Pure dl/ l^e c hief fcj the active principle, f| and healthfuineas, to [ROYAL if§fej I ?Sw? e g R ISPI | WL *Pure /jm ! wholesome and feto-j£r food for every day j&r in every home j&P No Phoiphatea LOCAL UEPAKTMIvNT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution -tiivitid. That which you would like u> stern tnis ,tr /..i rtmtntjct «. * » 011: bp poi tale. "l, telle i u ,<• rt.mnllii. MUs Roth.l Krt i<ter, oi Driftwood, called on friends at tills place last Sat- U rd ay. Matthew Gmeimer, of Sterling Run, transacted business at this place last Saturday. Messrs. John and Edward Schwab, of Cameron, were business callers at this place Saturday. Winifred S. Lingleand family of this place, were guests of relatives at John sonburg over Sunday. Mrs. I. K. Hockley, went to Pitts burg, Wednesday morning, to be ab sent the balance of the week. Miss Lena Bair, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rose Lupole, at Olean, last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Paul S. Smith and son have re" turned from an extended visit with the former's parents, at Sheffield. Mrs. Fred Webster and daughter, Miss Irene, of Canoe Run, were shop ping at this place, on Saturday. Miss Julia Hogar, of this place, is visiting at Bingt-amton, N. Y., the guest of her sistei, Mrs. Getchel. Miss Florence Lingle, tbe bright and pleasant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lingle, was a PRESS visitor yester day. Mr. A. C. Brehn, of St. Marys, musi cal director of the mountaineer min strels, was in town Monday, drilling tne boys. Mrs. S. S. Smith, who has been ail ing for some time, we sincerely regret to learn i 3 very low and in a critical condition. Miss Ethel Fisher, of Howard Siding, departed last Sunday on a trip which will include places in Western Penn sylvania and Ohio. Mrs. Lawrence Fisk and little daugh ter departed for Jersey Shore last Sat urday, where they will visit relatives for about one month. We are pleased to learn that D. B. Morton, of Sizer Ruu, has recovered from bis three months illness and re sumed his position as passenger con ductor on Buffalo Division. Hon. Josiab Howard came home from Harrisburg last Thursday after noon and was confined to his residence until yesterday, when he felt that be must beat Harrisburg. John Ellis and Chae. Foster, two of Emporium's young men, went to To ledo, 0., last Tuesday, having secured work in a glass plant in that city. The boys are active and we hope may pros per. Jasper Harris is in Philadelphia and New York city, killing two birds with fine stone—visiting with his wife, who who is guest of relatives in New York and purchasing new attractions for his clothing trade. County Commissioner S. P. Kreid er, of Driftwood, swooped down upon us Monday and pushed his PRESS along another year and at the same time did a like act for an honored neighbor. Walter Morrison, a respected friend of many years standing, who is a faith ful Supt. for C. B. Howard Co., was a welcome PRESS caller Saturday even ing. Cameron county does not con tain a more reliable citizen. Mrs. Henry Auchu and daughters the Misses Edna and Ellen were busi ness callers at Buffalo the last of the week, returning home on Saturday. They were pleasantly entertained by Dr. and Mrs. E. O. Bardwell at their pleasant residencejat 1175 Main Street. H. C. Olmsted and wife of Bradford, Pa., were guests at the home of A. F. Andrews and family at East Empori um, tbe last of the week. Mrs. Olm- Bted lost * muff while visiting here, but was fortunat9 enough to recover the same before leaving town. The muff was found by Mrs. Stumpf. Prof. Ezra B. Smith and J. S. Walk ey, two very efficient Grove school tea chers were PRESS callers, last Satur day. They are excellent gentlemen and should be kept right here in Cam eron county and not be compelled to goto the otlipr counties to secure schools. We enjoyed their visit very much. Call again, gents. Albert Murray, night watch at jail is confined to his home, being quite sick, threatened with pneumonia. Dr.« Bush is attending him. Mr. Murray had been up so much lately assisting In caring for his little daughter, Grace, who was very low with pneumonia, ami caught a severe cold. Miss Vina, who came down from Ridgway to help her mother during her sister's illness, will remain at home until her father improves. I C. C. Pearl, the noted and popular I minstrel manager, was a business caller a' this place during tbe oast week. Mr. Pearl attended the rehearsal 'if the Mountaineer Minstrel Company on Monday evening, and spoke of tbe chorus work in the highest- praise. Visiting State Library. Mrs. D. W. Felt, Librarian of Em porium Librarj is on a visit to tne State Library at Harrisburg, in quest of information. X-ray llsed. V. E. Crum and W. H. Lupoid came up from Sinnemahoning this morning and called on Dr. Heilman to have the X-ray used on Mr. Lupold's right wrist and found one bone broken. Dr. Cor bett had done a good job at the time of accident on Tuesday. Fine For Kidneys. Here is a simple horn*-made mix ture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. He states that such symptoms as lame back, pain the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night ; painful and discolored urination, are readily overcome. Hero is the recipe. Try it. Fluid bxtract Dandelion, one-bal 112 ounce; Compound Kargon 1 ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. These ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at homo by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This mixture is said to remove all disorders and cure Rheu matism forcing the kidneys to filter and strain from the blood and strain from the blood and system all uric acid and foul, decomposed matter, which cause these afflictions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the prescription. The People's Voice. The decision of Hon. B. \V. Creen, of Emporium, to become a candidate for the Supreme Court Judgeship of Pennsylvania has met with the warm approval of the public at large, regard less of party, and in view of this we wish to express the sentiments of the people regarding Judge Green in the following verses : "Cameron County once again unto the front has coiue, And offers to the people another honored son ; The Supreme Bench, it is the goal, and in this scat we mean, To place our honored citizen, Judge Benjamin W. Green. For thirty-live successive years he's practiced at the Bar, For square and honest dealing he is known both wide and far ; In the U. S. and the Supreme Courts they know his manly ways, And while he was our President Judge, his work was justly praised. In Cliuton, Elk and Cameron, he's heartily en* dorsed, Regardless ol all politics the people's choice, of course ; The convention will make no mistake if they will nominate, Judge Green fur Bunreme Justice, he's an honor to our State. j . F. 8. Our old friend "Da nnie" Sullivan is very much elated over the nomina tions of Operators Messrs. Page, Ivrape and Hoag for township honors and has submitted the following verses which seem very appropriate at this time: •'Election is coming, so get on your muscle, And Tor all your cindidites, get out and hustle; For Old Lumber Township must come to the front, It's up to the voters to all do theiru stnt. We want Page for Justice, he'll sure make a dandy. He is posted in law and is willing and hady; He's a good solid man and a"whale" on thewire, And in serving his township, he never will tire. Brother Krapois for Auditor, another good man, He can handle a pen with the best in the land, He canjraise good potatoes, he's a key man of note. And we want him to get every citizen's vote. Frank Hoag, School Director, also Supervisor, As an all-around man he is a surpriser; He can make the wires sing, and line chickens can raise, Vote for him and be happy the rest of your days. These three men I've named work in Cameron Tower, They guard people's lives each one in his hours; From the straight path of duty they never will stray. Their motto is"honir," come whatever may. Our town will be safe if we will elect them, They are honest and true, so do not reject them. No one will be sorry, if this step they take, And elect the whole three of them, Page, Hoag and Krape." P. 8. Tune—"lrish Washwoman." J. F. 8. For Sale Cheap. A Cutter--red car plush trimmings; in flrst-class condition. 51-tf. W. W. WIEMAN. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1909 Council Proceedings. Regular meeting Borough Council, Emporium, February 1, 1909. PrcHtnt: Messrs. White, Marshall, Goodnougb, Frietjdel, Hamilton, Rishe'.i and Mumford. Abu nt: Mr. Curaminjjs. Minutes of last regular meeting read anil approved. The I iIIb were read and Air. Itinhell moved, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, that the following bills ho paid an read: John Welch, Work on Streets, - ■ $ 8 75 .Tames Murray, do 8 75 John Oauntz, do '2 14 James Hhughrou, do ... • 269 Hen ly Hall. do 2 11 Lee Swart/, do 2 11 William Hall, do 1 75 Patsey Baker, do .... . 87 Tony Robins, do 87 Mack Spence. do 87 John Knarr, do 87 James Farreli, do 1 26 James l)uvin, Work on Sewers 1 75 W. O. Roussey, Installing Meters 5 08 Karl Metis, Work on 10. L. Engine, 1 fiO Thos. T. M. Miner, Invoice, 7 25 Robertson Electro Co., Invoice, (8) 13 48 Struthers Wells Co., Invoice 7 02 General Electric Co., Invoice, (3)... 113 06 St. Marys Oas Co., for January, 1008,. 33 C 9 Emporium Water Co., Water July 1, 1 'H'B to Jan. 1, 1909 502 OO Commonwealth of I'a.. Tax on BoudtiltKMS, 30 02 Johnson StMcNarney, professional service Ifi'-' 85 Geo. P. Jones. Grades Streets and SeWers, 65 10 W. H.Cramer, City Hall Bell Tower, ... 775 E. I). White. Paid freight an ! Exp. bills, 5 49 Moved by Mr Mumford, seconded by Mr. itisheil, thai chuck from Mr Huntington for $3(5 1" l>e accepted its payment in fuii for sidewalk on Em-t Third street built by borough. Carried Moved by Mr. Marshall, second ed by Mr. Goodnough, that an Ordin ance entitled, "An Ordinance to ap prove the plan of organization of the Board of Health, ot Emporium, Pa., and the Sanitary Regulation adopted by said Board be passed as read before the Council. A vote was taken and the Councilmen voted as follows: Ayes—Friendbl, Goodiiough, White, Rishell, Marshall, Hamilton and Mum ford.—7. Nays.—None. Tiie motion was declared eai ri«-d. Moved by Mr. Goodnough, seconded by Mr. Marshall, that the Secretary have an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance to approve the plan of or ganise ttion of the Board of Health of Emporium. Pi , and the Sanitary Regulations adopted by said Board" publishad as required by law. Unani mously carried. Treasurer's report read and ordered tile d;amounts as follows: Receipts for Jan, 1909. §189.66; expenditures for Jan. 1909, $478.94; balance on hand Feb. 1, 1909, $3,950 05 Message from Burgess was read in which resolution of January sth, "that Theatorium be exonerated from pay ment of license tax" was vetoed. Moved by Mr. Goodnough, seconded by Mr White, that resolution of Jan. sth, exonerating Theatorium from pay ment of license tax be passed notwith standing the veto of the Burgess. A vote was taken and the Councilmen voted as follows: Ayes—none. Nays Messrs. Friendel, Goodnough, White, Rishell, Marshall, Hamilton and Mum ford.—7. The motion waß declared lost. Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Goodnough, that Theatorium pay license of $25.00 per year, payable quarterly in advance, and that license paid since January 4, 1909 be applied on yearly 1 ense. Unanimously car ried. Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Goodnough, that Council adjourn to meet Thursday, February 25,1909, at 8 o'clock, P. M. R. C.MOORE, Secretary. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is no medicine made that is re lied upon with more iuplicit confidence than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholo.a and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale hy Taggart. Bake Sale. The Mission Band of the M. E. Church will hold a bake sale in Parson's Bazaar, Saturday afternoon and even ing. Your patronage is solicited. Not Bull Run. The story was told of an American who happened to be crossing the ocean some years ago on the Fourth of July, which national holiday was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the Ameri cans on board. "I say," asked one of the English men, "what is this the anniversary of anyhow? Isn't It to celebrate the bat tle of Bull Run or something of that kind?" "No," promptly spoke up an Ameri can, "not Bull Run—John Bull Run." Takes Him Down. "Every inan has his price," quoted the wise guy. "Well, I've noticed that a woman can generally make him feel pretty cheap," added the simple mug.—Phila delphia Record. A Wonderful Hand. Master—l'm sorry to hear, Pat, that your wife Is dead. Fatrick—Faith an' 'tis a sad day for us all, sir! The hand that rocked the cradle has kick ed the bucket. Fear and Danger. Nervous Old I.ady (to deck hand on ! steamboats —Is there any fear of dan ger? Deck Hand (carelessly)— Plenty of fear, ma'am, but not a bit of dan ger. Caleb Powers Coming 1 ; The rioted Kentuckyan and ox-Seere- I tary of.State, Caleb Powers, for years chargf d with complicity in the murder j of Senator Win. Goebel. Once sentenced to death, twice sen j tenccd to life imprisonment; morethnn j eight years behind prison baiv; finally 1 pardon eel. Most wonderful light for ife and liberty in the annals of Ameri can history. Will lecture at the court j nous*'. Thursday evening, February, i 2Mr t. Subject— upon the Scat' | fold; Wrong Upon the Throne." 1 Under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. Don't miss it. Reserved seats 75c; general admission 50c. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE i IST. Emporium. Pn.. Feb. 4, l!' 09. NEMOPIUI.A. i»e' i X • 10 Felt's Fancy, ' I B5 Pet Grove, " I SO Graham, 70 Rye * .. 80 Patent Meal " 50 Buckwheat Flour 8> Buckwheat Flour, 101b sack i 5 narse M •. 1 per 100, I 50 Chop Feed, " 1 50 Matchless Egg Maker, per 100 2 50 Cracked Corn per 100 1 50 Screenings " 1 5n Oil Meal " 1 85 Middlings 1 60 Hran 1 50 Chicken Wheat 185 Coin ~er bushel 8-1 Oyst r Shells, per 100 75 White')a.»,i>*r 'lushel 65 Seed Oats per bushel Buckwheat 1 70 Alfalfa Meal 1 40 Choke Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy Seed, > At Market fric." Choice Millet Seed, 1 —i—— R.C. DODSON, THE DRUGGIST EMl'OKi 5'.H . I* A . - jrlP' ..., mm** p>fVM • ■!' ' / \ IS LOCATED IN THt CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts. R.C. IIOIJSOM . Telephone, 19-2. j 18. Meisel's j | Saturday Candy Sale j 3 Continues popular with lovers of > > fresh home-made candies. High J sin quality and low in price. Our \ £ NOUGAT "tastes like more," i > Special Saturday 25c per lb. } s Our large variety of Taffies and j J Brittles at 10c per lb are unsur- > \ passed. Crisp fresh Salted Pea- J s nuts at 10c lb. > i OUR MOTTO ) \ Purity & Cleanliness \ V Ice Cream, and Grape Juice ( for Invalids s 112 J. B. MEISEL. £ <l> 1 rkrk will buy five pas-. A sender gasoline touring car. First class running condition. Address !•'. C. V.. % 304 Delawu.-e Av. .. N.Y. rii mil 1111 mil 11 in min 1111 iinii mmm i mm iwn mmm ftflYAI RI FNH H| GH GRADE COFFEE 35c aLb 3 lbs $1 I AVl'l/lLi DL.L.IW NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE. TRY IT. I SLICED *yj C» ! ' TRY COOKEO IjjHL 1 iD ° UR The Satisfactory Store SLICED 35c a Ll » BACON ft I Special Prices for Friday and Saturday, this Week I Opportunities for Substantial Saving. Groceries I Sugar 25II) Hag l)est granulated Sugar, $1.55. Prunes Large, meaty and tender. Regular 20c I value a lb 15c. 50c quality lea, including Basket Fired uucolored - Japan, Ceylon, Oolong, the lb 40c. v , r s c imported IMacaroni, any style, pkye 12c. 5 lbs Best Rolled Oats for 2=50. ft I Hamburg brand Lauued Apples, the gallon 32c. California Mams—Trimmed Shoulder a lb 9c. §| Pure Lard in bulk lb 13c. Domestic Sardines,packed in oil 6 cans 25c. 20c Cherries the can 16c. Walter Baker Co's Cocoa )A lb tin 22c. I In the House Furnishing Department Regular 15c I'.rie (ias Mantle, two for 25c. Regular 27c, 3q t "Aetna" enameled Stew Pan 22c |§ Regular 15c Strainer, fine mesh, each "12c. w Regular 15c Hour Seives, each 12c. ft I Baltimore Shucked Oysters & Lake Fish Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. I IT i» IT 0 ra^'s Poultry Regulator and Peerless II H Crushed Oyster Shell and make your hens I profitable. Get them here. a FREE DELIVERY to all parts of Town ! * Twice Each Day I .. You Get Better Values Here. • J. H. DAY, ! Phone 6. Emporiui^^^ J CONTINUED ' INVENTORY SALE ® I RlanlfotQ at ' ir °" )e <§§) j Did! I I\UIU Blankets,very cheap |j|p Ladies Furnishings—A most complete |p at greatly reduced prices. ||| | Special, I ||j| A great reduction in prices, on fP Winter Kimonas, short and long, IP Ladies and Infants night robes made of the best outing flannel; ggi for style and comfort are un- jjj|p II OUTING FLANNELS. jj| j|r 12c Outings reduced to 10c ||| 10c Outings reduced to 8c IP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers