K*rARM«MK(». \*M. Cameron County Press IIKXKY 11. MCLL.IN, Kdltor nod Publisher. IM" Hiiisiii;l) I;VI;HV TIUBSDAV Isi»t« ro<l At th« Pcwtoffice at Km|>oriutii MWroml clftfln matter. The B<>«.l Advertising Medium in Nortlmrn Pennsylvania. KATEM OK AIJVKUTIniNC..; Ordinary Advrrtinemetilii an- ealeuluteii ny the nch in of column. Ordinary advertisements, to take tne run of (he paper and elianKe four times a year, will ho inserted ut the rate* stated in the I'OIIOWIIIK table: 1 in.i 2 in. 3 in. ft in. 10 in. 20 in. 1 Week. 11001200*300 350 Hno 12 00 2 Weeks. ISO 300 100 , r > 00 11 •« lti 00 3 Weeks. 200 3 ftO S0« 700 13 00 lit 00 4' Weeks. 250 100 6 Oil 800 15 00 20 00 2 Months. 100 (i 00 tt 00 12 00 20 00 2M 00 3 Months. 600 SOO 12 00 15 00 25 00 lift 00 « Months. X C'O 12 00 in 0" 22 00 35 IK) fio 00 1 Year 12 o'i 18 "0 25 00 30 00 fiO 00 100 00 Table or tigiire work will be charged double rates. Legal advertisements |>er line ten cents each week, nonpareil type. ANNOUNCEMENTS of names of Candidates for office, *5.00 each. Announcement of candi dates for borough or township offices, $l.O » each. Announcements of candidates lor delegates to the state Convention $5.00 each; delegates, alter nates or conferees to a local convention or con ference. SI.OO each. POLITICAL NOTICES, 20 rents per line each insertion. Nothing inserted lor less than jl.oo. LOCAL NOTICES in the local columns will he inserted for ten cents per line the first week and live cents per line for each subsequent consecu tive week without < hange. ANNOUNCEMENTS of bir.ht, marriages and deaths will be inserted free, but ail obituary notices and resolutions will be charged five cents a line and obituary verses live cents i>. ltne. Business Cards, five lines or less Hi' per year All exceeding live lines, ifl.Ou per line. CARD-i Or THANKS, pjaitively $1 00 for ten lin -s, or less: over ten linos, tun cents for each additional line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The date on the address label of each subscri ber's paper shows the time IO which the sub scription is paid; and all subscribers in arrears are requested to pay up as soon as possible. Oti receipt of payments on subscription at this office, a receipt will be piouiptly returned, and the date on tne address label will be corrected first of month. In all communications relating to subscrip tion our correspondents are requested to state the I'ostoffice to which the paper is now sent, or is to be sent, and to be careful to write all proper names plainly. In directing a change of address always give the old address, as Weil as the new one to which you want Hie paper afterwards sent. JOB PRINTING. The Jobbing Department of the PRESS is com plete and aflbrds facilities lor doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. TTTTIMWW—IIWIIiaiWII l| I■ Ml—l| |Bi—— | Bree| 1 County 1 St! Ne| Iliassassi ; .B-s=^ SINNAMAHONING. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. James Wykoff returned to Renovo Monday after SPENDING sov. rnl days here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Herman Losev and daughter Jessie returned home Sunday after a short absence. Mrs. A. U Counsil IS visiting Lock Haven friends Rev. 'J'. J. Fult;Ul. v.- if.: and daughter, were in town last week. The Reverend delivered a lecture io an APPRO iative au dience in the ctiuich. Thursday eveuing. Its. Mattha Bcldin w an Emporium visitor last week. Naee 11. Drum, the popular B. and S. Agent, is spending the week in Clear field. Mrs. V. A. Brooks, accompanied Mrs. T. J. Fulton to Sterling last Thursday, and returned home Friday. Several of our young people attended the Box Social held at the Miller school house, last Saturday evening. Mr. and .M:«. Quiggle and daughter spout Sunday out of town. The Be* Social held at Miller School house to I..money to buy a Library for that .school, was a success. The sum of S'.7 was realized. Lcn Krebs and family have returned from Austin where they have been for several months. Jamas Fiscus I~ confined to his home with a bad cold. Mrs. Herman Ivrcbs visited the city ol Uußois a COUPLE ot days last week. A. 15. Beldin CAME home Saturday to spend Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Dickson, who accotupauied Mrs. ' Ilenry v'olwell to Williamsport returned | home last week and reported Mrs. (*ol- j well slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ensign were out J of town visitors Sunday. Hon. C. F. Barclay went to Wash- ' ington Sunday last, to take up his Con- j gressional duties there. x x ' x ' Warning AllperßonH are hereby forbidden from | trespassing upon the property of thia ; Company without a permit from thin ! office, or the Manager at the works. I KEYSTONE POWDER MFQ. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, IDO3 24-tf. InfT n n ln«|Himtilll|i» —, I 2 i'iLES R s ", Supposilorul ■ A |>, Tliuiup-"U, Hup t L 1 1-* . j " Suirf in emporium by I. T»q(]art and S. C. Podss* CULL rutl fine £/t.n. v tC STERLING RUN ( W. 11. .MiU-lioil, Dentist, I .mporiutn YUM ni > Br k • ' dat Vltoon the past week. Mr. and Mr H'nltuii anil daughter Anna are the quests 112 John K. Smith ; and family. Mr*. (' \. Dice was called to Cameron the past week on the account of the ill | ness of her mother, Mrs. Yocum. Rev. Bessy i* holding revival meet | ings in the M. K. Church, lie was here ; I'J years ago. His sermons and great re vival of religion at that time will never be forgotten by a large majority of Ster ling Bun people. We wish hiui success in these meetings. Mrs. V. A. Brooks of Hinnemahoning visited Mrs. Laura Smith a couple of days last week. Flora B. Kbersole arid Howard Lydic of Hicks Bun were visitors in town Sun day. Mr. Brctzio is relief operator in the place of C. A. Dice, who is ill. BLUE BELL. CAMERON. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium. E. M. MoFadden was an Emporium visitor Monday. Mrs. P. W. Stewart, of West port, visi i ted G. L. Page Tuesday. It is reported upon good authority that there will be another wedding in this place. Let the good work goon. Operator G. H. Bretzin, who has been on the Lock and Block system of the P. R. R. posted for a few hours in the tower at this place Tuesday. C. W. Rishell, of Emporium visited J. R. Strawbridge in Sterling Run, Mon dry, while on business in this piace. The people who have ice-houses are making preparations to fill them. This cold snap is certainly forming the ice. Herman Bruncr, book-keeper for the Calder Brink Co., of this place left for his home in Punxsutawney Saturday evening to spend the holidays. Herman is a fine young man, and well qualified for the position which he holds. Miss Grace Greenalch is reported seri ously ill at this writing. John Gocalana lost his young rabbit dog in the woods Saturday while training him, but found him "Sunday morning across the river, which he had to wade in order to get him. D. L. McFadden was severely injured Monday by his horse kicking him. While hauling some goods the breechings broke, letting the wagon run onto the horse. He has Gor 8 bad bruises, the worst is a gash on his left leg below the knee about 15 inches long and into the bone. It will be some time before he will be able to be around again. LOUISE. CASTLT GARDEN. Miss Grace Jordan, of Huntley, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bauer. George Gore. Sr., has sold his prop erty to Benj. Smith and wife, who have j taken possession. Mrs. J. \V. McMahon is ou the sick I li-t. Dr. Bea! has the case in hand. Benjamin Smith and wife have arriv j ed in the Garden again and to stay* j They will occupy their old home. Last money n- ived for the church: jG. W. Morte. ' M); Mrs. Annie .Mil i ler, 82.00, for which they have the | thanks oft lie people. Mrs. Thomas Coniek and daughter Zoe were in Emporium Thursday, shop ping. There will be a revival meeting held in the Mountain Mission Church, commenc ing the 19th inst. and will holdover New Year. Next week there will be a more extended notice. Those who attended Church here Sun day evening, from Driftwood, were the following : Mrs. J. D. Winslow, That! Brooks, "Skip" Kreider, William Leo nard, Fiank Calahan and sister Maud, Earl Towers and sister Marion, and Miss Mary Austin. They were a company of well behaved people and we are always glad to have such visitors. Come again. Mr. Lester English was very pleasant ily surprised on his 21st birthday, at bis ' hole •on the Heights. Dec. Ist. Over I 10 of his friends came in the evening to ' inform him of the day his two eyes first I saw America. The time was very pleas antly passed in plays by old and young until eleven o'clock when all sat down to a bountiful supper and did full justice to themselves. The young gentleman was the recipient of many nice and useful pre sents. This makes another Republican voter. LONE BELL. ; Do You Want a Steady Income | each month? Would you in vest SSO, in | a safe established business, if you could make $4. casli profit each month ? Write for proofs, and particulars to : HAI.I.OWKI.I. & MSII, | 819, Tribune Building, New York Cily. ! Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder 1 Pills. They are antiseptic and soothe I pain quickly. Insist upon DeWitt's ! Kidney and Bladder Pills. Regular size j 50c. Sold here by R. C. Dodson. WANTED! Men to represent us either locally or 1 traveling, in the sale of a full lino of eny selling specialties. Apply quick and nocture territory. ALLEN NURSFRV CO.. I 3 {-161. BOEH-ATFTR, N. Y. CAMERoX C< >I NTV PRESS, TIIURSPAV, DHCKMBKR 10, 1908. HUNTLEY. W. H. Mitchell, lU'iitim, Kinpori urn luemui l< iwrii iici' Smith :ki<l <*l \«l«- <*<«lliri»» mi victim* their parent* i<»r » I'm* day*. Hrakcman WiiUer Ligue, of Iti'iiovo, vi.Httnd his pun iitN Ttiewtey. .lull,i Mcvliii at)') 'riininai Hart. <>t Sterling Itun, pit-scil through town Sat urday, purxuiuK » tn'iir which they ha<l uhawd from Mowjuito creek. Latest re (MirtH r<ay that they have caught the bear ati'l have it confined in llulhcrt Smith'* hum at < 'amelon. W. It. Smith h«M roturncd troni his vacation, looking much rel'renhcd ami ready to tollow his various vocation* with renewed interest, Alice .Jordan, who ha* been visiting her sister at Castle Garden, returned home Saturday. A valuable collie dog belonging to W. A. Nelson was killed by the cars on Sat urday morning. A. W. Smith has stored his furniture in the vacant house of W. 11. liogue and will leave this week for Mosquito Creek, where he has lumber interests. J. F. Sullivan and wife were Kmpoii um visitors Saturday evening and sampl ed some of the world reuowned P. R. K. pumpkin pie at the Junction Hotel. Fine skating on the creek wheretthe e is any water to be found. Clarence Johnson spent Sunday with his uncle at St. Marys. Telegrapher E. C. Bretzin is posting at HY Tower this week. Matthew l'honix, of Cameron, was a business caller in town Monday. Edward Skillman, of Moore Hill, j called on his friends in town Mondav and ! passed the cigars to his many friends in I bonor of a beautitul twelve pouod daugh- | ter which arrived at his home the latter part of the week. Ed. is stepping high j and looks ten years younjrer. He says i he is prouder than Judge Taft and don't care for panics or polities any more. Long life to him and his. Selburn Logue spent Sunday in Em- ' porium. Gertrude and Audrey Hill, of Grove Hill, visited the dentist in Emporium Saturday. Kuth Sullivan spent Tuesday in Brad ford. j. P. s. For That Dull Feeling Alter Eating. 1 have used Chamberlain's Stomach ' and Liver Tablets for some time, and can : testify that they have done me more good i than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eat ing—David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. They also regulate the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but cost no more. Get a free sample at L Taggart's drug store and see what a splendid medi cine it is. .:~crNu;;:Ai..T;W.. SYRUP KENNEDY'S UXATIVE KONEY-TAR fied Clover Dlossuoi and Hoary Bee on Every EotlSc. For the Most Popular Little Miss in Emporium at the Theatorium Contest Opens Dec. 9t.11 and Closes December 24th, 1908. RULES GOVERNING CONTEST. FIRST—Any Girl under 12 years of age and a resident of Em porium is eligible. SECOND—AII girls wishing to enter contest will hand their namesneatly written ou a card with age to W. G. Bair at your ear liest possible date. THIRD—The little Miss receiving the largest number of votes will receive Doll Xo. 1; in Theatorium Window, the next will receive Doll No. 2; the third will receive Doll No. 3. FOURTH—Each day the votes will be counted and placed in Theatorium window so you will see standing of each contestant. FIFTH—Each five cent ticket entitles the holder to a vote for any of the little contestants, fiach ten cent ticket (Double Show) en titles each holder to two votes. SIXTH—No contestant will be allowed toa.sk people to vote for the miu or around Theatorium. Violations of this rule will dis qualify the contestant. sa & m | The Little Store j I Around the Gorner I In a quiet manner is supplying hundreds of people weekly with Choice Groceries and Provisions I and all Fruits in Season. "THE POOR MAX'S STORE," KOUAT. JUSTICE TO ALL. JOSEPH KINSLER. 112 I & ftJlto iiyariS&tQi) *• 3 M&jKKirfU -• (it- I: M I'OIMTM M'U.LW* COMPANY. i'liM'P! i.IMT. fCmPorlutii, N.,Nnv. 1900 NhMOfiilLA, |>er L (I I > Knncy, •' I hS I'el Uro»», •' i 65 Byr •• HO Pittenl Meal " M II ii.-kwheat Kl»ur M <'<i»r*r Meat ,xir HW, I fi" <3hopKr(Hl. 1 ,10 Matchles. Kkk Maker, prr 100 .... '2 Mi Cracked Corn per 100 I no ScreeniliK". " 1 fl" Oil Meal •• 1 85 M I'M linns. I 70 Bran I 40 Chicken Wheat I 85 Corn per hunhel R!l Oysl r tthella, per 100 "5 While Oain.p.-r hiinhel Weed Oats per htiahel Chun e Clover Heed, ) Choice Timothy Heed, > At Market Prices Oholc^MilletSeed^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^ R.C. DODSON, THE DRUGGIST EMPORIUM. PA. fV /-) I s LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. R.C. IIODtHIN. Telephone, 19-2. LADY WANTED Honest, industrious woman wanted to introduce our large line of foreign and domestic dress goods, waistings, trimmings, etc., among friends and neighbors and townspeople. We prefer a woman who has trade already worked up. Should be able to earn $23.00 or more weekly. Dealing direct from the mills our prices are low and patterns exclusive. No money required. Write us for particulars. 41-3t Standard Dress Goods Co., 100-7lh St.Binghamton, N.Y. 'EiSiESI jfl A Safe, CERTAIN RbMKP for Scpphbhabd M**stmtatiow. |S| ■ NEVER KHOWN TO FAIL. Sure! Bpcedjrl R.tla- ■ ■ faction Guaranteed or Monov Refunded. Sent prepaid H 9 f'T fl.oo j't'f liox. Will send themou trial,to he paid for H yt when relK.vcd. Hamplea Free. If your druggist dues not K 9 Lave tbciu send your orders to the Sold in Emporium by L. Taggarl and R. C. Dodson r~ "Still at the Old Steal' I GEO. F. BALCOM I [Successor and Lloyd. |* ==================== Invites an inspection of the I Trade to his I High Class of Goods 8 But at Living Prices. | | i | I OUR0 UR Store has so many I j| S years been dependent upon for I reliable goods, especially so at Xtnas time. Our Dry Goods, ■ ments are always well supplied with =|j useful goods of a high quality. I You Get the Best Here | I for Your Money. I Hundreds of Useful Pres- | ents in China, Fancy * Goods, &c. I I I Geo. F. Balcom. *** w ******* ** w ** * ! * w *•* ** ***** * * * m. Mk jst i*fc MK jife m. JK* ** ** **t m * g HORSE COODS H II | At HENRY JAEGER'S, Emporium, Ps, | u! •». "ctocßuuavrsAfl» — ■"«*.*- >r. IIU/VMKvwm'nsruwvoi*.'Uß««j«c4.*-- N i| A Large Selection of FUR ROBES, y II PLUSH ROBES and BLANKETS # ** || in Great Variety for Horse, w Carnage or Wagon. H — __—N !| Light and Heavy Harness J* N Always in Slock. II n _ _ __ _ n M Being the only exclusive Harness H g« 01 . . / M J5 Shop in this section we are Prepared at all times to make to order any- H thing in our line if desired. Our large || I • 55 »i Si. ck is very complete and up-to-date. M H JtjS ~ . <d.* >< REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. j< g jj j Upholstering IS • ** JJ work guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. JJ II IT T M »« nenry Jaeger. si N ° M $ V-' M* VWWWWW W W ** %.* %t> vm./W W MWWWW'WW^fi us •-> m y.\ m t\m mam *fc 3
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