Rfc is.. 3$ fffltfmr gfia&agaasaasaaa fmMOMm ffllffflfflT IWWfflffflff** Ift fTlfFWSTfflfr <^W m mr? W p ——Eleventh Annual 1 I REDUCTION SALE | [jJSale Opens Saturday, Nov. 13,9A.MJ !! dm— a—a— — bm cmamm mb ft a—aaa a— ——> —— —— ——o ssß^ |j Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Etc jjj AS HEREWITH ADVERTISED lam confronted with one of the most difficult problems in my business career of twelve years in Emporium. In order to hold and increase the business of this store, with the class of people who desire reliable and well made clothing and shoes, I have, searon after season, supplied my stock with the most elaborate varieties of new and up-to-date styles and fabrics, for old and young, regardless of how much goods were on hand. Owing to the ever increasing advance 011 all goods, my purchases this fall were unusually large because I secured options 011 large lines and then headed off" considerable rise over the prices which I paid. The remarkable backward weather has not enabled me to dispose of the calculated quantity of goods, and that together with onr already larger stock than what profitable business dic tates, compels me to-day to realize cash 011 my goods regardless of loss, as the cheapest and best business method. There is Only one Alternative —To Sell the Stock on Hand BRING THIS WITH YOU. CHECK UP THE GOODS YOU MAY WANT Men's Overcoats. Men's Suits. \kT 4- 1 Men's Rain Coats. Young Men's Suits. SB-50 Overcoats, $5.39 $8.50 Suits for $5.99 W c6.LC.11. $7.50 Rain Coats, $4.99 $5.00 Suits for $3.98 10.00 Overcoats, 7.89 10.00 Suits for 7.95 8.50 Rain Coats, 5.98 6.50 Suits for 4.49 12.00 Overcoats, 9.49 12.00 Suits for 9.19 onH 9.00 Rain Coats. 6.79 7.50 Suits for 5.19 16-00 Overcoats, 13.69 lor lu.ya CtILU 12.00 Rain Coats, 8.89 9.00 Suits for 7.49 20.00 Overcoats, 15.99 20100 Suits for 15.79 "lA7 *-i_ 15.00 Rain Coats, 11.19 10.00 Suits for 7.99 22.50 Overcoats, 18.79 22!50 Suits for 18.49 lAr flll. 20.00 RainCoats, 14.99 12.00 Suits for 9.19 25.00 Overcoats, 20.99 25.00 Suits for 2!L39 www.*v 25.00 Rain Coats, 21.19 13.00 Suits for 9.99 AMnnPV Savincr Onnnrtlinifv that Anneals Dirprtlv tn vnn An important business movement at Jasper Harris' Nov. 13th, 1909, at 9a. m., when we shall by price money javing uppunuilliy mat rtppedis Lrirecny IP you. cutt i ug sell our gigantic stock. This will be the greatest bargain sale of Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, Etc., ever conducted in this vicinity. We we will put fourth such offerings that no matter what the weather conditions may be, you must and will be here to get your share. Satisfaction g uar anteed in every instance or money promptly refunded. Young Men's Overcoats. Boys' Suits. Boys' Overcoats. Men's Pants. Sizes from 15 to 20. * t Size from 4to 16. Size from 4to 14. Look! 81.00 Pants for - - 8 .79 I $ 5.00 Overcoat, - - 83 49 81.50 Boys' Suits, - - 8.99 82.00 Overcoats, - - 81.19 2.00 Pants for - - - 1.49 0.50 Overcoat, - - 4.69 __ 2.50 Boys' Suits, - 1.19 2.50 Overcoats, - 1.89 C.4- 2.50 Pants for - - 1.79 7.50 Overcoat, - 5.39 1 lISS 2.50 Boys' Suits, - - 1.49 3.00 Overcoats, - - 2.19 - - 2.48 8.00 Overcoat, - - 5.99 3.00 Boys' Suits, - 1.99 3.50 Overcoats, - - - 2.49 3.50 Pants for - - 2.79 9.00 Overcoat, - - 6.49 Tib * 3,50 B °y ß ' Suit9 ' " * 2,49 4 * ()0 Overcoats. - - 2.79 -g • . 4.00 Pants for - . - 2.98 10.00 Overcoat, - - 7.99 J, fllS 4.00 Boys' Suits, - 2.99 4.50 Overocats, - - - 3.19 IjISL©H. 4.50 Pants for - - 3.79 12.00 Overcoat, - - 8.98 5.00 Boys' Suits, - 3.79 5.00 Overcoats, - - 3.79 5.00 Pants for - 3.94 I he shoe stock is particularly carefully selected as shown by the very liberal Business experience teaches us that 110 half measure is possible to maks such patronage this department has received. \\ e are sole agents here for the Craw- a move a success. There must be low prices, real savings which will appeal to the lord and Burt & Packard. self interests of shrewd, economical people who need clothing or furnishings and jTj rrr Z , t-UrdclV Wll ° can at a glauee rec °g ,lize th at they canuot make money easier than by taking en S OeS. Boys Shoes. « advantage of these money saving opportunities. $4.00 Crawford, Guaranteed, 83.25 81.25 Shoes for 8 .99 jkT 4 /"v 4.00 Burt & Packard, Guarded, 3.00 IhSS ' 111) OV * Men's Underwear. Men's Overshirt's. 3.50 Shoes, Guaranteed, - 2.95 2.50 Shoes for .... 50c Fleeced Lined, . . 37c 50c Jersey shirts, - - 39c 3.00 Shoes, --- - 2.49 Men's Rubbers. Continues until 50c Bibbed, blue and white. 39c 75c Jersey shirts. - . . 2.50 Shoes, - 1.99 85c Rubbers, - - - 69c 81.00 All Wool. - - - 79 C & 1 - 00 Wool shirts, - - - 79c 1"SI v 99 * ® n^ers » Saturday, Nov. 27 1.25 ah wool, - - -- mJ J',o wool »hiS' " 11 1.25 Shoes. ■ - - 99c | I.BQ Rd&ni, . . . . 8 i. 29 1,50 All Wool. - - - 81.29 2 w<|o , . .' . Men's Jackets. Men's Dress Shirts. Men's Hats. Trunks. Suspenders. Suit Cases. 50c Jackets, - - 39c 50c Shirts 39c $4.00 Stetson, . . 83.29 *2.50 Trunks, . . 81.79 25c Suspenders, . . 19c 1.00 Suit Cases, . . 79c ei AA V 4 -<»„ ' ' onnrp 1 , 50c Suspenders, . . 39c 1.25 Suit Cases, . 99c $ .00 Jackets, - - - ,9c 81 .00 shirtß , . . . 7 ,, c 3.60 Stetson, . . .2.99 3.00 Trunks, . . 1.99 Neckwear. 2.00 Suit Cases, . . 81.59 1. u cts, " " 150 Shirts $1 oft 3.00 Howard, . . 2.39 3.50 Trunks, . . 2.79 jOo Ties 19c 3 -50 Suit Cases, . 2.39 2.00 Jackets, - - - 1.6» 2 .50 Hats, . . . 1.99 4.00 Trunks. . . 2.99 50c Ties! .'.' ." . 39c Tiki Jackets' ®°y s Dress Shirts. 12.00 Hats, . . 1.49 S.OOTannks, 3.59 Gloves and Mittens. rintircUas re aS " o' w lackftts' 270 25c Shirts, . . . 19c 1-50 Hats, . . . 1.29 6.00 Trunks, . . 4.9S 25c, Sale price, . . 19c 81.00 Umbrellas, '. ' 79c ' ' ol . A „ 0 50c Ilats, . . 39c 700 Trunks -.40 Sale price, . r 39c 2.00 Umbrellas, . . 81.39 4,00 Jackets, - - 3.25 50c Shirts, . - . 38c ' * • • SI.OO, Sale price, . . 79c 2.50 Umbrellas, 179 A sale that will arouse the greatest enthusiasm throughout this section. A sale that will place the Greatest Bargains in every home in this vicinity. A sale ofterino- seasonable dependable and desirable merchandise at prices averaging less than one-third to one half what the same goods are sold for in any other store. The items here garnered onlv o-ive 1 hint of thp saving opportunities. It requires a personal visit to realize the importance of this MIGHTY SAI.E. —— M ——7ZZ Out of Town Purchasers will Receive Car Fare Free with a Purchase of $20.00 or Over !7- Sale Opens Nov. 13, 1909 —— - ] All Goods Sold as Advertised. Saturday, 9 a.m. I 2tSt3OF il B.VYIS ' M ° ney Returned ||| Continues to Saturday, Nov. 27 PEOPLE S CLOTHIER I If you are not Satisfied —— Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. | -™. ~ ... . |J J in il mil m I i.n.— 111.1 i 111111 . mi mi n jj j CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER; 25, 1909
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