8 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE AT THE Blti STORE GOATS AND SUITS MUST GO S2O Coats for Ladies black or garnet Broadcloth, lose fitting Coats, beautifully trimmed with braid and lined throughout with gray satin. sls Goats for Ey.oo Woman's black caracul short Coats, nicely trimmed with braide These coats are a close imitation of fur and almost indistructable. $12.50 Goats for Ey.OO Woman's black and castor, Kersey Cloth Coats, nicely trimmed with braid, lose fitting back, splendid quality cloth. A great bargain. $5.98 Goats for .69 A number of heavy cloth coats for Ladies and Misses. Take your choice at above price. $3.98 Goats for^*9& Misses Coats in size 14 only, made of mixed cloth nicely trimmed. Every one of our Stylish Woman's long, close fitting Coats, swell Suits and Misses and Children's coats GREATLY REDUCED. FURS ' All our furs greatly reduced. Now is the time bargains in furs. MT r | IKipflYi a ' liloS * £* ven awa y- your choice • S of any trimmed hat in our stock, former prices up to $6.50 at each And Here are the Bargains Stfis CottOllS Q.nd Exquisite fine Dress Ginghams with silk 15c Lonsdale Cambric, sale price 12ic dots, regular prioe socyard. 25c 12£ Fruit of Loom Bleached Cotton 10c Kalepnce ' = 11/1 TIOIV TT„if Til -i -| , Scotch Zephyr Gingham 30 inches wide, ® Half Bleaohed Cotton 9*C beautiful large and sman plaids and 9c Bleached Cotton sale price - - 7ic stri P es > regular price 35c and Ig e 10c best quality unbleached cotton 81c 25cperyard ' &alepnce = - „ - Voile Francais is plain colors, looks like good quality unbleached cotton Olc wool, regular price 25c per 7zC good quality unbleached cotton 6c yard * Hale I)rice _ ' best quality bleached sheeting 32c Nippon Silk ' il beilutiflll weight 9 4- 1•. . T _ , cloth, plain colors, with silk ring dots. * Dest Quality bleached sheeting 29c regular price 25c per yard. -t C? _ 5 best quality bleached sheeting 26c Sale price " =2? j U 0 best quality unbleached sheeting- 28c Royal Chamb,ay ' Light Jslue an(l pink - ; n , T ... —— —- regular price 15c per yard. 1A„ * best quality unbleached sheeting 26c sale price - - - § best quality unbleached sheeting 24c Linen finished suiting in light and ! 81x90 best quality, hemmed sheets 71c medium blue regular price j — 15c. Sale price - _ ' Speeial Bargains in White m T O T j Bed SpreadvS 15c - Sale P ric ° - - ==£■ | Regular SI. OO white Croclied Quilts . . - i Qnilta - - $1,71 SHIRT WAISTS | Bed Comforters Greatly Reduced Pino Wliito Lawn Shirt Vaiste, original SI.OO Comforters reduced to - . - Q/J price 81.25, hot all sizes. CIA j ZTT"" 7" , , Sale price ... I 81.J) (iOniforters reduced to - - . 93c = 82.00 Comforters reduced to 3 " ] en Handsome Embroidered Lawn Waists, - 351 former prices $1.50 to <£ 1 A A i g2.2.'» Com for! 00.50; expenditures for J cc. 1668.64; balance on hand Jan. 1, 1909, $4,239.33. Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Hamil ton that bill of Johnson I* MeN'arney amounting to $162.85 for professional services be laid on table until itemized bill be presented to the Coun Cil. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Mnmford that Theatorium he exonerated front payment of licence tax. Carried. Mr. NurriiS offered his resignation as Council man from Middle Ward and Mr. Ooodnough moved, seconded by Mr. Marshall that Mr. Nor ris'resignation be accepted and that Martin Foster be elected Councilman in Middle Ward until next regular election. Unanimously Car ried. On motion Council then adjourned. H. C. MOORE, Secretary.