ESTABLISHED BV C. B. GOULD, MARCH, X 866. VOL, 44 THE NEWS SUMMARY! Short Items From Various Parts of the World. Recordof Many Happenings Condensed and Put In Small Space and Ar ranged With Special Regard For the Convenience of the Reader Who Has Little Time to Spare. Thursday. According to the Berlin Le'tal An zcjger, X)r. Frederick A. Cook, tho Arctic explorer, has instituted suit in j Hie Berlin courts against Commander j Robert E. Peary. Many persons were Hilled by an earthquake which shakes Swither* Italy, according to cable dispatches. Theodore Roosevelt receives an honorary degree at Oxford university and delivers his Romanes lecture, says a cable dispatch from London. Rumors from Mexico say many hun dreds of men, women and children have been killed in the Maya Indian uprising. Friday. Government crop figures indicate a larger yield of wheat than last year. Governor Hughes vetoes Meade- Phillips primary bill, as he had warn ed legislature he would do. Tests at the Puget Sound navy yard show oil to be greatly superior to coal as a fuel for naval vessels. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, depart ing from New York for Europe, as serts that Mayor Gaynor's administra tion has impressed the whole country favoribly. Critics say that James J. Jeffries looks in fine condition for his com ing championship heavy weight fight with Jack Johnson, but that the real test of his stamina must como in the ring. Three men were killed outright and twelve injured when the Iron Moun tain fast mail train for Texas, which carried no passengers left the tracks near St. Louis and crashed through the brick wall of a manufacturing plant. Saturday. Havana's chief of police is wounded in a sword duel growing out of a re cent criticism of the force. Representative Francis B. Harrison gets a snub from the president during visit to the White House. A cable dispatch from l'ekin points out that Tokio newspapers are still endeavoring to misrepresent Ameri can interests in China. Supporters of Mr. Taft are hopeful for the defeat of the insurants in the West after the results of the lowa fight. Five aviators fall in different cities in Europe, one woman spectator is killed and several injured and a new passenger flight record Is made at Paris. Monday. Mrs. I'orter Charlton of New York was found dead in a trunk at the bot tom of hake Como, in Italy, by fish ermen and search is being made for her husband. Mile. Adeline Gene® Is married to Frank laitt, according to a cable dis patch from London. The Wright brothers are ready for aerial flights at Indianapolis where aviators trained bv them will demon ► irate the value of six living ma chines. llrodle 1., (Mike, evading family, weds for the fourth time. The Jury a' Poughkeepeie returned a verdict ot "no cause of action" in the sun tried In the supreme court •if Mary M timer to recover S2,IH>O from the fentral ltallr<>ad of Vermont for ptomaine polio.r«fc>g Mrs Hulrm-r contended that she had been poison ed by . atlug xausage served to her cm a buffet ear Tuesday. itelkef Is growing that Porter Pharl ton »a* slain as well as his wlf*. Ac cording to cable advlc«* from ('-onto. Ulffwrd Ptnehot a spewi h. hlntlne'li birth of a new political party aroua« i tenth speculation to Washington l>evld It antra of St I<iMtie gl*< i bts entire fortune, eatlma .«i at |i fM.W#, to trade sebtwd. Vice President Kksrwan »a>s la eurgeaty within the He|Hibli aa party la *eatug J«-ffrie» hoiea outdoors tor a rat tun* and mas. still better lanpres eu»a. Charles K Hamilton makes a svaaa iioisl flight from New 1 .«rh to Pfciia delfhie s»ot retire Wae«aada» * aareate Much aud his so* h«n.a<d T. Roosevelt, Jr., secured license to marry Miss Eleanor Alexander June 20 in Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church. New York. 11CWS O napsnors putsburg, accused by opponent. Dr. R. (J. Black, of being re-elected to congress by fraud. Ilarry T. reck, Co- Of the Week Inmbia professor, sued for $50,000 by Miss Esther Quinu for breach of promise. Roosevelt received degrees from Oxford and Cambridge. Yucatan Indian uprising in Mexico; President Diaz sends troops. Hon C. S. Rolls flies round trip over English channel; coming to America. Ex-Governor Napoleon B. Broward Democratic candidate for senator Florida. lion. Lewis Ilarcourt mentioned as viceroy of India; Mrs. Harcourt New York girl. Daring aeronaut Charles IC. Hamilton is arranging for more sensational flights. were burned to death in a fire which destroyed their powder factory oper ated by the Fiuck Manufacturing company at Coudersport, Pa. The origin of the fire is a mystery. The torn coat of Charlton Porter is 1 found in Lake Como near where Mrs. Charlton's body was found in a trunk. The West Shore staiiori in Syra cuse was practically destroyed by fire of unknown origin. The property loss I is 175,000. The station has not been in use for several years. Largely as a result of testimony adduced by the senate committee on i cost of living, the federal government has begun an att-ack on the Chicago butter and egg board. Another "Bird" Captured. "Gunner Lee," with several alias', ia held at Buffalo, being implicated in the burglary of F. V. Heilmnn's hardware store, this place. Requisition papers were sent to Albany on by the Pennsylvania authorities and Sheriff Norris expects togo after the bird this week. The entire gang |wi!l soon be captured. Burglars will learn to koep away from Cameron county, we think. Our sleuths never sleep. Old Offender Caught. On the 28th of June, last year, a woodsman named Lyman Bosh was "held-up" while returning from his workjat Kelly's camp, Hicks Run, and robbed of fl'.Too. The suspected rob ber was lately arrested upon another charge and locked up at Krie, and will be brought to Emporium, charged with the Hicks Run hold-up. The auth -1 orities expect to capture the last of the gang, two men,within a few days The penitentiary will contain quite a Cain ; eron colony if these depredations con ' tinue. Went to Ishpeming. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Woolley de j parted'on Wednesday for Ishpeming, Mich., where Mr Woolley has secured a lucrative poaitiou as ;iXHistant auper intendent with the Plato Powder Manu facturing Company. Mr. ami Mr*. Woolley have been residents of Em porium for the past three years and have | made mauy friends here who are sorry to see them leave. Mr. Woolley is an expert powder man and the Pluto Powder Company are to be congratulated upon securing his servi ces. JHe haa been in the employ of the Emporium Powder Company during his residende in Emporium. We wish them success in their new home. The ! Ph»>« will keep them informed about their Emporium friends every w«i>k. Party at Sinnamahonlng. Invitations have been issued an nouncing a private dancing party to 1 b«> given at Logue'a Hall, Hlnnamahun { ing, Pa-, on Friday eveniug, Jun« 17, ItSS, Miner* Harry Mtrayer, A. W Phillips and Jas. W, W>koff are the committee In uhurge, It no doubt will | be a swell affair. Dancing Party. Miasm taiuiae and Ida Seger have la* •tied Invitation* fur a dancing party to be given this evening at the opera house, to honor uf their gueel, Mies Rbm Mlngler, •( Morgan Pari, Ul. Th« party promises to he one at the leading swlvtjf events of the muoi Eye .NpeetalUt. Prof W. It HudlttSK Ilia sell luusu Eye Mpt* lalist, uf HiiigbatHttitt, N Y , eelit lii' at H. II I uracil * jev» • try iiurs, Pa,, June lath If ynu ■ .tn't eee wall have h«NMle* he fat! to < all ami *»» I'rui Hudittv, as he guarantee* to « u#» ail suvh aaes. lienaos ground and iitt*»l i* w.'d ir.4K».« Kyee twateO and •» auiinedfree Ai! v» .rk gna»aiiU«*l "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY . JUNE IK, 1910 Invitation Received. The PRESS is in receipt of an invita-1 t!on, to attend the exercises during Commencement week atßucknell Uni- ; , versity, sent by Miss Florenco Vir ginia Stautt'er, daughter of » former principal of Emporium Schools, Prof. H. F. Stauffer and wife, who now re side at Millville, N. J. Miss Stauffer will be remembered by our towns peo ple. We congratulate the young lady on her successful college career. "Like a Visit Home." ; "IF. H. Mullin:— Enclose find $1.50 in advance for on* t year's subscription to the PRESS. It is ! like a visit home once a week and I I could not get along without it. Mrs. ! Nomi Hine, W heelerville, Pa." The very large number of similar letters j constantly received from our subscrib ers, at home as well as outside of this | county, is very gratifying. We thank * ' you all for the kind words and en- j couragoment, which help mightily to assist one along life's pathway. The old PKESS we are proud to say, is very rapidly forging to the front and we shall not stint labor nor expense to . give our readers the beet. Camp Meeting. Under the auspices of the Dußois Pentecostal Association, from eight to ' ten churches uniting, at the old Elec- j trie Park, 8. Main Street, Dußois, Pa., June 2S to July sth, 1910. I'vangelist, 1 E. L. Hyde, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Sin- ! ger, H. A. Jennings, of PittHburg, Pa.;' Chorus Choir of 100 Voices. Those de- 1 siring tent accomodations and for fur thur information write to the Secre tary, Lunch counter on the grounds. Amos Kresge, Pres., South Brady ' Street, Dußois, Pa. \V M. Trexlse, ' Sec , Knurr Street, Dußois, Pa Come, I Come, Comet Wedded at Wllliamsport. A very pretty wedding took place I taut Thursday, June Wth, at Williams- < port, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j (•eorge B. loiter, when their daughter, j Mlsa Klsie Uebn, became the bride of Mr. John Duuton Keyea. The cere mony was performed by the Hev. Kill ot C. Armstrong, D. L>., pastor of the Central Preabyterian Church. Mrs. Keyes is a niece of Mr. J. P. MuNar ney, of this place, and has visited Km purl urn several times and is very popu lar with all who know her. Mr. Keyes is an Industrious, upright young man and is very dejiendable hi all his ac tions. He was formerly of Emporium, having been employed as book keeper at the Climax Powder Co., aud w ill be r»mrml»ri*l by many of our town's peo ple After an extended wedding trip, tke happy owuple will reside at Tarry - town on the Hudson, where the grooiu is eoniuttsUMji with tlw purchasing de partment of the Maswell-Briscoe Mo tor Cuni|>*sy. They ksve lite t«e«i wishes of tiiair Emporium friemis Attended Dance. Kmpurlutu waa well represented at a dam-« gtveu at Driftwood iaat Friday evening and all re|<ort a most enjsy able time. Thoae who attended from hurt) Mere the »**•« May me Kaimlt, Mary Welata, Ida Mvger, H«ger, Koae ttiuglef mJ t »r, W II MIU ltell and Mesars. C Harold Moger and Inw renew Kt»k Misa Ida Heger and Mr. Pisk liuuwiiwl the tuu»te for the dam Mealing Motive- The I'tilveretty fka iety will kohl lis tegoiMi u<< < <>>K iu lf.< Vmi lefa lluuw neat Monday Jnite #ik, at ■i i t(juk. t\ k Pi Mrs. Green Improving. ! The PRESS received cheering news J from Judge Greeu yesterday relative to i Mrs. G's condition, who was taken to University Hospital, Philadelphia, ; last Saturday. Dr. Richard Norris, j an eminent physician of that j city and an acknowledged authority, | made an examination, assisted by Drs. S. S. Smith and Carl Lee Felt, and J came to the conclusion "that an opera- I tion was not at all necessary and that | she would eontiuue to improve by treatment." This is cheering news to J ' Judge Greeu and family, as well as i their many friends. They are expect- j ed home within a few days. Has the Sand. W. G. Gilbert accepted a wager of I $5.00 with Jan. B. Hayes, on Friday ; last, that he dare not work on the ditch with the men laying a sewer on Broad .'street. W. G., took up the wager, got 1 i busy and handled the tools like an old stager for one-half a day, won the money, accepted the contractors fl.oo, j ook a hot bath (?) and got up early the next morning as fresh as a daisy. Big Anniversary Numbers. j Next Monday will be the third an niversary of the opening of the Thea- 1 torium and the management are mak ing arrangements to give their pat rons the liest attractions, in both vau- j deville and reels, they can secure. | The management are careful that only j clean attractions are presented, there by guarding against the presenting of pictures or vaudeville of the least ob jectionable character, thereby makiug it perfectly safe for ladies and child ren to attend. This precaution ac- i count* for large attendance every evening at thin popular place of amuse ment. Hundreds never miss an even ing. Remember, next Monday even ing the attractions will be unusually at. tractive and the price will be the same- ten cents—for the big show. Cabbage Setting Bee. A Cabbage setting bee was held at the Climax farm ou Saturday, Juue 4th at which time U, 600 plants was set out. Mr. Arthur Cousius carried off the honors of the day having set out 460 plants in nine minitues. Mr. Cousius says that in favorable conditions he can set out at least 3,000 plants iu au hour. If all these cabbage plants ma ture into goo*l cabbages there will be enough cabbage to make sourkraut for ; entire Cameron county, Teachers Elected. The followiug teachers were eiecUai at the last meetiug of the Emporium Hchuul Hoard to serve duriug the com ing teriu: Prof. C. E. Plasterer, prin cipal, Wits re-elected fur the next three years; Prof W CI. Mriner, of t'arlisle, Pa., first assistant; Mlaa U»ra Mcijuay, second assistant; Mia* Brooks, third assistant. The following teachers were elected fur the grades Prof, it II Edgar, Miss Alice Uuigley, Miss 1 Margaret Nickler, Miss Cora Itarknr, Kins Maine Cleary, Miss Eva l.ewis, Miss Mary Welsh, Miss Hlaucbe l.ud laiu, Mies Alvira Farr, Miss Margaret Wetsenrtuli, Miss Marlon Miss Ross i ia> nay, Mlas (leasts Mo 1 <4uay sad Miaa Nina Bryan. At t'heatorlum. Tltumliy evenlug IM» Monde aud DiuMtor* prtsout a novelty uomedy, "The Two iu White," eaateted by their | trained doa Ditie the brigbteat run luti in i.ocT . in.i iMinutea uf hilar ity Don't uilss it. Friday night they ; resent their new *»t aloft, "A Sturm) Knight, ' A Mat rimonial Tettipsel The lediM* should mm this act. utahl a Kuial Corned) u» frttitg Justs h T-oUg "Front llamdeh's Iwum" Fun fast aud furious A Hicks Run, P. O. S. of A. On Saturday PYf-ning, June tlth, members of Camps No. "j62, North Bend; No. 88, Renovo; No. 136 Sinua. maboning, and 382 of Emporium went to Hicks Run and instituted a new Camp of P. O. S. of A. Sixty-five members were present and signed the constitution of the new Camp. The Camp is composed of a fine lot of young men and will, in a short time, be one of the largest Camps in the dis trict. District President, W. F. Sum merson, of North Bend, had charge of the Institution, the work being done by the North Bend Degree Team, and was performed in an able manner. The Hicks Run Band met the visiting brothers at the station and marched them into town with martial music. After the services of instituting the Camp, the visiting members were in vited to the banquet room where the ladies of Camp 30, P.O. of A., were waiting with a bounteous supply of good things, which were much enjoy ed by all. While the visitors were eat ing, the District President installed the officers of the new Camp, after which they all came to the banquet hall and partook of refreshments. An address was given by Mr. George Morton, of Camp 88, Renovo, who ex tended the thanks of the visiting bro thers to the Daughters of America, who were joined in the noble work of their order and for the splendid banquet that was furnished by them. Owing to there being no train out of the place until the next afternoon, the visiting brothers were invited home with the Hicks Run brothers. Before leaving the hall the Supt. of the Sunday school gave them all au invitation to visit the school, at 10:30 Sunday morning, which was cordially accepted and we can truly say that they have a fine Sunday School. The singing was very nice and the lessons were explained in an able manner by the teaoliers. The day and night being spent, as we hope for some good to the people of Hicks Run and the visiting members, we left on train at 3:20 I'. M., for home, with l>est wishes for the new Camp, the P. O. of A., aud the Hicks Run Sunday School. Demk. W. C. r. u. Nolle*. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of this pines, will hold their i regular meeting, Saturday, Juue ISth, at the houte of Mrs. J, D Hwope ou Filth Street, at eight o'clock, AU members are requested to be present as there is business of importance to lie transacted. Una* k F. liKiiik* a, bec'y, Knights of Columbus Meet. Urand Kuigbte of the 7th district, composed of the counties of Cameron, Potter, Clinton, M< Kean aud Klk, met at the local Council Chambers, Em porium, last Huuday for the purpose of sleeting a District Deputy in place of Prof J. VV Hweeuey, who retired after seven years faithful work tiraud Knight* Knights wsre in attendance Arum Kane, Ht, Marys, itidgway, Hrad lord aud Emporium Hir KmghtThue Steele, of Kane t'ouucll, w*s elected District Deputy. Contemplated Improvements. As will toe seen by advertisement it) another column, the Emporium Water t 0., contemplate making usU nette improvements to cusi about |ki,uuu This will certainly meet with the *p pro* si of on# cHischs generally. ( etlar HMttuglas ft 60 j mi tti *aud at li Howard A to's TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE. THE WEATHER. FRIDAY, Pair. SATURDAY, Fair. SUNDAY, Showers. ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At the close of business, Jim*? 1". 1010 $892,858.56. BANK ACCOUNT. | if you have a bank account, you vnH toive a natural (leeire am) pride to make meg VSthM as possible. SI.OO Starts an Account. 30 INTEREST PAID ON SAVING i'.OOk 0 ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ! ——— —— ""a.;':- | DR. LEON REX FEW, DENTIST. | Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa. DR. H. W. MLTCHBLL, DENTIST, I Office over A. F. Volt's Shoe Store Emporium, Pa. 12y Family Reunion. "Maple Farm" on West Creek, the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Leggett, was the scene of gay festivities last Monday, which marked the 13th An ual Reunion the M. K. Hackett family. The last five remaining children were all present, being four sisters and one brother, Mr. Albert Hackett and wife, of Smethport, Pa., Miss Lilia Hackett, al9o of Smethport, Pa., Mrs. Anna Robbins and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sim mons, of Genessee, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Leggett, of Emporium, Pa. Other relatives present were: Mr. and Mrs. Delane Simmons, of Shingle House, Pa., Mrs. Ella Ostrander, of Smethport, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Poyer and son Max, of Williamsport, Pa., Mrs. Robert Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Gaskill, Messrs. Harry Leg gett, and Winded Hopple and Miss Ina Hopple, of Emporium. A bounteous dinner was served at one o'clock, p. m , and the main feature was an old fashioned chicken pie, which was hugely enjoyed by all the participants. After dinner the men of this merry party enjoyed the afternoon at target shooting and hunting for wood-chucks. The ladies devoted the afternoon to social conversation and fortune telling, over which all had a good laugh. Mrs. J. Willis Oaskill acted as "Sybil." This was a most enjoyable aflfuir and the reunions are looked forward to each year with great anticipation oi pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Leggett with their family, are royal entertainers and the reunion being held at their home is proof that all present had a good time. "A Lyceum Course." The Young People's Bocioty of the Baptist church lias completed arrange ments with the Antrim Bureau of Philadelphia to run a course of high class entertainments in Emporium, during the season of 1910-11. Begin ning in December, the following will be given: .Sunshine Hawks, The Mas ter Humorist; The New York Ladies Trio; Fred Emerson Brooks, The Poet; Con very, The Black-hoard Art ist; Brush, The Magician. Mr. Antrim, in a personal letter, states that the course as selected, is the strongest that possibly could be pre seuted to any audience. Further notices will appear indue time. Miris M. H. MI-KM K, Secretary. Class Social. (MUSH NO, 1, of the Baptist Hun-lay ; school, having closed the Red and j Blue contest, the Beds losing, will en tertain the Blues at the church, Thurs ! day evening of this week. All per sons who attended the chute Messious , during the uoutost are invited to the | "doings. " New Ice Cream Parlor. ' t'|i|*M>n it Martin, who ro.ently pur I chased the store and bidding su many yti<i omiuoed by Mrs K M. Over hist r, --lie dooi wust of Rockwell block has rapidly Increased bis busiuess and added many new feature* to his line of family groceries, fruits, ouufectiouery , cigais, loUei«.u<, .V-. lie has now sn larged hia store room and added su Ice cream parlor, uoa bt-lug prepared io serte all the popular flavors of this delicious luiury, either by the dish lueasuie or brick Mr M irtin solicit* a share ol (he uubltu patronage, guar auteaiug aatisnu'tlou (live him atrial you will be ►urn to be pleated, W 0 While Mcltei tiur »ld ittk« n, Mr W l> White, who aa* taken suddenly ill and proa treted last Monday mum lug, ahtie walittutf "it F<«urth Mtr>et, is much bet ler aiiit able to la- out agaib NO. 18.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers