Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 26, 1909, Page 4, Image 5

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Cameron County Press
F.dltnr unci Proprietor
ORVILLE PROITDFOOT, Assistant and Manager.
RAYMOND KI KES, Assistant Foreman.
W.SCOTT STERNER, Assistant I.ocal Editor.
For Auditor General,
A. E. SISSON, of Erie County
For State Treasurer,
JEREMIAH H. STOBER, of Lancaster County.
v or Judge of theSunrente Court,
of Philadelphia County.
For Prothouotary, Register, Recorder aud Clenjt
of the Courts,
For District Attorney, '
FRED ARN JOHNSON, of Emporium.
For Jury Commissioner,
A New Back lor an Old One. How it
Can be Done in Emporium.
The back aches at times with a dull,
indescribable feeling, making you weary
and restless, piercing pains shoot across
the region of the kidneys, and again the
loius are so lame to stoop is agony. No
use to rub or apply a plaster to the back
iu this condition. You cannot reach the
cause. .Exchange the bad back for a
new and stronger one. Emporium resi
dents would do well to profit by ths fo'-
lowing example.
Mrs. Geo. E. Weiss, 4-12 N. St.
Michael St., St. Marys, Pa., says: il I
suffered for a long time from kidney
complaint and bachache. I had head
aches and dizzy spells, was unable to get
up without supporting myself and could
not bend or stoop without suffering in
tensely. The kidney secretions were al
so unnatural and plainly showed that my
kidneys were disordered. I became very
near discouraged but finally procured a
box of Doan's Kidney Pills on a neigh
bor's recommendation. My strength and
ambition soon returned and the pains
and aches disappeared. J cannot speak
too higly of Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York,
sole agents. Remember the name—
Doan's—and take no other.
Why Druggists Recommend Cham
berlain's Colic, Colera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Frank C. Haurahan, a prominent
druggist of Portsmouth, Na., says: '-For
the past six years I have sold and recom
mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great
remedy and one of the best patent medi
cines on the market. I handle some
others for the same purpose that pay me
a larger profit, but this remedy is so sure
to effect a cure, and my customer so cer
tain to appreciate my recommending it to
hitu, that I give it the preference." For
sale by Geo. C. Taggart.
Testifies After Four Yeats.
Carlisle Center. N. V., G. li. Rurhans,
wrilcii: - About four years ago I wrote
you that 1 had been entirely cured of
kidney trouble by taking two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Remedy, and after four
years I am again pleased to state that T
have never had any return of these sym
ptoms, and I am evidently cured to stay
cured." Foley's Kidney Remedy will do
the same for you. Sold by all druggists.
Colic Quickly Cured.
Colic is one of the most severe and
painful diseases. Il is quite common,
too. Almost everyone has an occasional
attack. Fortunately there is a remedy
that always affords quick reliei and has
never been known to fail in any case. It is
called Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Tod Robinson, a
promiuent merchant of Point Blank,
Texas, says: "I have had several at
tacks of colic and in every instance one
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy relieved me, and I
never had to take more than two doses
to effect a cure." For sale by Geo. C.
Do not be deceived by unscrupulous
imitators who would have you believe
that the imitation pills are as good is De-
Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. There
isn't anything just as good as these
wonderful pills for the relief of Back
ache, Weak Back, inflammation of the
bladder, urinary disorders and all kidney
complaints. Any one oan take De-
Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as
directed in perfect confidence of good re
sults. Sold by ail druggists.
Best Treatmeni for a Burn.
If for no other reason, Chamberlain's
Salve should be kept in every household
on account ot its great value in the treat
ment of burns. It allays the pain almost
instantly, and unless the injury is a severe
one, heals the parts without leaving a
scar, This salve is also unequaled for
chapped hands, sore nipples and diseases
of the skin. Price 25 cents. For sale
by Geo. C. Taggait.
Many people delude themselves of say
ing, "It will wear away," when thev notice
symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble.
This is a mistake. Take Foley's Kid
ney Remedy, and stop the drain on the
vitality. It. cures backache, rheumatism. J
kidney and bladder trouble, and makes <,
every trace of pain, weakness, and urinary ;
troiiLi' (lissappear.
Agricultural Association
Will be Held at
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Triday,
September 14, 15, 16, 17, 1909
Best Shire Stallion, any age, - $5 00
Best Shire Colt, 2 years old, - .5 00
Best Shire Colt, 1 year old, - - - - 5 00
Best Clydesdale Stallion, any age - - - 500
Best Clydesdale Colt, 2 years old - 5 00
Best Clydesdale Colt, 1 year old 5 00
Best Pereheon Stallion, any age - - - 5 00
Best Pereheon, 2 years old - 500
Best Pereheon, 1 year old - - - 5 00
Best French or German Coach Stallion 5 Qo <
Best French or German Coach Colt, 2 years old 500
Best French or German Coach Colt, 1 year old - 5 00
Best Stallion, Mixed Breed, any age - - 5 00
Best Cleveland Bay Stallion, any age - - 500
Best Cleveland Bay Colt, 2 years old - 5 00 !
Best Cleveland Bay Colt. 1 year old - 5 00 !
Best Brood Mare, Mixed Breed, any age draft - 5 00 S3 00 <
Best Brood Mare, Mixed Breed, any age. Car - 500 I! 00 <
Best Brood Mare, Mixed Breed, any age, General
purposes - - - - - 500 300
in all cases of pure breeds, authenticated pedigrees will bq ,
For the best bull and best cow, any age, of any of the following
breeds: ' 1
Durham Galoway, Hcrford. Devon, Jersey, Guernsey, Hoi- •
stein and Ayershires - - - $5 00 $3 00 '
For the best Calf under one year old, same stock 300 200 '
Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 4 years old and over - . r > 00 300
Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 3 years and under four -5 00 300 '
Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 2 years and under three 500 300 1
Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 1 year and under two - 500 300 •
Best Bull Calf, 0 months and under 1 year - - 500 300
Best Bull Calf under 0 months old - - 500 300
Best Heifer, between 2 and 3 years old - - 500 300 •
Best Heifer, between 1 and 2 years old - 500 300
Best Heifer, between 4 months and 1 year old 300 200
Best Cow, 3 years and upward - - 500 300
No blemished animals shall be entitled to a premium.
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 year old, draft - 500 300 <
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 3 years old, draft - 500 300
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 2 years old, draft - - 500 300
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 1 year old, draft - 500 300 '
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 year old Gen. purposes 500 300 i
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 1 years old Gen. purpose $5 00 S3 00
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 3 years old Gen. purpose 500 300 <
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 2 years old Gen. purpose 500 300
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 years old Gen. purpose 500 300
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 years old, Carriage - 500 300 -
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 3 years old,l Carriage - -5 00 300 ■
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 2 year old, Carriage - 500 300
Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 1 year old Carriage - -5 00 300
Best Brood mare, with colt by her side, draft - 500 300
Best brood mare, with colt by her side, Gen. Pur. 500 300
Best brood mare, with colt by her side. Carriage 500 300
Best matched span Colts, between 3 and 4 years 15 00 10 00
Best matched span Colts, between 2 and 3 years 10 00 500
Best matched span Cults, bet ween 1 and 2 years 500 300
Best matched Carriage team - - - 500 300 1
Best matched team, general purposes - - 500 300
Best matched draft team - - - - 5 00 3 00
Best Colt under one year old, draft. - - 500 300
Best Colt under one year old, general purpose 500 300
Best Colt under one year old, carriage - - 500 300
Best Stallion, any age, draft, - - - 500 300
Best Stallion, any age, general purposes •> 500 300
Best Stallion, any age, carriage - - - 500 300
Authenticated pedigree of thoroughbreds:
Best Buck - - - - - $2 00 SI 00
Best Ewe - - - - . 2 00 1 00
Best Lamb, under six months - - 1 00 50
Best Buck, mixed breed - - 1 00 50
Best Ewe. mixed breed - - 1 00 50
Best Lamb, under six in-mths, mixed breed - - 1 00 50
Swine. 1
Authenticated pedigrees of thoroughbreds:
Best Boar, over one year - - - 200 100
Best Sow, over one year - - - 200 100
Best Pen, six or more, six months to one year, 200 100
Best Sow, with litter - - - 2 00 1 00
For mixed breeds half of above award.
Including Turkeys, Geese and Ducks.
Best Pen, (Rooster and four Hens) - - 200 100
For the best pair of any standard varieties - 100 50
Best hen and chicks - - - - 2 00 1 00
Best brooder - 52.00 and Sl.OO. Diploma
Best Incubator $2.00 and SI.OO Diploma
Best pair Belgian Hares SI 00 S 50
Best pair Rabbits 1 00 50
Best pair Squirrels 1 00 50
Best pair Foxes 1 00 50
Best pair Raccoons 1 00 50
Best pair Pigeons 1 00 50
Best and largest collection of Pigeons 200 100
Grain Seed, Vegetables, Fruits. ,
Best half bushel of any of the following: Wheat,
corn, rye. oats, barley, buckwheat, timothy,
clover, orchard grass, crimson clover, alfalfa,
potatoes, turnips, beets, rutabagas, parsnips,
carrots, tomatoes, onions, soup beans, limas,
field peas 1 00 50
Best of any of above in bundles 1 00 50
Best 12 ears sweet com, <j heads cauliflower, 0
stalks celery, 3 heads cabbage, 3 squashes, 3
largest sweet pumpkins, any variety 1 00 50
Largest pumpkin 1 00 50
Three tallest corn stalks 1 00 50
Largest squash 1 00 50
Best and largest display of different vegetables... 200 100
Best and largest variety of apples, all grown by
exhibitor with each variety named 200 100
Best two lbs. butter, roll or print 200 100
Best J bushel apples, any variety; h bushel pears,
any variety; J bushel peaches, any variety; 4
bushel plums, any variety; 1 dozen quinces,
any variety; | bushel of grapes, any variety;
each 1 00 50
Best and largest variety of grapes, all grown by
each exhibitor variety named 200 100
Ornamental Department.
Third Prize Diploma.
Best collection of 20 or more varities of cultivated
flowers by private parties, grown by exhibitor
—competitors not allowed to compete for
other premiums on the same flowers 200 100
Largest collection of wild flowers.... 1 00 50
Best specimen of fancy knitting, best specimen of
patch work, silk crazy quilt, silk quilt, not
crazy, slumber robe for couch, comfort, piano
cover, seeing machine and piano stool covers,
table cover, braided door mat, each 200 100
| Best specimen of darning 1 00 50
For the oldest relic in Cameron county 300 200
i finest rug, each kind embroidery, each kind
I needlework, drawn work, hemstiehing, lace
work, bead work, piece of sculpture, painted
china, each '. 200 100 ,
Best collection of Roses, Geraniums, Pansies
Dahlias, Foliage plants, China Astors, Ver
benas (not less than six varieties), grown by
exhibitor; the most tastefully arranged col
lection of Ferns, Mosses, Wild Flowers and
Plants; finest table bouquet, finest hand bou
quet, each $1 00 50
Best collection of Oil Fainting, not less than 3,
Fancy sign drawing, hand painted china,
graining;)best display of feather work, phan
tom flowers, cone and shell work, relics and
curiosities, musical instruments, each 1 00 50
The following articles must bo made and owned
by the exhibitor:
Best specimen crochet work 1 00 50
Best collection of crochet work 1 00 50
Best specimen of plain knitting 1 00 50
Best collection of plain knitting 1 00 50
Best collection of plain mending 1 00 50
Culinary Department.
(A bakery cannot compete in this division.)
Domestic Wheat Bread, Hop Yeast - - SI 00 $ 50
Domestic Wheat Bread, Milk Yeast - - 100 50
Corn Bread - - - - - 1 00 50
Graham Bread - - - 1 00 50
Raised Biscuit - - - - - 100 50
Whole Wheat Bread - - - 1 00 50
Angel's Food Cake - - - 1 00 50
Cocoanut Cake - - - - - 1 00 50
Corn Starch Cake - - . - - 100 50
Doughnuts - - - 1 00 50
Fig Cake - - - - - - 1 00 50
Fruitcake - - - - 1 00 50
Ginger Cake - - - - - SI 00 50
Hickory Nut Cake - - - 1 00 50
Lemon Cake - - - - 1 00 50
Marble Cake - - - - - 1 00 50
Pound Cake - - - - - -1 00 50
Spice Cake - - - 1 00 50
Sponge Cake - - - - - 1 00 50
Colonial Cake - - - - - 100 50
Caromel Cake . - - - 1 00 50
Maple Sugar Cake - - . - 1 00 50
Devil's Food Cake - - - - 1 00 50
White Fruit Cake - - - - 1 00 50
Walnut Cake - - - ■ 1 00 50
Marshmallow Cake - - - . 1 00 50
Orange Cake - - - - 1 00 50
Almond Cake - - - - 1 00 50
Chocolate Loaf Cake - - - 1 00 50
Chocolate Layer Cake - - - 1 00 50
Ginger Cookies - - /• - 1 00 50
Ginger Snaps ... - . -1 00 50
Sugar Cookies - - • - - 1 00 50
Nut Cookies - - - -100 50
Apple Pie ... . . - 1 00 50
Berry Pie ... . . - 100 50
Lemon Pie ... - - - 1 00 50
Mince Pie ... . . - 100 50
Peach Pie - - - - • - 1 00 50
Pumpkin or Squash Pie - - - - 100 50
Cocoanut Pie - - • - -10C50
Raked Beans -- - - - -100 50
Tarts ... - - . l 00 50
Cheese Straws - - . 1 00 50
Nut Macaroons - - - - - 1 00 50
Cheese -v - - - 100 50
All Entries Close Wednesday, Sept. 15th, at Noon.
Educational —Miss Mattie M. Collins, Supt.
Map of Pennsylvania, showing County Lines,
Rivers, location of ten principal cities and
towns - - - - - 2 00 1 00
Map of Cameron County, showing Township Lines,
location and direction of six principal streams
and eight principal towns - - - 200 lOd
Map of United States or any Grand Division - 200 100
Specimen of penmanship, '2O words - - 1 00 50
Special amusement will be provided for each day of the
Fair, except the first and special programs will be issued set
ting forth the character, time, premiums, etc. Pigeon shoot,
ball games, boys' and girls' foot races.
HON. F. X. BLUMLE President
FRANK G. JIIDD ------- Secretary
E. W. GASKILL ...... Treasurer
R. 11. McQUAY - - » Manager
'FRANK RICHIE - - - . Supt. Ball Games
W. L. THOMAS, ----- Supt. Live Stock
IH. O. HAUPT - - - - Supt. of Amusements
IfiEO. L. DAY ... Supt. Poultry and Pet Dept.
RILEY WARNER ... Supt. Farm Produee Dept.
Special Prizes.
The Reading Room offers the following Special Prizes:
§15.00 and railroad ticket to Atlantic City for the best speller
in the county, under 21 years of age.
S 10.00 for the second best under 21 years of age.
To be awarded on the third day of the Fair.
Merchants and others are invited to offer any prizes that
will create interest in the Fair.
MISS MATTIE M. COLLINS - Supt. Spelling and Maps
Merchants and Manufacturers are invited to make
exhibits of their wares - - - $5 00 S3 00
To the Public.
The Society is devoting much energy to building up a permanent an
mial fair which the county will be proud of. His endeavoring to associate
with the fair a general picnic alike for the farmers and their friends—a
time for social intercourse, the enjoyment of innocent sports and for
tual admiration. Hood substantial buildings are on the grounds where
people may congregate and where stock may be sheltered. Competent
watchmen will be provided by the management to protect and care for all.
exhibits during the continuance of the fair.
Everybody welcome. Admission 10c. Season Ticket 25 cents.
The location of the ground is within easy five minutes walk from the
heart of town. There will also possibly be hacks running to and from the
park and town.
Books of entry will bo opeu at the office of F. G. JUDD. Fourth street,
Emporium, Pa., on and after Tuesday, Sept. 14th, 1909, when they will be at
the Park Pavillion. Any person can enter as many articles ; for exhibition
as he or she may own.
All exhibitors must have their articles or animals entered on the Secre
tary's books and be in their place for exhibition previous to 12 in. on Sept.
15th. Unless they are so entered and placed they will not be put upon the
premium list.
Entries must specify exhibitor's name.atid the name and age of the ani
mal or article offerd.
No animal or article can be entered for more than one prem.ura.
When entries are made, exhibitors will be furnished with cards desig
nating the number of the entry. This card to be attached to the article or
animal exhibited.
No article or animal shall be removed before the close of the exhibi
tion without permission of the superintendent given in writing.
Prizes given only for exhibits owned or raised by residents of Cameron
Outside exhibitors if their exhibits warrent it, will receive a diplo
ma of merit.
Premiums will be withheld where there is satisfactory evidence of com
promise or collusion.
Gambling in any form on the grounds will be strictly prohibited.
Any exhibitor interfering with tl e judge in the discharge of his du
ties shall forfeit all claims he may have in the premium list.
No person will bechosen us.ludge in theclass in which he is an exhibitor.
Judges will not note any other articles or animals than those enumer
ated on the list furnished them by the superintendent.
Any article or animal which in the opinion of the Judges deserve spec
ial commendation will be so reported.
When articles or animals are not deemed worthy of a premium the
Judges will refuse an award whether there be but one or more exhibited.
In each case where thert is an exhibit of merit and but one articleex
hibited, half the advertised premium will be paid.
Orders for all premiums will be mailed to the persons to whom award
ed within thirty days alter the close of the fair.
If you desire any inform <moii in regard to the business of the exhibi
tion, pay no attention to rn nors or hearsay, but go at once to the superin
tendent who wilt take pleasure in giving you all desired information.
Application has been made to have excursion tickets sold between Rc
novo and Kane and Port Allegan/ and Du .Jois and brio Mail east to stop
at all stations in the comity on above dates.
Fair and Races
September 6 to 10,1909
EXCURSION /ill be sold on above dates, good returning until September
ROCHESTER, EAST A jftOHA and intermediate Stations at
Consult Ticket Agents
Passenger Traffic Manager. 95u-2t General Passenger Agent.
Pennsylvania Railroad
$2.50 to BUFFALO
Tuesday, September 7, 1909
SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves 0:25 A. M.
Returning, Buffalo and Niagara Falls tickets good on regular trains
September 7 and 8; Toronto tickets good returning on all regular trains
within Ave days,including date of sale, ana good on either N. Y. C. R.
R. or Gorge Route between Niagara Falls and Lewiston.
Clilldrenlletween Five and Twelve Years of Axe, Half Fare
August 30 to September 13
Passenger Traffic Manager 951-2t General Passenger Agent
| Buffalo, Rochester 8 Pittsburgh Ry.:
£ Saturday, September 4, 1909 £
s Five-day Excursion {
f From Ridgway )
£ Last of the Season. <
s Trains leave Kidgway 3.16 a. m. and 1.49 p. 111. >
96-28-2t. <
1 Pennsylvania Railroad
Annual Fair and Races
Dußois Driving Park Association
September 7 to 10, 1909
EXCURSION TICKETS to Dnßois will be sold September 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, good to
return until September 11, inclusive, from RED BANK, DRIFTWOOD, RIDGWAY,
KANE, and intermediate stations at
((Minimum Rate 25 Cents.)
Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent.
Try It on The Hills
W Test this car at half speed on a hill or sand
J road where _ power and every ounce of it is
M needed. Notice how steadily and powerfully it
jW pulls when running slowly under load.
M The capacity of the Rambler engine for doing this
M wor k is most noticeable at low engine speeds. ■
raj This is because of the offset crank shaft. W
Mi AH that power which in other engines is loßt through friction on the bearings aivcJ tt
cylinder walls, i.n added to tho driving force by tho It mbler offset crank shaft. It
rnlucM friction, eliminates hammer on more power. Theatrainht
line-drive deli vera the power direct and with leaitfrictional loss to the rear axle,
Let us demonstrato thc3e features and tho silence and comfortof this car.
Let us call at your home, and take you to your place of business
some morning in a Rambler.
The Car of Steady Service
M. P omeroy^^^r