Roof Slating I am especially prepated to Corttraet for Slating By th eqnare or job. AH to my work manship, I refer, by permission, to the work recently completed for the Hon. li W. Green. GEORGE A. WRIGHT. Get My Prices Before You Use Shingles Kidney Remedy Cures Backache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, strengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and avoid Bright's Disease or Dia betes. 50. and SI.OO bottles. Neuralgia _ . (HEADACHE lake BACKACHE ' ONE , Before I began !o iL _ I !lA|. use Dr Miles' Anti or the Little Pajn Pl „ s | suffcfcd T 11 . ' or days weeks 1 tlblGtS with neuralgia. Nou I rarely ever have the th© headache. I will never he without them." D • • Miss Eleanor Wade I <llll IS 825 N. eth Street, - Si. Joseph, Missouri lione AND THE PAINS OF RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Druggist sells Dr. Miles' Ami-Pain, Pills J and lie Is authorized to return the price of the first I package (only) If it falls to benefit you. Pare Water Pi DRINK ! SIZERVILLE MINERAL WATER Clean, Pure and Healthy. We are prepared to furnish the citizens of Emporium thi* popular Water, either PLAIN OR CARBONATED, in bottles. Drop a postal card—we will do the rest The analysis of tbe celebrated Sizerville Water has made it famous all over the country. Orders may be left at Geo. F. Balcotn' ® store, or water may be purchased by th ! case at the same place. Address, Magnetic Mineral Water Co., SIZERVILLE, PA. li |.t nlita 1 l-i k'H | ' Send ; lodel, sketch or pli< to of inventit n for 112 112 free report on patentability. For free book, ( t HowtoßecureTDJinC ft! AD If 0 writer liSESI A 8 AIM. CM AIX R«u»» *>r SirrruMiD UTTTIRRUV ATIOH. I NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL Baftil Sure! 8 peed j t ft at Is- ■ faction ftuaranteed <>r Honey Refunded. Sent prepaid H for SI.OO per bo*. Will tend them on trial, to t>« paid for bj when relieved. Hatnplra Frv. If jour druggist duoa not ™ have thuin send jour or£era to.the LJ fold la Emporium by L. Tagjarf and | R. C. Oodson Christmas Quatrains By GEORGE CREEL AGAIN the star dawns in the east ern sky; Again we hear the shepherd's startled cry As waking from his midnioht sleep he sees The camels of tha wise men sweeping by. The years have worked their measure of decay. Where are the inn and stable? Who can say "This is the spot" or "There the very place Where Lord Christ came into the light of day?" No mora chants Caiphas his vengeful aong, And ■eatterad to the winds are all th* throng That clamored for Barabbaa, only hold In memory by roaeon of their wrong. The weak aoulod Pilato long haa paaaod awayi Great Caesar, too, is now at ona with clay, Their mighty Rome forgotten save as theme To keep the grumbling schoolboy from his play. But still the scent of frankincense and myrhh Steals down the centuries, and as it were But yesterday, so sweet and new It seems, Did Virgin Mary bear the Harbinger. Let fools with much pretense of wis dom scout The truth and wag their heads in owl ish doubt Of Great Jehovah's all embracing scheme Because there is a door they stand without. ran CAMETIS ov THK WISE MRN smpiNa BY. Content are we, the children of his hand, To wait, nor insolently demand, Assured that in God's own good time ho will Unlock the door and let us understand. Of all thy gracious gifts, O God Most High, The dearest of them all is this clear eye Of faith with which wo shrine the miracle Of faroff Bethlehem and time defy. O Virgin, wert thine eyes less unafraid Or didst thou shrink, sore startled and dismayed, When first thou felt that life within and learned On thee God's precious burden had been laid? What must have been thy happy, sweet amaze After the Christmas Pudding. Dolly (in wild excitement) —Tommy, here's the doctor to see you Tommy (cadly)—Oh, tell him I'm too ill to see hin! CAMERON;COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9 , 1909. To see the aureate halo blaze And from the wide flung gates of paradise To hear tho mighty harmonies of prabe! Loud samj the golden throated cher ubim And all the wheeling hosts of sera phim. Whose snowy pinions changed to canopy Of viroin white the heaven's sapphire rim. HUMILITY DIVINE I A MANGER BIRTH. Hoaannal Glory to the Bon of Manl O happy moments ere his work began Of lifting from the world its weight of sin And making straight salvation's tender plan! No hint of Pontius Pilate's last decree, The lonely horror of Gethsemane; No prescience of thorny diadem Or shadow from the hill of Calvary. Humility divinel A manger birth— The Humble stable bathed in holy light— The Babe upon a truss of straw—the mild Eyed kine awaked to wonder at the sight! Alas, still lingers issue of that kine, The thick of wit, who can detect no sign Of God in Christ's dear birth nor un derstand The marvel of the holy bread and wine. And sons of doubting Thomas still abide With us on earth end still the truth deride Because they cannot grasp his nail torn hands And sea the blood gush from his pierced side. O shame of shames! The wise men saw on high God's guiding star gleam in the east ern sky And straightway journeyed forth across the world, With ne'er a question of where or why. Thy place within the heavens ever hold, O blessed star, and like those men of old, May wo have faith and hope to fol low on And at our journey's end the Christ behold! —Kansas City Independent. This Unromantio Age. "It sho'l3 - do look," said Miss. Miami Brown midly, "like dar war no uio' ro mance dose days." "What's de trouble?" asked Erastus Pinkly. "I takes notice dat wheal you asks a gemman to a Christmas dinner he doesn' 'npiay no interest in whethuh dey's gvrine to be mistletoe in de pah lor, but keeps hiutlu' aroun' to fln' out how 'bout de turkey an' fixin's on de dinner table." A Word of Holiday Caution. Little Oracle—l don't think my new dolt is quite as nice as your new doll. Little Ethel—Well, I don't think you ought to say much ahout it, 'cause it might hurt Santa Clans' feelings.— Brooklyn Life. OR, HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Dlrfrllon* with carh Vial In Languages. English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French No. FOE Pr*oo 1, Fever®, Consist lons, Inflammations 25 2. Worms, Worm Fever, or Worm Disease '25 3* Colic, Crying and Wakefulness of Infants 25 <l. Diarrhea, of Children and Adults '25 5 Dyncntery, Bilious Colic .25 7. CouirhH, Colds, Bronchitis 25 H. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia 25 lEi*ad«die, Sick Headache, Vertigo — 25 10. Dyspepsia, Indißestlon, Weak Stomach... 25 1-1. Croup, Hoarse Laryngitis 2.} I 4. halt Rheum, Eruptions, Erysipelas 25 <5. Rheumatism, or Rh umatlc Tains. .. *25 Jo, l ever ami Ague. Malaria 25 17. Piles, Blind or External, Internal.2s IH. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflame l Eyes '25 i i). Catarrh, lulluenza, Cold In Head 2 > 21). Whoopinc Cou,«:h, Spasmodic Cou';h 21. Asthiiia,Opprc^-.cxl,Dltilcult Breathing *25 27» Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi . 25 2H. IVervoua Debility, Vital Weakness. 1.00 29. ft ore Mouth, Fever Sores or Canker 25 .'lO. Vrinury 1111*0111inence. Wetting Bed 25 111. Wore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria *25 15. Chronic Congest ions. Headaches 25 77. Grippc s \\*j Fever and Summer Colds... .25 A small bottle of Pleasant Pellets. Jits the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or scut ol>. receipt of price. Medical Book Bent free. __ HUMPHREYS' HOMKO. MEDICINE CO., Corner Hrn>i».n ■ T <>i>n Streeu. K-v For the Children's Sake Try Foods Shot from Guns Let us put it up to the children — To knowthese criip, gigantic grains this question of their breakfast food.the only way is to try them. Serve them a dish of Puffed Wheat T . _ - i » t . , , 1 hey are putted to eight times or ruffed Rice, then ask what they . . • t-,, , ' 3 natural size. I hey are four times as want to have next. j porous as bread. See if your children, like legions of others, are delighted with these queer They are nut-like and brown. They foods. digest more easily than any other cereals known. There are no other foods in exist ence which are anywhere near like But cold type can't describe them, these. So we cannot compare them Let one dish, tomorrow morning, tell with others. your folks the story. Puffed Wheat—loc Puffed Rice —15c These are the foods invented by Prof. An- Then the guns are unsealed, and the steam derson, and this is his curious process; explodes. Instantly every starch granule is blasted into a myriad particles. The whole wheat or rice kernels are put into sealed guns. Then the guns are revolved for . Thc of & rain ar , e eight . x . 'r , times. Yet the coats are unbroken, thc shapes sixty minutes in a heat of SS° degrees. A . are unaltered. VVc have simply the magnified That fierce heat turns the moisture in the grain. grain to steam, and the pressure becomes tre- One package will tell you why people de mendous. light in them. Order it now. (5) Made only by The Quaker Oats Company ADAM, MELDRUM & ANDERSON CO. Established 1867 "BUFFALO'S LEADING STORE" 396 to 408 Main Street $ 4 eoio ii s misi'lfisli time is upon us 12 13 i 415 iG ir i»| We need not remind you that the great ' 2£ 29 50 3t £st happiness comes to oursel\cs when we » , make others happy with our gifts. Why not shop early this year? Make out your lists fcjmi now. Arrange this early for Christmas boxes, —cards of greeting and holiday ribbon. With every shopping convenience in your favor now—early preparation means greater satisfaction. The A. M. & A. Go. "Second to None" standard of quality and their un changing policy of absolute satisfaction or your money back, are the safeguards by which you may shop at this Great Big MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS STORE with the utmost confidence. • Useful Gifts for the Home Carving Sets. Bissell Carpet Sweep- Cut Cilass Spoon Trays. Table Book Racks. Ice Cream Sets. ers. Cut Glass Salad Bowls. Linen Lunch Sets. Beautiful Candelabras. Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons. Cut Glass V/ater Pitch- Irish Lace Curtains. Chafing Dish Spoons. China Dinner Sets. ers. Leather Table Skins. Decorated Night Pretty Gas Lamps. Cut Glass Cream Sets. Mission Umbrella Lamps. Spun Brass Jardiniers. Cut Glass Vases. Racks. Pretty Art Pedestals. Spun Brass hern Dish. Silver Soup Ladles. Mission Hall Clocks. China Celery Trays. Coffee Percolators. Silver Sugar Spoons. Linen Table Cloths. China Chocolate Pots. Chafing Dishes. Silver Table Forks. "Heather" Linen * Fancy Salad Dishes. California Wool Blan- Silver Preserve Spoons. kins. Pair of Scissors. kets. Silver Fruit Knives. Beautiful Art * I Want— Get Him— Get Her— Give A Handkerchief Box. A Suit Case. A Silver Chain Bag. A Pair of ' A Feather Fan. Fur-lined Glove*. A Gold Watch. Silk Hof A Silk Scarf. A Walking Stick. A Coral Brooch. A Wat' A Pair of Gloves. A Silk Umbrella. A Silver Mirror. A Mat A Silk Waist. A Shaving Set. A Set of Furs. A Poc A Gold Necklace. A Scarf Pi*. A Fur Coat. Set of A Gold Cross. Suspender Set. An Ostrich Plume. Set r A Silk Umbrella. A Smoking Jacket. A Leather Pillow. A O A Lace Collar. A Leather Wallet A Bottle of Perfume. A F A Toilet Set. A Fountain Pen. A Silk Waist. Lt Diarrhea Quickly Cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy Can always be depended upon. During the summer months children are subject to bowel disorders and should receive the most careful attention. A* soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy should be given. Costs but 25 cents a bottle, and it is economy to always keep a bottle handy.#You do not know when it may bo needed, but when you do want it you want it badly. Get a bottle today. S> WINDSOR HOTEL \V. T. BKUBAKER, Manager nidway between Broad Street Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert Street. European, $1 00 per day and up Aineticnn, $2.50 pcrj dayj and up Tlie only nrederate jfricid hotel of repu tation ami consequence in Philadelphia, Pa. LADY WANTED! To introduce our larye 1909 Spring line of beauti ful dress foods and waietinps. Latest up-to-date New York City patterns. Handsomest liue of materials ever seen. Quick sales, larpe profits. Can make s'2u or more weekly. Saroplesand full instructions pecked in neat sample ease shipped Express prepaid. No money required. Exclu sive territory. Our prices are low. Write for particulars. Be first to apply. Standard Dress Goods Co., Dept. 6, Binghamton, N. Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers