Indigestion Ends. You can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of a case of Indi gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach if you will occasionally take a little Diapapsin after eating. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after eating, Nausea. Indigestion (like a lump of lead in utomach). Billious ness Heartburn, Water brash. Pain in stomach and intestines or other Bym ptom e . Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effec tive remedy is used. Dispepsin really does all the work of a healthy stomach. It digests your meals when your stom ach can't. Each triangule will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. Get. a large 50 cent case of Pape's Dispepsiu from your druggist and start taking to-day and by to-morrow you will actually brag about your healthy, strong Stomach, for you then can eat anything and everything you want without the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle or impur ity and Gas that is in your stomach and intestines is going to be carried away without the use of laxatives or any other assistance. Reason Enthroned. Because meats are so tasty they arc consumed in great excess. This lead-- to stomach trouble, biliousness and constipa tion. Revise your diet, let reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. Try it. For sale at Tag gart's drug store. Samples free. A Common Cold. We claim that if catching cold could be avoided some of the most dangerous and tatal diseases would never be heard of. A cold often forms a culture bed for germs of infectious diseases. Con sumption, pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous and fatal diseases, are of this class. The culture bed formed by the cold favors the development of the germs of these dis eases. that would not otherwise find lodg ment. There is little danger, however, of any of these diseases being contracted when a good expectorant cough medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out these culture beds that favor the development of the germs of these diseases. That is why this remedy has proved so universally success ful in preventing pneumonia. It not only cures your cold quickly, but mini mize the risk of contracting these danger ous diseases. For sale by Taggart. Agency Secured. Mrs. G. S. Allen, wishes to annouuee that she has secured the Agency for the American Vacuum Cleaner and Sweeper. Call at her residence on West Fourth Street and see it demon strated. 43-tf DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are the best bills made for backache, weak back, urinary disorders, etc. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. mmm COUGH REMEDY maEmaaaaMoaaannnnaaaaounuuMnßf* CIHEEja Coughs, Colds, CROUP, Whooping Cough This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size SO cents. v . ' v: • :a:^; »».*>/ . vtf «r*- »V* a P UfAl. o F ti L : >- ;■> j'h r y.uC,** to v.>iv. v v.ii v»r'. A trial v. ill 'i** *' luitee y.»u o. #•-i •i. < v.totPtr. \ J* M^Coi ; &.•• ;,;v •• - • tK\', lOfe;.--'' • -r«rl"i? r.t. l , a."el)f» ttl!. uL' MU k i.J'.A Write io«day; Ma?tlon ?/'*:» -V.;; r. A- WVv'V'"/'^V*WW .•* W . . >,/•* iO cr.;;v r ; 1 to covet vw'.Rgn ' d ; • v.««*• ' ',^e 1 cn"-rtlov. o: .-«•» ). i.. 1.1 ' -• v.!-a a., :>■ & I ■■■.•,:•' '.Boo!., ■ ~ Is all about the lie- 1 »• etc. £ V V p.a*..., •••*' f*i •:.<« ..•)»<!'h WANTED! Men to represent us either locally or traveling, in the sale of a full lino o easy selling specialties. Apply quick and secure territory. ALLEN NURSERY CO., 33-16t. Rochester, N. Y. | Breezy ft I County I | News I l^H=i=E2 HUNTLEY. W. H. Mitchel. Dentist, Emporium Mrs. J. S. Jordan visited re latives in Wysidc the latter part of the week. J. F. Sullivan, B. J. Collins and ('. J. Miller Miller were Emporium visitors Friday. Mail messenger English has the new Lincoln stamps now ou hand. They are a very neat design. Rev. Mr. llall, of the Castle Garden circuit, preached a very able sermon to a large and appreciative congregation in the [luutlev chu reh Sunday. I>, &S. foreman Alonzo l)uell and wife of Dent's Run, visited relatives and friends in town Sunday. Leslie English of Driftwood was a caller on friends in town Saturday. George Wylie attended the funeral of Mrs. Annie Page at Driftwood Friday. Anson Mason ofTuunel Hill called on friends in town Friday. Charles Taylor of Hicks Run spent Sunday with his family at Tunnel Hill. Hulbert Smith of Cameron was seen on our boulevard last week with his fine colt. Lillian Johnson is visiting at the home of Grant Johnson in Sinnemahoning. Mrs. Levi Smith is improving slowly since her accident some time ago. The purchasing agent of the Johnson burg Paper Co., was iu town Friday. Smith & Logue are making ready to put their mill iu operation and will soon be ready for business. It is understood that the lumber from the Logue tract will be inadc into plank for match wood. This new enterprise will make good times in Huntley for the next three years at least. Lawrenco Smith is assisting his brother in getting his logs ready to raft to the Sinnemaning box factory. Thomas Roberts of Big Run expects to start a coal and coke yard in the near future. He has several tons already on hand. Verily the old town is booming. Orders promptly filled by the bag or bas ket. Old settlers in this section predict an early spring. Squirrels are already out and one was seen around Driftwood pas senger station last pay day scampering up and down the stairs. There are a few robins to be seen and a fine yellow bird was noticed Sunday by several peo ple. Levi Smith says we can look out for the Comet soon. The three-round bout scheduled for Thursday evening was stopped by the authorities, as it nearly ended in a riot. The Driftwood and Renovo police was seht for but did not respond. J. F. Sullivan expects to open a writ ing school soon in order to have his friends ready to address the valentines plaiuly next season. Some that he has received are hard to decipher but the in tentions are appreciated. Don't stop on this account, it helps our route and the cancellation. Telegraphers to the front. Lumber township has paid a high tribute to the telegraph profession by electing four ''Knights of the Key" to township offi ces as follows; Frank B. Iloag, Super visor and School Director, E. D. Krape Mrs. Geogc Hoehn, of St. Marys, mother of Mrs. G. L. Page, is at the point of death, at her home in that place. The many friends of both G. L. Page and wife hope the good lady will recover. Auditor and G. L. Page and Thomas Eddy Justices of the Peace. These gen tlemen arc at the head of the list in their chosen profession and will serve the peo ple in the same safe and considerate man ner as they conduct the telegraph busi ness. Having the custody and safety of the lives of the traveling public at all times during working hours in their hands it seems that honor and attention to duty have become second nature to them and the voters of Lumber town ship have chosen wisely and well. Suc ces to the jovial "brass pounders of Lum ber." _ Danny Sullivan gave a reception to above gentlemen Monday evening and sang the following song which we beg to submit to our readers: Four jolly "brass pounders" of fame and renown, Have just been elected to serve in our town ; We are very much pleased, this assertion to make, And all tip our hats to Auditor Krape. Supervisor Frank Hoag, so handsome and tall, Also School Director, liis title is called i Then two solid Jnstices, the law well will guage We are proud to salute "Squircß" Eddy aud Page. Our town is now safe for some time to come, The voters are happy, their duty well done ; We are sure of good times, there is naught to prevent, Our good town from booming, aud we are con tent. J. F. S. Other county news on Fourth page. Lame Shoulder. This is a common form of muscular rheumatism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Cliamberlaiu's Liniment freely three times a day and a quick cure is certain. Thie liniment has proven especially valuable tor muscular and chronic rheumatism. Sold by Tageart. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1909. | Special Sale of New Embroideries | We put on sale this week about 4000 yards of handsome new Swiss and Cambric Embroideries at mucli under regular I price. .'5 to 4 inches wide Embroideries, regular price 10c sale price - - 6[c 5 inch wide Embroideries, regular price 15c, sale price ... iOc OA inch wide Embroideries, regular price 20c, sale price - - 12c 10 inch wide Embroideries, regular price 25c, sale price ... lSc 12 inch wide Embroideries, regular price 30c, sale price - " \9c Very wide Corset Cover Embroidery, 35c value, at 25c DOT yard We also show the very latest in Matched Sets, Embroidery, Colored Edging and magnificent Embroidered Dress Patterns. ~~ —— —— In connection with the sale of Embroideries, we offer some veryspecial values in FINE NAINSOOK in 12 yard length s. Each piece of 13 yards is packed in a pretty .box. These good are the most popular for Underwear and Waists. Special Prices are 1.35 1.59 1.89 2.19 and 2.69 per piece of 12 yards. Samples of Embroideries, Dress Goods, Silks, etc., Mailed to out-of-town customers on request. Silks Silks Silks We have just received notice from the manufacturers of our 7- r >c quality 2(1 inch Colored Taf feta Silk, that they cannot make any more for this price, owing to the advance in raw material, this number cannot be sold hereafter for less than 80c per yard. However as long as our present stock lasts our price will not be advanced. We have just received the most fashianable shades in Silks such as Ashes of Roses, Copen hagen, etc., also a splendid line of Messaline, Shantung, Dotted and Habutai Silks. We have just received one of the latest Button Machines. We can make Buttons in all sizes to match your goods. RT/ . . _ Emporium's Greatest • Kuenne store. Phoneys. 1 In the History of Cameron County. i§ N. SEGER, I 1 The Pioneer Clothing Merchant, | 1 Will From Feb. 16th to Z7th, 1909 1 |g Make a Sweeping Reduction of yt I One-Third off on Overcoats. | I One-Third off on Boys' Suits and Overcoats. | I One-Third off on Children's Suits and Overcoats. | 1 ALL OTHER GOODS GREATLY REDUCED. | I Remember, Feb. I g| Please call and you will be surprised at the great bargains. jS 1 N. SEGER. | Winter Ming I Mi ! ! •1 ? 1 Happy Thoughts in Stylish Fall Su j , Fancy Vests, Hats, Etc. All the popular styles in Neckwear, Col lars, Pens, G-loves and Underwear. I ! NEW—Our stock is all new, up-to-date and marked to the lowest notch. R.SEGER&CD. NKXT TO BANK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers