..x X^X,a<( .- s ®fiiw fV(JF\xii&Z- ' * "" ■ QUICKLV €1 RED. "ft is astonishing - ' remarked a well known authority on diseauen of the skin, iiow sue)) «i large number of peo pic, ■ spt eiully l.idien are by atfmctivc- I; written advertisement?, induced to linrclmse some one of the many beauty Cream■< now on the markei, nut knuw iti ' .if course, that tlioy mostly contain oiiv i r greeay substances that clok r the ports of ibc .skin and are, It-r that rea son. the very worst thing that they could possibly use. MV treatment of Plmp'es, Blackheads, Blotches and all eruptions of the skin, are as follows, and has invariably proved very sue t o-aful: Wash the face carefully every JBusiitess Cards. ,T. .. M.-N.S' \. .1. 112. Ml ' >• m;v ' F. A. JOHKkon. ioHNMON & McNAKNKY, AT".>N!■:VAT-LAW • iCMI'CKU'M, VUI give prompt Attention to all I t • ■ ■ !m. IC-ly. •'.TTORSE7-AT-LAV? Olli ciroiot>tly; UejUlcd to. Real estate andpenaiou lainj agent, Emporium. Pa. B. W. Gkken, Jav I'. FELT <1 KEEN A- KELT, VI TOHM.VSS-AT-i.AW . Corner Fourth and Broad streets, Emporium, I'a. All busine.-fn relating to estate.oollectionti.re*) j .•state. Orphan's Court i nd 'rone rail aw Mudnest mill receive prompt attention, 41-25-ly. i * Y iOULD, •rBACKKB OF CIANO. HARMONY AND i"HEOB 112 \t«odealer in al> the Popular Mhort Music, I Emporium, Pa. «o!ioi:irn taUKhteither at my home on Sixth •ireet or at t lie homes olthe pupilß. Out of town vilioiar*. w ill dates it mv roox • in 'bis place. va/UJM' iMI ■ 1 I The Popular Store! "Around the Corner" Broad Street, Near Depot The People's Best'JPricnd 9a Our rapidly increasing busi- gg ness is a self-evident fact Eg that we give our customers SB their money's worth. We 9 pride ourselves on the * Qualityfof our 11 In Groceries I Provisions, Flour, Feed, |p § Fruits, Nuts, Candies. |gl 1 Christmas Candies in Hi ro& m H Abundance feg I!®!! You Saves Money Here. ■ Pxfj || JOSEPH KINSLER Haaa—^ night before retirir g with warm •• • and a little oat meal tit d up in a *n>H.S cloth bag, then, :>ftt r drying well, i::-i the f< Mowing inexpensive and p: rfect |v harm If eft prescription, which een I filled at r«t :>ny drug store: Clear «.• ;• 05.., l£th< :• 1 t 7.., Alooho! 7 oame«. !' this mixture on the face n« ol'- ■ •; possible di rin;_ the day, but use l.i, h and morning a ywav, allowing it to remain ou the face at k;isi ten minuti - then"the pewdi ry film may he wipi < off. Do not wash the face for some little time after using By following this simple treatment, you will soon havea clear brilliant complexion. LADY WANTED! To introduce our laori Iv<>9 Spring lint- of'btaul. ' 112»:! dress rood* nnd v/ufstinj* Tilts' un •< i' *- New York City patterns. Hands uicst '{:,!• ] nii:'tV!:ilij('V"r htvii. Qnir (' *n mnke *2O or more weekly. - m Mr! tis » I iN- ifQCtiCUtt l ' cki i:l luat .itii)' r <.>.t . slvt-tfcVrit«,r>. Our <ru ' . rir< . ' VVritc p.» • liii . ii..l o n|.- r iy. Il no i hi. •, fe W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager !•;» Hid way between Broad Sire/* g Station and Reading Terminal lon Fiibert Street. European, $i 00 per day and up M Amertrun, $2.50 per day and ,up !j Tht only moderate priced lio.el «»frepu- i£j UiUon and consequence n Philadelphia, I 5;!. H CAMERON COUNTY PKKSS, HIURSDA . 1)1- Ml'.' 23, 1909. THE IRON REINDEER / |'M up to date, and, be it said, I certainly this year Shall break and intra the ancient sled And cook the ancient deer. Those things are out of date for me; They're now a shattered dream. Oh, I'm as happy as can be About rny brand new scheme. Pf r fsl\£ V - V <¥''■ $v' v ¥ \ VMft*GL ? ■ • , rm ( i • ■ - * \V. r ;v*' -w «*. ... - . jpTJLL soon across the boundless plain. Beneath, the Christmas stars. I'm going to travel on my train Made up of baggage cp.rs, And they'll be simply stuffed with toys And other precious things POT little girls and little boys For whom I spread my wings. AH, yts, in jiftime, down the track I'll grayly glide along, Fwm horn* across the land and baek To ill aK hearts witit Mttg. And to my agent at eaah lawn I'll taaa a bundle great i Each artless child with iajr to owwn An 4 make its heart el at*. I'LL ran along op sokedale tins, Through wind swept drifts of snow. j My bell shall be th« Christmas chime Christmas In the Colonies. the merry Christmas season. aju. i the palms swung In the breeze I Of the lovely hoi December in a,n island: | I orer Be;i>, > 1 Aad a meditative maiden of me kido called Philippine ■ j Bat and &azed, with penelve visage, or.; I the sultry winter teeoe. : Well Bbe Huewffcuai on tl.« mane* all her! folks would celebrate. Place a palm tree In the ,parlor, ■taag their anklets e'er the grate. On the heaped up Christmas table, groan ing with Its load, tbere'd be Appetizing bird's nest truffles and toa-: nana fricßs»ee "iiet mtj se«," slit) murmured softly: "fa ther 'II get his string of beads, Blue and yellow. I am oertaln they're the very kind h* needs. For his old one* looked quite shocking. though tie never seemed to care, And his new set's quite the ewetlest thing a gentleman can wear. "And for mamma there's the uose ring that I bought on Thursday week. ; With the handsome whalebone stickpin j for Insertion in the cheek, tnd little brother's boomerang! He'll bej Immensely pleaded. That or a bamboo Jumping Jack are ti. things for which he'e teased "Aad us for me, 1 only hope they've got the things 1 need— -3 Just one or two uice costumes made of genuine coral bead. I A toe ring would 1.-e lovely, and a piece of copper wire 8 To wear around the instep make up ail that i d««lre. s "Except, of course, some other thing* that every girl receives, 4 Vucti as various kinds of dresses made of nicely rfpened leaves. 9 Cor surely," said the maiden as she smiled a scornful smile, j "I'm not like those American girls who jj always think of style." —Chicago Record-Herald. j A Timely Caution. t j Don't give any one bric-a-brac or pk i lures unless you are morally sure you | j know lils taste. Presents that must be ■'l j displayed are apt to be a great strain :j jon tlie affections. No matter how the $ i receiver ui«.\ liate them, lie must fa 'j ! ther them and deface his rooms with S| i them or insult the giver. Now, a hook. i dueMi'l like it and doesn't want it, can p \ be lacked awa.v among other books A ! anil forgotten, but an ugly vase we have always with us—at least till we }) | can smash it. 3 ' || i That sets all hearts aglow. And I shall call, and not in vain, While stockingward I head My mile a minute flying train, "The Christinas Limited." '• ft ■■ y['" ; .. - Y>' •! 'fA • •'j j K\VS .«su s«MilfeU>» ••vjj « $ 1 g <i«vj yHE train's made up. Already I Am getting np the steam, While piling in the cars sky high The gifts of which yon dream. With joy I stand upen my head And shoat both far and near, "Goodby unto the ancient sled— All hail the iron deer!" —R. K. Munkittrick in Sucoess. I Christmas With Steveni A. I Passengers aboard the » e&mshlp , l/übeck unexpectedly spent bristmas j at sea la the year 1890. b'<t the fact that Robert Looia Stever /on, the fa mous story writer, was Among them : i made that a most memorable holiday j The Lnbeck was ea route from Austra lia to Samoa. Sbe b-ofce a shaft and limped along several days under sail. > "Mr. Stevenson," says tbe captain In ' relating the incident, "cheered every- j body up by telling funny storica that j weFe better, coming offhand from tela ! Hps, than most literary men eoaW | j write If they worked over them tor | weeks. Be knew, toe, that it was only ! a question of a short time before he j j would die of consumption and that he could never again go home for more | than a brief viait it was simply mm j derfol what a difference that ose asaa i made among the passengers, and I : (oeaj almost all of us would gladly i : spend the time to uiake port andsr | sail, with machinery disabled. If we 1 could have a Stevenson aboard." A Polish Custom. Peasant lads in tbe villages of Po land have a pretty Christmas custom which affords great delight not only to themselves, but to the other vil lagers. This is called the procession of tbe star. At Christmas time the boys make a large hollow star, two or three feet between points, lighted from tbe interior. This is carried iiloft at the end of a pole or staff. It symbolizes the star of Betblehesi. The three wise men ef the East—Caspar, Melclilor and Balthazar—are l«per nonated by boys. Others in the party bear a little puppet show cabinet, in which are performed the drama ef the Nativity and other Scripture iucideats appropriate to the occasion. From j house to house around the village this j procession trudges in the snow at ! •it hi singi':- e:':'«ils. -nd the villagers | pre nt the hoys with small coins n«; j Mistletoe on Applo r«ts. i The grov. th of the mistletoe on oak j Is now of .er.v rare occurrence, but It England on Vv; apple trees. i rp" t| What i luousands of v y omea ricij&EK v ♦/-/ ' • -rssazt* Can Tell YOB qr,~,r.rr&u nrvMyiw'. .'.-.)! GZteZt.\ IHTHIiHI Thousands of women can give you hundreds of • reasons for serving Beardsle? s Shredded Codfish. They know its convenience. They know its econ omy- They know the delicious meals it makes. They know hav it delights their families. Every , time they serve it, they add to their fame as good cooks, 112 And they know the pleasing variety it means in theii meals. They serve it a new way every week. And each time they bring out a new taste. E." 3AP LFCYB ( 1: ~ ' '-/ \'\ • i \ ■ \ See The Advantages to cook lhe instant they open the All the«e women who serve Beards- l )ac '" l KO. ley's Shredded Codfish enjoy count- What They Save less ail vantages over the women who on 'l And see wliat these women save by They are never worried about what **™™e Be ? rdsle >''» Shredded Codfisfi to have for a new and tempting meal. . «>« Pf kage makes a full meal for ... ~ » xr 112 u 11. five vet lhe co«t *s only ten cents. Ihey serve Shredded Codfish Balls. Anything else , lalf V, good for Or they have it Creamed. Or with ]jreal ? faßl * lunch wouW three w '"Shf *no ~ four time* as much. Codfish Omelet or Souftte. Or Chops Croquette* Kedgeree. Or they j t T please Your Famih/ prepare it in other ways. .»*»■»»■ • » •* And they don't goto any bother or We have told you what thousand trouble women know. Any way that they serve it, they Y° u wi » tha » k »» * OT telling vou have it ready for the table in less time when you try Beardslev's Shredde* than it takes to make coffee. You , W ' U find that a " For this delicious fish food is ready la^' e .° you t j, true " n , , . .. And your folks will thank yon if you sen-e this fine food tomorrow They will lie more than dehgblM with this new kind of meal. 1 H"t please see that you get Beards a I# ley's—the paekage with the red baA. nE For lieardeley's is the only ShredopH ll Codfish. Our wonderful Shreddttb; -j/M process is patented. Beardeley's T3 tfK the kind all people like. Ask Grocer for Free Boob l Ask your grocer for our book 1 U leiupting new recipes. I yO' Or write us—we will send you flte K/ book and with it a generous sampteof mTBS9HHIHSS^±* Heardsley's Shredded Codfish. 1W " Beardsl^'s Son# ■ea-ialt. "Jfio packed In tin nnd klimh 474-478 Greenwich St., New V silk Soma of Our Other Pure Food Products: Acmt Sliced Bacon; Acme Sliced Dried Beat; Acme Peanut Butter. (jESses-asfcaL. SHsasascsaErHSHSd'iEsasHs-Esas^sesHsrasaß^Sj^i « F. E. ROWLEY, 112 5 THIRD STREET, EMPORIUM, PA. | I Retail Dealer in | BUILDERS' SUPPLIES V nnikar Hmi. ck. Bill Stnl?, rough aud planed, YeU*ir fi m mmoer Pine, \Vhite Pido, Hardwoods. S I Flooring White Pine, Yellow Pine, Hemic**, Mapia, H S Siding White. Pine, Banswood, Poplar. K S Ceilings White Pine, Yellow Pine. P>aaxw*o<l. K | Mouldings Yellow Pine, White Pine. 3 Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window ■-« Sj and Door Frames. S Pa--L Ttirneil Colunins, Colonial Columns, Isal»M«ra, ln«k> S In rOrCll ete, Spindles, Hail. S Shingles and Lath jp IF FINISHING LUMBER " MM "' | YARD sassc' OFFIdEj Sirctsi, < : ls r ; JSESHSF - c • ■ • <=7?« ? srasHSHsr.--35as; isasHsrsHsasissßWi: $ Place an Ad k this paper aad watch ■ Wjpl (*'r £,-*jh P • v <Jiv>w s. -. i.c-fiigj 04 cvti y IScSLfcipo^ils.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers