|| Breezy| I I County | 111 News __ _ Js/ FIRST FORK. I)r. W. If. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori in, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. A cloud burst on Norcross Mill and Brooks Runs last Friday night, raised the water higher than at the time of the Johnstown flood and done consid erable damage. It tore the abutment out at the wagon biidge, near the P.O. and also the 13. & S. bridge abutments at Brooks Run, making it necessary to transfer the passengers at that place on Saturday. The water came down a holow at Wm. Swank's and drowned one of his hogs and was about three feet deep in his stable. It also pretty much destroyed his oats, corn and po tatoes that he had planted. A wind and hail storm accompanied the rain blowing down lots of trees, out build ings, etc. Some idea can be formed of the severity of the storm, when it covered up a plow for Goss Bros., which had been left in the furrow, all but part of one handle. Uncle Jimmie O'Brien's potatoes, planted on a side hill were washed out and ground and potatoes carried away. The stream raise:! but, little up towards Wharton. The storm destroyed John Swank's ginseng f.trm of 40,000 plants. Experts estimate his damage at Mr. Lud wig of Cowley Run was vis itor at A. J. Bell's Sunday. Nuf SKU. HUNTLEY. Dr. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. Mrs. Mary Lord is visiting her sister, Mrs. ISmmalyne Summerson, at the Wil lowdale farm. \\ r . 15. Smith was an Emporium visitor Saturday evening. Lillian Johnson, of Emporium, spent Sunday with her father W. W. Johnson" J. V. Sullivan and wife were Empori um visitors Saturday evening. \\ . H. Cone, of Tidioute, and James Konnedy, of Coudersport, are in town this week superintending the loading of a special shipment of lumber. l!ev. Ilazlett. of Houghton, N. Y. preached at the Huntley chnrch Sunday, to large congregation. John L. Jocnson has returned from the Lock Haven Hospital much improv ed in health. Mrs. Sally Jordan and daughter, Nora, of Sterling Run, are the guests of Wm. H. Logue. \\ hile J. S. Jordan has not as many onions this year as Levi Smith, the qual ity makes up for the lack of <|uantity. Last Tuesday the inhabitants of this community were treated with the sight of one of the survivors of the once .powerful tribe of Seneca Indians. A female sur vivor of this historic tribe passed through the village enroute for Four Mile where she will erect her wigwam and with her sister and cousin will read the future des tinies of the pale faces at so much per. We understand that some of the section men took advantage of the opportunity to peep into the future and their horo scope must have been bright as the two who had their fortunes told have express ed satisfaction of the outlook. I homas Kilborn has purchased a fine Berkshire cow from Leonard Dill, of Mason Hill. She tzives a barrel of milk at each milking and has to be milked four times a day. He will start an ice cream parlor soon. Mrs. G. S. Hill and son Elmer, of '•rove Hill, called on W. R. Smith and family Saturday. Clyde Collins has purchased a water motor and has it installed at his home. It is working successfully, and runs a washer, churn and fan at the same time. In consideration of the increased busi ness that Agent W. R. Smith, W. N., has procured lor the Manhattan Electri cal Supply Co., that firm has presented him with a beautiful dynamo and electric motor which he has installed in his rcsi ilence on the "Rivera for lighting pur poses, aside from doing away with the ex pense of coal oil, with its dangers and in conveniences. This new leature puts Huntley in the up-to-date class of mod ern towns. We prophesy a future "Edi son in Mr. Smith. W. N. U . Smith, of the Wiliowdale farm, has finished planting his potatoes and wears a peaceful fjinile. Alvin lien-on Croop our hustling tele grapher and photographer attempted to take a picture of Squire Sullivan Sunday but the machine refused to work. No one seems to blame the machine any. The line must be drawn somewhere. "Croopie" says: I've photographed ill Africa, in Turkey and in Spain, I've snapped the mugs of kings and queens across the "raging main", I've taken freaks and lunatics, in any nay de sired, But never more will I attempt to snap a "coun try squire." I did not think his noble face, my work would bring to grief, But say! he surely is a (right since he hasiost his teeth, I need the money badly, but gold can never hire, My camera, to take a chance upon the "country squire." CAMERON. ' Dr. W. il. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori ! um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. I On account of (he heavy rains last i week, ye correspondent was storm stayed ) and unable to represent. I G. W, Kiiseand Chas. McCraeken are I digging coal for Sam Hicks, at Calder. Thos. Ferguson left for his home near Rrisbin last week to \i.--it hi- family for a few days. The mines at the brick works have suspended operations until the weather beconn s more suitable lor operations. Mrs. Ray and children, of lienovo, I visited G. L. and wife Sunday, leav j iug for St. Marys, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Wilson aud children, of Portland Mills, are visiting Wm. Wykofl' and wife the past week. John and Abram I'elkington, of Canoe Run, left for Michigan this week, to work in the mines. The severe storm which passed through this place Friday night, ruined many gar dens and truck patches, some being total ly destroyed. Edward McFaddcn visited friends in Emporium Saturday and Sunday. John McFaddcn who has been work ing at Modix Run in the woods, visited his family Sunday. Chas. Jones returned home from Hicks Bun Saturday to visit his family. Mrs. Chester Potter who who has been ill for some time is reported some better at this writing. Cyrus Lupro and his son-in-law, Chas. Jones left for 1 licks Itun this week to work in the woods. Mrs. J. M. Olson, of Madera, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. D. Krape for a few days returned home last Friday. D. 15. Peterson went to Orbinsonia, Pa., Wednesday morning, to attend the funeral of his father, who died very sud denly Tuesday. lluldah Olson, of Madera, is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. E. I). Krape. Robt. Graham made a business trip to Emporium, Tuesday, to solicit orders for the large crop of "merry widow" potatoes which lie expects in the near future. They are the finest in the county and should give an abundant crop. LOUISE. STERLING RUN. Dr. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's Shoo Store. Byron Smith of St. Marys was a vis itor iu town on Sunday. Albert Smith moved his family from Cameron Tuesday to one of John May's houses. Mildred Strawbridge returned homo Saturday from Jolmsonburg where she had been attending school. Mrs. J. H. Darrin returned from Sinnamahoning Monday, where she had been visiting her son. Dorsey Spangler and wife visited at Erie Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. A. Dice was a visitor to Ilar burg Saturday. He purchased a fine collection of flowers. J. E. Smith is attending the Knight Templar conclave at Erie. John Beckman of Coudersport was iu town shipping lumber this weak. Lloyd Spence died on Saturday, having been a great sufferer for years. He was buried Modnay p. m., Rev. Allen officiating. Interment was made in the cemetery here. J os. Caskey of Renovo was a visitor in town Sunday. Grover Smith returned from Ridg way Saturd ay where he has been at tending school. Boies Reamer, J. A. Dice's liitle grand-son, had the misfortune while fishing Tuesday, to run a fish hook in his finger. The doctor removed it. The lady Maccabees gave a supper at their Hive Friday night. Mrs. N. D. Jordan and daughter Nora, were visitors at Huntley Sunday. Master Whiting Derrick of St.Marys is the guest of his grand-mother this week. We are glad to hear that Ed. Mar shall who was operated on for appendi citis at the Williamsport hospital is im proving rapidly and is expected home in about a week. Mrs. Ella Bull and daughter of Slate Run are guests of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Barr. A. H. Barr, wife and daughter, Mrs. Frances Connors and child, left for Washington state Monday, where they intend making their future home. Their many friends regret to see them go. We loose these very kind friends and neighbors and wish them success and happiness in their new home. Grover Smith gave his office a coat ot paint which makes quite an improve ment. Miss Bertha Sterling roturned from Emporium Saturday. Mrs. Sietz of York who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Dice for somo time left for Renovo Monday. Master Arthur Summerson of Hicks Run, is guest of his sister, Mrs. C. G. Howlett. Dr. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. T. 11. Winger, the Walker Station eye agent was in town Tuesday. BLUE BEI.L. A number ot rooms, with use of bath or rent. Apply to Frank F. Day. 41-tf. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1908. 112 High Class Merchandise at the New Off Goods Store "I | Are Guaranteed Ig be Sold as low if not Lower than in Philadelphia or Buffalo We sell for Gash only, that's why we can SelS for less fchan Others | j HERE ARE SOME SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. j 1121 sl-00 10c $1.50 12c Golf Suiting. An U. S. Flags, U. S. Flags, size 24 Regular $2.50 fine Children's Muslin - excellent materia! sxß feet, made of x3G mounted on Lawn ShirtWaists Drawers. Good I for Summer dresses fast color stocks made of beautiful patterns, quality, with three | | looks iike wool cloth. washable cloth. embroidered fronts rows of tucks. " 12 2 SIOO 10c. } $1.50 12c 125 c $3.00 7sc ~ T ~™~soc I Children s Knit Nemo Corsets. I4"q Q White Parasols Men's Fancy I Jackets for both Greatest Corsets lid U with natural Shirts, excellent I boys and girls. i n the world for c wood handles, quality and lat- | Just the thing lor stout women. r , Washable cover-i est patterns, summer wear. $3.00 ing. I 50c |_ _l 5c .1 75 c | 39c 1 , 4^> 4 . 5 . c - 112. 0c |Exceptionalgood $3 98 j Children's Straw | | Ladies Muslm values in Ladies ; A number of our trimmed | 1 Night Gowns. Knit Underwear "Tfl't/ i five dollantrim jwith ribbon 1 j'j Excellent qualityj a * mj\ fr / I mmed hats are \ bands, seventy | | nicely trimmed. j 10c, 15c, 25c i reduced to [rive cent qual- 1 R 43c, 4bc, 50c, 5 -- /' 1 S3 98 I SI.OO nmm n _ \ _39c i I $2,69 \\ r ou must see Jl •j\ V\ 90c SI.OO . 25c 35c I \ White the fine Lawn hvt\. Extra good value j Nottingham Sash J I Sr a , Shirt Silirt Waists we m Ruffle Cur- j Curtains, finish- I | Waists, embroid- are selling now tains withßenai- e d with hem on I | ered fronts the at above price. This up-to-date singie-breasted, 4- sance Intertion. irnn in out rod 1 1 I TL <£l or buttoned Prince Chap Suit is made of " I C ?P ,i, P « i , Kind iC- i hey were ipl.Zs a good quality lineen. Coat, is 27 Very nice »3at" 'through Two i duced to $1.50 quality terns, per pair j splendid patterns 112 $ 2 - 69 SIOO 90c. SI.OO j 25c 35c | I*)£~ Several pieces verv line White Goods Price SSoOO Alf • C c with figures, :55c quality. _ A Large Line or Milinery. 11l Irr 1" TIVTTT* Emporium's Largest and A. Am. JLj A 111 JLL* Finest Dry Goods Store L. TKBdraaman ——— mmmmmam «mniMß afiiMns&aSKO oaanniSß msoa nnst casuimnnn maKnavmi .. How's This. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O We, the undersigned,have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINXAX & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. A great many people imagine tlioy have heart trouble when the fact i.s that the whole trouble lies in the stomach. The pains in the side around the region of the heart are not necessary heart trouble. We suggest that you start with the stomash and whenener you feel a de pression after eating or whenever your food seems to nauseate take Kodol. It will-not be very long until all these "heart pains" will disappear. Take Kodol now and until you know you are right again. There isn't any doubt about what it will do and you will find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol tor a few weeks. It is sold here by R. C. Dodson. It Reached the Spot. JO. Humphrey, who owns a large yen eaal store at Omega, 0., aud is president of the Adams County Telephone Co., as well as of the Ilome Telephone Co., of Pike county, ().. says of Dr. King's New Discovery: "It saved my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot —the very seat of my cough,— when everything else failed. Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough | spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak | spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold j under guarantee at all drug .stores. 50c. I and Sl.Ui'. Trial bottle free. Wm. 11. Anderson, M. D., of Soda Springs, Ida., says that Dees Laxative I Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and j colds where all other remedies failed. Its gentle laxative effects especially recom mend it for children. It is pleasant to take. For coughs, colds/* hoarseness, whooping cough. Money refunded if not atisfied. Sold by R. C. Dodson. 3m Valuable Home for Sale. The Julian residence on North Broad street, Emporium, Pa.; all modern im provements, good barn, handsome grounds. For terms apply to CAM KKON COUNTY PRESS, Emporinm, Pa. lltf. | Hot Weather Joy— POHOSKNIT UN- J DERWEAR. Sold at JASPER HARRIS'. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our friends and | neighbors who so kindly assisted us i during the illness of our daughter Ida, ; and our sad bereavement by her death, MR. AND MRS. ROBERT HACKETT. Don't cough your head off when you j 1 can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees ; | Laxative Cough Syrup. It i.s especially! J recommended for children as its pleasant i j to take, is a gentle laxative thus expell- I ; ing the phlegm from the system. For | coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough. | | hoarseness and all Bronchial trouble. | Guaranteed. Sold here by 11. C. Dod- | son. Mm Bonds tor Sale, j The undersigned has fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) worth of a Water I Power .Company, first mortgage 7 per j cent, gold bonds for sale. These bonds are a high-class secur ity, and are amply secured by real es- ; tate. Interest payable semi-annually. Will be issued in the denomination of ! Five Hundred Dollars (|500.00j each. Said bond isßue is under the control and certification of the Scranton Trust Company. For further particulars apply to the , undersigned. E. R. W. SEARLE, Office of Clerk of U. S. Court, Scran-! ton, Pa. 13-4t. ! ... . . —. _ English Spavin Liniment removed j Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood : Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring : Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, | Coughs, etc. Save £SO by use of one | bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure, j Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics euro diseases of Horses, Cattle, Slieep, Dogs, llogs and Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PARTS without loss of time. A.A.|FKVIJttfi, Congestions, Tnflamnia* CUBES) tions, Lung Fever, Milk Fever. B. Lameness, Injuries. CURES i iiheumntittUl. C. T. '3'IfROAT, (>iifiisy. Epizootic* CUKES ) Dinteinper. ctiitEa | WORMS, Ilota. tiruhn. K. K. J COUGHR. Colds, Influenza, Inflamed CURES > LUIICH. IMeuro-Piieumonia. F. P.}rOLl(\ BfllvnclH', Wlnd-lilown, CURES ) Diarrhea, Dysentery. Q.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. CURES! KII)>l:V A I,LA I'DEII DISORDER!* 1.1. >KKI\ DISK Mange, Irruptions, I CURES > fleers, Grease, Farey. J. K. ) DAD CONDITION Kfnrlua Coat, CURES ) Indigestion, fcUoitiaeli Maseru. 60c. each ; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. SIT HOOK MAILED FREE. I I I I ■ ■ § . ■ [K»M ntf:i'-. V -1 Ludlams £ j|| ——■—■BSBM^EaaBBBBtaBMBB—B 1 Millinery - Dress Goods |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers