•A MENDMENT TO THE CONBTITU. TION PROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COM MONWEALTH. IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION. Nl'vr"" -'SB. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing amendments to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania so as to consolidate the courts of common pleas of Philadelphia and Alle gheny counties, and to give the General Assembly power to establish a separate court in Philadelphia county, with crim inal and miscellaneous jurisdiction. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly met, That the following amend ments to the Constitution of Pennsylva nia be, and the same are hereby, pro posed in accordance with the eighteenth article thereof:— That section six of article five be amend ed by striking out the said section and Inserting in place thereof the following: Section C. In the counties of Philadel phia and Allegheny all the jurisdiction and powers now vested in the several numbered courts of common pleas, shall be vested in one court of common pleas in each of said counties, composed of all the judges in commission in said courts. Such jurisdiction and powers shall ex tend to all proceedings at law and in equity which shall havo been instituted in the several numbered courts, and shall be subject to such changes as may be made by law, and subject to change of venue as provided by law. The president Judge of each of the said courts shall be selected as provided by law. The number of Judges in each of said courts may be, by law, increased from time to time. This amendment shall take effect on the first Monday of January succeeding its adop tion. Section 2. That article five, section eight, be amended by making an addition thereto so that the same shall read as follows: Section 8. The said courts In the coun ties of Philadelphia and Allegheny re spectively shall, from time to time, in turn, detail one or more of their judges to hold the courts of oyer and terminer and the courts of quarter sessions of the peace of said counties, in such manner as may be directed by law: Provided, That in the county of Philadelphia tho General Assembly shall have power to establish a separate court, consisting of not moro than four judges, which shall have ex clusive jurisdiction in criminal cases and in such other matters as may be provid ed by law. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 1. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COM MONWEALTH. IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION. NUMBER TWO. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth, allowing counties, cities, boroughs, townships, school districts, or other municipal or incorporated districts, to increase their Indebtedness. Be it resolved by the Senate and House Of Representatives of tho Commonwealth Ot Pennsylvania In General Assembly met. That section eight, article nine, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read ing 0- follows: "Section 8. Tho debt of any county. City, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or incorporated dis trict, except as herein provided, shall nev er exceed seven per centum upon the as- B»ssed valuo of the taxable property therein; nor shall any such municipality or district Incur any new debt or Increase its indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valu ation of property, without the assent of the electors thereof at a public election, in such manner as shall bo provided by law; but any city, the debt of which now exceeds seven per centum of such as sessed valuation, may bo authorized by law to increase tho same three per cen tum, in the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation," be amended, In ac cordance with the provisions of the eight eenth article of said Constitution, so that said section, when amended, shall read as follows: Section 8. The debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or Incorporated dis trict, except as herein provided, shall nev er exceed ten per centum upon the as sessed value of the taxable property therein; nor shall any such municipality or district Incur any new debt or in crease its indebtedness to an amount ex ceeding two per centum upon such as sessed valuation of property without the assent of tho electors thereof at a public election, in such manner as shall be pro vided by law. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 2. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of tho Commonwealth. A MENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU "I TION I'ROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COM MONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION. NUMBER THREE. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing amendments to sections eight and twenty-one of article four, sections eleven and twelve of article five, sec tions two, three, and fourteen of article eight, section one of article twelve, and sections two and seven of article four teen, of the Constitution of Pennsylva nia, and providing a schedule for carry ing the amendments Into effect. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met, That tho following are proposed as amendments to the Con stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, in accordance with the provi sions of the eighteenth article thereof:— Amendment One—To Article Four, Sec tion Eight. Section 2. Amend section eight of arti cle four of the Constitution of Pennsyl vania, which reads as follows: "He shall nominate and, by and with advice and consent of two-thirds of I the members of the Senate, appoint a retary of the Commonwealth and an Attorney General during pleasure, a Su perintendent of Public Instruction for Tour years, and such other ofti". is of the Com monwealth as he is or maj bo authorized rjy the Constitution or by law to appoint; he shall have power to fill ail vacancies that may happen, in office to which he may appoint, during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next ses sion; ho shall have power to till any va cancy that may happen, during the recess of the Senate, in the office of Auditor General, State Treasrrer, Secretary of In ternal Affairs or Sui'erlntondent of Pub lic Instruction, in a judicial office, or in any other elective otl'co which he is ox may be authorized to ill; if the vacancy shall happen during tin session of the Senate, the Governor shail nominate to the Senate, before ihelr final adjourn ment, a proper person to till said vacancy; but in any such case of vacancy, in an elective office, a person Bhall be chosen to said office at the next general election, unless the vacancy shall happen within three calendar months immediately pre ceding such election, in which case the election for said office shall be held at the second succeeding general election. In acting on executive nominations the Sen ate shall sit with open doors, and. In con firming or rejecting the nominations ot the Governor, tho vote shall be taken by yeas and nays, and shall be entered on the journal," so as to read as follows: lie shall nominate and, by and v.llh t'-.o advice and consent of two-thirds of all the members of the I'enr.te, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth and an Attorney General (luring pleasure, u Su perintendent of "Public Instruction for four years, and such other officers of the Commonwealth as he is or may be au thorized by tiM3 Constitution or by law to appoint, be shall have power to till all vacancies that may happen, In offices to which ho may appoint, during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session; he shall have power to till any vacancy that may happen, during the recess of the Senate. In the office of Audi tor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of Internal Affairs or Superintendent of Public Instruction, in a judicial office, or In any other elective office which he is or may be authorized to fill; if the vacancy shall happen during the session of the Senate, the Governor shall nominate to the Senate, before their final adjourn ment, a proper person to fill said va cancy: but in any such case of vacancy. In an elective office, a person shall be chosen to said office on the next election day appropriate to such office, according to the provisions of this Constitution, un less the vacancy shall happen within two calendar months immediately preceding such election day.in which case the elec tion for said office shall be held on the second succeeding election day appro priate to such office. In acting on ex ecutive nominations tin Senate shall sit with open doors. and. In confirming or rejecting the nominations of the Gov ernor. the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays, and shall be entered on the journal. Amendment Two—To Article Four. Sec tion Twenty-one. Section 3. Amend section twenty-one of article four, which reads as follows: "The term of the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be four years; of the Audi tor General three years; and of the State Treasurer two years. These officers shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State at general elections. No person elected to the office of Auditor General or State Treasurer shall be capable of holding the same office for two consecu tive terms," so as to read:— The terms of the Secretary of Internal Affairs, the Auditor General, and the State Treasurer shall each be four years; and they shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State at general elections; but a State Treasurer, elected in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine, shall serve for three years, and his suc cessors shall be elected at the general election In the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and In every fourth year thereafter. No person elected to the office of Auditor General or State Treas urer shall be capable of holding the same office for two consecutive terms. Amendment Three—To Article Five, Sec tion Eleven. Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar ticle five, which reads as follows: "Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, justices of the peace or aldermen shall be elected In the several wards, districts, boroughs and townships at the time of the election of constables, by the qualified electors thereof, In such manner as shall be directed by law, and shall be commissioned by the Governor for a term of five years. No township, ward, district or borough shall elect more than two justices of the peace or alder men without the consent of a majority of the qualified electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shall be elected to such office unless he shall have resided within the township, borough, ward or district for one year next preceding his election. In cities con taining over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more than one alderman shall be elected in each ward or district," so as to read:— Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, justices of the peace or al dermen shall be elected in the several wards, districts, boroughs or townships, by the qualified electors thereof, at the municipal election. In such manner as shall be directed by law, and shall be commissioned by the Governor for a term of six years. No township, ward, dis trict or borough shall elect more than two justices of the peace or aldermen without the consent of a majority of the qualified electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shall be elected to such office unless he shall have resided within the township, borough, ward or district for one year next pre ceding bis election. In cities containing over lifty thousand inhabitants, not more than one alderman shall be elected in each ward or district. Amendment Four—To Article Five, Sec tion Twelve. Section 5. Amend section twelve of ar ticle five of the Constitution, which reads as follows: "In Philadelphia there shall be estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhabit ants, one court, riot of record, of police and civil causes, with jurisdiction not ex ceeding one hundred dollars; such courts shall bo held by magistrates whose term of office shall be five years, and they shall be elected on general ticket by the qualified voters at large; and in the elec tion of the said magistrates no voter shall vote for more than two-thirds of the number of persons to be elected when more than one are to be chosen; they shall be compensated only by fixed sala ries. to bo paid by said county; and shall exercise such jurisdiction, civil and crimi nal, except as herein provided, as is now exercised by aldermen, subject to such changes, not Involving nn increase of civil jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In Philadelphia the office of alderman is abolished," so as to read as follows: In Philadelphia there shall be estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhab itants, one court, not of record, of polic and civil causes, with jurisdiction not ex ceeding one hundred dollars; such courts shall be held by magistrates whose term of office shall be six years, and they shall be elected on general ticket at the munic ipal election, by the qualified voters at large; and in the election of the Raid magistrates no voter shall vote for move than two-thirds of the number of persons to be elected when more than one are •- bo chosen; they shall be compensate.! only by fixed salaries, to bo paid by si id county; and shall exercise such jurisdic tion, civil and criminal, except as herein provided, as is now exercised by alder men, subject to such changes, not Involv ing an Increase of civil jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In Philadelphia the office of alderman is abolished. Amendment Five- To Article Eight, Sec tion Two. Section 6. Amend tection two of article eight, which reads as follows: "The general election shall be held an nually on the Tuesday rtexi following the first Monday of November hut r <7en eral Assembly may by law tlx a different day, two-thirds of all lie .. mhi-rs ut House consenting thereto," so as to read:— The general election shall bo held bU nlally on the Tuesday next following first Monday of November in each evi.<^ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1908. numbered year, but the General Assembly may by law fix a different day, two thirds of all the members of each House consenting thereto: Provided, Thut such election shall always be held in an even numbered year. Amendment Six—To Article Bight, Sec tion Three. Section 7. Amend section three of arti cle eight, which reads as follows: "All elections for city, ward, borough and township officers, for regular terms of service, shall be held on the third Tuesday of February." so as lo l-i-ad: AU judges elected by the electcr* of th" State at large may be elected ;*.t either i general or municipal election, as clrcirrt stances may require. All elections for Judges of the courts for the sever.il J Cial dlr'rlcts, and for county, cilv. : rd. be-rough, and township o'tlcers for r -i lar terms of service, shall be held o:i municipal election day; namely, t"; ■ Tues day next following the first Mori-lt-y of November in each odd-number,- | y, r. but the General Assembly may by law fix a different day, two-thirds of all t:,e members of each House consenting there to: Provided, That such election shall al ways be held in an odd-numbered year. Amendment Seven—To Article Eight, Sec tion Fourteen. Section 8. Amend section fourteen of ar ticle eight, which reads as follows: "District election boards shall consist of a Judge and two inspectors, who shall be chosen annually by the citizens. Each elector shall have the right to vote for the Judge and one inspector, and each in spector shall appoint one clerk. The first election board for any new district shall be selected, and vacancies In election boards filled, as shall bo provided by law Election officers shall be privileged from arrest upon days of election, and while engaged in making up and transmitting returns, except upon warrant of a court of record or Judge thereof, for an elec tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms of service," so as to read:— District election boards shall consist of a Judge and two inspectors, who shall be chosen biennially, by the citizens at the municipal election; but the General As sembly may require said boards to be ap pointed in such manner as It may by law provide. Laws regulating the appoint ment of said boards may be enacted to apply to cities only: Provided, That such laws be uniform for cities of the same, class. Each elector shall have the right to vote for the Judge and one inspector, and each inspector shall appoint one clerk. The first election board for any new district shall be selected, and vacan cies In election boards filled, as shall be provided by law. Election officers shall be privileged from arrest upon days of election, and while engaged in making up and transmitting returns, except upon warrant of a court of record, or Judge thereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms of service. Amendment Eight —To Article Twelve, Section One. Section 9. Amend section one, artlol* twelve, which reads as follows: "All officers, whose selection is not pro vided for in tills Constitution. shall be elected or appointed as may be directed by law," so as to read:— All officers, whose selection Is not pro vided for in this Constitution, shall be elected or appointed as may be directed by law: Provided, That elections of State officers shall be held on a general election day, and elections of local officers shall bo held on a municipal election day, ex cept when, In either case, special elec tions may be required to fill unexpired terms. Amendment Nine—To Article Fourteen. Section Two. Section 10. Amend section two of artlcl* fourteen, which reads as follows: "County officers shall be elected at the general elections and shall hold their offices for the term of three years, begin ning on the first Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors shall be duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, shall be filled In such manner as may be provided by law," so as to read:— County officers shall be elected at the municipal elections and shall hold their offices for the term of four years, begin ning on the first Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors shall be duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, shall be filled in such manner as may be provided by law. Amendment Ten—To Article Fourteen, Section Seven. Section 11. Amend section seven, arti cle fourteen, which reads as follows: "Three county commissioners and three county auditors shall be elected in each county where such officers are chosen, In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five and every third year thereafter; and in the election "of said officers each qualified elector shall vote for no more than two persons, and the three persons having the highest number of votes shall be elected; any casual va cancy in the office of county commis sioner or county auditor shall be filled, by the court of common pleas of the county In which such vacancy shall oc cur, by the appointment of an elector of the proper county who shall have voted for the commissioner or auditor whose place is to be filled," so as to read:— Three county commissioners and three county auditors shall be elected in each county where such officers are chosen, in the year one thousand nine hundred and eleven and every fourth year thereafter; and in the election of said officers each qualified elector shall vote for no more than two persons, and the three persons having the highest number of votes shall be elected; any casual vacancy in the office of county commissioner or county auditor shall be filled, by the court of common pleas of the county In which such vacancy shall occur, by the ap pointment of an elector of the proper county who shall have voted for the commissioner av auditor whose place is to bo filled. Schedule* for the Amendments. Section 12. That no inconvenience may arise from the changes in the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into complete opera tion, it is hereby declared, that— In the case of officers elected by the people, all terms of office fixed by act of Assembly at an odd number of years shall each be lengthened oue year, but the Legislature may change the length of the term, provided the terms for which Such officers are elected shell always lie for an even number of years. The above extension of official terni3 shall not affect officers elected nt the gen eral election of one thousand nine hun dred and eight; nor any city, ward, bor ough, township, or election division offi cers, whose terms of office, under exist ing law, end in the ye r one thousand nine hundred and ten. In the year one " usand nlno hundred and ten the municipal election shall be held on tiie third Tuesday of February, us heretofore; but all officers chosen at that election to an others tho regular term of which is two years, and also all elec tion officers and assessors nt 'fcat election, shall serve until tlio first Mon day of December In the ye..- one thou sand nine hundred and eleven. All offi cers chosen at that election to offices the term of which is now four years, or is made four years by the operation of these amendments or this schedule, shall serve until the first Monday of December in the year oiie fhotf nd ni .3 hundred and tl .ru en All jus-:-- of th* •ace. mag l»:r- i, and aldi ah n at that c. -.ion. shall at rve mutt te.e first Mon- I of December in the year one thou fc.'ud nli.« l|i i'ir.d '-.: d l:£'.ee:i. After the 1 year nineteen hundred and ten, and unttt the Legislature shall otherwise provide, all terms of city, ward, borough, town ship, and election division officers shall begin on the first Monday of December In an odd-numbered year. All city, ward, borough, and township officers holding office at the date of the approval of these amendments, whose terms of office may end In the year one thousand nine hundred and eleven, shall continue to hold their offices until the first Monday of December of that year. All Judges of the courts for the several Judicial districts, and also all county offi cers, holding office at the date of the ap proval of theso amendments, whose terms of office may end in the year one thou sand nine hundred and eleven, shall con* tlnue to hold their offices until tho first Monday of January, ono thousand nine hunCred and twelve. A true copy of Joint Resolution No, 9, ROBERT McAFEIS, Secretary of tho Commonwealth, Fall Clothing Happy Thoughts .n Stylish Fall Suits, Fancy Vests, Hats, Etc. All the popular styles in Neckwear, Col lars, Pens, G-loves and Underwear. NEW—Our stock is all new, up-to-date and marked to the lowest notch. R.SEGER&CO. NEXT TO BANK. PINEULES 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR SI.OO Satisfaction guaranteed FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO A dose at bed time usu ally relieves the most severe case before morning. BACKACHE PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO, U. S. A. R. C. DODSONS DRUG S'iv. tli. \mm\ A few doses of this remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea anil cholera infantum in children, and ia the means of saving tho lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now. PRICE, 25c. LARGE SIZE, 50c. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Elizabeth Floyd Administratrix of the estate of J. C. Floyd deceased, late of Gibson township, Cameron county, has died her first and final account of her administration of said estate and the same will be presented at next term of court for con firmation. W. J. LEAVITT, Register. Register's Office, 1 Emporium, Pa., Sept. 15, 1908. J 31-4t. Sour StomacH No appetite, loss of strength, nervous* ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieves Indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with tlO greatest known tonlo and reoonstruotlve properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomaoh. Mr. S. S. B»R of Ravenrwood. W, V«., Myi;— 1 wa» troublod with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and we ere now uslne It In milk for biby," Kodol Digests What You Bat. Bottles only. Relieves Indication, sour stomach, belchlne of gas, etc. Prepared by K. O. DeWITT A 00., OHIOAQO. Sold by R. C. Dodson. jp " ALWAYS QLAD TO SEE YOU! = 1 HERE? I i C. B. HOWARD & GO'S | B§] General Store, WEST END OF FOURTH STREET, EMPORIUM, PA. ||j || NOTICE. |i »i Strictly pure goods. Conform with the pure food (II |P law 111 our Grocery Department. All firms are required m. to give us a guarantee on their invoices. I G-ROCERIES. | J Full line of all canned goods: Tomatoes, Peaches St ||l Pears, Cherries, Corn, Meats of all kinds. Our line of lf| M Cookies and Crackers cannot be surpassed for freshness, Pj m g them every week or two. Sour and sweet pickles pj || by the dozen or bottle. Fish of all kind. Cannot be II l jeat on No. i, sun Mackerel. Hams, Shoulders, j$ Mji acon an d Salt Pork or anything you desire in the line. §*§ §1 . CLOTHING-, | I'ljj Complete line of Underwear in Ballbriggau, natur- ffi m al wool and fleece lined, Shirts and Drawers, Overalls, |§) || Pants, Dress Shirts, work Shirts, Over Jackets, wool Iff P| and cotton Socks, Gloves, Mittens, etc. ' II ij SHOES AND RUBBERS. Have all sizes to suit the trade, for ladies, men oil ||< boys and children. ! DRESS GOODS. gj Anything in the line you desire. Come look our S stock over. Ill;] 1 .J, HARDWARE. jj R Shovels, Picks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatch- M ets, ets, Axes, all kinds, Handles and nails, from a shoe jlf ||]j nail to a boat spike. i CONCLUSION. ! We appreciate your past patronage and shall en- i'|j deavor to give you the same service and same goods in the future as in the past. Phone orders receive our /of prompt attention and delivered promptly by our popu- S lar drayman Jake. ' w Yours truly !||| I C. B. HOWARD & CO 1 |HSSHSHSHSB SaSHSaSHSHS3SHSHSHSESH&H | KeepMiesOut£o™E | Ij By Getting Good Window Sereens C] | and Screen Doors. | Window Screens 25c to 45c 1 ! Screen Doors SI.OO to $1.85 1 Wire Cloth Spring Hinges and all the accessories for'fly § weather. 1 ' in S Hardware of all Kinds. | | __ j « | Plumbing Tinning, Hot Water and | ru rii | £*teain Heating a Specialty. I F. V. HEILMAN & CO. I @ST3?SHSaSES aSHSBSHS aSHSSSaSPSHS HSeSHSHSHSSHSHSHSBS^i Business Cards. J. C. JOHNSON. J, p. MCNABNE? P. A. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & McNAKNKY, ATTORNEYB-AT-LAW EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en trusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BKENNAN, _ „ .. , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 38-ly* Emporium, Pa. B. W. OitEitf<. JAY P. FI;LT 0 KEEN & FELT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Corner Fourth and Broad streets, Emporium, Pa. All business relatingto estate,collections,real estate, Orphan'sCourtand genera) law business will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Near P. & E. Depot, Emporium, Pa.' r. . „ , FREDERICK LEVECKE, Prop'r. Centrally located. Every convenience for the traveling public. Rates reasonable.. A share oS he public patronage solicited. 4 ll y maygouldT TRACHBR OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in all the Popular Sheet Music, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftown scholars will be given dates at my roomtin thin place. TliE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEY-TAR Uci} Clover Blossom and lloney Bee on Every Bollle, BAN NER SALVE "-•* mo-i howling salve in the world
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