Roof Slating I am especially prepared to Contract for Slating j liy th square or joh. AM lo my work mauship, I reior, by permission, to the work recent ly completed < for the Hon. i>. . Green. GEORGE A. WRIGHT.! Get My Prices Before* You Use Shingles Foley's Kidney Remedy Cures Backache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, strengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities | from the blood and tones up | the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and avoid Bright's Disease or Dia betes. 50. and SI.OO bottles. Nervous Collapse "I ha\c traveled for thirty years continually. I lost a great j deal of sleep, which together •with constant worry left me in such a nervous state that finally,l after having two collapses of nervous prostration, T was obliged to give up traveling al together. 1 doctored continually but with no relief. Dr. Miles' j Nervine came to my rescue —I j cannot describe the suffering ; which this Nervine saved me. j Whenever 1 am particularly nervous a few doses relieve me. A. G. C. LI B BY, Wells, Me. There are many nervous wrecks. There is nervous pros- ; tration of the stomach, of the bowels, and other organs. The brain, the kidneys, the liver, the nerve centers are all exhausted. There is but one thing to do— j build up the nervous system by the use of Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine. Its strength ening influence upon the nerv ous system restores normal action to the organs, and when they all work in harmony, health is assured. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all ac- 1 cording to directions, and if it | does not benefit he will return your money. Pure Water!! DRINK j SIZERVILLE MIFRAL WATER Clean, Pure and Healthy. We are prepared to furnish the citizenH of Emporium thit popular Water, either PLAIN OR CARBONATED, in bottles. Drop a postal card— we will do the rent The analysis of the celebrated Sizerville Water has made it famous all over the country. Orders may be leP at Geo. K. Kalcom' ftore, or water may be purchased by th i ease at the same place. Address, Magnetic Mineral Water Co.. SIZERVILLE, PA. , ... .. 1 . / / Bend model, sketch or nl.oto of invention for 112 S freerejHirt on patrntftbilitv. F*»r fire book, r piSEliSl A SAI*K, C»RT*IN RBUTTY for Sui>rfew«n> MH»T«PITIW. H jjj NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL H»f«i B«re i B ™ fu-tlon Gaarantevd <»r Money Kfiiioded. Kent prepaid ■ for SI.OO |«T b©.\. Will a< nd them *n bo pa»'l f->r ■ , J j* fi< *• r• t v«-.|. Si*inpUs» Free. If your drugpiat do** not H '3 kav« t' ru: •rod your ord«*.ra to the * UNITED MEDICAL CO., toil 74, UNCAOTCN. PA. ■ •r tsExmmmaumsmmammssim Sold in Emporium by L. Taggnrt snd R ' r ) r "lso n *&he JV etej ear of the JHL oboe*s\ In the Grotto of Modern Miracles. NOWUKKK ill .New l'ork cit.v at midnight 'Hi New Year's eve is 1 here a busier of hurry inn humanity than ill lite juiie tlon of I'art row and the Bower; In lernUtigh d with the throng are murry panhandlers, as luippy a 1 the richest, for New Year's eve is their harvest time. Few of the panhandlers who fre quent the downtown districts ure plying 1 heir vocation as old Trinity tolls "Hi the midnight hour In the fhimes. The belated ones are hurry ing to a <live ai <'hailia 111 square, there lo meet brother mendicants and joy fully eelebraie with ilie money beg ged from New Year shoppers: Here one may witness nightly trans formation- more wonderful than in the famous "Court of Minifies" in old Paris which Yi. tor Hugo describes in "Notre ltaine." The. blind see. tlie dumb talk 1 lit* hum hbaek loses all tracts of hi deformity, the deaf hear, missing limb's are grown in a twin kling, and 1 lie lame discard Iheir crutches and dance In glee. Of all the nights 111 the year the gladdest iu this dive in the Bowery i.s New Year's eve. Not until long after the late dawn does the drunken rev "GREAT GRAF !" HE, CRIES. dry cease, aud ilien only wlien the merrymakers bnve .spent all of their ill gotten gains and nre unconscious to their surroundings. The «rott<> of modern miracles is lu the rear of a saloon, a room 40 iiy 25 feet. Around are scattered tables aud chairs of tin* cheapest kind. Thick finnes of smoke from bail pipe tobac co, the cheapest cigars made aud nau seating cigarettes permeate the at mosphere. The stranger can hardly breathe. Through the sickening atmosphere can be detected the odor of vile beer and still worse whisky that here i.' ; sold for *> cents .1 goblet. From behind the partitiou a bar- I tender, with halt a nose aud but a | small portion of his right, ear t<> tell| ■ the tale of his battles, dispenses llq-; uor through an opening to a burying j waiter. • I At the tables sil the motley group i of hoboes, panhandlers and Jailbirds. Fortunate beggars who have had a prosperous day are spending money freely, small change for the most part. Whisky and beer flow as they have never flowed before in the year. Nearly ail the mendicants havi ar rived. The last two, known as "Pedes trian Patrick" and "Silent James." are greeted with an uproar. Hanging from the neck. <>t silent James Is the sign that reads: O O DKAF AND DUMB. 4 o I The sign he casts aside, aud. with a j yell, he ilances aud laughs and calls | upon all present to drink at hi 1 - ex j pense Aluve bis head he waves n I Ave dollar bill. "Great graft" he cries. "1 touch ' #r bloke fer do long green dead easy!" Pedestrian Patrick discards a pair ! of well Mori- i rntches and stands up straight 'in what before appeared to ho helpless limbs. "I told his nobs do| we'll pray for 'irnhe yells. At this )>«>«.•» Hind I'lill throws down his sign a;:d ps in rent ly at the flTtj dollar bill t* are it is genuine* : "1 didn't ■ that ntueh ail | he says re Asleep i '.villi hi- lie ;d bowed | on the (a 1 Hill the humpbaclfi j No one e. •. a t:>oro pronounced I deformity <>f t'» spine '•It'll." cite ltiilid Phil -Mill, loo* at de I >uc • en Pedestrian and letTf topped! BH!" A lid then as 15111 does not. ate;i!:o from the lumber of I fi', (< n'tr t ijr :.-gar" I I;'! - the lilt'' 1 i tile motion e l ' his; iiu: us y >.t'«w iron) CAMERON COUN I V I'KKSS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, n/x). the shoulder? to the middle of the back. Bill awakes with a yawn and slowly adjusts his stock in trade to its propel resting place between hi* slionlt'eis while giving his order to the waiter As the waiter sels i ill Ihe drl'lks 111 hohoes pass around the biii. I'll ■ blind examine it closely, ilje lame dan c with it In their hands, and the arm ess feel of the paper with tUe air of one who Is used to it. The bll! Is passed around the merry crowd and • reefed with enthusiasm until Uiken by Give ttoods Use. jtgjyj," he cvics 1 -id J • > a, tlon!" And the uriuks an on lYde'Ar 1 trian Patrick and Kllenl .James, for ll Is a counterfeit. New York \Vo;ld. How Time Travels. When St. Paul's strikes n . n c.u Jan. 1. liMi'.l the new year will • •«.!*»«• Into being somewhere iu tin Pacific ocean, on a line following longitude ISO east, which Is exactly opposite Greenwich meridian on the other side of the globe. Geographers draw the line to avoid passing through any of the Pacific islands, for If It did the times and days of the Inhabitant* would be hopelessly muddled. Vanua. one of the l-'IJI islands, for Instance, would b" otherwise divided by Ih< line where the days and years begin and end. so that while it would be Jan. 1 on ihe western side It would be I >ee, ,'!1 1 few paces away on I lie east of the Hue. One could thus walk Into yesterday and n moment later re turn tomorrow! How the new year travels Is curi ously illustrated by Its passage across Great Britain, li reaches Greenwich, as the time center, at midnight, exact ly twelve hours alter it started. Sev enteeii minutes later It gets to Glas gow, and another six minutes pass be fore Ihe new year has captured I'en siance. These are (he true times for these places, though Greenwich time is the one accepted. Hut Ireland is proud in possession of her own chro nology, and it will be 12:-."> at nigh! in l.oisdon before I'JO9 reaches Pub I in.—London Chronicle. New Year Superstitions. It is considered a sure sign of death to see one's own shadow in the moon light on New Year's eve. You court misfortune by leaving the house on New Year before some one has entered it. You must hope for the luck, moreover, of having the tirst to enter a dark haired man. Seeking to know what good or evil 1 he New Year would bring, superstitious people in the long ago girt themselves with swords and sat 011 the roof of their houses on New Year's eve. They also knelt at the crossroads (oil a cow hide) for the same purpose. The first thing brought, one might think, would l>e pneumonia. It is bad luck to carry anything out. of the house on the New Year before something has lieen brought in. But the best luck of all, which even those most scornful of portents may not despise, ts to begin the New Year owing no man a cent.—Philadelphia Tress. A NEW LEAF. He rum* to my desk with a rmlverhiie Hp- The h'HKon wan done. g t a 1 n e d ■— wmMtk »md blotted. "nV) KFTTKI* NOW." AH<% L"IV' JIV* ;« new one 9!! unspotted ' ! I 11 v 1 1 i• _i t smiled. * "* * • now, my child." -Forward. I Tompkins & Norris | I j^" II Our Yuletide Greeting 11 | '> -j :v::*BBM8BS«ia . | B THE PEOPLE'S GREA EST BAR i HOUSE || QiuiNiiMMinp-RiMttt:! ititnuotmnmii cO rfl jII 7TV "d "3 'I aMiiiiiiHiiQistiMitiiiioiuiHUunaiiin.uMt-cCi j J; %T ! § I lo the People who need 5 1 |BgJ| P j Lemons, j Holiday Goods 5 Gra P e ? Sj|.' f||j FigS, Dates We cannot enumerate very many articles, but ] \'uit, | fc&li |fl Oysters I spec,fy 3 ,cw and fr""*"- ,hc j Oranges I E§i ,[/4 J I OUR STOCK IS CHOCK FULL. 1 6 \Q- . ! //q 1 s I § Cnflj IrlVv j D wmwiMOHirumtN }iiutN*«ot»wtmii<i[Q yin.tfwiHiDiriir.MiitDmiiuiiikDoiMwiiHU© trrf J j i KJ __ - ™ - ; m |j| Churches Supplied with Candies and Nuts at Wholesale Prices, p B The Store that Studies its Customers. 4§ v j 11 m 18$ For the Ladies For the Children [For the Men M| [fg? Handkerchiefs from 5c Dolls, Sweaters, kj|j W *cn K Toys ' Cigars - m E| to 50c each. Candy Clothing, M \m& The f ' neSt aSSOrtment in Chairs and Gloves, fgfj ' Cameron County. Tabl s Cuffs and Collars 1 | to sy. ■ [ff} 0, I Leave Orders Early for e|j Turkeys, Geese |g Chickens ft and other Poultry r/ : ' J FOR the pepsle of Cameron and adjoining counties—Dry !W'; Goods. Blankets, Comforters, Shoes and Rubbers. e}^ Fresh and Salt Meats and Groceries in case fegj i lots at wholesale prices. We defy com- ®j petition. oji % ISI Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, as well as unbounded prosperity, we remain, yours for business. j^i g] TOMPKINS & NORRIS, g| ! §1 EAST EMPORIUM, PA M \®l Phone Free "Delivery - M BM
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