BfVT/%UPOWDEy The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of I.<tCAL I#liP A KTMENTi PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* >n vitrei. That n/hirh you woui>. like to nee in thin (Ic/jartvicnt Jet »/» know by po - lal curd, tetter or ;•« rn<»n'ill*i. Miss Fishrr, of Ol an, was a guest of friends at this place iHf-t Sunday. Miss Marth, of Olea> , transacted business at this place, the last of the week. Gordon MoGiffin, of Ridgway, was a gue-t of friends at this place last Sun day . Mit<s Vina Murray, of this place, was a business caller at Ridgway on Satur day and Sunday. Pt-'of. D. B. Peterson, of Cameron, transacted lubit.ess at the county .seat last Saturday. The Misses Jessie and Luella Fow ler paid a visit to their home at Hor ton over Sunday. Alfred Dippold, of St. Marys, was a guest at the home of Joshua Bair and family last Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Ingersoll Visited at Du Bois during the past two weeks, guest of A. Kresge and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. Montgomery, o f Sizerville, were business callers at the PRESS office last Saturday. Mrs. James McConeghy, of Couders port, is a guest at the home of her brother, John Hertig and family. Miss Ethel Waddington departed on Monday afternoon for Olean, where she will visit friends for a few days. Wm. Jordan, of More Hill, was a business caller at this place last Satur day and made the PRESS offiice a call. Miss Jaue Evans, of this place, was a guest of her brother Leonard Evans and family, at Sheffield, last Saturday. Frank Felt, of this place, departed for Buffalo and Utica last Thursday where he will visit friends for a few weeks. Mrs. Frank Pearsall returned to her ! home in this place last Saturday from | a very pleasant visit with relatives at Lewisburg. S. F. Ebersole, of Sterling Run, made the PRESS office a business call last 1 Saturday and renewed his subsrciption for another year. Chas.McLaughlin,who has worked in the woods in this county for many years, about 26, leaves next Tuesday for Frederick, N. 8., to visit relatives for a short visit. Andrew Ingersoll, of More Hill, visit ed in Emporium on Saturday, the first time in three weeks, having been laid up with la grippe. Miss Ethel Brookshaw, of Olean, was a guest of Miss Bessie McQuay, at her home on Vine Street, the last of the week. Mrs. George Converse, of West Creek, was a guest of friends at Sinne mahoning, last Saturday and Sunday. Eugene Metz, who is attending school at Clarion, was a guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metz over Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Ludlam is spending the week at Philadelphia and New York city and while there will pur chase stock for the spring trade. Miss E. S. Coppersmith returned to her home in this place from a busi ness trip which Included Pittsburg, Cleveland and Buffalo. E C. Davison, the popular agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Ridgway, moved his family this morning from the property recently purchased by Dr. F. G. Earley, No. 121 Center Street, to the property of O. M. McCarthy at the Corner of Kear sarge street and Metoxet Avenue. He will be in a ward now where he can be elected to the borough ooucil if he should take a notion to run again. Mr. Davison is a fine man and very popu lar among those who know him in Ridgway. Considering the fact that he is a new man in town, he ran re markably well at the late election, for the tidal wave was against the whole ticket —not because it lacked votes at all, but because the democrats were able to find and deliver a few more votes than the Republicans. These swings of the political pendulum will come at intervals in spite of all that can be done.—Ridgway Daily Record. The citizens of Elk capitol can al ways repose their utmost confidence in E. C. Davison, as a citizen, gentleman or official. He is true blue and reli able. Miss Alice Montgomery departed for Lebanon, Pa., last Saturday, where she is the guest of Miss Mary Shrupp. Mrs. Joseph Newton, of West Alle gany Ave., departed for Dunham, Canada, last Wednesday, where sshe will visit relatives. Several of our young people attend ed the Fireman's Bail at St. Marys last Monday evening. All report a line time. Raymond Andrews, of Coudersport, was a guest of his uncle. Arch F. An drews and family, at East Emporium, the first of tbo week. Miss Regina Fuverin and Anna Schiigoi, of St. Marys, were quests at the home of Hon. F. X. BSnmle and family, lastSuuda^. Mrs. William Howard returned irom Philadelphia lust MoncTay, where she had been called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Charles Shurtleff. Mr. and Mrs. Harry, of Money, are guests at the home of the former's brother, F. P. Rentz and family, on Fourth Street. Miss Agnes Blumle assisted in the store of M. C. Tulis during the absence of Mrs. Tulis, who attended the Par don—Tulis wedding at Andover, last Tuesday. Mr. C. C. Strawback, from Williams port, Pa., manager of the Branch store for the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea company, called at Emporium this week to see Carl A. Blair. The editor of the PRESS is in receipt of a card from Mrs. Iva McDougal— Caton, from her home at Swannanoa, N. C , which contained the picture of a beautiful mountain and river scene. Mrs. Porter Dougherty, of Troy, Pa., nee Miss Edith Calkins,formerly of this place, was a guest at the home of Hon. B. W. Green and wife, on Sixth Street, for a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs D. H. Robertson, of Calder, accompanied by their guest, Miss J. M. Dingley, were business call ers to this place last Monday and were guests at the New Warner. Ex-Sheriff Allen M Hamilton has been very critically ill for several days but we understand is some better to day. Mrs. Ira Good and her little three months old son, of Warren, are visit ing the former's father, Mr. S. Robin son oil Fourth street. Mrs \V. J. Leavitt, who hiis been quite ill for some time past, is able to be out again, we are glad to say. W. E. Devling, of Sterling Run, was a business caller in this city on Mon day. Little Miss Kathryn Welsh, of East Sixth street, entertained a number of her little friends quite recently. The occasion being her sixth birthday. She was the recipient of a number of fine presents and all report a jolly time. H. S. Lloyd has bsen confined to his residence for several days, quite sick with la grippe. Mrs. F. H. Bentley and child, of Wil liamsport, are guests at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Thos. Radigan, on Fifth street Rev. C. W. Dixon, of Sinnamahon ing, was a business caller at this place on Wednesday. Misses Florence and Dorris Deneen, of Olean, N. Y., were guests of their cousin, Miss Viola Gerg on Broad street over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Grant, of Olean, N. Y., were guests of Theo. Newton and family over Sunday. Miss Sadie Romig, who has been visiting in Emporium the past few weeks, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Newton and family, returned to her home at Beech Creek to-day. Miss Romig met many of her old friends while in Emporium. Flats for Rent. Four new flats for rent. All con veniences. 34-tf. R. SEGER. For Sale. A desirable property, on East Fourth St., Emporium. Lot 00x120; improved by two dwelling houses. Excellent lo cation; next door to Schlecht's Green house. Apply to MRS. ELLA MCSWANN, 37-tf. Emporium Pa. FOR SALE.—Stock and business of old established merchandise house in college town. Reasons for selling, death of one partner, and ill heath of other. Splendid opportunity for a man to educate his children, and con duct business at same time. T. F. RUSSELL, 2-2t. LEWISBURG, Pa. Card of Thanks. We thank our kind neighbors and friends for their kindness during the illness and death of our dear husband and father. MRS. ALBERT MURRAY AND FAMILY. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1909. County Election Returns. CIIUSON. Supervisor—E. G. Hicks, 3 >rs. K., 50; Anson Mason, D., 39. School Director—T. H. Daiißh* erty, 3 yrs. R., 31; B. J. Collins, 3 yrs. R., 34; D. Wilson, D., 55; Wright .Mason, D., 81. Audi tor—T. U, Jordan, R., 51; Geo. E. Wylie. I)., 36 Poor Muster W. H. Logue, 2 ys. it., 33; W. G. Mix, 1 yr. 47; C.J. Miller. D., 43; W. J. Mi*, 1)., 28. Constable and Collector —J R. Hicks, R, 71; It 11. B. Crum, D., 17. HICKS HUN DISTRICT. Supervteor K. G. Hicks, 3 yrs. It., 3t>; Anson Mason, D„ 10. School Director —T. 11. Daugb etly, 3 ys. 11., 18; B. J. Collins, 3 yrs. It.. 21; S. 1,. Wilson, D., 28; Wright Mason, D., 27.—Auditor —T. U. Jordan, R.,39; Geo. E. Wylie, D.; 7. Poor Mast' r —W. ll.Logue, 2 yrs. R., 20; W. J. Mix, 1 yr. R„ 36; C.J. Miller, IX, 14; W. J. Mix, 11., 9. Judge of Election—D. M.Lupole. R., 34; H. D, Ilea, I).. It. Inspector of Election—C. E, Collins. R., 26; Victor Barr, D., 18. Constable and Col lector—J. R. Hicks, R., 42; It. B. B. Crum, D. 4 . No returns filed ot the election officers. GROVE. Supervisor—Edw. Logue, R., 31; Win. Swank' 3 yrs. D., 20. School Director—James Haynes R., 25; Geo. Goss. R„ 23; James Haynes, 3 yrs. D. 13! Geo. Goas. 3 yrs. D., 10. Auditor—A. R Wil liams, It., 22; Henry Herfield, 3 yrs D., 25. Poor Master—Frank Miller. R.,32; Frank Miller, Miller, 2 yrs. D., 12. Judge of Election—E.l F. Smith, R., 27; Josiah Berfield, D., 23. Inspector of Klection—Arthur Bailey, R.. 21; Jesse Hwartz, D., 22. Constable and Collector—J. It. Batcliel der, R„ 21. SHIPPEN. Supervisor—William Carter; R., 90, School Director —Fred K. Zimmer, 3 yrs. R., 79; Klmer Marshall, 8 yrs. R., 82; Allen Davis, 1 yr. It., 78. Auditor—Claude Lyons, 3 yrs. R„ 86. Judge of Election—Lee Lewis, 90. Inspector of Election —Charles Wiley, R , 92. Constable and Collector —Eliliu Chadwick. R., 89. Poor Master—James Hobson, H., 88. Constable —ltobt. Ingersoll, It. 10; Geo. Skinner, It', K. DRIFTWOOD BOROUGH. Uurtje -s— R. T. Krtider; R.,53; J. V. Hacket, D.. 14. Directo—L. W. Gleasou, 3 yrs R., 51; A. Denny, 3 yrs. R., 51; W. It. Chatham, 2 yrs. R., 54; Andrew Dinny , 3 yrs. D., 9; L, J. Arnold, 3 yrs. D , 17; John Hacket, 3 yrs., D., 14. Auditor—Elmer Hanes, R., 53; J. J. Riley, D., 14, High Constable—ll. B. Mutthersbaugh, R„ 59; William McVicke, D., 9. Justice of the Peace— S D. McCoole. R., 57. Judge of Election—H. E Coleman, R., 51; C. E .llenry, D., 12.—Inspector of Election—E. E. Bradberry, R.. 51; Ray Din inny, I)., 11. Constable and Collector—S. D. Mc- Coole, R., 53; T. J. Riley. D\ 12. I'oor Master— G. Callahan, 2 yrs. R.,54; Warren Lamb. 1 yr. R. 50; Angus McDonald, 2 yrs. D.. 15; ti. L. Smith, 1 yr. D., 13. Councilman W. H. Roach, 3 yrs, R . 56; B. Nefcy, 3 yrs. R., 53; L. W. Gleason, 2 yrs. R., 54; W. H. Roach, D.,,8; Charles Doughtey D., 13; P. T. Cary, I'., 14. LUMBER. Supervisor—Frank Hoag, 3 yrs. R., 69; Thom. Hart, 1 yr. R., 57; Tiios. Hart, 3 yrs. D., 20; Wm, McVale, 1 yr. D.; 23. School Director—J. B. Iliney, 3 yrs. It., CO; Frank Hoag, 3 yrs. R., 63; W. 11. G. Walker, 2 yrs. R., 56; Ed r E. Whiting, 3 yrs. D., 19; John Schwab, 3 yrs. D., 39; J. R_ Frank, 2yr 3. D., 28. Auditor—C. G. Howlett, 3 yrs. R.;56;E. D. Krape, 1 yr. R., 60. Clarence Howlet, 3 yrs. D., 27; Henry Pettit, 1 yr. D., 26. Constable—Henry Pettit, 3 yrs. R., 63; Henry Pettit, 3 yrs. D., 15. Poor Master—Sam Ebersole, 2 yrs. R.. 49; Ale E. Lord, 2 yrs. R.. 50; W. E. Devling, 2 yrs. D., 30; Thos. Hart, 2 yrs. D., 33. Judge of Election—Wm. Berry, R., 28; W. H. Smith, D., 43; Inspector of Election—D. B- Peterson, R , 50; J. R. Frank, D., 38. Constable and Collector—W. E. Devling, R.. 65; C. B. Potter t yr. D., 27. Justice of theJPeace—G. L. Page, 5 yrs. R., 68; Thom. Eddy, syrs. R.,54; Thos. Eddy 5 yrs. D., 24. PORTAGE. Supervisor—L. H. Cowley, R., 20. Snhool Director—L. 11. Cowley, R., 5j DK. ICephart, R., 20; J. Cat on, R-, 13; P. E. Councilman. R., 20! Frank Villella, P., 5. Auditor—E. Vtctory, R.> 20; J. C. Farreil, R., 18. Judge of Election-J_ Caton, R., 5; W. E. McDowell, 15. Inspector of Election-J. C. Farreil, R., 1; Adam Market, R., 6, W. R. Sizer, R., 3. Constable and Collector— P. E. Councilman, R., 20. Constable—R. Prosser> R., 21. Fine for Kidneys, Here is a simple home-made mixture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the state ment that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. He states that such symptoms as lame back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night; painful and dis colored urination, are readily over come. Here is the recipe. Try it. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. These ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a pecular healing and soothing effect up on the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This mixture is said to move all blood disorders and cure Rheumatism by forcing the Kidneys to filter and strain from the blood and system all uric acid and foul, decorn composed waste matter, which cause these afflictions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the prescription. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, gentle, easy, pleasant, little liver pills. Sold by R. 0. Dodson. Mr. Jordan's noney Talked. Expended $8.35 lor L. & M. Paint to fix up his home. If for sale it will fetch a good price. The painters said it was the 3 gallons of oil they mixed with 4 gallons of L. & M. that did the job 1-3 less cost than ever before. The coloring was bright, beautiful and lasting. It won't have to be painted again for 12 or 15 years, because the L. & M. Paint is Metal Zinc Oxide combined with white Lead and wears and covers like gold. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is no medicine made that is re lied upon with more inplicit confidence than Chamberlain's Colic, Chole.a and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale hy Taggart Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion does the ordinary work of the stomach, so that by taking a little Kodol every now and then you cannot possibly have indigestion or any form of Stomach trouble. Sold by It. C. Dodson. I Kennedy's Laxative Syrup not \ only allays inflammation au<l irritation ol : throat and lungs, but it drives out the ! cold from the system by a free vet gentle I action of the bowels. Sold by 11. C. ! Dodson. For That Terrible itching. Ezceina, tetter and salt rlieum keep I their victims in perpetual torment The ap|i'i-ition of Chamberlain's Salve will in.-! 111 v allay this itching, and many o.i <'■ ti ive been cured by its use. For sale by Tapgart. KM I'UIUUiM MLUXG C LIST. fc> fi'iiium, P:i., NhMu fj 5o Felt's Fancy, •' ~ l 65 I'et Grove, . 1 65 tlrahatu " "0 Rye • 80 Patent M<-aJ •' 50 Buckwheat Flour 85 Buckwheat Flour, 101b sack 35 i oarse .M<-al pernio, 1 50 Chop Feed " 1 50 Matchless Egg Maker, per 100 2 50 Cracked Corn per 100 1 50 Screenings " 1 5o Oil .Meal " 1 85 Middlings, 1 60 Bran 1 .50 Chicken Wheat 185 Corn bushel 84 Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 VhiteOai.s,per -mshel 65 Seed Oats per bushel Buckwheat I 70 Alfalfa Meal 1 40 Choice CloverSeeu. i Choice Timothy Seen. > At .Mariei l*r; ■.••• Choice Millet Seed, > jujum R.C. DODSON.' j THE DRUGGIST 1 npoun JI, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts. R.C. noutioN. Telephone, 19-2. j J, B. Meisel's | ! Saturday Candy Sals | 1 Continues popular with lovers of \ ? fresh home-made candies. High c 3 in quality and low in price. Our J > NOUGAT "tastes like more," s > Special Saturday 25c per lb. c h Our large variety of Taffies and 3 £ Brittles at 10c per lb. are unsur- \ > passed. Crisp fresh Salted Pea- c S nuts at 10c lb. J > OUR MOTTO < \ Purity & Cleanliness > \ Ice Cream, and Grape Juice $ C for Invalids > J. B. MEISEL. \ A SNAP IN Enamel Ware Come early and get your pick 1 A of anything in our window for iUC Wash Basius, Soap Dishes. Pudding P.IUB, Cake Tics, 2 qt. Pans with Cover, Drinking Cups, Kitchen Spoons, Stew Pans, Sonp Dippers, Stew Kettles, Water Dippers, Pie Tins, Milk Basins. This is the famous Onyx ware. Copper Wash Boiler, $2.75 DININNY, BURNSIDE&Co Broad St., Emporium, Pa. J"Springbrook Creamery Butter 1 © WTL'I I*ll CI ALWAYS FRESHand RELIABLE M A White Lilly Hour ANOTHE BEST THAT YOUR • I m J MONEY CAN BUY q CHOICEST A HOMt - I FRESH Jfjp /J| W MADE FRUITS and r lELLIES The Satisfactory Store ■ ■ Vegetables AND JAMS ® I I 1 Pnnrl D rea^ The best part of a meal is I B 11111111 K A>l> good bread and butter I I u "utter That which can be enjoyed I when eating. In butter it is flavor and quality, not Q quantity—that makes'its worth in the markets of the world. It is flavor and quality that makes the thought of a meal enjoyable. Remember that our Spring Brook Creamery butter has tlii? flavor and quality and when used on bread made from White Lilly Flour, you have a combination of flavor and quality that cannot be excelled Special Prices for Friday and Saturday, this Week Spring B rook reamery butter alb 35c | Sugar—2sll) Bag best granulated Sugar, $1.45. 1 5 lbs medium. N. Y.,State hand picked beans2sc ■ 7 cakes Oat' Leaf Soap for 25c. 50c pkge Searchlight Matches 45c. I Three 10c cans Van Camp's Clam Chowder for 25c ® lib can Royal Baking Powder 45c. tin Walter Baker & Co's Cocoa, 22c. Two cans extra selected Pine Apple, chunks 25c. 20c Prunes, the large meaty ones 15c a lb. Faney White Honey in ilb sectinns 17c. • T 9 1 Baltimore Shucked Oysters & Lake Fish g Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. W FYTR A We have placed 011 sale a If I armiAL quantity o1 - I 4 quart first g quality gray Enameled Dish Pans from the largest ex- elusive works on the continent. While they last,at 29c M each. \ FREE DELIVERY to all parts of Town 1 I Twice Each Day "® 1 You G-et Better Values Here. | • J. H. DAY, I L Phone 6. Emporium, ft j§jVery Special! All Coats and Suits at and Below Cost. 1 Special Sale on m&i I I Shirt Waists ( ijoc and 6oc Waists for 39c sl.lO Waists, Lawn, for 75c $1.25 and $1.30 Lawn Waists, for 79c $1.25 colored Waists 79c $1.50 Lawn Waists, 98c $2.50 Lawn Waists $1.98 $3.00 White Brillantine for $1.98 $2.37 White Brillantine Waists for $1.69 $2.37 Black and Blue Waists for $1.69 20 per cent. Reduction on all Waists ||i in stock. A new line of Underwear and White Goods. Call and see us |||
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers