g Thirty Years in |5 Pharmacy in Jjj Emporium (n ru JJJ Nearly 11, oovj days B ft —a lifetime Ca- k ft tering to the wants }{] Jn of yourselves and [{J ft your families dur ffi ing stich a span of p] ui time in a strictly ru . - in lr conscientious man- ru Cj ner, I have built a jjj u] reputation for dis- j}j jjj pensing "Just what ft the Physician has ft T] ordered" and noth- ft jjj ing else. j}j ru lr Your Prescriptions and nJ [li Family Uecipes sire U| jjj my KCHpeciitl tare | R. C. DODSON. | {■SH BSEBB. SHS P SH°J LOCAL lIEPAKI MBNT. PERSONAL Contributions invitrrl. Ib< ; ic/ncr. you wouh iike to see in thin (lepurtm« rt '»t vs know by ;JO«- ial card, letter or personal! .•>. Mrs. Cliailes llinkle, if Erie, Pd. was guest of Mrs. Lizzie limkle last Sunday. Mrs. S. L. Stoddard wont to Port Allegany the last of the week and spent a few days with friends. Miss Carrie Baker spent Sunday guest at the home of Fred L. Webster and family, at Canoe Run. Mr. and Mrs. George Haff.nau went to Ridgway last Saturday afternoon, where they spent Sunday with friends. Jessee Loucks, leaves Emporium this week for Binghamton, N. Y., where he has purchased a grocery store. John floss, of Sinnamahoning, was a social and business caller at this place on Sunday and was guest at Comnier cial Hotel. Mrs. O. E. Beckwith, of Osceola, is spending the week in Emporium, guest at the home of Fred Uiuinny and family, Fifth street. James Ulmer, one of the stenograph ers in the offices of Keystone National Powder Company, is spending the week at his home at Sulladysbtirg. Messrs. John Ellis, of St. Marys, H. M. Olmsted and J. Raymond Cook, of Ridgway, spent Sunday in town guests i at homes of their respective parents. Mrs. Urace Vaunt, of Philadelphia, j yougest daunliter of Mrs. Mary Shad-' man, of this pi >ce, visited her mother on Sunday and Monday. Fred Fisher, who has been assisting in the store ofthe Stephens Hardware Company lor a few days, has returned to his home at Ooudersport. Mrs. William Deitzler, who spent a few days guest at the home of her par ents, Hon. and Mrs F. X. Blumle and family, returned to liar home at Brad ford last Sunday. Mrs. Allan L. Keith, of Coudersport, •pent a few days in Emporium the first of the week, having been called here by the serious accident which befell Mrs. Susan E. Sterner. Misses Anna M., and I.ouiHa Welsh of this place, went to Williamsport last Saturday and witnessed the produc tion of Ben Hur iu the evening. The ladies returned home ou Sunday. J. M. Butler, wife and son Maynard, accompanied by Messrs. Kraok Hailey and Ham MeCready, of Port Allegany, autoed to Emporium last Sunday and were guests at the home of the former's brother, C. L. Butler and family. Miss Jennie Anderson has returned to her home at this place, after spend ing several weeks with relativr* at Al toona and other places She was ac companied by her brother John, who is guest of his parents. H. O. Kenley, the gas man, has rent ed the property well kuow as "laid fr'raven house," weel of town and taken possession of the same. It makes a very comfortable home, nearer his work and nice location. E. I>. Krape wife and children, of Cvmeron, transacted business in Km Poriurn on Monday. Mr. K. is one of enusy's reliable operators in the tower at Cameron. Thos McUraln, one of Emporium Machine Co's delivery men, called to see ye editor ou Monday, and pushed the dale ou hie Pltfcse ahead a few notches. ''Tom" is mi ludustrlous, honest, hard working man- is never idle ami has hosu of friends Mrs. W. U. Thompson and daughter, Miss Dorothy and Sirs. T. K. Boor* and daughter, MINI Carolyn went to Uuiiois last Friday morning. They also visited at Ridgway Mra Moore and daughter returned home ou Satur day and Mrs. Thoiupaon and daughter returned home Monday. Mrs. John Robinson the pleasant aud eetima >is wife of our industrious friend, who has for utauy years been employed In Howard Company's lum b« r mill, waa au agreeable I'hh« caller on Tuesday, renewing their paper for another year Harry 8, Uoyd, la spending the week at laick Haven, where he Is at t. tiding court as a witness. Mr. and Mrs. Kred >seg»r w«re bus! loss callers at Si Marys ou Wedutwday a 'tirnoon amd evening Mrs. S II Mct>on<«u,(h Who recently iii.d' i wont au u(iuinll iii at the Wn itameporl H<>s|.it«i ia rapidly recover Ing we are glad to note Mr ami Mr* 112 Matley are b|SIA< lug a delightfol ten da)* on a tour m tiiu northern lake* Mlaaea Kltsativtb l.udiaut and M «ynt«i sp ul Hi lins lay at I'rift w<>od, wnere they conducted a fall Millinery opening J Cirflpn and daughter,* Mien i Alice, returned Tuesday afternoon from their Mansfield far no. The family of Hon. G. W. Iluntley | arrived in Emporium on Wednesday afternoon and wall permanently oe c-u i y their residence on North Broad street. Mr. E. D. Armstrong returned to Emporium on Wednesday morning from Houghton, Mich. Mr. Arm strong will be the Supt. of a large powder plant at that place, after Dec. Ist. He will be succeeded at thie Em porium plint by Mr. Geo. Staples, of Barksdale, Mich. DEATH'S DOINGS. METCALF. The many friends of Mr. N. N. Met ealf, Supt. of the Goodyear Lumber Company, deeply sympathize with him in the death of his estimable wife. While on an automobile trip to New Hampshire Mrs. Metcalf was taken ill with pneumonia at Corning, and confined to her bed. The funeral was held at Austin last Friday, the remains being interred at Port Allegany, their former home. A large number of friends from this section at tended the funeral. » # » MOORE. Mrs. Signa Moore, wife of P. W. Moore, of 41, Neshannock avenue, died early Tuesday morning at the Shenan go Valley hospital. Her death is a shock to her many friends, as she had been ill but three days. Pneumonia was the cause of death. Mrs. Moore had resided in this city about a year, coming here from Mon treal, Can. She was born in Sweden, Nov. 11, 1882, and was '27 years of age She is survived by her husband, and two children, Anna, aged 4 years, and Mary, aged 3 months; also by three sisters, Mrs. Anna Fletcher, of Toron to, Can.; Mrs. Walter Clark of Empor ium, Pa., and Mrs. Aaron Miller, of Lowellville, 0., and by one brother, Oscar Wallin of Sweden. The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at the family resi dence, the hour to be announced later. Interment at Oak Park cemetery,— New Castle News. Mrs. Moore had many friondsin Em porium, who will be pained to hear of her death. The Fkkss, as well as the friends of the family, deeply sympa thize with them in their bereavement. ELLIB. The remains of Mrs. Carrie L. Swart, wood Ellis, aged 40, died at Vestel, N. Y, on Tuesday. Her remains were brought to Emporium and will be in terred in Rich Valley Cemetery this (Thursday) afternoon, Rev. Hall offici ating. Mr. Dodson Improving. Mr. R. C. Dodson, who returned from the Williamsport Hospital last Monday, is improving slowly. Mrs. Dodson went to Williamsport on Satur day and accompanied him home. We are pleased to state that Mr. Dodson is improving and hope that he will soon bo able to be in his accustomed place in his drug store. Closing Out Sale. In order to close out my entire stock in blankets, harness and all goods in this line, I will offer for sale all goods of this class at cost and below cost for the next ten days, up to and including October 29th. HENRY JEAGKR, Emporium, Pa. It is patent epough that there is a conspiracy and a completi organisa tion :imorig the Progressives and In surgents to destroy the Republican party in the coming campaign. This rebellion is backed and encouraged by the Free-Trade newspapers of the State. The outcome of this rebellion will be recorded next November.— Vinton < la.) Eagle. tireatly Improved. Mr. Daniel McC'orinick, of the place, returned from Philadelphia ou Tuesday where lie liu* beeu au iuinatt! of Medico- Chi. Hospital for suuie lime. Dr. Fox, the celebrated physician, operated ou his left eye and removed a cataract. He will have to return iu a few months for a similar operation on his eye. He is ureal ly encouraged over his improved condition. Young Lad Shot. Ou Wednesday afternoon, Harry Sluuipf. sued I I, whose parents reside on I'ortajje street, was aceidently shot while handling a revolver. The lad no doubt was out hunting, he being Dear Hiserville when Frank liluuile. Jr., fuund Inui. An examination developed that till' ball hud entered the lad s abdoUlen. Hit was taken to Hospital last evening. It is lupomd the wound is not fatal .Socltl Dante, A .social dance will bu held ill the : opera b»UM) licit Wednesday eVcutU|i, I alter the concert IU honor o! the teachers iol CaMutoii County. The.se dance* arc ' .'iveii ever) )i'»r and are looked i'orwaid to with uiai'li pleasure. All in attend ance laat year Were Wi II pleased with the affair and this daueu promises to exceed all other dauwen I*l yen durinvt Institute week. Neturnad Prom Buffalo. l otat Saturday, on the iioon flyer, Mr and Mr». Hackenfierg returned troiu Buffalo, where Mr. Haokenberg liaa been re< eiviug treatment for the I past three months We are sorry to state thai the t tail to Buffalo did not prove satisfactory and heiiefinlal to 1 Mr. Ilm knulwrg and at thie writing Ida cundlllou remains about thn same They were accoutpauied homo by Mr 4ud Mr*. Itlooin, of Hnftslo ami Mia laira Krhardt and will Will. <• I ~ Mr and Mra W Walk* i daughter of Auatlu, were at the lla> kenherg in.on oil V\ etloooday little hope* i>eiun untenanted for hia recovery, Mr* II II Webber, another daughter, i of Jmrmmy Hhurm arrived at tfie bedside | of bar father yesterday CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. A Good Position. Cin t>-< had by amh'tiouß young men ami ladies in t.hf> field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8- hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraph ers. Positions pay beginners from S7O to S9O per month, with good chance of advancement. The National Tele graph Institute operates six official In stitutes in America, under supervi sion of R. R , and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write to them for full details at Cincinnati, 0., or Phila delphia, Pa. 34-5t Lost. A time book and two time slips, last Fridaj evening, between Emporium and Sizerville, on the wagon roxd. \ reward of $5 00 will he paid tothe flod- I er, if returned to J. F. Kanlz, Ishua, N. Y. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. to try the PET GROVE flour the next time that she bakes bread, rolls, muf fins, biscuits, or breadstnffs generally. She will have a surprise that she don't expect in the light, flaky and delicious bread-stuffs that she turns out when using this high-grade flour. There is no such thing as failure in baking a batch of bread when you use the PET GROVE flour from your grocers. PRICE LIST. Emporium, PH., Oct. 3, 1910. NKMOPIIII.A, per sack }) 50 Felt's Fancy, " 1 65 Pet drove. " 1 70 Roller Meal " 50 Bye " 70 Graham " 75 New Itiuk wheat Flour. 24 lb. sack 75 New liuckwheat Flour. 10 lb. sack, 15 ' oarKe Meal pet 100, 1:15 Chop Feed 1 35 Cracked Corn per 100 1 35 White M ItldlitlK", 1 BO I Hran,.. 1 St I Chicken \\' heat 1 90 Screenings " Oil Meal " Corn per buabol, 75 I Willii • i • ■ bushel IB New White Oats Oywler Shells, per 100 75 \ Sterling Chick Fi* 'd 2 (>0 i Sterling Scratch Feed 1 90 I>ai*y Dairy Feed, 1 45 Scratch Feed 1 90 Chick Feed, 2 Mi ! Mainiuoth Clover Seed, pir l>u 10 50 , Medium lover Seed, " in 50 1 Alsvkt Clover Seed, •• lu 50 Timothy Heed. 41 5 05 German Millet Heed 41 *2 20 No. i Ko. a. Here are the greatest Suit Bargains we ever offered. All wool Fine Broadcloth Suits, beautifully embroidered, Coat satin lined, exactly as above cuts. Colors are black, navy, garnet, Myrtle, brown, gray. Style No. 1, $12.50 Style No. 2, $13.50 RM 11 rlikl r Emporium's . MjLnNL, Greatest Store I Jtogutate the bowels by taking Br. MUi s' Nerve nnil liver Pills. 60 doses 25 cents. Kniall<. t. mildest, surest. F==j This space will ■ I tell you each week j I what we have good I Ito eat and drink. i I Special for Saturday Genuine Oyster 3 Cocktail Sundae 10c Seger & Go. "5H 1 The Physician's Orders | San written on hiH prescriptions nj must he strictly and conscient [jr inuslv adhered to. Any deviation W n, or substitution is criminal, and n] uj renders tlie prescription worth- Jfj Oj less, if nut h:irm'ul. Nothing (}{ ru but the puiesi, oest and freshest in uj nre used, and under no cir- ju [» cumstances will one drup be sub fjj situted for another. Our pre- Ln "T scription stock is always kept up fu J)j toita highest efficiency, and weal- }{] oj ways have what is called for. 1/1 u| Send your prescriptions to us and [" [n they will be compounded right. H] | Emporium Drug Co. | LlMiomv, 5* nj New Fall Goods Arriving Daily. Keep ® Watch of us. NEW A T/> APRICOTS 112 0 FIGS / y jf MALAGA A | DATEG GRAPES 1 ■ n.,0,.,c The Satisfactory Store I RAISINS Cranberries 1 "Get the Habit" [ ,fc ? mi " Kt °. DA y; s for r ur I I ■ family supplies—lf you have not already acquired it. Long experience in catering £ to the trade in this vicinity, has taught us to anticipate 112 | the requirements and supply them in a satisfactory ■ manner. | MONEY HACK IF NOT SATISFIED. m Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday • I 251b hag Best Granulated Sugar $1.50. 112 Fancy Cape Cod Cranberris, 3 qt.s for 25c. I§ 15c pkge Shredded Wheat Biscuit 12c. Fancy Head Rice Japan style, a lb 7c. Fat Norway Mackerel fresh invoice lb 14c. w 20c fancy new Apricots a lb 18c. 20c Burnham and Morrill's Pork and Beans canißc jf Proctor & Gamble's Lenox Soap 7 cakes for 25c. ]/i lb Tin Rumford Baking Powder 13c. jg 50c California Oranges, sweet and juicy doz 40c. # 5c Sardines packed in oil 6 cans for 25c. §| New Malaga Grapes, something fine lb 15c. I Fresh 112 aiiffli I ake Fish LEAVE ORDERS FOR DE rreMi vdugii L.aKe nsn, LIVERY EARLY FRIDAY A. M Sanitary Baltimore Shucked Oysters I Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice I | Each Day. 2 You Get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, ! I We Talk to Youl In Our Advertisements Just as we Would Talk With a I FRIEND, FACE TO FACE I Ladies Fine New Fall I Suits Millinery I », . , , , The best to be had for Positively the best . . the money. Oood values valueH in town at 112 rout $15.00 $3.00 to to $35.00 SIO.OO I We will not exaggerate. We will not lead you I to expect one bit more than we can give. Rather I would we have you find things at this store bette r I than we claim than to raise your expectations in I vain. We want your confidence. Coppersmith's I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers