Es*» fABI«Ii»II2iD BY C. ii. • ' -U! !•>, At ARC II) 1566 VOL. 41. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS All Announcements under this head must ' * signed by the candidate and paid in advance to insure publication. TpOR CONGRESS- P HON. CHAKLES I" BARCLAY OF CAM EROS I 'or .STY. Subject to the action <>i the < of the twenty-first Congressional district, compose; 1 o/the counties of Cameron, Clearfield, Centre and McKeati. Post office address—Sinnamahoning, Pa. |,X)U MEM BER OK ASS KM BLY r HON. JO-IAH HOWARD, OP EMPdmi'M. Fa. Subject to the action of the Republicans of Cameron coun yat the Primary Election, Sat. urday, April 11th, 1908. , Issoeiate thai tie. 17*011 ASSOCIATE Jl T DfiR. I JOHN A. WYKOFF. ("Jrove Township, Pa. fSuhicct to the «i • / iof the Republican* of dav, .\pJil uthjiw. P. O.- Sinnamahoning. Pa. [7H)R ASSOCIATE JUDHE, I J. A. MUrTHRi:jiOUGSJ Cam< >n< mity fit thePrimatv Eli tiou • tar dav, April llUi, 19G8. Can !".-V.av'a! lluTpvmia" i'C.-a. Vt-i'l - " . A ;>■ : I 11 u. 1»; i. ( 'uun iif Com m is.sinn cr. l7U>a l ' >t T N t'Y COMMISSION!;!".. J? JOHN W. LKWIS, ShippeiNl'ow i- 'hip. Kubj .; !>> the action of thf Republic.)!)-; of Cftnn •i'■ i ;ir vM) the Primary Election, Satu I'- dav. April llth, ISOB. P. 0.-Kmponnui, R. F. R. ITKIR CO I* NT Y COMMI.-.:IONER. P 8. P. KKEIDER, Uri'l'vond, I'a. Subject to the decision of the Republicans of Cameron county at the Primary El: -. tiun, .Satur day, April llth, 1?08. TTOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, .r O. 1,. BAILEY, Siunamahoning, I'a. Subject tothe action of the Demooatic elec tors nfC.imerou count v at the Primary Election, Saturday, April llth, 190 H. T7<oli COUNTY COMMISSIONER, X 1 WM. 11. SMITH, Lumber Township, Subject to the action of the Democratic elec tors ai the Primary Election Saturday, April llth, 1908. P. O.—Sterling Run. T7)OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, Ij BENJAMIN DAYTON, Sterling Run, Pa. Subject tothe action of the Republican electors at the Primary Election. April lltli, IOCS. Sheriff. POR SHERIFF, I ALLEN M. HAMILTON, Hast Emporium, Pa. Subject to the decision of ihe Republicans of Cameron county at the Primary Election, Satur day, April Uth, 1908. I7IOP. SHERIFF, r FRANK G. JUDD, Emporium, Pa. Subject to the action of the Republicans of Cameron county at the Primary Election, Satur day, April llth, 1908. TT'OR SHERIFF, X 1 JOHN \V, NORRIS, Emporium, Pa. Subject to the action of the Democratic elec tors of Cameron county at the Primary Election, Saturday, April llth, 1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. Editor P*-ess:— Please announce that I am a candidate for re election to the position of Supt. of Public Schools of Cameron county, subject to the decision of the convention of School Directors of Cameron county, held on the first Tuesday in May, 1908. MATTIE M. COLLINS. Emporium, Pa., Jan, Ist, 1908. I6tf Editor Press:— Please announce that I am a candidate for the position of Superintendent of Public Schools of Cameron county, subject to the decision of the convention of School Directors of Cameron county, held on the first Tuesday in Mav, 1908. JOHN SCHWAB. Lumber, Pa., Jan. 4th, 1908. 47 Editor Press:— \ our are requested to announce my name as a a candidate for the office of Supt. oi'the Public Schools of Cameron county, subject to the decis ion of theschool directors in convention assem bled 011 the first Tuesday in May, 1908 . , D. B. PETERSON. Lumber, Pa., Jan. 20th, 1908. tc. Business Cards. J. O. JOHNSON. J. p. MCNARNEY F. A. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & McNAKNEY, ATTORNEYB-AT-LAW EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en trusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate ami pension claim agent, 3 5 " 1 y• Emporium, Pa. B. \V. GREEN. JAY;P. FHI.T. GREEN & FELT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, Corner Fourth and Broad streets, Emporium, Pa. All ousmc relatingto estate,collections.real estate, Orphan's Court and gencrallaw business will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly. < OMMKRCIAI. HOTEL, Near P. & E. Depot. Emporium, Pa. FREDERICK LEVECKE, Prop'r. Centrally located. Every convenience for the traveling public. Kates reasonable. A share ol' he public patronage solicited. Illy MAY OOULD, TKACHRIi OP PIANO, HARMONY ND THEORY, Also dealer iu all the Popular nheet Music, Emporium, Pa. scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or atthe homes of the pupils. Outoftown scholars will be given dates at my room in this place. DR. LEON REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa DR. H. W. MITCH KIJ,, DENTIST, (Successor to Dr. A. B. Mead.) Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store, Emporium, I'a l'2ly "Sc verity-Seven." Guaranteed by the Manufacturer tinder tho ! 'ood and Drugs Act, June 30,1908. Humphrey's Seventy-seven for Grip and Colds does not contain Morphine, Opium, Codeine, Cocaine, Chloroform, Chloral, Phenacetine or any habit creating drug. Seventy-seven is made of perfectly pure Homeopathic remedies and in harmless. Seventy-seven cures by acting direct ly on the sick part, without disturbing the rest of the system. At Druggists, 25c. Send for Dr. Humphreys' Manual on UK: treatment and care of the sick, frc-!'. Humphrey's Homro. Medicine C), Cor. William and John Streets, New York. "" /if Mountain Mission Church. EOXTOS Pur B. —Kindly print: in your good paper a clipping from the Wedcyan Methodist 112 Jan. 29th, and what has been done since for the Mountain Mission Church at Castle Garden: '"Since our last report we have re ceived from the following persons S2B. The ones giving i?"> are those who have joined in the 100 to give $•"» each. Jennie Ayers, Houghton, $5; Mrs. J. M. English, Driftwood, $5; L. Bird, Pen fluid, Pa., $5; Hon. H. H. Mullin, Em porium, Pa.; §5; Mrs. Dell Smith, Towanda, Pa.., So; Mrs. C. S. Walker, Addison. N. Y., $2; Esther Comstock, Houghton, IST. Y., §l. We have now seven names who have responded to Brother Bond's call for 100 to j*ive £."> each to complete the Mountain Mission church. There lias been up to this date, put into this church, cash, §l,- •197.7.5, and about §250 in gifts, and it will take the biggest part of |SOO to complete this structure. What is need ed yet is the inside work to be done, lath and plastering, floor laid, seated, paint ed and then we can hold meetings. Is this church to stop here or is it togo onto completion, and be a blessing or be a failure and let our enemies say I knew they never would complete it; did! not tell you so? Wo leave all in God's hands, let him do whatever seenieth good iu Ilia sight." Since the above was reported we have received from the following per sons: Mrs. Minnie Batchelder, Wy side, §5.00; Miss Foe Couwick, §15.55; Rev. O. Cicard, Senaca Falls, N. Y., "Please include me as one of the 100 who will pay $5.00 to finish your church, enclosed find check for same; J. O. Brookbank, Driftwood Pa., put me down as one of the 100 for $5.00; J. M. English, §5.00; and this way the good work goes on. On Jan. the 29th inst, the following letter was received from an unknown man at Randolph, N. Y.: "I write to know if there has been enough contri buted to clear up the debt on your church, and if not please let me know at once, or as soon as possible, and oblige. Yours in Jesus, G. W. DEITKR. Just what this means we are unable to tell at present, but will explain later on. Any one that chances to read this and if they feel as though they ought to join the 100, just send your namo and §5.00 to J. O. Brookbank, Drift wood, Pa., and it will be acknowledged promptly with thenks. Yours f~"the Mountain Mission Church, sure J. M. ENGLISH. Religious. Rev. P. S. Calvin, of Kittaning, Pa., will preach at the Baptist Church every evening of next week, (except Satur dry), at 8 o'clock. The public are cor dially invited to attend. Enjoyable Occasion. The Friendly Society, entertained the members, of the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening, in the church parlors. After the annual busi ness meeting of the congregation, ro freshments, which consisted of sand wiches, coffee and cake, wore served. Sleigh Ride Party. The C. C. C., were entertained at the home of M. J. Leadbetter, Rich Valley, last Thursday evening. Those present were: Misses Edna Clark, Flaye Lath rope, Rena Jordan, Elizabeth Crandall, Frances Leadbetter, Margaret Metzger, Hilda llertig, Mae Mulcahy; Messrs. Allan Randolph, Charles Farrell, Her bert Vogt, David Mulcahy, Frank Knight and John Keyes. The Club, with their attendants, were taken to the place, in a sleigh load, by our popular driver Robert Clark. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sod by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr 4 'Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable. " —WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, VEMRUA.HY 0, 1908 Will the Democrats | Endorse Mr. Howard? It is quite likely they will endorse Hon. C. P. Barclay, in this district, for Congress, because they can not help themselves, and ! t is also quite likely i they will endorse Mr. ' toward for the | legislature for the same reason. Mr. Howard and Mr. Biumlehave til ways been good friends and, both being good citizens, their friends in both parties would not desert them. A great many of Mr. Blumle's friend' are also friends of Mr. Howard and would have voted for him two years ago if they had not fell, that they should stay loyal to Mr. Blumls. Now, that the people, under the new primary law make their own nomina tions, these l.icn will insist on votint,' to endorse Mr. Howard and if this npi t-ifc prevails the compliment will be n<> more than r ju«i tribute to .\ir. Howard, who in a great common way is harmonizing ail factious to work tnfjeiher for the p> i'tnaneiit di - velopment ami growth of Cameron county. The i J arty for the I'eople. The Republican party in the great party for the people. We do not knov/ of a democratic state that has a uni form primary law allowing the peop'e to make their own nominations. Under this lav/ any nvt i ifheh;.-) tlie required number of friends to sign his petition, can have his name printed on the primary ballot for the nomi nation, and the beauty of it is til it thy voters can sign the petitions of as many di tie rent candidates as they wish; and really, in the spirit of fair play,the candidates should sign each others papers. Thi i will likely bo necessary for small counties, especially in the minority party. This year there are three candidates already announced for the Republican nomination of Associate <; <ulge in this county and they will ai. find it is no small job togo around and hunt up two hundred men of their ov n party to sign their paper, but the voters should graciously help them out and when the primaries aro over each can didate and his friends in thesamo gra cious American spirit should submit to the winner and all join hands for hiR election. More Candidates. As the time approaches for the Uni form Primaries, candidates are entering the field as will be seen by glancing at the announcements in this issue of the PRESS J. A. WykofF, of Grove, had the field all to himself for Associate Judge, but now J. A. Mutthersbaugh, of Driftwood, has entered the race, from his headquarters at Driftwood, while Wm. Berry, of Sterling Run, an old time Republican, lines up at the rope. Let the contest be friendly. Two new aspirants have shown up on the Democratic side—John W. Nor ris for Sheriff and Wm. H. Smith for County Commissioner. Mr. Norris will make a breezy campaign while he is at it and take defeat, good naturedly. Mr.. Smith of Lumber for County Com missioner is a mighty good citizen and would make a highly efficient official if elected by the minority party. His opponent on the Republican side, Mr. Benjamin Dayton, who resides in the same township,has lived in Lumber for 42 years and followed the occupation of bridge carpenter, being many years in the employ of the Pennsylvania R. R. The best of feeling seems to pre vail between the candidates, which is right and proper. New Clerks. Edward Breen, Esq., for many years clerk at the Sartwell House, Port Alle gany, Pa., has accepted a similar posi tion with the New Warner at this place. He is popular with the traveling pub lic. Mr. F. W. Moore has also been appoined night wet goods dispenser in the "sample goods" department. Handsome Dining Room. The New Warner House dining room has been handsomely refitted and handsome new carpet placed on the lioor. In addition to repainting and furnishing a pressed steel decorated ceiling has been placed in position. Meals were served in the new rooms on Tuesday. Faust is Well Played. Faust, the story old, of man's temp tation and his fall, was presented at the Grand last night by Porter J. White and a good company. The act ing was excellent. The mechanism and the electrical effects were super ior to those of any production of Faust ever seen here. It is certainly a good company, aidedlby very effective set tings and mechanism.—Danville, (III.) Democrat. "Faust will be seen hare at Emporium Opera House, Tuesday evening, Feb. llth. Fire at Port Allegany. Port Allegany was visited by a very destructive fire on Snnday morning, in which the Sillman block was totaly destroyed. The fruit store owned by Spalla, the clothing store of Mr. Sterns and the shoe store of Mr. Klock, as well as the offices 011 the second floor were all destroyed. Ring's Little Liver Pills wake up lazy livers, clean the system and clear the skin. Try them for biliousness and siek headache. Price 25c at H. <■. Dodxnu's drugstore. 3m. The Social Swim. Miss Catherine Orr, entertained the E. N. G. K.. afc her liomo on Saturday evening. Her guests were: Misses Edna Adams, Jennie Fowler, Laura Ifouf, Jennie Robinson, Helen Cook, Mary Jessop, Florence Faucett, Mar garet Weisenfluh, Martha Burns, Mary Burns, Jennie Craven, Lizzio Zv/ald, and Messrs. John Robinson, Charles Jeasop, Henry Hout, Alfred Zwald, Charles McOlevie, Ralph Sehnee, Mark Ellis, Williaoi Qauniz and Thomas Bailey. Various games were indulged in, and after a bountiful supper, tho guests departed for their homes. Lewis—Martin. Ivii-;3 Dessie Lewis and Mr. Clipson M ;.tin liitvel-eturned from a month's visit to Buffalo and Walk ins Glen, having stolen the march on their fri "ids by quietly going to Buffalo on Deo. 21&t and were join 'ft in the holy bonds of matrimony at Grace Meth oaitrfc Episcopal Church. Th< i.• many Emporium friends congratulate the happy couple, Tho PRESS exi' nds its best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Martin for (i happy life and wo know they will bo : ) ippy for both are industrious ul of I a happy disposition. For Sale. Will sell at a bargain: One, three ■ drawer, eight key National Cash Reg ister; four, six feet show eas* s; one, four { " t floor ease; one, lii'.y dozen tore ni case; one, four r.- : eight t arm (iisplay rack; one revolvl" ; cloak r:i ;01 e, six feet double cloak rack; two, eighteen inch paper cu'< • two, tw :tv•four inch paper en 112 rs; two cone twine holders; one umbrella case; hat stands and coat hangers. All new. 51 tf. W. H. CBASIER. "A Ragged Hero." Little Sallio Holiinshead tho child actress in "A Ragged Hero" which will be sceu here at the Opera House on Friday evening Feb. 7, made her tirst public appearauce when she was a baby in arms being carried on in a play in which tho noted Ciara Norris, appeared as her mother. This little lady has ideas of her own on the sub ject of her career and very positively states that when she grows up she is going to be as great an emotional act tress as Mrs. Leslie Carter. Closing-Out Sale. We wish to announce* that we desire to close out our mercantile business at Sinnamahoning, Pa , and that on and after Feb. Ist, 1908, we will begin the sale, selling for cash only. We will sell goods at greatly reduced prices as we wish to close out the en tire business as soon as possible. The stock consists of dress goods, includ ing mohairs, serges, dress flannels, seersuckers, ginghams, calicos, outing flannels, mußlius, sheetings, &c. Hos iery of all kinds and at all prices; men's and boy's hats, caps and toques, leggine, children's sacques. We have a large line of men's and boy's pants, overhalls and suspenders. Ladies', men's and children's wool and fleece lined underwear, sweaters, gloves, mittens, collars and ties—in fact every thing in the line of notions. A full line of men's, ladies' Misses, boys and children's shoes, also a large assort ment of men's, ladies' and children's rubbers. You cannot fail to get a bar gain in shoes and rubbers. The stock also includes a line of queens cr. ckery and glassware, hard ware and enameledware, rope in all size?, harness and hames, plows, har rows, cultivators and fittings for the same, barbed wire, poultry netting and staples, stoves and castings, bedsteads, cots, springs, mattresses, pillows, com forts and wool and cotton blankets, extension tables, stands, rocking and dining chairs, high chairs and cradles, screen doors, window screens, sewing machines and needles, washing ma chines and churns—in fact bargains will be found in every line we carry. It will pay you to buy your light dress goods for summer as they will be sold regardless of cost. The same can also be said of our summer underwear and light hosiery. Come early and get some of the best bargains you ever had. This sale will continue until entire stock is elisposcd of, regardless of cost. No ACCOUNTS AFTER FEB. IST, 1908. MEN WORKING FOR US CAN GET THEIR PAY AT ANY TIME. Very truly yours, 50-4t. BARCLAY BRO'S, Sinnamahoning, Pa., Feb. Ist, 1908. POCKET BOOK LOST. —Alady's pocket book, issued by First National Bank, was lost on Fourth street, Emporium on Jan. 6th. Said book contained a H um of money, also a 1908 New Year's card. The finder will be liberally re warded by leaving same at PRESS of fice. 48-tf. BOYS ANU GIRLS WANTED,— To act as agents for the best line of Souvenir Post Cards ever issued. Any bright boy or girl can very easily earn their own pocket money by working a few hours each day before or after school hours. Send 10c for samples and prices. Address the Farmers Ex-, change, Pittsfleld, Pa. 47tf Ladies Aid Society. ! The Ladies Aid Society of tho M. IJ. i Church, will serve an oyster supper in the Reading Room, Feb. 14, 1908, at five p. m., until all are served. Higher Pensions for Widows. A bill hfiß been introduced in Con gress increasing pensions to widows of veterans who served in Mexican, Civil or Spanish-American wars from §8 to sl2 per month. This will necessitate an increase to the pension appropria tion of §12,000,000. College of Music. | §37 pays six weeks' tuition on any in j strumont, singing and board at the old | established College of Music, Freeburg, | Pa. Young people well eared for. j Terms begin May 4, June 15 and July 127 For Catalog addrdss 51 3t HEERY B. MOYER Mrs. Olmsted Improved. j Mr. and Mrs 11 C Olmsted are ex ! peeted hometrorn PhiJadeipbi-n some day this week. M-.s. O , h ving im l proved sufficiently since the operation j to warrant her removal from the hos | pital. This will h. >•; :d -l urs to the j many friends of the family. "A Ragged Hero." i It is ciaimed for '. 4 H :-.ged Hero" j woieli will be set :i 1.-re at tho Em porium Opera Hou •••• on Friday even j ing, February 7th, i iiat it i one of the j greatest meio-drair; of many years i and the criticism. :■ !■• received in New York and on the road this season seems to indicate that the management is not claiming ton much. LOST. —From train No. 57, on j Tmirsday, January 16th, a black enam j ''l ''>dfc case, containing a dress suit, : toilet articles, underclothing, and au i envelope containing sundry books and j private papers, also the inventory of a drug store. A suitable reward will be paid for the return of this suit case and contents complete, or 112 r the papers and memorandum books alor.e. Ad dress W. S. Millener, Corner Fourth and Pine Sts., Williamsport, Pa. "Faust." Faust contains a large measure of I moral philoaophy, both in the actual words of the players and in the graud ensemble of its weird lights and shad ows, its comedies and tragedies. Sam Jones aptly characterized it when he said it was "better than a sermon." Will appear at Emporium Opera House on Tuesday evouing, Feb. 11th. DEATH'S DOINGS kszassi DAVEY. .Mrs. Clara Ensign-Davey, aged 72 years, after an illness of six weeks, of a complication of diseases, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Moore, at St. Marys, on Saturday, Feb. Ist, 1908. Her remains were prepareel for burial byUndertaker Laßar's assist ant, C. W. Rishell. Religious services were heid at the residence on Monday, at one o'clock, Rev. Graybill officiat ing, after which the remains were brought to Emporium and taken to tho Methodist church, of which the deceas ed was an active member. The ser vices were conducted by Revs. Mr. ! Cleaver and Mr. Allen. The Ladies • Rebel Corps of Q A. R., an association in which the deceased took a very act ive interest conducted their regulation ritualistic exercises. Owing to the fact that the host of friends of the respected lady were not informed of the funeral, very many were prevented from pay ing that respect due au excellent lady, who has for years been active in all good work. Airs. Davey was an ex ceptionally bright woman and more than once contributed to the columns of the PRESS. A number of relatives and friends from out of town attended the last sad rites and consoled with the bereaved husband, Mr. E C. Davey. Those in attendance, as near as we are able to learn were: Mr. and Mrs. (daughter) Thos. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. (daughter; Crum, Mrs Geo. Root, St. Marys; Mrs. McElhaney, (d mghter), Buffalo; Benjamin Davey (son) and wife, Olean; Mrs. L. Lucore, (sister) Sizerville; Mrs. Mary Edwards, A. L. Ensign Sinnamahoning, in addition to the Lucore and Ensign relatives re siding in town. Murderer Donley. Now that William S. Donley has been sentenced to death for the murder of bis niece there is some speculation as to whether or not his zealous and faithful attorneys, W. C. Kress, Esq., anel R. B. McCormick, Esq., will make any further effort, towards securing a new trial in a higher court and thus possibiy postpone for a time at least the last act in the sad drama, or whether they will permit the law to take its course, which will mean tha Donley will be executed the coming ; spring or early summer on a day to bo | fixed by the governor, and which will | be announced indue time. Donley, since he is in the shadow of I the gallows, is more persistent in his statements that he is innocent than l over before, and his counsel stated to I the court Saturday that they are now | more firmly of the belief that he is in nocent than at any previous time.— ; Lock Haven Democrat. St. Charles to Open. Jos. Gayney and Herman Moline i will open a part of St. Charles on Mon day and will do business. TERMS : $2. 00 — $1.501 N Adva Ngi THE WEATUER. FRIDAY, Colder, Snow Hurries. SATURDAY, Fair. SUNDAY, Suow. ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At tbp dose of business Feb. 5, 1908. $751,512.23 LUCK. The thrifty man Un lucky man, but his good fortune dor-;; not come bj chance. INTEREST PAID ON* CERTIFI' ATES 01' DEPOSIT. ammmnom- ■ rniiimtin a. AT OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY «, FEB'!. 7 j Tlio LE.VNDKIL V) ■ CORDOVA AMUSEMENT CO., Inc. A MAGGED HERO Reaii ;i ' ■ "iotnrerque Production. Totally till 111:*) anything el: a ever pre sented L> tii: theatre-going Public. Stirring t- ento cl< verly pictured, large company of exec .ling worth. Most interesting &t:>ry < 112 the .ige. Ten mammoth .scenes. Nothing so vast and overwhelming ever presented on tlio stage. Prices: 25, 35 and 50c Seats reserved at 11. S. Lloyd's store. AT OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY, FEB. SITH. [ I # PORTER J. WHITE'S Complete production of Goethe's Immortal Faust with MISS OLGA VERNE as MARGUERITE The following electrical effects will positively be produced here: The rain of Fire; The Midnight Stars; The Mys tic Lightning Bugs; The Morning Glories, The Fiery Necklace, Serpents, The Duel of Death, The Circle of Fire, The Flower garden, The Weird Skulls etc. Prices, 75c, 50e, 35c and 25c. Seats on sale at Lloyd's Book Store. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Bingliamton, N. Y., will be at R. H. Ilirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., Feb. 12th and 13th. If you can't see well or have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. "I trust this may bo read byinuuy suf ferers from kidney and bladder trouble," writes Mrs. -Joe King, of Woodland, Tex. "I suffered four years and could lind nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last induced me to try your 30 days days' treatment of l'inlues for §I.OO. This one bottle has cured rue and money could not buy the value it lias been to me. Guaranteed at 11. 0. Dodson's drug store. 3m A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsia and other stouiache ills. Two days' trial free. Ask our dealer. Sold at 11. C. Dodson's drug store. 3m. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr. NO. 51
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers