Xatcst Count? Correspondence. CAMERON. Mrs. William Wykoft is reported very sick at this writing. Joe Yocum started to work on the rail road track lor Herman Anderson, Friday. Robt. Graham, proprietor of the Valley House, has a lot of very nice live week old pigs lor sale and they are fine ones. The heavy rui son Friday and Satur day caused the creek to become a very dangerous body of water, considering the 1(> inches which was in the creek. But no damage of any account has been re ported. Joe Robinson left for Medix Ruu, where he expects to stop for some time with his brother. The swing bridge just east of Canoe Ruu was washed out by the ice flood Saturday. There was no L. C. meeting this week owing to election as all members were holding office on the board and were very busy. A rouser is looked for next week. Mrs. (Iconic L. Page vi>ited her home at St. Marys, between trains. Minnie Losey, of Sterling Run, spent Sunday the guest of Bessie Summcrson. •John Schwab visited home over Sun day. C. R. Burkland formerly signalman at this tower, cam; up from Sunbury last Saturday and moved his household goods to the latter place, where be has been promoted to a position with the P. R. It. II N. Beck visited his home Saturday and Sunday. Relief Operator F. B. Iloag, of Sterl ing Bun, relieved operator Page Friday and Saturday of last week. Mrs. Chas. James visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. A. Dice, at Sterling Bun, Tuesday. G. L. Page was a business caller at Sinnamahoning and Emporium Friday and Saturday. F. B. Iloag relieved operator E. D. Krape for one day, this week. Louise. FIRST FORK. W. F. JiOgue lost a valuable horsa one day last week. The best one in the team as usual. The ice went out on Saturday, doing little damage along here, but up in Potter county it jammed up, and threw the ice on the B.it S. R. R. tracks, and the afternoon passenger train, had to transfer the passengers around the jam. The jam threw the water over the farm of the Mahon Bro's doing considerable damage. Trains were running through all right again Sunday morning. Rev. Jjawson has been conducting re vival services here, but the weather got so cold and snow so deep, that the congrega tions were small. The men are getting back to the woods again, as the snow has settled so the job bers can goon with their operations again. The B. S. R. B. have taken off the morning train from Austin to Dußois, and return in the evening. We have only one passenger train a day now, and can get no where and baek the same day —only to Wharton. Nuf Sed. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-1 yr. An Unusual RWJT H T'& *1 ff" Tm. ~T" Every day this week, until Saturday, Feb. 22, the ladies of Euiporiiiiii have an opportunity to inspect a large Mm 11 a""" H # J*. »1l J JLjJL JLd been sent here on exhibition and sale by one of the largest New York manufacturers. If you are not ready to purchase your R, ' > T _i spring garments at present, you can make your selection now, pav a small deposit and we will hold the garments till wanted. emporium s Largest and Finest Dry Goods Store ielow we illustrate just a few of the many styles. He sure and call this week. This jaunty and up-to-date Jump- This nobby creation, semi-fitted This fashionable two-button wool This latest novelty Prince Chap The most attractive single-breast- This nobby Prince Chap Coat is er Dress is made of very Rood quill- Suit, is made of all wool stripe „- ~, u r Suit is made of an all-wool Pana- ed three-button Drince Chap Suit , 112 a ii. woo i English rnv fi rt ity of taffeta. Jumper has a hand- suitintr Lined throughout with a Chap Su.t is made of an all- ran . Lined throughout with satin, is made of an all-wool striped cloth. ™de of an all-wool English Covert made yoke and is richly tucked g - ij | nea " oug ° u 1 * striped material, lined throughout and 26 inches long. Single breast- L| , throuB i lout witll „ „ ood 26 inches long. Lined throughout and set off with Venise lace inser good quality satin. Jacket is 24 ' '™,° ed ' Dip front, flap pockets, and Unetl throughout with a good AP-ZWI tion, which is also on butterfly inches long and strictly tailor- with a good satin, l'uil 26 inches edge of entire coat bound with silk satin, full _o inches long. Coat v • ■ Vtj AA sleeve effect. Skirt strictlv tailor- made. Full length sleeve, lapels, long; 13-gored kilted tailor-made braid. New ,;-length sleeve (as prettily set off withjself bias-straps, tailor made. Our price T" ,ww made and full pleated, with two cuffs and plaits in back set off with ' per cut). Tailor-made, 13 gored flap pockets and inlaid white vest- Same stvlo as above made of an bands and separate girdles attach- silk ornaments; 13-gored full flare skirt with a 6-inch wide fold (as skirt, with a graduated 6-inch wide ; n g_ p u |) kilted skirt with three , ' ed (as per cut). Comes ind» 1/» CA skirt with a 6-inch wide fold (as per cut) Comes invar d>io r A fold > hnished off with silk braid. bias straps (as per cut). Comes in all-wool Black Broadcloth and black, blue and brown. «pIU.tJU percut). Comes in <J»-| OrA . olir J) 1 j.DU Comes in various W also have a similar suit at $9.98. black, blue and brown ious shades. Our price «P Our price $lb.OU Our price $16.50 satin. Our price. JfrD.UU FROM OUK REPORTERS. STERLING RUN. n Killeen and L. C. Summerson, accompanied Fred Shaffer to Lock Haven Hospital on Monday. There was the largest iee jam here Saturday that has been known for years. It surrounded Fred Allen's house and his wile and son-in-law were in danger of their lives for a few minutes. Mrs. Thomas Eddy and children, ot Harrisburg, are the quests of her mother, Mrs. L. J. Wylie. Carlton Smith is at home, sick with a had cold. Minnie Losey was a Cameron visitor over Sunday, Washington Mason is stiil very low. Mrs. Dorsey Spangler and Kathryn May were Driftwood visitors Sunday, guests o! the former's parents. John Schwab, Cameron, was in town for election Tuesday. James Furlong was at Renovo Sunday, and his wife, who has been visiting her parents there, returned home with him, Sunday night. Gladys O'Keefe was home over Sun day. Dorsey Spangler spent Sunday in Kane. Mrs. Stephens and daughter were Em porium visitors the past week. Jack Killecn was at Driftwood a tow days the past week. Flection day, Tuesday, was very dull. Jessie V. Sterling is vi.-iting her sister, Mrs. Charter, of Galcton. Oscar Norburg and wile, of Dents llun, spent Sunday with their parents, John Anderson and wife, ot this place. Blue Bei/l. Mow's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars' 1 He ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family I'ills for consti pation. Save Honey by Buying Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You will pay just as much for a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as for any ot the other cough medicines, but you save money iu buying it. The sav ing is in what you get, not what you pay. The sure-to-curc you quality is in every bottle of this remedy, and you get good results when you take it. Buying cough medicine is an important matter. Neglected colds often develop serious con ditions, and when you buy a cough medi cine you want to b • sure you are getting one that will cure your cold. When you buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy you take no chances. It always cures. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. For sale by L. Taggart A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsia and other stomache ills. Two days' trial free. Ask our dealer. Sold at R. C. Dodson's drug store. 3 m . CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1908 HUNTLEY. Thomas Kilborn who is working fur the I'. H. I{., at Krie spent Sunday with his father. (Jeorge Darren, of Siiinauiahotiing, is dning gurpenter work for W. I!. Smith. 15. J. Collins was a business caller in 11 iftwood this week. The flood Saturday, washed away about thirty lugs lor the Coudersport Mangle Roller Co., and also washed the township bridge at the mouth of Big llun out. Supervisor Smith and Path master Logue repaired the damage this week. James Berry and William Straw bridge, of Sterling Itun, were business callers in town Saturday. Edward Fawcett, of Cauasrega, N. Y. who has had charge of the mill engine has resigned his position and returned home. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan visited friends in Driftwood this week. Supervisor John McDonald, of Drift wood. w<is a business caller in town this week. Mrs. Ada J. rdan and Nora Francis, of Driftwood, called on \\. \V. Johnson one day this week. W. W. Johnson made a flying trip to Emporium Friday. W. 11. Smith sampled the famous cooking of A. W . Smith at Willowdale Camp Saturday evening the wait r too high to cross the llivcr. Mr. Smith says that Mr. Smith has no need tn get a cook for the Smiths can beat the world. William Logue has moved fivrn the Jordan place to the store building and in the future will reside on the P.irVy estate which he recently purchased. J. p. s. The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption had me in its grasp, and 1 had almost reached the jumping off place when I was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery; and I want to say light now, it saved my life. 1 mprove ment began with the lirst bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, of Grimesland. N. C. As a rem edy for 'coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneu monia New Discovery is supreme. .">oc and 81.00 at all druggists. Trial bottle ree. riany Sleepless Nights, Owing to a Persistent Cough. Relief Found at Last. "For several winters past my wife has been troubled with a most persistent and disagreeable cough, which invariably ex tended over a period of several weeks and caused her many sleepless nights," writes Will J. Hay titer, editor of the Burley, Colo., Bulletin. "Various remedies were tried each year, with no beneficial results. In November last the cough again putin appearance and my wife, acting on the suggestion of a friend, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The result was indeed marvelous. After three doses the cough entirely disappeared and has not manifested itself since." This remedy is lor sale by L. Taggart. Ring s Little Liver Pilis wake up lazy livers, clean the system aud clear the skin. Try them for biliousness and sick headache. Price L'ftc tit 11. C. Dodson's drugstore. 3 ro . Where a Hulticude of Sins are Covered The L. & M. Paint covers defects in previous paintings and wears for 10 to 15 years, because the L. <fc M. is pure lin seed oil binder-pure oxide of zinc-pure white lead, and you help to make the paint by mixing three quarts of iinscsd oil with each gallon of paint. Its done in 2 min utes. Makes cost only $1.20 per gallon. Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, L. & M.. Paint Agent. Cloth all Wool and Paint all Paint. Is cheaper than shoddy cloth or shoddy paint. The L. &M. is Zinc Metal made into Oxide of Zinc combined with White Lead, an J then made into paint with pure Linseed Oil in thousand gallon grindings and mixings. Wears long, actual cost only 81.20 per gallon. Harry S. Lloyd. 1 Emporium, L it Paint Agent. Honor Roll. Honor roll for primary school at Sin- j namahoning, for fifth month of school. Villa Kaule, Dorathy Hackett, Paul Fisher, Wilraa O'Connor, Lily Gore, Theodore Gore, Dalo Johnson, Dewey Kirkland, Craig Buck, Mary Logue. , Charley Losey, Sadie Fisher, Ocie j Burk, Lay ton Bennet, Claude Beldin, I Donald Lupoid, Orpha Lightner, Ruie J Krebs, Stephen Crum, Howard Col- j well, Clella Colwell, Chauncey Pitts, | Lucie Leinbaugh. Ivxceutrlx's Notice. •Mate of ORI{KLL F. EL WELL, Deceased. j 1' TTKRS testamentary on the estate of I. J Orrell K. Klwell, late of Emporium, ( aineron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been issued to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make j prompt payment, and those having claims against thes.ime will present them withoutdelay, duly authenticated, t:> ELLA A. PARSONS, Executrix. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 13tli, 1908.—18-6t Tax Appeal Notice. N OTICE is hereby given that the Annual Tax Appeal meeting will be held at the office of the < utility Commissioners, Emporium, l'u., on Wednesday, March 18th, 1908, between the hours ofnine a. 111. and three p. m., to hear appeals i from the assessments for 1908. .112, W. LEWIS, K. I'. KKEIDEIt, O. 1.. BAILEY, County Commissioners. ATTEST: — W. L. THOMAS, Clerk. 1 -It. SHSicLri fiSfr? Stl sHSHsca cb d ' I Old Reliable 1 I Drug Store cj [5 Gj BARGAINS, BARGAINS. j5 I BARGAINS. pj Seeley's hard Rubber Trusses, Ln closing out at SI.OO each. |» Cutlery, a fine line, closing out f{] nj at cost. [n i |{] 100 regular 25c boxes pills. [}j i |n None better. Closing out at nj i [ij 17c each. uj | nj 100 bottles 250 size Cough and [s 1 m Cold Medicine, closing out at nj ; S| 17c each. There is not any m ! H] better Cough and Cold medi- [}j j In cine made. nj Kalamazoo Celery Nerve and „] ru Blood Tonic. A tonic every- In U] body needs in the spring of the [n year. Closing at 65c the bottle_ fy j Electric Bitters, one of the very uj n| best Stomach, Liver and Kid- [}j j Ln ney remedies. Closing out at ru [Jj 35c each Jjl | pJ Skinner's Wild Cherry Tonic, Lr X! one of the very best appetizers. Price nJ i If reduced from 50c to 30c. If] 1 [n If vour physician gives you a[n j m prescription take it to Taggart [U and save one half on it. f{] ! {J L. TAGGART, Prop Notice of Application for Charter. N'OTICE is hereby Riven that an application will be uiiidf* by O. L. HAILEY, A. W. WYLIE, A. D. GORE, and .JOHN CUMMINOS, to Hon. EdwinS. Stuart, Governor of Pennsylva nia, at Harrisburg, Penn'a., on Tuesday, March 17TH, 190H at lOoVlock, a. m., under the provision of theactof the General Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations,''approved April 29tli, 1874, and the several suppleme.its thereto, for a charter for an intended corporation t«» he t ailed the STA K BOX COMPANY of SINN KM A HON ING, PENN'A., the character and object of which is tne manufacturing, selling, buying and otherwise disposing of boxes, chair stork, furni ture ami other similar articles and novelties made from wood, and other suitable materials and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights,benefits, and privileges conferred by the said Act of Assembly and the several supplements thereto. T. C. HIPPLE, HENRY HIPPLE, Solicitors. February 0, 1908.—1-4t. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP B I! I n I 1 |i There are very few Men and Children who do not need to fill out there winter supply of | Clothing, Furnishings, | I Shoes, Hats, n Caps, Etc. I 1 I | f>. You can find them at our store. We are ready to wait on you and fl give you satisfaction and | are always pleased II ; j J m• 1 jfj to see you. || I Jasper Harris 112 p Opp Post-Oflice, Emporium, Pa j Stomach trouble is but a symptom of.and not In it self u trui! disease. \W think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, nnd Indigestion as real diseases. yet they are symptoms only of a Ceitain specific Nerve sickness—nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop in tie; creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy—Dr. Shoop'a Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to lir. Shoop and his Restorative With, out that original and highly vitulprinciplc.no such lasting accomplishments were ever to he had. l-'or stomach distress. Moating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try I)r Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your self what it can and will do We and cheer fully recommend Dr. SHoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers