If" *I i r |" y ~ | 1 . a But it's Absolutely True j I FRIDAY we shall place on sale the following goods at such low prices, in fact so much below cost of manufacture that every woman in J Cameron county who sees this ad should be in our store Friday or Saturday. HATS Womans and Misses Hats, made over wire frames, of silk finished paraxoline braid, faced with Shirred Chiffon, in black, brown, navy, J | white, pink, light blue and mais, a variety of shapes. Add a little ribbon or a few flowers and have ii trimmed and you will have a stylish hat. These hats were made to sell for $2.00 and $2.50. - -- -- - j HOSIERY Ladies Imported, black Lisle thread hose, magnificent quality, exquisitely embroidered with bunches of forget-me-nots and bow-knots, J one pair in a box. These are the regular $1.25 stockings. Not more than one pair to a customer. H j Sale price Shell Back Combs Linen Napkins Fancy mounted shell back Combs, the regular 25c kind Did you ever hear of an ALL LINEN, Hemmed Napkin g* very pretty designs, some set with stones. Sale price per pair & being sold for such a price. Sale price, each - - - C-* L We Advise O 17*1 I'ISJT? Em P oi " iulTI S Largest and Sale Lasts til! all These I „ \J SLA iI. 131 MIJ Finest Dry Goods Store items are Sold out Lome iiarly J BUT COME EARLY HUNTLEY. Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. A. W. Smith has returned from a few days visit among friends in Emporium. John L. Johnson was taken to Lock Haven hospital, Thursday to undergo treatment for stomach trouble. Flossie Johnson was a Driftwood caller one day last week. Constable 11. B. Muthersbaugh called on friends in town one day last week. A. B. Croop spent Sunday with friends in Sterling Run. J. 11. James of Emporium, visited friends in town Monday and Tuesday. Alice Jordan is visiting her sister at Wyside. Helen Jordan returned Friday from a visit with her sister at Wyside. Geo. Wylie, C. Wesley Barr, Wm. 11. Logue, Levi Smith, C. J. Miller and B. J. Collins were Driftwood callers Satur day. The foundation for the Smith, Logue & Co., mill has been finished and the building is being hurried to completion. 'Ere long the welcome sound of the whistle will echo through the old moun tains and Iluntley will be booming again. Epluribus Unum.' Wm. McFaddeu of Camerou spent Sunday in town. Foreman W. W. Johnson spent Sun day with his daughter at Renovo. Mrs. Ada Jordan of Sinnamahoning spent Thursday with W. W. Johnson and family. J. E. Johnson and family spent Sun day with the former's mother. J. F. Sullivan was a business caller at Sinnamahoning Saturday. B. J. Collins is making some improve ments on his out buildings this week. Miss Mattie Collins visited her brother and family Saturday. Frieda Collins is visiting frieuds at Johnsonburg. Thomas and Marion Hill of Grove Hill, and Henry Hill were down off the Mill Saturday. Mrs. Mary Lord h returned to Mix Run after a week's * ,tt with relatives. The new photog .phic firm of James & Croop are meet Jg with good success in their undertaking, having already re ceived orders for five thousand picture cards of diffcrcnnt scenes along the line of the P. 11. R., and the towns through the county. Their work is first-class and everybody seems pleased. "Shakespere" says: If you desire fine pictures, Either single or in groups, Just call "HY" upon the wire, And talk to James and Croop. Their camera is up-to-date. Their work ia sure to suit. So lend a hand to help along The firm of James and Croop. J. V. S. STERLING RUN. Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. James P. Furlong visited in Renovo over Sunday. Mrs. Frances Ilowlett is visiting lier parents at Ilicks Run this week. Nellie and Gladys O'Keefe are attend ing the summer school at Emporium. Mrs. Ed. Whiting, son John and Mary Summerson were Emporinm visitors Saturday. On account of the endless rains the farmers in this section have not got their crops in yet. A. W. Smith, of Huntley, was in town Tuesday. Operator Croup, of Huntley, was in town Sunday. Joseph Anderson, M. E. minister at Emporium also former pastor of this place It! years ago, preached here on Sunday. A large number of his former brethren were present and were glad to hear and greet him once more. Mrs. Dorsey Spangler visited at Drift wood the past week. George O'Keefe one of our town boys accepted a position with one of our prom inent lumbermen. He filled the position until the end of two days but he decided to "quit". He came home the proud possessor of a very large (?) check. Many of Mrs. 11. F. Foster's friends will be glad to know that she is back in this vicinity, the guest of Mrs. Thos. M. Lewis. H. F. Foster and wife are now located at Conneaut, Ohio. Mrs. Joseph Brum and children arc visiting her sister at Jersey Shore this week. Ed. Marshall had an operation at the Williamsport Hospital. Monday; reported doing well. Fred Ellis was seen on our streets Monday. He has been away for some time. Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. BLUE BELL. A great many people imagine they have heart trouble when the fact is that the whole trouble lies in the stomach. The pains in the side around the region of the heart are uot necessary heart trouble. We suggest that you start with the stomach and whenener you feel a de pression after eating or whenever your food seems to nauseate take Kodol. It will not be very long until all these "heart paius" will disappear. Take Kodol now and until you know you are right again. There isn't any doubt about what it will do and you will find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol tor a few weeks. It is sold here by R. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1908. SINNAMAHONING. Dr. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's Shoe Store. Too much wet weather for farmers A. J. Barclay, Amos Bennett and Henry Berfield are in Clearfield this week estimating timber. County chairman Geo. P. Shafer is at Ilarrisburg this week. Prof. John Schwab was in town Tuesday. W. C. Bauman of Lock Haven, was a visitor in town Tuesday. Albert S. Losey is attending Grand Lodge of I. O. O. Fat Philadelphia thiß week as a representative of Sinna mahoning lodge. The dwelling of Chas. Crane on First Fork burned one day last week. J. B. Council of Dixonville, is visit ing friends here. Rev. Conway W. Dickson is attend ing the peace conference at Philadel phia. O. L. Bailey visited the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. Martha Beldin was at Empori um Tuesday. E. C. Beldin captured a large snap ping turtle Monday. It weighed 451bs. F. H. Goody ear's palace car Sinna malioning, passed through town on Tuesday. Miss Alice Jordan of Huntley, is vis iting her sister Mrs. Geo. Batclielder. J. F. Sullivan of Huntley tower was in town Saturday. J. Herman Krebs and family have moved back from Springville, N. Y. They occupy part of his father's house on Grove street. Mrs. V. A. Brooks returned Satur day from a two weeks' visit to her daughter at Galeton. Mi's. Cora Stuart of Driftwood, was the guest of Evangeline Brooks, Fri day. Mrs. Thos. Espy, who has been quite ill is better at this writing. Mrs. Troxell Fulton and children have returned from a three weeks' visit with her parents at Sterling Run. Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's Bhoe store. DEBSE. It Reached the Spot. E. Humphrey, who owns a large sren eaal store at Omega, ()., and is president of the Adams County Telephone Co., as well as of the Home Telephone Co., of Pike county, 0.. says of Dr. King's New Discovery: "Tt saved my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot —the very seat of my cough,— when everything else failed. Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lunjis and chest. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Gov. Murphy to Nominate. WASHINGTON, MAY 16th.— Lieut. | Gov. Robert S. Murphy, of Pennsylva nia, will present the name of Senator P. C. Knox, Pennsylvania'a candidate, to the Republican National Conven ] tion at Chicago. Mr. Murphy has been I invited to perform this office for Sena ! tor Knox and has accepted the honor. | He is one of the best orators in the J state and the friends of the Pennsyl j vania senator are well pleased at the I selection. Mr. Murphy is a son of Francis Murphy, the great temperance advo cate and is recognized as one of the | ablest speakers that ever stumped the i Keystone State. His home is at Johne j town where he is a leader at the local | bar. In 1906 when Governor Stuart | canvassed the state Mr. Murphy, as the | candidate for lieutenant governor, was j a member of the governor's campaign ing party and he won a reputation as a j stump speaker. He has a fine presence | and a wonderul voice and it is certain. ! that every delegate in the hall at Chi | cago will be able to hear him distinctly. It is probable that had Charles Emerv | Smith, the editor of the Philadelphia j Press, lived he would have had the | honor of nominating Knox, for he and j the Senator were close friends and Mr. I Smith's oratory is known from one end !of the country to the other. But in ! Mr. Murphy will be found the ability to perform the duty in a very accept- | able manner and it is believed by his j friends that his nominating speech will j rank well with the nominating speeches , of Ingersoll, Conkling and others who j have swayed Republican national con ventions. Bonds tor Sale. The undersigned has fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) worth of a Water Power Company, first mortgage 7 per cent, gold bonds for sale. These bonds are a high-class secur ity, and are amply secured by real es tate. Interest payable semi-annually. Will be issued in the denomination of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each. Saitl bond issue is under the control and certification of the Scranton Trust Company. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. E. R. W. SEARLE, Office of Clerk of IT. S. Court, Scran ton, Pa. 13-4t. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one i bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure, j Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr I Millinery -- Fancy Goods! I Ludlams I ■NHBHGMfIHBHWBSSSaHnHHKMHHMNSKBHBS I Millinery - Dress Goods I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers