ESTABLISHED, 1860. Cameron County Press HENRY 11. MULLIN, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHKI) EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the PastofHce at Emporium as second class matter. The Best Advertising Medium in Northern Pennsylvania. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ordinary Advertisements are calculated by the inch in length of column. Ordinary advertisements, to take the run of the paper and change four times a year, will be inserted at the rates stated in the following table: j 1 in. | 2 in. | 3 in. j 5 in. jlO in. 20 in. 1 Week... sloos2oo $3 00 350 800 12 00 2 Weeks.. 1 50 s 300 400 500 11 00 16 00 3 Weeks.. 200 350 500 700 13 00 18 00 4 Weeks.. 2 50' 400 600 800 15 00 20 00 2 Months., 400 600 800 12 00 20 00 28 00 3 Months. 1 5 001 800 12 00 15 00 25 00 35 00 8 Months. 800 12 00 18 00 22 00 35 00 60 00 1 Year. ..\ 12 0" 18 00 25 00 1 30 00 60 OO'IOO 00 Table or figure work will be charged double rates. Legal advertisements per line ten cents each week, nonpareil type. ANNOUNCEMENTS of names of Candidates for office, $5,00 each. Announcement of candi dates for borough or township offices, $1.09 each. Announcements of candidates for delegates to the state Convention s•"> .00 each; delegates, alter nates or conferees to a local convention or con ference, SI.OO each. POLITICAL NOTICES, 20 cents per line each insertion. Nothing inserted for less than SI.OO. LOCAL NOTICES in the local columns will be inserted for ten cents per line the first week and five cents per line for each subsequent consecu tive week without change. ANNOUNCEMENTS of births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free, but ail obituary notices and resolutions will be charged five cents a line and obituary verses five cents p, line. Business Cards, five lines or less 00 peryear All exceeding five lines, SI.OO per line. CARDS OF THANKS, positively SI.OO for ten lines, or less; over ten lines, ten cents for each additional line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The date on the address label of each subscri ber's paper shows the time to which the sub scription is paid; and all subscribers in arrears are requested to pay up as soon as possible. On receipt of payments on subscription at this office, a receipt will be promptly returned, and the date on the address label will be corrected first of month. In all communications relating to subscrip tion our correspondents are requested to state the Postoffice to which the paper is now sent, or is to be sent, and to be careful to write all proper names plainl3*. Iu directing a change of address, always give tlie old address, as weil as the new one to which yon want 'he paper afterwards sent. JOB PRINTING, The Jobbing Department of the PRESS is com plete and affords facilities for doing the best class ot work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. REPUBLICAN JTICKET. For President, WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, of Ohio. For Vice President, JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMAN, of New York. For Judge of Superior Court, W. D. PORTER, of Allegany County. For Congressman, CHARLES F. BARCLAY, of Sinnamahoning. Pa. For Assembly, JOSIAH HOWARD, of Emporium.^ For Associate Judge, JOHN A. WYKOFF, of Grove. For Sheriff, FRANK G. JUI)D, of Emporium. For County Commissioners, S. I'. KREIDER, of Driftwood. J. W. LEWIS, of Shippen. For County; Auditors, T. E. FULTON, of Grove. GEO. A. WALKER, JR., of Emporium, Kodal will, without doubt, make your stouiach strong and will almost instantly relieve you of all the symptoms of indi gestion. Get a bottle of it to-day. It is sold here by It. 0. Dodson. Iteh cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr. Beat Treatment for a Burn. If for U'i other reason. Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every household o;i aceoiinl .'if its ureat value in the treat ment of bi. ;■■!. It. allays the pain almost instantly. ;r><) unles.- the injury is a severe one, heals the part without leaving a scar. This •is also uno<jniTed for chapped hands, sore nipple* and diseases of the skin. Price. '25 cjnts. For sale by L. 'fag-art. To those afllicted with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism, l'ineules for the Kidneys bring relief in the first dose. Hundreds of people to day testify to their remarkable healing and tonic properties. Ill) days' trial 81.00 The purify the blood. Sold by R. C. Dodson. 3m l'ineules lor the kidneys, 30 days trial 81.00. Hundreds of people testify to the merit of this preparation in the re lief of kidney trouble, rheumatism, lum bago, backache. l'ineules act directly on the kidneys, purify the blood and make you feel like a new person. They tone the system. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. 3m English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save §SO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. ,4 GREAT SURPRISE. The Singular Who Wanted an American Heiress. The Ainericau fa'.' of the heiress greeted the remit ' i v,sis :i NUltor for her hand wiili digiu ...I frigidity. "Sure," said the count, "your daugh ter lias done UH; Y,e hoimaire of con senting to lie my wife. 1 am called to complete ze negotiations." "All right," wearily said the father. "How much of a cash settlement do you expect?" "Nossing, sare." "What! How much will I have to pay for your poker debts?" "Nossing, sare. Ido not gamble." "How much will I have to pay to rebuild your castle?" "Nossing, sare. It is in tine repair." "But there must be some expense for me. Out with it!" "No, sare; nossing. I simply love your daughter and she loves me, and we wish to be married. Is not zat enough? Is it not enough to ask yon to give me your daughter wizzout your expecting to"— "Come to my arms!" exclaimed the American father and tried to fall upon the neck of the delighted count. But he awoke on the floor, having tumbled from his bed as a finish to hie amazing dream.—Judge. TO ENTER "SOCIETY." You must Have Treasure, Tempera ment and Tact. To enter paradise you had to be good and you bad to be dead. To enter society you do not have to be either. On the contrary, though what you do have to lie is harder to tell than it is to get there. But certain requisites may be mentioned. These are treasure, temperament and tact. Treasure, which is the basis of all scrumptiousness, speaks for itself. Temperament is more complex. Tem perament is the art of holding your own on the subject of nothing at all with experts who have devoted their lives to tiie subject. •That is clearly abnormal. Tact, while less unnatural, is more abstruse. Tact is the ability to put your vibrations into harmony with those of others about you. As pirants may be rich, righteous and ready, yet if they lack that ability, whatever their efforts, they are no where. If they possess it, then, though they be nobodies, they have only to choose where they want togo and get there—generally speaking, that Is, and provided they are not in a hurry. Taste is very mercantile, besides being unbecoming.—Edgar Salt us in Broad way Magazine. A Memory Test. A professor of mnemonics had gone to lecture at or near Canterbury. After the lecture was finished he had to wait for his London train. It was a most comfortless day, and he re tired to an inn for shelter and refresh ment. To pass the time he began to exhibit liis feats of memory to the yokels In the inn parlor, and one and all were thunderstruck except the waiter. There is always one skeptic in every communion, whether of saints or sinners. Do what he would ho could not mitigate the acrid smile of aeid Incredulity of that glorified potman! In the midst of one of his most difficult feats the whistle sound ed of the "only train to London to night!" and he rushed off to catch it lie caught it at the station, and hi; reputation caught it In the inn parlor for the waiter—coming in with some ordered refreshments and finding him gone—pointed to the corner where he had been sitting and exclaimed, "Sil ly 'unibug, lie's forgot his umbrella!" The Rich Turkish Beggar. Beggars are never suppressed in Tur key. The story is told (and they say it is true) about an American lady who by mistake gave a beggar of Constantino ple a gold piece. The man had left his post when she returned, but one of his colleagues told her where lie "resided." It was a fine house, and at the door was a servant, who politely informed the lady that "my master is dressing, lie will be down soon." And then the well groomed beggar, dressed for din ner, appeared and gladly returned the gold piece, exclaiming in the mean while that such mistakes were highly embarrassing.—"Charities and Com mons." Force of Storm Waves. The average storm wave is thirty feel in height. The highest storm waves ever measured were between forty-four and forty-eight feet high. The gigantic force of storm waves is shown by the fact that at Skerryvore lighthouse, off the west coast of Scot land, a mass of rock weighing five and a half tons was once hurled to a height of seventy-two feet above the sea lev el, while a mass weighing thirteen and a half tons was torn from a cliff seven ty-four feet high. Pall Mall Gazette. Explained at Last. "The late I)r. Morgan Dix," said a clergyman of New York, "had a dt-01l way of lightening grave subjects with little humorous asides. Once I heard him addressing a graduating class at a medical school. He began in this way: " 'Physiologists tell us, gentlemen, that the older a man grows the smaller his brain becomes. This explains why the old man knows nothing and the young one everything.' " Good Advice. Father (solemnly)— This thrashing is going to hurt me more than you, Napo leon. Napoleon (sympathetically)— Well, don't be In » rough on yourself, dad. I ain't worth it.—London Scraps. He who purposely cheats his frievid .'•orld cheat his Cod Lavater. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908. The Late Ex-President Cleveland on Republican Party. Just before Ex-President Cleveland's death lie planned the writing of three articles on the presidential campaign of 1908. The first article was publish I ed in the Philadelphia Ledger last <. Sunday. It is doubtful if he wrote the other articles, none being found. In this first paper the late President said: "The Republican Party is certain to move onto a safe victory, sustained by the popular support of Reforms. He says of Judge Taft, the Republican nominee: "There is fear on my part of being misunderstood in what I am about to say, but surely the fair-minded man must realize when he considers my at titude toward my own party, all now a matter of immutable record, that it is prompted by a sense of simple fairness. Personally and officially I have had the opportunity of knowing many things concerning Mr. Taft that were not a matter of general knowledge, and with a keen interest I have watched his large share in the conduct of our na tional affairs in very recent years. His excellence as a Federal Judge in Cin cinati is something not to be under estimated or overemphasized, for should he come to the presidential cbair the qualities which made him a Judge of high ability, which I know him to have been, will be the most needful to him as President of the United States. His high ideas of hon esty and of relative justice, his great capacity tor severe labor and his hum orous wisdom in the face of the serious problem are attributes equally valuable and commendatory to a people seek ing him in whom they may repose the trust of their collective interests while they turn their increased attention to their pressing individual demands. Whatever may be said as to the events of the past ten years which are alleged to have made us a world power, there remains small opportun ity for controversy over the essential features of our conduct in the face of the problems brought to face us by those happenings. Now, being self contained and compact in our politi cal geography and federated in our common interests whenever our do minion was established, we have be come extended and have increased the span of the arch of our structure, and must undertake to equate the widely different concerns of individuals and communities antithetical as to race, traditions and modes of life and anti podal as to location on the face of the earth. Dwelling 011 the unwisdom of prematurely acquiring colonies is fatu ous. The national duty is neither to help those colonies for their exploita tion nor to cast them off to void the burden of their responsibilities. The questions involved are no more matters to be harrowed through the mill of politics than is the policy of the Pan ama Canal something to be stamped either Republican or Democratic. HAS IMPORTANT QUALIFICATIONS. These questions are fruitful of trouble and perturbation, and the primary re quisite of the man or men who must deal with them is an abundant know lege of the people of the out-lying do main. That Mr. Taft is possessed of this knowledge as is no other man in the country is hardly to be denied; granted that he has had extraordinary opportunities, he has shown himself able to improve those opportunities in a manner which it is not extravagant to say will be his broadest claim so far to enduring fame when the acute visual distortion of the present and opportune shall have given place to the inexor able perspective of history in which the relative values of public deeds to public duties are completely clarified and announced to posterity. The misery and misfortune which an ignor j ant or obstinate administrator, no i matter how high the ethical standard I of his motives, could entail upon our wards of the Pacific and Caribbean are appalling to contemplate; were his administration to be at fault in any other particular, in those things Mr. Taft'a record shows him to be entirely dependable." DoWirt'.s ('arbolized Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to use for piles. Sold by 1!. 0. Dodson. Eight flonths for $5. Any person who cannot gel their ! strength back in the four months which constitutes a §5 treatment of Sexine Pills is entitled to the free treatment of four months more Sexine Pills are absolutely guaranteed for all forms of nerve weak ness in men or women. Address or call on R. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium. I a., where they soil all the principal remedies and do not substitute. ! Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs in \ Sizes | Crawford's and T/? y | j We have a fine line j| James Mean's Shoes Oil of Mens and Boys' To wear clothes that are just a little different from the Hats ill all COlOl'S and. have them in all rest, you want to look at, and try 011 some of our latest styles, the latest sizes and styles and arsity suits, made expressly for us bv ! I ~::r: Hart, Shaffner k Marx " °"' T 2 to look for a good suit The new litttle ideas in pockets in the out of the front Monarch. Silver and I case or a trunk. You of the Coat, the cufts on the sleeves, the trousers—a lot of can find them at our uew smart ideas in these suits win certainly please you. onirts. we Store at reasonable The new fashions are exceptionally beautiful, w e can have a nice line of prices, and you can show you the pick of them. jj them and up to date. i g n e l^yz hat you are This Store is the Home of Dart, Shaffner ft Marx Clothes j W ork°shirts ne lme of [JASPER HARRIS Poa M. Old Time Drunkenness. In reviewing "The Early Married Life of Maria Josepha, Lady Stanley," the London Spectator comments on the light in which drunkenness was re garded at the beginning of the nine teenth century. There was a christen ing of twins and rejoicing among the neighbors, tenants and laborers. "All the guests," says Maria, "wero as drunk as I ever had the pleasure of Beeing any one." Among the laborers, however, "that extent of intoxication was not reached which causes men to be swine." Lady Sheffield, who received this ac count of the festivities, replies: "I would have given a great deal to be present. There Is nothing I love so much as such sort of festivities, where one has the satisfaction of knowing that one makes one's friends happy as well as drunk." In London, she de clares, "when you give a ball you af front many people, please a few, make many drunk and yourself miserable." Clay and the Salary Grab. "Qninn," said an old member one day,"l heard you worrying about the mileage. Did you ever hear the story of Clay and the salary grab?" "No," I replied. "When Clay was speaker," he con tinued, "along about 1810, the crowd raised their salaries to $1,500 a year. There was a great howl all over the country, and when Clay reached home in Kentucky he found old one armed John Pope, a Federalist, ont after his scalp to beat the band and all the Clay adherents ominously silent. Worried and anxious, Clay sought out his old barber, who had always been enthusi astic in his advocacy and who hap pened to be an Irishman. 'I trust I may count 011 your hearty support, as usual?' Clay asked. 'Faith, Mr. Clay,' said the Irish barber, 'I think I shall vote at tills time for the man who can get but one hand into the treasury.'" —Success Magazine. Needed a Big Dose. The president of the Waiters' club of New York in a recent argument on tip ping said to his opponent sharply: "Your reply is altogether beside the point and irrelevant. It reminds me of a woman's reply in a German court. This woman was accused of poisoning her husband. The prosecuting attor ney said to her: " 'You have heard the evidence. The body contained enough arsenic to kill ten persons. What have you to say?' " 'My husband,' the woman answer ed. 'was a big eater.' " _ A Sure-Enough Knocker. A. C. Goodwin, of Reidsville, M. C., I says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve is a sure cnou»h knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a I few rounds. No even a scar remained." Guarateed for piles, sores, burns, etc. 25c, at all drug stores. They Take The Kinks Out. l: I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satis faction. They take the kinks out of the stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or friction," says N. H. Brown, of Pitts field, Nt. Guaranteed satisfactory at ail 1 drug stores. 25c. Kodol will in a very short time enable the stomach to do the work it should do, , and work it should do is to digest all the food you eat. It makes the stomach sweet and it is pleasant to take. It is pleasant to take. It is sold here by R. C. Uodson. Wood's Liver Medicine is liquid iorm for malaria, chills and fever, regulates the liver, kidneys and bladder, brings quick relief in biliousness, sick headache, constipation. Pleasant to take. The Sl.flit bottle contains 2] time.s the quan tity of the 50c size. First dose brings ! relief. Its tonic effects (eh at once. Sold by R. 0. Dodson. 3m Administrator's* Kotice. j Estate of MAUY E.SANFOIID, late of Shippen Township, Deceased. N OTICE is hereby given that 1 ettersof admin istration r. t. a. upon estate.of said decedeot have been granted to the undersigned . AM per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or rie j mantis against the same will make them known ' without delay, to eiEO. W. LiEAVITT, Administrator, C. T. A. Emporium, Pa., Sept 1, 1908. 25-of. A Paying Investment. John White, of 38 Highland Ave., Houlton. Maine, says:"Have been troubled with a cough every winter and spriug. J-iuKt winter 1 tried many adver tised remedies, but the cough continued until 1 bought a 50c bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery; before that was half gone, tin; cough was all gone. This winter the same happy result has follow ed, a few doses onee more banished the annual cough. 1 am now convinced that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies." Sold under guarantoe at all drug stores. 50c, and 81.00. Trial bottle free. Just a little (Jascasweet is all that is necessary to give your baby when it is cross and peevish. Cascasweet contains no opiates nor harmful drugs and is high ly recommended by mothers everywhere. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Sold by It. C. Dodson. ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready to use with nozzle attached. Soothes, heals, reduces itching and inflammation. An operation for piles will not be necessary if you use ManZan. PricesSOc. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by R. C. Dodson. 3m DeWitt's Little Early Risers are small pills, easy to take, gentle and sure. Sold by R. C. Dodsou. In addition to our up-to-date line of ? Ladies Furnishing Goods We carry thousands of novelties We have the exclusive Agency for The Cadet Stockings Scientific Stockings for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Sensible, satisfying, scientific Cadet Stockings, reinforced with Linen. Every pair guaranteed. Prce 25 cents the pair. Continued Bargains in Suits, Skirts, Shirt Waists Dress Goods, Hosiery, Vnderrtear, Embroidery and Laces, Ribbons and Notions. H 1 I One Half Off Regular Firce EMPORIUM, I OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Mow to flet Strong. P. .J. Daly,of 1247 W. Congress St., Chicago, tells of a way to become strong. He says: 11 My mother, who is old and very feeble, in deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that T fo;-i it's my duty to tell I hose who need a tonic aud strengthening medicine about my mother's ease u marked gain in flesh has re.-lilted, insomia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger." Elec tric Hitters quickly remedy stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guaranted at all drug stores. soc. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains, inflammation of the bladder and all other annoyances due to weak kidneys. They are sold by R. C. Dodson. Rings Little Liver Pills tor biliousness, sick headache, muddy complexion. They tone the liver; do not gripe. They keep you well. 25c. Sold by R. C. Dod son. 3m Uood for Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets last night, and I (eel fifty per cent, better than I have for weeks, says J. J. Firestone, of Allgan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article for biliousness." For sale by L. Samples free.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers