tlSil : % neroll a ' r Ibl and Emporium's Best Store ~~"l !■! «&1 sf M Where the Newest Fall Merchandise is now on Exhibition I ' TO"®®- 'lb'' 1 New Millinery New Coats and Suits New Silk Petticoats Exquisite New Laces mtm ! ilk *tl ;3s|| mW i I . We .? r f offeriug the most Nets and Trimmings III lr ™I III' 111 'ill See the display of Ready to Although the strike beautiful new Persian Silk New colored galoons with Jfl i'lSI ill' 1\ I / ill wear an( * Trimmed Hats, among the tailors in New qU ality ° S P CIKI goldthreads beautiful pat- Hl I I 'ilil ft I lil'li ■HI.'A and the extraordinary values York City has kept the fill- d»r* aa 1? L terns, g) 111 i If I 111 11 hi (l v we are offering in handsome ing of our orders back, we $5.00 Each t"' • I Trimmed Hats at are showing a fair assort- Extra Secial good value Over Nets to match. ment of Coats and Suits and 11 sa t een from co ] ors f ro m *** __ $5.00 Each ma,i y m»recoming. SI.OO up 75c per yd and up Our Ladies' Tailoring Department New Silks New Duchess Walk- New Blankets New Art Goods IS clt Jl our SOI7VICO Black Taffeta Silks of • _ ChlH-c _ 112 . _ _ . . . , ,- f . ing OKirtS Cotton Blankets at Of great interest to ladies Made to Order Startlingly Low Prices guaranteed quality at unus- & 39C) $I are the raany new Novelties will take your measurements together with all ; ——: . . Ua V P rlces * The Duchess Walking #l. 50 to $3.00. we slmw in "Tn hpmnrVpd" the details peculiar to your figure. Your gar- know in our tailoring epar 11 y g 26 inch wide 75c Skirts are the most perfect- Snleiulid Wool Blankets 11 u • j ment will be man-tailored in one of the finest elusive attention; get the work of a skilled man . -i o 1 A u 'V -i A eiKll<l V,ooi mankets or already Embroidered shops in America under expert supervision. tailor; get a garment made to your measure at 35 luc h wide 89c, SI.OO ly, fitting and best 1 ailored #>5.00 to $6. 00. Pi 1 low Tons Centre Pieres The finished garment will be ready prompt- reasonable prices Colored Taffeta Silk Skirts known by the trade, finow lops, venire rieces, ly for your tryon and inspection, then you can ' v * 26 inch wide 7 sc. and the prices are reasona- Uinh Place Pillow Cases, Towels, Scarfs Md detei? of figure, then B you calf know Sults $13.50 and up 35 inch wide SI.OO ble New braided Skirts, HigilUeSS LOmtorterS £tc If you wish to make the joys of wearing high quality tailor made Coats 10.00 ana up Extra good quality Messa- made of high class Panama one or two of the above Satisfaction Assured *? aV u yo Y Skirts 550 and up line, 35 inch wide SI.OO at $5.00 each. Made of beautiful sateen, • 112 Christmas trift oailSiaCllon /A.aoureu clothes made Dresses 12.00 and up 2 " Very best French Voile each $3.75. pieces ior a unrisimas to fit your figure and to accent your individu- Capes 7.50 and up Fancv check and striped v Skirts Silkaleen Comforters at to your friends, now is the ally, and you are certain of satisfaction. Style, r auey auu smpcu •> fit, fabric and tailoring are guaranteed by our These are the prices that we quote you for Silks 18 111 wide, Special $9.00, SIO.OO, $12. 00. gI.OO, # 1.25, #2.00 ana >2.50 tune to begin, selves and the American Ladies Tailoring Com- man tailori that j nflUreß satisfaction. 3QC per yd. pany of Chicago. * Reis Washable Formation Letters, old English de- -j-* yry yyi -§- TTW T "I""* F.mnnrinm's May Manton Paper Patterns, signs, a, 3, and s c; in E,ndroidered Letters read y to IJ K IH j\ K r" read^A,"^! sew on 5, 8, and 9 c each. AJX -M. X. .I—4 breateSt More cl, as 4d With k pattern. | Breezy | 1 Countyi | Netfs | MEDIX RUN. George Pistner was a Dußois visitor last week. Squire Davis was taking in the Fair at Dußois Friday. A dance was held io Robinson's Hall Friday evening for the benefit of the baseball team. Oui home orchestra fur nished the music; a large crowd was in attendance and seemed to enjoy the even ing. Ice cream was served on the stage Morris Brcsoec has just returned from a business ttip from New York City. Ezra still comes to town. We arc about to organize an order o* Pbontas. We have about 50 names* This town should have a lodge for the ladies as well as men. We hope this will prove a success and all join in and help a good cause. Lewis Krisc of Tyler spent Sunday with bis wife at this place. Mrs. Smith of Renovo is visiting rela tives at this place. , Warren Alleu who has beeu in West Virginia, arrived here Sunday afttruoou. He has beeu absent thre.i months. Janie- K rive of this place had a dance in the I.(). O. F. 11all, at B< nczette, on Friday evening. A number of people from this place attended. Some parties returned early. What is the matter Jinimie? Mrs. True London and children are visiting relatives at Brock way ville for a few days. W. H. Krise and wife are visiting rel atives at Odessa, over Sunday. The band hop will begin this week to enlarge their hall. They intend to hold dances this winter. Mrs. Susie Russell has returned from visiting friends on Mason Hill. Miss Florence Garrity is ou the sick list. A number of people from this place attended the Fair at Dußois lust week. Who were those two young ladies seen on our streets buggy riding one day last week. Whoa' Mule, Whoa! KKU HIIU». "Can be depended upon" is au expres sion we all like to hear, aud when it is used in connection with Chamberlain« Colic, Cholera and Diarihoea Remedy it means that it never tails to cure diarr hoea. dysentery or bowel complaints, k is pie.mant to take aud equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. latest I'opular Mualc. Miss May Uoultl, toucher of piano fort has roenlvod a full line of thti lul ««t and moat popular sheet music. All the popular alra. Popular and t-lnaa :cal mualc. I'rlooa roaaonaMe. 44-tf. HUNTLEY. William Kailburn transacted business in Driftwood one day last week. Thomas Kailburn called ou friends at Sterling Run Saturday evening. C. U. Lupro of Emporium was a pleasant caller in town on Friday. W. It. Smith called on friends at Sterling Run, toiday. Will Nelson who has been very low the past few weeks is slowly improving. We hope to see him around again soon. Alonzo Duell and wife of Mason Ilill called on the latter's mother .drs. Jane Johnson of this place Sunday. Selbtirn Loguc who ha- been working at Kane, Pa., with the signal repairmen, was home over Sunday to see his wife and baby. B. J. Collins was called to Hicks Run on Monday on account of the illness of his son Charles who is thieatened with typhoid fever. Lawreuce Smith is hoax on tbe sick list. , B. J. Collins is hudlyeng >sed in haul ing logs from Beuny Hollow to HY tower and loading them on ttie cars for Mr. A. D. Gore of Sinnamah tniug who will manufacture them into lumber in I fiis new saw mill. SPORT. SINNAMAHONING. John Cafliey has gone to work for j J»ihh.-r Edw Whiting. Mrs. (' M. W \koff und her guest ! Mrs. Jessie Fizzi l returned from At ! lantic Citv last Saturday. | Chemist A. W. l'hillips has returned from his vacation. Mrs. V. A. Brooks returned from Re novo last Friday. W. T. Piper, of Renovo spent Sunday with his pareuts here. Hebcr Wykoff was at home over Sun day. V. A. Brooks visited his daughter and family at Renovo Monday of this week. J. G. Johnson's mother is very ill at his home. Mrs. (J. O. Meixell visited Emporium t this week. Mrs. Dauber and child are visiting her aunt Mrs. Mollie Baird. Miss Iva Crum was home Monday night. Our new doctor, Dr. Owaroff is loeat 'ed iu a room in Douglas MeColl's resi deuce. We trust he may raiuaiu with j us. ('has. E. Shafer is having his residence | painted. Autos Fenton visited his home at Km poriurn last Sunday. Mios Helen Counsil is spending a week ai Williamspnrt. Miss Iva Snyder, of Heoovo, visited her home people a few days i Tbe Siiiiiamulioutug Baud held a very succt*slul pie and ice cream social in Loguu'* Hall, Monday evening of ibis [ Week. The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a ehtelien and waffle supjier next Wednesday evening, Sept. .'lst, lUlo,al the |iaisoiiaue. Money to be used lor eh'ireh r< pain. Kverone eouie ami help thu ladle* and get a good supper. XXX. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910- STERLING RUN. Mrs. William Berry attended the fune ral of Mr. Wells at Emporium Monday. Miss Zeolla Mason went to Rcnovo Monday for a short visit. Miss Teoka Whiting accompanied her mother last Wednesday tor Williamsport to resume her studies at the Dickinson Seminary. The body of Robert Devling was sent home Monday from a hospital at Kuox ville, Tenn., where he died from a com plication of diseases. The funeral was held at the Devling homestead Wednes day, Rev. Lehman officiating. Inter ment in the Devling cemetery. Miss Alice Pauline Welsh after spend ing several months with her grand-par ents here returned to her home at Phila delphia Sunday and also her brother Bonald Welsh returned to his home at Howard. Mrs. G. L. Smith of Driftwood and niece Miss Esther Smith of Westfield, were guests of brother Leonard Smith, Tuesday. J G. S. Howlett was a visitor to Em porium Tuesdav. Carlton Smith left Monday for Pitts burg where he expects to take a four years course in the department of Ap plied Science in the Technical College at that place. Quite a number of town people atten ded the County Fair at Emporium this i week. A party of (he following were out on a successful eeling trip Saturday night: L. A. Suinmcrson, James Mason, Mort. Dinniny, Jack Killen and G. S. llow lett—catching 10 large eels, Jack Kil leen capturing 9 out of ten honors; even between the other gentlemen. Blue Bell. CAMERON. Our fanueis are busy digging their potatoes, next is harvesting Uie corn crop. Miss Josephine Haines visited friend* in Kiuporiuiu Tuesday, returning Wed nesday. Messrs. Krapeand l, "i'.e made a busi ness trip to Kiuporiuiu Tuesday night, re turning ou the I 1 o'clock flyer. Harry Morn' and Frank Sullivan took in the Fair Tuesday eve and report a large time. Mrs. Lizzie Yallis of F.iiiporiuiu visit ed G. L I'ugf and family Sunday. The bears which were seen in this community have made their sueak since Kd. Clark gut his (c ar dog. Operator llarvey has been troubled with sore throat for the past week. Mrs. Matthew Phoenix who has been on itu extended vacatiou to Milesburg and points returned home last week. The parties reported siek in our last write-up are all better or entirely well at this time. K. M. MeFadden has the finest crop of |HiiatiH>s in this community. He nay* he think* he wdl have five hundred hu»u els. I''rank Sullivan was very much sur prised uk well us badly sealed one day I ant week. \*k him, he eall explain. I'aul II irvey looked very fatherly one lav la-i week. Of course it i» all ritihl I'aul but we wou't give von away. Lol l»K. NORTH CREEK. Arthur Barr was over from Rich Valley recently. Mrs. Ella McLeod and Mrs. Jennie Craven called on Mrs. Carter Tuesday of last week. J. J. Dullen passed through here Thursday from Colegrove. S. D. Housler, of the Valley, was seen on our streets Wednesday of last week. R. B. Moore was guest of Fred Solve son and family a short time ago. Elihu Chadwick called on the people here recently. Guy Brundage and wife, of Glean, N. Y., were guests of Mrs. Solveson Wednes day of last week. Mrs. Rose Carter, of Rich Valley, came up Tuesday of last week to take care of Grand-ma Carter. By the last of the week Grand-ma was so much im proved as to be taken to the home of Frank Sweesey to be eared for Mrs. Sweesey is a daughter of Mrs. Carter. A few of our people attended the sup per Saturday evening on Rich Vail ey. Among the city visitors the past week were J. \V. Lewis, Tressa Britton, Wm. Smith, Mrs. F. B. Britton, Norman Solveson and V. M. Dow. Bluk JAY, Adulteration and Underweig hing of Foodstuffs Continues. Underweighing, misbranding and adulterating food stuffs continues, not withstanding the active crusade of the pure food officials in Washington, and under the Btate laws, and while urrests and convictions are made, much re mains to be achieved in breaking up the nefarious practices of cheating and poisoning the buying and consuming public. The foodmakers adulterate barley meal with oatmeal and oatM and chair. They put metallic silver in can dies and glucoes ill jellies and pre serves. "Foreign cream" cheeses are made of American skimmed milk. Ar tilleally colored alcohol —alcohol is a food—conveys its wicked nourishment in bottles labeled "Choice Canadian Whiskey." The household flavoring extracts are tinted with coal tar dyes. Kgg custard powders appear dried without eggs. Two-pound cans of to matoes weigh one and a half ounces short, und brand of condensed milk are found twenty per cent, short of their labeled contents. In "spring water" are microbes of disease. Nut shells and fruit pits are fed into the pepper grinder. Strychnine is put In gin, lead chromatic in coltee and atro pine In castor oil. And what adulter ations we miss In foods, we make up In clothing, in cottou and shoddy for wool, Milk is stiffened and adulterated, togo to pi«ce« with the llrst few w«ars or exposure to wet, colors of goods tude out with the ttrst washing, or the cottou pull apart and lose weight with their llrst wi<ttiug. Whether it In rub ber, tin or other wure, no one expert* to get the wear and good out of mater ial or slufl I hey buy that they oiiee did. It appears to be a game oI goitre all arouud. We Want Your Trade i I TF good reliable merchandise, lowest possible prices, fair and square dealing, careful at tention and a sincere desire to please you, are things you like, we can count you for a custo mer. A good time to put us to the test right now. COME! New Fall Slyles Arriving Daily MRS. E. S. COPPERSMITH. A Man of lion Nerve. Indomitable will and trtmifiuJotiM oner- 1 ey are uevi'i found Mrlitfrc SCutnaeh, Liv er, Killing* and Hiiwe|« are out ul order. If you want thcae iiuiiiiii'* audi the nuo-o* tlu-y bring, u*f |tr. King'*! New I,ilf I'illit, the uiatelilew for ki i N lirain and HIMUK body. 'J'w at all druimiat*. Good Piano (or Suit*. A Hmdltury l'iuiio im|iiuru) In h 1 ""' condition. Apply Hi I'ltttw otIU-a. ST-tf. IChildrefi! Children !f I My! what a noise! Bui it'* not tha child- -f, r*B it's your head "<jH' . M ANTI-ACHE TgSjfV* MMfU tck« <- ■ fu.i, " . \ quleU I I I? VL *»Mr in A ■■ I \ I |I v pfl«ti«4, iMWWiI t undtlittu I J if%Jt t ' / c ' #Bf M * >(«• lr«M »»•»• I BMIfMJ "Duel nu( affect tlie K«*rt. I A»» U.uggtet. !0i euJ !#• I W«rM tkemuel C*. I 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers