ESTABLISHED, 1S(J8. Cameron County Press HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Postoffice at Emporium as second class matter. The Best Advertising Medium in Northern Pennsylvania. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ordinary Advertisements are calculated by the inch in length of column. Ordinary advertisements, to take the run of the paper and change four times a year, will be inserted at the rates stated in the following table: . 1 in. | 2 in. | 3 in. 5 in. 10 in. 20 in. 1 Week...!» loos2oo $3 00 350 80012 00 2 Weeks.. 150 300 100 500 11 00 16 00 3 Weeks. . 1 200 j 350 500 700 13 00 18 00 4 Weeks. ' 2 50i 400 600 800 15 00 20 00 2 Months. 100 600 800 12 00 20 00 28 00 3 Months.' 500 800 12 00 15 00 25 00 35 00 6 Months.; 8 OOi 12 00 18 00 ! 22 00 35 00 60 00 1 Year. .. 12 Oil! 18 l.'O 25 00 ,30 00 fio 00 100 00 Table or figure work will be charged double rates. Legal advertisements per line ten cents each week, noupareil type. ANNOUNCEMENTS of names of Candidates for office, $5.00 each. Announcement of candi dates for borough or township offices, $1.0'3 each. Announcements of candidates for delegates to the state Convention $5.00 each; delegates, alter nates or conferees to a local convention or con ference, SI.OO each. POLITICAL NOTICES, 20 cents per line each insertion. Nothing inserted for less than SI.OO. LOCAL NOTICES in the local columns will be inserted for ten cents per line the first week and five cents per line for each subsequent consecu tive week without change. ANNOUNCEMENTS of births, marriagcßand deaths will be inserted free, but all obituary notices and resolutions will be charged five cents a line and obituary verses live cents a line. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year All exceeding five lines, SI.OO per line. CARDS OP THANKS, positively SI.OO Tor ten lines, or less; over ten lines, ten cents for each additional line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The date on the address label of each subscri ber's paper shows the time to which the sub scription is paid; and all subscribers in arrears are requested to pay up as soon as possible. On receipt of payments on subscription at this office, a receipt ivill be promptly returned, and the dale on the address label will be corrected first of month. In all communications relating to subscrip tion our correspondents are requested to state the PostofHce to which the paper is now sent, or is to be sent, and to be careful to write all proper names plainly. In directing a change of address, always give the old address, as weil as the new one to which you want the paper afterwards sent. JOB PRINTING. The Jobbing Department of the PRESS is com plete and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, of Ohio. For Vice President, JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMAN, of New York. Forjudge of Superior Court, W. D. PORTER, of Allegany County. For Congressman, CHARLES F. BARCLAY, of Sinnamahoning, Pa. For Assembly, JOSIAH HOWARD. of Emporium.' For Associate Judge, JOHN A. WYKOFF, of Grove. For Sheriff, FRANK G. JUDD, of Emporium. For County Commissioner?, S. P. KREIDER, of Driftwood. J. W. LEWIS, of Shippen. For County' Auditors. T. E. FULTON, of Grove. GEO. A. WALKER, JR., of Emporium. DANGER IN DELAY. Kidney Diseases are too Dangerous for Emporium People to Neglect. The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer ri-e unizes them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, head ache, nervon. i; ss, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary (roubles, dropsy, dia betes arid Uright's di;- use follow in merci less succ in Don't neglect your kid neys. Cure lite kidneys with the certain and safe remedy. Doan's Kidney I'ill?, \\ hich lias cured people right here in Emporium. Mrs. William Swuriz, living on Maple street, Emporium, Pa , >ay>: "I suffer ed for a long time with dull nagging back aches and pains through my loins, so -evere at times that 1 could hardly attend to my work. Every move I made caus ed me severe pain. I was unable to rest at night and in the morning would be worn out and tired. My kidneys were very active and the secretions caused me much annoyance and embarrasement. I used many remedies but was unable to obtain relief until a friend advised me to use Doan's Kidney Pills. [ procured this remedy from L. Taggart. the drug gist, and used them in accordance with directions. The backache and pains quickly vanished, the kidneys were strengthened and my general health was improved. I am indeed grateful to Doau'a Kidney Pills for the groat benefit received from their use and heartily recommend them to kidney sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for :he United States. Re member the name—Doan's—and take no oth'i. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, SLifles, Sprains, Swollen Throatp, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr On a TJew Kooting. Mr. Absalom !• note. an eccentric old gentleman who land prowu tired of lift In the city, dccic. i o'movo to some smaller tov , free :■ un the roar ol traffic, the bustle ana oafuslon of the thronging multitude. where lie could end his days tranquilly, as became a man of his age. in casting about foi n location, his eye chanced to light upon the advertisement in a village paper of one Thomas It. I'oote, whe wanted to dispose of Ills boot and shoe store at a bargain, having made up his mind to remove to the city. "That's the very thing," he said. "Selling shoes is a nice easy occupa tion. It will Rive me just euough tc do to keep me from stagnating, and it won't wear me out with overwork. I'll investigate it. It's queer, though, thnt his name is Foote. my name b Foote, he wants to come to the city nnd I want togo to the country." A visit to the little town decided him. He liked its appearance and lo cation. He was pleased, moreover with "Foote's Shoe Store" and bought it, good will and all, at a bargain. "Well," said the other Mr. Foote, "you won't have to change the sign." "No," he answered slowly. "I'll just add a little to it." The next day he added this, jus) below the sign: "This place has changed feet." A Psychic Phenomenon. An extraordinary incident is connect ed with Professor von Ilerkomer's fa mous painting, "The bast Muster," which was the picture of its year at the academy. One morning soon after the exhibi tion was opened the artist was aston ished to receive a letter from a lady, a perfect stranger, who said she was not aware until she saw "The Last Muster" at the academy on the previ ous day that her mother, then dead, had ever sat to the professor for her portrait. Now, the figure in the picture was painted solely from imagination, and the artist hastened to explain this fact to his correspondent. She thereupon asked for an appointment and took an oil painting of her mother, asserting that it was a faithful representation of that lady. The academician was astonished to perceive that ho had really portrayed on his own canvas a facsimile of the figure in this other painting, although It was that of a woman whom lit? had never seen in his life.—London M. A. P. Shipwrecks and Courts Martial. The custom of holding courts martial in the British navy after every case ol shipwreck has a curious origin. In 1741 the Wager, one of Commodore Anson's vessels, was wrecked off f lie coast of Chile, most of tlie crow being saved. The men and some of the jun ior officers held that they were no longer amenable to discipline because their pay ceased with the wreck, but the captain, whose name was Davy Cheap, differed, treated them as muti neers and shot one of his midshipmen. He was then deposed, and most of the crew made off in three of the boats. Later when it was proposed to proceed against the so called mutineers the law officers of the crown decided that the men had been correct in their view. This discovery led to the framing of section !>1 of the articles of war, which provides that in the case of shipwreck, destruction or capture by the enemy a *liip is I'ICH to remain In commission pending inquiry by a court martial. The Pigs of Brittany. "Briitnn is ,!1 right." the traveled man said cautiously,, "but beware of the pi< s there. The iireton pig is not fat and indolent like ours. 110 is as lean and fiery as a wolf and twice a wolf's size. All over Brittany you sec him. swaggering up and down the white roads in search of roots, berries, frogs, anything—for he must forage for himself—his master never feeds him. Step out of his way, or he will snarl and leap at you. "The Bretons are great drunkards. Sometimes they fall asleep beside the load. They awake with a sharp pain in the arm or leg, the pain of a hungry hog's teetli." New Orleans Times- Democrat. A Picture Story. Two hunters are seen walking all over the moving picture. They think they are following bear tracks. Suddenly the foremost hunter stops with a start. "By gum," he shouts, "them ain't b'ar's tracks at all; them's the slide man's dirty thumb marks."—Bohemian Magazine. The $1,500 Kind. "Ah, that's pretty!" said Mr. Snooks, looking over a number of architectural designs. "What is that?" "That," said the architect, "is a sl,- 500 bungalow." "What will it.cost to bufirJ HV" asked Mr. Snooks. "About $8,000," said the architect.— Judge's Library. A Redhot Flood. An example of mixed metaphor was heard at a seamen's meeting at South Shields, an enthusiastic speaker urg ing the crowd to "take the tide by the flood and grasp it red hot."—London Chronicle. The Secret. Blobbs—There is only one thing a woman loves better than to be told a secret. Slobbs—What is that? Blobbs —To find it out for herself.—Philadel phia Itecord. Beautiful slils thought and beautiful the language wherewith Sir Philip Sid ney gave ii expression, "They are nev er alone wl"t ;M'e accompanied by noble thoughts." CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1908. NOTES OF INTEREST. James Hobson will erect an addition to his home on West Creek. The new building will be built of stone and brick. Harper's Weekly lias discovered nineteen railroad presidents who 27 years ago were either machinists, tele graph operators, water boys on trains or other wage earners. John C. Lane, of Renovo, a brake man on local freight No. 93, had his leg broken while attempting to board his train at Ridgway last week, by being struck by the platform at the freight depot. In buildings, equipment and reputa tion, the Lock Haven State Normal School is the equal of the best. Its graduates are the best advertisement. To those who are thinking of becoming teachers, it is an ideal school. The Fall term begins Sept. 7th. Send for its catalogue to the Principal. If you art thinking of going to a Normal School this coming year, it will be to your advantage to patronize a well established and thoroughly reputable school. The Lock Haven State Normal School meets these re quirements. The Fall term begins Sept. 7th. A catalogue will beßent up on application to the Principal. FireWedncsday morning of last week destroyed the Merrill house at Dents Run, causiug a loss of $15,000. All the guests escaped in safety, although some of them lost a part of their clothing. The fire was discovered by the crew of a B. & S. freight train which was pass ing through the place. The train was stopped and the crew aroused the peo ple iu the house and tried to light the flames. The Hyde & Doutt lumber plant at Grandin, near Eagle Rock, was prac tically destroyed by fire Saturday after noon. The saw mill, planing mill, gen eral store, ice house and 1,000 ties were burned, entailing a loss of $25,- 000, on which there was $23,000 insur ance. Millions of feet of lumber and a large boarding house was saved only through the assistance rendered by the Oil City firemen. The loss to the com pany is made comparatively light through the fact that their lease ex pires during September. If the old brindle cow should get out many a daddy would walk the streets half the night for her, but let a 12 year old boy or girl fail to show up parents retire for the night, in a good many case?, without an anxious thought. We dare not be hopeful over the future of the human race as long as the fath ers and mothers think more of round ing up v S3O cow than they do of cor railing their sons and daughters at a reasonable hour in the evening.--Ex. According to Government reports there were 55,402,336,113 stinking cigar ettes consumed in the United States last year by 25,000,000 smokers, it is said. Which means in round figures that about three times as many more American citizens who do not smoke, but detest the rank smelling cigarette have had their olfactory sense out raged 55,402,336,113 times, which is a very conservative estimate, as it is safe to say that no where near one-third of the citizens of this country are in the habit of smoking those abominations. So those staggering billion figures can be multiplied several times without trenching on the truth a particle. A sad commentary on the good sense of the American people. How to Live on $5. H a person who is weak or nervous desires robust health again, the small sum oi *SS, when spent for Sexinu Pills, will l>rin<r new strength in a very short time. These great tonic pills have with out question done more than any other remedy in producing steady ' nerves. Price. ?1 a box, six l oses for §5, with full guarantee for all forms of weakness. Address or call on H. C. Dodson where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. Arrow Brand CoHars and Cuffs in \ Sizes Crawford's and ; Yj? Yrkl s 112 lit' We have a fine line 'James Mean's Shoes 1 I Oil JUlfrC of Men's and Boys' To wear clothes that are just a little different from the Hats ill ctll COIOIS and have them ill all rest, you want to look at, and try on some of our latest styles. the latest sizes and styles and varsity suits, made expressly for „» by Browns in Derby and trrrr: Hart SSaffner & Marx to looli for a good suit The new lltttle lcleas 111 pockets m the out of the iront Monarch, Silver and case or a trunk. You of the Coat, the cufts on the sleeves, the trousers-a lot of Qhir+ct WP Can filld them at our new smart id eas hi these suits will certainly please you. Store at reasonable The new fashions are exceptionally beautiful, and we c:n S liave a nice line of prices, and you can show you the pick of them. ' them and up to date. kx>king t foi\ ial: you aie This S!ore is the Home of Hart, Shaffner a Barn Cloliies ! W ork > sMrts ne lme of I A QPPP I—l A Opposite Pos! Office Uv,;' r LF 1 . n JTA I 1111 V, EMPORIUM, PA. Libhy Prison Diarrhoea Relieved. Edward E. Henry, with the United States Express Co., Chicago, writes: '•Our General Superintendent, Mr. Quick, handed uie a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy some time ago to check an attack of the old Libby Prison diarrhoea. I have used it since that time and cured many on our trains who have been sick. lam an old soldier who served with Rutherford B. Hayes and William McKinley four years in the 23d Ohio Regiment, and have no ailment except Libby Prison diarrhoea, which this remedy stops at once." For sale by L. Taggart. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need it. That is the only time you need to take Kodol. Just when you need it; then you will not be troubled with sour stomach, belching gas on the stomach, etc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. Cascasweet is for babies and children) and is especially good for the ills so com mon in hot weather. Look for the in gredients on the bottle. Contains no harmful drugs. Sold by R. C. Dodson. ■™—"' \\.N.N \A»\. V \ \ f>. SECOND TO NONE > ADAM, | MELDRUM & % ANDERSON Co. ' y 396-408 Main Street, BUFFALO,N. Y. ' __ | New Fall / / I Dress § 1 Goods 1 % % % We import more, sell if / more and carry more Dress % k v % Goods in stock than all the department stores in Buf- a t falo combined. Yon get a greater selection here from % % a filli range of weaves and %. % colors. Our large purchases % / and the fact that we deal with producers only enables j| 4 us to save all middlemen's % I 1 % % I | % Send for S 112. Samples \ I . X sof the new Fall goods. / Please state the kind and / / color yon desire and about / / the price you can pay. On % / account of our immense / ✓ stock it is impossible to / / samples of all. / I' \ '% I % COME IN PERSON IF POSSIBLE ' 1 t Railroad Fares Rebated sin connection with the / \/ Chamber of Commerce. / % $ | ; £4 2 ADAM, I MELDRUM & / ANDERSON CO. % H American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. <W- V V s V v v v v.v v V Grove City College. Summer Term begins June 23rd—lasts eight eeks. Largest Hummer Sohool in Pennsylvan ia. Thirty-eight Professors und Lecturers,(three from Great Britain.) Special work in EDglish and Philosophy. Schools of Normal and Colleg iate Branches, Pedagogy, Music, Art, Commer cial Kranches, Stenography anil Typewriting. Students can get any work desired. $40.00 will cover all necessary expenses. Address President Ketler, Grove City, Pa. 23-3t. Old Home Week at Renovo. For the Old Home Week celebration at Reno vo, Pa., August 31 to September 6, the Pennsyl vania Railroad will sell excursion tickets to Re novo, August 31 to September 5, good to return until Septemer 7 inclusive, from Brookville Kane, Eldred, Troy, South Danville, Shamokin, Herndon, Seilingsgrove, Hnntingdon. Altoona, Osceola Mills, Beliefonte, Lewisburgaud stations intermediaie to Renovo at reduced rates (mini mum rate 20 cents). Consult ticket agents. 27-2 There are many imitations ot DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve but just one original. Sold by R. C. Dodson. What is Best for Indigestion? A. Ilobinson, of Drumquin, Ontario, has been troubled lor years with indiges tion and recommends Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets as "the best medi cine I ever used." If troubled with in digestion or constipation give them a trial. Thov are certain to prove bene ficial. They are easy to take and pleas nt in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples ree at L. Taggart's drugstore. In addition to our up-to-date line of JgMk Ladies Furnishing MST Goods arry thousands of novelties We have the exclusive Agency for |||' The Cadet Stockings Scientific Stockings for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Sensible, satisfying, scientific B m Cadet Stockings, reinforced with jM Linen. Every pair guaranteed. dHk/ JpJ) Prce 25 cents the pair. Continued Bargains in Suits, Skirts, Shirt Waists Dress Goods, Hosiery, Vndertfear, Embroidery and Laces, Ribbons and Notions l I One Half Off Regular Pirce I EMPORIUM, PA. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. The Bargain - Store _ | Fruits -- Vegetables j Arriving daily and going at i the lowest possible prices. t Pine Apples, 2 Cuoumbers, Cabbage, i New Potatoes, \ Bermuda Onions. \ Remember I am handling > Presh and Smoked Meats of all s kinds. Bacon, Hams, Boiled S Ham, Bologna. C Fine Line Groceries I Free delivery anywhere. > Phone your orders. / T.W. WELSH! Chas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward }
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