fHAMBERLAIKS COUGH ouj*Jua Coughs, Colds, CROUP, WhoopingCwigh This remtdv «n alwayj bt drprnard upon and ii pi Hunt to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size SO cents. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Dlr**li..ll. with rark Till !■ Fit* 1 Enjtlih.Grrm n, Spanish, Portuguese nn I French No KOR Price 1 . Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations 23 2. Worm*. Worm Fever, or Worm Disease i.l 3. Colic, Ocjiag nail \. ak 112 ilmm of lafaata 2A 4. Olarrhcn. of Children and Adult, *23 ft liv.eutery, Grlplngs, Bilious Colic 20 7. Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis 25 N. Tootharhe, Kaceuchc, Neuralgia 23 9. Headache, Blck Heartache, Vertigo 2.1 111 Iltspei'sla. Indigestion, Weak Stomach 23 13. Croup, Hoarae Cough, Laryngitis 2.-, I t. null Hheiini, Eruptions, Erysipelas 23 13. iOieuiiiiitisiii. or Rheumatic rains. . \»3 lii. S ever anil A sue, .Malaria 23 17. l'llra, Blind or Bloeding. External, Internal.23 IN. Ophthalmia, Weakor Inflamed Eyes 2S 19. Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In Head 25 20. Whooping Couch, Spasmodic Cough J3 21. Aallima.Oppressed, DlOicult Breathing '23 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi 23 (!M. Nervoue Debility, Vital Weakness 1.(10 29. Sore Mouth, I'everSoresor Canker 2.1 30. I'rlnnry Incontinence. Wetting Bed 23 34. Nore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria '25 35. Chronic Congestions. Headaches 23 77. Grippe, !!?y Foer aoJ Summer Colds .. 25 A small bottle of Pellet*. fit* the vo*t pocket. fckjld by drugKthia, or st lit or receipt of price. Medical Book sent free. HUMPH HI-YS* IICMI'O. CO., Corn of William and .Tolm Street*. N«v York. A BEAUTIFUL FACE j;. !V:v i »112 ycu h«ve pirnpie:, blotches, or ether skin imperfections, YOU C. v car remove them and have a clea laid beautiful complexion by ufin: SEAUTYSKiN W *. U !t Makes Hew" '' * S Improves the Kcuovec okin Imperfections. XjL Beneficial results guaranteed W or money refunded. j; stamp for Free Sam pie, \V jV i'prticulars ami Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Usinff. ' rOCHESTEFt CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. A our#guaranteedif you n»e , I' PILEu W « supposiiDiglj L>. Matt. Thompson, Sup'tß' Graded Schools N. C., write*: •• I cm mf they do all you claim for them." Hr. S. M. Devoro.li Rav-n Rock. W. Va., writer; •• They give unU« Mai sati» K faction." Dr. 11. D. McGllt, C urktburß, T« no write* I ••In n practice of 23 y.t»r«, I have found no r.-medy t I equal your*." Paica. &0 C«*TH. Samples Free. Soldi: bt I'm/ j'.li. MART | W But)Yi LANCASTER, PA I mmmmmßMßaammmaaammam Sold in t'mporium by L. Taqgirt and K. C. Dodsoi CALL FOR FREE SAMPLE | Roof Slating I am especially prepared to Contract for Slating By the square or job. As !o ray wrok manehip, I refer, by permission, to the work recently completed for the Hon. B W. Green. GEORGE A. WRIGHT. Get My Prices Before You Use Shingles j^ 35 a S2Sas 2sasasasasasc!sasasasßsasasHSc!sasHasg -1 jj m 1 i }£ P2uiiiblmiij£, Tiniiiiijj, Hot Water and B tea2ll Heating a Specialty jjj I F. V. HEILMAN & CO. I 58 ~ S • 4r ~-* asaisßsHSßss7 3 Jses,^se£j2 i, j GOOH HORSEMANSHIP. An Old Hum r * lllin'ra'mn rl Ihi Gift «♦ "Hrnidl." i Vo'rt h rl »n.| ! . .1 kwf U| I V«m h»n,»« »> I join ke«>p rt .wn, Y«'»r »t«> e i |, in t nui linfmi't At»l > >UI rlt - Io i i>n: ; Thl* '>|,| i.it ,i mhi«<■ f>»r lit would In lii.i I'liittn l« i|tii.ii-it i ■ « rit.-r in l«Mlis - Mag IM " 4 ill • hMi I* I" |HTl*1ltll(l ll> fi'lltul Hi- i|ti<iti-M II 111 It Iter nlil Imiitcr nn tin' ■ulijn t uf w lull lii* t'.ilN "llii' tllvliii i Rift of hands" In riding lids old IniiitiT, John Ihirli.v, u-iil in nttni'h tWO |l|«'ll'X llf I W* lll*' In till' 1111 l k nf 1111 onlltmry elitilr mid draw the same tiKhier until tlir i hull Imlnni'iil on Its fore or hind legs, ni i'ordlOK to hi' own position. Then whnn halaiii-eil lie Would knep It, so to speak, on the mwliiu li% jfi'Mtlv m.'iiilfiiilntlii'; the twltii' or rein* IN held In his hftml. A rouch pull would, of eoursf. II:IVI> u|met the ehnlr one wny, w he:i as the fact of not clioeklitK In its niove. I'iits at alt wnald have mused a total |i -- of i-onlrol over It In the oppoplir illriH'ilon. "And thnt." when the exhlhiiion was concludiHl hi- would add. "Is hands. 1 gentlemen." Jopjclng to the I'overt, loutintles the wrlior, you may notice one tine horse, | the owner fully equlp|>ed, throwing lis heail up and down like a pump handle, j another sweating profusely, although the pare has not exceeded five miles I an hour since It left the stable, and a thiril snorting ami prancing about nil I over the place. Why is this so? Simply because the rider of neither of tliem is possessed with thi' ilivini' ;rift nf "linmls " THE BEE'S STING. An Ugly Weapon Something Like a Three Bladed Sword. Tin- bee's stinj; is made up of three separate lances, each with a barbed edge and each capable of being thrust i forward independently of the others. . The central and broader lance lias a | hollow face furnished at each side ! with a rail or beading, which runs lis I whole length. On the back of each of j the other two lances there Is a longi ' tudinal groove, and into these grooves I fit the raised headings of the central lancet. Thus the sting is like a sword with j three blades—united, but sliding upon one another—the barbed points of which continue to advance alternately into the wound, going ever deeper and deeper of their own malice afore thought after the initial thrust is made. It is a device of war com- I pared to which the explosive bullet is but a clumsy brutality. Yet this is not | all. To make Its death dealing powers doubly sure this thorough minded ama zon must fill the haft of her triple blade with a subtle poison and so con trive its sliding mechanism that the same impulse which drives the points \ successively forward drenches the whole weapon with a fatal juice.— I From"The Lore of the Honey Be"," ' Tiekncr Edwardes. ! | The Fickle Shopper. "That woman always keeps me i guessing," said ihe grocery clerk as | she went out. "1 never can tell till I the last minute what she is going to | buy. Just now she priced the coffee. . j I gave her the prices—2s cents, 28, lii), j So, 40. "'ls your twenty-live cent coffee any j good?' she asked me. | " 'Yes,' said I; 'bang up.' ! " 'Then,' saiil she, 'give me a pound j of your forty cent, ground fine.' I New York l'ress. Probably Not. i"I hate to be poor. Now, a million j aire can walk right in and order what I he wants without bothering about the E ] price." j "He can," stated the weary sales j man, "but he seldom does."—Kansas I City Journal. Every Morning. j Paul, at the age of four, was asked one morning by his papa, "What is the ! name of the first meal of the day?" j "Oatmeal," responded little Paul promptly.—Exchange. < AMI HON Cnt'NTV fwi-'SS, THURSDAY, HKCKMHI- R m t<*4. at..- -a «112 «K« T>p#». Vs, t «».■ -I.* li.fr.dn. H..n ~112 tj-pr m tlfii ftn v,,i«l ..1 tnWt, have mi* take *n» i ahonl l»nt«1« tii»nt !<>•< •• nit, ■ info n< I rntiiii. ll«> .» t< of *' mul !• i'd i «< •> a primf r»'!tdi"f In tli"' <•< HI • t»f in 'lui', v.-iri, ■ lli- Mm Ml) If- rut.-1 m ell Infi lit i.i A na)->r m.i il i . n i'li d< frn tl«.ii i • w rlt»r tlmtiulif ln< it tlnctlon." "Tin- Onlk'.r I!...<<•' > tloW of a |>li |uro ftitl' Slav.- " Spi'iikiuv: nf thcnfrl d wrote ilnit "tHMirl> .ill hi 1 or wlvna." TIM- pamtrr •' • roml "Itundrcda »t alvcit," "The\ *nlloil for fhr«H« dr -i iir itid the o«|h> itm) finally ulnuultt'-rid :> nmall Italian" Hlmtild liavi« I i«oti lit id n rttiall lain nil" fine in- r«« lit rowlualmi. "He tnken dellirbt in t ilkliißon hi* fiiinily slinine" was a shameful thlnir to any when •fnvurlli' tlieine" waa i.iennt. A Three Legged Qison. In 1 H«;T Sintill Eye*. ,-i lilackfoot who hnd i-oine down from tlie nortli and Joined the Arn|»:ihoes and HveO with them, told Blink Kettle. :i f'heyeiuie In flenrv Kent's lmli;e. atioiit having killed, hetweeit the f'iniarron and Reaver -reek, a tributary of the north fork of the Canadian, a buffalo bull ; Which bail only one bind leg. Aecord | Ins: t • Stii. il Kyes" story, il did not ap ! pear lhat I lie bull had lost one of Its j hind letrs. but rather that II never had I had more than one. The hind lejr waa rory large, seemed to lie In the mid dle of the body Instead of at one side, and there waa 110 of any missing | leg. It looked :is If the two hind legs whlrb the buffalo ordinarily has had In some way fused together. The war party with whieh Small t Eyes was traveling was passing along i near a hollow when the bull eame up i oui of it, and some of the men ran j ahead, got around il and shot it with i a gun. It was not able to run fast. but rather hobbled along.—Forest and i Stream. ' Saved by r. Photograph. A very remarkable incident occurred at Rio de .Isitieiro. A passenger on board one of the j large liners took a photograph of the harbor. Il included a small yacht j which had sailed in the morning with two men In her, but returned in the evening with one only. The survivor said his companion had fallen over board, but his statement was not be lieved. lie was tried and sentenced to death. The matter had by this time come to the ears of the photographer, who remembered that the picture had been taken on (lie day of the "crime" (or accident) and that the scene em braced a yacht. On examining the print more carefully he noticed a small speck on the sail and in order to de termine what it was had an enlarge ment made. It proved to be the figure of a man falling. It was shown to the authorities at once, and the condemned man was released. Dropsical Oysters. Willi a sneer the oyster opener point ed to a brownish smear upon a Saddle Rock shell. "Some fool," said lie. "has been try ing to fatten up a batch of Saddle Rocks with cornnieal. You might us well try to invigorate flowers with corned beef hash. But it is a common error to believe that cormueal or oat meal will fatten oysters. 1 continually find oysters with their shells stained with those grains. It makes me laugh. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing sis fattening oysters.' All you can do is swell them up with water, pre cisely the same as water swells a sponge. You put them in fresh water, which, being less dense than the soft they are accustomed to, by the princi ple of osmosis penetrates and disteuds their tissues—gives them, as you might say, dropsy. For my part, I don't like fattened oysters."—New Orleans Times ' Democrat. For a Bride's Dowry. I There is a very pretty custom in some of the northern parts of Europe. There the white poplar in good soil | Increases a shilling in value every i year. The trees are generally cut down | at the tige of twenty years, as they I are then supposed to have attained I their full growth. When a daughter is J born in the family of a well to do i farmer the father as soon as the sea- I son permits plants a thousand young ! trees, and these are to constitute the j dowry of the maiden, "which grow as I she grows and increases in height and i value sis her virtues and beauty in i crease." Out to Work. "What society needs is a clearing ! house." "What do you nieauV' "I wish 1 didn't have togo to the | Van Squawks' ball next week. The ; Van Squawks wish they didn't have I to ask me. Ahy can't we exchange ! certificates and call the thing even?" j —Kansas City Journal. I Why He Dsrked. A witness in an Irish court talked so ' loud that Charles Philips, who was I counsel on the other side, said, "Fel ' low. why do you bark so furiously?" "Because," said the man. looking j hard at Philips. "1 think I sec a thief!" Retribution. Tommy— IN p. whnl !-• retribution? Tonii- v's I - ' ;• ;e'rl' "tl n, my son. is aoti i'i:? : t'l.'t we sir • sure will even i tli . I overt '!: > r>t!r\- p<-.> 'e I'hllil Fall Clothing Happy Thoughts *n Stylish Fall Suits, Fancy Vests, Hats, Etc. All the popular styles in Neckwear. Col lars, Pens, Gloves and Underwear. NEW—Our stock is all new, up-to-date and marked to the lowest notch. R.SEGER&CO. I NEXT TO BANK. Sour StomacH No appetite. loss o! strength. nervou» ness. headache, constipation, bad breath, genera] debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices ol diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with tlf* greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol lor ! dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy , helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bill of Ravenswood. W, V*.. says:— " 1 was troubled with «our stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured ma and vt «ra r.ow using it in mil for baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Dottles only, Reliefs Indigestion, sour stomach. belchlnf of gas, etc. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., CHIOAQO. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Business Cards. J. C. JOHNSON. J P. MCNARNEY F. A. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & McNAIiNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ! EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en trust i-«i to them. 16-I.v. j MICHAEL 13 RENN AN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . '"ollectlons promptly attended to. Heal estate . aw: pension claim agent. ?5-ly. Emporium. Pa. j B. W.lGamr. JAY I*. I I I T GREEN S: KELT, . PTORNtYS-AT-LAW, Corner Fourth and 13road streets, IKiupcnum. Pa. [ All bus.ijt FS relating to estate.collections.real estate. Orphan's Court aeri Kenera'lav business wil ■ receive prompt attention 41-25-1 v. COMM KRCIA I, HOTEL. Near P. I". Depot. Emporium, Pa. <• Rl DERICK LEVECKE. Proj.'r. ! (' iitnilly located. Every convenience for the traveling'public. Rati s unsal able. A share of he public.patroDsge felicili d -Uly MAY fiOULI), TEACHKII OF PIANO. HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in all the Popular -heet Music. Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oft own scholars will be given dates at my room in this place. ✓ We prompt y obtain I H. and "foreign / t Send model, sketch or photo ol invention for 112 < frecre]>ort on patentability. For free book, r li'uem^d urc TRADE-MARKS W n ■' ••/ ' • 112 fr OLD RELIABLE S DRUG STORE K ie IS The Home of Vinol 3j e Th« ifiwit Tmik Kminilrurtnr. jy (n A njmclllc l««r l.t Nfi TIVH'HI>, 10 WJ COIUMS and (X>l,|>H. W ft) l*rotcct Your l.tmg* 1/] Jj A ftil) line of (?hmt I'riif«»otorii rS R Climnoi* vent « for men and 2] Si women. In 1 ~~ I J Prepare lor Winter jj [)i New line of up to dad* Rubber jy IJ| flood*, WHIIT Bag*. B>rin({eH if] nj and Af< miisera. li] | | Avoid Typhoid (ierniN J}| B] in your prescriptions. Our jjj lr Prescription department has oon- In Htantly on hand large quantities [n * of distilled water. jjj Ik <P OS 3 -S*eSHSHS P* [The Bargain] i Store s | Fruits -- Vegetables j l Arriving dailv and going at \ ( the lowest possible prices. c Pine Apples, i j Cucumbers, Cabbage, J 1 New Potatoes, } \ Bermuda Onions. i > Remember I am handling j s Presh and Smoked Meats of all > \ kinds. Bacon, Hams, Boiled \ C Ham, Bologna. s !Fine Line Groceries \ Free delivery anywhere. I Phone your orders. J T.W.WELSH 112 Chas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward \ ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YOU! HERE? I | C. B. HOWARD & GO'S General Store, WEST END OF FOURTH STREET, EMPORIUM. PA. NOTICE. cp Strictly pure goods. Conform with the pure food W , law in our Grocery Department. All firms are required ||| to give us a guarantee on their invoices. GROCERIES. 1 W 1 Full line of all canned goods: Tomatoes, Peaches, ||fj pi Pears, Cherries, Corn, Meats of all kinds. Our line of It y.;, .Cookies and Crackers cannot be surpassed for freshness, |j|j M, tlieni every week or two. Sour and sweet pickles W,j P by the dozen or bottle. Fish of dll kind. Cannot be beat 011 No. i, sun Mackerel. Hams, Shoulders, p/ |||j( Bacon and Salt Pork or anything you desire in the line. %. CLOTHING, If li 331 Complete line of Underwear in Ballbriggan, natur- ® al wool and fleece lined, Shirts and Drawers, Overalls, H Pants, Dress Shirts, work Shirts, Over Jackets, wool IIf; and cotton Socks, Gloves, Mittens, etc. W 1 SHOES AND RUBBERS. 8 I Have all sizes to suit the trade, for ladies, men, m boys and children. - ||| i DRESS GOODS. sj Anything in the line you desire. Come look our ift stock over. IM HARDWARE. j Shovels, Picks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatch- ets, Axes, all kinds, Handles and nails, from a shoe M nail to a boat spike. ||| CONCLUSION. 1 We appreciate your past patronage and shall en- ||jl ||j deavor to give you the same service and same goods in 1* Ip- 1 the future as in the past. Phone orders receive our j|j| prompt attention and delivered promptly by our popu- l'f| lar drayman Jake. M Yours truly P; I C. B. HOWARD & CO I Uiii. J. Liiiliir Furniture Tabourettes. The Set to Set Before You Is waiting for you in thejshape ■of a nice set of crockery. We are now showing a splendid stock of good sound Crockery, every single piece warranted free from fault or blemish. The finest as sortment in the county at rea sbnable prices. Undertaking i | Geo. J. Laßar i
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