Xatest Count? Correspondence, HUNTLEY. Foreman \Y r . W. Johnson and daugh ter Lilly spent Sunday wiih frit-ads in Sinnamaboning. County Supt. Mattie Collins, spent Sunday with her brother and family. Pennsy Firemen Hoy Smith, and Dan'l Kailborne are spending a few days with their parents. D. W. Eastman attended the box soc ial at the Nelson residence, Friday night. Mrs. J. S. Jordan attended quarterly meeting at Gastle Garden, Saturday p. m. C. Wesley Barr, of Tunnel llill, was a caller in town Saturday. Lawrence Smith and wife are visiting relatives in town. Bruno Tosso has resigned his position as section man and accepted a position in the glass works in Kane. A. W. Suiitb, our progressive farmer, has received sis bushels of a new kind of potatoes from Mexico. They are call ed the ''Local Options", and grow best iu a "dry climate.' They should grow good here. Melvin Logue, of First Fork,- visited relatives in town last week. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan and son visited Emporium and llenoyo Saturday. Operator A. B. Croop is suffering from an attack of croup. Everett Barr, of Sterling Bun. called on friends in town last wiek. Everett is looking fine this winter and is as jolly as ever. M. M. Ilill and wife, of Medix Bun, arc visiting W. R. Smith and family this week. Darius Ives attended the funeral of Mr. Russell on Mason Hill Sunday. Lineman Huff and Electrician Spangler had business in town Sunday. Mrs. George Hill, of Grove Hill, is spending a few days with her daughters. Wayne Nelson has the honor of wear ing the first straw hat this season, al though we suspect he has ear lappers pinned inside out of sight. The spring thaws and rains are keep ing our supervisors busy these days putt ing ths roads in shape for travel. Operator James killed a large water snake Saturday moruing. This looks as it spring was here for sure. Messrs. Smith and Croop have receiv ed a box of electrodes from Sears, lloe buak & Co., of Chicago, for their cigar lighter. However, we have failed to see any cigars yet—and payday is past too. Zenas Byum, of Andover, has accepted a position with Contractor A. W. Smith, cutting logs. Zenas is a warm member with the saw. Try Darius Ives' Great American Hair Tonic for bald heads. For sale at the shaving parlors. Operator A. L. GnodwiD, of Empori um, called on friends in town Thursday Homer Ives called on friends in town Saturday. The Coudersport Mangle Boiler Co's mill is turning out eight thousand feet per day, with Sawyer E. I). Parks at the lever. Brother Parks is watching the log pile diminish and is counting the days when he can say good bye to "Old Huntley" and go over to see the "only baby girl in Potter county." Sharp saws and home sweet home are the watchwords now. J. E. Johnson has completed a tram road to transport wood and lumber from the mill to the cars. This will save a great deal of extra work. For sale, one registered Tolouse Gand er. He is perfectly gentle and not afraid of street cars and automobiles, will walk single or double and can squawk in seven different languages. Inquire of Squire Sullivan. The box social held at the residence of Mrs. A. F. Nelson. Friday evening, was a success in every particular. The pro ceeds were ustd to pay B. J. Callins for the church seats. Enough money was secured to more than reimburse Mr. Col lins and the interest that the congrega tion takes in such matters is very gratify ing. One of our business men here, in a spirit of fun, put up a lunch consisting of raw potatoes, bones, crusts of bread and so forth, but enclosed the conglomeration in an attractive package to the extent that our popular Telegragher, A. B. Croop, purchased the package for eighty live cents. Brother Croop was a good loser and enjoyed the joke as well as any one but. got busy later on and repacked the so called lunch and it was sold to the ordinal owner for eigluy.fivi; cents again, making one dollar and seventy cents. The joker received it as a "boomerang," but everybody enjoyed the unexpected turn of affairs. Squire Sullivan's bone cutter was called into service and the lunch was ground up for the chickens. J. F. s. STERLING RUN. Mrs. George Ilulsinger and Mrs. Frank Lenard, of Benovo, visited their parents over Sunday. Minnie Losey was an Emporium visitor Saturday. George, the 17 year old son of Milton and Abbie Whiting died at the Lock Haven Hospital Sunday morning from appendicitig. Body was brought home FROM OUR REPORTERS. Monday evening. The funeral was held I Wednesday at two p. in., from his par ; cuts residence, liev. Alien officiating. I George was a great favorite and will be | missed by all. ! Mrs. Millie Sprung, of Emporium, was j a visitor in town this week. Mrs. Hell Johnson, ot Granton, visited iu town the past week. George Chapman is failing very fast. We failed to see where the board ol supervisors organized the new board. I They did not qualify before the board of ! auditors, nor elect any officers. Gladys O'Keefe spent Suuday at ! home. Arling Baker, of Andover, N. Y., j visited friends in town this week. Some of the out of town friends who ' attended the funeral ot Geo. Whiting j were: Geo. Herriok and wife, (aunt), of St. Marys; Bobcrt Whiting, (brother) of Riehwood, W. Va.; Malvin Whiting j (uuele) and family, of Bidgway; Floy j Whiting, (sister) of Williamsport. Mrs. John Neeruan was an Emporium ! | visitor Saturday, Flora Beil Ebersole, of Hicks Hun, j visited her parents Bev. Ebersole and wife j the past week. Clarence Hewlett and wife were Drift- I wood visitors Saturday. Bay Dininny, of Driftwood, visited his ; family in town Sunday. The Fulton Brothers, of Sinnamahon ing, was business caller in town the past J week. Mrs. Sarah Smith had quite a fall the past week, which has made her very lame. BLUE BELL. SINNAMAHONING. Harris Lupro, of St. Marys, came down for a mess of suckers last week. F. (4. Judd, of Emporium, candidate for sheriff, was in town Tuesday. J. A. Wykofl, candidate for associate judge, was caller at Emporium Tuesday. 0. L. Bailey and wife visited Empori um Tuesday. The Powder Co., is putting in full time with a full crew on Government work this week. Mrs. Al. Cole spent Saturday and Sun day in Lock Haven. Mrs. Cora Stewart, of Sterling Bun, j was the guest of Evangeline Brooks last | Saturday. Mrs. Lcvina Verbeck and daughter, of Driftwood, are visitors in town this week. Mrs. Annie Jones and bon, of Port Allegany, are spending several days with relatives in town. Minnie Losey, ot Sterling Bun, was a guest of Miss Anderson. Saturday and Sunday. Our bakery has a new baker in charge, Mr. Armet, of Olean, N. Y. J. Herman Krebs and family returned to Springville, N. Y., Tuesday, after spending two months with relatives. Mrs. Minnie Fox left for Oklahoma, Wednesday. She will locate on the sec tion near her sister. Born—to Will Crosby and wife, a son. Marjorie Welton was a caller in town Tuesnay. Quite a number of our young folks at tended the supper at Driftwood for the beuefit ot the band, Tuesday night. Born—to A. Moore and wife, a sou. Mrs. Geo. P. Shaffer visited relatives at Westport last week. J. 11. Drum left Saturday for Allen dale to scale logs for Pearly Lumber Co. Mrs. Issac Smith, of Castle Garden, visited friends here Thursday. Mrs. Martha llobinson, of Ilenovo, visited friends here last week. Mrs. John Jordan, of Huntley, visited her daughter Mrs. Geo. Batchelder Tues day. Minnie Dreamer, of Picture Bocks, was visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Herman Losey visited friends at llix Bun last week. Geo. Fisher came in high line on suckers last Friday, catching 53 in one day. Charles Losey took the honor of catch ing the biggest sucker this season, it weighing 5* pounds, i Henry McGraigin has a contract to | catch five barrels ot suckers. I). P. Henry Ludlam and Brother Keyes, ol Camp 382, P. O. S. of A., ol Emporium, made Camp No. 13G, a visit on Monday. They brought their lantern and views along and gave the lecture which accompanies the initiation. Come again Brothers. DEBSE. j RICH VALLEY. Mose Miuard and Melvin Chadwick | called on Valley friends last week. Wm. Brown moved to Cooks Bun Junction last week. Nelson Cutler visited citv friends Tues day. Walter Culver left for Potter county Tuesday. Mrs. Burton Snell and daughter Mable Brown, of Addison, N. Y., and Cilbert Browu and wife, of Hicks Bun, were the CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1908 jiuest of their son and brother, William Browu this week. Rev. Dow moved to his future home, Rarifcomville, N. Y., Tuesday. His North Creek friends presented hitn with a valu able watch, Sunday. Several miscreants stole twelve ot J. Balcom & Lloydj I STAPLE I DRY GOODS AND' . 1 GROCERIES, j I COUNTRY BUTTER | AND EGGS. | PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin. EASTER ON THE ATLANTIC CITY BOARDWALK. The annual Easter parade on the Boardwalk at At lantic City is one of the grandest sights in the world. It can't be duplicated. For hours that great esplanade, stretching for five miles along the ocean's edge, is throng ed with the fairest and best of American society. Thous ands from all parts of the country go every year to partici pate in this formal opening of the post-Lenten season, un til Easter at Atlantic City has come to be a National event. At no period of the year is Atlantic City more at tractive than at Easter. Band concerts are given daily 011 the piers, with dances in the evening. All the larger hotels have their own orchestras, and the theatres offer special attractions. Nowhere is the after-Lent gaiety more pronounced, or more enjoyable, than at Atlantic City. A Special Easter Excursion to Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, and Wildwood will be run from Buffalo, Erie, Rochester, Titusville, Renovo, and principal inter mediate points on Thursday, April 16. Round-trip tickets, good for fifteen days, will be sold at the following very low rates: Buffalo, $11.00; Erie, $11.00; Rochester, $10.60; Renovo, $8.40; and at proportionate rates from other points. Tickets will be good going on all regular trains 011 date of excursion. Trains leaving Buffalo, 10:45 M., and Erie 5:55 P. M., with sleeping cars and coaches to Philadelphia connect for Atlantic City via Delaware River Bridge, all-rail route. Tickets will be good to stop off in Philadelphia 011 the return trip. For specific rates, time of trains, and further infor formation consult Ticket Agents, B. P. Fraser, P. A. B. D., 307 Main Street, Ellicott Square, Buffalo, or E. Yung man, D. T. A., Williamsport, Pa. 191-5-it. SPRING CLOTHES 1 Perfect Fitting, Better Tailored I and More Stylish Clothing I Than you will find elsewhere for the same price—our stock of TOP COATS, I I SUITS and CRAVENETTS ready—come see them. We are showing many novelties R ■ in garments for Men and Young Men as well as for the youngsters. Children's Suits Men's Suits Topcoats and Raincoats I $1.50 up to $6.50 $7.50 up to $22.50 $lO up to $25 Stetson, Broadway Cluett, Monarch, Gold I Special and Samobin and t sfe Dr^ SS J hirts Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. «pI.UU tO «pI.OU Where the Good Clothes Come From. New Spring Neckwear ?5c to 50c. J. Lewis' chickens last week; some doing in the legal line soon. Over 125 chickens has been purloined here lately. Something should be done. Ira Conaway, of Clear Creek, attended church at Cooks Run Sunday. Chas. Ross was celebrating some event or other iu the city this week. A crew ot bridge builders are erecting the iron bridge at Anson Lewis' this week. D. W. Ensign and Samuel Petetti call ed on ye scribe last week. 0. M.s. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr. Get DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve—it is good for piles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Thursday Evening, March 26, AT EMPORIUM OPERA HOUSE RINK World's Famous Team Skaters. I jjp**. j $ \ , —<«. L | I j Prof. W. E. Genno and Miss Kathleen Patierson Comedy Novelty Artists. Exhibition Thursday Evening, March 20, at 9 o'clock They are undisputed champions of the world. Their act includes some of the most daring and seemingly impossible feats in fancy, trick and acrobatic skating. Don't miss seeing the wonderful barrel act. 850.00 to any one who can do this act: SIOO if any one jumps the barrel back wards. Walt/ing and two stepping in many different styles. Trick and acrobatic skating. Slide for Life, forward and backward, with leap the gap. The marvelous high stilt skating, including two-stepping, cake walking, waltzing 011 high skates. The Teddy Bear performance. Acrobatic skating. Grand illuminated color skating scene. 75 lights. The barrel act and slide for life in darkness with colored lights, etc; racing by W. E. Genno against any one, oue half mile. Learn Fancy Skating FREE. Admission 10c. Skates evenings 15c. I PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD | SPRING VACATION EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, D. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1908 ROUND $8.95 TRIP FROM EMPORIUM. Proportionate Rates from Other Points. Tickets will be good going 011 regular trains 011 date named and to return within ten days, including date of excur sion. RETURNING, tickets will be good to stop off at BALTIMORE or PHILADELPHIA, affording an opportunity to visit ATLANTIC CITY. I SIMILAR EXCURSION APRILIO. For tickets and full information apply to Ticket Agents. J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. Geueral Passenger Agent No. 179-1-2 J Kodol is to-day the best known remedy for all disorders of tlie stomach, such as a dyspepsia, heart burn, sour stomach 1 and belching of gas. Sold hereby 11. C. Dodson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers