I Extra~™ -""Extra Extra j j s Sill in Win H Ciamors Stool of Si| foosls it | I! , ..... „ il p ■ - i y || We have purchased this entire stock and shall sell it at prices never before heard of in Cameron county. Gome early and often and get your share of the bargains j Sale Begins Saturday Morning, January 11th | And lasts until every article of the Cramer stock is sold out. Besides the goods quoted below we have many small lots, "too j* m small to advertise. Those who come early will get the best selection. I ____ iti Coats and Furs ji Laces and irinumngs || Umbrellas and Parasols E| n | \\ oman s Short Cloth Coats, small sizes, ( .ranter s price !?•>."<> j 0^ - j jaceS) Cramer's price sto .'{sc, our price 1, 2, ."».ind JLOC to 8.00, our price - - - .pI.OO A lot of Dress Trimming, Cramer's price 25 to 50c, our price 5 C Children's School Umbrellas, Natural Wood Handles, Cramer's J B j Fur Scarfs just half of Cramer's price. price 50c, our price 25c Children's Astrachan and Bear Skin Muffs, Cramer's price 0.5e - ___ ___ La(lieH Vmbrellaß with Fancy Handle| Cramer's priceS 1.26, our |l! to 75c, our price 25c Millinery price 79c ||| § Ladies Silk Umbrellas, Fancy Handles, Cramer's price 81.50,1 11 I Underwear ITntrimmed Felt Hats, all colors, Cramer's price up to §1.50, to 2.00 our price , QQ J' oui price 5c Ladies Silk Parasols with Fancy Edge, Cramer's price 82.00 our jig Woman's, Children's and Infant's Fleece Lined Underwear, Untrimmed Straw Ilats, all shapes, Cramer's price up to 81.00, price. . . . 00 lis Cramer's pries 25 to 35c, our price 11c our price .... 5c ' us I Men's all wool Scarlet Shirts and Drawers the SI.OO kind y 7Qn Heady to Wear Felt Hats, Carmer's price up to 82.00 our m . „ _ Iff — „rioe 10c Notions and Fancy Goods MisSeS Cloth Coats Children's Trimmed Felt Hats, Cramer's price up to 81.50, our price ..... 25c About 15 gai-ments, ria» 10 to 14, Cramer's price 85.00 to 9.00 Ny Feathers, Wings and Pon Pons, Cramer's price up to liroWn WWhite - Cn,MW ' B our price - . - - $l5O 81-25, our price . . . 5 and IOC v , T 4 ° P 15 inch White Ostrich Plumes, Cramer's price 53.50 our elveteen or Plush Skirt Binding, all colors, Cramer's price » I . price no our price . . . . lc | Woman's Shirt Waists and Golf Jackets is] inch Black Ostrich Plumes, Cramer's price 8:5.50* our Shell Side and Back Combs, Cramer's price 25c, our price 9 c j price .... - 79c Dolls, Large Dressed Dolls, Cramer's price 81.00 to 1.50 our Black Sateen Waists in small sizes only, Cramer's price 81.00 to 12 inch Brown Ostrich Plumes, Cramer's price 81.50, our I ,rice 25c 1.25, our price ... . 25c price - 49c Unbreakable Rag Dolls, Cramer's price 10 and 25, our j Black ami Navy All Wool Flannel Waists, small sizes only, A blmo)l o( Crame r's flowers . ■ • So P " Ce 5 and 9(3 Cramer's price $2.00, our price - - 4Qo Children's Heavy Tamoshauters, Cramer's price 25e, our Shell Hair Pins, Cramer's price, 2c and 3c, our priee l c \\ oman's Knit Golf Jackets, mostly black, Cramer s price 81.75 price ...... *7c Imitation Silk Handkerchiefs with Initials, Cramer's price 10c, P I ' CL 69c Children's Cloth Yacht Caps, Cramer's price 25 and 50c our our price .... . r V PLMJ* D price .... 9 and 25c Men's Shaving Mugs, Cramer's price 35c, our price 15c torsets, Yarns, Child S DOnnetS Black Spangled Hat Crowns, Cramer's price 81.50, our Stock Collar Forms, White and Black, Cramer's price 10c, our price .... - 25C price 5C A lot of Corsets, American Beauty make, Cramer's price SI.OO . ~ _ Infants Crochet Saques, slightly Soiled, Cramer's price, 50c, our to 1.50, our price .... price .... 17c Odd Colors in Yarns, Cramer's price per skein 10 to 12c, our OOuieiMng OI UllcrcSi 10 lYien Infants Muslin Bonnets, Embroidered, Cramer's price 50 to 75c, price ..... 5c our prioe ..... 25c Children's Crochet Wool Bonnets, Cramer's price 50c, our A small lot of fancy Shirts, not all sizes, Cramer's price 50c, our Ribbons, a lot of various colors, all sizes, Cramer's price, 15 to price ..... 19c price ..... 25c 20c, ou price .... 5c 111 A lot of Crochet \\ 00l Bonnets, slightly soiled, Cramer's price Men's Linen Collars, C ramer s price l.>c, our price . 7C Comb and Brush Sets in Fancy Boxes, Cramer's price 82.00 and 50c, our price .... 9c Small Silk Bow Ties, Cramer's price 25c, our price 5c 2.25, our price .... 49c Specia! Bargains from Our Own Superb Stock of High Glass Merchandise linaa——B -UL .Jnwra— ■»—m—^—aC—na»—antmj—n»M»l I ■ Mil—Wil" ,fri rim wmmmmmm wwf IJU »« r Il | r ,. l i—«— ■■■■MaMMMWtBMMP ——BP Cottons | Spreads and Flanellette Cloaks, Furs and Trimmed Hats I«. ri j 36 inch excellent quality Unbleached cotton, j dllU lallcllcllc | MUSlin Underwear regular price 9c, Q Special . . OC I Full size Crochet Quilts, with or without Take your choice of Fine Bleached Cotton 36 inches wide, 8 fringe, regular price 81.25 | I anv of r»isr C!lrk«lr<= r»i* B A magnificent Assortment of Price He; Special .. . 3> 1 .00 Furs at Greatly reduced ! high class Muslin underwear is Splendid Bleached Cotton 30 inches wide, I Finest quality Marseilles Quilts, extra large Prices - ready lor your inspection. We regular nrice 12c -<t s\ 1 8 size fringed or plain regular /t> Af> * r ... . pride ourself on the quality of Special . . . .1083.50. Special . . Any of our silk velvet these goods, and the prices are | Lonsdale Bleached Cotton, best made j Trimmed Hats, former H most reasonable. J rcffular nrice 12 J .c -A is 1 B Outing Flannel in light and dark colors en nn , a-r> m B I SpS . . 11 2C reduced to P" Ce ? 5 - 00 to ? 6 "50 New spring embroidered L»wn 36 inch fine quality, shrunk cotton I reduced to - - S Shirt Waists are also now on | SSST 15c I 5 and 7k si.oo HVKUEHNE Emporium's Largest and V CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1908
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers