4?.STHS r? r: -'SHb ri be! ScL!n t J ST?>, 112 Thirty Years in Pharmacy in Emporium B ju Nearly ii,ooo days £ j" —a lifetime— Ca- jj] tering to the wants }{] Jn ot yourselves and n] 2j your families dur ing such a span of n] jn time in a strictly n, conscientious man- nJ l/i lier, I have built a [jj jfl a reputation for dis- [jj pensing "Just what JJ: the Physician has jjj ordered" and noth- S ing else. (n in Your Prescription!* and ru S Family Recipe* are "] my Especial Care. In | R. C. DODSON. I fesHHsaHdScisasss sh3 LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL aOSSIP. Contribution* intrifrd. Thai whieh you would tike to nee in thin department,let ui know by pos tal card, letter or rernonallv. Harry C. Whitaker, of Olean, spent Monday and Tuesday at Emporium, guest of W. S. Sterner. C. R. Kline, of Beechwood, was a business caller at the county seat, last Saturday morning, between trains. William Benty, proprietor of the Cottage Hotel, was a business caller at Danville, Pa., last Friday and Satur day. S. J. Hauber, of St. Marys, formerly of this place, was a business caller at this place last Saturday for a short time. .Messrs. Everett Pierson and John Ellis, of St. Marys, spent Sunday in Emporium, guests of friends and rela tives. Misses Mary Fredette and Rose Bmith, of this place, called on friends at Howard Siding last Saturday after noon. Mrs. D. Branson departed for Co luuibus, Ohio, last Saturday morning. Mrs. Branson will be absent for some time. W. J. Leavitt and family spent Sun day, guests of relatives at Beechwood. They returned to Emporium Monday morning. H. Clint Olmsted, of Bradford, made his regular business trip to this place last Saturday and also called on a few of his friends. Max. Balcom, of this place, attended a reception and dance of the Hermi tage Club at St. Marys, last Thursday evening. Miss Charlotte Spence, of this place, spent the first of the week visiting places in Elk county, in the interest of theJSunday schools. Ma* Spence. who is employed as a packer at the Cameron Powder plant at Sinnaraahoning, spent Sunday, guest of his parents at this place. Miss Clara Fredette, who has been enjoying the past two weeks visiting friends at Costello and Austin, has re turned to her home at this place. Mr. and Mra. Asa Murray and child ren and Mrs. Catharine Murray spent Sunday, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Morton, at Sizerville. A. P. Miller, of Keating Summit, was in Emporium last Saturday afternoou for a short time: Mr. Miller waa en route for Portland Mills, where he *pent a few days. Herman Pladderman, of St. Marys, was guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bllnsler, for a short time last Sunday. Mr. Fladderman is a brother of Mra. Blinzler, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meisel, of Cole grove, formerly of this place, culled 011 friends at this place last Friday. They were guests at the home of l>r. and Mra. l*eon Felt, Broad Street. Mra. Emma Evana, of this place, went to Sheffield last Friday, where •he waa gseet at the home of her m, l*>onard Kvana and family, for a few daya. Mrs. Evausulso visited relatives at Warren. Mlaa Ella Miller, of laia Angelee, Cal., ia apendlng a short time In Emporium, guest at the home of her couain, Mra. MeOrain and family, North Broad Street. Misa Miller formerly reelded in Emporium. Mlaa (Iraoe llnldelck departed fur New York City, laat Tuesday evening, where she will enter the Virginia • labourite Institute where she will pre I tare herself to do missionary work. We wtah her aneceas. Mra. W, (I. Hlwft, of Wei more, Pa., accompanied by her mother-in-law, Mrs (I W Kbert, ot Pittsburg, spent Saturday and Sunday in Emporium, KUtwl* at the home of tlte farmer's par eota, Mr. and Mrs. Johu .t biecht .not imllv, F< urth Street .Tobn H"Vipr ;« to h's home with and attack of appendicitis. Dr. F. G. Recce, of Coudersport, waa a busings «• at this place on Tues day I cattle M. Collins left last even ing Ijr Pittsburg, to be absent until Saturday. Leo. Geiser is visiting friends and relatives at Williamsport, Ger mania and other eastern poins. Mrs. Gust Nelson is spending a short time at Buffalo, where she is transact ing business and visiting relatives. Mrs. D. B. Peterson, of Cameron, is spending a short time in town, guest at the home of Mrs. Helen Taggart and daughter, Miss Floss. Mrs. John J. Mnlnnes, of Corry, Pa., arrived in town on Wednesday after noon and iB spending a short time here guest of her mother, Mrs. Ida Hamil ton. Rev. Father McAvenne, of Drift wood, was a business caller at this place last Monday, guest of the Rev. Father T. B. Downey. Mrs. E. P. White departed for Wilkentbarg, Pa., on Wednesday morning, where she will be gnest of relatives for a short time. Messrs. William Swartz, Leo Geiser and Frank Zuegg spent a few daya at Lock Haven and Beech Creek, guesta of relatives and friends. They report a fine time. Miss Kathryn Markert, is enjoying a two weeks vacation, visiting her parents at Beechwood. Miss Markert will spend a short time at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Mrs. William Swartz, whose home is on Maple street, has been confined to her bed since Friday, with a very serious attack of billiousness. Mrs. Swartz is reported a little better at this writing. Henry Hamilton and son Harry left this morning far West Virginia. They shipped their household goods, horses, etc., a tew days ago - —Monday's St. Marys Press. Frank Blakley, who has been vieit ing relatives and friends at this place, for a'short time, returned to his home at Worchester, Mass , on Wednesday afternoon. Miss MeCaslin, of Hicks Run, trans acted business at the county seat last Saturday and also called on friends at this place. Miss MeCaslin is one of tlie successful teachers in the county. S. M. Van Wert, one of the success ful farmers of Shippen township, was a business caller at the PRESS office on Monday afternoon, renewing his sub scription for another year. Mrs. L. B. Seibcrt was guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs S. E. Sterner the first ot the week Mrs. Seibert was enroute for her home at Goudersport, after spending a short time at Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Friendel and Miss May me Farrell went to Curwens ville, on Wednesday morning, where they will transact business for a short time. \]iss Hubv Heideick, who is teaching school at Howard Siding, came to Em porium on Tuesday afternoon to spend a short time with her sister Miss Grace, who left for New York City on the evening train. Miss Laura Fisk, who was taken to the hospitul at Williamsport, the first ot the week, suffering with appendi citis, has paused successfully through the operation and is resting as well as can be expected. Miss Tryphens Tallhamm, ot Julian, Centre county, Pa , who has been spending the past three weeks at Em. porium, gueet at the home ot her sister, Mrs. J. F. Anderson on Locust street, has retarned to her home. Frank Swayne, one of the rising base ball players, who has just completed the season with Trenton, N. J. Mr, Swayne spent a short time in Em|>ori um last Sunday, enroute for his home at Austin and while in town he was guest of his friend Mr. William Ander aon, also a noted base bull player. Mrs. D. R. Morton, of Sizerville, spent the last of the week at Sheffield and Warren. Mrs. Morton waa guest of Iter sister, Mrs. Leonard Evans and family at Sheffield. She reports the Evuus family, formerly residents of Emporium, to be all well und getting i along nicely. Dr. W. H. Hush and C. Harold Seger who have been enjoy Ing an auto trip | through the states of Ohio, Indiana ! and Illinois, for the past three weeks, returned to Emporium la»t Saturday afternoon. The geuial gentlemen hugely enjoyed their trip and arrived home looking well and happy. Henry Hamilton, of St. Marys, was a ! busiuess caller at this place laat Salur , day morniug and mad* the Paicea 1 office a business call, making himself solid with the priuter fur another year. Mr Hamilton informed ua that he would leave St. Marys last Monday aud would louale at 11111, Booue county, West Virginia He has a I large timber contract, Mra. Moee Johnson, who haa been very 111, haa so far recovered that site ' is able to be around the house again and lo take abort walk". She *aa down town last Tuesday afternoon for 1 the Brat time lu eeveral weeka. Dr. M S. Smith was the attending physician CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910, s. V'tTrpi', of A" Ii", visited old friends in town yesterday. Mrs. Ida Wooten was called to New Castle last week on account of the death of a niece. .Miss Martha (Jleason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason, of Driftwoed, visited in Emporium on Tuesday, guest of Miss Mattie M. Collins. Mr. Sam'l Weant, of Baltimore is visiting his daugterMrs. JohnKoehler; after a short visit he will accompany his wife, who has been visiting here for sometime, to their home. Wesley Gross, wife and daughter and Miss Calkins, of Cuba, N. Y., autoed to Emporium last Sunday and spent a a short time here, guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gross and Mr. G. W. Gross and family. Gordan H. Herbaugh spent Sunday guest of hisjmother at Olean. He re turned to Emporium on Sunday even ing accompanied by his brother War ren and cousin Will Webster, who will assist in the work at the tannery. Mies Clara Deitzler, who has been spending the past two monts guest at the home of Hon. F. X. Blumlo and family, of this place, and Mr. and Mra. William Deitzler, at Bradford, has re turned to her home at Shamokin. W. E. Chilson, wife and two child ren, of Renovo, stopped in Emporium on Tuesday, to visit friends for a few hours. They were on their return from Coudersport, where they visited relatives for several days. Mr. Chil son, a former Emporium boy, has been employed in the Pennßy yard at Re novo for thirteen years. He is a very industrious gentleman as well as re liable. Emporium boys are generally reliable and make good when given a chance. Hon Josiah Howard and wife attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Hugh Whitely at Philadelphia on Tuesday. Mr. Howard served as one of the pall bearers. The Rev. H. L. Jacobs, D. D., of Altoona, Rev. Emery M. Stevens, o*" Williamsport, ana Rev. John W. For rest, of Keating Summit were, at dif ferent times during the week,guests of Rev. and Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. John Wygant, ofSizerville, spent a short time in Emporium this (Thurs day )morning and made the PKESS oflice a business call, renewing the subscrip tion of Mr. B. Montgomery, who is now located at Effie, Minn. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., October 8. If you can't see well or have headache don' c fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure .all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. FWINDSOR HOTEL 1 \V. T. HKUBAKKR, Manager. I H European, SI.OO per day and up I I Americau. $2.50 per day and up I 1 Midway between Broad Street I Station and Reading Terminal I on Filbert Street. | The only moderate priced hotel •! reputation and consequence in H PHILA^j^PHI^J Are You Looking for a Position? We can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and ( at home. Write to-day ) Addr* il The Buttcrtck Publishing Co. Bvlltrkk BalWlai, New York. N. V. I CHICHESTER SPILLS OMMONO a«ANO LADIR.H I tTK for em-en** TUB'S A uiiuim uktNu riLi.> i» •I"'/A\ r.ai u Ketallk' boaea. aealed vltb Bl»*<0> BibUia Taaa mo uriaa •» V/ ». w m m 4 Ml a. I'Bi-raiaTia a y r I I La, fat IwnlllH year* r«|aid«4 »a h». kaliM. A' mmf SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS , T :r.l EVERYWHERE JSi'.H pESfrEn: ■ t>*N, CaßtM KhIM *— ''»MIIIBB I &".• » I fc-« |i m r*« haa « Ifcrt I kul *« » a» i(|M Mt P IBM —4 »• >*• H wtM naetfcaw M , e— 14 »•» » Sold m Imf MHUNI By t Ts<issrl 4*4 t C U'xfsun t t)ley's Money Tar turn Kohi*. (JnuMfi pnvumuiiim. '■VPO'iI'IM MILLING COMPANY. A Dainty Morsel You can have for your meal in the delicious breakfast rolls, biscuits or bread that is made from high grade and popular PET GROVE floor. The moat fastidious palate delights in the toothsome and richly flavored breads that are made from this tine flour, as cakes, pastry and pies. If you havn't tried this superior flour order it at once from yonr grocer. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Oct. I, 1910. NEHOPHILA, per sack 11 50 Felt's Fancy, " 1 85 Pet Grove. " 1 70 Roller Meal " 50 Bye " 70 Graham " 75 New Buckwheat Flour. 24 lb. aack, 75 New Buckwheat Flour. 10 lb. sack, 35 Coarse Meal per 100 1 35 Chop Feed " 1 35 Cracked Corn per 100 1 35 White Middlings 1 80 Bran 1 35 Chicken Wheat * 190 Screenings " Oil Meal •• Corn per bushel 75 While Oats, o«r bushel, 45 New White Oats Oyster Shells, per 100 75 Sterling Chick Feed 2 00 Sterling Scratch Feed 1 90 Daisy Dairy Feed, 1 45 Scratch Feed,. 1 90 Chick Feed, 2 00 Mammoth Clover Seed, per bu 10 50 Medium clover Seed, " 10 50 Alsvke Clover Seed, " 10 50 Timothy Seed. " 5 05 German Millet Seed. " 2 20 5HSH£m2S^^ I? J l Across cur Counter ffl In 1/i fu in the course of a year hundreds [U s] of prescriptions are given into n] [n our hitnds for! compounding. In fu Upon many of tliwn consequences }j] of a most sarious nature depend- I{] In ed. Some were matters of life in [U and death, where even a slight JQ H error would be a fatality. Ail (J! In were filled with conscientious ex- nj pJ actitude and drugs of the purest "1 f{] nnd highest quality only were [}J jl us-d' No one lias the slightest nl fj{ cause for complaint, us our pre- J{| scription department is a source [n In of the greatest pride to us. nl jj Emporium Drug Co. § jn r liontr, %a nj (fsa asasHsasas sa«D jPHAHBERUIHR COUGH REMEDY onußi Coughs, Colds. , CROUP, WhoopgCfl^i Tklsr«MS4Y CM always to 4«|*aM«pMiaa4 ii plaasaal te uU. Il coauut M opium w •thtr fcamfal drag m 4 My be ghr«a u caaß nte a bafcy »» ts a adult Ict 2S (iili, Urge tin M mio. i I Ladies! S* T9 Moacjr and KM} is ■" StyW ky Readiag McC&ll't M*f azine and Usiag McCall Patterns T ll«C ll»i»»la» will MKAIU tUOUW Inly 7"VI Ufata Ufl- Uhl» ak • luudaiaia •■pent* kaeplaf ru<! potted ua the ISIMI laißloaa in / clothe* and b»u 10 JL f' ," »'a»liion l»*i«b* lu aai li I wit* *l*l talus it lufoituatioa If •'Yv '»• »M hull,a »1..1 m fc . » fcie a »*»». ineiiMiiae | » Itah ». »«■» »''l • Mil u* »uj/ ful Ilea MUiyla vpl Kii •" PtMana will enable » "i to mat* i« foul. i»u :«a. with > iii.en hand* • I<.»Ml<« i" inui • if sii.l i u.liliaw «ti" U ■!! be fi't'i .•ti. tiul a fi i. iu* ftau If . m at.»i| M (i»i Ciiuih i nalaim. | i »• wa V»e yiiws i ("tiiiii sub . • ■>. *w >•« • >ltl r>l*«it* Sattli k* fie* 11 sial .>4 s«4 ■ •»*> fi-M i '••• I, raimiutm*i««»iii*h <ret»ti zmtwmvm o q w@m Ii New Buckwheat Flour 3hLt ti cakes° r i S b here * and we are prepared to serve you witli pure new flour eu in quantity to suit each purchaser Also the other I things needful to make a buckwheat breaksast a pleas- I ure. Get them at % | CLOViR I! T\ A V> C PU " E 1 J HILL" | Jf MAPLE J fl| BUTTER SYRUP it I 1* ih Satisfactory Store ft ■ 38c Lb J J $1.25 Gal. 112 ft Bacon ave y°u tried our sliced boueless Bacon? ® M Its delicious. Just the thing togo with A ■ buckwheat cakess 28c lb. Get juet what you want. I 1 Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday 112 A 251b bag Best Granulated Sugar $1.50. 0 M Proctor & Gamble's Eenox Soap 7 cakes for 25c. A m Best Jersey Sweet Potatoes per pk 30c. 1 ■ Three 10c cans "Pet Evaporated milk for 25c. Jf ■ Best California Lima Beans lb Bc. 112 |j 15c Imported Macaroni, any style, lb 12c. M » Three 10 tinslHershev's Cocoa, 25c. 1 Dunham's Shredded Cocoanut, lb 35c. V fj 12c Mustard Sardines, Elite brand 10c. A jj 20c Bottle "My Wife's" Salad Dressing 18c. S? H Tnree 10c pkges Roses Roasted Rye for 25c. 112 Fresh Caugh Lake Fish, L L f, A E v R E Y J Baltimore Shucked Oysters Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice Each Day. I You Get Better Values Here. ■ J. H. DAY,I L Phone 6. Km porium. A nanraaoMiaaßMiagl I*THIS IS THEPL ACEI, To Get Your Clothes I and Millinery Because: * J&L Our Goods are r i(lt I JOur P r l ces ar ® right I Our Styles are right I The clothes you buy means quite a I \ considerable outlay,—the expenditure of I a good many dollars in the course of a I /// It is your desire to get, and our de- I / / I i sire to give, every possible cent's worth » ILa 1 , of real value for every dollar you spend I Jil u \ That we do give you, at this store I Jl I I the most real value for the money, we I 111 111 I prove to you conclusively if you I J( II l will give us the opportunity. II I I] \\ Isn't it to your own best interests to ft ]{|f grant the opj>ortunity? Then come to- I day ami see. Stylish New Suits & Coats I 97.50 to $35.00 I (towns, Dresses, Shirt Waists, Hunt, Etc.,in high qualities at luw prices. Fall and Winter Millinery I Coppersmith's I 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers