ijj Thirty Years in Pharmacy in i Emporium Nearly ii,ooo days 3 —a lifetime— Ca- if] tering to the wants $ $ ot yourselves and p] [n your families dur in ing such a span of $ f l ' " jjj time in a strictly a in conscientious man- rii in ner, I have built a rji oi ' r .. u] JJ a reputation for dis- j[] pensing "Just what 5n |{3 the Physician has Dj i{) ordered" and notli- W |{] ing else. [n jo | J1 Your Prencrlplloiw and ru fjj Family Kcclpcti are •J my Especial Care. [n | R. C. DODSON. | c rHSSB"] LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL QOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to see in thi» department,let ut know by pot kil card, letter or personally. O. L. Bailey, was in Emporium last Sunday and was guest at The Warner. Miss Hilda Hertig spent Friday evening and Saturday at Coudersport, guest of relatives. Charles E. Leutze, was guest of friends at Ridgway, between trains, ast Sunday evening. Fred Peck, of Ridgway, formerly of ihis place, was in Emporium last Sun day afternoon between trains. Messrs. Robert Weiman and Will Marshbank called on friends at St. Marys last Saturday evening. John Anderson, of Altoona, Pa., is guest at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Anderson, Locust street. Bert Edwards called on friends at St. Marys, last Sunday for short time, returning home on the evening train. Mrs. Lawrence Fisk and daughter j are being entertained as guests at. the home of Mrs. F's parents, at St. Marys. Messrs. D. W. and D. L. VanWegen, j of Coudersport, accompanied by their j rives autoed fo Emporium last Sun- j day. William H. Dalrymple departed on | Monday afternoon, for a short visit ' hith relatives at Olean and Shingle- ; boube. O. T. Warner, wife and daughter, of j All' ntown, Pa , are spending a few I days at Emporium guests at The j Warner. C. W. Gray, chemist at the Sinna- j mahoningPowder Plant, at Sinnama honing, transacted business at Em porium, Tuesday. Mrs. Carl Felt and son, of Philadel phia, are visiting friends and relatives at Emporium, guests at the home of Dr. Leon R. Felt and wife. Mrs. William Merry has returned to her home at Scio, N. Y., after spend ing ten days guest at the home of her son, W. J.. Merry and wife. Prof, fjid Mrs. C. E. Plasterer and daughter, returned to Emporium last Friday afternoon, after spending sev eral wfieks at Shippensburg. Pa. Mrs. Arthur Kline and children, who have been guests at the home ot ilrs. K's parents, returned to their bome at Sinnamahoning, last Sunday. Miss Laura Smutz, who has been guest at the home of her brother Mr. Geo. J. Smutz and family, Fifth street, returned to her home at Tidioute, last Saturday. Miss Madalene Severin, of St. Marys, was guest of friends at Emporium be tween trains Sunday, enroute for her Jiome, after a visit with relatives at Renovo. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cox and sons, are spending the week at Salladasburg, where they are being entertained as guests at the home of the former's parents. Miss Josephine Murphy, who has been guest of her sister, Mrs. Katbryn Bush and other friends at this place, returned to her home at Ridgway, the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Roussey re turned to Emporium la r Sunday after noon, after a most deligi. 'nl visit of two weeks with relatives at Pittsburg aud other places in Western Penneyl rania. Mrs. William Knickerbocker and daughter, Carolyn and Mrs. Margaret Knickerbocker have returned home, after spending ten days, guests at the home of the former's parents, at Wat kins, N. Y. Miss Clara Deitzler, of Shamokin, was entertained as guest at the home of Hon. F. X. Blumle and family, over Sunday. Miss Deitzler was enrouta for Bradford to visit her brother and wife. H. W Smith, of The Warner, was a busi' •" ■■ t- !!;■)• at St. Marys, the last of t!ie week. Mrs. P. P. Day and children have been visiting friends at Roulette the J. W. Lewis, ofShippon, transacted business at this place on Tuesday for a short time Mi s Helen Welsh is spending the week a! Williamsport where she is visiting relatives. Mr. R. Kuehne returned Tuesday evening from New York City and a visit up the Hudson. Geo. Murry came over from Buffalo and spent several days in town guest of his mother on Third street. Henry Hunted, ot East Emporium, i departed for the Western States, via Buffalo, last Monday morning. Dudley Cole, of Curwensville, Pa., made his regular business trip to this place during the past week. Miss Gladys O'Keefe, of Sterling Run, was a pleasant Emporium visitor for a short time, the last of the week. W. C. Roberts, of Renovo oaltod on friends at this place on Tuesday and also transacted business while in town. Edward McFadden, of Cameron, was a business caller at the county seat last Tuesday and was guest at Commercial Hotel. Ray Dininny, wife and daughter, of Olean, N. Y., are guests at the home of Fred Dininny and family, Fifth street. Mrs. Jas. Wright and guest, Mrs. Viola Beard, of Lebanon, and Mrs. E. D. White visited Niagara Falls the last of the week. Mrs. Demelia Ort, of Williamsport, of Williamsport, is visiting in town guest at the home of H. R. Klees and family. L. C. Summerson, of Sterling Run, was a social and business caller at Emporium on Tuesday, and was guest at City Hotel. Robt. Malone and three children, of Snow' Shoe, spent a few days in town last week guest of Frank Halderman and family. Messrs. Erick Nystrom and George Barker, J., called at the PRESS office Tuesday afternoon, while our press was in operation. Miss Marion Rentz went to Olean, N. Y., Wednesday afternoon, where she will spend several weeks, guest of Miss Nellie Swain. George Barker, Jr., transacted busi ness at St. Marys the last of the week. j George is interested in the insurance [ business and is a hustler. Mies Ruby Heideick, who will teach school at Howard Siding, during the coming school year, was a business caller at that place on Tuesday. Miss Florence Welsh, who has been spending the past three weeks with relatives at this place, returned to her home at Watsontown, Wednesday afternoon. Geo. VanWert came over from New Castle last Friday and shook hands with his many friends in town, lie dropped into see the PRESS and made a short visit. Mrs. Gust Whitmer and children, who have been visiting relatives at Rebersburg, Pa., returned to Empori um, Tuesday afternoon. Mies Jessie Lane, of Washington, D. C., arrived in Emporium, Tuesday afternoon, and is being entertained as guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. K. Mickey, Sixth street. R. Emmet Tulis is spending the week at Andover, N. Y., where Mrs. Tulis and son have been visiting at the home of her parents. They are expected home the end of the week. Miss Mae Joint, of Savona, N. Y., arrived in town to-day, and is being entertained as guest at the home of her uncle, R. C. Dodfion and family, Fourth street. Ray Shadman, wife and children, who have been guests at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Shad man, returned to their home at Du- Bois Monday evening. John Huber, who has been enter tained as guest at the hone of Andrew Weisenfiuh and family, for the past week, returned to his home at Shef field, Pa., Monday afternoon. Mrs. R- Fisher and daugnter, Miss Ethel left to-day for an ex tended trip which will include Sun bui'.v, Philadelphia, New York City aud Atlantic City. The ladies will be absent for several weeks. Miss Marion Brady, accompanied by her brother Hubert, went to Washing ton, Pa., the last of the week. Mr. Brady returned to Emporium Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Urban Butler and son T. J., were called to Seattle, Wash., by the very serious illness of their daugh ter and sister. They departed for the above place on Erie Flyer, Tuesday morning. Misses Agues and Mary Blumle were pleasant PREHH office callers last Thursday afternoon and looked the plant over. Miss Mary Blumle has en tered the contest for a trip to Bermuda, offered by the Williamsport News and now holds the second place. We hope she may succeed in gaining first. CAMERON COUNTY PRKSS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1910. E. A. Gerg, spent Sunday with his 1 family, who live at St. Marys. Mh<s Ji -ie Clark has accepted a position in the confectionery store of 1 Seger & Company. IVJIs-os Nora and C! ir.i Entres, were ■ guests at. Ihe home of their mother, at Sr.. Marys, last Sunday. Miss Mary Heher, of Olean, N. Y., io guest at the home of her mother, on East Allegany Avenue. John Markert, 'af ltenovo, was guest of his sister, Miss Kathryn, at this place, the last of the week. E. B. Saunders, of Buffalo, made a regular monthly business trip to this place, the end of the week. Thomas Bailey departed for Chicago, last Saturday afternoon, where he has secured a lucrative position. Thomas Eddy, of Sterling Rnn, was a social and business caller at Em porium the last of the week. Miss Mytle Olmsted, departed for Hornell, N. Y., last Saturday morning, where she is guest of relatives. Misses Jane and Nellie Glenn spent a short time at Niagara Falls last week, returning home Friday evening. Miss Tressa Blumle departed for Meadville and Conneaut Lake, where she will spend a two weeks' vacation. Jas. J. Welsh, ticket agent at the Broad Street Station, spent the last of the week with relatives at Corning, N. Y. Miss Maude Callahan, one of Drift wood's most popular young ladies called on friends at this place last Saturday. Miss Rose Drewstein and Rose Mose, of Buffalo,are guests at the home of the latter's sister Mrs. Jas. Pierce, East Allegany Ave. Miss Anna L. Welsh has returned to her home at this place, after spending a delightful two week's outing with re latives at Buffalo. Charles Wiley of Haverhill, Mass., is guest at the home of his mother at this place. Mr. Wiley represents the National Cash Register Co. Miss Alma Hertig has returned to Emporium, after spending 0 few weeks guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. Gordan McGiffin, Beaver Falls. Mrs. John Herbaugh, of Olean, was guest of her husband at this piace over Sunday. Mr. Herbrugh is the new superintendant at the tannery. Mrs. Elizabeth Vallis, of Cameron, was in Emporium a short time the last of the week having stopped here en route for her home from St. Marys. Clayton Fry, who has been guest at the home of Harry Regelman and family, on Fifth street, returned to his home at Williamsport, last Thursday. Miss Kathryn Markert Avas guest of her parents at Beechwood last Mon day. Miss Markert went to St. Marys 011 Tuesday morning, whore she wit nessed the marriage of her brother. Miss Marie and Master James Roche, who have been guests at the home of thair grand-parents, at Eltuira, N. Y., have returned to their home at this place. Charles R. Woolley, who has been working at Ishpeming, Mich., returned to Emporium last Saturday evening and wil resume work at the Emporium Powder Plant. Mrs. Edward Barker and children, who have been guests at the homes of relatives for the past month, returned to their home at National Mines, Mich., Tuesday morning. Fred Husted and family have moved their household goods from this place to Buffalo, N. Y., where Mr. Husted has secured a lucrative position. We regret the departure of this family and we wish them success. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stackpole, of St. Marys, Mrs. R. J. Powell, of Dagus Mines and Mrs. Tully Tupper, of Texarkana, Ark., and Texas, composed an auto party to this place last Satur day. They were guests at The Warner. Michael Murphy, of Bolivar, N. Y., a former proprietor of the Commercial Hotel of this place, was a business call er at Emporium the last of the week. Mr. Murphy has recently sold his hotel at Bolivar and is now living a retired life. Daniel Peters, of Lebanon, who is employed on the furnace repair gang, spent the last of the week at his home at Lebanon. Mrs. Peters returned to Emporium with her husband and will spend the week at this place. W. H. G. Walker, Manager of the Penn Vitrified Brick Plant, at Calder, was a business caller at the county seat the last of the week being guest at The Warner. Chas. E. Crandell, the popular teller at the First National Bank, at this place, is enjoying his ten day vaca tion. He will spend the time at Wil liamsport, Atlantic City and other places of interest. Rev. W. F. Rentz, pastor of Bt. John's Lutheran Church, of Williams port, was guest at the home of his brother, F. P. Rentz and family over Sunday. The Rev. Gentlemen in com pany with F. P., took in the sights at Niagara Falls last Saturday. Rev. Rentz is a very pleasant gentleman. Miss Erma Randolph was guest of friends at St. Marys for a few days of last week. Miss Elenore Christler was guest a the home of her parents at St. Marys, over Sunday. Mrs. Fred K Zimtner and son Ward, of Gardeau, are visiting relatives and friends in BufTalo and Erie this week. C. J. Miller, of Gibson, attended the Sunday School Convention and shook hands with old friends on Tuesday and Wednesday- Miss Sadie Hess, of Williamsport, is visiting in town, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Nellis. Miss Hess form erly lived in Emporium. Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith left to-day for Pittsburg, Cleveland and Buffalo, where she will purchase the fall stock of millinery and other goods. Miss Emma Dunlap, of Williamsport, who was guest at the home of Henry Auchu and family, returned to her home the ttrstof the week. Miss Virginia Hill, of Philadelphia and Miss Lillian Grattls and brother William, of Tyrone, Pa., who have been guests at the home of F. P. Stvayer and family, returned to their homes on Wednesday. Mrs. Belle Beattie accompanied by her guest, Miss Monroe, of Boston, de parted for Williamsport, Pa., on the noon flyer last Saturday, where they will make a short visit, from which place Miss Monroe will return to her home. Mrs. Beattie will visit|relatives and friends at Philadel|)hia before re turning home. Mrs. Frank Martin and son Clarence, of Williamsport, are guests at the home of Mrs. M's parents, Mr. and Mrs. McGrain, North Broad street. Mrs. Geo. Bowers and friend Mrs. King, also from Williamsport are guests at the McGrain home. Continued on 4th Page The Trying Summer Heat It's very wearing 011 your system and upsets most constitutions. Overcome the enervating hot weather | and Take a Bottle of Beef, Iron and Wine Q A stimulating and tonic B I medicine that aids the sys- I tem by building new tissues I and preventing a wasting H of nerve energy. Make Your System Right Before Fall 50 Cents Per Bottle The Old Reliable Drug Store GEO. C. TAGGART. Prop. SHSHSP crP-HB "SHSHSHSHSB jl ' R t [jj | In Our Prescription | Department U accuracy andsyste- uj m matic skill are com- Oi bined with a very 0{ large stock contain- sj [J ing every drug and nj chemical called for m fjj in or likely to be p] j{] called for in medi- xj ui cal practice. This "] ! enables us to con- tn scientiously com- Cj pound and fill any K prescription pre- [jj sented to us, 110 nj matter how difficult with the assurance n] that our patrons' Jjj orders will be car- jn |{] ried out to the let -1 Emporium Drug Co. | Lf] Phone, 3* O>SHaSZSaSSSESESSS2SaS2SSS"] From Sickness to"Excellent Health." 80 ■ Mrs. ("lias. Lyon, I'ioria, III.: "I limud : n your Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy euro for backache and kid ney trouble which bothered uic for many months. lam now enjoying excellent health which J owe to Foley Kidney Pills. For Sale hy Emporium Drug Co. Local news on every page. Safety Razor Blades Kazoredared ,soc per dozen Common razors 13c each NIXON & CO.. Philipsbnrg, Pa. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. Irresistibly Tempting is the delicious and toothsome bread, rolls, biscuits or breadstuffs, cakes or pies that are made from the high grade and choice Pet drove flour. It is the backbone of the family when your bread is made from this nourishing flour. It is the best that is milled and when once used you will never use any other than the Pet drove flour. PRICE*"LIST. Emporium, Pa., July 19, 1910. NEMOPHILA, per sack fl 50 Felt's Fancy, " j 70 Pet Grove, " ... 1 7c Roller Meal » 5S Rye " ™ Graham " 75 Coarse Meal per 100, .!"!!. 150 Chop feed " ......I'll" 1 50 Cracked Corn per 100 1".. 1 50 White Middlings 1 go Bran .'.l!.' 1 40 Chicken Wheat 2 00 Screenings " 1 50 Oil Meal " 2 00 Corn per bushel " 81 Whi! ■ Oaif>. !»--r bushel 55 New White Oats 48 Oyster Shells, per 100 ' 75 Sterling Chick Feed 1.'....' 2 00 Sterling Scratch Feed 1 no Daisy Dairy Feed 1 50 Calf Meal, 501b bag 1 50 Alfalfa Meal, 1 50 Cottonseed Meal, 1 95 Mammoth Clover Seed, per bu 9 50 Medium '■ lover Seed, " 9 50 Alsyke Clover Seed, " 9 50 Timothy Seed, " 3 25 German Millet Seed. " .2 25 IMI«B8aeB»eca8HHBeB 94UBI9HDBMI| I Rose's Roasted Rye. Have you Tried it Nothing is like it in a cooked cereal. It fully meets all the requirements of a natural food and is the I easiest of all cereals to digest. Large package ioc. ® EUTE 'irv jk T/J gry fresh I BRAND jf Jr A DEVILED LObSTER CRABS, The Satisfactory Store Large cans ■ 35c CAN. J 40c Delicious Sliced Bonless Bacon, Chipped Smoked £ I Beef, Cooked Sliced Ham. Get just what you want. A Boned Chicken, Potted Meats, Fancy Cheese, Peanut ■ Butter, Fresh Crackers and Wafers and all the other re quirements for picnics and quick lunches. •'LET US SERVE YOU WITH THE BEST" • • Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday 251b hag Best Granulated Sugar $1.50. Pure lard in bulk 17c. lb. 15c pkge Shredded Wheat Biscuit 12c. lib can Royal Baking Powder 45c. 25c Choice Apricots, the can 20c. 20c Bottle "My Wife's" Salad Dressing 18c. Large 5c cake good Scouring Soap 4c. 12c Mustard Sardines, Elite brand ioc. KA-U-KA Coftee—Compare it with any 25c coffee sold anywhere. 5 lbs SI.OO. Burnham and Morrill's Pork and Beans 20c can 18c 125 c bottle Wriglet's Silver Cream 20c. Snmpthinp Npw violet Talcum, manufactured ijumeuung new iu New York and guarantee d under the Food and Deugs act June 30, 1905. Usual 25c size for 15c. Try it. I Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice Each Day. 1 You Get Better Values Here. I J. H. DAY, L Phone 6. Emporium. yfait/yiacS' 29th Year Will Open Sept, 6 Xew Catalogue and Particulars on Request. 25-4t Mountain Park Green Houses. Ridßway, Pa, We have the largest and most up-to date GREEN HOUSE in Western Pennsylvania. All orders left at Geo. J. Laßar's, Emporium, Pa., will receive prompt and careful attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. 52-ly. Square Deal Mills EMPORIUM, PA. E. J. Rogers, Prop'r. OUR MOTTO:— Honest Weight and Honest Goods. Don't you think it would be a good plan to lay in a barrel of good flour before it goes up. I have just received a car load ot Gamble Green's Snow Flake, by far the best Flour for the price sold in Emporium. Liberal dis count in barrel lots. Call, phone or write. Out of town orders filled same day re ceived. A share of the trade respect fully solicited. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers