I Christmas OpeningFridaymSaturday,Nov. 26-27 I You Are Cordially Invited to Attend Christmas cheer floats from every nook and corner throughout the entire store, and the magic word "WELCOME" premeatesthe at mosphere. All through the house every department has brought out its best values to aid in boosting the Christmas spirit. The thinzs of?er | ed here are the unusual, the different wares, gifts artistic with special merit and character. § We are prcud of 'the holiday stock—it represents the consueation of months of hard work, careful forethought and seemingly ex- 8 £ travagant buying; out at last we can show cur friends the result, confident that it merits their careful inspection. jj (Special exhibition and sale of Magnificent Hand Embroidered Pillow Tops and Center Pieces | Toys will be displayed on the second floor of our building. Novelties, throughout the centre of our lower floor and in every department. I A special feature will be a 10c counter, where you will find many gift things at the low price lot cents. «i r,n T ° intr °k d m e this counter to Y ou we will offer gilt and silver flexible imported Belts, original price | $iiUU) eacn iuc« I Guaranteed Squaredeal J The wise merchant has his Christmas Goods in early. J Extraordinary values in! Hosiery - The wise buyer is on hand as soon as ihey are on display ] white Bed Spreads at SI.OO t For men, Women and Children, six pairs in a box yjr •$ * $1.25 Slid $1.50. guaranteed for six months or nrw stockings. JJ Ijf lUlit & j For Croched Spreads and I $1.50 per box of Six j JT\* JL \ i 3, o.bii to $4.75 i H i / Ca j l*or Marselles Spreads made in Zion City wummutfM} i—miflWffSS ® &JI pmasßßase^ fl Breezy 1 I County I Netfs Afa oto FIRST FORK Ralph M. Williams was bom in Asli field, Franklin county, Mass., May 20, 1835, and came to First Fork, then Clin ton county, Pa , in Oct. 1856, to work in the pine lumber woods, which occu pation he followed for a good many years. On Nov. 17th, 1859, he was married to Miss Helen M. Bailey, the youngest daughter of Hon. Jas. Bailey, and this date (Nov. 17th) being their Golden Wedding anniversary. As neither of their sons could be present, Almon J., of Riverdale, Mich., being very busy this month, as overseer of the agricultural department of the St. Louis Beet Sugar Co., and Fred being off on his annual camping expedition, and the health of the parties being quite precarious, no attempt was made for a great celebration of the event.— Several nice presents were received from parties at a distance and letters of regret and congratulations from dis tant friends. The groom wore the vest in which he was married, 50 years ago. The style of the vest differs somewhat from the fashionable cut of to-day. I believe there are only live persons now living who were present at the wed ding, fifty years ago, viz: Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Williams, Rev. Jas. Hunter, who " tied the knot," and Israel and Alfonzo Bailey, of Sinnamahoning. There are over fifty hunters camped and boarding within a radius of six miles of this place, but have not made any very serious inroads on the deor and bear, though a great many have been sighted. There are a dozen hun ters stopping with Wes Burlingame, and they got two bucks, the last of the week. L. C. Wykoff's gang of hunters killed a two year old buck on Thurs day. C. E. Logue killed the fattest bear ever on Wednesday, and now bear steak is on the menu at their camp. J. H. Zincon, of Bradford, Pa., returned home on Thursday, after a hunt of a couple of weeks, at C. E. Logue's. Mr. Walkey, teacher of Miller school, was calling on friends here Saturday, on his way up to Berfield's, to attend a Social, Saturday evening. Nuf SF.D. What Would You Do? In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such in juries are liable to occur in any family and evcyone should bo prepared for them Chamberlain's Salve applied ou a sot cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly and unless the injury is a very severe one I will cause the parts to heal without leav ! ing a scar. For sale by Geo. C. Tag»art I SINNAMAHONING. Miss Anna Anderson, teacher of the ; primary children in our schools, went : to her home in Rochester last Thurs , day, on account of illness. Her many friends hope tor a quick recovery and return to this place. Mrs. Geo. Hulsinger and son, of Re novo, visited Mrs. T. S. Fulton, last Saturday. James Counsil and bride returned from their wedding trip last Wednes day evening. Miss Nettie Kissel, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. T. S. Fulton, returned to her home at Sterling Run, last Fri day evening. Little Esther Fulton ac companied her. Noel Bushore, who has been working | at Hammersley, is home with his fam -1 ily and friends. Chas. A. Council, P. M., and Nace I 11. Drum, B. & S. agent, spent last I Sunday in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Piper and chil j dren, of Galeton, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Berlba Fulton spent Tuesday I evening in Emporium, the guest of Mr. i and Mrs. L. Peterson. Mrs. Francelia Shaffer, who lias been visiting in the west for more than two years, returned Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slocum returned Tuesday from visiting in Potter coun ty. The church trustees will hold a sup per in Logue's hall, Thursday evening, 25th. Proceeds togo towards church repair debt. Supper, 25c. X. X. X. FIRST FORK. A nice tracking snow fell on the 15. William J. Leavitt, of Emporium, spent a few days hunting in this vicin ity. He's a jolly good fellow and his many friends were glad to greet him, before he started for home, Friday. "Wo noticed James Council behind the counLer, as usual, having just returned from his wedding trip. The people ou the Fork wish the happy couple a hap py and prosperous life. We earnestly hope that our two cor respondents from First Fork, and the two from Sinnamahoning, will continue their newsletters in the PRKSS. La us have our end of the county alive and well represented in this well known paper. The pie social held at the Berfleld school house, last Saturday night, was a success. They realized over $16.00 for their minister and those present re port a good time. Hank Caldweil, of Sinnamahoning, visited relatives on Sunday. Howard Hawn, who has been em ployed in a mill at Hulls, Pa., is spend ing some time at his home. The following is a report of the first week of deer season, of three crews : L. C. Wykoff, one deer ; A. E. Smith, one deer, five prongs, 200 pounds ; F. L. Miller, two deer and two bear. We must not forget to state that one of these deer was killed on Saturday by Arthur Miller, a school boy, aged 15. In addition to the above, many rabbitg and pheasants have been killed. A pie social will be held at the CAMERON COUNTY PRKSS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1909 I lay nes school house, Saturday night, Nov. 27. Let everybody conic out and help a good cause aleng. All ladies please bring a pie, and every gentle man buy one, and it will be greatly ap preciated. Don't forget the time— this coming Saturday night. FINIS. Do You Know Why We Carry Such a Big Stock? Because we know that every customer has a distinct person ality, a style of his or her own, so it takes a big stock to satisfy all. So we make it a point to have a stock ready for many people of many kinds. And we do it. What are you looking for as a Christmas gift. We sure ly have it. $25.00 Silver Set Given Away We do things at this store. Inquire for particulars. Old Reliable Drug Store G. C. TA6GART, Prop. Wanted. A girl, or woman, to do general house work. Will pay good wages. Address all communications to X Y. Z., care of PRESS office, Emporium, Pa. 40-2t. No Escape Via Temperament. "Mabel is getting past the marriage able ago, isn't she?" "Yes, and it's too bad she hasn't any talents." "Why V" "She won't be able to tell her friends that temperament prompts her to give up matrimony and devote herself to art."—St. Louis Star. A Foolish Question. A reader of the New York World writes to that paper to ask whether it Is proper for a young man to send candy to a girl whom he has met but once. What a question! Why, most young men begin handing a girl taffy as soon as they are introduced to her.— Washington Post. Frills. Mrs. Crabshaw—The new girl I have said she had takeu a course in domes tic science. Mrs. Crawford—ls she dif ferent from the other giris you've bad? Mrs. CrgJjshaw—Only in one way; she wanted $5 a month more.—Lipplncott's. The Barrier. "Yes, ray husband and I quarrel In cessantly." "Why don't you get a divorce?" "We can't bear to. What would be come of FidoV"—Cleveland Leader. I Red Faces and Red Noses CURED IN A SHORT TIME. Do you suffer the embarrassment of j carrying around an extremely red , nose? or are you tortured with a red, blotchy or pimply face? If so you are foolish to stand it long; it is the simpl | est and easiest thing in the world to get rid of. No matter what might ! have been the cause, the following harmless and inexpensive treatment , will positively remove all traces of your embarrassment in from two to 1 four weeks. i Get this prescription filled at any drug store: Clearola one-half ounce, J Ether one ounce, Alcohol seven ounces. Mix and apply to the parts affected as often as possible, hut morning and | night anyway, allowing it to remain on as long as possible, never less than I ten minutes, the longer tho better, j then you can wipe off the powdery flm deposited on the skin. You can get this put up at any Drug j Store. For any skin trouble this has no ! equal. Sick Headache. The distressiag disease results from a disodered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by taking Chamberlain's i Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free | sample at Geo. C. Taggart's dru<: store | nd try it. Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Etc. Having taken a thorough course in hair dressing , treating all disease, of the scalp, manicuring, pedicuring, etc., I am now ready to serve the public either at their residence or at the home of Herbert Day, on Woodland Avenue. Phone orders will receive immediate and prompt attention. I carry a full line of hair goods and toilet articles. Your patronage is solicited. Phone 7. 38-4t. Miss RACHEL DAY. A Hethodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, i Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for sev- j eral years for diarrhoea. I consider it the best remedy I have ever tried for that | trouble. I bought a bottle of it a few : days ago from our druggist. R. R. j Brooks. I shall ever be glad to speak a i word in its praise when I have the op portunity."—Rev. J. I). Knapp, Pastor M. E. Church, Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by Geo. C. Taggart. When you have a cold the first thing to do is have the bowels move. Do not take auything that may constipate—and most old fashioned cough cures do con stipate. Try Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. It drives the cold from the system by a free yet gentle action of the bowels; it stops the cough, it is pleasant to take. Children like it. Sold bv all 'druggists. DeWitt's Little Early ~ Risers—the safe, sure, gentle, easy little liver pills. Be sure to get DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Ilazel Salve, the original. Always refuse substitutes and imitations. The original DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is good for anything a salve is used for, but it is especially good for piles. Sold ! by all druggists. FAIR EXCHANGE A New Back for an Old One. Mow it Can be Done in Emporium. The back aches at times with a dull, indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing pains shoot across the legion of the kidneys, and again the loins are so lame to stoop is agony. No use to rub or apply a plaster to the back in this condition. You caunot reach the cause. Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one. Emporium residents j would do well to profit by the following J example: 1 is. Geo. E. Weiss, 412 N. St. Michael St., St. Marys, Pa., says:"l , suffered for a long time from kiduey coui i plaint and backache. I hau headaches j and dizzy spells, was unable to get up ■ without supporting myself and could not ' bend or sloop without suffering intensely. 1 lie kidney secretions were also unnatural I and plainly showed that my kidneys were disordered. I became very much dis counted but finally procured a box of Doaii s Kidney Pills on a neighbor's recommendation. My strength and am bitiou soon returned and tho pains and j aches disappeared. 1 cannot speak too highly of I Joan's Kidney Pills." l'or sale by al! dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents. Remember the name— i Doan's—and take no other. No Case on Record. There is no case on record of a cough | of cold resulting in pneumonia or con i sumption after Foley's Honey and Tar ■ has been taken, as it will stop your cough | and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine Foley's Honey and j Tar in a yellow package. Contains no j opiates and is safe and sure. Sold by al ! druggist. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists arc 1 ' authorized to refund your money if j holey s Honey and Tar fails to cure your ! cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals i : the lungs and prevents serious results I | from a cold, prevents pneumonia and con j sumption. Contains no opiates. The j | genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse | substitutes. Sold by all druggists. A Religious Author's Statement. Rev. Joseeph 11. Fesperman, Salis bury, N. C., who is the author of sev eral books, writes: "For several years I was afflicted with kidney trouble and last winter I was suddenly stricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was con fined to bed eight days unable to get up without assistance. My urine contained a thick white sediment aud I passed same frequently day and night. I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Remedy, and the pain gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheer fully recommend Foley's Kidney Rem edy." Sold by all druggists. II you desire a clear complexion take Foley's Orino Laxative for constipation and liver trouble as it will stimulate these organs and thoroughly cleanse your sys tem, which is what everyone needs in order to feel well. Sold by all druggists xsxßxrxan -am-:. nuvmcraaaaxKamaa Foley's Honuv and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs uud ex pels (Jet flu- genuine in :i yellow ' package. Sold by all druggists. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case ol kidney or bladder trouble that, is not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures backache and irregularities that if neglected might result in Brighl's dis i ease or diabetes. Sold by all druggists. WANTED At once Men to represent us, either locally or traveling. Now is the time to start. Money in tb« woi k for the right men. Apply at once and secure terri -1 tory. ALLEN NURSEY CO.. ROCHESTER, N. Y 33-3111. Will buMlam®3B jjwjnj) thewi^j^^g i or odor. "Family Favorite" LAMP OIL Lamp troubles generally mean poor oil. "FAMILY FAVORITE" does away with them all; burns with a Btcady. white tight with flat or round, large or email burner. Served to you out of tho original barrel direct from our refineries. _.—— Your dealer recommends it. ' Ask him. WAVERLY* OIL" WORKS^CO. \ Independent Refiners 4ft PITTSBURG. - PAA Also makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil and Waverly Gasolines- BEKEBT acmannqnngiinaauaujunariHaaoowwßHM I OTTBIOQ Coughs, Colds, CROUP, WlwopingCoiigl) This remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confl deftly to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers