8 SMASHED PRICES FOR WINTER CLOTHING! Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Etc. Mistakes Cost Money COMPLAINT is that we have over-bought. Our too liberal policy of providing is brought into disgrace. SE NTE N C E is that we remove at once, nothing reserved, the surplus and bring to norma! condition a top-heavy stock. PENALTY is that we reduce prices to cost and less than cost, and it is punishment that we must. bear. We shut our eyes as to the result and cut prices right and left. The very finest garments, the medium priced ones and the cheaper ones are all included. If ever it paid the purchaser to look, it will pay now. This opportunity is a single instance in the history of clothing selling in the city of Emporium. WE NEED THE CASH and we are bidding for it with ravenous bait, the alluring bait of unheard of low prices. Saturday, No». 14,1908 Date SIB,OOO Worth of Merchandise for IS days Only Will be placed on sale at prices reduced to the minimum. For both Men and Boys, in sizes to fit a boy of three years to the largest men. Suits, Overcoats, Reefers, Top Coats, Rain Coats, Special lines of Underwear, Shirts, Suspenders, Mufflers, etc. We can giveonly hints in this limited space of the thousands of bargains that awaits your coming. Nobby Fall Suits for Men AssortmentMon'sOvßrcoats Me " * v.r.T! Dress Overcoats, black and gray, Price 88.00 now $5 99 $4.00 Shoes, now $3.25 -•"0 Shoes, now 1.99 Suits, Cahimeres and Worsteds. Price SB.OO, now $5.99 Overcoats, fine Oxfords, Vicunas, Thibits ' 3.50 Shoes, now 2.95 1.25 Shoes, now Q9 Suits, Fashionable cut and made, Price $lO, now 7.95 V' ice SIO.OO now - - - 7.89 II Boys Shoes. Overcoats, good quality, fancy shades, PnV« <<l nr\ ,n < Suits, Fancy and Unfinished Worsteds. Price sl'-',now 9.19 Price 813.00, now .... . Q 4.Q >■ 3 ' .99 '-• > 1 ov> 1.49 I Suits, Single and Double Breasted, some in black Overcoats, latest style and cut, ' lULC I,j0 ' lum $1.29 1 nce --50, now 1.99' I Price $14.00, now - - - 10.99 Price, 16.00 now - - - - - 12 .49 Men's Underwear Suits, Domestic and Foreign effects. Price 818, now 13 99 Overcoats, up to date, attractive in style. Price $20.00 Afwi'u n PW .n i;„ w i T- i • rA ' b ' -LO.tJfcJ now ... p- QQ Jlen s ileece lined underwear, price 50c at - 3Qp I Suits, Hart, Shaffner & Marx make. All up to date shades and ; _1 IQ.W Men's ribbed Underwear, blue and white; 50c at -• oq« cuts. Price $22.50 and $25.00, $18.99 and 21.69 YoUllg OverCOatS Men's all wool I nderwear. price SI.OO, now - - JQQ Sizes from 14 to 19 years. Men's all wool Underwear, price 1.25, now - - QQp Price $5.00, now $3.49 Price $6.50, now $4.69 Men's all wool Underwear, price 1.50, now - SI OQ Young Men's Suits Price $7.50, now $5.69 Boys' fleece lined Underwear, price 25c, now - lg Sizes from 15 to 20 years. Men's Rain CoatS. MpnU OvAKfellc Price 50c, now - o Qn ~ . «... _. __ Fancy Scotch mixtures, sizes 34 to 42 chest measure, all weicrhts men a U'VCldllb I Price Ss.r>o now $3.09 F "°° 8C.50 now $4.09 Price sls, now *l2 19 Price 818, now <tl 4 on „ , „ 7 P ' ,Ce I 00 ' now " " " Price 88.00 now 5.19 Price 80.00 now 6.98 Price 822.50, now 1899 Price 20, now Ifiiq Mens SllSpeilderS '' rlcc " uw " 19c " LU, - Lt, _ Price 50c, now - - 39q Men's Pants WOOL HOSE—Price 50c, now 39c; Price 25c, now 10c. I Boys' Suits Price SI.OO, now - - 7Q C Price 81.5.),"n0w $1.29 Men's Neckwear Price ° ow 39c; 25c, "OW-19C I t;. 112 , . ... Price 2.50, now JCI QQ Price 3.00, now OOQ ~' C IJ(nv * ies ' now 14c Sizes from 4 to 10 years <pA.c7E7 ... „ , . . Price 3.50, now 295 Price 4.00, now Men S GIOVeS and 1 rice 25c, now ]Q C Price 82.00 now 1 Q Price $3.00. now <feO OQ _ _ _ _ . ' 0«<50 mcirauiuvca dUU IHIUCni qxZ'tCv Price 4.50, now 36Q I nce 5.00, now Q =• I rice oOc, now 3f)C Price $3.50 now 2.69 Price 4.00, now 2.95 , -J • ■ Price 1.00, now 79c. Price 84.50 now 3.49 Price 5.00, now 3.79 DOys" Knee PantS Men's Ore** SllirK Price 50c, now - o Qc Boys'2sc Pants, now 19 c Boys'7sc Pants, now QQ C IYie " S jmrtS Price $1 u(w Boys' 50c Pants, now 39c Boys' SI.OO Pants, now 7Qq Price ~5 0. now 1.29. Boys' 50c Dress Shirts, now 38 Bovs' Overcoats and Reefers Boys' Glomes and Mittens. Trunks I>li<e ;! ' 00 ' nmy 1 '" : P rice now 2.29 OOyS> WVCiLOdLb dlia I\ceicrs Price ._, sc , uow 19c Price 50c, now 38c iiHi— Price 4.00. now 2.79; Price 5.00, now 3.19 Sizes from 4to 14 years _ _ , __ Price 0.50, now 4.19; Price 7.00, now 4.69; price 8.00 now 5.49 I Men s Mats Suit Cases I,,ice 1,50 > now 1,19 » Price. 2.50, now 1.79 I Price $2.50, now $1.89 Price $3.00, now $2.29 I>rice s()c - now " 39C Price 2.50, now 195 == Price 3.50, now 2.39; Price, 4.00, now 3.19 Price 3.50, now 269 I>rice 4.00, now P95 ''"ce SI.OO, now 79C I>rice 2.00, uow 1.45 UlXlblfellaS lllCe i,oc ' now Plice l * o0 ' 110w 7!, c Price 4.50, now 3 '.49 Price 5.00, now Q*7q I>rice UOW . $1.29 Price 3.00, now 2.25 Price 1.50. now 1.19; Price 2.00, now 1.49 Caps, price 25c. now 19c. 50c caps at 39c. Price 2.50, now 1.79. We Guarantee the AboVe Prices We have always had the Reputation of selling only the best mates on the market. We have no old shop worn. cheap, shoddy to unload on yon. Remember the Date. The opening will be a gala day, all profits thrown to the winds. Nothing reserved. A Bargain Event beyond anything previously known in merchandise. On every counter, in every department trade surprises—matchless value giving. Prices on the best and newest goods that would be impossible under ordinary conditions, and that no concern could pos sibly quote and remain in business. A trade event so exceptional—prices so low—that no one appreciating the saving of dollars can fail to come, whether the merchandise is wanted now or for future use. It is a G-lorious, Matchless Bargain Event that no family can possibly alford to overlook. Tell your friends. Saturday, 14th, Nov. 1908. This county will never have such a clothing opportunity again. Get your share CASH-NO CREDIT .—Purchasers must have the cash. No goods will be charged at sale prices. Nothing will be allowed on approval, but our policy of refunding the purchase price will remain good if articles are returned. T A OTI TIT A |l| IT O The People's Clothier, opp. Post-Office, EMPORIUM, PA J -t Remember the Opening Day, Saturday, Nov. 14, 1908 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers