pBSBSHHSBE^gI: | Breezy I | County I | Netfs | rfean&gsisßggi i SINNAMAHONING. A J. Barclay ban his oats all harvest ed and in now in«» wood for wiutcr. llenry Snyder has a job netting wood for J. R. Batchclder, who will have wood for sale, "Pap" Berficld, one of our weather propeets, cays: look out for an early fall and winter, as the birds are gathering to nether earlier this year than common. C. H. Wykoff of Grove Hill, Clinton county, was in town Saturday getting seed wheat to sow this fall. He is talk ing of putting up a hunters cabin at his place to accommodate the hunters. It is one of the best deer and bear localities in the country. Hon. C. F. Barclay is putting a new roof on his residence this week. Washington Camp, No. 136, P. 0. S. of A., held one of their pleasant lunches Monday evening and all had a good time. Council Brothers have moved into the hardware building of Barclay Bros, and will be doing business as soon as the in surance adjuster gets through. They are both young men and while their loss will be heavy, they will go right ahead on a larger scale than before. Joe Council of Tyler, was in town on Tuesday. He came home as soon as he heard of the fire. Ed. Sutlef of Beaver Dam, was a vis itor Tuesday. He will take down his portable mill here and store it for future use. A.I). Gore will soon have his feed mill running. J. R. Batchelder, tax collector, is wait idg patiently for delinquent tax payers to come and settle, thereby saving costs or a forced collection. Hon. G. W. Huntley was in town Tuesday. The Judge has been pretty busy lately harvesting his big crop of wheat and oats. Joe M. Shafer, who lately moved from the South and had his goods stored at the Shafer hotel, lost all he had. Value S9OO. Several of the boarders at the Sinna mahoning house lost all their clothing, except what they had on. The old Sinnamahoning House is gone. It has been an old land mark at the mouth of the First Fork for mauy years and will be missed by the public. It has been in the hands of the Shafer family a longtime, Mr. Geo. P. Shafer, the pres ent proprietor, being a grand-son, of a former proprietors. While Mr. Shafer feels his loss, he is putting on a bold front and will rebuild the house. DEBHE CAMERON. Fred Schwab captured two swarms of bees the past week. F. B. Hoag and J. W. Harvey made a lutinesscall at Sterling Run, Monday. Mrs. James Leonard, in company with Mrs Harry. Moore, were pleasant callers on Oak Hill and Calder, Saturday. W. H. G. Walker's mother and two nieces are visiting him at Calder; also his sister Miss Lillian of Buffalo. Ueorye Haiti* x of St. Marys, visited his two daughters, Mrs. G. L. Bage and Josephine, Sunday. Two bears were in the vicinity of the new Cameron House Saturday night and Sunday and seemed to be in no hurry to leave when sighted by some sports men. Kulus •lnhnsan and family of Jamison City, are spending no me time with C. B. Potter and family ou Oak Hill. Jnhu McKadden started for work Monday morning towards Sterliug mines but when half way to his destination, he »uW a black object, which he supposed was one of the bears seen the day pre vioiu, and he returned in a hurry, and getting a gaii}' of men returned lo find it was only a black stump, "Jack says he wasu't scared, but he didn t like the looks of it. C. K. 11oopor, bookkeeper at the Brick Work*, Sunday reported to the "Super tb.it In- thought m»uie rowdy * were taui- P< riui.' with tin- engine, as be In an] some very peculiar irii.-i flow that direction and mi invcatigetiou found the engine •«i»l> having a little fuu of Us owu. Kliw. Schwab, killed a rattle *tiak« on Sunday, that measured four tel l alld elj-11l inches. A picnic t'.iri v from the Brick Works who Wurt haviut: a <|Ui<i Sunday in the Pine*, buck oi the brick work*, were atvlit in a heavy thunder shower and a*Anli> ut thill holvia Wan Hot lied whttU the llloWrl catue up, |l became IriuhtcM • d and rau home leaving the party stranded with uu hoix- for a two imi»c l«>*d I."i laK t urtjwUk Killel I r«n» tUv l ever \>iliiua and •uiniuef brow tuii«, ink' holey* II ,!••-> •(.! far I *|Mi• kly i< licvt»the di»cuwi»rl and *urt« iin„> *nd the aiiuovm.l »ymp<out* di>ipp*ai. It «j..tlic and heal* tin ind ole I air pa a id the h'id ihi'.at and hion< bul lllbr- It • -M»IH» Ho Opute* «nd Hu ml« by Kinpotnim I ling it NORTH CREEK. Rev. llall of Rich Valley charge call ed on friends here Thursday. Mrs. Kdyths Kddings and Mrs. Lylali Fondas, of 1 licks Run, visited with their sinter, Mrs Annie (lousier, over Thurs day. Mrs. S M I lousier and Clendon Moore were at the city Thursday. Harry Hoekruan and Horace Rirch were city visitors, Saturday, and Thomas lJritton was in town Tuesday. Ernest Housler, who works at the Keystone Dynamite works, came home Thursday evening, briuging with him hi* two little sons. Merlin aud Morton, who were visiting on West Creek. More bellfish. Norman Solveson killed a yellow rattler, Wednesday, V. M. Dow killed one iu the road near the North Creek datn a few days ago. S. G. Lewis spent a few days in town. Clendon Moore and Otto Chandler had a pleasant drive to Frank Craven's and back Saturday. Mrs. Laura Rrundage and daughter. Miss Beatrice Taylor of West Creek,and Miss Tompkins of Mina, were guests at the home of F. A. Lewis, Friday. Amos Nsrrrigon of Rich Valley, called on friends here Tuesday. While berrying Friday, A una Bates and Hazel Chandler each met with pain ful accidents. Walking through a bunch ot weeks, Anna was stung or bitten on the ankle by some unseen thing. The girls lookek for a rattler or insect, but could find none. Her ankle is badly swollen. Hazel had the misfortune to jump on a sharp stick while desceuding a bauk. The stick made an indenture in the *ide of her foot and is the cause of much distress. We hope both youug ladies will sood be as well as ever. Tressa Rriston went to Hicks Run, Tuesday to visit her sister Mrs. Griffith. Warrec Moore and family of Rich Valley were guests of Mrs. M's mother and sister, Sunday Clendon Moore and Norman Solveson jeturued home Sunday. Millicent Moore is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Solveson this week. Don Morton of West Creek called on friends here Tuesday. R. R. Moore made a flying trip to the city Tuesday. F. A. Lewis Harry Hockman and Lewis, started Monday on a ginseng hunt. Blck J at. HUNTLEY. W. W. Johnson has purchased a fine female hog, of sterling quality and ex pects to engage in the pork business. He says that he thinks pork will will take a drop soon. We hope he is right. A. W. Smith has resigned his position as assistant foreman for W. W. Johnson. He says he can't stand the smell of ink. Miss Viola Smith of First Fork, was the guest of her uncle, A. W. Smith over Sunday. Dan Kilburn of Renovo spent Sunday with his father Wm. Kilburn. Master Harry Logue and sister, Flor ence called on A. W. Smith, Sunday. Levi 11. Smith transacted business at Driftwood on Monday. Jessee Johnson had the misfortuue to loose a barrel of rattlesnakes, which he had captured. Thomas Kiiburn was a Sterling Run caller on Sunday. Miss Lilly William and brother of Lock Haven, are the guests of Mrs. Mal vina Nelson this week. Wm. Nelson is on the sick list. B. J. Collins aud C. J. Miller trans acted business at Hicks Run on Tuesday. Operator Johnson and J. 8. Jordan j weru out bi-rryiog and eauie home with all they could carry. SfuKT. GROVE HILL. Mrs.Malvina Nelson called on the Hill Wednesday. Mr. Henry Hill and Rodney Ives made a business trip to I >riftwood one tlay last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Darius Ives Au«- I nth, a son. Carrie Hill and nephew Merle Ives, ! were Driftwood callers on Friday. Alice of Ktuporium, visited 11. I*. ll>ll and family Monday and Tue» day. liKItW.N KVKs. Acute or Chronic Which. No mutter if y«ur kiduey ln«blt is j Mute or chrome Foley » Kidney Remedy will reat h jour ea»e. Mr. ('Uude lirowu, Iteyu>i|d»villt' 111., write* ul that he suf li-red tunny months with kiducy com |ilaiut which batHrd all tr<'tinirul, At lait It* tried Foley - Kidue) Kent' dy and « Irw botlli"< i Heeled a complete euro. lie *ays, It ha» buett of lun-itim •Me value to iuc Hold by Kuipuriuiu Utujt Co, Mil »:Y klllM.Y 1'11.1.5. futlK iu '(Uulll) aud aetiuu, <|Utek iu le«uit« I til backache, dl4*lUt'», Ui'l vuvtn«H uini.uy »ir«v*uljinie» autl rheu Mtaiiom Stiltl by Kutprium I'rus.' Co. Mctikuuuk Comimrt. ial Awttdviuy A |<rivai«, lugli gmil* anUiM'l, Itual man, Kltortbautl, Typewriting, Kngliah t«»iira« -4. .'tillt ywar will ii|MiU Ht pt a, Atiltiiiinbilt' lui ■>.!U Oli(*p< 'l'm t*»i» i.u«<» 1 'aililae Vm <m >b»f , • i I I Will CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 19x0. FIRST FORK The tore parts of last week it looked an though we were hooked for a drough, till the copious rains of Wednesday put a different look on the face of nature. Also on the faces of the farmers, as this insures moisture enough for the corn, buckwheat and potatoes to mature. There have been hundreds, or perhaps ! I should say, thousands of bushels of huckleberries taken out ol Mulcy Run, parties coming from Port Allegany, Coudersport, Austin and iutermediate points and taking out team loads of them but the season is about over now. Miss Mabel Edwards of Emporium, was visiting frieuds in this vicinity a few days last week. A. G. Williams and wife of lliverdale, Mich., are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Williams for a week, also Mrs. A. E. Woodard and daughter Mina, of Salamanca, N. Y. Mr. M. J. Logue has been sick a long time and is failing. His sister Mrs. A. I). Nelson of Wharton and Mrs. Charlotte Johnson of Owego, N. Y., are visiting him. Mrs. Joe Burlingame of Wharton, is visiting relatives at Grand Haven, Mich., for a month. Ed. Caldwell of Sinnamahoning, was up calling on friends Thursday and look ing after his propery here. When Fred Williams was returning from the pasture, Sunday morniog, he saw a large rattlesnake just disappearing into the buckwheat and caught him by the tail and jerked him out into the open and killed him. He was about four feet long. The heavy shower of Sunday, p. m. helped out the situation wonderfully. Aug. 15. NITKSED. DENTS RUN. C. H. Welsh returned to this place from a two weeks' visit at Mt. Clemens, Mich. Myrtle Ober, who is employed in Philadelphia, is spending ten days at the home of her parents. Miss Bess Shields of Dußois, is spend ten days at the home of her friend, Miss Iva Bell. Lulu Quigle is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. A. C. Wagner. Mrs. Merrill from Etna, N. 11., is the guest of her son, Dr. B. E. Merrill. Miss Grace Reitzel of Dußois, is staying at the home of her father John ' Keitzel. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dempsey, with family, are spending a two weeks vaca tion at their former home, at Reynolds ville and Elnora. Mr. and Mrs. T.Y.Evans are spending ten days in Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor entertained the former's brother a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan returned to their home in Lansdale after spending a month at the home of Dr. Merrill. B. M. C. Another Street Paving. The property owners of Second street are seriously contemplating the paving of that handsome little street. It would be economy on the part of the tax payers if every street in Emporium was paved and obliterate the expenditure of hun dreds of dollars. Birthday Surprise. A number of lady and gentlemen friends of Mr. Harold Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of West Fifth street, surprised that popular young man last Tuesday evening, it being his 17th birthday. It was a genuine sur prise to the young man, who cordially greeted his friends and all enjoyed a pleasant evening, games and other amuse ments keeping the merry party busy un a late hour. elegant luncheon was nerved by the young man's good mother which was hugely enjoyed. An Agreeable Visitor. Mr. I<. tirant ttooduough, editor of Cornwall-oil-Hudson. N. \ ~ l«oeul Press, accompanied by his wile, have been guests of the former's brother, Mr. ('. J. and wife, Went Fourth street this week. The PltKatK sanctum was favored with a fraternal visit from the former gentleman «>» Monday just at a time when one of our prewses had -balk ed." Bt iun a practical printer and ex dart prt'»»uiaii he at once pulled his eoat and axNUtcd in locating the "difficulty, for which We arc llialiktul. 11l additlou to conducting an up-to-date print »bop, Mr. Ooudnough is postmaster of Corn wall-on lludaoa and a prominent citiacu of that -cetuiu. We enjoyed his >nll very much. Suitable fur Stock farm*. A. T. Lyon ol Frcdcricktowii, Ohio, where h« conducts the l.yon Stock harm has looked over this section count durable since he CNIUC here tu Visit hl> daU-'hti I Mr* K.J It igcr* and t.uuily and t'«vl» e.iiiti lent that the time in liot lar distant when the lulls of thu county will be .m copied a» stock laruis, giving a* hi* row sou the fact that Waatcrtl laud l* being rapidly cleared and advauciujj in valu* ibertd'ore driving >»m the stock breeder lie ia coiiti lent our «lim proximity to Hultalo make* this alt id* al place lor stoefc lauiug Why not t**n*ult with Mi l.>"U, ft) owier* ol large tiact* >1 i.tud aud ill" II up * tteW tuduatry tM till" \V. at. told this «cti ,U will (•roduow jtra*- upial t« 'he >.* I- tii*t* l iiluc la-n lie I*l ol K . Hl**, k V Kodol For lndi|«Uion THE DRESSMAKER'S MESSAGE ■ b" 'VWE' 1 "" 1 "' " 1 " 1 ILI STOUT WOMAN ! MMTEMF® R^^\BEFDRE HAVING YOUR NEW OQWNS FITTED" 1 mik 1 I [Mr /111 \ \ the Nemo Self^ReducinQ. 11 JI I \ \ 1 WOMEN who want to fljßßwMKßwi I \ Jw,-7 111 1 \ \ slenderness below the Mmiii '/.MMft I \ >l(€- t /111 \\ 1 waist'line may do so, and still b« uliillil '/ "Miim I iL^! ! I Jk \ Nemo Self-Reducinft Corset in the new mSLWUL 3MEN of luxurious who pay iBmKMiHm vw* l stylish, comfortable and durable than the \ \ / If best rench corset they can buy at I \-f SANDS of stout women, who N 320 [ t) fancied that they must have Y"' * « A A I their corsets made to order, are | J.UU i now saving more than half their M # \ P money and enjoying greater com• ® \ y fort, by wearing the famous Nemo Self vl hvJBVmRV l)n WHY does your dressmaker recommend this corset? Bl e % m^mUmW&m Because it saves her work, and enables her to give yotl ■k HH the best figure you ever had. K «fM No. 312, for the tall stout woman ... . j Bjfjk a L/fl NO. 320, tall stnut, with " Flatning-Back QQ H iffr. ® Vjjjm No. 314, for the short stout woman" .... » wk No. 318, short stout, with "Flatning-Back" mil, llm No. 516, for the tall stout woman .... No. 517, tall stout, with " Flatning-Back " . . | qjr 518, for the short stout woman .... «J*vFU No* 515, with Nemo Bust Supporters . . . No. 1000, with duplex straps and " Flatning-Back " SIO.OO D \C I TrUMF Emporium's • i\« IV U Greatest Store TRADE MORAL—The quality ot what you have to sell is known to some people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but advertise regu larly with us and you'll reach all of the people all of the time. A JOB—PERHAPS. Irish Koreu.au lto ait|ilicaut for work i Surf an' ther«> kuh only one i vacancy at ami that's . j hut th«* limn we've got h**re in <ia> ! husn'i turned <i|> mi if lit* iliwiiM't mimr to morrow shall seinl Mm home aicatn after which —b'j»bb*M*. tU«r«t you art*' l.oielou Sketch MOP E LIKELY. 'V* • J ►ti l Huialar IHit y«n ««• anything s*.. i.mt Ihlffi*! Hi MM 1 Mnl ilwi*iai I4Um> |«u •• **t- They Have a Definite Purpose. Foley Kidney Fills give quick relief in eases of kidney and bladder ail ments. Mrs. Hose < 1 laser, Terra Haute, Ind , tells the result in her case. "After suffering for many years from a serious case of kidney trouble and spending much money for so called cures, I found Foley Kidney Fills the only medicine that gave uie a permanent cure. lam again able to be up and attend to my work. I shall never hesitate to recom mend them." For sale by Emporium Drug Co. Life on Panama Canal has had one frightful drawback—mala ria trouble—that has brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs | cause chills, fever and auue, biliousuess, I jaundice, lassitude, weakness »nd gene- I ral debility. lint Electric Hitters never I fail to destroy them and cure malaria j troubles. '"Three buttles completely | cured me of a very severe attack of ! malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell, of I liueama, N. 4*, "and Fve had good '• health ever since." Cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles, and prevent 1 Typhoid, &llc. (lu.iranlecd by all drug j New Novelty j £ Ice Cream \ and Confectionery \ 112 Parlors r X JOHN MvOONALD. Manager \ I ll|J|MMltlt I'Ullt lllttUH. S \ Kvurythilig uew and I'p-to Wale 112 let* t'rram, icea, Hihln Water, / t aarved ill atyie l.*rgr Cuol J anil t'omfuftibla Huutiia j KilihWwnn) WaiUira, Prompt \ H*rvie«» W« atutiy to pletm* ' Our t'oiUiu iuuiery, Kruit, and 1 v Hotia Water department i« io wiy ,' r fitted, all good til ing fr«mli aM \ )ium W« kindly aoficit a ahare ' I uf tlie |iulilii patronage Call | J ami Mie ua and try ua I j Private tamllten auppiiud with 1 \ i re.iiu uf Imm iu M»» liiuai M|- J proved luti'kiiitf •'»»'«, in i'i" | 1 iiiiHti up to d*t«> man tier 1 I lilv* tta a i all / \ JOHN McOUNAI L) imp. j r I 1/f I' Jlt j 112/ Chicken Dinner. | A Chicken iJinner for the benefit of the Emporium Circuit M. E. Church, will be given at the residence ot Mrs. J. IN. i'epperiuan, West Fourth street, | Wednesday evening, Aug. 24th. Tickets | jr.c, A general invitation is extended ! to the public. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The Commissioners of Cameron county will re ; ceive bid* at their office until 12 o'clock noon, Auf. Wnil. 1910. laid bida to be opened at one o'clock same d»v. for the following work: The building of about 3,9Ku square feet of con crete side walk. About *SO feet of concrete itep«. About 290 leet of concrete retaining wall. About 327 feet of concrete curbing. The Commissioners reaen ing the right tore Ject any or all bid*. Blank fornix for bida can be bad by writing to ' the Commissioners' < irrk at Rmporium, Pa., where specifications and plana may be teen A certified check ot 1100 must accompany all I bida J. W. LEWIS. I». KRKIDKK. liEO, M IN Alt I), ('OU ty Commissioners Arrfirr W. L. Thomas, <;ierk. Km|Hirinni, I'a , Aug. I.'lth, I9IU. NOTICE. Mmli lloldlTH >1 4*4* (I II It. 112 PHK Hoard «»t Director* ofth«* hmporitiiii Water I Cuiupuit)', h«- eb) iciv«» nulM9«, that u »|»«clal immllbk of thf itticlihoidfii will b« held .*! th** .»ft!* «• or th« Haul Company in Emporium, Pnm nylvaitiu, on .Saturday. flit* tw*it 9 y d.»y «»f August. Itllo at J o'clock, M. M , fur thr purpofte of voting for or atfni»i»t the proptMNal iucr«aM> of thr iadrhtatlneM of thr liiiil Company to SIO,OOO JOHN I*. I.OOAN. Secretary. June 11, IftO.—li-ltt. PILES suppository * 4 M w U Mtll ft..* : HiS • aro.. i • ».. • Ifc'F 4* I » « - fwt M»'i> I" M M !»•*«(> lUwt * V% . « ' it- « ; Tb«f ItiKrfM t%titmm Of M U U MM, V t*** • prft«'i«ft mt •» I k«t« t*»m 4 mm > *i»»i ' !•••«•. M £•»«•. u **4 bj MAHTiR HtiOV, IAMC *•▼!«, P4, S»I4 la tmfj'ium »> t r <«.)«> a*4 » C o»<l*e ll«t( 'UN '«>( A FREE TRIAL JfW PACKAGE /♦L ,u •»»"»• will w«m t'.ik . K-,.1 M.J I o . I . N \ I hi. >»I4 ..tafcli.k. J riiM>.i |,ia lIkUX.I a la. •<. ..la wu , tuMt ul )M PARK si.sl win is *ll ..... "I • • »»lipe • t-am.-ua Ilea. Bilietteasee, HHk ti.iatM e.a», Nirktu.a..*, KUa.t aatl rkinaiM U»M iMMM. Oaii M Caat*. ( Ni|kt work >»•' If •• •■ k ■MMP p a » ■*4 Ikrvki • I Jy' B7 ay uip.tk.lt*- P"* - 112 "I'uiwJ ANTI. A CM E I »« U O. a» gat li—il
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