| Largest and Host Stylish Selection in the County Carefully Select Your New Spring Hats. Never has there been a season when care in selection was so important as this Soring. The stvles are really beautiful and also practical. 112 e y The variety of shades and trimming eftect is wonderfully large, yet every one is strictly in keeping with the accepted fashion effect. Every customer is sure of finding here a hat suited to her. Our salesladies are experienced in their line and no work leaves our work-room without our personal supervision. 1 LUDLAMS. ESTABLISHED, 1866. Cameron County Press! HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY | DIRE DISTRESS. | It Near at Hand to Hundreds of' Emporium Readers. Don't neglect au aching back. Backache is the kidneys crv for help. J Neglect hurrying to their aid, Means that urinary troubles follow quickly. Dire Distress, diabetes, Bright's dis ease. Profit by an Emporium citizen's ex perience. John Montgomery, W. Sixth St., Em porium, Pa., says:"l can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as a reliable remedy for backache aud other kidney disorders, I suffered from a lame back and sharp, shooting pains through my loins and was so bad at times that I was unable to straighten. My kidneys were very weak and the secretions passed too frequently, causing me to arise during the night. I finally got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills from Taggart's drug store aud they cured me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents. Remember the name— ) Doan's—and take no other. Do It Now. Now is tlie time to got rid of your j rheumatism. You can do so by apply- > ing Chamberlain's Liniment. Nine cas- 1 esout of ten :ire simply muscular rheuma tism due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and yield to the vigorous application of this liniment. Try it. You are certain to be delighted with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by Taggart. Living Rooms for Rent. Convenient suite of living rooms, over our store, for rent. Apply to MRK. E. S. COPPERSMITH. I A Dull Looking Church. In some communities one or more churches present evidence of badly paint ed exteriors. The beautiful finish and coloring of the L. & M. Paint distinguishes a church painted with it. The L. &M. Paint is Metal Zinz Oxide combined with White Lead, and wears like gold. A liberal quantity of L. & M. Paint is given to every church whenever they paint. This has been done throughout the United States during past 35 years. More churches have been painted with L. & M. Paint than with any other. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium. For a burn or scald apply Chamber lain's Salve. It will allay the pain al most instantly and quickly heal the in jured parts. For sale by Taggart. DcWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are antiseptic and relieve pain quickly. Insist upon DcWitt's. Send your name to E. free trial box. Sold by all druggists. WANTED. Trustworthy man or woman in each county to advertise, receive orders and manage business for New York Mail order House. fIH.OO weekly: position permanent; no investment required. Previous experience not essential to engaging. Snare time valurble. Enclose self addressed en velope for full particulars. ADDRESS, CLARKE CO., Wholesale Dept., 103 PARK AVE., NEW YORK. 13-10t. A Rcalistio Actor. Malcolm was three years old. He stood stock still In the middle of the floor, one arm extended horizontally. His mother, looking up from her sew ing, saw the door open. "Shut the door, Malcolm, please," she said. No response. She repeated her re quest. Still no response. "Malcolm," she said more sternly, "1 asked you to shut the door." Still Malcolm stood In the middle of the floor with his arm outstretched and did not move. "Malcolm," said his mother, "if you don't shut the door at once 1 shall have to punish you." Malcolm burst into tears and flung himself on his mother's knees. "Muv ver," he cried, "I was bein* a wooden sign, an' wooden signs can't shut doors!"— Woman's Home Companion. Memory Studies. A small boy went into a South Bos ton drug store, wrinkled his face rubbed his head and rubbed his lefi foot up and down his right leg in an effort to remember something that had escaped him. "Say," he begun, "will you tell me i the name of the place where we Amer icans have so many soldiers?" , "Fort Sheridan?" "Oh, no. It's farther away than that." . "The Philippines?" "That ain't just it, but it's some- j where around there." "Perhaps you mean Manila?" "Manila! That's right! 1 knew I j would Ret it after awhile, i want a I bottle of mauila extract for fiavorin'. j They're goin' to have ice cream."—Bos- j ton Record. Old Time Temperance. The first temperance society is said to have been founded by Margrave Frederick V.in IGOO, and it is instruc tive to learn that the noble members of that society were bound by a pledge good for two years not to drink more than seven bumpers of wine with any meal nor more than fourteen bumpers a day. They were, however, permitted to quench any surplus of thirst with beer and to drink one glass of whisky i lon the side. By this ideal of absten- I tlon may be gauged the ordinary drlnk | ing habits of our forefathers in the i good old times when knighthood was in flower.—Morris Hillquit in Social ism. An Easy One. "You imagine you know a lot about 1 Biblical things," said the scoffer. "Suppose you tell me who Cain's wife was." "That's easy," rejoined the old dea con. "She was Adam's daughter-in law."—Detroit Free Press. System. "I'm afraid I can't write that article on 'System.'" ' "Why not?" "I can't find my notes."—Louisville Courier-Journal. One Would Have Done. Nurse—l wish to tell you. sir, that you have Just become the father of triplets! Noopar—Oh, this is two too much!— New York Life. Settled. Uncle r /.cb (looking over bill of fare) —Henry, how do you order hog and hominy at a fust class rest'rant? City Nephew —You don't, uncle. Chicago Tribune. Linoleum at 99c per yard is getting B carce at C. B. Howard & Co's. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1909. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills I quickly relieve backache, weak back, pains in the groin, rheumatism, etc. Send your name to E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, for free trial box. Sold by all Druggists. Little attacks of indigestion arc what bring on other ailments, such as acute in digestion, chronic dyspepsia, and even more serious permanent illness. Kodol i 3 guaranteed to give relief. Sold by all druggists. Hoarseness, bronchitis and other throat troubles are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar as it soothes and heals the inflamed throat and bronichial tubes and the most obstinate cough disappears. Insist upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by all druggists. Rev. I.W. Williamson's Letter. Rev. I. W. Williamson's Huntington, I W. Va., writes: "This is to certify' that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to say that it will do all you claim for it." Foley's Kidney Remedy has restored health and strength to thou sands of weak, run down people. Con tains ho harmful drugs and is pleasant to take. Sold by all druggists. Chamberiain's Liniment. This is a new preparation and a new one. It is especially valuable as a cure for chronic and muscular rheumatism, and for the relief of pain which it affords in acute inflamatory rheumatism. Those who have used it have invariably spoken of it in the highest terms of praise Lame back, lame shoulder and stiff neck are due to rheumatism of the muscles, usually brought on by exposure to cold or damp, and are quickly cured by ap plying this lip' Dent freely and massaging the affected parts. Soreness of muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or injury, is allayed by this liniment. For sale by Taggart. Paper Hanging. We desire to announce that we are now ready to do paper banging and i painting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pine line of wall paper samples. A postal card addressed to us will be all that is necessary. We'll find you. WORMUTH & DIXON, 2-tf. East Emporium, Pa. For Sale at a Bargain. One No. 9 cooking range, for coal or wood, with warming oven and reser voir, in first-class condition. Also one spring tooth harrow. Inquire of 11-3t. H. C. OLMSTED. xyjl IT* .Y~" Remedy Cures Backache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, strengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and avoid Bright's Disease or Dia betes. 50. and SI.OO bottles. The Best on Earth. Protection against Accidents and Sickness is an absolute necessity. It costs but |5.00 a year for $15.00 weekly benefits, and $2,000 death claim. The only policy paying such liberal bene fits. This Company also writes policies for SIO.OO and $25.00 per year. Liberal commissions to agents, by the German Commercial Accident Co., Phil'a, Pa. W. R. Sizer, Qen'l Agent, Sizerville, Pa. C. R Husted of Emporium, is a representative of the Company. Drop him a postal—He will do the balance. In case of sudden injury this Company provides temporary re lief to the amount of $25.00. if notified by wire of an accident. 17-ly. Many weak, nervous, women have been restored to health by Foley's Kid- I ney Remedy us it stimulates the kidneys ' so they will cliniiniate the waste matter j from the blood. Impurities depress the ! nerves, causing nervous exhaustion and ; other ailments. Commence to-day and you will soon be well. Pleasant to take. Sold by all druggists. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel i Salve is good for cuts, burns and bruises, ■ and is especially good for piles. Refuse substitues. Sold by all druirgists. Heart-burn, sour risings,belching, dull, j heavy feeling and such things are caused ! by indigestion. Kodol stops them by di- ' gesting all the food you eat. Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with bilious ness and constipation, which made life miserable for mc. My appetite failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and cathartics only made matters worse. Ido not know where I should have been today had I not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet's. The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, strengthen the diges tive functions, purify the stomach, liver and blood, helping the system to do its work naturally.—Mrs. Rosa Potts, Bir mingham, Ala. These tablets are for sale at Taggart's. Throwing His Fortune Away Throwing away what one has is not always the only way to lose a fortune. Being unable to see an opportunity, or to grasp it when seeing it, is more often ihe cause of losing out in this world. A per son who feels too sluggish to make the best oi time can quickly improve by us ing Sexine Pills, the great tonic, that is guaranteed for all forms of weakness in men and women. Price 81 a box; six boxes So, with full guarantee. Address or call on R. C. Dodson, Druggist, Em porium, Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. Orphans' Court Sale of Real Estate. TJURSUANTto an order ofthe Orphans' Court _L of Cameron county, the undersigned will of fer at public sale to the highest and best bidder at the Court House, Kmporium, Pennsylvania, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on theHth day of June, A. D., 19*>9, the following described piece, parcel or lot of land situate on the south side ofthe Philadel phia and Erie Railroad. In the Borough of Em porium, in the County of Cameron and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, on the east by lands of J. C. Johnson, on the south and on the west by lands ofthe First National Bank of Em porium, Pa., being 320 feet running north and south and 220 feet extending east and west. Reserving a strip (previously sold) 115 feet in width oft'tlie eastern portion of the said land. To bo sold as the land of May S. O'Dell, de ceased. Terms of sale are SSO 00 at time of sale and Ib i lance upon continuation of llie sale by the Orphans' Court of Cameton County, and such other terms as may be announced or published at time of sale. EST ELL, A S. COPPERSMITH, Administratrix ot the Estate of May S. O'Dell, deceased. Emporium, Pa., May 13th, 1909.—13-St. | MEISEL'S | } The Store of Quality < 112 Ice Cream, ; Confectionery, i Cigars, < \ Post Cards J I and Fruit. j j High Grade Choco- \ lates a Specialty. J. B. MEISEL. | LADY WANTED! To introduce our large 1909 Spring line of beauti ful dress (foods urid waistings. Latest up-to-date New York City patterns. Handsomest line of materials ever seen. Quick sales, large profits. Can make S2O or more weekly. Samplesand full instructions packed in neat sample case shipped Express prepaid. No money required. Exclu sive territory. Our prices are low. Write for particulars. Be first to apply. Standard Oress Goods Co., Dept. 6, Binghamton. N. Y Nervous or Sick Headaches will yield quickly to the influence of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Fills. 25 doses 25 cents. r«2S SBSaKESE SIISHSHSS SHSHSaSH TO 5 aSHraSHSHSB SHSHSHSHHS»] | F. E. ROWLEY, | THIRD STREET, EMPORIUM, PA. 3] Retail Dealer in | BUILDERS* SUPPLIES! St I Hemlock, Bill Stuff, rough aud planed, Yellow &] p] LUmDer Pine, White Pide, Hardwoods, uj I Flooring White Pine, Yellow Pine, Hemlock, Maple. jjj | Siding White Pine, Basswood, Poplar. jjj jjj Ceilings White Pine, Yellow Pine, Basswood. ju ffi Mouldings Yellow Pine, White Pine. gj Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window m Sand Door Frames. S ml) 1 Turned Columns, Colonial Columns, Balusters, Brack- ju j]j I OfCn ets, Spindles, Rail. }0 Jjj Shingles and Lath jjj "I I White Pine, Yellow Pine, Moulding I" B * miSning Lumber Casings. Moulded Base. p YARD and OFFICE, Xliird Street. J Desertion Notice. NOTfCE is hereby Riven that my wife, Carrie 8. Spence, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby cau tion all persons not to trust or harbor her on my account, as I shall not pay any bills of her con tracting. C. W. SPENCE. Shippen, Pa., April 24th, 1909.—11-3t. To Whom Concerned HAVING sold my Drug Store Stock to George C. Taggart, April Ist, 1909, all bills subse quent to that date will be paid by him. Boole accounts prior to that date are payable to H. M. Taggart. An early settlement is requested. H. M. TAGGART. Emporium, Pa., April 21th, 1909.—11-3t SaSHSHSra SHSHSca e 5H 5P I BIG I I REDUCTIONIN | STATIONERY 3 Cj To reduce our stock of n] [jj writing paper we are making W N a great slaughter in prices, uj j nj Come and see for yourself. m II ===== | jjj <ioc paper at 35c uj !nj 50c paper at 30c v In | m 35c and 45c paperat 28c Uj m 30c paper at 23c In j m 25c poper at 19c in |gj 20c paper at 14c | s a B Old Reliable jjj jc Drug Store n, GEORGE C. TAGGART, Prop. w !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers