Xatcst County Correspondence. FROM OUR REPORTERS. STERLING RUN. Washington Mason, Pine Street's old est citizen lias been quite ill, but is better at this writing. The local institute in the M. E. church last Saturday was well attended by all teachers. Mrs. Frank Lmn ird aud Mrs. llulsin ger, of ltenovo visited their parents, over Sunday. Minnie Losey commenced her school again Monday. Mrs. J. E. Smith has been ill with grip the past week. Nettie Hay Kissell, who has been stay ing with her sister, Mrs. T. S. Fulton of Sinnamahoning, spent Sunday in town, Mrs. Eva Foster has left town to join her husband at Kinzua, where they will reside. W. 11. Smith and Ralph Berry are repairing one of Brooks' bui'dings for the post office, which will be moved soon, as the present site is very unsafe. There will be a social held in the Brooks' Hall, Saturday mailt, Jan. 25th, for the b nefit of the M E church. All are cordially invited. Mrs. Hay Dinuiny and son were Drift wood vi.-itors the j as! week. I> >rsey Spatigli-r and wife were Heno- YO visitors the past week. We were glad to sec Frank Barr, who now resides at Arcade, N. \'., on our streets on Monday. Mrs. Bingham Sterling left for Olil, Jefferson county, Monday. Miss Bess Summcrson, who teaches at Cameron, spent Sunday with Miss Losey. Wilson Berry and Jim Lynch are opening a new vein ot coal. Which they say is good. Lilah Berry of Hicks Bun, visited her parents Sunday. Wm. Gilmartin of Johnsonburg and sister Winnie of Emporium, were the guests of Mrs. Furlong, Tuesday. Miss Lola Beck of Emporium, is visit ing relatives in town. BLUE BELL. If a cough once gets into your system it acts on every muscle and fibre of the body and makes you ache all over, ft especially affects the intestines and makes you constipated, so in order to get rid of a cold thoroughly aud without delay you should not take anything that will tend to constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts upon the bowels and thereby drives the cold out of the system. It contains no opiates—it is plea »nt to take and is highly recommended for child ren. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. HUNTLEY. B. J. Collins and C. J. Miller were business callers at Hicks Hun, Thursday. H. Teats, of Clearfield, is visiting friends in town. W. W. Johnson visited friends in Heynoldsville Saturday. Mrs. Hazel Merrit, who has b2en visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Smith, returned to her home at Le- Contes Mills, Monday. Pennsy firemen Roy Smith and Dan Kailbourn spent Sunday with their par ents. W. R. Smith and Walter Logue were Driftwood callers Monday. The stork brought a beautiful baby boy to the home J. E. Johnson and wife Saturday morning. All concerned do ing well. Operator James visited his parents in Warren on Monday. Gertrude Ilill and W. IT. Logue were Emporium callers Saturday. Nelson Bros, are loading lumber from j the Big Run mill this week. One car has already been shipped. —J. F. 8. RICH VALLEY. Chauncey Barr and family visited I West Creek lriends over Sundav. Earl Rifle and Garnie Housler had business at Johnsonburg Saturday. N. S. Cutler of Lewis Run, took in the sights in town Tuesday. B. F. Housler, employed as a cook by j t»eo. Minard at Mix Hun, called on j Valley friends Sunday. Miss Orphia Brown of Hiverside Park, j went to Addison, ;N. Y., on Monday to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Burton j "Snell. Mrs. J. J. Lewis accompanied j her as far as Austin. We have our eye on you Clive. You know what to expect. Misses Sadie and Leona McCaslin of i Hicks Run, are the guests of Mrs. L. Lock wood, this week. The editor of the Independent is j prophesying the dissolution of the Repub- j lican party this coming fall. We refer 1 the little fellow to his prophesy of last fall. C. M. S. Do you have backache occasionally or "stitches in the side, and sometimes do you teel all tired out, without ambition and without energy? If so, your kidneys are out of order. Take DeWitt's Kid ney and Bladder Pills. They promptly relieve backache, weak back, inflammation ! of the bladder and weak kidneys. Sold i by R. C. Dodson. t CAMERON. Isaac Wykoff left la.st week for a visit i to Johnsonburg anil other nearby points. Wm. Wykoff ati<l E. D. Krape were : Emporium visitors Saturday. S. A. Krape of Lorain, 0., is visiting j his son, E. 1). Krape, the past week. ; He reports business in that state very poor owing to the hard times throughout i the eountry in general. The brick works are expected to re i suuie operations in the near future. It. M Heck, who has been appointed to fill the vacancy recently made by C. 11. Burklaud, who was promoted to a posi tion on the Sunbury Division, is very capably filling the position. Roheit is a i fine mau and has made many friends 1 since bis location at this place, lie spent a few hours with his parents in Empori um Sunday. The new division ticket agent and other officials of the I'ennsy made an of ficial call upon our worthy agent, J. M. Snyder, Monday, inspecting the station :md getting acquainted with all agents i on this division. Wm. (Jrceualch and quite a number I of other men who have been laid off by ! the Emporium Iron Co., at Canoe Run, [ departed for different mining points on j Monday in search of work. The liars club held their regular week ly meeting Saturday evening, with a full attendance. Fred Comiey and I). C. Linnigcr had several warm debates on some of the most important questions of I hi l day, and if it had not been for the presence of constable Lupro in the meet ing, there might have been a bout pulled off. These members were each fined the regular fine and warned not to repeat the offence. The speech making was made in sueh fast order the secretary was unable to cope with the situation. J. P. s. SINNAMAHONING. Poor outlook for ice. The paint mill is running full time. Hon. C. F. Barclay of Washington, D. C, was at home Saturday. W. L. Barclay of Eaquin, was in town Friday. R. M. Crura was at the county seat Saturday. Sinnamahoning shad are quite plenti ful and the boys are making some good catches. W. 11. Crane is home from St. .Marys with the sore throat. «J. F. Fisher is laid up with a bad ease of the grip. liev. Dickson is slowly improving after a severe attact of grip. Mrs. Edward Snyder is suflerin<; with grip. The firm of Wolf & Lightner have dissolved partnership. Mr. Wolf is in business alone. 11. B. Lightner has accepted a position as clerk for Crum Bros. T. S. Fulton is assisting Crum Bros, taking inventory. Geo. P. Shafer was at Medix Hun last week. Wm. Swank of First Fork, was in town Tuesday. Edw. Council, wife and son of Laquin are visiting friends here. Seth Ann Nelson, the Clinton county hunter and trapper was a visitor here Monday. Sinnamahoning Lodge, No. 1138, I. O. O. F., will attend church in a body on Sunday. All members are requested to be present at the hall at 10:30 a. m. S. L. Wilson of Driftwood, was in ! town Monday. R. M. Crum captured a large wild cat I Monday. Louis Bushore caught a fine big yel j low dog in his fox trap Monday. A dog that never goes away from home. Louis wonders how he got there, two miles from home. C. E. Logue is nursing a sore thumb. He was fooling with a fox. DEBSE. Blanch Morris of Emporium is spend ing the week at Mrs. Len Krebs'. Mrs. Martha Beldin and Mrs. (). L. Bailey attended some of the sessions ot the murder trial last week. Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. llulsinger of Henovo, visited their sister Mrs. T. S. Fulton last Friday. Helen Council went back to Dickinson Seminary Tuesday. Mrs J. Herman Krebs and son ot Springviile, N. Y., arrived in town the first of the week. Annie Fulton of ltenovo, was called in town Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. Drum and children and Mrs. Jas. and son left for Laquin Saturday. Mrs Nathan Silin and daughter are guests of N. H. McCloskey and family of Lock Haven. Harry Fulton of Butler, was visiting in town Sunday and Monday. Born to T. S. Fulton and wife, Tues day, Jan. 21, a daughter. Anna Anderson and Myrtle Shater were entertained by Mrs. I). B. Peterson of Cameron Sunday. ENTERPRISE. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1908 SIOO Reward, SiOO- I The readers of this paper will be : pleased to learn that there in at least one dreaded disease that, science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Ilall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con ! stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh I Cure is taken internally, acting direct j ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. ; Send for list of testimonials. Address: P. J. CHENEY &Co , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family j Pills for constipation. A tickling cough, from any cause, is i quickly stopped by Or. Shoop's Cough (Jure. And it is so thoroughly harm less and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells I mothers everywhere to give it without , hesitation even to very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tend er stems of a lung-healing mountain i ous shrub, furnish the curative proper i ties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It j calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No j opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a | resimous plant extract, that helps to I heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call | this schrub which the Doctor uses, j "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr. | Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by all j dealers. j "I trust this may be read by many suf ferers from kidney and bladder trouble,'' writes Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland, Tex. | 1, 1 suffered four years and could find I nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last inducod mo to try your 30 days days' treatment ol Pinlues for SI.OO. This one bottle has cured me and money could not buy the value it has been to me. Guaranteed at 11. C. j Dodson's drug store. 3m It depends upon the pill you take. I DeWilt's Little Early Risers are the best I pills known for constipation and sick headache. Sold by ft. (!. Dodson. A Higher health Level. "I have reached a higher health level since I began usinu Dr. King's New j Life Pills, writes, Jacob Spriusjer of West Franklin. Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just j ris'ht. ' If these pills disappoint you on j trial, money will be refunded at all drug | stores. 25c. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr. Fever Sores. ! Fever sores and old chronic sores should not be healed entirely, but should be kept in hialty condition. This can be done by applying Chamberlain's Salve. This i salve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most excellent for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns and diseases of the skin. For sale by L. Taggart. Everybody loves our baby, rosy sweet and warm, With kissy places on her neck and dimples on her arms. Once she was so thin and cross, used to cry with pain— Mother gave her Gascasweet, now she's well again. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. A Cure for Misery. "I have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces,"' says K. M. Jamec, of Louellen. S. 0. "It's called | Klectric Hitters, and comes in 50 cent bottles. It breaks up a case of chills or a bilious attack in almost no time; and it puts yellow jaundice clean out of commission.'' This great tonic med icine and blood purifier gives quick re lief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. It Does the Business. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. "It does the business; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to i an old sore and it healed it without leav- | ing a scar behind. 25c at all drug i stores. Sour I Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous- | ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh j of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol relieves Indigestion. This newdiscov- j ery represents the natural Juices of dlges- i tlo/i aa they exist in a healthy stomach, | combined with ttv greatest known tonlo j and reconstructive properties. Kodol for | dyspepsia does not only relievo Indigestion - and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy I helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, j purifying, sweetening and strengthening | the mucous membranes lining the stomach, j tl Mr. S. S. Ball, of RarenSwood, W, Va., says:— j I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years, j Kodol cured me and ws are now usine It fn milk lor baby." I Kodol Digests What You Eat Bottles only. Relieves Indigestion, sour stomach. ! belchlne of gas, etc. Prepared by E. O. OoWITT & CO., OHIOAQO. j Sold by It. C. Dodson. \ \ \ n N \ \ \ \ \ \ \.ss>r, % SECOND TO NONE V $ ADAM, MELDRUM & ANDERSON Go. k I 4? U9G-408 Main Street, / t §* BUFFALO, N. Y. \i -ij 'Half Price for I a \ . J < /. 1 ; Coats and Suits; \i I Wo are now holding a great / ! Z Clearance Sale of Suits, Coats & % and fancy Gowns which will pay * / you to take advantage of. Every / . garment is up to-the-minute in % style, and the values are the % y- greatest we have"ever offered. % /' $l. r » Coats, 50 inches long; all- $ '/ wool dark CC QQ £ y mixtures 4)0. uO & * ?f ' Caracul Coats / Regular 20.00 up to $75.00 / Now 10.00 up to 37.50 > Persian Cloth Coats / / Regular $16.00 §21.50 §22.50 , N0w.... 8.00 10.75 1 1.25 ' Suits ■( I §:so §:so fine Worsted Suits; 28 and ; sass $15.00; / §4O fine Worsted, Cheviot and / -- sr.' 1 ""'. $20.00 - ' y s Furs / / The greatest bargains in furs / ever known. We eud the selling season with the most remarka- 112. / able reductions ever known in / i the fur business. Zi / : x We Refund Railroad Fares ✓ K In connection with the 112? j % Chamber of Coinmerce we / refund your railroad fares / according to the amount of * / vour purchase. y \ i - i\ % ADAM, K\ J MELDRUM & J ANDERSON CO. / % American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. $ % i Vm \ \ \ n \ x.\ \ \ x \\ Kodnl ® r ° r Indigestion. Relieves sour stomach, palpitation o£ the heart. Digests what you eat. I "Duchess" Wj^Slurts. chess We are Sole Agents * or Celebra,ed • * Make of Walking Skirts in Cameron Co. / % I I 1\ \\ We are selling these Skirts be- jj !jl i II j; | : '\ \| cause we know they are the best MdJ JL Jit |I / | | \\\ made. The Fit. The Style, The fw /r i il \ Workmanship and the material is II j j ! M ;j I | \\\ unequalled by any other make rv ' j|\ fji I j \ \ and the prices are most reasona- / 1/ I " i,, \ /JJ '/ IV' \\ ble. We have a large variety in j/ji ij j , 'AX /] I / t\ \ \ stock, but if we do net have your A/ 7 V' \ //J ji || | R exact size, or the color you want, Af j \ \ /yaRgL i we will take your measure and•/>'' / \ flj have just what you want made, _ j \ v,» \ HERE ARE the PRICES ' $5.00,55.98, $7.50, SB.OO, $8.50T510,512,50 T Saturday, Jan. 25, Ends the Sale of the Cramer Stock i^tltunia'y will be almost given away. Therefore come in Saturday, come as early as you can if you want some extraordinary bargains. Pr—i Just Rec'd New Wash Q ~^v Ssl\R? A magni¢ Materials L™"', 1 " F- \J? Wv r r s ~::i Ilamberg Km- ful new Japanese Silk \',\ ' I 'fas \ \ \ broideries, heavy wide, in /j\ 112 ' \{\ I ('> I ACV J Cluny Laces, black, white, light I \ I|.l j V \\ and many other blue and pink if r\ tVIS^.7F \\\^^teW^-^sty le ß of Laces Per yard Z££ | I A" - allovers. Tokio Silk a thin Silk j I» the new finished wash cloth in black, red, white OC. ij.J embroideries we light blue and pink ... &DL I F show the very Soisette. a beautiful silk finished cloth abso- W, . ( J® 1° t 11 ! c ; h lutely fast colors. Black, white, light blue and , , widths,just wide p i n k. This cloth is sold in Buffalo for OC _ enough for a Dress Skirt, in beautiful <J*l OC 29c per vard. Our price patterns, price per yard - - CMI, n»i M ..r e , , . ~~ ~r ' •' bilk Dot Muslin, for party and evening 9C/» We otter an EXCKPTIOSAI, BARGAIN in very I dresses, all the light shades per yard S U u !n,Sr^nr !K ?' I,KK \ i w" atCl,ed^ tS Nero Clo,t L' il uew il » (1 beautiful Linen fin~ values at ner var?l 10c cloth for suits in brown and tan, pink, light values, at per yard .... m b lue, me'd blue, full :m in. wide, i r Special good value in Corset Cover or absolutely fast color, price - - Kmbroidery, at per yard - - - Jv u w ' .. ~ 1 • New White Goods \ou must see them to appre- Very wide flouncing, beautiful/?C ± QA ciate their beauty and quality, 1 rn designs and quality, per yard OOCIO JVC Many new weaves, prices IZC IP 5Uc RIT[ TT?|-f KTp 1 Emporium's Largest and • Finest Dry Goods Store White m Car Economy in fuel and superior in power, i he most simple and easiest con trolled car on the market to day. Will be pleased to furnish any informa tion desired. Address all communications to F. H. REED, CLERMONT, PA. Sales agent for Middle Western Penna | NEW FIRM | | Stephens 8 Go.i J [Successors to Stephens £ % & Saunders] i \ SPECIAL PRICES. i £ Gas Heating Stoves. Ten < C per cent. Reduction. | 112 LADIES SKATES, Boc $ \ and SI.OO. Boy's Skates, < \ s oc 5 * PORTABLE STAND ) C LAM / off for two \ weeks. 112 | A. STEPHENS, j HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specffics cure ilisenseß of Horses, Cnttle, Slieep, Dogs, Ilogs and ! Poultry by noting directly on the SICK PARTS : without loss of time. A-A.} FEVERS, Conm-vf Inflamma. annus J Horn, Lunc Fever. Milk I'ovcr. ; "■u l kSHh! t , l n!a^„!:' ;r,r!P ""' Stbeb 5 &V." H,per. l,lOAT ' Qu!u,y ' EpUootlc cuiuL J WOFt>'B, Bots, ('rubs. ?«« 1 Lung'j.'rieu'n^e^'X! o - Inflamcd ca£i \ »u;lhea B l»v,\",';!'n-. Wl,,d 0.0. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. CTOti»{ K,B '' VEY * HL/.UDEII UIMIBDERg. cuaL, \ PirV? ,:rul ""»"- J. K. > BAII CONDITIO-, Kurln* Coat I CUBES ( ludigestiou, Stoiuucli Stn^nero. 1 60 c. each ; Stable Oaso, Ten Specifics, liook, &c., $7. I At druggist:*, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys* Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. OTT BOOK MAILED FREE. Constipation Raked swent apples. with some people, bring prompt relief fur Constipation. With others coarse all-wheat bread will have the same effect. , Nature undoubtedly lias a vegetable remedy to relievo • •wry,ailment known toman. if phvsiciana can but lin-l Nature's way to health And this U strikingly true with regard to Constipation. llie bark of a certain tree in California—Cas cura . HKHM.ii offers a most .■ x■ -11.-ut aid to this end. hut. combined with Egyptian Senna, Slip. : pery Mm Hark, Solid Extract of Prunes,etc.. this .-a tin; (.'a sea in hark Is given its ar.iii.-t possible K. nv V r n!", « constipation A t< othsome fanrty l.i .let. called Lax-ets. i- now mail.- attiiu Dr. ,-dioop Laboratories, from this ingenuous and most effect I v.- proscription Its effect on Const), nation. Biliousness, Sour Stomach. Itad Breath, .'-allow t oi:iplcxion. etc. is indeed prompt and ; satisfying ! N<> Ri'ipiiiß. no unpleasant after effects arc ex , periencod. and Lax-ets are put up in beautiful j lithographed metal boxes a! fi cents and '£> cents 1 per box For something new. nice, economical and I effective, try a box of ; Lax-ets "ALL DEALERS" A BEAUTIFUL FACE s' cu *"ve pimples, blotches, or other skin i.nperfections, yoa ~ar> remove llie.Ti and have a clea. I 3a d beautiful complexion by wring & y ka BEAUTYSK^N W' •. J"j It ,| i " • v Improves the ■r ~f* Health, Scnostt okir. Imperfections. 'Jswl ; Beneficial results guaranteed W Ty or money refunded. j[ I Send stamp for Free Sam pie, TS* j I'rrticuiars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. Aflerrslng. ' ffCHESTEft CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. dbSJSI H Menstruation. Never known tofuil. Hafe! o H Burc! Speedy! .Satisfaction Guaranteed B
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers