1 Breezy ;! County | Netfs | Pfe.. y | aj—-CT MEDIX RUN. Pay day at the mill and tannery. Mrs. Dan Ross and daughter Abbie were shoppers at Dubois Saturday. Mrs. J. Russell, who wcot to Ridg way hospital, is much improved in health. Mrs. Hill has returned from visiting her daughter at Huntley. Mrs. Lloyd Mohney, of Dußois, is visiting her parents this week. Mrs. Owen Ives, of Hicks Run, visit ed his sister at this place over Sunday. Miss Florence Devoe and Russell Boss were Weedville visitors on Sunday. Mr. Pat Sullivan had his head cut very badly, Sunday. Dr. Mock dressed the wound. Emmett Odgen and Steward Frantz found a bee tree Sunday. It contained lots of honey. Curt Frantz caught a live opossum in the woods on Sunday, lie says he is going to tame it tor a pet. James Barr was a Dußois visitor one day last week. Mrs. James Ross, of this place, attend ed the funeral of Martha, infant daugh ter of Liwis Miller and wife, at Drift wood last week. Born, to Roy Ford and wife, one day last week, a son. Where's the cigars, Raymond? The tannery has shut down for a few days for repairs. John McDonald and wife visited the latter's parents at Benezette over Sunday. Mr. La Valley was a business visitor at Potato Creek on Saturday last. Albert Johnson, of Snyder county, is visiting his brother aud family at this place. John Muir, of Bellelonte, was in towu over Sunday. The mill shut down Saturday after noon—there being no water to supply the boilers. Mrs. Ed. Moore returned from visiting her parents at Liberty, Friday evening. J. R. Russell and daughter Evie left Sunday for Ridgway to visit Mrs. Rus sell who is in a hospital at that place. Mis. Carl Moore, who has been visit ing her sister at Austin returned to her home Friday afternoon. S(juire Davis and Charles Aikley were visitors at Philadelphia the fore part of the week. Mrs. Claude Williams, of Warren, visited her brother and family at this place, last week. Ezra was in town Sunday, calling on old friends. Silas Munn was a visitor at this place over Sunday. Mr. Spencer, of Dußois, transacted business in town on Saturday. George Pistncr was in Dußois on business Tuesday. Evans Hoover, of Penfield, was a busi ness caller in town Thursday. Mrs. Cora Knglish, of Fast Brady, is visiting her mother at this place. Mrs. Perry Keester and son Newton, of Benezette, were in town Thursday. A dance was held in Robinson's Hall, Saturday evening. There was a large attendance. ()ur town t Irohestra furnish ed the music. Bi.uk Fkatiikk. SINN AMAHONING. Mrs. V. A. Brooks is visiting her brother at Antes Fort. Mrs. Harry Lufsjld. of Kmporium, is visiting \\ m. Lupoid and lamiiy. Mi. James Wykot! spent Sunday out of towu. Miss Kva Kelly, of Renovo, spent Sunday with Mrs. Janus Couusil. Mrs. Henry Caldwell, is visiting friends at Itidgway. Mrs. Magpie Clonx, spent Sunday with her brother at the Lock Haven Hospi tal. Mrs. C. W. < 1 ray visited friends in Driftwood, Thursday. Hon. Jusiili H>>wurd gave a very in (••resting talk, Sunday moruiiu.', at the Sunday School Rally services. C. W. Gray vUiteij the county seat on Thursday. R«V 'I S. Fultou. of Antes Fort, is vinitiuL.' his sou* he«e for a lew days, \ M will save money by purchasing groeuriea, meats, baked good*, etc., at I Cruiu Broii. Mr*. Joseph KbatVr is visiting her brother in Emporium, tbU w>. k. Out. in, Hint. X V /.. I Eye Sp«vi«||ii, Prof. W. 11. Huilliiv, the well kuuan Ky« H|i<*'ialtat, of Hingliaiulou, N. Y., will be »t It 11. liirwuh'a jewelry •tor*, Kiuporiuiu, p«,, October tt. If yuu can't M-a well ur have litiadlM It* don't fail to e«U ttllll IM |*ruf. hoiluin, aa he guarauteea to rum all auuh caaea. Issiimw ground and titled lu old frame* Kyos w«utl mat ea amlUid frt «. All Work guarauteed. NORTH CREEK. School was closed Thursday of last week. J. W. Lewis aud T. F. Britton were to town on Thursday. Harry Hockman and wife visited rela tives on West Creek, Wednesday ol last week. Cory don Housler called on friends here recently. He his been working for V. M. Dow and Henry Carter the past week. R. B. v 'oore visited the home of Fred Solveson, Thursday. Kd. Morgan went to town Saturday. Franklin Housler and son Alton, were seen on our streets Tuesday. Mrs. Solveson visited on Rich Valley, Thursday. The Misses Hazel Chandler and Tressa Britton called on friends ou West Creek Saturday. Mrs. Ethel Housler and cousin, Miss Ethel Walters, visited the city Saturday. Mrs. Annie Housler and Mrs. May Lewis also visited the city Saturday. T. B. didn't take a dare, but rang the bell Friday evening, Floyd Britton visited his sister on Clear Creek, Thursday. They came home Saturday morning, Miss Ethel re turning Sunday evening. County Supt. Miss Collins visited our school Friday. Fred Solveson put up a new barn the past week. Mrs. May McClenahan attended the dance at Cameron Friday night, return ing home Saturday a. m. Melvin Hamilton called 011 friends here on Monday. Warren Moore, of Rich Valley, visited at Fred Solveson's Monday. Dorman Moore is visiting his aunt, Mrs. S. Mrs. Manic Sweezy called on her mother, Mrs. Carter, Sunday. Col. Lewis Vates visited the city Tues - day. Dr. Bush autoed through our valley. Mr. Fisk and daughter visited at the home of \ . M. Dow, Sunday. Blue Jay. CAMERON. "Jack Frost" arrived the past week. Relief ()perator Lupro relieved Opera tor Krape, Monday. Robert Boyd returned to work at Howard's camp Monday morning, and does not expect to return before election. George Walker, who has been taking a vacation, for the past few weeks, in De troit, returned the past week. The chestnut party which left for Keuworthy's Kuub, a few weeks ago, re turned the same day, aud some of the boys say they have three bushels for sale, but all Harry says is, ''Oh! you chestnuts." William Fox's youngest child, who has been very ill for the past few weeks, is reported some better at this writing. William McVane and wife returned home Iroiu Georgetown, Friday eveuing, where Mr. McVane has been doctoring for stomach trouble. They also visited friends in Milton aud Center Hall ou their trip. There is several cases of whooping cough in this place, but all cases are re ported getting along nicely. Relief Operator Lupro is also wearing that smile that won't rub off, for it's a boy. Cigars, Clarence. Jessie Paiker was very lev. rely injur ed just east of this place, Satin day night, and was taken to the Ridgway Hospital for treatment. The dance held in the K. <i K. Hall. Friday was well attended, and all re|M>rt having one of the best times of the season. P. K R President McCrea and par ty passed through this place on the af ternoon flyer Mouday, on his way to Buffalo. Mrs. John Scwab.wlio has been on the sick list, is able to resume her w..rk in the store. Miss Mildred llai lett assisted in the store during her ill oeaa. Emporium visitors this week: Cyrus Lupro, Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. K. F. Com ley, Mr. and Mrs. K. 1) Krape and family. The hunting seaeon opened here, but hunters all report poor success, owiui; to the scarcity of birds, ami what few are seen are very wild. Johu Schwab and K. F. Coat ley, of Kiuporiuiu, spent Suuday with their families in this place, returning Mouday morning. Oct. 19, ID 10. Utt'iMß. Pert-heron llorses. A good team uf I'nrcheroli horaea weight i£7UO; auuiul anil gentle; aoveu and night year* old. Apply to V. W. Hall, Kmporium, Pa., K. K. 1> nit Wanted. Halt* Manager tor t'tuiwoii county. Muat tie ca|iabl«of organising a aalaa lor**! to aeture autauiripttoue for our tnagailtte. Keferaneea required Mpe •ial Aitouuy, .National Hportamau, TI, federal Htreet, Hoatou, Ma»« it Sale, A property 01* Weat Hi alb at reel, ap ply to John Mmiittteraon V* it. t edar Hhiogtea fl An per thouaaud at (' H. Howard A »Ve, CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1910. #1 OF QUALITY J Our splendid line of high-class Furs is now ready jfa -rL ■ for your inspection. Every piece has ljeen selected 9 with greatest care iind marked at lowest possible; prices > * I Furriers make up their choisest pieces early in each sea- | V I sou using their best skins lirst, therefore it is wise to | Ladies Fur Sets, (Muff and Scarf) j i 1 Isabella Fox, per set, 814.75, 16.00, 21.00, 22.50, 25.00, | | mfe ®| I Gray Squirrel, per set, 814.00 14.75, $16.00. I r \r ® River Mink, per set, 810.00, 10.9.5, 11.98, 1:5.75, 15.75, | | | Isabcdle Opossum, per set, 80.98, 11.50, 12.25, 13.50, Fur Scarfs and Collarttes | jSSSiq Black French Coney Scarfs, $1.50, 5.00, $5 98. A , Watermink Scarfs, $5 00 5.98, $*>,UH. - -»•'• 1 Japanese Mink Scarfs, SIO.OO, 15 00 %m) Isabella Fox Scarfs, $8.75, 10 00, 12.50, 15.00, 1fi.50, 17.50, $19.50. >flJf2p9Hr Isabella Opossum Scarfs, $4 98, 5.98, 6.50, 7.25, 8.50, SIO.OO. Sable Fox Scarfs, SIO.OO. CSfsSEv (iray Squirrel Scarfs, SB.OO, 8.75, SB.OO. Marmot Scarfs, $5.98, tt.9B, sl2 50 If J' /MJCVKWI Vtl J Raum Marten Scarfs, $25.00 w / Black Opossum Scarfs, $8 98. Hft \f.s // NOTIfF * ,laving made arrangements with a Fur 112 livllvL. Manufacturer we are ready to uuote you / 112 m gjjHß prices for any work you may want none in the Fur Line, /*M \i | f|. R.Kuelinß,iF . HUNTLEY. Mrs. M. M. Hill,it .M 'du lt'iu. wi.o bisbeen town returned home on >jiuul.u, Thomas Kailburn uimlo u plea*aut call on Sunday HtieruiMin. I.ei.lie and wife, »l l'i»tle liartlt n, were the gtleata ol Ili«- Ltller'a pareutM over Sunday. W. W. John-mil and *>n I'lumtni were Sinuauiali. caller* utt Siiielay. W. K. I'hat haw. of Ihillwi.oil matle lliii Hun a viait the lii-t day ul the huniiug wwuu II - rejmriJt game vi-ry mun. Aloiuo Huell and t'jiuily moved Itoiu Mwm llill into 1 \. !*.u t>ou»e, imw uwned by Kranctm U.cui lln haa ae i<eptrd a |hmiiiou wiih \\ Ji.ka>ou on the aectitin at ihi* plat*. Itradley l«vu« haa rect i«n| hi* new wheel from Chicago and 1* afeowing thf boya how lo rut eirole* around tk» auloa aa 1 hey paaa by. IV W. Johuaou waa «u Ktu|ui|ium callar on .Monday IM It! IHI 11. MTIMLINH NUN I tank I'arker, who »«• atim k by a tram aom* time Saturday •««aia t ; hi 1 Ween I'amarolt and Mulliug Hun W4* lountl by Juke Xee*»* with hi* iivhi aim i'HI I.and head ami la*a* leiuiid badly lla Waa takun to th« Htd^Way I loapiial Suudty iuui ami at ihia wriling is getting as well a* can be i xpecti-U, with hope* ol' recovery. Coal mine W unt lull time thin week. J. A. Dw, our I'etiMjf ticket agent, Vipecta lu tfo to Philadelphia nil New York Sunday. aud will have hta eyea iMlmi. Mr». Ophelia I'arker, mm .mil ditugh trr "1 Auoiin mill K4. I'arker, .</(lareu tluti Wire r.111i.l hire Sunday uu the ao eount of the im iiiiu* injury of their br«»- ther frank Mi*» M itiiifl SlrawbriUn*, u | lawk 111 veu .Norm.il School wa» how** Sum day. Hairy lb-amor iuu«wl hta family in the \ 1 in.M liuuw, M.uday J.ty 1 »<i| Itreuaitian and wife i and I'haa, Miller of were the ifiroitol the lutiiMit tii ol hit, .Mr». T. *1 L«m thin Week • itii Sir twiiiola* anil family ti»iu-d reialivea at Johusonbutg thu w»-ek, Mr* J V l»im wa< 4 HMtiK at Hu ltu»« I hi' Weutt. J II iNtiiiu waa a viailot at Kai (••hum Tm4t) Mai) Summ* 1 *Oll atuitof at I'm ' 'hi* wii k yitul ol hit daughter Mi* Juk* Schwab Ml 1 ■ Mm t iaa at ttewa um every f*ge Glorious Record! IB6o—Lincoln toTaft—l9lo. I INPfll N >*»'»* mu. h about the t»rllT. hut 1 know thl* mucb: L.IIIVULIJ When we buy inanuliiotured good* .thio.nl we #et the good* and thu foreigner get* the money. When we buy thu manufactured KOOIU at home we uet both thu good* and the money. The Ameriutn ayatem ol IncaMug manufacturing ue*t to the plow pn A fclT uiitl the pitMtiro haa produced a reeult unticeubie by the intelligent Ull AH I portion of nil o tin tuerc la I nation*. HARRKDN l ' 1'" '""f l ' th«rn in 111 lit) ill ilua n.unirt the higher the llMfllllOUll wagea that will l>e paid for ilulug it. That policy with b •ecu re* the Urgeat amount o( work to lie done at home la the policy which will •ecure to our laboring uteil nie.tdy etuploymeut at the beat wage*. rile Republican I'arty at tllda for lioueat molit-y and the M' y 111 I CV t-ha now to warn it by boueat toil, • Protection h..a vindleaieil 111 MIILtT liaelf. It i' iiinot he hnlpod by eulogy or hurl by del tin tl ion; it haa work«*l it* own deiiioualratloil and It pre*eut» 111 the aignl of the world Ita liutUihieaa t'ophie* RfIfKPVFI T ' ,, i* baa Mill) tbla oountry n««da better paid, IIUvIvJU • LiL. I betler educated, lietler led and better clothed workiiigmen, of a higher type than are lo tie found In any foreign country It hwa and it need* a higher, tuore vigorou* and utore proapuroua t> pe of litter* o| the aoil than la uhmkhmhl by any other oountrv The prnaeut boaiunaa ayatem of tho country re«u on the protective [*▼ tariff and any attempt to eliangu it to a Free Trade baata will wr- IMI I taluly le.nl Ui diaaater It la Tui|<oruut thai all Itepublicau* who believe In the parly priuclplee aa declared in the national plat form of It** *it >uld give the caudidalea loyal and effective auppurt If thia la done mere will be u» doubt of a lt»pubin au majority Tbeonlv ahunul Ivula a DamocratU) victory »•■*••* llh fur Mliwacll It jf»u IWI yutt amumi* look uiti («n >»umli uu unt will U.i.k out tuf yuti. Il yuu i«u i Itilj. fun lull Si-nm I'tihi Will »uu, •I « but, U.»u« $b ■ ILK lull |.'U»r*Mw> LUF «|| tuIUM UTF »«»*■ *««tlMn« Ik) IMD Uf ***** V4t|«uw U9 -II"I I' I U«H>IN MIUMI'UI I.KI (. HUM, «IH|U tku) Mill *il tb« |>«lUvi|*l IcwUlM *u4 4w lIU MiWtltlM*. t:«Ury lur S«l«. H W. Ili«b«iu itM* lium»yruwn i« l«i> lur •••In, *1 In. iMitleuto, I'lllii •»WNM lait. KEELEY CURE iY* tt|| l«|t M> f*t m*wi« it*** (M »«•'• U * • 4 111 | *§«•» >« *«•*. M ****** M 4« i liii* 4i« |-iu,t.m 9 ji. IV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers