| Breezy | County 1 1 Nerts 1 Vjta- HUNTLEY. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. The Cameron and Huntley base ball teams played an interesting game at this place on Sunday afternoon .Scores were 12 to 10 in favor of Cameron. Robert and Theuia Smith, of ibis place, are visiting with their grand-parents at Medix llurf this week. Mrs. Leslie English, of Castle Garden called on her parents J. S. Jordan and wife Saturday. Win. Krcbs and wife, of I'irie street, was the guest of A. W. Smith at the willowdale mansion on Sunday. Mrs. G. S. llill and son Klmer, of Grove Hill, were seen on our streets on Saturday. Clarence Johnson made a business trip to Driftwood on Friday. The funeral of John L. Johnson on Thursday was largely attended, liev. Runion, of Sinnamahoning, officiating. Interment was made in Huntley ceme tery. The late sickness of Mrs. Bryan has brought her many relatives and frieuds from different parts of the country io her bedside, as there is but little hopes of her recovery. Several of our town folks attended the county fair at Emporium last week. W. R. Smith and wife left for an ex tended visit among relatives and friends at Jamestown, N. Y. Anna and Bessie Johnson, of Retiovo> are visiting relatives in town this week* s. it. STERLING RUN. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. George O'Keefe returned to Lock Haven Normal Monday, after spending Saturday and Sunday at home. J. G. Mason who has been threatened with typhoid fever is able to be around again. Mrs. J. P. McNajney, of Emporium, was the guest of Mrs. Lewis and family over Sunday. Anna and Bessie Johnson, of Renovo, were the guests of their aunt Mrs. P. H. Mason the past week. Mrs. Smith, of Beech Creek, visited her son A. A. Smith and family a few days the past week. The ''Jolly Bunch" held a corn and chicken roast at Mason's Grove, last Saturday evening. Twenty-two were present and all had a jolly time as usual. Chas. Craven was quite ill Sunday night. But much butter at this writiug. Mrs. N. D. Jordan is visittng friends at Emporium and St. Marys this weok. Quite a number of our town people at tended the county fair at Emporium the past week and one of our school girls Mildred Strawbridge took second prize for best speller. G rover Mason left for Renovo Tues day where he expects to get a position on the P. R. It. Pascjuiale Cieora left for Italy Tues day. Mrs. Byron Smith and children, of Bidgway, visited the latter's grand-mother Mrs. Sallie Smith betweeu trains Friday. Mrs. James Berry and children visited relatives at Emporium the past week. Kathryn May returned home Snnday from a two weeks visit with relatives at Williamsport and Westport. Born to Thomas Hart and wife, Sept. 12th, a boy. Mrs. L. C. Summeison went to Lock Haven Sunday to visit her father, Fred Shatter who is ill at tbe hospital. A valuable colt belonging to Chas. Howlett was killed on the railroad Satur day. The colt was the pet of the neigh borhood. William Gilmartin, of Johnsonburg, was a business caller in town Tuesday. Harry Whiting has been having a very sore finger the past week. But is much better at this writing. Mystic Seven meet at mystic hour, sub jects for reports, "Ethnological Proofs that the Aborignes are of Turanian Ex tractions," and "A Study of Paley's Criticism of Popular Conception of Hap piness." At last meeting much enjoy ment was derived from the discussions. One on "Archaeological Proofs" that the remains of the Prehistorics, discovered at Sterling, belonged to the "Neolithic Age" gave rise to an exciting debate. Mattie Collins, Supt. of Schools, was a visitor in town this week, Laura Strawbridge, of Johnsonburg. is the guest of her brother George Straw bridge. BLUE BELL. A Narrow Escape. Edgar N. Bayliss, a merchant of Rob insville, Del., writes: "About two years ago I was thin and sick, and coughed all the time and if I did not have con sumption, it was near to it. I com menced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and it stopped my cough, and I am now entirely well, and have gained twenty eight pounds, all due to the good results from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Sold by all druggists. GROVE HILL. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. Louis Jordan and wife were the quests of Darius Ives and family last week. Miss Leonard, of Cameron, visited friends on the Hill last week. Henry Hill and wife visited friends at Sterling Run. Darius Ives who has been on the sick list is better at this writing. D. P. Hill made a business trip to First Fork Saturday. Darius Ives, Carrie Hill, Gladys Hill, Emma Leonard and Mrs. G. S. Hill were callers in Driftwood last week. A. H. Jordan and wife visited the former's grand-mother at Huntley Sun day. Darius Ives and Carrie Hill visited at Cameron Tuesday. Emma Leonard ac companied them home. Gladys and Carrie Hill were callers in Driftwood Tuesday. T. X. L. MASON HILL. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. J. F. Barr, of Sinnamahonintr, visited his friends an Sunday. Mrs. O. L. Bailey, of Sinnamahoning, was the guest of her brother over Sunday. Mrs. Homer Ives who has been visit ing her parents on Huston Hill, returned home Saturday evening. Maurice Sheddy, of Hicks Run, spent Sunday with his parents - The fair visitors from Mason Hill last week were O. B. Tanner, Walter Sheddy and Emery Hicks. Mrs. Edward Hughes visited in Em porium the last of the week. Yiola Jordan was an Emporium visitor on Wednesday. Harry Marsh, of Renovo, visited friends on the Hill on Friday and Satur day. Mrs. Lewis Jordan visited her brother on Grove Hill last week, returning home Friday. Pearl Marsh, of Grays Run, returned home on Saturday. B. W. Marsh and wife, of Renovo, are the guests of friends and relatives a few days. Ray Jordan who has been seriously ill for several days does not gain as fast as his friends wish to see him. The Elite Club No. 2 held a chicken and corn roast at the school house on Saturday evening. Sorry we missed it for we surely enjoy chicken roasts. Owing to illness of some of our help ers the oyster supper will be postponed till some time in October. Minnie Dill and brother George, of Huston Hill, were calling on friends here Sunday. Ernest Rradbury and wife, of Drift wood, were seen driving our streets on Sunday. Lewis Jordan and sist'er Yiola were calling on friends at Hicks Run this week. Frank Berfield, of Driftwood, was looking over his farm on Sunday and sizing up his grape and apple crop. ST B ROSA. CAMERON. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium. Samuel Barr, of Sterling Run, made a business trip to this place Moudav even ing. John Housler, of Johnsonburg, bought the Valley House, and took charge Mon day. Operator J. W. Harvey visited friends and relatives in Arcade, X. Y., last week and reports having a large time. Mrs. William Leilous and children and Mrs. Howard Uurlingame are visiting their parents, Edward Stuart and wife the past week. The new school Louse has been com pleted and school commenced Monday with a good attendance, under the able management of Prof. D. B. Peterson, Miss Lena Bail- of Emporium, teaching primary grade. Cameron Castle, K. G. E., will hold a ball and oyster supper in this place Oct. 29, and a big time is slated a 9 well as lots to eat. The Cameron Cubs defeated the Huntley Bean Eaters Sunday at Hunt ley, score 12 to 9. Huntley sprang a Driftwood battery on the boys, but without effect as they batted them all over the field. Quite a number from this place took in the fair last week at Emporium, and all report having a good time. LOUISE. DeWitt's Little Marly Risers, the safe, sure, easy, gentle little liver pills. The original Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is DeWitt's. The name is plainly stamped on every box. It is good for cuts, burns, bruises, sores, boils and sunburn—but it is especially good for piles. Sold by all druggists. Painting and Paper Hanging. I do reliable and durable painting, interior and exterior natural wood finishing, graining, paper banging, artistic and plain decorating. Twenty six years practical experience enables me to give you the BEST at the LOWEST COST. I can supply you with the best paint on the market and pure white lead. Would be pleased to show you the latest things in wall paper. All labor and material guaranteed just as repre sented. 8-tf. F. H. PEARSAI.L. CAMERONJCOUNTYiPRESS, SY, SEPTEMBER 23, i9<>9- Your Inspn is Invited I. KUEHNE. SINNAMAHONING W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empo Jessie Deut, of Dents Run, * her grand-parents 11. B. B. Cruo - wife last Sunday. j ] W. T. Piper and family, of Gil spent Sunday in town. IS , Mrs. Jno. Grotzinger, of RenovJ in town between trains last j .T. Herman Krob«, wifo un<] visited in Dußois last week, ietSii home Sunday. Ada Berfield and Elizabeth 1 J spent part of last week in Coudersport \Vm. Losey, of Hicks Bun, was town this week. Mrs. Len Krebs and daughter Ki arine returned Saturday after an abse of several weeks. Hazel YanWert made a short trip Emporium last week. Some one poisoned Mrs. Crosl: chickens Sunday afternoon. Twet three of the flock died. Born to Grant Johnson and wife daughter. Born to A. D. Gore and wife, a s Mrs. Mary Floyd and daughter lie have gone to housekeeping in the Lig ner block. Mrs. N. Silin and children are visiti relatives out of town. A. D. Gore and son Walter have go west. Bennettie and Irma Bennett are vis ing their sister in Galeton. Mrs. Herman Losey and daught Jessie went to Hicks Run last Saturda Hon. C. F. Barclay returned hoi Tuesday from Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Jos. Kissell, of Sterling Ru and Mrs. Baker and children of Shing House, visited Mrs. T. S. Fulton one <1: last week. Sutliff Bro's have finished sawii lumber for 0. L. Bailey. X. X. X. Good for Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stomac and Liver Tablets last night, and I fe< fifty per cent, better than I have to weeks, says J. J. Firestone, of Allegai Mich. "They are crtainly a fine articl for biliousness." For sale by Geo. C Taggart. Samples free. Health and Beauty Aid. Cosmetics and lotions will not clea your complexion of pimples and blotche like Foley'B Orino Laxative, for Indiges tion, stomach and liver trouble and habit ual constipation. Cleanse the systen and is pleasant to take. Sold by all drug gists. Warning. Do not be persuaded into taking any thing but Foyley's Honey and Tar for chronic coughs, bronchitis, hay fever asthma, and lung trouble, as it stops the cough and heals the lungs. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Abernethy, the great English phy sician, said: "Watch your kidneys. When they are affected, life is in danger." Foley's Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys, corrects urinary irregularities, and tones up the whole system. Sold by all druggists. SIZERVILLC. H. W. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium, j One of our neighbors got hold ot a l srank" last week but could not turn | lim down. j Mrs. E. Cutler of (Junction fame) •tiled on her many friends yesterday, she seemed to enjoy the quiet of the P lace> . lE. P- Councilman autoed to tne Llrnira state fair this week. He will >e absent for a few days and left Ed. Sizer in charge of the bottling plant. Hon. D. C. Youngs and family, of Jmetbport, autoed into town on Sun lay and enjoyed short trips around the country with his elegant touring car, ;bey departed tor their home on Mon lay • K. McDowell has his new water line In running order, he has erected a con crete reservoir and spring house at the md of the new line. He says the con venience is appreciated if it did come ate in life. W. A. Dalrymple autoed into town resterday accompanied by Mrs. Josiah ioward, Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. .Varner they made a short call with Mrs. W. R. Sizer. Hon. P. D. Councilman made busti ng trip to Williamsport, and other jaatern cities. He was accompanied lome with a number ot guests for his sanitarium. Frank has now the fami lies complete for their accomodation. We hear many compliments for the •ounty iair, the exhibits being excell ent considering the backward season md drought, had the farmers had rain heir eshibiis would have been far mperior to any previous fair. Fred Sizer .arrived yesterday from hew Castle, Pa., where he is employed liy the B. & O. R. R-, as weigh-master, I V ery important position, he is taking Km vacation, for a few days. Misß Pearl Lewis opened her school 01 the 13th inst., she reports the sur- Mindings very congenial. She at tended tha fair one day. Her scholars ptmpliment her winning ways, i I rhe Italian Mr. Angelo at Shippen W.s remembered at his box social to tb amonnt of $'25.00 in U. S., coin, on Saurday evening. He seems more hi'hlv favored than some of hisbrot ler ccintrymen as he has just received ap pcntment of running the pump fo the water tank and enjoys a good paronage at his store. He suggests htwill pull through the winter. X. X. X. I 11 Proceedings ot the Pariahs, '.he Poor Pariahs essayed to hold a monlight pionic in bamboo jangle, Mon IV at 11. One by one they came str K gling in, to the appointed place. Bu when all arived, alas! there was mon and as the Pariahs can oniy cry it, tiey remained in Stygian Darkness, ! Symbolical. Shce last meeting we haye had mil lion; of inquiries from all parte of the word and a heligraphic message from Man, asking who we are. This of coune is very flattering. At present we are issuing an eighteen volume library explaining to the earth and to other inquiring planets that we are Pariah®. No business of importance was trans- acted except to act upon the communi cation from Mohammed Ali,who asked to admitted to our (society. The scribe has been instructed to reply as follows: Mohammed Ali, Freezethemstiffsky, Russia. Dear Mr. Ali-We received your honorable communication and are vastly pleased you regard onr state so highly. Wo feel much flattered that you at present would prefer to be a Pariah of Sterling Run, than occupy your present situation. We are sorry but the rules of caste forbids our con taminating so pure and exaulted mem ber of noble society. We hope you will soon be accustomed to the cold hospi tality of your present abode. By order of Horde, Millet was masticated mechanically, after a little desultory take the Pariahs departed to meet Moon XI at 11., Fan Palm. ANN NIAS SCRIBE. MMM KIIIMH Bulletin. HUDSON-FULTON CELEBRATION NEW YORK CITY. Three hundred years ago, Henry Hudson, an Eng lishman in command of a Dutch expedition, with eighteen men explored the Hudson River from Sandy Hook to Troy in his small craft, the "Half Moon.' One hundred and ninety-eight >ff r S (( later Fulton established, with his steamboat, the: Ciermo:ut a regular water service between New \ oik and alS " g Th"vcaT'NtwVo°rk ' with sister cities and historical, military, naval, musical and litera >, from September 25 to October 9. «riermont" Replicas ol the "Half Moon" and the Clermont will be represented by war vessels. Two threat parades of water craft will escort tne "Half Moon" ami the "Clermont" in "j" past the war leviathans first in the n>°r>»"B: amagain the evening when all the vessels will be illuminated. On September 28 there will be a grand historical pageant, and on September 30 a big military parade in New York City. On October 1, the "Half Moon" and ''Clermont will proceed up the Hudson to Troy escorted by hundreds ° f he held in New York on Saturday evening, October, 2, which pronuses to attempts Hm . t Nc „ York with its unsurpassed service cf fast express trains, wm s'elT excursion tickets to New York for this period at rednced rates^of_fare^ cer^ specifl fares dates of^le, return limits, and train service may be obtained of Ticket^ Agents. y V I Fire Escapes FIRE-PROOF PORCHES | BUILDERS* IRON WORK Urfctt Minfactwero of Ql FIRE ESCAPES ' 11 Uiited SUt«« ORNAMENTAL IRON AND PK f 55 ? 112 WIRE WORK I> Briis 8T Iroi for Every Parpote Wft* for Ifluitrated CataW. I \mn M tttfiag of work wanted. TAYLOR ® DEAN PITTSBURGH. PA.
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