ESTABLISHED, 1866. Cameron Countj Press HGNKV IS. MI'IXIN, Editor and Proprietor Oa» ii.t i: Pnornroor, Assistant and Manager ' RAYMOND Ki ins, Assistaut Foreman. \V.. :OTT STRHXCU, Assistant Local Editor. TT rsrißD I:VTTUV THURSDAY | Breazy | Comity 1 1)1 iV Q j'j i $3.. jQI rsl^ _ = 1 SINNAMAHONING. Mrs. 0. M. Wykoff and Mrs. J. V. St raver visited Lock llaven and llenovo last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Piper an<l daughter Mary spent Sunday in llenovo. Mrs. Milford Krebs and daughters at tended the funeral of Mrs. Krebs' nieco at Reuovo last Sunday. Horn to T. S. Fulton and wife, Dec. Oth, 1909, a daughter. Mrs. N. H. McCloskey, of Wool rich, a former residetit of this town, visited us Sunday and Monday. Miss Bertha Fulton spent Wednesday in llenovo. On account of making some needed repairs, the dynamite works shut down lor a day or two this week. Fourth Quarterly Conference was held in the church. Tuesday evening, Dec. 7th, after a sermon by our District Supt., Rev. Stevens. Cash Shaf'cr. who has been in the south for some time, returned to his home 1: re l:»>t Sunday Mrs. Dan'l Daugherty and daughter ♦Jrace are visiting relatives in Jamestown, N. Y. Herman Loscy, of Hicks Run, was in town Monday. C. U. Meixell is moving his family from Mrs. Maggie Floyd's hou-e up town into one ot the Dynamite Com* pany's tile houses. The new dynamite company has com menced work up Wykoff ilun. Floyd Ostrum. wife and son, of C*ale ton, are visiting Mrs. Ostrum's parents here, A. Dennett and wife. Mrs. Jame3 Quigglo have returned from Lock Haven hospital. x.x. x. SINMAMAHONING. The hunters are all in and whilst they did not get many deer, they sighted a good many. H. B. Lightner brought in a four pronged buck. Geo. Foultz also captur ed a tiue buck. This makes only two tor Sinnamahoning. "Jim" Batch elder captured another bear last Fridav. He says if the weather holds good he will catch up with some of the mighty trappers, who brought in lieirs before breakfast on Oct. first. Jack Miller got into the midst of a hunch of bears, the last week of the deer season and killed two out of five. Several deer have been shipped from here by other parties, who were here for weeks. Jim Batehelder is after a big bear that tried to eat up a bee tree for Lewis Wy koff. Lewis says he is about nine feet tall when standing on his hind legs; has a track eight inches broad and his hind feet are fourteen inches long. Wken Jim finds him there will be something doing. The CV.;i t u Powder Company plant, in Wyk tl Uun. is going aloug as fast as the Company can push the work. They will have the road graded this week, ready 112 t ti»s and rails. Fifteen members of Camp No. 136, P. O. S. of A., took in the class initia tion and banquet at Emporium, held by Camp No. HB2, on Monday evening. They report a good time and congratulate the members of Emporium Camp on their good work. The Renovo Degree team was present and conferred the degrees on a large class of Emporium Camp. The work was done in an able manner and was well worth going to see. Houses are iu good demaud at Wy side, where the Cameron Powder plant will be erected. No doubt several new houses will be erected in the spring to ac commodate the employees of the com pany. The entire plant will be located in Grove township, which will be quite a help to this township. DEBHE How One Doctor Successfully Treats Pneumonia. '•ln treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the Jungs is Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. While, of course, X would treat other symptoms with dif ferent medicines, I have used this rem edy many times in my medical practice and have yet failed to find a case where it has not controlled the trouble. I have used it myself, as has also my wife for vouuhs and coids repeatedly, and I most williugly and cheerfully recommend it as superior to any other cou«h remedy to my knowledge." For sale by Geo. C. Tajrgart. MEDIX RUN. Russell Res.s was shopping in Dußois, Saturday.* Mrs. S. Arndt, who has boon visiting her parents at Ilicks Run for a couple of weeks, returned home Friday. Mr. Spciice, of Dußois, was iti town oti business Saturday. Florence !>;;volta spent Sunday with 1 , r parents at Wcedville. .Mr.-. Rert Armstrong is seriously id at tbis writing. M'.-. Tlii.i)!.! White, of this place, is > aim- • at Willi.imsport tbis Janiu. Kri and Kiev Snyder were taking in the -i.!its at Dußois Saturday. Wallace Gage, our tannery superinten dent was a Driftwood visitor Friday. Mrs Clarence English, of Byrndale, spent Sunday with her sister at this place. A. J. Chambers, of Driftwood, is visit ing relatives in town. Our band will hold a dance in Robin son Hall, Friday evening, Dec. loth. Everybody invited to come and have a good time. Thos. Dalton, of Roaring Branch, is working in the tannery at this place. The new mill will not run yet for some time, as they are fixing the machin ery different and have some more repair work to do. Silas Munn, of Ardcl Dam, spent Sun day in town. Mrs. T. 11. Garity, who has been away at different points, visiting relatives re turned home this week. Mrs. J. R. Russell, who has been at Kane hospital for some time returned home Saturday. Warren Allen was a Driftwood visitor Saturday. Thos. White'and wife, who conduct the tannery boarding house at this place, will leave the last of the week for their home at Benezette. It is reported an other party will soon take possession. XXX CAMERON. James Hayes, of Emporium, visited friends iu this place Sunday. D. L. McFadden has seenred a posi tion with the Coal Co., at Sterling Run. A. A. Smith, ot Sterlirg Run, made a busines trip to this place Monday. W. 11. G. Walker, A. E. Jinks and F. B. 11 oat.' attended school meeting at Sterling Run, this week. Henry Darren, of Sterling Ilun, has taken the contract of makiug some neces sary repairs at the new school house, and is getting along nicely. Harry Moore, Harry Morse, Harvey Barger, D. B. Peterson, and E. D. Krape attended the P. O. S. of A., banquet, at Emporium, .Monday evening and all re port having a fine time. Mrs. E. D. Krape and children re turned from a week's visit with friends in Brookville, Tuesday. Annie Sullivau, who has been very ill in aNiagara Falls hospital for some time, returned home Sunday, much improved. F. B. Hoagand Hulbert Smith had quite an excitement last Saturday. They were in the act of cutting a bee tree when a luge bear suddenly appeared upon the Mine. Frank climbed the nearest tree hut Hulbert stood his ground and after a short fight Hulbert scared the bear. Ab iut one hour later they re gained their nerve and cut the tree, securing 500 pounds of honey, which is at present on exhibition at Frank's house. LOUISE. Not Cute Enough. Naturally, people dislike feeling that they are not cute enough in business. But no person who is run down can ex pect to be at his best. Sexine Pills make men and women brighter and stronger; they make you feel better in every way. Price §1 a box; six boxes 85, with full guarantee. Address or call on It C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. You won't feel the weather if you wear a chamois vest. The chill that seems to strike right through to your marrow will not be experienced all win ter. But that is not the important part of it. One Chamois Vest will guard your health, keep you from taking cold by protecting your lungs. Wear one if you want to be safe. The OLD RELIABLE DRUG STORE G. C. TAGGART, Prop. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1909. FIRST FORK. L. C. Wykoft and wife were the guests ot .Judge J. A. Wykoff of Sinnamahon ing. Pearl Swank, ol' First Fork, and her sister Josephine and children from Idaho, were welcome visitors at the homes of Amos Bennett and Haynes Bros. Quite an accident happened at the home'!' Fred Peno, on Sunday morning. .V boy about eight years of age was handling a revolver, not knowing it wa loaded, it suddenly disoharged sh loting one toe off. It caused great alarm. It k ,1 good thing no ouc was killed. Cii-t Summer son, who is employed a 1 Ilammcfsiey, is speudiug soni" time at home. <). L. Bailey, of Sinnaiuahoning, a business visitor on First Fork. B. B. Lorshbaugh was a visitor at Sinnaiuahoning recently. We had quite a number of visitors at our Sunday School Sunday, We hope they will come regularly. We invite everybody to our Sunday School. Don't forget every Sunday afternoon at Haynes school house at two o'clock. FINIS. HUNTLEY. Our popular school teacher, Miss Ger trude Hill, and her brother Clarence, have moved into toe home belonging to Wm. H. Logue, which .is nearer the school house and much more convenient. Mrs. Malvina Nelson is on the sick list, but is better at this writing. A. W. Smith made a business trip to First Fork on Saturday. Fame Logue, who has been out in Wisconsin for the past three years, re turned home Saturday. Wm. Kilburn who has been on the sizk list is now able to be out again. Rev. Wm. A. Backus from Red Huran, N. Y., preached in the old Huntley church, Thursday and Friday evenings, to a large congregation. L. 11. Smith as suffering with an at tack of rheumatism and is quite ill at this writing. Mrs. John S. Jordan, who* has been visiting with her son Albert, of Grove Hill, the past week, returned home Saturday. Miss RlanchejJ Logue, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Randolph Mitcheltree, at Williamsport, for the past lew weeks, returned home Friday. Henry Logue, of Sinnamahoning, was the guest of A. W. Smith over Sunday. Mrs. Lawrence Smith, who has been on the sick list with neuralgia the past week, is improving at this writing. Clarence Johnson made a business trip to Driftwood on Monday. Ray Smith, Pennsy fireman of Re novo, called on his parents, L. H. Smith and wife, Sunday. s. B. STERLING RUN. [Omitted Last Week.] E. P. Brooks and family, of Medix Run, spent Thanksgiving with the for mer's mother, Mrs. A. J. Brooks. Mrs. Alonzo Duell was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. P. H. Mason, a few days the past week Whiting Herrick, of St. Marys, was the guest of his grand-mother, Mrs. M. E. Herrick, Thanksgiving. The hunters have all returned home and had one deer. Miss Lola Simpson, of Itenovo, one of Anderson & Hartsock's efficient clerks, was the guest of Miss Lulu Lewis over Sunday. Miss Jessee Sterling returned home the past week from a month's visit with relatives at New Bethleham, Con fer and Qaleton. Geo. Strawbridge, wife anddaughte Lillian, visited relatives at Williams port this week. A. L. Smith, of Driftwood, was a visitor in town the past week. Mrs. M. M. How is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Frank. Mrs. Geo. Hulsinger and Mrs. Frank Leonard, of Renovo, were the guests of their parents, Joseph Kissel and wife the past week. Mrs. J. P. McNarney, of Emporium, was a visitor in town Tuesday. M. J. B. Brooks, of Driftwood, was a business caller in town the past week looking after the fire clay which is re ported here in great quantities. Carlton Smith, of Williamsport, and George O'Keefo, of Lock Haven, spent Thanksgiving at home. Miss Zoella Mason left Monday to visit friends at Renovo and Altoona. Mrs. A. J. Brooks entertained the Lady Maccabees at her home Wednes day evening. ' " . Jrt a good time. BLUE BELL. 11l Health Is More Expensive Than any Cure. This country is now filled with people who migrate across the continent in all directions seeking that which gold i-an not buy. Five tenths of them «te suf fering from throat and long trouble «.r chronic catarrh resulting from neglected colds, and spending fortunes vainly try ing to regain lost health. Could ev.-ry sufferer but undo the past and cure that first neglected wild, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety and expense could have been avoided. Chamberlain's Cough Ilemed® is famous for its cures of colds, and Sfri always be depended upon. F-e it aud the more serious diseases tiny he avoided. For sale by Geo. C. Taggart. FIRST FORK On Tuesday, owing to a freight wreck near Brooks Run, the passenger was five hours late leaving here for Dußois. On Wednesday Mr. MeConnell, of Cameron, got "sorter turned around" out at the head of Russell Hollow, and in stead of going down the Whitehead, as he intended, came down Logue Hollow to the First Fork, whore he stayed al! night at C. E. Logue'sand went home in the morning by the pipe line route. lYuiik Lfgue who vas working for Guncheon, on the llaiumersley, was struck .by a I dling limb, and had a shoulder and collar bone broken, lie is in bad shape. Dr. Geo. Rets-', ol Costello, was called to Lushbach on Friday to .see Mrs. Essingfon, wife of the operator at that place I understand she had an attack of tonsilitis, but is better. On account of there being no track ing snow the hunters have a'l left this section. John Goss left on Wednesday to take a course at Williamsport Commercial College. Nuk SBD. For That Dull Feeling After Eating. I lißve used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating—David Freeman, Kempt. Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion, TheX also regulate the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but cost no more. Get a free sample at Geo. C. Tag gaggart's drug store and see what a splendid medicine it is. Mrs. S. Jones, Claremout, N. 11., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble for several years standing. It certainly is a grand, good medicine and I heartily recommend it." For sale by all druggists. The next time one of the children catch cold, give it something that wili prompt ly and freely hut gently move the bowels, lu that Way the cold will at once be driven out of the system. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup .moves the bowels promptly and freely, yet gently, and at the same time heals irritation and stops the cough. It is especially good for children. Sold by all druggists. Alter exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. It stops the croup, relieves the conges tion, and expols the cold Irorn your sys tem. Is mildly laxative. Refuse substi cs. Sold by all druggists. For Eczema, Tetterand Salt Rheum' ■ The intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by Geo. C. Taggart. Foley's Honey and Tar is the best and safest cough remedy for children. At the first symptoms of a cold, give as directed, and ward off danger of croup, bronchitis, sore throat, cold in the head, and stuffy breathing. It brings comfort and ease to the little ones. Contains no opiates or other harmful drug'. Keep always on hand and refuse substitutes Sold by all druggists. Hexamethylenetetramine. The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many valu able ingredients ot Foley's Kidney Bem edy. Ilexamethylenetetromine is recogr nized by naedical text books and auth orities as a uric acid solvent and anti septic for the urine. Take Foley's Kid ney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malady. For sale by all druggists. ELECTION NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Emporium, Pa., Dec.3, 1509. THE! annual meeting of the stock-holders for the election of a Board of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may be laid before them, will be held at the Bank on Tuec day, January 11,1910, between the hours of one and three in the afternoon. 43-4t. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier. WHAT SHE BECAME. Fred —There goes Mrs. Jones. Shi used to be a decidedly pert girl. Girl —Isn't she Mill pert? Fred —No. Marriage seems to have tamed her, and now she's an ex pert. TRADE MORAL—lntroducing the buyer to the merchant is the purpose accomplished by our advertising columns. The in tegrity of both are vouched ior. When Saivta. Came to Cactus Gulcf "Qy -naRETT'/S LOVE. ICojiyrlglit. isw, by American Press Am.-- W"": \J \J Our aim: . b-.:in' brckt c:m; In fact, with uc <He t■■ I c' 1 * got so mortal dir.) We only knowcil 'twv . win. . !•; abssnco o' the heat. Says i to Pinky Perkina, with a squinc at Desert Dan— Says I: '"We'd orter hustle for a lit tle extry feed. It's 'long about Thanksgivin'." "W'y," says Pinky P.—"w'y, man, I'll bet it's nearer New Year's, for the old one's gone to seed." We argied it an' argied it till Desert Dan put up His canvas bag o' nuggets an' a pint o' yaller dust He's spent the By year collectin' (JJWggSESL in his pewter drinkin' cup. Ijpp| in a week," TWaTg.: bet you, win I still maintained i//l> Thanksgivin' \ 1I wuz about the J|7 A /( MBi' : \ proper date, ' JsHV-t!&% As judgin' by my appetite, an' Pinky stiU j declared V That New Year's the blow out that wuz next upon the "THERE WT'Z TEAR s|atßi DliOrs IN TIIE PAN!" But Desert waved his nugget bag an' dared an' dared an' dared. "See here," says Desert,"l can feel the season in my bones; I sense a sort o' hankerin' for days of old long sign, When I wuz back in Jersey an' my name wuz Daniel Jones; I'm lonesome as the soldier wuz at Bingen-on -the- Rhine." Then Desert up an' tells us what he's never said before — As how he had a cottage an' a wo man an' a kid; But, some misunderstandin' havin' made his sperrit sore, Nigh onto twenty years ago he sim ply up and slid. I looked at Pinky Perkins then, an' Pinky looked at me, But both of us wuz silent, an' we looked at Desert Dan, But he wuz sizzlin' bacon for a supper feed for three, An', shore as I'm a sinner, there wuz teardrops in the pan! That night we set an' hugged the stove, while all around the shack A desert blizzard whistled an' the snow wuz whirtin' thick. It shore wuz Christmas weather, but there shorely wuz a lack Of anything suggestin' o' our ancient friend St. Nick. The door bust open suddent-like, an', stranger, dog my cat! If there ain't Santy Claus hisself, in fur an' robe complete, "IF THEItK AIN'T SANTT CLAUS HISSELF." With snow a-clingin' funny to his or tomobile hat, As swell a Santy makeup, sir, as anywhere you'll meet. But when he turned his bearskin down his whiskers fell away (It wuzn't anything but snow collect ed on the fur), An' back of him an angel stood—yes, angel's what I say— An' Desert Dan got wobbly when he up an' looked at her. Young Santy says, "Is Mr. Jones at home tonight?" says he, At which old Deaert gives a gasp, but struggles to his feet. ! Then me an' Pinky we vamoosed in honor of tho three, ! For if they wuzn't Joneses you can douce my glim oomplete! That's all the story, stranger, but I'm some inclined to add When Santy come to Cactus with his mother, which he did, It clean upeot the notions we had al ways previous had, For daddy got the Christmas gift, •nd Santy wu( the kid! GOOD NEWS. riany Emporium Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good news (ravels fast," and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Em porium arc plad to learn that prompt re lief is within their reach. Many a lame, weak and itching h ick i-; bad no more, thanks to Doau'a Kidney Pills. Thous ands upon thousands of people are telling the good news of tln ir experience with ti.e Old Om.kei' 111 ;.t dy. Ucn is an example worth r^ulinc: rs. Mary :M. Kinkier, 12 Monte: :y St., Ridgway, Pa., says: '• l'- r years, in I act ; i (.'•<! childhood I was subject t.i .11 ■ tacks of back at-! >• and nothing g»cinud to help in-. As time went by 'he trouble became more scvore and often pains in my buck extended to the top of my head. L also suffered" lrom other distressing symptoms of kidney complaint and when I arose in the morning I would feel miserable and languid. At last I tried Doan's-KiJney Pill and found them to t»c the remedy I required. The kidneys were restored to their normal condition and the distressing symptoms of my trouble disappeared. I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills on several occasions since and the results have been highly satisfactory." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents. Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. WANTED At once Men to represent us, either locally or traveling. Now is the time to start. Money in the work for the right men. Apply at once and secure terri tory. ALLEN NURSEY CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y Mm. Business Cards. J. C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNEY F. A. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & McNAKNfeY, ATTORNEYB-AT-LA W EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt atteution to all business i*u t-uatcc! totliem. 16-ly. MICHAELBRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Keal estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. • Emporium, Pa. H. W. GREEN. JAY P. FELT GREEN & FELT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Corner Fourth and Broad streets, Emporium, Pa. All business relatingto estate,collections.real estate. Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly. MAY QOULD, TEACHER OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in ali the Popular Sheet Music, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth atreetor atthe homes of the pupils. Outoftown scholars will be given dates at my roomi in tbi* place. ■nx ■ i —i —■i in ■ —v* Charter Notice. is hereby given that an application *■ ' will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, on Monda;, December 20th, 1909, by George P. Jones, Lyman Wiley and C. W. Rishell, under the Act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation ofcertaiu corporations," approved April ?9th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the char ter of an intended corporation to be called, "CAMERON POWDER MANUFACTURING COMPANY." the character and object of which is the manufacture and sale of explosives and the apparatus aud materials for exploding the same and for these purposes to have, possess and euioy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. JOHNSON & McNARNEY. 41-3t, Solicitors NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE EMPORIUM POWDER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby given that Ihere will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Empor ium Powder Manufacturing Company at the of fice of the said Company, at Emporium, Pa., on Wednesday, the 15th day of December, A. D.. 1909, between the hours of two o'clock aud tour o'clock in the afternoon of the said day, for the purpose of altering and amending the by laws of the said Company, at which time and place there will be submitted to the meeting for the rejection or approval, to bo determined oy a vote of its stockholders holding a majority in in terest of all its stock, the following amendment: To amend Article 11, Section I, so the same shall read as follows: Article 11, Section I. The regular meeting of the stockholders and the election of a Board of Thirteen Directors shall be held at the office of the said Company, in Emporium, Pa., on the 3rd Tuesday in January of each year, between the hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon of the said day. Notice of such meeting to be published in two of the newspapers of Emporium, Pa., and a copy of said notice to be mailed to all stockholders at their last known address, at least two weeks be fore tbe proposed meeting. FRANK SHIVES, President. Emporium, Pa., November 30th, 1909. is® COUGH REMEDr '»• vvl ' * 1 mnam Coughs, Colds, CROUP, WhoopgCough This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size SO cents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers