Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 14, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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S2O Coats for
Ladies black or garnet Broadcloth, lose fitting Coats, beautifully
trimmed with braid and lined throughout with gray satin.
sls Goats for Ey.oo
Woman's black caracul short Coats, nicely trimmed with braide
These coats are a close imitation of fur and almost indistructable.
$12.50 Goats for Ey.OO
Woman's black and castor, Kersey Cloth Coats, nicely trimmed with
braid, lose fitting back, splendid quality cloth. A great bargain.
$5.98 Goats for .69
A number of heavy cloth coats for Ladies and Misses. Take your
choice at above price.
$3.98 Goats for^*9&
Misses Coats in size 14 only, made of mixed cloth nicely trimmed.
Every one of our Stylish Woman's long, close fitting Coats, swell
Suits and Misses and Children's coats GREATLY REDUCED.
FURS ' All our furs greatly reduced. Now is the time
bargains in furs.
MT r | IKipflYi a ' liloS * £* ven awa y- your choice
• S of any trimmed hat in our
stock, former prices up to $6.50 at each
And Here are the Bargains Stfis
CottOllS Q.nd Exquisite fine Dress Ginghams with silk
15c Lonsdale Cambric, sale price 12ic dots, regular prioe socyard. 25c
12£ Fruit of Loom Bleached Cotton 10c Kalepnce ' =
11/1 TIOIV TT„if Til -i -| , Scotch Zephyr Gingham 30 inches wide,
® Half Bleaohed Cotton 9*C beautiful large and sman plaids and
9c Bleached Cotton sale price - - 7ic stri P es > regular price 35c and Ig e
10c best quality unbleached cotton 81c 25cperyard ' &alepnce =
- „ - Voile Francais is plain colors, looks like
good quality unbleached cotton Olc wool, regular price 25c per
7zC good quality unbleached cotton 6c yard * Hale I)rice _ '
best quality bleached sheeting 32c Nippon Silk ' il beilutiflll weight
9 4- 1•. . T _ , cloth, plain colors, with silk ring dots.
* Dest Quality bleached sheeting 29c regular price 25c per yard. -t C? _
5 best quality bleached sheeting 26c Sale price " =2? j
U 0 best quality unbleached sheeting- 28c Royal Chamb,ay ' Light Jslue an(l pink - ;
n , T ... —— —- regular price 15c per yard. 1A„
* best quality unbleached sheeting 26c sale price - - -
§ best quality unbleached sheeting 24c Linen finished suiting in light and !
81x90 best quality, hemmed sheets 71c medium blue regular price j
— 15c. Sale price - _ '
Speeial Bargains in White m T O T j
Bed SpreadvS 15c - Sale P ric ° - - ==£■
| Regular SI. OO white Croclied Quilts . . -
i Qnilta - - $1,71 SHIRT WAISTS |
Bed Comforters Greatly Reduced Pino Wliito Lawn Shirt Vaiste, original
SI.OO Comforters reduced to - . - Q/J price 81.25, hot all sizes. CIA j
ZTT"" 7" , , Sale price ...
I 81.J) (iOniforters reduced to - - . 93c =
82.00 Comforters reduced to 3 " ] en Handsome Embroidered Lawn Waists, -
351 former prices $1.50 to <£ 1 A A i
g2.2.'» Com for! <ts mluml <<■ - SIBO ?2.00. Sale price - Xl———
j _
jjf\# Am. I i 1 H ' Grertest Store,
g Breezy g
I County|
1 Netfs I
How the telephones do ring,
From the charming homes of ours;
When the young people sing,
To their loved ones all hours.
James Calhoun and wife, of Cross
Forks, are visiting their relatives at
the homes of Mrs. Summerson and W.
H. Miller.
Mrs. Rachel.Miller spent several days
with her sister, Mrs. Logue, of Wyside,
near Sinnamahoning, who is seriously
ill from a complication of diseases, in
cident to old age.
First Fork's good friend William
Gorman, of Lycoming county, called
on many of his friends last week. He
was born and raised in Cameron coun
ty, in the vicinity of First Fork. It
haw been seven years since he passed
through here andabout seventeen years
since he left this county. His many
friends were glad to greet him.
The tenant house near the stone
crusher, formely used by section men
of the B. & S., was torn down the past
week by that company.
J. H. Bierly, a popular merchant, of
Sabinsvilie, paid a short visit to his
brother-in-law, Frank L. Miller.
Why is it that some of our young
people look down hearted? Oh 1 It is
because the flood and warm weather
took the beautiful off, so they cannot
skate. Our stream certainly got a
good cleaning out once, it being so
dry for along while.
On account of the many changes in
the weather, many of our people have
bad colds and the grip. We hope for
their speedy recovery.
The Sinnamahoning Valley Tele
phone Company have decided to
switch-off at O. R. McCoole's and go
across the creek, by way of F. J. Shaf
fer's, and recross the bridge at the sec
tion house. Walter Swank, Brooks
Lushbaugh and J. E. Bowers are busy
at work setting posts and stringing
wire. They will soon reach Sinnama
honing, and then many an unnecces
ful trip can be prevented.
Mr. Penrith moved some ofhisfurni
ture to Lushbaugh, last week. He ex
pects to work on the section at that
A series of revival church services
are being held at the Gilmore school
house every night. They have receiv
ed some new members. This speaks
well for First Fork, the beginning of
this new year.
Our good friend, James H. Haynes,
spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs.
Amos Bennett, of Sinnamahoning.
Some of our farmers are taking ad
vantage of the low prices by purchas
ing their timothy and clover seed for
next summer. A dollar saved is a
dollar earned.
Quite a number of telephones have
been placed in homes the past week.
The people who have had their tele
phones for some time would not like to
dispose of them.
The second of a series of teachers'
institutes of Grove township, was held
last Saturday, Jan. 9, 1909 About fif
teen people were in attendance Prof.
M. H. Bair, Principal of the schools of
Sinnamahoning, aided us in singing
six or eight songs, afterwards the in
stitute was begun. Prof Bair made
several speeches: an address was made
by Ezra Smith, on Physiology. The
subject of spelling was discussed by
John S. Walkey. Other short talks
were given. One of the directors was
also present. Prof. Bair deserves
much credit for his kindness in assist
ing us with the institute and the sing
ing. He Isa man much interested in
education and a successful teacher.
We invite him to our future institutes.
The party and taffy pull held at the
home of William Swank, last Saturday
night, was very much enjoyed by all.
They were entertained by Mr. Swank's
fine graphphoone.
James H. Ilaynes,W.ll. Miller, Miles
Smith and Jesse Logue have gone to
the county seat to attend court as iurv
Hon. John A. Wykoff went to Em
porium on Monday, to preside as As
sociate Judge this week.
.. 1
(Other County News 011 sth page.)
Notice to Customers.
Notice is hereby given to all of my
customers that from this date I shall
demand payment in full for all pur- |
chases during each week, every Satur- '
day night. We will adhere to this i
rule strictly.
Emporium, Pa., Dec, 28th, 19DS.- !
English Spavin Liniment removed j
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and '
Blemishes from horses; also Biuod 1
Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring i
Hone, St if! Os, Sprains, Swollen Throats !
Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one
bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure.
Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32 6m j
Good for cuts, burns, and !
scratches, but especially recommended for j
piles—DeWitt's (Jarboliz <1 Witch Hazel
Salve. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Asks Us to Print.
To relieve the worst forma of Rheu
matism, take a teaspoonful of the fol
lowing mixture after each meal and at
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
These harmless ingredients can be
obtained from our home druggists, and
are easily mixed by shaking them well
in a bottle. Relief is generally felt
from the first few doses.
This prescription forces the clogged
up, inactive kidneys to filter and strain
from the blood the poisonous waste
matter and uric acid, which causes
As Rheumatism is not only the most
painful and torturous disease, but dan
gerous to life, this simple recipe will
110 dou'ot be greatly valued by many
sufferers here at home, who should at
once prepare the mixture to get this
It is said that a person who would
take this prescription regularly, a doeo
or two daily, or even a few times a
week, would never have seriouß Kid
ney or Urinary disorders or Rheuma
Cut this out and preserve it. Good
Rheumatism prescription which real
ly relieves are scarce, indeed, and when
you need it. yop want it badly.
In Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats must
now go at a Sweeping Reduction
We will now cut the price from 33 to 50 per cent, based 011
our reasonable prices. This knocks the bottom
from all our competitors.
We have a Great Line of Furs that must go
Come in here first and we will show you beauty, com
fort and style, at prices you can't duplicate. This advertise
ment is 110 fake. We will do as we say.
Ladies Waists at Greatly Reduced Prices
Four IJoors East of Post-Office.
H. A. Zarps &Co
__ shjrt WAJSTS
Regular Price $35.00 now $26.00 Regular Price $5.00 now $4.00
" " 29.00 " 21.00 " " 4.00 " 3.25
" " 28.50 " 20.00 " " 3.00 " 2.40
" " 25.00 " 18.00 " " 2.00 " 1.60
" " 22.50 •' 16.00 '• " 1.00 " 80
" " 15.00 " 12.00 " '■ 50 14 39
Regular Price $13.75 now SIO.OO Regular Price $24.00 now SIB.OO
" " 12.50 " 10.00 r 9-75 " 12.50
" " 10.25 " 8.00 1 9-5° 12.50
<< (t (( " " 18.00 " 12.00
9.75 7.90
L 7's° . 11-50
9 ' 5 ° 7 ' 75 " " .<3.75 " .0.00
8.50 " 6.851 „ „ l 6 jo
8.00 " 6.401 .. „ 15 . 50 .. 950
7.50 " 6.00 i " " 14.00 " 9.00
5.90 " 4.75 I " " 12.50 " 6.00
4 -75 " 3-9° l» " " 9.50 " 7.25
! Miq Goods at Sraatly
Council Proceedings.
Regular meeting Borough Council,
Emporium, Jan. 4, 1009. Present—
Messrs. Marshal!, Friendel, Good
nough,Norriß, MumiVird and H .imilton.
Absene—Messrs. White, Kishell and
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and approved.
The bills were read and on motion
Mr Marshall, seconded by Mr. Hamil
ton the following were ordered paid:
Kobt. Clark, hauling hose cart (2; 00
John Welsh, w; rk on streets, etc IB 62
.las. Murray, work on streets, etc 15 75
Tony Morrell work on strets 1 75
Jas. Skangron, work on streets 2 83
Thos. W. Con oy, work on streets BO
Henry Duran, vork on streets BO
Jan. Farrell, work on streets 1 14
Chas. Proster, w< rk on streets 2 25
ArchieThibolt,extrapolice 2 00
W. D. Drousse.v. extra work IClec. Lt etc 4 25
W.W. Knickerbocker " " 75
Levi Smith, invoice 9 95
Strut hers-Wells Co., invoice (3). ■ 6H 61
Stephens & Saunders 6t Co., invoice .... 271
I,ee Halderman, draying 1 75
Emporium Tel-phone Co.,long dint.calls 4 20
Kmpoiium ludi pendent, Board Health 17 00
F. V. Heilman Ac Co.. invoice 1 40
K. D. White, paid Fr't. and Ex. bills 4 21
81. Marys (ias Co., gas for Dec. 10"3 20 55
Police and Treasurer's reports read and order
ed filed, amounts as follows:—Receipts for Dec
$">00.50; expenditures for J cc. 1668.64; balance on
hand Jan. 1, 1909, $4,239.33.
Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Hamil
ton that bill of Johnson I* MeN'arney amounting
to $162.85 for professional services be laid on
table until itemized bill be presented to the Coun
Cil. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr.
Mnmford that Theatorium he exonerated front
payment of licence tax. Carried.
Mr. NurriiS offered his resignation as Council
man from Middle Ward and Mr. Ooodnough
moved, seconded by Mr. Marshall that Mr. Nor
ris'resignation be accepted and that Martin
Foster be elected Councilman in Middle Ward
until next regular election. Unanimously Car
On motion Council then adjourned.
H. C. MOORE, Secretary.