4 ESTABLISHED, 1866. Cameron County Press HENKV H. MULLIN, F.dltnr unci Proprietor ORVILLE PROITDFOOT, Assistant and Manager. RAYMOND KI KES, Assistant Foreman. W.SCOTT STERNER, Assistant I.ocal Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Auditor General, A. E. SISSON, of Erie County For State Treasurer, JEREMIAH H. STOBER, of Lancaster County. v or Judge of theSunrente Court, ROBERT VON MOSCHZISKER, of Philadelphia County. For Prothouotary, Register, Recorder aud Clenjt of the Courts, WILLIAM LEAVITT. ofShippen. For District Attorney, ' FRED ARN JOHNSON, of Emporium. For Jury Commissioner, FRANK L. MILLER of Grove. FAIR EXCHANGE. A New Back lor an Old One. How it Can be Done in Emporium. The back aches at times with a dull, indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless, piercing pains shoot across the region of the kidneys, and again the loius are so lame to stoop is agony. No use to rub or apply a plaster to the back iu this condition. You cannot reach the cause. .Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one. Emporium resi dents would do well to profit by ths fo'- lowing example. Mrs. Geo. E. Weiss, 4-12 N. St. Michael St., St. Marys, Pa., says: il I suffered for a long time from kidney complaint and bachache. I had head aches and dizzy spells, was unable to get up without supporting myself and could not bend or stoop without suffering in tensely. The kidney secretions were al so unnatural and plainly showed that my kidneys were disordered. I became very near discouraged but finally procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills on a neigh bor's recommendation. My strength and ambition soon returned and the pains and aches disappeared. J cannot speak too higly of Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents. Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. Why Druggists Recommend Cham berlain's Colic, Colera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Frank C. Haurahan, a prominent druggist of Portsmouth, Na., says: '-For the past six years I have sold and recom mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great remedy and one of the best patent medi cines on the market. I handle some others for the same purpose that pay me a larger profit, but this remedy is so sure to effect a cure, and my customer so cer tain to appreciate my recommending it to hitu, that I give it the preference." For sale by Geo. C. Taggart. Testifies After Four Yeats. Carlisle Center. N. V., G. li. Rurhans, wrilcii: - About four years ago I wrote you that 1 had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and after four years I am again pleased to state that T have never had any return of these sym ptoms, and I am evidently cured to stay cured." Foley's Kidney Remedy will do the same for you. Sold by all druggists. Colic Quickly Cured. Colic is one of the most severe and painful diseases. Il is quite common, too. Almost everyone has an occasional attack. Fortunately there is a remedy that always affords quick reliei and has never been known to fail in any case. It is called Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Tod Robinson, a promiuent merchant of Point Blank, Texas, says: "I have had several at tacks of colic and in every instance one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy relieved me, and I never had to take more than two doses to effect a cure." For sale by Geo. C. Taggart. Do not be deceived by unscrupulous imitators who would have you believe that the imitation pills are as good is De- Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. There isn't anything just as good as these wonderful pills for the relief of Back ache, Weak Back, inflammation of the bladder, urinary disorders and all kidney complaints. Any one oan take De- Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed in perfect confidence of good re sults. Sold by ail druggists. Best Treatmeni for a Burn. If for no other reason, Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every household on account ot its great value in the treat ment of burns. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar, This salve is also unequaled for chapped hands, sore nipples and diseases of the skin. Price 25 cents. For sale by Geo. C. Taggait. Many people delude themselves of say ing, "It will wear away," when thev notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble. This is a mistake. Take Foley's Kid ney Remedy, and stop the drain on the vitality. It. cures backache, rheumatism. J kidney and bladder trouble, and makes <, every trace of pain, weakness, and urinary ; troiiLi' (lissappear. SEVENTH ANNUAL ] FAIR AND PICNIC OF THE CAMERON COUNTY Agricultural Association Will be Held at KEYSTONE PARK EMPORIUM, PA., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Triday, September 14, 15, 16, 17, 1909 PREMIUM LIST ( i Best Shire Stallion, any age, - $5 00 Best Shire Colt, 2 years old, - .5 00 Best Shire Colt, 1 year old, - - - - 5 00 Best Clydesdale Stallion, any age - - - 500 Best Clydesdale Colt, 2 years old - 5 00 Best Clydesdale Colt, 1 year old 5 00 Best Pereheon Stallion, any age - - - 5 00 Best Pereheon, 2 years old - 500 Best Pereheon, 1 year old - - - 5 00 Best French or German Coach Stallion 5 Qo < Best French or German Coach Colt, 2 years old 500 Best French or German Coach Colt, 1 year old - 5 00 Best Stallion, Mixed Breed, any age - - 5 00 Best Cleveland Bay Stallion, any age - - 500 Best Cleveland Bay Colt, 2 years old - 5 00 ! Best Cleveland Bay Colt. 1 year old - 5 00 ! Best Brood Mare, Mixed Breed, any age draft - 5 00 S3 00 < Best Brood Mare, Mixed Breed, any age. Car - 500 I! 00 < Best Brood Mare, Mixed Breed, any age, General purposes - - - - - 500 300 in all cases of pure breeds, authenticated pedigrees will bq , required. For the best bull and best cow, any age, of any of the following breeds: ' 1 Durham Galoway, Hcrford. Devon, Jersey, Guernsey, Hoi- • stein and Ayershires - - - $5 00 $3 00 ' For the best Calf under one year old, same stock 300 200 ' Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 4 years old and over - . r > 00 300 Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 3 years and under four -5 00 300 ' Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 2 years and under three 500 300 1 Best Bull, Mixed Stock, 1 year and under two - 500 300 • Best Bull Calf, 0 months and under 1 year - - 500 300 Best Bull Calf under 0 months old - - 500 300 Best Heifer, between 2 and 3 years old - - 500 300 • Best Heifer, between 1 and 2 years old - 500 300 Best Heifer, between 4 months and 1 year old 300 200 Best Cow, 3 years and upward - - 500 300 No blemished animals shall be entitled to a premium. Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 year old, draft - 500 300 < Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 3 years old, draft - 500 300 Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 2 years old, draft - - 500 300 Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 1 year old, draft - 500 300 ' Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 year old Gen. purposes 500 300 i Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 1 years old Gen. purpose $5 00 S3 00 Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 3 years old Gen. purpose 500 300 < Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 2 years old Gen. purpose 500 300 Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 years old Gen. purpose 500 300 Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 4 years old, Carriage - 500 300 - Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 3 years old,l Carriage - -5 00 300 ■ Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 2 year old, Carriage - 500 300 Best Colt, Mixed Breed, 1 year old Carriage - -5 00 300 Best Brood mare, with colt by her side, draft - 500 300 Best brood mare, with colt by her side, Gen. Pur. 500 300 Best brood mare, with colt by her side. Carriage 500 300 Best matched span Colts, between 3 and 4 years 15 00 10 00 Best matched span Colts, between 2 and 3 years 10 00 500 Best matched span Cults, bet ween 1 and 2 years 500 300 Best matched Carriage team - - - 500 300 1 Best matched team, general purposes - - 500 300 Best matched draft team - - - - 5 00 3 00 Best Colt under one year old, draft. - - 500 300 Best Colt under one year old, general purpose 500 300 Best Colt under one year old, carriage - - 500 300 Best Stallion, any age, draft, - - - 500 300 Best Stallion, any age, general purposes •> 500 300 Best Stallion, any age, carriage - - - 500 300 Sheep. Authenticated pedigree of thoroughbreds: Best Buck - - - - - $2 00 SI 00 Best Ewe - - - - . 2 00 1 00 Best Lamb, under six months - - 1 00 50 Best Buck, mixed breed - - 1 00 50 Best Ewe. mixed breed - - 1 00 50 Best Lamb, under six in-mths, mixed breed - - 1 00 50 Swine. 1 Authenticated pedigrees of thoroughbreds: Best Boar, over one year - - - 200 100 Best Sow, over one year - - - 200 100 Best Pen, six or more, six months to one year, 200 100 Best Sow, with litter - - - 2 00 1 00 For mixed breeds half of above award. Poultry. Including Turkeys, Geese and Ducks. Best Pen, (Rooster and four Hens) - - 200 100 For the best pair of any standard varieties - 100 50 Best hen and chicks - - - - 2 00 1 00 Best brooder - 52.00 and Sl.OO. Diploma Best Incubator $2.00 and SI.OO Diploma Miscellaneous. Best pair Belgian Hares SI 00 S 50 Best pair Rabbits 1 00 50 Best pair Squirrels 1 00 50 Best pair Foxes 1 00 50 Best pair Raccoons 1 00 50 Best pair Pigeons 1 00 50 Best and largest collection of Pigeons 200 100 Produce. Grain Seed, Vegetables, Fruits. , Best half bushel of any of the following: Wheat, corn, rye. oats, barley, buckwheat, timothy, clover, orchard grass, crimson clover, alfalfa, potatoes, turnips, beets, rutabagas, parsnips, carrots, tomatoes, onions, soup beans, limas, field peas 1 00 50 Best of any of above in bundles 1 00 50 Best 12 ears sweet com, 96-28-2t. < 1 Pennsylvania Railroad Annual Fair and Races Dußois Driving Park Association AT DUBOIS, PA. September 7 to 10, 1909 EXCURSION TICKETS to Dnßois will be sold September 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, good to return until September 11, inclusive, from RED BANK, DRIFTWOOD, RIDGWAY, KANE, and intermediate stations at REDUCED RATES ((Minimum Rate 25 Cents.) J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent. Try It on The Hills W Test this car at half speed on a hill or sand J road where _ power and every ounce of it is M needed. Notice how steadily and powerfully it jW pulls when running slowly under load. M The capacity of the Rambler engine for doing this M wor k is most noticeable at low engine speeds. ■ raj This is because of the offset crank shaft. W Mi AH that power which in other engines is loßt through friction on the bearings aivcJ tt cylinder walls, i.n added to tho driving force by tho It mbler offset crank shaft. It rnlucM friction, eliminates hammer on bearings.gives more power. Theatrainht line-drive deli vera the power direct and with leaitfrictional loss to the rear axle, Let us demonstrato thc3e features and tho silence and comfortof this car. Let us call at your home, and take you to your place of business some morning in a Rambler. The Car of Steady Service M. P omeroy^^^r