R. HE Cameron County's Largest and Finest Store. Free! Free! From now till Christmas we will give a handsome Satin Underskirt with every Ladies Suit, abso lutely FREE. Ladies Fur Turbans Special good values in a variety of furs. $2.25 to $5.00 Imitation Cut Glass in many shapes almost as fine as the real cut glass 15c and 19c. IC Am jU w Ilmicital rom now **" Christmas we will make a present to every one of our customers 1 LI 111 vy II Lio Ual buying Dolls or Toys from us. With every dollars worth of Toys or Dolls you \ J may take your choice of a dolls saque, kimona, petticoat, apron or sun bonnet FREE. 1 —— —— —— —— ——» ——— —— —— II ■IWIII 11 I Maw mm m «n— M— —— ——— —MM mmu II ■■ II ■ i BUM II ■■■ m— — —— —MM— Here is a List of Suitable Gifts for Every Member in the Family It For the Mother, Sister or Sweetheart 112 112 Black Silks for Dresses, special values at 75, 90, SI.OO a yd. 2 \ Plaid Silk for Waists, special values at 49 and 85c per yd. \ \ Fine Dress Goods, in patterns, special values at 8.00 to $14.00. \ 112 Stylish Dress Goods by the yard, 29, 50, 75c, and SI.OO. ) t Crepe de Chene for Scarfs, all colors, per yard 65c. < \ Messaline Silk in Evening 35 in. wide, si.2sper yd. 1 5 Perrins celebrated Kid Gloves, 100, 1.50 to $3.50. } r } Ladies Manish Leather Gloves, per pair $1.25. ) | ( Ladies Gauntlet Kid Gloves, per pair 1.25 to $2.00. ) s Ladies Lined Fabric Gloves, 25 to 50c. s s Ladies Knit Gloves and Mittens, 25c to 50c. \ > Ladies Silk Underskirts, 5.00, 6.50 to $9.00. > £ Ladies Heatherbloom Underskirts, 2.00, 3.C0, C 3-7- } £ Ladies Sateen Underskirts, 79, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, $2.00. < i Beautiful Silk Scarfs, latest patterns, 50c to $2.50. \ b Elegant Neckwear, the new high Ruching, 25c to $1.50. \ £ Real Lace Handkerchiefs, 1.25 to $4.00. } If Equisite Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10, 25 and 50c. ) ( Initial Handkerchiefs, 10 and 25c. ? \ Fancy Handkerchiefs, 5, 10, 15 and 25c. \ > Fur vScarfs and Muffs, 1.50 to $25.00. > 112 Fur Turbans to match fur sets, 2.25 to $5.00. If Trimmed Hats now selling at half price. J \ Elegant Leather Hand Bags, 50c to $5.00. \ M 5 Silver Purses 011 cliains, 25c to $2.00. \ ■ > Rich Belts in all colors, 25c to $3.50. \ ( Fine Gold, Silver and Pearl Handle Umbrellas, i.00t055.00, < " I{ Beautiful Manicure Sets in fancy boxes, 2.00 to §6.50. t A s Fine Traveling v Sets in leather cases, 2.50 to $6.50. £ I > Rich Jewelled Back Combs, 1.00 to $3.50. > £ Colgate's Perfumes and Toilet Articles. } < Fine Papetrie in fancy boxes, 10c to $2.00. < i I\ Brush and Comb Sets, 1.00 to $3.50. \ A s Fine Hosiery in Evening Shades, 50c to 81.50. > I ? Knit Scarfs and Fascinators, 25c to ,$3.50. j ) Duchess Walking Skirts, finest made, 5.00 Lo $13.50. * & s Stylish Tailor Made Suits, 10.00 to $2 5.00. * §| || The latest in Coats, 3.95 to $25.00. x A > Magnificent Lace Shirtwaists, 3.98 to SIO.OO. \ M _ ( Fine White Lawn Shirtwaists, 69c to $5.00. 5 jg; Splendid Knit Sweater Coats, 2.00, 2.50, $3.00. || Hundreds of Fancy Articles and Novelties Displayed on our Center Tables. Books at Special Low Prices and then the Toys of all Kinds. Y" 112 i,/ ' SSVV>VN \ ,—y, AMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1908. Extra I special sale of magnifi cent all over Lace Waists, also fine Lawn and White Batiste waists, much under price. Regular $5.98 Beautiful Ecru Lace Waists, R very latest styles. <£4. 1 Special at ... E Regular $2.98 Cream Batiste Waists with rich embroidered front d! 1 Oft Special at <pl * <7Q Regular $2.50 Fine White Lawn Waists, hand some embroidered fronts <£ 1 7A Special at Y**' Millinery Remember you can buy any Trimmed Hat in our stock at exactly. Half Price II b smmßam^mammaamssammmamw If For the Father, Husband or Brother j I 112 Fine Umbrellas, fancy handles, i.oo to $5.00. I C Traveling vSets in leather cases, 3.00 to $6.00, 112 I \ Shaving Sets, 69c to $3.00. < I Leather Gloves, 1.00 to $1.25. C I } Collar and Cuff Boxes, 1.00 to $1 25. \ ®t 1 Suspenders in Fancy Boxes, 25 to 50c. ) T s Elegant Neckties in Fancy Boxes, 25 to 50c. 112 I \ Comb and brush Sets, 1.00 to $3.50. \ I I> Knit Cardigan Jackets, 1.50 to $3.75. } I ? Silk Mufflers, SI.OO. i ( Handkerchief with Initials, 10 to 25c. < { Silk Handkerchiefs, 25 to 50c. 112 s Emporium Sofa Pillows, with 12 Views of the town 50c. > 1} Fancy Blankets for Bath Robes, 2.50 to $3.00. J 112 Cuff Links, 25c to $2.00. } ( Plaster Paris Bust and Figures, 39 to 50c. < £ Fine Half Hose, 10 to 50c. \ > Gilted Photo Frames, 50c. s I£ Dress and Night »Shirts 50c to SI.OO. ? 112 Linen Collars and Cuffs. 112 \ Fine Underwear, 50c to #l-50. { A i For the Children and Infants I § II Postal Card Albums, 10 to 50c. \ I 1 Spinning Tops, filled with caudy, 10c. \ 0 } Sewing Boxes, 25,50 c and SI.OO. ) I Writing Tablets, 25, 50, 1.00, $1.25. I IC Angora and Crochet Bonnets, 50c to $2.00. £ I I Pearl and Fancy Neck Chains, 25c to $2.00. \ I > Colgate's Juvenile Perfume Boxes, 25c. \ • > Bear Skin and Cloth Coats, 2.98 to $15.00. > ■ r Leggius, 25c to SI.OO. > ij } Fascinators, 1.25 to SIO.OO. > ' v ,. ( Dolls of all kinds 5c to $5.50. > I '■■ i ? Knit or Leather Gloves and Mittens, 25 to 50c. } 112 Sweater Coats 1.50 to $2.50. £ | £ Fancy Handkerchiefs, sto 25c. ? JR I ( Baby Baskets, nicely lined, SI.OO. 1 If g| £ Baby Toilet Sets in Fancy boxes, 50c, 1.00, $1.25. 2 I f f Baby's Long and v Short Dresses, 75c to $3.00. c ■ If Baby's Long Coats, 1.50 to $5.00. * I < Dolls Go-Carts, 1.25 to $6.00. < 0 Flexible Flyers, 2.00 and $3.00. j 0 R. KUEHNE Emporium's Most Up-to- Date Store. Free! Free! With every Child's Coat sold we will tfive a pretty dressed Doll FREE. Coats, Suits, Skirts We have the largest variety and the most, up-to-date styles in town. All marked at very special low prices. Golden iridescent Glassware, entirely new, vases compots, saucers, etc. Price 10c, 12c, 15c, 19c and 25c.
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