Cam®, No, 13(1, P. 0. S. of A., Monday evening, was a success. All present had-a fine time. Camp No. 122, P. (). of A., will hold one of their pleasant socials next Tues day evening. An entertainment of home talent will be given at Logue's Hall on Wednesday evening. The proceeds are to get Christ mas treats for the Sunday school chil dren. Fulton Brothers are doing the paint ing and decorating for Counsil Brothers new store. About 60 deer were captured in Grove township this season and the most of them were big fellows. A good many bears have been seen in the woods this fall, but few have been killed as they keep on the side hills, where the brush is thick. If we could have the fires and dogs kept out of the woods, we would have lots of same in a few years, as both bear and deer like to stay where the timber and brush are thick. This year rabbits have been more plenty than for several years. Several of the farmers up the First Fork, who left their corn in the field to go hunting, will have cold fingers husk ing corn these cold days. DEB.SE SIZERVILLL. Many from here contemplate going to see "Reuben" at the opera house, Dec. 9th. Reuben will enjoy the meet ing. Steve YanWert just returned today from visiting his sister, Mrs. Phil Hol land, of W. N. Y. tame, she being seri ously ill at their home near Buffalo. Steve says Phil has not forgotten friends of years ago, when he pulled the throt tle at <SO miles an hour clip. The ever genial 11. C. Crawford was in town Tuesday looking his land liues over. "Hank" has an eye to business yet, and is likely to produce some in the near future. He has just returned from ! an extensive southern trip. Mr. E. Victory started Wednesday [ morning on an extended visit to his old ! home in northern Maine. I». >t w i -1«. ■ follow him. The I'. R. 1 i., unit contractors Amier son Bros., are grading a new switch j t.» 1 north of- the depot in olose proximity t" | the public road, a con\< nienci which wi! i he appreciated by the pusher men and ' public at largo. Mr. llihhs, time keeper, for Anderson llroV. ha« been assigned bookkeeper HI | charge n| Anderson Bro's. businetai lie find- hi« li m> I'ully occupied with the ; correspondence and other duties in vnlved. Mew*. Caton \ Co., ex poet to liuish hi wing Sheriff Norris* stock this week, (Niusideriug the weather and muddy log*, they have made a very successful run the pant three months aud manufactured au excellent i|uality of lumber. They ex peet to tuake a larger contract for an other year. Cruiu Bros are Is'ttcr than ever pre pared to tumUli tin ii customer-* with 1 everything suitable for Xiuaa prvmuti Kvcry department grocery, belle* fancy _'mk|s, cloaks. coats, shoes aud diets gut*!* HI tact anything and EVERYTHING your wife daughter or sweetheart might desire Tin men folks all know what a •oinplite hue w<< carry to suit them \\ e heal Ui.iUy 11 lend* of tin big I hi i»|ji' h'ii|»i s uiy I hey hop* their dlc.tin ll al ihu pa(cui post bill iu»y h. c«-lie 4 1 lllty feet) »■ »"I"U of t'oUgre.s NU lit) 1 )un get their I lib*, through for I') r cents by mail, so they can show the ex press companies and local dealers they're not in it, and we think they will. There is much opposition being shown in the eastern states already. What the out come will be remains for merchants and express companies to see, Dec 7, 1910 xxx STERLING RUN. Mrs. W. M. Summerson and son Ken neth, of Hicks Run, were guests of Mrs. C. G. Howlett recently. Born, Sunday, to Mort Dininny and wife, a boy. Mort is very proud of the young man and says he has more work I to do now than a Philadelphia lawyer. Mrs. J. 11. Straw-bridge, who has been quite ill for a week, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Westport, were guests of the latter's uncle, John May and family, over Sunday. Miss Marion Whitina had to have her valuable dog Rex shot last Friday, lie got fast in a trap and was so cross no one could get near enough to get him out. Mrs. Siuibeck and family, of Canoe Run, moved here Saturday, in one of the Mt. Hope Coal Go's houses. A. L. Barr received word Saturday that bis brother-in-law, Prof. Johnson, was dead. He "was a fine musician and went by the name of "Blind Charlie." He was well known in this county. Has a wife and two children buried at the old Pine Street Cemetery. We understand that Mrs. N. E. Taylor received word from her brother, John on Tuesday. She has not beard from hiui for years and thought he was dead. John Ilousler left Tuesday tor Buf falo, where he expects to undergo au operation. Bute Bet.l. HOWARD SIDING. Mrs. M E. Close spent a few days in Beechwoud last week and attended the Farmer's Institute which was held at the Truman school house last Saturday after noou. It was a very interesting meeting and there was a good attendance. Quite a number from Howard Siding attended the funeral of Joe Cook last Sunday afternoon at Truman. Miss Fdoa Horning spent Thanks giving at Port Allegany, also visited in Olean a few days. Mrs. Burt Close spent Monday in Ern porium. Miss Nora Ostrum and Mrs. Close at tended the revival services at Beech wood on Sunday eveninsr. Rev. Lehman preached an excellent sermon. Seven persons went to the altar. <• x.x. HUNTLEY. |{. .1. Collins returned from Gonneaut, (Jhio, on Monday, when: he had been visiting with bis brother. C.J. Miller's busily engaged these days, making the assessments for Gibson township. Miss Mattie Collins, County Supt.. of Emporium, was the nuc>t of her brother, B. J. Col'ins over Sunday. W. H. Logue, B. J. Collins and C. J. Miller attended the banquet given by the members of the I. O. O. F., at Drift wood, on Thursday evening. All enjoy ed a pleasant time. Adam Probst and F. L. Spencer, of Runovo, and Wayne Nelson, of this place, had the pleasure of enjoying a fine rabbit hunt at this place, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. They secured fifteen cotton tails. Viola Smith, daughter of Alvin Smith, of Sinnamaboning, was the guest id' A. W. Smith and family over Sunday. Mr. K. B. 15. Cruui, of Sinnauiahon ing, was seen on our streets on Sunday. H. F.Smith, of Sterling Bun, was the guest of A. W. Smith Sunday. A. W. and 11. F. expect to take a big bear hunt in the near future. W. A. Nelson and Walter Logue left for Hicks Bun on Monday, where they expect to work lor the lumber company at that place. Miss Hazel Hillings, of Driftwood, was thi- guest of her grandfather, Wiu. Kailboutn, over Sunday. 1.. 11. Smith is busily engaged in build ing au addition to W. 11. Logues hounc. Calc Swart/, aud wife of Sterling Run i were callers in town Sunday. Darius I vet and Mis- Carrie Hill, of Grove Hill, passed through our town on Friday. Dec. 11*10. Si'nit r. | Take This Home and Try it on Your Piano. When iu doubt, get tier a upoon. I That may sound frivolous, but if you : will atop, think, and question, you will ! tiud it the sou intent advise you have hud thin Christmas season. For In stance, is there anything a woman thinks more of than her table, with ita silver and glass? No! Well to get a wholn wet of aolid silver is quite au outlay, hut you can get at Metager • Jewelry Htore a siugle spoon of any of Ike standard patterns, aud you ean al ways have theui,one year alter another, ! not only in a|>ooii« but iu any of the hundred aud oue odd pieets, .is well aa forks, knives aud ladles, Mini the vx pensti U so little that )uu can atford to make extra presents on all the little anniversaries, and Itehold before you UiMm the money ) our wife has a fu< 'khl# bit i»l solid silver, that la good, not only tor httr lite time but for twu or is « i.oi . r Uiut >fter I • »*. I A Steady Drain. Sick Kidneys Weaken the Whole Body—Make you 111, Languid and Distressed. Sick kidneys weaken the body through the continual drainage of life-giving al b union from the blood into the urine, and the substitution of poisonous uric acid that goes broad-cast through the system, sowing the seeds of disease. Loss of al bumen causes weakness, lauguor, depres sion. I ric poisoning causes rheumatic pain, nervousness, nausea, cricks in the back, gravel and kidney stories. The proper treatment is a kidney treatment, and the best remedy is Doan's Kidney Pills. Great Emporium cures prove it. Lee Halderman, Allegany Ave., Em porium, Pa., says:"l have used Doan's Kidney Pills and have found them to bo a cure for backache and pains in the loins. I aiso know that this remedy acts as a tonic to the whole, system For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. For.Sale. A combination billiard and pool table for home use, Complete outfit, practically new, at a bargain. Apply to Leon R. Felt, Emporium, Pa. n42-tf p "immrwcCTt r-vme? Canary Birds! If you wish a Canary | for Xmas, consult us. We g are on the job with a fine 1 imported stock. Dodson's Drug Store | Reduction in I Hardware | I A big reduction of 20 per cent, will be made on all enamel and tin ware and in fact all articles in the hardware line. Save a dollar here on every five dollar purchase. A trial will convince you. F. W, Dininny It ROAD STREET. **" (r I' 112 I . . . | In , I Good Old Santa Clause I* HoiliK on Ilia round* .igaiii mid |U ift b« will mtr«< to mako m vlnit to ill I (jj our utore wh«»r*t wt» l»av«imu|>«rb }{] [VJ itupk of XnittH (JO«HIH for you to jjl jy i«tl<H't from. CvrltomM In fnucy t" «| boii'<, untilit'uri), toilut and »l»i»¥- M U] lug acta, t-itsara, <»udy and Xiiia* IJj j] |mm( ruriW arr aotuu of tlt** dainty (V uud uud liatntUoiiif artii'lfit that you jfl Uj tmn cIuMHM* from for ulna at U1 Ifl w" Emporium Drug Co. I'ItMMW. %* U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers