Ejkj Where the fineft biscuit, W cake, hot-breads, crufts s^j 1 or puddings are required |l|| 'Royal is indispensable., jj| H Baßin g |tj j'tJ| AbsolutelyFur# W| Not only for rich or fine food My SI or for special times or service. I |ra is equally valuable in the Al I&f preparation of plain, substantial, WI evory-day foods, for all occa- 112 & Hva.l • 112 i t r i | r^g |Jk sions. It makes the rood more aM i? '|| tafty, nutritious and wholesome. its § %! I m M 5 -TTL'' 2 ?« ■"NF» YFII*II >N MI 11 ►>. IIFTFTINRTWLTJWBAMMWM^MBRHMWIL-VTMW^. 1 7, 0 CAL I>KP Alt T EN T. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. Thot which you would / tfce to see in this department Jet UH know &»/ pot taf card or letter, personally. Frank Yeager, of Kersey, called on friends in Emporium last Sunday. Homer Hayes lias returned to this piace after a week's sojourn in Wil 'iamsport. Mrs. E. J. Coppersmith is now able to be around after a long siege of sick ness. Henry Auchu, of this place, transact ed business in Sinnamahoning, last Tuesday. Mrs. Wm, McDonald and daughter Christie, are visiting in Lock Haven this week. W. J. Leavitt and family spent sev eral days at Beechwood this week visit ing relatives. Lew. Jones and William Marshall, of Cameron, were business callers in town Wednesday. Miss Gertrude Butler and brother, of Port Allegany, were visitors in Em porium last Sunday. Ed. McPadden, proprietor of New Cameron House, was an Emporium visitor Wednesday. • J. H. Stephens, of this place, attend ed the Alumni dance in St. Marys last Monday evening. F. P. Rentz, of the Emporium Ma chine Co., transacted business in Port Allegany last Friday. Miss Clara Fredette, of Port Alle gany, was a visitor to her old home in this place over Sunday. Mrs. Mason and her two daughters, of Mix* Run, were guests of relatives and friends in town the past week. Miss Edythe Reed, of Ridgway, was a caller to Emporium last Sunday and was the guest of Mrs. Kathryn Busli L. C. Summerson, the Pennsy bridge builder, from Sterling Run, was trans acting business in town Wednesday. D. S. Mulcahy, of Ellwood City, Pa., transacted business in Emporium, dur ing the week, and was a PRESS caller. Mark Gilbert, who is attending school in Buffalo, was a guest of bis father I. E. Gilbert, for a few days the past week. Grant S. Wiley and wife, of Austin, are visiting friends and relatives in this place, and are guests at the old home. Attorney R. R. Lewis and 13. L. Van Deoße, two Goudersporites, were reg istered at the New Warner the first of the week. Homer Johnson, of Williamsport, who conducted the shating rink at this place last winter, was a caller here last Sunday. Harry Taylor, of Ridgway, was a guest at the home of Henry Auchu and family on Fourth street, the first of the week. Mrs. Mary A. Kautz, of East Em porium, made the PRESS office a busi ness call last Monday, and renewed her subscription. W. H. Smith, a highly respected citi zen of Sterling Run, was a business Ciiller to this place the first of the week and did not forget the PRESS office. I)r. W. 11. DeLong, who recently re turned from Emporia, Florida, made the Paras office a business call the first of the week, and paid his subscription far into the future. I foil. Josiah Howard and wife, Guy S. Felt, of this place, and Mrs. Karl Felt, of Philadelphia, attended the Pennsylvania Peace Conference Ban quet, at Philadelphia, Tuesday even ing May 19th, 190 S. Miss Grace Morton, of Sizerville. visited in Emporium on Monday. Miss Maude Thomas, of this place, is | the guest of friends in Oiean, this i week. Miss Levioa Murray left yesterday for Ridgway where she expects to spend some time. John Schwab, of Cameron, one of the popular teachers, of the county, was a i business caller iu town last Tuesday. Messrs. Karl Mattee and Raymond 1 Danalds, of Austin, spent Sunday in I Emporium guests of the Misses i Heideck. Mrs. Gust Carlson, daughters Iva and Evelyn and son Augustus started | for Titusville this Thursday on a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. G. W. Strong, Agent lor the Prudential Insurance Company at this place has moved his family into the I Thos. Robinson property in the West Ward. Rev. Dr. Johnson was absent from | his church in this place last Sunday. S Dr. Johnson preached in Elysburg, Pa., where lie held his first charge after being ordained to the ministry. The Misses Grace and Myrtle Lloyd, who have been attending a musical conservatory in New York City, have returned to their home in this place for their summer vacation. Miss Mattie Collins, superintendent | of schools in Cameron county was in | town Monday and visited the borough | schools, with which she expressed her- I self as well pleased so far as she had time to examine them.—Johnsonburg Press. Petition for Respite. A petition is is circulation for a re prieve for Ora O'Dell. There seems to be a great difference of opinion in this | case and we will have to await results. Wanted. Pupils desiring to study either vocal or piano music. GRACE LLOYD. 15-4t. MYRTLE LLOYD. The monitor, Florida, was called 1 upon last Monday to furnish a pract ical demonstration of the effect of a bombardment by modern guns on the internal fittings of a war crafts struct ! ure. An attack was made on the Florida in Chesapeake bay by great guns and exploding torpedoes and the experiment was the most sensation al ever attempted by the American navy and was a great victory for the steel construction. Ice Cream. I am now prepared to furnish indi vidual moulds and fancy cream for I dinners and parties. 15-11. J. B. MEISEL. A Rare Chance. It is seldom in a town of this size j that you can get an up-to-date shine on black, tan or russet shoes, but you | can get a regular city shine at the New j WarnerJHouse. See Fred about it. Dining Room Girl. | A good dining room girl wanted at | Commercial Hotel, Emporium. Good I wages paid. 14-3t. Sole agents for the Hart, Schofifner ; Marx, Hand Tailored Clothing. JASPER HARRIS. DeWitt's Little Early Risers arc small, ] safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by ; 11. C. Dodson. A car load of monumental work has just been placed in the Emporium Cemeteries from the works of Foley Bros. Co , Oiean, N. Y., which includ ed handsome family monuments on the lots of Mr. Geo. Piper, Mr. D. L. Mul cahy and Mrs. T. J. Welsh. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 28 1908 SUPREME CUT DECLARES AGAINST ! STREAM POLLUTION Highest Tribunal of Justice In Penn sylvania Upholds Constitutionality of the Purity of Water Law. MUST PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH ! Owner of Mill From Which Scwago Flowed Into the Schuylkill River Is Held Guilty. Judge Swartz, of the Montgomery county courts, in delivering his opinion | said: "The act of the legislature is a | police regulation for the protection of (he public health. This is a highly bene- 1 ftcial art; it is doing much to promote public health." Judge Porter, of the superior court, In his opinion said: "The statute was passed in the exercise of the police power of Lite state. That power un doubtedly extends to all regulations af fectiii'-' ilii health, good order, morals. peac< ::i: ' atcty of society. All sorts of I'estri j: u a: •: burdens are imposed 'under t lis . n.l when these aru not in < (,:..•!<• ..ill) any cpr.stitutional prohibit!';. lundsut. ntal principle, they cannot !»•• succe nilly assailed in a judicial tribunal. That the preser- ! vation of tl ■ waters <if the state from : pollution, involving danger to health, ! is a prop T subject for the exercise of the police power cannot be seriously Questior - d." Of widespread importance is the re-. 1 cent decision of the supreme court of Pennsylvania upholding the constitu tionality of the ait of April 22, 1905, ! known as the "Purity 01 Water Law," under which the commissioner of i health is given power to protect the streams of lhe state from pollution. The case in question was the "Com monwealth of Pennsylvania against Ed ward Emmcrs," and had been carried 1 by the defendant front the Norristown county courts to the superior court and then to the supreme court, the decision in each instance convicting the party violating the Purity of Water Law by polluting a stream with sewage. The defendant is the owner and op • ator of the hosiery mill situated 011 or 1 near the banks of the Schuylkill river, j in Montgomery county, wher ■ h • c:n- j ploys a large number of op r-itor- Nine water closets for the use o: the:;, employes, sewage from all of wh.o closets was discharged by a single pipe I into the Schuylkill river, were declared | by the commissioner of health to be ! menace to public health, and the de fendant was given notice that this dis- j charge of sewage must be discontinued I under the provisions of the Purity of j Water Law. Failing to comply with the law, the mill owner was prose- j cuted. Conductor Assaulted by Hoboes. At about midnight ou Saturday i night last, Conductor Crawford stopped ! his train in the P. &E. yard at Ridg- j way, and was walking along skle of his j train from the rear to front, when two | men got off the train and demanded of the conductor, "Have you any ) money?" Mr. Crawford replied, "No but if 1 had I wouldn't give it to you," whereupon 0110 of the men hit the conductor The conductor drew hi 3 revolver, but had difficulty in petting it togo off, and the hoboes lied so rapidly that they escaped.—Ridgway j Record. ingetsoll on Clover. In declining an invitation to a Clover club dinner once Colonel Robert Inger soll wrote: "A wonderful thing is 'clover.' It means honey and cream—that is to say, industry and contentment—that is to say, the happy bees in perfumed fields and at the cottage gate 'Old Boss,' the bountiful, serenely chewing satisfac tion's cud in that blessed twilight pause that, like a benediction, falls be tween all toil and sleep. This clover makes me dream of happy hours, of childhood's rosy cheeks, of dimpled babes, of wholesome, loving wives, of honest men, of springs and brooks and violets and all there is of stainless joy in peaceful human life. "A wonderful word is clover! Drop the 'e,' and you have the happiest of mankind. Take away the 'c* and 'r,' and you have left the only thing that makes a heaven of this dull and bar ren earth. Cut off the 'r' alone, and there remains a very deceitful bud that sweetens the breath and keeps peace In countless homes whose masters fre quent clubs. After all, Rottom was right, 'Good hay, sweet hay, hath no fellow.'" |p OUR NEW LINE OF A Definition of 'Definitive' m This word when linked to an arti- P; 112 Wall Paper for 1908. |'Madam, beyond this' there is liotii- rp] fl ing to attain." S= |j|) ~~~ Such a word and such a word only IS ,(if# A kyJ can properly be used to describe I& il Consists of the best things from three factories. Also 1 , 'j iJ the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Ctlton S flj kinds Hot-Pressed Vellum The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. U « ¥ I AVri Money cannot buy a better writing jfi '"i Louis against the H. O. LLUYU. paper, for experience cannot produce fill one. -8^! KMI'OItIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pn., May 12, l!) 08. NUMOf'MLA, per sack i 85 112 elt's Fancy, 44 1 60 i et drove, " I «o Graham, " 7u Ilye " HO Buckwheat " Patent Meal " 55 Coarse Meal per Ino 1 85 Chop Feed " 1 h5 Middlings, 1 71) Middlings, Fancy " » r an 1 65 Chicken Wheat 1 80 Corn per bushel, 02 White Oats, bushel 70 Oysl r Shells, per 100 Seed Oats per bushel Choice Clover Seed, i '■ "hoiceTimothy Seed . J At Market Prices Choice Millet Seed, > van v.- t;-t: r. j>urjrjwmTOia—a—i R.C. DODSON, THE KMI'O UUI.II. I' A . i i L.JOATED IN TiiE CGRfJEJ? STGRC At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. U. I .OODNON. Telephone, 19-£. [Special Sale j A fine line of Groceries I Crackers, Cookies and [j ! Notions. j Also a' fine line of Men's, || Ladies and Children's || Hose, black and bown. '.Special, This Week Only. ij Seven bars Acme Soap 25c |j "j 1 carton of Matches for 25c Is {« 3lbs of Rice for 25c. j] || Large bottle Hitting Bc. | Home-Made Bread j | Cookies and Doughnuts Mrs. M. F. Conway, BROAD STREET. The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, contains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through the natural channels, Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. NEW TO-DAY. Geo. J. Laßar—New adv. .112. If. Day New adv. lioyal Baking Powder— New adv. First National Bank—New adv. R. lvuehne—new adv. T. VV. Welsh—Change. Pennsylvania Railroad—New adv. Humphrey Med Co. Opera House—Merry Mix. Jialeom & Lloyd—Dissolution Notice. Mrs. M. F. Conway—New adv. For a burn or scald apply Ohamber luiu's Salve. It will allay the paiti al most instantly and quickly heal the in jured parts. For sale by L. Taggart. 1 _ ~, t Do it Now. This is a good time to have your i lawn mowers and saws sharpened. Call on 13-3t. L. L WELSH, VV. Fifth St. I Wanted. A good girl for general housework, flood wages to the right party. Box j 13, Emporium, Pa. 12-tf. Bicycle Repairing. Alfred Searfoss will continue his Bicycle repairing business at Empori um Machine Co's coal yard ofliee, where he haa appliances for all kinds of work, especially bicycles. Also lock repairing, etc. lOtf ALFRED SBARFOSS. Work Wanted. I desire work, such as house clean ing, garden making, carpet cleaning or any other general work. Drop po3tal in office. A. C. HOUT. Emporium, Pa., May 18, 1908.—14-4t. , No!ice of Dissolution of ftutiierslii|>. ! rpilE undersigned hereby give notice that the j I partnership heretofore existing between I Wm. K. Lloyd and G. Frank Balcom. tradingas Halconi & Lloyd, in Emporinm, Pa., has this day been dissolved. The business will be continued at the old stand by G. Frank Halconi, who will pay the debts of said co-partnership, and I collect all the claims due said late Arm. | W. F. LLOYD, G. F. BALCOM. i Emporium, Pa., May 2'st, lUOB. 112» TBTftk" "TillllHli —Bg gg%_. Choicest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ■ NOTABLE * "Xfy C? DA,RY KITCHEN JL£ jC* L JL SUPPLIES %• Specialties GARDEN 1.,.,. '" c Satisfactory Store SMALL COST SEEDS ® Everything That's Best in Groceries. B "Economy is wealth." You can economize here, $ without reducing the standard of your living. Take I advantage of our special. ■ (Saving Prises for Friday and Saturday Here's the list for this week. Look it over care B fully and compare. H - 1-8 Bbl Sack white Lilly Flour 75c. E H California Hams. Trimmed Shoulder alb 10c ® % 25 lbs G-ranulated Sugar $1.55. |j Lemons 20c doz S fig Fine Old America Cream Cheese, alb i6c. If vou || M like a sharp cheese, this will suit. H Pure Lard in bulk 12c lb. B | s oc package Searchlight Matches 45c. 15c canned Corn, 2 cans 25c. jft 7 cakes Acme or Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. 12c canned Peas, Early June 10. Oolong Tea, 50c grade a lb 40c. Large 10c bottle Laundry Blueing, Sc. J Fresh Caught Lake Fish j| Pratt's Regulator for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Poultry 5 Prates Lice Killer, liquid or dry. Pratt's Calf Tonic I Peerless Crushed Oyster Shells for Poultry 8 I Prompt delivery to all parts of town 1 You G-et Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, I Phone 6. Emporium, «r>. A euro guaranteed if jou u* j El ':; PILES SPStL SuppDsltonjg , ... 9r\jh. J.» !/. Matt. T!...m r fc;.| T £ Grided ffcboolf, Btntr 'vll'.o, ~ ttr lu,: «• I can i. « do 111 V 11 cluuu for In. 8. if. Poor' & |2J i: t a It';ck. \V. Va , vrl- ' • «"I: 7 g<ve unlv. - al. 1 1$ ' J' r. )1. ]j. M Ci:irk.<burg, w rite : »112: ' rtotj.ro of 'il j i nrn, T havo found no r t.i.-.ly t 1 si-suet,v r - ; P'«. 6«wBI P f'ftHTl" ' ,V, LANCASTER, P! ;l' ■ -*ang«a SoM In Emporium by L. TaggnrlO 112 Dod r :' CULL FOR F s,lft!' ' * EEirEml A SAPR, CKRTAI.V RKLIHV for fiui'pnK'WlD MENSTRUATION. B ■ MIVEB XNOWNI TO FAIL. BOX 7 *' *- Ar< c*STCw. B Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C. Oodson 'v i* : i' Vr* ,<•■:><*?s>, . FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce over a lartre part of the civilized world. ffodnl For Indigestion. VJPa Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers