ssssn MUSM & ffjl Economizes the use of flour, but- ill m I tcr anil eggs; makes the biscuit, cake and pastry more appetiz- B9 ing, nutritious and wholesome. i llakin#¥owder | II . 0 ABSOLUTSLY PURE ; This is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, f 1 ? »l it Has No Substitute There are Alum and Phosphate of Lime mixtures sold at a lower price, but no housekeeper regarding the health .3 j&< ol her family can afford to use then:. I.OCAL WEPAUTMENT. PERSONAL (iOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would i ike to see in thin department Jet UH know by pot - i al card or letter, pcrttonaUjj. Miss Harriet Steen visited her home J in Warren last Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Whiting and son, of Sterl- | ing Run, visited in town on Monday. Mrs. Mary Ed wards, of Sizerville, Pa., was a PRESS visitor on Monday. The Misses Alicia Swain and Verena 1 Hertig, were among the Olean visitors 1 on Easter Sunday. Mrs. Geo. 11. Hill and daughter, Miss j Gertrude, of Driftwood, were callers j in town on Saturday. Miss Ethel Fisher and Miss Margaret j Dodson, were callers to the PRESS of fice the last of the week. Miss Clara Fredette, of Port Alle gany, is spending a few days here, the j guest of her mother and family, The Misses Frances and Helen Blumle were visitors in Kersey and St. Marys on Monday and Tuesday. Miss Maine Cumminga attended a J dance given by the Lipton Club, at j Port Aliegany, last Monday evening, j Robert Beck left on Tuesday for East Liberty, Pa., where he has accepted a \ position with the P. R R. signal corps. George W. Sykes of Galeton, was a ! guest at the Walker home, corner of Fourth and Maple streets the pa t week. Mrs. Otis Lucoreand Mrs. Geo. Min- j arc], and son Evert, of Four Miie, were 1 pleasant visitors to the PRESS office last Friday. Fred W. Dininny, of the firm of Stephens Hardware Co., of this place, made a business call at Driftwood last Tuesday. Mrs. Addison Stephens, of Couders port, was the guest of Henry Auchu and family in Fourth street, the last of the week. Mr. C. H. Cordie, the efficient chem ist with the Emporium Powder Co., spent Easter Sunday in Oil City the guest of his parents. Mr. Owen Dininny is all smiles and he has just reason to be so, because a bright little boy was added to his family last Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Auchu and daughter, Miss Edna, are in Williamsport, hav ing been called there by the illness of Mrs. Auchu's mother. T. Franklin Strayer, who is attend ing State College, spent his Easter vacation under the parental roof. He returned to his school to-day . Mr. Frank Blumle, Jr., who is at tending school in Buffalo, is home for his Easter vacation, and is confined to his room by an attack of mumps. Miss Agnes Blumle, of this place ac , companied by her guest, Miss Madal ene Severin, of St. Marys, were visit ors in Renovo the first of the week. Rev. C. W. Dixon, pastor of the Sin namahoning and Driftwood M. E. Church was a caller in town on Mon day, shaking hands with many friends. Mr. Mark Gilbert, who is attending a school of Pharmacy in Buffalo, spent Easter here with his father, Mr. C. E. Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert will graduate in May. W. Clyde Sykes, of Syracuse Uni versity, and Miss Ruth A. Sykes, of Buffalo, spent Easter Sunday here, the guests of Miss Grace Walker and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hockley aie the happy parents of a ten pound boy, who made his appearance last Wednes day. Chester is wearing a smile that won't come off. Judge Laßar returned yesterday from a business trip to Buffalo. C. Jay Goodnough and wife are visit ing I). H. Lamb and wife at. Galeton. Mrs. A.. D. Gould, of Eldred, Pa., is visiting at the old home on Sixth street. Mrs. Mary A. Furlong, of Sterling Run, transacted business iu this place jast Monday. Mr. W. \V. Weiman, left on Tuesday for Lebanon, Pa., where he is transact ing business. Mrs. E. M. Herteau, has returned to her home at this place, after a winter's s ojourn iu Marion, South Carolina. Chas. Rishell went up Parker Run to-day after speckled beauties. He evidently will have good luck for n wore a No. 5 aud No. 8 rubber boot. Attorney Jay P. Felt, accompanied by his wife, went to Philadelphia on Sunday to visit Dr. Felt and wife Jay returned yesterday, his wife to re main there for some weeks. Miss Marion Brady has returnedto the yaung Ladies Moravian Seminery at Bethlehem, Pa., after a most delight ful visit with her many friends here. Mrs. Henry Auchu, of town, and Mrs. Addison Stephens, of Couders port, went to St. Marys on Easter Sun day to view the circus ring hats. Jonli Stephens went along as pilot. Miss Kate Weisenlluh, returned to her home in this place, after an extend ed visit in Ridgway, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Oeorge Neidlinger. Ralph Schnee, bookkeeper for C. B. Howard & Go's store, left for his home last Friday evening, in Montgomery, Pa., to spend a short time with his par ents in that place. Mr. and Mrs. McColl and daughter, of Sinnamahoning, were very agree able PRESS visitors on Friday last. Mr. McC. has returned from West Virginia and says old Pennsylvania is good enough for him. Call again, friends. Mr. Albert Lord, Sr., of Cameron, was a business caller in town the last of the week and made the PRESS office a call, squaring himself on the sub scription list, like the honorable man he is. Men Wanted. At the Warner House to get their shoes polished. I make a specilty of tan and russet shoes. Any time day or night. Come early and avoid the rush. It. FRED ECKARDT. Handsome Wagon. Messrs. Haupt & Hauber, Empo rium's wide-awake wagon makers and blacksmiths shipped a very neat de livery wagon, made to order, for the National Powder Co., New York city For the Farmer. Call at the Emporium Machine Shop for Bowker's fertilizer and printed mat ter giving directions how to use same to get best results for grain and vege tables. 8-10t. EMPORIUM MACHINE CO. Dou't cough your head off wheu you can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especially recommended tor children as its pleasant to take, is a gentle laxative thus expell ing the phlegm from the system. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, hoarseness and all Bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold here by R. C. Dod son. 3m Oxide of Zinc—What Is It? Its the wearing quality of the L. & M. | PAINT while white lead is the elastic ijuality of L. & M. PAINT. Wears fully 15 years on outside of a house. Costs ready lur use about $1.20 per ga'- leu. Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, L. & i M. Paiut Agent. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRII, 23 1908 Sensible L)og. "Talking about tho intolligence of an imals." said young Kanobiter, "why, I have a DOG up at the farm that's sim ply wonderful." "How so?" said I'ilken. "Why, you see, I was out shooting one day when I found a large, hand some dog lying on the ground moaning witli pain. Some rufliau had shot it In the leg. I carried it home, bandaged the wound and finally cured the poor beast. Some months after that I was compelled to travel a lonely road after , dark when suddenly Ponto, who ac- ' companied me, growled warningly. The next moment a highwayman step ped out of the bushes and put a pistol to my head." "Ah," cried the listener, "I see! | Thereupon the grateful dog seized the robber by the throat." "Not at all. The man robbed me laslly enough— took watch, purse, ev- j erything." "But Ponto?" "Ran off as fast as his legs would tarry him. That's the point— don't you lee? Animal Instinct— didn't want to FET shot again." lllustrated London NflW" Looking For Light. "Do you think P>!!ggins would make a good husband?'' asked the conscien tious youth. "Why do you ask?" Inquired the girl in surprise. "Because if you think such a fool as Bliggins could manage it I have A gooil mind to take a chance myself." — Washington Star. Insomnia. "I)|<1 you II". ' HUNTING 1,000 sheep, as I told VOL!'." • Yes, doe. Hut then I SOT to figuring wlint 1 could tret for 'em by tlie pound at pres< nt price-;, and after tlia' I just couldn't GO f<T sleep." Kansas City Journal. Bargains in Post Cards. Send 15 centu for 12 BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS. Send 25 cents for 25 BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS. Send 25 cents for 1 Set (30 Card.l) of TEDDY BEAR POSTCARDS. None of these cards retail at less than 2 for 5 cents. DAVID W. COTTKREL, 7 N. Market Square, 10-LFC. Harrisburg. Pa. [Special Sale I "*■ | Large ioc bottle Bluing, 8c I 7 bars Acme Soap for 25c 1 I 3 cans of Corn for 25c. 13 Fresh I] Also a fine line oi II Easter Post Cards jj Reduced ■ 2 jjl Groceries, Crackers jj and Cookies |!] Home-Made Bread j '! Cookies and j j Doughnuts Mrs. M. F. Conway, BROAD STREET. The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP ... , . Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, coDtains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through tho natural channels, Guaranteed to give j aatisfaction or money refunded. 1 OUR NEW LINE OF A Definition of 'Definitive' M I This word when linked to an arti- M fj Wall Paper for 1908. "Madam, beyond this there is notli- jfji |p ———»- ——————________ i Such a word and such a word only 111 , ! (jJJr A "■<' V L 3 can properly be used to describe Hi- Consists of the best things from three factories. t the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all tcltoil S Pi pi k,nds Hot-Pressed Vellum The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. Money cannot buy a better writing Jf! 'IV Louis against the world. H S LLOYD P»per, for experience cannot produce (p SKSL. one. eAfm r; rf ~ :r;sj^[Q!B§pppßßE^ssß'Ql-Si^SSEE KMHOIiHIM M .LING C PRICE LIST. . Emporium, I'o., April 1, 1008. NEMOt'HIIiA, per sack *J 30 Kelt's Kauoy, " 1 U0 Pet drove, ' • . L GO Graham, " 70 o' e i•••.*• " so Buckwheat, " Patent Meal " !....! r>o (li.aise Meal per 100, 1 r,5 Chop i<'eed, " 1 55 Middlings , j£ M'dillings. Fancy " Bran 1 55 Chicken Wheat 1 so Corn per bushel, 86 Whit e Oats. prr bushel 07 Oyst r Shells, per 100 70 Seed Oats per bushel 72 Choice Clover Seed, ) Choice Timothy Seeil, > At Market Prices Choice Millet Seed, > R.C. DODSON, THE Qrucjcjist, EMPORIUM. I»A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE AtFourth and Chestnut Sts.. /fgjjjjjf it. C.UODitON. Telephone, 19-£. •'One Touch of Nature flakes the Whole World Kin." When a rooster finds a big fat worm i lie calls all the hens in the farm yard to eoine aud share it. A similar trait of human nature is to be observed when a man discovers something exceptionally .-''tod —he wants all his friends and neigh bors to share the benefits of his discovery. This if the touch of nature that innkes the whole world kin. This explains why people .vlio have been cured by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy who write letters to the manufacturers for publication, that others similarly ailing may also use it and obtain relief. Behind every one of thei-e letters is a wajm hearted wish of the writer to be of use to someone else. This remedy is for sale by L Taggart. For Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will keep the cough loose, expectora tion easy and render the fits of coughing less frequent and less severe. It is safe and sure. For sale by L. Taggart. For Constipation. L. 11 Farnbam, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, lowa, says: '•Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are cer tainly the best thing on the market for constipation." Give these tablets a ! trial. You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by L. Taggart. A Healing Salve for Burns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. As a healing salve for burns, sores, ! sore nipples and chapped hands Cham berlain's Salve is most excellent. It ai -1 lays the pain of a burn almost instantly, | and unless the injury is very severe, heals the parts without leaving a scar. Price i 25 cents. For sale by L. Taggart. He(iot What He Needed. I "Nine years ago it looked as if my ; time had come, "says C. Farthing, of Mill Creek, InJ. Tor. "I was so run j down that life hung oij a very slender ' thread. It was then my druggist reeoni i mended Electric Bitters. I bought a ' bottle and I got what I needed—strength. I 1 had one foot in the t;rave, but Electric . Bitters put it back on the turf again, and I've been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at all drugstores. 50c. w Tinanairrir in J*! A ouro enar»nl(»4 if yon USD | FlLtib R° me Suppository | .. . . _ Matt. Thompson, BUI»'I HI Hf.raded Schools, Statesrlllo, N. C., writes: •• I can aay H MJ'I.'T do all you claim for them." Dr. fl. M. Deror.- H glllavn Koek, W. Va. 112 writes; ••Thpr(rivo unlr.-rsal *u> i; K jH faction." l»r. Jl. D. IfcGIU, Clarksburg, Ti un., writes & ■ "In » praciljo of n year., I bare ~0 remedy i>H A equal your*.' I>K,C«, 60 C.»r«. Sample. Pre.. K«M |S SoM in Emporium by L. Taggart & R. C= Dod r CALL FOR F: «T sumplz Balcom & Lloyd 1 STAPLE I DRY GOODS AND j GROCERIES, | COUNTRY BUTTER | AND EGGS. Fresh Crisp Crackers and Wafer^^^ I FINEST QUALITY. PRATT'S PRATT'S DA YS - | I REGULATOR TONIC I he Satisfactory Store Grocery Bargains for Friday and Saturday 25 lbs Granulated Sugar § 1.50. II I California Hams, Trimmed Shoulder albl Oc g Best California Lemons, 20c dozen Spring Brook Creamery Butter, 33clb H "Square Deal" Toilet Paper a roll He or 6 for 45c. 9 Pure Corn Stareli, a lb 7c. 9j Elite canned corn, 2 cans 25c. ' ™ I ncolored Japan Tea, basket fired 50c grade 40c lb. A ioc prunes, good clean stock 3lbs 25c. B H "Princess" paper shell Almonds a lb 25c. H Large ioc bottle Laundry Blueing, Bc. 9 MB Cleaned Currants, a lb package ioc. ra $ SAVE MONEY BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF jj I THESE SPECIAL PRICES Z Peerless Crushed Oyster Shells Help to make poultry raising profitable. Every || poultry house should have a pan or tiough full, so that ■ the fowls can have access to them at all times. I • Fresh Caught Lake Fish | I Flower and Garden Seeds now Ready I LARGE ASSORTMENT FROM RELIABLE SEEDSMEN Early Garden Truck Green House Goods. I _—~———— ——-——— s I Prompt delivery to all parts of town fi Yon Get Better Values Here. J. 11. DAY, I Phone 6. Emporiui^^^J PMIIEDEMTPTLLTI H A SIPC, CLBTAIN ft KM HP for SLTPBSHBED M BWSTHUATION. H jJS £J ■>!?; |NOWN TO FAIL Sold in Emporium by L. Tagg rt and R. C. Uodson
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers