A GOOD DOOR LATCH. One Which You Can Easily Make for Yourself. This consists of three pieces of oak er other good hard wood, as shbwn tn the drawing. For the handle use a Details of Latch. piece of Bx2xl inches. Shape a fiat tish knob on one end three inches long. Work down the rest so as to pass through a one-inch auger hole. Shape a knob on the other end by flattening the sides. The latch is made of a piece sxl x% inches. The catch is Bx2x% inches. Bore a one-inch hole for the handle three inches from the edge of the door. Push the handle through the hole and /i; " Latch in Place. mark on it the thickness of the door; then bore in the handle a three-eighths inch hole for the latch. Now, explains the Orange Judd Farmer, assemble the parts according to the finished figure, which shows the latch thrown back. A little peg may be used to keep the latch from falling down when the door is open. FARM DRIVEWAYS EASILY MADE. Have Good Roadbed from the Road to the House. While we are busily talking about good roads, we must not forget the most needful one is that which runs from the gate to the barns, and over which we travel many a mile during the year. At the time I moved to Ma pleside farm eight years ago, writes a Michigan farmer to Orange Judd Farm er, the mud was hub deep for the horses, and no better for the men on the footpaths. We moved here April 11, and the women folks did not get to the barns until after the middle of May. As soon as the crops were in, those roads received my individual at tention, until in a serviceable condi tion. 1 did not draw in more dirt to soak up, but began at the bottom by plow ing out and removing over a foot of the soil. then opened a gravel bank and drew in enough to fill that taken out. Next I made arrangements for some cinders, and put tliem over the gravel about a foot thick. This an swered very well that season, but in the fall before the mud began to deep en, I covered the road again, and dur ing the winter all the coal ashes were spread wherever there seemed to be a low spot. By tcUowing this scheme for four years I succeeded in making a road that never has any mud. If 1 find a low spot, where water stands after a rain, it is taken care of at oncc. On the soutli side of the house, three years ago, 1 built a road that has not required any repairing as yet beyond drawing three loads of gravel last spring. For this road I pursued a lit tle different method. It was old sod, so I plowed through it and turned the sod upside down three deep on either side of the road, then drew out all the dirt beneath that was loose and easy to handle. This left me a trench about IS inches or two feet to fill, which I did from my gravel bank, and no cinders were put on this road, as I could not get tliem. This roadway is about nine Inches above the lawn on either side, and never gets muddy. About the house are cemen' platforms and walks, while the roadway on either side is so hard it can be swept at any time. I fi.'«d it pays when you are at it to make a good road, and takes no longer. 1 find a gravel bank about the best bank I can patronize, when it comes to road making. FARM NOTES. It fcard when an illusion changes to a delusion. The string which ties a man to his Job may become the chain that holds him to slavery. A bi|;d in the hand is worth two in the bush, especially If the two are scrubs and the one is a bred-to-lay business hen. To destroy lien lice, sprinkle insect powder, any of the varieties used to destroy squash bugs will do, in the dust, baths, enough to slightly tint the dust the color of the powder, and let the hens scratch in this r-' d so dust them? **" • AWFUL GRAVEL ATTACKB Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills After Years of Suffering. F. A. Rippy, Depot Ave., Gallatin, Tenn., says: "Fifteen years ago kid tney disease attacked me. The pain in my back was so agoniz ing I finally liad to give up work. Then came terrible attacks of gravel with acute pain and passages of blood. In all I passed 25 stones, some as large as a bean. Nine years of this ran me down to a state of continual weakness, and I thought I never would be better un til I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. The improvement was rapid, and since using four boxes I am cured and have never had any return of the trouble." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. AND THEY'VE GOT IT! "How do you like the new styles in neckwear, dear?" "A little ruff around the neck, love." ITCHED FOR TWELVE YEARS. Eczema Made Hands and Feet Swell, Peel and Get Raw—Arms Affected, Too —Gave Up All Hope of Cure. Quickly Cured by Cuticura. "I suffered from eczema on my hands, arms and feet for about twelve years, my hands and feet would swell, sweat and itch, then would become callous and get very dry, then peel off and get raw. I tried most every kind of salve and ointment without success. I tried several doctors, but at last gave up thinking there was a cure for eczema. A friend of mine insisted on my trying the Cuticura Remedies, but I did not give them a trial until I got so bad that I had to do something. I secured a set and by the time they were used I could see a vast improvement and my hands and feet were healed up in no time. I have had no trouble since. Charles T. Bauer, Volant, Pa., Mar. 11, 1908." Potter Drue Jc Chem. Corp., Solo Props., Boston, The Auctioneer's Hourglass. An auctioneer of Philadelphia col lects all sorts of objects pertaining to his ancient calling. He has, among other things, an interesting set of auc tioneer's hourglasses. The auctioneer, a century or so ago, concluded a sale, not by saying "Go ing—going—gone!" and rapping the counter with his hammer, but it was his better method to turn up a free running glass toward the end of the bidding, and to end the sale irrevoca-1 bly when the sands ran out. This saved confusion and dispute. The auctioneer's glasses in the Philadelphia collection are pictur- j esque. One is of tortoise shell and mother of pearl. Another is of amber and gold. A third is of teak and ivory. Comparisons Necessary. "We find repeatedly how imperfeqtly figures convey to the ordinary mind the magnitude of objects," says the Welt Spiegel, "and how much more readily they are comprehended by i comparison." To substantiate the as- i sertion a picture is produced of the cathedral at Cologne, which is 160 meters in height, and next to it Is placed a picture of the Zeppelin air ship, standing on end, reaching away j beyond the middle of the highest sec- j tion of the steeple, and to within 26 ' meters of the apex. The picture also shows the Triumphal column at Ber- j lin, 61 meters in height, and next to it j the airship Parsifal, 50 meters high, | as it stands on end. DIDN'T KNOW Coffee Was the Cause. Many daily habits, particularly of eating and drinking, are formed by fol- j lowing our elders. In this way ill health is often fas- 1 tened upon children. A Ga. lady says: i "I had been allowed to drink coffee j ever since 1 could remember, but even j as a child I had a weak stomach, I which frequently refused to retain | food. "The taste of coffee was in my j mouth all the time and was, as I found ; out later, the cause of the stomach re belling against food. "I now see that it was only from fol- i lowing the example of my elders that I I formed and continued the miserable ] habit of drinking coffee. My digestion remained poor, nerves unstrung, fre- j quent headache, and yet I did not sus- ! pect the true cause. "Another trouble was a bad, muddy j complexion for which 1 spent time and ! money for creams, massaging, etc., without any results. "After I was married I was asked to j try Postum, and would you believe it, | I, an old coffee toper, took to Postum | from the very first. We made it right j —according to directions on the pkg., j and it had a most delicate flavor, and I ' at once quit coffee, with the happiest ! results. "I now have a perfectly clear, smooth j skin, fine digestion and haven't had a | headache In over two years." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle I Creek, Mich. Read, "The Road to Well ville," in pkgs. Hver read the nlinve letterf A new one nppenrx from time to time. They lire Ken nine, true, uud full of huuiun Interest. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY n, 1909. Alt Who Would Enjoy good health, with its blessings, must un derstand, quite clearly, that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy ment,, of contemplation effort may bo made to contribute to living aright. Then the use of medicines may be dis pensed with to advantage, but under or dinary conditions in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu able if taken at the proper time and the California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is alike important to present the subject truthfully and to supply the one perfect laxative to those desiring it. Consequently, the Company's Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general ! satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale ' by all leading druggists. A Needed Change. The navy department recently re ceived from the commander-in-chief of the fleet an official communication relative to certain changes recom mended by him to be made in the uni form shirt of the enlisted men. In ac | cordance with custom this letter was | forwarded to various officials for com ! ment or expression of opinion, the re marks of each officer being appended on an indorsement slip. Each indorse ment Introduces the subject matter of the letter in a brief, and one of them thus tersely explained the contents: "Commander-in-chief desires to change shirt."—Lippincott's. THE PERUNA ALMANAC. The druggists have already been sup- I plied with the Peruna almanac for j 1909. In addition to the regular astro ] nomical matter usually furnished In : almanacs, the articles on astrology l are very attractive to most people. [ The mental characteristics of each J sign are given with faithful accuracy. | A list of lucky and unlucky days will be furnished to those who have our almanacs, free of charge. Address The Peruna Co., Columbus. 0. Football vs. Prayer. Willie, aged five, was taken by hit father to his first football game. The feature that caught his chief approval, i however, did not become evident till he said his prayers that night. To the J horror of his parents, Willie prayed with true football snap: God bless papa, God bless mamma, God bless Willie; Boom! Rah! Rah! —Success Magazine. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halll Oatarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon« orable In all business transactions and financially able to carry cut any obligations made by his Arm. WALDINU, KINNAN A MARTIN, Wholesale iJruKsrtata, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents par bottle. Sold by all Druggist*. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The Rev. William Y. Chapman of Newark, N. J., thinks that the uplift movement should be extended to the kitchen girl. "There is no one," he declares, "I sympathize with so much as the woman who serves things upon dishes and then has to wash the dish es again. It is the most thankless job on the planet" Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Yom Kippur. When everything else is surrendered that is distinctive of Jewish ceremo nialism the atonement retains its grip on the vast majority of Israelites. Kip pur is the last link binding them to their community, their faith and its peculiar observance. Every Woman Will Be Interested. y° u have pains in the back. Urinary. Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's J.' try Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN ~i„. '.. ls „ a safe and never-failing reg aJll'ir n 1 Dru e«'sts or by mail 50 eta. Si Pi package KREE. Address, Tha Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Exactly. "His wife's beauty and grace keeps him hypnotized." "Then he's one of those fellowß who lead a charmed life."—Exchange. Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu rine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago! for illustrated Eye Book. At Druggists. Of course we all believe that it is better to give than to receive—until Bouie one passes around the hat. PILES COKED IN O TO 14 I>AYH. PAZ( )01 NTM KNT Is gua riU i toed to our.- UI,V runs of Itching. Mind, Blooding or I'rotrudlng Pllea In li to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. The words coined in the mint do not increase our vocabulary. Mr*. VVI [i.low's Soothing Byrnp. For children teething, Hofiens tho gums, reduce! In tauimnilou, allays pulu, cure* wind oollu. 26c u bottle. Marriage is the hurdle between ro mance and reality. Tlioso Tired, Aehinir Feet of Yours need Allen's Foot-Ease. ».• at your Write A. S. Olmsted, La ltoy. N. v., Lr sampl£ The more a girl smiles the less she means it EXTRAORDINARY INCREASE IN FARM LANDS. "80UTHERN ALBERTA IS A MIGHTY GOOD COUNTRY." No stronger or better evidence can be given of the merits of a country than that which comes from the testi mony of the settler who has deter mined to succeed. This is why we reproduce the following letter, which speaks for itself. These people were in duced togo to Western Canada through the solicitation of a Canadian Government agent, who secured for them the low railway rates. "Carmangay, Alta., Canada, 12-15-' 08. "Mr. C. J. Broughton, Canadian Gov ernment Agency, 135 Adams Street, Chicago: We had audacity enough to tackle the proposition of buying four sections of land in Southern Alberta, thirty miles east of Clairsholra and heading up on the Little Bow, and our two boys each got a homestead ad joining. We fenced three sections and the two homesteads, and built a house, barn, corrals and granary, .and have since enlarged some of these build ings. We have broken 200 acres of land, which has been sowed to oats and wheat. During the severe winter of two years ago the winter wheat killed out somewhat, and our crop yielded only ten bushels to the acre, but the spring wheat went 24 bushels to the acre. In this country we must be prepared for storms and cold, at times 20 to 30 below zero, yet on the whole the winters are mild; and while there are exceptional crops, it is fair to say that the average farmer can depend on having a yield in average years of from 20 to 25 bushels to the acre for spring wheat; and winter wheat in our immediate neighborhood yields from 25 to 30 bushels to the acre on the average. We have now quite a bunch of horses, over 50 in all, about 350 sheep, after having sold 140 for mutton this fall. We have 20 head of pure bred registered Shropshire, which are worth ?20 each. The average price received for mutton sheep was $5.00 and a little over. Pork brings 5 and 6 cents a pound. We have about 30 head of cattle on our ranch now, and last winter they picked their en tire living from our pasture, running to the straw stacks for shelter at night. "The increase of land values has beep extraordinary. Our land four years ago cost us a little less than $6.00 an acre. We have sold one sec tion for J15.00, but we would not sell any more for less than $25.00 per acre, as we expect the railroad within four miles of our ranch within the next 18 months. Southern Alberta of West ern Canada is a mighty good country for any man or woman who loves outdoor life, and who wants to get good re turns for their labor and investment. "We have been pleased with our treatment from the Canadian Govern ment, and can heartily commend South ern Alberta as a splendid country in which to locate. "Yours very truly, (Signed) "JAMES S. AINSLIE AND SONS." THE UNEMPLOYED. "There's plenty of work about if you only look for it." "Yes, and by the time I've found it all me energy's gone!" Prof. Munyon says: Cure a cold and you prevent Consumption. His opin ion is now shared by the leading physicians of the country, and the wonderful cures that are being made by Munyon's Cold Remedy have at tracted the attention of the whole medical fraternity. These little sugar pellets break up a cold in a few hours, and almost universally prevent Bron chitis and Pneumonia. Camphor as Medicine. As a medicine camphor is invaluable If used judiciously. If six or ten drops are taken on a lump of sugar when sneezing starts, a bad cold in the head can often be checked. This dose should not be repeated closer than an hour apart. Be sure that it agrees with you. Do not neglect constipation, for this con dition poisons the blood and leads to chron ic ill health. Garfield Tea, the mild herb laxative, corrects constipation, keeps the blood pure, and the health good. A man never realizes how silly 'his love letters are until he hears some of them read in court. There is no Safer Remedy for a Cough, or throat trouble than "Brown's Bronchial Troches." 25 cents a box. Sample free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. Many a man has lost his life In try ing to collect the living he thought the world owed him. WHY suffer with eve troubles, quick re lief by using PF/ITITN EYE SALVE 25c All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y." I-ess than a pint of whisky may make a peck of trouble. OJM.Y ONE "HROiWO QUININE" That Ik LAXATIVE BHOMO odININKJ. took fnl the signature of K. W. (iItoVIS. Usert tfm World over to Luro a Cold in On« l.ujr. 26c. You might say of a legal wedding, 'Certainly knot." CUfc 2ue6tUOH/ "Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound? " If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. I here is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been restored to health by this fanious old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousands of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write and ask her. Houston, Texas.—'" When I first began taking 1 E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound I was a total wreck. I had heen sick for three years with female troubles, chronic dyspepsia, and a liver trouble. I had tried several doctor's medicines, but nothing did me any good. "For three years I lived on medicines and thought I would never get well, when I read an ndvertisment of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and was advised to try it. "My husband got me one bottle of the Compound, and it did me so much good I continued Its use. lam now a well woman and enjoy the best of health. "I advise all women suffering from such troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't regret it, for It will surely cure you." Mrs. Bessie L. Hicks, 810 Cleveland St., Houston. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks. Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion, and reduces the swelling. Sloan's Liniment is an excellent antiseptic and germ £ killer heals cuts, burns, wounds and / £ _ A \ contusions, and will draw the poison -1 ™ 1 f rom st i n g poisonous insects. \ / Prion, 25c., 50c., and SI.OO. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Sloan'tt book oil liorseg, cattle, sheep and poultry lent free, COLT DISTEMPER be handled very easily. The nick are cured, and all others In 'NBS'SM Kamestable, no matter how "exposed.** kept from having the dls ' ,irto i l,v ÜBlu K WOHNW LIQUID DISTKMPEK CUKE. Give on jyX .< WU.VAM jay?t bo touguo.or 1" feed. Act** on the blood and expels germs of * v3r *X91 • F&MVSJ a ' l * orn,H distemper. Best remedy ever known for mares In foal. ; i\ 23vX- jAUXm 1 ° ne bottle guaranteed to euro jne ease. fiOc li a hot tie; t6 and I / HO dozen of druggistsand harness dealers. or sent express paid by s-XjXuNfs:•* i Booklot gives everything. I.oeal agents wanted. largest selling r *^'' *rirar.Ti»i l yborseremedy In existence—twelve years. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Ch«aiEUudßacieriiii»gl»u, Coshon> Ind., U.S.A. PARKERS HAIR BALSAM '1 will r , ' 1 « r "" J aud beautifies the hair. E231551C TO! I ' romolce ft luxuriant growth. #. Failo to Bcotore Gray MHv »#B« Ho4r to "s Youthful Color. KV •'tkiA Cures acalp diseairj ti imir iailiuff. " 60c, and #I.OO at PmgKhte Car f enters armers sent us with names of 10 plane users. GAGE TOOL CO., Vim-lane!, X.J. oJcsT'ul.c; Thompson's Eye Wafer Invest Your Savings In the Lending Railroad and Industrial Storks of This Country. We will buy fnr you on the New York Btock Kx clinnice.stocksfroin out) share and upward at market prices. \\ rile forourolK(UJl>AK A2!l. We will vend to thosn Interested, en request, our ltallroail or In dustrial KeeoWsKlvinK most detailudinforuiatiunaf all thu leading stocksoi this country. J. F. PIERSON, JR., & CO., McmbtTsuf tbo New York Stock Kxt luiiigc, C 8 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. A. N. K.—C (1909 —8) 2268. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers